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Terms of Reference for web development,

hosting and maintenance

The Enable Youth Project is an initiative of the African Development Bank seeking to build resilience in
the rural economy through a combination of skills training, mentoring, and financing youth and women
entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector.

This project takes place to solve these particular issues and in the context of co-finance cooperation
between the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) under the Farm
Income Enhancement and Forest Conservation Programme - Project 2 (FIEFOC 2) in Uganda.

EYCF project is composed of three components:

a. The training and mentoring program will select, train and mentor youth with startups who
will be beneficiaries of the Investment fund to provide them with capital for their
b. The Business development component will work with the agripreneurs to develop their
business concepts into successful businesses.
c. The Fund management program will evaluate the worthiness of the selected and trained
enterprises to whom the investment fund will be extended as a loan facility at low interest
rates as well as ensure that the funds are repaid and a revolving fund is at the end of the
24 month project.

Rationale of the website

The Internet is increasingly becoming the first and the fastest point of reference on information for
stakeholders of ENABLE Youth in Uganda, including implementing partners, government officials, civil
society representatives and donors. More so, key stakeholders abroad who wish to know more about the
ENABLE Youth program in Uganda.

Purpose of the assignment

The consultant or company will be contracted to develop a dynamic website for the ENABLE Youth

Objectives of the website

1. To be the first point of reference on the ENABLE Youth Uganda activities on the Internet.
2. To showcase ENABLE Youth Uganda activities.
3. To make key documents and activity briefs, news and updates accessible to the public
4. Build a content management system to manage the agripreneurs, trainers, and mentors’
5. Create a content management system that allows the ENABLE Youth team to update information
easily (through predefined sections and outlines with titles and contents editable by admin. The
editable content allows different formats, such as flash, text, image, etc.)
6. Provide a platform for interaction and information sharing among all those interested
7. Secure the existing site during the transition to the new platform; preservation of all current
website content and functionality.
8. Incrementally migrate the web site to a standard Content Management System (e.g. Wordpress,
Drupal or Joomla) and implement new features that add value.
9. Implement a basic “blog” function with integrated twitter and Facebook posting (ENABLE Youth
currently has active Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube; website should facilitate streaming of
information between these different platforms)
10. Browser compatibility. The site must be compatible with the current versions of the browsers.
11. Add a comprehensive search functionality to the web site
12. Optimize the site for low bandwidth users.
13. The Website should be optimized with Search Engine Optimisation, to ensure that it appears on
top of the lists on search engines.
14. To provide support where required for maintenance and updates to the website.

Specific tasks
Design and build the website as per the requirements above and in line with the ENABLE Youth branding.
The website developer will be supervised by the Communications and marketing manager at the ENABLE
youth office who will provide the content and photographs and guidance on the desired design and

1. The website is responsive, fully developed, functioning and running online without any flaws
2. The website is designed and programmed in a way that enables the ENABLE Youth team to
manage its content. This includes handover of admin right to ENABLE Youth (multiple admins)
enabling ENABLE youth to change all content autonomously
3. The Website design is based the ENABLE youth corporate identity and guidelines as stated by
the Communications manager.
4. Fully functional content management system.
5. Configuration documentation and guidelines which clearly state how to manage the website,
details on the hosting arrangement, environment and its configuration are provided

Features of the website

● Home page with a graphic element giving an overview of the ENABLE Youth program and its
main components.
● Content Management system.
● Event/calendar
● Search engine: The solution should provide users with the ability to search for and locate
content based on keywords and key phrases, date, country, work streams
● Google analytics
● Back end feature for updating content.
● Blogs
Time lines:
No. Activity Time Frame

1 Website architecture Design 1 Week

2 Content writing and assembly 1 Week

3 Development and programming 2 Weeks

4 Beta testing and review (Draft version) 1 Week

5 Site launch - Provide final version 1 Day

6 Maintenance and Enhancements 6 Months

The consultant or company is required to submit a detailed proposal on how the website will be designed
including the complete costs of the website.

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