Grade 5 TG Science Q3 Lesson 5

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Lesson:5Recognizedthe importance of Recycle and Reduce in waste Management

Duration: 5 Days


1. Recognize the importance of recycle and Reduce in waste management.

2. Differentiate between the meaning of recycle and reduce in waste management.
3. Appreciate the importance of recycle and reduce in waste management.

II. A. Materials:
Trash bin filled with trash. For example:
White board
- scrap paper
- tin cans
- toilet paper rolls
- empty kleenex boxes
- empty milk cartons
- empty plastic
- tinfoil
- newspaper

B. References:
Teachers Guide Grade 4 page 63-64
Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ie-g3

C. Process Skills: observing, identifying demonstrating

D. Value Integration: Practice the importance of waste management.
III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement
1. Motivation

Ask: What happens to the garbage after they put it in the garbage can.
Write their thoughts on the board.

Say: tell to the children that the garbage goes to a garbage dump(landfill) and that
once one landfill gets full room for another one must be found.

Introduce the concept of the 2 R's (REDUCE AND RECYCLE).

B. Exploration:
1. Divide the class into two groups.
2. Each group take a few items out of the garbage can and move to their own area.
3. Have them jot down some points on how they might use the 3 R’s on the items they’ve
4. Have them write down their ideasand which of the 2 R’s they’re using.
5. Let the pupils do lesson 5: Activity 1 in the LM
6. Supervise the pupils while they are doing the activity.
C. Explanation

Ask the pupils to present their data and answer the guide question
1. What are the recyclable materials found in the garbage can?
2. Which material can recycle?
3. What are the materials that can reduce?
4. Differentiate between Recycle and reduce?
5. Give another example of recyclable materials.
6. Why is it important to recycle and reduce materials?

D. Elaboration:
Background information for Teachers

Reduce=> make less garbage. For example, instead of buying juice boxes for lunch, buy a
large container of juice and use a washable single serving container to take it to school.
=> buy items in refillable containers
 Use cloth bag/eco bag/paper bag/native baskets instead of plastic bag, when
you buy groceries.
 Avoid buying disposable items or single use products such as batteries, razors,
utensils, plates, cups etc.
 Reducing is important because they decrease the amount of waste on the planet
and preserve natural resources by maintaining space and cutting down on
 Reduce consumption of new material and save energy.

Recycle=>turn an item into another useful item. For example, scrap paper from the
classroom might be turned into newspaper or paper bags when sent to the recycling plant.
 Do not throw away used newspapers or used writing pads. Sell them or bring
them into usable paper again.
 Use bottles, tin cans rubber tires can be recycled into useful materials.

What are the importance in recycling and reducing materials?

E. Evaluation:
Answer briefly the following question

Recycle Reduce
How can I recycle things at How can I Reduce the
home? Things I waste?

IV. Assignment:

Discuss with your parents if/how your family uses the 3 R's. Write down ways you can help your
family do a little bit more.

Lesson: 6Recognized the importance of Reuse in waste Management

Duration: 5 Days


1. Explain the importance of reuse in waste management.

2. Understand the meaning of Reuse in waste management
3. Identify the Reuse materials in waste management.

II. A. Materials:
Gift wrapping paper bags
Wrapper detergent bottle
Plastic bottle leaves
Plastic Empty cans
Vegetables Fruits peeling
Candy wrapper Plastic bag
Old clothes tires
Empty boxes of medicine juice wrapper
B. References:
Teachers Guide Grade 4 page 64
Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ie-g3
21st Century Science and health page 126
C. Process Skills: observing, identifying, observing and understanding.
D. Value Integration: Practice the importance of waste management.

III. Learning Tasks:

1. Engagement
1. Review:
Show the class the empty bottle, plastic, cardboard, paper, tire, native basket,
tin cans, eco/bag and use bottle.
Call two pupils to sort the materials that belong to recycling and reducing.
2. Motivation
Did you ever donate your old toys or clothes to a charity?
Did you ever use an old glass jar to hold your pencils, pens o paintbrush?

2. Exploration:
A. Advance Preparation: ( to be done a day before the science class)

1. Prepare the necessary materials needed for the activity.

2. Prepare the following working Base inside the classroom.
Base 1: home
Base 2: Public market
Base 3: School
1. Group the pupils into three
2. Assign each group to the following bases:

Group 1 – Base 1 (Home)

Group 2 – base 2 (Public market)

Group 3 – Base 3 (public School)

3. Provide each group with the LM. Ask them to work on Lesson 6:LM___Activity
“What are the reusable materials in waste management”?
4. Go around and check the pupils in their work.
5. Answers pupils’ query if necessary.
6. Remind the pupils that they will be presenting their output after 10minutes.

C. Explanation
 Ask the pupils to present their output and the answer to the guide questions.

1. How did you find the activity?

2. What are the reusable wastes that found in your home?
3. What are the reusable materials commonly found in the public market?
4. What are the reusable wastes commonly found in the school?
5. Give an example of reusable materials?
6. It is important to reuse waste material? Why?

Background information for Teachers:
REUSE=> Donate or sell re-usable items.
 Use both sides of paper and printing and re-use as scratch paper, gift
wrapper, etc.
 Consider the potential life span or durability when buying new products.
 Buy durable food/storage containers and reuse them instead of using foil,
plastic bags/wrap.
 Materials that can be reuse are empty cans, bottle of all sizes, cups
plates, glasses, broken iron grills, wood parts of furniture, medicine vials,
cosmetic bottle, and trays.
 The importance of reuse is to prevent solid waste from entering the
landfill, improve our communities, and increase the materials.

 There are usable materials found in the home, Public Market and school
Home Public Market School
Plastic bottle Wrapper Plastic wrapper
Plastic container Plastic bottle Cardboard
Medicine vials Plastic Paper
Tires Empty cans Plastic bottle
Old clothes Vegetables Leaves
Old toys Fruits peelings Juice wrappers
Plastic Candy wrappers Candy wrappers

Ask: what is the importance of reuse materials in waste management?

Write a short story about the importance of reusable in waste management.

IV. Assignment:
Make a flower vase out of the empty bottles.

Lesson: 7 Recognized the importance of recover and repair in waste management

Duration: 5 Days


1. Discuss the importance of recover and repair in waste management.

2. Differentiate between recover and repair in waste management.
3. Identify the recover and repair materials

II. A. Materials:

Recyclable appliances, office equipment, furniture, and automotive parts


Teachers Guide Grade 4 page 64

Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ie-g3
C.Process Skills: identifying, explaining, communicating

D. Value Integration:

Practice the 5 R’s( Reduce, Re-use, recycle, repair, recover) of waste management

III. Learning task:

A. Engagement:
1. Review:
Give an example of recyclable materials
2. Motivation:
Have you gone to hospitals and markets?
What are the common materials commonly found in hospital?


Today you will be assigned to perform an activity in the different stations where
wastes materials commonly found and it can be recover and repair.

B. Exploration:
1. Advance preparation (to be done a day before the science class)?
a. Assign the pupils to bring rubber/plastic when handling trash.
b. Prepare three working station outside the classroom.
 Station 1 – hospital
 Station 2 – Market
 Station 3 – School
c. Prepare the needed materials needed for the activity
d. Scatter all the waste materials in every station.
2. During Science Class
a. Group the pupils into three.
b. Go around to your respective station
c. Provide each group with LM__
d. Have them work on lesson 7:LM Activity 1 The importance of recover and repair
waste management.
e. Remind each group that they will be presenting their output.

C. Explanation:
1. What are the waste materials commonly found in the hospital?
2. What are the waste materials commonly found in the market?
3. Which material can be recover and repair?
4. Were all the materials are disposable?
5. Are these wastes materials that can be reused?
6. Is it important to recover and repair the waste materials?

D. Elaboration:

Background information for Teacher:

Recover => Any waste that can’t be reused, recycled or avoided in the first place
(i.e. reduced) can be used to make heat and power using incineration, anaerobic
digestion or other tecniques. By recovering the energy left in our rubbish we extract
maximum value whilst landfill.

Repair => have appliances, office equipment, lighting fixtures, and automotive parts
repaired instead of buying new ones.
 Have anold furniture reupholstered or refurbished instead of buying new

What are the importance of recover and repair waste management.

E. Evaluation:

The activity output of the pupils may be considered in assessing them formatively.

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