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24 Aditama and Andannt Med J Indones

Sick building syndrome

Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sita Laksmi Andarini

Sindroma gedung sakit adalah suatu keadaan yang menunjukkan timbulnya berbagai keluhan tidak spesifk pada sebagian
pengguna suatu iologinya belumlah
merupakan resu ruPa fisik, kimiawi,
kasus sindroma ini terjadi akibat tidak terpeliharanya sistem pe
dapat cukup berat dan meliputi iritasi mimbran mukus, gejala neurototsik, gejala menyerupai asma, keluhan di kulit' keluhan
gàstrointestinal dan lain-laii. Untuk menegakkan diagnosis maka beberapa prosedut perlu dilahtkan, dan pemeil<saan langsung
"terhadap jauh
lingkungan gedung di lapangan àkan amat membantu ditegakkannya diagnosis. Pencegahan terjadinya keadaan ini
Iebih iengu-ntungkon-t àen[obati keadaan yang sudah terjadi. Polusi udara dalam ruangan dan sindroma gedung sakit
merupokai salai satu paradignn baru dalam ilmu kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan. (Med J Ind.ones 2002; 11: 124-31)

Sick buitding syndrome describes a number of mostly unspesific complaints of some occupants of the building. The exact
pathophysiologic elusive. It is a multifactorial event which may include physical, chemical, biological as well
psyc'hologiial s it is due to insfficient atin
sys'tem in thi bui ms can be unconfortable incl
neurotoxic symptoms, asthma like symptoms, skin complainls, gastr reln
td ention through a
t: the sick building

Keywords: indoor air pollution, sick building syndrome, building related illness

Indoor air quality has deteriorated so much since the architects, mechanical engineers, and interior designers
1970s oil shortage and subsequent energy-efficient to meet building codes and, at the same time, provide
construction of buildings that people are becoming aesthetic appeal along with structural integrity.
seriously ill by just breathing the indoor air. This is a Unfortunately, building requirements necessary to
problem with all industrial buildings.' ln the past two promote the health of occupants of buildings have
decades, a group of health Problems related to the historically been neglected or given minimal aftention.
indoor environment--generally termed sick building This switch to tighter buildings combined with a lack
syndrome (SB S)--has emerged. of knowledge of and altention to the potential adverse
health etfects of ineffective ventilation and indoor air
In the past 20 years we have seen the replacement of contaminants has spawned a marked increase in the
naturally ventilated buildings by buildings with tight number of reports of human illnesses linked to the'
shells that are lvholly or substantially dependent on indoor environment.'
mechanical ventilation. Heating, ventilation, and air-
conditioning (I{VAC) system design, structural design, Some contaminants causing ill health have been
and material finishes are specified to a large exlent by identified within buildings for decades (e.g., paint
containing lead and allergenic components of mold
spores). Indoor environmental contaminants cause
building related illness (BRD through four major
Pulmonology Department Faculty of Medicine University oJ mechanisms: (1) immunologic, (2) intèctious, (3)
lndonesia / Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia toxic, and (4) initant. Because the agents causing BRI


Vol I 1, No 2, ApriL - June 2002 Sick building syndrome I25

routinely coexist, it is not unusual to have two or Europe, conducted over the past 20 years indicated
more mechanisms of disease operating simultaneously that many of these buildings shared a cornmon
within a problem building. The challenge is to problem of inadequate ventilation. Yet, data to
identify the cause or causes of the health complaints support the hypothesis ihat inadequate ventilation in
of those who allege that they have become ill as a the absence of identifiable pathogenic -levels of
result of a building they occupy and then locate the contaminants causes human illness remain sparse.
source or sources. The first step in solving the Even more importantly, it has been difficult to
mystery is to develop a solid understanding of the demonstrate, in properly designed studies, objective
mechanisms of BRIs and th"e offending agents evidence of cause and effect between the ubiquitous
associated with each mechanism." chemical compounds found in all indoor environments
and many of the neurobehavioral symptoms reportedly
Building related illnesses(BRI) and Sick-building associated with SBS. However, a few well-designed
syndrome (SBS) are an increasingly a coûImon studies suggest that certain functions, such as short-
problem in developed countries and- are expected to term memory, mental efficiency, and visuospatial
in"."u*" in
developing countries.3'a Increasingly, functioning, may be adversely affected by volatile
physicians are being asked to evaluate patients with organic compounds. The term building-related illnesses
putative environmentally associated illnesses. These refers to reasonably well characterized human
can include a variety of problems, including infectious illnesses caused by indoor environmental factors that
illnesses (Legionnaire's disease), chemical exposure in can be related to the clinical and laboratory findings
the workplace, and sick building syndromes.' in those building occupants with health complaints,
based on validated principles of pathophysiology.'
Other definition by Seifert mentioned that the term
Terminology "sick building syndrome" (SBS) has been used for
The terminology used to describe illnesses caused Qy several years to describe a number of mostly
building environmental factors can cause confusion. unspecific complaints of some occupants of air-
Building-associated illness refers to any illness caused conditioned buildings. Engelharto classified a group
by indoor environmental factors. We divide building- of health problems related to the indoor environment--
associated illness into two categories: sick building generally termed as sick building syndrome (SBS)
syndrome (SBS) and building-related illness (BRD.
Excluded from these categories are illnesses that have Multi Factorial
a long latency period (e.g., lung cancèi iaused by
radon exposure). The t'erm building-relaÈed illness SBS is a multifactorial event which may include
applies to those adverse health effects for which we physical, chemical, biological as well as psychological
have a well-defined link between environmental factors.In many cases, the occurrence of SBS in a
agents in a specific building and the resultant health building is due to insufficient maintenance of the
disorders. This class of illnesses frequently involves IryAC system. A broad range of pollutants is present
the skin and respiratory tract because of the ease with in indoor spaces. Even something as easily recognized
which indoor environmental contaminants come in as environmental tobacco smoke consists of multiple
contact with these tissues.2 pollutants that cause irritation and annoyance. The
specific culprits are still unknown. Nevertheless, the
SBS describes a complex of vague, predominantly broad range of pollutants trigger responses in several
subjective complaints consisting of neurobehavioral receptors. How effects on similar receptors can be
symptoms such as memory loss, headache, depression, summed remains uncertain. When agents affect the
dizziness, and respiratory complaints such as chest same receptor, such as the "irritant" receptor of the
tightness, coughing, and shortness of breath. Buming trigerninal nerve (comrnon chemical sense), it is
eyes, nose, throat, and sinuses are symptoms of reasonable and possible to model their joint effects.
mucous membrane initation that are frequently On the other hand, different chemical classes may
associated with "sick" building complaints. Itching trigger that receptor differently. Where irritants have
and rashes may occur. However, the exact patho- differing mechanisms of aclion, their interaclions
physiologic mechanisms explaining how environmental (antagonism and synergism) remain unpredictable.
factors cause "sick" building symptoms remain Given the broad range of agents and their influences
elusive. Studies, both in the United States and in that are present in indoor spaces, ranging from
126 Aditama and Andarini Med J Indones

particulates to volatile organic compounds and air fungal contamination. The authors performed environ-
currents, joint modeling and effect estimation is mental tests to evaluate potential exposure to fungi,
certainly difficult now and may remain impossible . and we used mycotoxin-specific IgG antibody in
At the present we do not know enough to identify all serologic studies in the attempt to evaluate exposure
important compounds in the indoor air that cause to mycotoxins. Extensive fungal contamination was
unnoyun.. and ôdor or how to sum their etfects.T documented in many areas of the building. Penicillium,
Aspergillus, and Stachybotrys species were the most
Ooi et al8 found an incremental trend in prevalence of predominant fungi found in air sampling. Our
sick building syndrome among office workers in serologic test was not useful in differentiating workers
Singapore who reported high levels of physical and who were probably occupationally exposed to
mental stress, and decreasing climate of co-operation. mycotoxins from those who were not; however, it did
This association was confirmed after multivariate yield evidence that individuals may make specific IgG
adjustment for significant personal and environmental antibodies to macrocyclic tricothecene mycotoxins.
exposure factors. Using a subsample, further modelled Further research is needed conceming health effects
interaction between stress and the other covariates but related to bioaerosol exposures, particularly regarding
none achieved statistical significance. This srudy markers,^of exposure to specific fungi that may
confirmed slress to be a significant and independent produce'" mycotoxins. In the absence of clinical tools
determinant of the health complaints, and that specific for evaluation of mycotoxin-related illness, a
symptoms compatible with the sick building systematic clinical approach for evaluating persons
syndrome in many cases were slress-related. Our with suspected building-related respiratory illness is
findings underscore the importance of personal and warranted.lo
organizational stress management to prevent ill health
at the office.6 to analyze relation-
Engvall et allt perform a study
ships between symptoms compatible with sick
Li et al found a significant relationship between building syndrome (SBS) on one hand, and different
dampness and work-related sick building syndrome in indicators of building dampness in Swedish multi-
the day-care-center workers. Fufthermore, concentrations family buildings on the other. The sfudy was done in
of fungi were lower in the day-care centers equipped Stockholm, 609 multi-family buildings with 14,235
with air conditioners/air cleaners than in centers that dwellings were identified, and. selected by stratifïed
lacked such equipment. Also, Aspergillus was random sampling with a response rate of TTVo.Their
as rongly wi d ng result showed that condensation on windows, high air
sy the day-c ke art humidity in the bathroom, mouldy odour, and water
et an invesli in of leakage was reported from 9.OVo, l2.47o, 7.77o and
'a ministry working in a naturally ventilated office l2;7Vo of the dwellings, respectively. In total 28.57o
building that formerly had been used by a pharmaceutical reported at least one sign of dampness. All indicators
company. The highest level of complaints was found of dampness were related to an increase of all types of
amolg the employees working in rooms that in the symptoms, significant even when adjusted for age,
past had been used for the production or storage of gender, population density, type of ventilation system,
various pharmaceutical products suggesting that and ownership of the building. A combination of
pharmaceutical odors may be a risk factor for SBS. mouldy odour and signs of high air humidity was
The authors conclude that the former use of a building related to an increased occurrence of all types of
for production and storage of pharmaceutical products symptoms (OR = 3.7-6.0). Similar findings were
should be considered as a possible. risk factor for observed for a combination of mouldy odour and
complaints about indoor air quality, e.9., when structural building dampness (water leakage) (OR =
advising about or planning for renovalions of 2.9 5.2). In addition, a dose-response relationship
buildings formerly used For production, handling, or be[ween symptoms and number of signs of dampness
storing of chemicals.6 was observed. In dwellings wilh all four dampness
indicators, OR was 6.5,7.1, 19.9,5.8,6.1,9.4, 15.0
There has been increased concern over health effects for ocular, nasal, throat, dermal symptoms, cough,
related to potenlial eKposure of building occupanls to headache and tiredness, respectively. The authors
bioaerosols. Trout et all0 report the case of a worker conclusion mentioned that signs of high air humidity,
with a respiratory illness related to bioaerosol as well as of structural building dampness, are
exposure in a water-damaged building with extensive common in multi-family buildings in Stockholm.
Vol I I, No 2, April- June 2002 Sick building syndrome 127

Reports of building dampness in dwellings is related Signs & symptoms

to a pronounced increase of symptoms compatible
with the SBS, even when adjusted for possible Although objective physical abnormalities of SBS are
confounding by age, gender, population density, and not generally founC except in a few specific diseases
building-related risk factors.
II like Legionnaires' disease, the symptoms can be
uncomfortable and even disabling. It is commonly
Indoor air polution in the building are quietly related accepted to represent eye, nose, and throat irritation;
with various respiratory diseases particularly in asthma headaches, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, and
because of the association of mold and increased sometimes dizziness; nausea, chest tightness; and
bronchial responsiveness. Recently, attention has been other sympto*r.''o't
focused on the mold Stachybotrys in human disease.
Table l. SBS signs and symptoms
Stachybotrys was first identified more than 60 years
ago following an epidemic of stomatitis, rhinitis, Mucous membrane irritation
conjunctivitis, pancytopenia, neurologic disorders, Eye irritation
and death in horses. Since then, Stachybotrys has been Nose irritation
identified in several outbreaks of disease in animals. It Throat irritation
has also attracted attention as a possible agent in Neurotoxic symptoms
idiopathic pulmonary hemonhage in infants.
Stachybotrys is a relatively uncommon fungus but has Irritability
been isolated from a variety of sources, including Difhculty concentrating
contaminated grains, tobacco, indoor air, insulator Asthmalike symptoms
foams, and water-damaged buildings with high Chest tightness
humidity. This fungus is particularly important Wheezing
Skin complaints
because it is one of a series of fungi that produce5 Dry skin
trichothecenes mycotoxins; these mycotoxins are Irritated skin
biologically active and can produce a variety of Gastrointestinal symptoms
physiological and pathologic changes in humans and Diarrhea
animals, including modulation of inflammation and Others
altered alveolar surfactant phospholipid concen- Behavioral disorders
Chronic fatigue
trations. The presence of Stachybotrys in a building
Genitourinary problems
does not necessarily imply a causê-ànd-effect Learning disabilities , etc
relationship with illness, but should alert physicians
and healthcare professionals to do more vigorous (Modified from ref 3 & 4)
environmental teiting.5

Chang et alr2 mentioned that not only the potential Although objective physiological abnormalities are
and unique infectious diseases. but also the implicating not generally found and permanent sequelae are rare,
noninfectious etiologies of sick building syndrome the symptoms of SBS can be uncomfortable, even
and building-related illnesses. In addition, there are disabling, and whole workplaces can be rendered non-
quite a role of psychological factors and mass functional.a It is commonly accepted to represent eye,
pect to the nature nose, and throat irritation; headaches, lethargy,
ànd symptoms.r2 difficulty concentrating, and sometimes dizziness;
flictive processes nausea, chest tightness; and other symptoms.
wilhin the building were also a factor in chronically Evidence suggests that what is called the SBS is at
sick building. It was revealed that the organisation for least three separate entities, each of which has at at
dealing with environmental problems was split, and least one
ineffective with poor patterns of communication. It
was suggested that this generated a situation of Wyon et alr5 assessed the perceived air quality and
chronic stress leading to the persistence of symptoms. SBS symptoms while periorming simulated oflice
The results of Thom's study suggest that psychosocial work. The subject-rated acceptability of the perceived
factors, among them organisational structures and air quality in the office conesponded to 22Vo
communic-ation patterns, should be given close dissatisfied when the pollution source was present,
t't and to l5Vo dissatisfied when the pollution source was

128 Aditama and Andarini Med J [ndones

absent. In the former condition there was a disease that progresses or leads to disability. Such
significantly increased prevalence of headaches (P - discussions are designed to prevent destructive illness
0.04) and significantly lower levels of reported effort behavior.'
(p = 0.02) during the text typing and calculation tasks,
both of which required a sustained level of In the absence of physiologic dysfunction or
concentration. In the text typing task, subjects worked anticipated impairment, the question is always raised
significantly more slowly when the pollution source as to whether some discomfort may have to be
was present in the office (P = 0.003), typing 6.57o less tolerated in the workplace in the same fashion as at
text than when the pollution source was absent from home or on the street. One aspect of the discussion is
the office Reducing the pollution load on indoor air to refocus the problem to discomfort and economic
proved to be an effective means of improving the trade-offs for employers. [t is often much easier to
ôomfort, health and productivity of building ô." persuade employers that general initation may lead to
discomfort and decreased productivity than to deal
with adversarial workers' compensation procedures.
Such an approach will work only if there is general
Indoor air and the sick building syndrome (SBS) agreement on goals of solving problems . If patients
serves as a paradigm of modern occupational and do not have measurable or identifiable disease, they
environmental medicine with its inherent scientific may have complaints consistent with the SBS. As the
uncertainties, expectations, and knowledge on the part description here makes clear, the physiologic basis of
of affected persons, and economic conflicts between the SBS is under active investigation. Even as the
owners, managers, tenants, and occupants. The first arguments are being made that the syndrome is
approach physicians generally take with patients who primarily a matter of discomfort, efforts to explain
have a specific concern regarding potential that discomfort suggest that there are identifiable
environmentally caused disease is to obtain a careful physiologic responses to the "sick building" environment.
medical and occupational history and perform a To date there is no evidence suggesting that these
physical examination and, when applicable, laboratory responses lead to long-term impairment or established
tests. The first goal is to exclude other conditions that disease. Nevertheless, several investigations cited
might be causing the problem. Physicians may under the appropriate organ system suggest that
identify an underlying condition (such as inadequate conditions in general may be associated with at least
tear film production and stability or fatigue associated physiologic if not palhologic responses.T
with hypothyroidism) associated with other diseases
that may influence the pertinent symptoms. The next
step is to identify the likely
pathophysiologic T able 2. Investigation methods
mechanism underlying the complaint and quantify Ey"
organ function. Complaints of chest tightness or Tear film break-up time
wheezing require documentation of changes in Fat layer determination
airways related to work using peak expiratory flow Conjunctival photography
tracings or spirornetry before and after work. If no Lissamine green staining (punctate conjunctivitis)
abnormalily is found, no "measurable disease" is Nose
present. That is, physicians can convincingly state that Acoustic rhinometry
even ifdiscomfort is present, it does not represent Anterior and posterior rhinomanometry
measurable pathotogy.t As always, timing in disease Nasal lavage
is important; disease may progress, and tests may Stereoscopic microscopic examination
need to be repeated if a patient's condition worsens. Chest
Physicians must also recognize that the appropriate Peak flow meters
test has sometimes not been applied or even identified. Spirometry
When discomfort is convincingly associated with Central nervous system
particular work environments and no physiologic Neuropsychologic testing
dysfunction is identified, the absence of "disease" Evoked potentials
ma^kes it possible for physicians to explain both the Vestibular testing with solvent provocacion
ubiquitousness of discomfort and initation and the
(Cited from rel T)
idea that discomfort does not usually represent true

VoL I l, No 2, April - J,,me 2002 Sick building syndrome 129

Chest tightness and asthma-like symptoms are common. and its inhabitants. By their capacity to identify
Some persons have documentable variability in their internal processes within building contexts, case study
airways caliber related to work; asthma caused by or a better understanding
exacerbated by a particular environment is traditionally buitding syndrome.t:
not tonsidered part of the SBS. One report describes the majority of cases,
the new development of asthma and exacerbations in engineering problems and pollutant sources can be
the workplace in a group of office workers. Other identified that contribute to the generation of
workers in the building described excess coughing, complaints. Although psychosocial factors are likely
wheezing, and mucous membrane irritation. Outbreaks to exacerbate underlying complaints, they should not
of hypersensitivity pneumonitis have demonstrated a distract from identifying
similar association. This suggests that at least some
office workers may have unrecognized asthma or Control
pneumonitis. There may be another group of persons
who have subjective chest tightness, wheeze, or cough ln assessment of patients with SBS complaints, specific
in whom there is no physiologic abnormality. This building-related illnesses suggested by history or
occurrence may be associated with -1,3-glucan physical examination should be ruled out. On-site
exposure. Use of peak flow meters and spirometry assessment of buildings is extremely useful. Treatment
before and after exposure is essential in efforts to involves both the patient and the building. Whenever
differentiate building-related asthma from SBS and to possible, changes such as ventilation improvements
clarify whether this symgtom iomplex is distinct from and reduction of sources of environmental contamination
reactive airways disease.' should be initiated even if specific aetiological agents
have not been identified.a Ooit mentioned that a
In summary, individual complaints may be characterized biopsychosocial approach is needed to the problem
and attempts at confirmation or quantification undei- involving symptomatic featment, environmental confol,
taken. The absence of physiologic abnormalities may good ergonomic design, and stress management in
allow physicians to move the level of patient SBS. Redlich stressed that treatment should involves
discourse to discomfort rather than disease. On the both the patient and the building. Whenever possible,
other hand, if individual patients have convincing changes such as ventilation improvements and
symptoms alternative approaches to documentation reduction of sources of environmental contamination
must be undertaken. These include traditional challenge should be initiated even if specific aetiological agents
tests or n-of-one clinical trials.T \ have not been identified.a

Palients are usually a member of some group defined Prevention through a proactive air quality monitoring
through corrlmon exposures. They may perceive program is far more desirable than dealing with an
themselves as the most sensitive persons or simply be
actual sick building. Regardless, there are effective,
the only ones willing to voice complaints. It is rare for
rational approaches for diagnosing sick buildings. In
an office to generale complaints in only a single the upcoming years, it is inevitable that extensive air
patient. If diagnostic tests in individual patients alone
monitoring will be required in all commercial
are inconclusive but strong suspicion continues to
exist, physicians may then choose to examine the
group members informally, dirring a walk-through, or
formally. Group measurements should be undertaken The sick building syndrome (SBS) has been the
subject of serious scientific inquiry only in the pastl0
thoughtfully, with a clearly defined goal. This goal
may be to oblain more information on the spectrum or y" New directions for indoor environmeni
prevalence complaints, to compare symptom
of research are in the following 4 themes: (i) the current
frequencies with'some external -control groups (other change in office work pattern, workplace design, and
buiiOings), or to address disease.T increasing demands from the work force, (ii) the large
individual variation in requirements for optimel
On-site assessment of buildings is extremely useful. conditions pointing at the key factors of individual
Thomtr investigate the merits of case studies as response and individual control options hased on
complementary methodological approaches in the trade-off experiments, (iii) psychosocial factors as
study of the sick building syndrome in a Swedish determinanls of symptoms, comfort, and productivity,
office building with longstanding health problems, and (iv) transient, nonspecific symptoms in the indoor
130 Aditama and Andarini Med J Indones

environment, the identification of causes, and long- efforts have met with measurable success, there is
term increasing public concem about a new generation of
pollution-related human illness in office, home and
The sick building syndronre has been widely discussed transportation environrnents. New instances of Sick
from epidemiological perspectives. Although there is Building Syrdrome or Building Related Illness are
considerable difference in opinion regarding the reported daily by the popular press. Human health
concrete and objective evidence to support a distinct effects such as cancer, infectious disease, allergy and
sick building syndrome and./or building-related irritation have been ascribed to indoor air pollution.
illness, much data indicates that numerous variables The clinical aspects of indoor air pollution are often
within buildings can potentially influence human discounted by consulting engineer's and industrial
health. Different building construction types of old hygienists involved in indoor air quality. Physicians
versus new buildings to highlight changes in modern and clinically-trained scientists have received a
construction may have led to a putative increase in "Macedonian call" to sift clinical relevance from the
work-related symptomatology. t' emotional aspects of indoor air quality problems.
Point sources of pollutants, associated human health
Some of the emerging events that are assuming effects, and problem solving approaches associated
increasing relevance as work-related respiratory with indoor air pollution are described. Regulatory
diseases (indoor air pollution and sick building and litigational aspects of indoor air pollution are also
syndrome, respiratory toxicity of formaldehyde, important part that should be discussed.2r
pollulant-induced asthma, dental technician lung
diseases, lung cancer from diesel exhaust, environmental Indoor air and the sick building syndrome (SBS)
silicosis). The industrial hygienist's role in recognition, serves as a paradigm of modern occupational and
evaluation, and control of health hazards is stressed as environmental medicine with .its inherent scientific
an essenlial contribution to both preventiorl and uncertainties, expectations, and knowledge on the part
diagnosis of occupational lung disease.le Worker- of affected persons, and economic conflicts-between
related complaints of sick building and/or building- owners, managers, tenants, and occupants.T As we
related illnesses are being recognized increasingly. develop a better understanding of the adverse effects
Clinicians need to become more familiar with these of the indoor environment on health, the patho-
syndromes which include asthma, humidifier fever, physiologic mechanisms contributing illnesses caused
hypersensitivity pneumonitis and allergic rhinitis.20 In by indoor environmental factors will become more
addition, various infectious diseàses such as clearly defined.2 The term building-related illness
legionellosis, Q fever and viral respiratory conditions applies to those adverse health effects for which we
may be building exposure linked. Finally, toxin have a well-defined link between environrnental
exposures to indoor air chemicals ranging from agents in a specific building and the resultanr health
volatiles, copy paper, glue, and pesticides may be disorders. This class of illnesses frequently involves
linked to health sequelae. Thus, these patients should the skin and respiratory tract because of the ease with
have serious considerations, particularly where cluster
which indoor environmental contaminants come in
illnesses with documented respiratory disorders and
contact with these tissues. Agents that cause building-
skin rashes are identified. Appropriate measures for
related illnesses generally induce iilness by one of
diagnosis, treatment, documentation and advocacy for
four mechanisms: (1) immunologic, (2) infectious, (3)
employee relocation pending corrective actions
toxic, or (4) irritant. Some agents rnay work through
should follow.20
more than one mechanism.

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