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“Job analysis”- The Building Block of Human

Resource Management

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Topic Name

“Job analysis”- The building block of human resource

HRM418: Section: 01

Prepared for:
Laila Zaman
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Prepared by:
Name Id Participation
Md. Nazmul Islam 2016-1-10-330 20%
Nur Nahar Lima 2017-1-10-247 20%
Sumaiya Afrin Norzia 2015-2-13-075 20%
Md. Saymum Joynal 2017-1-10-205 20%
Md. Faisal Azim 2016-2-10-119 20%

Date of Submission: 13-Sep-2020

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Letter of Transmittal
Date: 13.09.2020
Laila Zaman
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Subject: Job analysis the building block of human resource management

Dear Ma’am,
With due respect, we would like to inform you that it is our great pleasure to have the opportunity
to submit the term paper on the “Job analysis The building block of human resource management”
as a part of our course studies.
While preparing the report, we closely focused on the topic & tried to assimilate and to provide
the most complete information available. The term paper is prepared based on creative planning
and other related documents and the documents collected from intranet and classes materials. We
have worked as a team as much as possible. We tried to undertake all the related topic. We are
thankful to you to provide us important information and give us valuable advices. We would be
happy if you read the term paper carefully and we will be trying to answer the questions that you
have about the issues in the term paper within several limitations with utmost enthusiasm and tried
our level best to complete this term paper meaningfully and correctly,.
We sincerely hope and believe that these findings will be able to meet the requirements of the
course. Therefore, we would like to place this term paper for your kind judgment and valuable
suggestions. We thank you for allowing us to do a term paper on a new idea. This will definitely
give us an experience which we can use in our professional life. We will be always available for
any further queries and to answer any questions on this report.

Sincerely yours,
On behalf of the Group 7

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First of all, I would like to thank our honorable faculty supervisor, Laila Zaman, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Business Administration, and East West University for providing us with the
opportunity to observe and analyze such an interesting topic. Our profound gratification goes to
Laila Zaman ma’am for her supervision which helped us to complete the term paper successfully.
By providing us the opportunity of preparing this term paper, she has made us able to relate the
academic knowledge of compensation management with practical scenario. Not only this, she has
also contributed much in this project by giving us proper guideline. We are also acknowledging to
all of those sites from which we have taken necessary helps.
Finally, we are pleased to complete the term paper on the given time.

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Origin of the Report .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2 The objective of the Study. .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3 Scope of the Study ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.4 Limitations of the Study .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.5 Methodology of the Study ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 2. Literature review ................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 3. Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.1. JOB ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2. PURPOSES AND IMPORTANCE OF JOB ANALYSIS .............................................................. 8
3.3. THE JOB ANALYSIS PROCESS................................................................................................. 9
3.4. JOB ANALYSIS METHODS ..................................................................................................... 11
3.5. WRITING JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND JOB SPECIFICATIONS............................................... 12
Chapter 4. Findings ............................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 5. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 13
References ............................................................................................................................................ 14

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In this term paper, we worked on Job analysis the building block of human resource management.
At first we discussed about overview, history, objectives, and methodology. We collected
information from both classes’ materials and secondary sources. Here firstly we work on review
literature to given cases related topic. The purpose of the report is analyzing job analyzing and
how its effect Human Resource Management in any organization and solved more authentically
and logical way. Identify practice of the job analyze criteria, methods of how occurred selection
and recruitment process.
In this study, we know that this assignment focuses on the key concepts of what, how and why
related to an employee’s job duties. When the answers to these elements are explained, they define
the core responsibilities of a receptionist job that form the basis for an effective job description. A
job description can best be thought of as a blueprint of the position. It outlines the essential duties
and responsibilities that are expected of the employee and the basic purpose of the work the
employee is expected to perform.
Finally we summed up the whole topic and specified them to different chapter and part. Besides
this identify the problems, flaws regarding Human Resource Management.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Job analysis is such a part of HRM that without it became one of the important basic building
blocks of HR management. It describes how a job can be managed in various ways and even the
specification and description about whole job analysis part. We know that Job analysis is a process
of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human requirements of jobs. This
process is used to determine placement of jobs. In this report, we talk about the whole procedures,
methods and various ways of job analysis.

1.1. Origin of the Report:

The purpose of making this report was a part of our course ‘HRM418’ of bachelors of business
administration program of East West University. Our course instructor Laila Zaman Senior
Lecturer of the Department of Business Administration has assigned us this report as a part of the
course. Ma’am has given us the task of writing this report on a group basis for completing this

1.2. The Objective of the Study:

The main purpose of this study is to research how Job analysis works. Mainly it focuses on
systematic exploration, study and recording the responsibilities, duties, skills, accountabilities,
work environment and ability requirements of a specific job. The main purposes of conducting a

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job analysis process is to use this particular information to create a right fit between job and
employee, to assess the performance of an employee, to determine the worth of a particular task
and to analyze training and development needs of an employee delivering that specific job.
Other objectives are also available which are given below:
a. It always ascertains and record the job related information of the employment.
b. It helps to measures the training, selection, payment and performance assessment.
c. It also improves the job duties

1.3. Scope of the Study

This study will help to know more about related topics and gather cumulative knowledge. This
report will provide a view of the overall conditions of the different organizations in a different

1.4. Limitations of the Study:

There are some limitations of the study as we cannot prepare a report without facing any
limitations. As all around the world corona situation going really hard on us, we faced a problem
of lack of information and also for that reason it took more time to gather all the information about
this topic and prepare the report. So it was time consuming also. Also in this report, there are some
points that become confusing for us to explain because we can just suggest any strategy but we
cannot ensure what is the most appropriate analysis to a given task; we just assume and try given
answer logically.

1.5 Methodology of the Study:

In this report, we have researched the information we collect mostly related on our class materials
and intranet. Here we didn’t collect any primary data because of the current pandemic situation.
So our data collection is secondary sources, like article, book soft copy, Human resources journal.
And also our given task we discuss various topics like as carrier planning and implantation,
recruitment, and foreign employee transfer. In this report, we have detailed information on these

Chapter 2. Literature review

Article 1: Job analysis a strategic human resource management practice, C.M. Siddique
Objective of the article: The article has two objectives. Control in the model to possible influence
on organizational performances is company size, age, ownership status and training. The first
objective was to explore the impact of job analysis on organizational performance and the second
objective was to determine the extent to certain important HR practices such as HRIS, HR

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involvement and the competency based job analysis approach moderate the job analysis
performance relationship hypothesized in the article.
Methodology of the article: The study of organizational performance recognizes the
multidimensional nature of the concept. Defining superior results must be emphasis in the
following four key areas: administrative efficiency, quality of organizational climate, financial
performance and relative firm performance. These are the primary dependent variables in the
proposed that model which they follow.
Findings of the article: it shows that UAE companies conduct job analysis possess better
knowledge of their employee's strength and weakness and can take timely corrective action to
improve any deficiencies in their skills and job behavior. Under the hypothesis, they try to say that
HRIS helps to proper job analysis. Proactive job analysis helps to show higher performance.
Limitations of the article: study scope of this article measure of job analysis, types of job analysis,
Human resource information system, HR involvement, employee training and development. They
said that KSA analysis is one of the most important factor for a particular job analysis and it could
be the smartest approach for job analysis. If companies follow competency focused approach that
could help for self-motivation. To find the evidence's positive impact of a competency focus on
firm performance is evident from the experience of IBM, ford and several other companies that
have gone through restricting.
Article 2: Effects of job analysis on personnel innovation by Anas ghazi alam Edien higher
institute of business administration, Syria
Objective of the article: The purpose of the study was to examine to which Syrian organization
incorporate job analysis in its Human Resource Management scheme and the extent to which the
incorporation of job analysis influences personnel utilization and finding out barriers of major gaps
in HR practices in Syrian organization. Interviews conducted with HR managers of the top
companies of Syria.
Methodology of the article: in this study, author used different types of methods to find out the
effectiveness job analysis on personnel. Managing human capital in any is considered of utmost
importance since it is the main engine of an economic success. Integrating the personnel into the
strategic human process enables an organization to achieve goals.
Findings of the article: the study showed that job analysis plays a vital role in enhancing
productivity of employees. Performing job analysis encourages service re-engineering, improves
services, helps to evaluate cost and benefits of project, and helps to plan resource management in
Limitations of the study: lack of awareness about the importance of advanced HR practices- of
which job analysis application is good example – from the upper management is the main key to
this problem. Another point that the budget of HR units based on their basic need requirements;
leaving them little room to improve the potentials of their employees.

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Article 3: impact of job analysis on organizational performance: an inquiry on Indian public
sector enterprises by BK Suthar, T. Latha Chakravarthi, Dr. Shamyal Pradhan
Objective of the article: Bharat Sanchar Nigam faces the problem on managing its human power
and not occupying delightful performance from the last three consequent years. This paper aims
to examine the relationship between organizational performance and employee job analysis in
context to Bharat Sanchar Nigam limited, Vadodara telecom district, Gujarat.
Methodology of the article: the survey questionnaire was administered to employees of Bharat
Sanchar Nigam limited, Vadodara telecom district through email and in person by (417 out of
1361) by employing sample size determinants like: confidence level, confidence interval and
population. The questionnaire consists of factors like; organizational performance, job design, job
description, organizational policies and practices, job specification and job evaluation. The study
is quantitative research approach and the collected data are analyzed by scale reliability for
questionnaire scaling validity, descriptive statistics, measurement of item, correlation regression
analysis and other applicable tests with a view to know that at whole level job analysis is related
with organizational performance. IBMSPSS 20 is employed as statistical tool for data analysis.
Findings of the article: the collected data reveals that organizational performance and job analysis
are positively related with each other. The objectives of the study has been achieved where the
result had been shown that some of the factors like: organizational performance, job design, job
description, job specification and job evaluation focus on characters of job analysis. The strong
impact of job analysis on several measures strategic management practice to gain competitive
Limitations of the article: in this article we have found two limitations-
1. The study has made an extensive use of self-responded measures of key variables, which
are often seen as less desirable.
2. The present study examined only a selected number of control and moderating variables.

Chapter 3. Discussion
The most basic building block of HR management, Job analysis, is a systematic and detailed
analyze of jobs. It is a procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the
kind of person who should be hired for it.
Job analysis is the procedure through which we determine the duties and nature of the jobs and the
kinds of people who should be hired for their goal. It provides to write job descriptions and job
specifications, which are utilized in recruitment and selection, compensation, performance
appraisal, and training.
Job analysis is a formal and detailed analyze of jobs. It is a complete study of job, embodying
every known and determinable factor, including the duties and responsibilities involved in its

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performance, the conditions under which the performance is carried on, the nature of the task, the
qualities required in the worker and such conditions of job as pay, hour, opportunities and
privileges. It also emphasizes the relation of one job to others in the organization.
Yet, before discussing job analysis further, some clarification of the terms 'job' and 'position' shall
be useful. Thus, a job is a grouping of similar positions having common tasks, duties and
responsibilities. Whereas a position is a collection of tasks, duties and responsibilities performed
by one person.


The completion of job descriptions and job specifications, based upon a job analysis, is at the heart
of many other HR activities. Job analysis provides the information necessary to develop job
descriptions and job specifications. Job analysis is so important to HR managers that it has been
called the building block of everything that personnel does. Also, job analysis serves several
specific purposes. Like-
Work Redesign: Often an organization seeks to redesign work to make it more efficient or to
improve quality. The redesign requires detailed information about the existing job(s). In addition,
preparing the redesign is similar to analyzing a job that does not yet exist.
Human Resource Planning: As planners analyze human resource needs and how to meet those
needs, they must have accurate information about the levels of skill required in various jobs, so
that they can tell what kinds of human resources will be needed.
Selection: To identify the most qualified applicants for various positions, decision makers need to
know what tasks the individuals must perform, as well as the necessary knowledge, skills, and
Training: Almost every employee hired by an organization will require training. Any training
program requires knowledge of the tasks performed in a job, so that the training is related to the
necessary knowledge and skills.
Performance Appraisal: An accurate performance appraisal requires information about how well
each employee is performing in order to reward employees who perform well and to improve their
performance if it is below standard. Job analysis helps in identifying the behaviors and the results
associated with effective performance.
Career Planning: Matching an individual’s skills and aspirations with career opportunities
requires that those in charge of career planning know the skill requirements of the various jobs.
This allows them to guide individuals into jobs in which they will succeed and be satisfied.
Job Evaluation: The process of job evaluation involves assessing the relative dollar value of each
job to the organization in order to set up fair pay structures. If employees do not believe pay
structures are fair, they will become dissatisfied and may quit, or they will not see much benefit in
striving for promotions. To put dollar values on jobs, it is necessary to get information about
different jobs and compare them.

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Job analysis is also important from a legal standpoint. The government imposes requirements
related to equal job opportunity. Detailed, accurate, objective job specifications help decision
makers comply with these regulations by keeping the focus on tasks and abilities. These documents
also provide evidence of efforts made to engage in fair job practices.
Besides helping human resource professionals, job analysis helps supervisors and other managers
carry out their duties. Data from job analysis can help managers identify the types of work in their
units, as well as provide information about the work flow process, so that managers can evaluate
whether work is done in the most efficient way.
We see a graph of how related to the process taken by the human resource manager and job analysis
to help the overall factor of the employee-related subject.

Job analysis

Job description and job


Recruitment Job Evaluation Performance Trainings and

and wages and appraisal development
selection salary

Figure: Purpose of Job analysis.

Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection, job evaluation, job designing,
deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance appraisal, analyzing training and
development needs, assessing the worth of a job, and increasing personnel as well as organizational


The process of conducting a job analysis must be done in a logical manner that follows appropriate
psychometric practices. Therefore, a multistep process is usually followed, regardless of the job
analysis methods used. The basic process followed is shown in Figure.

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Step1: Identify Jobs and Review Existing Documentation. The first step is to identify the jobs
under review. Are the jobs to be analyzed hourly jobs, managerial jobs, all jobs in one division, or
all jobs in the entire organization? Part of the identification phase is to review changing
documentation - such as existing job descriptions, organization charts, previous job analysis
information, and other industry-related sources. In this phase, those who will be involved in
conducting the job analysis are determined and the methods that will be used are specified.
Step 2: Explain the Process to Managers and Employees. A crucial step is to explain the process
to managers and affected employees. Items to be covered often include: the purpose of the job
analysis; the steps involved, the time schedule; how managers and employees will participate; who
is doing the analysis; and whom to contact when questions arise.
Step 3: Conduct the Job Analysis. The next step is actually the collection of job analysis
information. Questionnaires might be distributed, interviews conducted, and/or observations
Step 4: Prepare Job Descriptions and Specifications. On the basis of the collected job analysis
information, descriptions and specifications are drafted for each job under review. The drafts are
then sent to appropriate managers and employees for their review. Following the review, all
necessary changes are made, and the final job descriptions and specifications are prepared.
Step 5: Maintain and Update Job Descriptions and Specifications. Once job descriptions and
specifications are completed and reviewed with all appropriate individuals, a system must be
developed for keeping them current. Otherwise, the entire process, beginning with a job analysis,
may have to be repeated.

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Information about jobs can be gathered in several ways. Four common methods are:
OBSERVATION: In observation, a manager, job analyst, or industrial engineer observes the
individual performing the job and takes notes to describe the tasks and duties performed. Use of
the observation method is limited because many jobs do not have complete and easily observed
job cycles. Also, observation may not be as useful for jobs that 'knowledge work' as it is for ones
that are primarily physical work. Furthermore, many managers may not be skilled enough to know
what to observe and how to analyses what they see. Thus, observation may be more useful in
repetitive jobs and in conjunction with other methods.
INTERVIEWING: The interview method of gathering information requires that a manager, or
HR specialist, visit each job site and talk with the employees performing each job. A structured
interview form is used most often to record the information. Frequently, both the employee and
the employee's supervisor must be interviewed to obtain a complete understanding of the job.
During the job analysis interview, the interviewer must make judgments about the information to
be included and its degree of importance. For certain difficult to define jobs, group interviews may
be used. The interview method may be time consuming and expensive, especially if the interviewer
talks with two or three employees doing the same job. In addition, professional and managerial
jobs often are more complicated to analyses and usually require longer interviews. For these
reasons, combining interview with one of the other methods is suggested.
QUESTIONNAIRE: The questionnaire is a widely used method of gathering data on jobs. A
survey instrument is developed and given to employees and managers to complete. The typical job
questionnaire often includes questions on the following areas:
 duties and percentage of time spent on each

 special duties performed less frequently

 external and internal contacts

 work coordination and supervisory responsibilities

 materials and equipment used

 decisions made and discretion exercised

 records and reports prepared

 knowledge, skills and abilities used

 training needed

 physical activities and characteristics

 working conditions

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Sometimes, it is beneficial for the employee and supervisor to complete the questionnaire
independently. At least, one employee per job should complete the questionnaire, which is then
returned to the supervisor ore manager for review before being used in preparing job descriptions.
The major advantage of the questionnaire method is that information on a large number of jobs
can be collected inexpensively in a relatively short period of time. However, follow-up
observations and discussions often are necessary to clarify questions arising from inadequately
completed questionnaires and to deal with other interpretation problems. The questionnaire
method assumes that employees can accurately analyses and communicate information about their
jobs. This, however, may not be a valid assumption in all cases.
STRUCTURED METHODS: Several job analysis methods are built on the questionnaire
approach. The most prominent of these methods are: the Position Analysis Questionnaire [PAQ],
computerized job analysis and managerial job analysis.
The PAQ is a specialized questionnaire method incorporating checklists. Each job is analyzed in
terms of 27 dimensions composed of 187 'elements' of a job. The PAQ is divided into six divisions,
each division containing numerous job elements. The divisions include:
 Information input-Where and how does the employee get information to perform the job?
 Mental process- What levels of reasoning are necessary on the job?
 Work output- What physical activities are performed?
 Relationships with others- What relationships are required to perform the job?
 Job context-What working conditions and social contexts are involved?
 Other- What else is relevant to the job?


The output of job analysis is the development of job descriptions and job specifications. In most cases the
job description and job specifications are combined into one document that contains several different
Job Descriptions: A job description indicates the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job. It identifies
what is done, why it is done, where it is done, and briefly how it is done. A typical job description, contains
three major parts: identification, general summary and essential functions and duties. The first part of the
job description is the identification section, in which the job title, reporting relationships, department,
location, and date of analysis may be given.
General Summary: The second part, general summary, is a concise summation of the general
responsibilities and components that make the job different from others - 'a description of the essence of a
job in thirty words, or less'.
Essential Functions and Duties: The third part of the typical job description lists the essential functions
and duties. It contains clear and precise statements on the major tasks, duties and responsibilities performed.
The most time-consuming aspect of preparing job descriptions is writing this section.

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Job Specifications: The job description describes activities to be done in the job. Job specifications list the
knowledge, skills and abilities [KSAs] an individual needs to perform the job satisfactorily11. Knowledge,
skills and abilities [KSAs] include education, experience, work skill requirements and working conditions
and hazards. In writing job specifications, it is important to list specifically those KSAs essential for
satisfactory job performance.

Chapter 4. Findings
Job analysis can help human resource Management:
 Human resource planning (Recruitment, Selecting, Hiring, Training, Induction,
Orientation, Evaluation, Promotion, and Layoff).
 Employee remuneration and Benefits Administration
 Performance Management.
 Employee Relations.
 Help to recruit and selection.
 Find out responsibilities and duties.
 Focus on organizational productivity to use human Resource properly.
Evaluate employee properly

Chapter 5. Conclusion
Job analyze has been viewed as the foundation of Human Resources management. Job analyze
helps in dissecting the assets and building up the procedures to achieve the business objectives and
key goals. Viably created, worker sets of responsibilities are specialized apparatuses that are
critical in an association's prosperity. Occupation Analysis can be utilized in a performance audit
to distinguish or create objectives and targets, execution norms, assessment rules, length of trial
periods, and obligations to be assessed. To accomplish great execution, associations need to
comprehend and coordinate job necessities and individuals.
Job analyze is a cycle of the supervisors gathering data that can assist them with distinguishing the
likenesses and contrasts in the working environment. It better distinguishes the abilities and
encounters expected to perform various positions. At the point when these chiefs discover an
individual to fill the activity they have a composed arrangement of sets of responsibilities, work
assessments, and occupation structures. It distinguishes the necessary aptitudes and experience for
employing purposes and execution assessment guidelines. And all the variables help human asset
the board to underline the human asset measure. I don't accept job analyze to be an exercise in
futility. An association's prosperity relies upon its representatives' performance. In recent time.

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Each activity ought to interrelate to advance the accomplishment of the association's main goal,
objectives, and destinations.


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