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6/26/2014 Environmental Epigenetics

Environmental Epigenetics

Program Leads
Lisa Helbling Chadwick, Ph.D. Frederick (Fred) L. Tyson, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator Health Scientist Administrator

Tel (850) 727-7218 Tel (919) 541-0176

Fax (301) 451-5392 Fax (919) 316-4606
( (

Program Description
Our DNA, which we inherit from our parents, stores the information necessary to keep our bodies functioning and determines
much about our health status. This information is in the form of genes, and during gene expression the DNA code is translated
into proteins that carry out specific cell activities. Factors such as diet, aging, stress, or exposure to chemicals can affect a
person’s DNA in multiple ways that influence the development of diseases like cancer or asthma.

Epigenetics is the study of changes in the way information stored in DNA is expressed, without direct modification of the genetic
code. Some epigenetic changes are part of normal development and aging, but environmental health scientists are most
concerned with studying how environmental factors can cause negative epigenetic changes.

The NIEHS environmental epigenetics program provides funding for a variety of research
projects that use state-of-the-art technologies to analyze epigenetic changes caused by
environmental exposures. NIEHS-supported researchers use animals, cell cultures, and
human tissue samples to pinpoint how epigenetic changes could lead to harmful health
effects, and could perhaps, be passed down to the next generation.

The NIEHS also supports research on the possible effects of environmental exposures on
future generations through its Transgenerational Inheritance in Mammals After
Environmental Exposure program. The NIEHS and the National Institute on Drug Abuse
jointly fund the Toxicant Exposures and Responses by Genomic and Epigenomic
These mice are genetically
Regulators of Transcription (TaRGET) Program, which supports research that aims to
identical, but the mother of the
increase our understanding of how exposures affect and interact with functional and mouse on the left ate a normal
regulatory processes that lead to certain patterns of epigenetic changes. mouse diet w hile pregnant. In
contrast, the mother of the mouse
on the right ate a diet
Epigenomics research focuses on analyzing epigenetic changes across many genes in a supplemented w ith methyl donors
w hile pregnant. The differences
single cell or all the cells in an entire organism. The Roadmap Epigenomics Program is a
in the coat color and w eight of
trans-NIH program funded by the NIH Common Fund and administered by NIEHS and other these offspring resulted from a
dissimilarity in the level of DNA
NIH Institutes and Centers. This program investigates epigenetic changes across genomes
methylation, a type of epigenetic
and correlates the presence or absence of specific changes with the development of change. 1/2
6/26/2014 Environmental Epigenetics

disease. One major goal of the Roadmap Epigenomics is developing a set of reference
epigenomes for normal human tissues and cell types for comparison with diseased tissues and cells. Projects supported by the
NIEHS in this program are contributing such reference epigenomes and are investigating how epigenetic changes caused by
various environmental exposures can lead to disease.

These combined efforts in epigenetics and epigenomics research may profoundly alter the way we understand, diagnose, and
treat disease by enhancing our understanding of the influence of environmental factors on epigenetic processes and their
subsequent involvement in human health and disease.

Additional Program Contacts

Kimberly A. McAllister, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Tel (919) 541-4528
Fax (919) 316-4606

Related Links

Epigenetics grantee publications (

The Epigenome – PEPH Podcast
Minisymposium brings epigenetic experts to NIEHS
NIH Common Fund (
A Roadmap to the Living Genome- John Stamatoyannopoulos (

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