Research Plan Drug Wars

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Ana Salinas

Design Research Methods

October 13, 2010
Research Plan Proposal

To create a trusty security system for the citizens of Reynosa, Mexico that will protect them against drug wars
and other violent crimes in the city. Taking advantage of how fast information can be delivered through technology, a
Facebook page will be created which will inform citizens when shootings and other violent crimes are taking placing so
they can consequently avoid certain parts of the city.

There has been over 30,000 deaths caused by drug relates crimes. Shootings between cartels occur freely in the
city at any time of the day. Many of these deaths were innocent people that happened to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time. The purpose is to reduce innocents’ deaths by informing people.

Target Audience
Citizens or visitors of Reynosa, Mexico.

Persona (Target Profile)

Thirty-five year old father and family provider Carlos, who drives a long way between work and home. He has a
smart phone device, including Facebook. He will receive notifications if there is a shooting going on in the city while he is
driving or coming back from work. He will also be informed if there are “narco bloqueos” which is when corruptive
public transportation drivers use buses to block certain streets of the city so the military is not able to get to the shootings.

A Facebook page will be created which will allow citizens to share and receive information about the violent
crimes in the city. Marketing for this page will also be very important. Commercials on the radio and TV, and
billboards will be our mainly forms of marketing. An agreement will be made with the top radio station so they
can inform many of the news posted in the page.

In order for this project to work we need to make sure most people have a smart phone so they can receive instant
information all day. And also make sure if they have Facebook, and how many times a day they check on it. A set of
question will be ask to 30 random citizens of Reynosa.

Interview Questions
1. Have you witnessed a drug war shooting the last couple of years?
2. When you know about a shooting to do you often tell all your family and friends so they avoid going to
that part of the city?
3. Who do you trust more citizens or government?
4. Do you have Facebook?
5. Do you have a smart phone?
6. How many times a day do you check Facebook?
7. If a information system of drug related crimes is created through Facebook would you trust and follow it?
8. Would you participate by providing information?

Day 1-4: Create and send out interviews through email, or conduct them by phone.
Day 5-6: Gather all information.
Day 7-10: Design the Facebook page, and create campaign for advertisement.
Day 11-14: Make marketing structure and calculate price.
Day 15-16: Elaborate the research plan.
Day 17: Turn the plan in.

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