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1. A gas having a volume of 40 liters has a pressure of 0.24 MPa at 24 oC. If the
gas constant R is equal to 212 N-m/kg-oK, compute:
(a) Density of the gas
(b) Mass of the gas
(c) Weight of the gas

Given: V = 40li P = 0.24MPa T = 24oC R = 212 N-m/kg-oK

Req’d: ρ , M , W

p 0,24 ×106 kg
a) ρ= =
RT 212(24 +273)
=3.81 3 ans .
1 m3
b) M =ρV =3.81 40 li ×
1000li )
=0.15 kg ans .

c) W =Mg=0.15 ( 9.81 )=1.47 N ans .

2. (a)What is the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of a

bubble having a diameter of 0.003 in. if it is equivalent to an air-water
interface having a surface tension of 0.005 lb/ft.
(b) Compute the pressure in kPa.
(c) Compute force due to surface tension.

Given: d = 0.003 σ =0.005

Req’d: p in psf or in psi , p in kPa , F

4 (0. )
4σ ft
a) p= d = 1 ft
0.003∈× =80 psf ans . ¿
80 lb 4.45 N ( 3.28 ft ) N
b) p= 2
× × 2
=3830 2 ∨3.83 kPaans .
ft 1 lb ( 1 m) m
4σ F 4 σ 4σ 4σ π 2
c) p= d ; A = d ; F= d ∙ A= d ∙ 4 d
F=πdσ=π 0.003×( 12 )
( 0.005 )=3.93× 10−6 lb ans .

3. (a) Find the depression h of the mercury in the glass capillary tube having a
diameter of 2 mm if the surface tension is 0.514 N/m for θ=400.
(b) Compute the force caused by surface tension.
(c) Determine the density of mercury.

N 0
Given: d = 2 mm σ =0.514 m θ=40
Req’d: h , F , ρ

sl= γ =s γ
γw l l w

4 σCosθ 4 ( 0.514 ) cos 400

h= = ¿=5.9× 10−3 m∨5.9 mm ans .
γd 13.6 ( 9810 ) 0.002¿

F=πdσCosθ=π ( 0.002 )( 0.514 ) cos 400 =2.47 ×10−¿ 3 N ans .¿

γ 13.6(9810) kg
ρ= = ¿=13600 3 ans .
g 9.81 ¿ m

4. If 9 m3 of an ideal gas at 24 oC and 150 KPa is compressed to 2 m3,

(a) What is the resulting pressure assuming isothermal conditions?
(b) What would have been the pressure and temperature if the process is
isentropic? Use k =1.3.

Given: V1 = 9 P1 = 150 T1 = 24 V2 = 2
Reqd: P2 , T2

p1 V 1=p 2 V 2 150 ( 9 )= p2 ( 2 ) p2=675 kPa ans .

p1 V k1= p2 V k2 150 ( 9 )1.3 = p2 ( 2 )1.3 p2=1059.91 kPa ans .


T 2=466.36 0 K ∨193.360 C ans .

5. If the viscosity of water at 70 oC is 0.00402 poise and its specific gravity is

0.978 determine its absolute viscosity in Pa-s and its kinetic viscosity in m 2/s
and in stroke.

Given: μ=0.00402 poise s=0.978 T =700 C

Req’d: μ∈ Pa−s , v ∈ ∧¿ stroke

1 poise = 0.1 Pa-sec 1 stroke = 0.0001 m2/s

0.1 Pa−s
μ=0.00402 poise × =0.000402 Pa−s ans .
1 poise
μ 0.000402
ν= = =4.11 ×10−7 m2 /s ans.
ρ 0.978 (1000)
1 stroke
v=4.11 × 10−7 =4.11 ×10−4 stroke ans .

6. Two large plane surfaces are 25 mm apart and the space between them is
filled with a liquid of viscosity μ=0.958 Pa−s . Assuming the velocity gradient
to be a straight line, what force is required to pull
a very thin plate of 0.37 m area at a
constant speed of 0.3 m/s if the plate is 8.4
mm from one of the surfaces?

Given: y = 25 mm , y1 = 16.6 y2 = 8.4

μ=0.958 Pa−s A = 0.37 m2
U = V = 0.3 m/s
Req’d: F
F = F1 + F2
dV F dV dV
τ =μ =μ F= A ∙ μ
dy A dy dy

1 1
F=( 0.37 )( 0.958 ) ( 0.3 ) ( 0.0166 +
0.0084 )
=19.07 N ans .

7. A vertical cylindrical tank with a diameter of 12 m and a depth of 4 m is

filled with water to the top with water at 200C. I f the water is heated to
500C, how much water will spill over? Unit weight of water at 200C and 500C
is 9.79 kN/m3 and 9.69 kN/m3, respectively.

π 2 3
Vs = V2 – V1 V1 = 4 ( 12 ) ( 4 )=452.39 m


W =9.79 ( 452.39 )=4428.90 kN

V 2= =457.06 V s=4.67 m 3 ans .

8. A square block weighing 1.1 kN and 250 mm on an edge slides down an

incline on a film of oil 6.0 μm thick. Assuming a linear velocity profile in the
oil and neglecting air resistance, what is the terminal velocity of the block?
The viscosity of oil is 7 mPa-s. Angle of inclination is 200. Ans. 5.16 m/s

dV F dV
τ =μ =μ
dy A dy

F dV

A dy

1.1×10 3 sin 200 −3 dV

=7 × 10 ∙
.25 ×.25 6 ×10−6

V= 5.16 m/s ans.

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