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2019 08.

01 EVE LOCKS , (excemt)

16 year old female, Ky.

Good evening Eve-sensei , Your songs are always healing to mefi Particulady Vadongi from Otogi This is a hard question to ask, but I'm bisexual - that is I
like both those of the same gender as me and those that aren't However, !find I don't have the courage to consult those around rne for adv. Clo you know any
LGBT people , li you know anything please teach me , Thank you

Eve firstly explain.. LGBT initialisrn as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender He then calls Me listeiwr and they begin to talk over the phone The tem
exchange greetings a. go on to talk about her question Eve says he does indeed Mmw an LGBT person and the listener asks what kind of person they are,
whicll Eve replies Mat he's a guy but he likes other guys He also knows people that like both men and wornen like the listener He says that he doesn't
think ifs something to feel. sumrised about and asks at. 0.nel - feels that way too She explains she's never really talked about it before so she was
unsure if there were even other people like /her], Eve asks if it's because there aren't any Ms Ike that at her school and stuff She says yes, out of all the
people she's ever met, there were none He asks it she started questioning in middle s.00l and again she says yes, from her 3, rd year Eve understands Mat she
would've been going through that change within herselt tor Avo years then He asks it Mere were any big problems, to whicll she mentions that she
doesn't like changing /at school] rnuch because irs embarrassing (haing to change with other girls) Eve responds understandingly and asks she has
anyone she likes The listener shyly a. excrtedly says she does and laughs They cheerfully talk about Me listener's crush a girl that the listener is close
wrth From the start, they've never kept much distance between ea. other so every day the listeners heart races (doki doki), Eve says thts really good and
laughs He asks if her feelings have been ongoing and unchanged since her third year of middle s.00l and she says yes He goes on to say that he feels
that liking the same gender isn't something to be asharned of and they start to talk about opening up to those around you or Me person you like about rt The
listener's been thinking it right be okay to open up to the idends Mat surround her, but feels doing so to the girl she likes might cause their Mendship to break
apart Eve asks d she might think she wants to tell her someday, to which the listener says s E ve c on tinu es YVhen he wa
ye s, she wool ., .uld be possib le
a student, he didn't meet any [LGBT people] at all However since becoming an adult, he's rnet quite a few He thinks Mat it's probably because like the
listener, they hadn't come out However it might also have been be.use, unlike the listener (who realised in rniddle school), there are probably kids that
haven't noticed yet but will come to realise as they grow up He understands that [at the listeners age], it might.. like something embarrassing However,
as she graduates high school and ..mes an adult, they, /meet] more people and Mat feeling of embarrassment will slowly go away There's nothing to
worn, about The listener thanks Eve and he then goes on to talk about how while he was in New York, Mere was an LGBT pride parade It was a day to
.lebrate the freedom to love who you want to love, regardless of skin colour, gender, on of ongin, or appearance Many people participated and seeing rt
up close, he felt that everyone really is free to love whoever they want Eve then says that he wants the listener. love the person she loves worry free
They say thank you to each other and Eve says words of encouragement to her The call ends
Note. Eve refers to the listener by her pen name throughout Me call

Source uwewtft. jp/lock/eve/index phOitemid=13365,2522

Written by OharapecoEN (twitter)

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