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Name of the faculty Name: Raghav Mittal

Ms.Shikha Mehmi Enrollment No.: 01990102420
Semester/Section: Ist
Translate a Hindi News to English from a daily newspaper

Preparations for the spread of satellite communication service in India, internet access will be better in
remote areas.

New Delhi, Rajiv Kumar. The government is preparing to license all government and private companies for the
spread of satellite communication service. At the same time, other government agencies such as Railways and State
Transport will establish their own captive satellite-based communication centre. The spread of satellite
communication service will also increase investment in this area, as many start-ups will provide communication
services to companies through their small satellite. This model is proving to be very effective in many countries in
America and Europe.The Department of Telecommunications wants to spread this service in India as well. The
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued a draft for granting license for this service at the
department's behest. Satellite communication service is currently limited. The government wants its

According to TRAI, the advantage of satellite communication will be that in remote areas, mobile phones and other
Internet-related things can be delivered. Even today, there are hundreds of villages in the country where
communication service is not available. This will lead to the development of communication infrastructure at the
national level in the country.
TRAI says commercialization of satellite communication services will mainly benefit sectors such as supply
chain management, smart grids, railways, disaster management, internal security, fisheries, healthcare. TRAI's
proposal quoted, the State Transport Authority, Indian Railways and other companies having a large number of
vehicles will be able to get a separate license to establish a captive network. Through satellite communication
service, the railways will control all the train movement, train safety and other things from one place. As stated
by TRAI, through the Global Mobile Personal Communication by Satellite (GMPCS) service, the licensee can
run satellite phone service in his area. On getting the license, the operator will also be able to provide all kinds
of Internet and voice services, i.e. calling in his area. The license holder for GMPCS will have to set up their
station in India.

In the opinion of TRAI, many start-up companies can provide satellite communication services through a 1.3 kg
satellite these days. Their cost is also a little over 10 lakh dollars, i.e. seven crore rupees. TRAI believes that this
type of trend will increase in the coming times. Satellite-based communication service in countries like the
USA, UK, France, Canada is proving very successful, and its trend is also increasing rapidly
Translate an English News to Hindi from a daily newspaper

“!ाट् सएप, इं *ा+ाम सेवाएं वैि1क 3्कना के बाद बहाल 9ई”ं

सोशल मीिडया मंच -ाट् सएप और इं 5ा6ाम को 19 माच8 की रात को बड़ा नुकसान उठाना पड़ा, लेिकन कुछ समय बाद सेवाएं िफर से
शुE हो गईं।

कई -ाट् सएप उपयोगकता8 ओं ने संदेश भेजने और MाN करने मO असमथ8ता की सूचना दी, जबिक इं 5ा6ाम भी अविध के दौरान नीचे था।
-ाट् सएप और इं 5ा6ाम दोनों के उपयोगकता8 ओं Uारा बताए गए आउटे जेज मO इं िडपOडOट टW ै िकंग पोट8 ल डाउं डेYर ने एक Zाइक

फेसबुक के \ािम] वाले मंच ने बाद मO कहा िक "तकनीकी सम^ा" हल हो गई थी।

फेसबुक के एक Mव_ा ने कहा, "एक तकनीकी सम^ा के कारण लोगों को कुछ फेसबुक सेवाओं तक पaं चने मO परे शानी aई। हमने
सभी के िलए इस मुbे को हल िकया, और हम िकसी भी असुिवधा के िलए माफी चाहते हc ,"

"आपके धैय8 के िलए धdवाद, यह एक लंबा 45 िमनट था लेिकन हम वापस आ गए हc !" -ाट् सएप िeटर पर पो5 िकया गया|

"कुछ लोग अपने इं 5ा6ाम अकाउं ट्स के साथ पहले से सम^ा कर रहे थे, लेिकन अब हम वापस आ गए हc । इस मुbे को ठीक कर िदया
गया है और हमO परे शानी का खेद है ," इं 5ा6ाम ने एक GIF के साथ eीट िकया|
- Adaption from medium to another
Road not taken
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I couldn’t travel both,
And be one traveler, long I stood,
And looked down one as far as I could,
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there,
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay,
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day,
Yet knowing how way leads on the way,
I doubted if I should ever come back

I shall be telling this with a sigh,

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the less travelled by,
And that has made a difference.
u The speaker, walking through a forest whose leaves have turned yellow in autumn, comes to a fork in the
road. The speaker, regretting that he or she is unable to travel by both roads (since he or she is, after all,
just one person), stands at the fork in the road for a long time and tries to see where one of the paths
leads. However, the speaker can't see very far because the forest is dense and the road is not straight.
u The speaker takes the other path, judging it to be just as good a choice as the first, and supposing that it
may even be the better option of the two, since it is grassy and looks less worn than the other path.
Though, now that the speaker has actually walked on the second road, he or she thinks that in reality the
two roads must have been more or less equally worn-in.
u Reinforcing this statement, the speaker recalls that both roads were covered in leaves, which had not yet
been turned black by foot traffic. The speaker exclaims that he or she is in fact just saving the first road,
and will travel it at a later date, but then immediately contradicts him or herself with the
acknowledgement that, in life, one road tends to lead onward to another, so it's therefore unlikely that he
or she will ever actually get a chance to return to that first road.
u The speaker imagines him or herself in the distant future, recounting, with a sigh, the story of making the
choice of which road to take. Speaking as though looking back on his or her life from the future, the
speaker states that he or she was faced with a choice between two roads and chose to take the road that
was less traveled, and the consequences of that decision have made all the difference in his or her life.
Hindi translation of the summary
u !पीकर, एक जंगल से गज ु र रहा है िजसक4 प56यां शरद ऋतु म= पीले हो गई ह@, सड़क म= एक कांटा आता है । !पीकर,
अफसोस जताते हुए कहता है Gक वह या वह दोनJ सड़कJ से याKा करने म= असमथM है (OयJGक वह है या वह, सब के
बाद, QसफM एक RयिOत), लंबे समय तक सड़क पर कांटे पर खड़ा होता है और यह दे खने क4 कोQशश करता है Gक कोई
रा!ता कहां है जाता है । हालाँGक, !पीकर बहुत दरू तक नहXं दे ख सकता OयJGक जंगल घना है और सड़क सीधी नहXं है ।

u !पीकर दस ू रे रा!ते को लेता है , यह पहले क4 तरह हX एक अ[छा 5वक]प होने के Qलए ^याय करता है , और यह मानते
हुए Gक यह दो का बेहतर 5वक]प हो सकता है , OयJGक यह घास है और दस ू रे रा!ते क4 तल
ु ना म= कम पहना हुआ है ।
हालांGक, अब जब वOता वा!तव म= दस ू रX सड़क पर चला गया है , तो वह सोचता है Gक वा!तव म= दोनJ सड़क= कमोबेश
समान `प से खराब हो चक ु 4 ह@।
u इस कथन को पbु ट करते हुए, वOता याद करता है Gक दोनJ सड़क= प56यJ से ढक4 हुई थीं, जो अभी तक पैर के यातायात
से कालX नहXं हुई थीं। वOता का कहना है Gक वह वा!तव म= QसफM पहलX सड़क को बचा रहा है , और बाद क4 तारXख म=
उसे याKा करे गा, लेGकन Gफर तरु ं त उसे या खद
ु को इस बात के fgत 5वरोधाभास दे ता है Gक, जीवन म= , एक सड़क दस
ू रे
को आगे ले जाती है , इसQलए इसQलए इसक4 संभावना नहXं है Gक उसे वा!तव म= उस पहलX सड़क पर लौटने का मौका

u वOता उसे या खद ु दरू के भ5वbय क4 क]पना करता है , Gफर से, एक उ[iवास के साथ, Gकस सड़क को चन ु ने क4 कहानी
है । भ5वbय से अपने जीवन को वापस दे खने के `प म= बोलते हुए, वOता का कहना है Gक वह दो सड़कJ के बीच एक
5वक]प के साथ सामना कर रहा था और कम याKा करने वालX सड़क को चन ु ना चाहता था, और उस gनणMय के
पkरणामJ ने सभी को बना lदया है उसके या उसके जीवन म= अंतर।
Informal Letter : Write a letter to your friend congratulating them on
winning a scholarship
Palam Vihar,
Gurugram, Haryana,

20 March, 2021

Dear Rishabh,
I hope you find this letter in pink of health. I am doing great here in Lucknow and uncle aunty are also perfectly fine so do
not stress about them. I just got to know about your success in the MBA examination. My heartiest congratulations to you
and your family. It is indeed a rare destination that you have achieved after a lot of hardships. You have secured first position
in CAT and have won the merit scholarship. Your achievements are magnificent. And you and your family must be so proud
of your achievements. My parents also send you warm wishes and blessings for your even brighter future. You have really
brought honour to everyone and deserve all the congratulations from everyone. Your success and achievements have given
me the inspiration to increase my accentuate and endeavours for a successful future.

Yours affectionately
Deepti Shangari
अनौपचा'रक प+ : छा+व/ृ 0 जीतने पर बधाई दे ने के 9लए अपने 9म+ को एक
प+ 9लख?

fॉक एफ, पालम िवहार,

गुh6ाम, हiरयाणा,


20 माच8 2021

िMय यश\ी,

मुझे उkीद है िक िदlी मO चीजO आपके िलए अmी होंगी। मc यहां लखनऊ मO बaत अmा कर रहा oं और चाचा चाची भी पूरी तरह से ठीक हc
इसिलए उनके बारे मO तनाव न करO । मुझे आपकी एमबीए परीpा मO आपकी सफलता के बारे मO पता चला। आपको और आपके पiरवार को
मेरी हािद8 क बधाई। यह वाqव मO एक दु ल8भ गंतr है िजसे आपने काफी किठनाइयों के बाद हािसल िकया है । आपने कैट मO Mथम sथान MाN
िकया है और योtता छाuवृिw MाN की है । आपकी उपलxyयां शानदार हc । और आपको और आपके पiरवार को अपनी उपलxyयों पर
इतना गव8 होना चािहए। मेरे माता-िपता भी आपके उzल भिव{ के िलए हािद8 क शुभकामनाएं और आशीवा8 द भेज रहे हc | आप वाqव मO
सभी के िलए सkान लाए हc और सभी से सभी बधाई के पाu हc । आपकी सफलता और उपलxyयों ने मुझे एक सफल भिव{ के िलए मेरे
उ|ारण और Mयासों को बढ़ाने की Mेरणा दी है ।

ु हारX QमK
Formal Letter: Write a letter to M/s. Oxford Publishing House, London
complaining that the books sent by them were not those you had ordered
for. Ask for a replacement. You are Varun Joshi, Sector – 20, Chandigarh.
Sector-20, Chandigarh

February 20, 2021

M/s. Oxford Publishing House

Consumer Complaint Division

Subject- Complaint regarding receipt of wrong set of books.

On February 1, 2021 I bought a book set (Order No. 000154) to be delivered to Chandigarh, Sector-20.
To my dismay, I have not received the set I ordered for and have instead, received the wrong book set. I am highly disappointed.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could replace the wrong book set with the one originally ordered. Please let me know
as soon as possible what action you propose to take.I look forward to hearing from you within the next ten days.
Enclosed are copies of the transaction document and the receipt.
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem and will wait until the aforementioned time before seeking help from a
consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me at the above address or by phone at 098100XXXXX.
Varun Joshi
Enclosure(s)- Copy of receipt and transaction docs.
औपचा%रक प): ऑ,सफ़ोड1 पि3ल5शग ं हाउस को एक प) 5लख=, लंदन के बारे म= 5शकायत Fक
उनके Gवारा भेजी गई Fकताब= वे नहMं थीं िजनके 5लए आपने आदे श Pदया था। एक
RSतTथापन के 5लए पछू = । आप वWण जोशी, से,टर - 20, चंडीगढ़ ह^।
से#टर -20, चंडीगढ़

20 फरवर3, 2021

ं हाउस,
ऑ#सफोड7 पि:ल<शग
उपभो#ता <शकायत Eभाग,

Hवषय- पK
ु तकL के गलत सेट EाMत होने कN <शकायत।
सर / मैडम
1 फरवर3, 2021 को मSने चंडीगढ़ (से#टर नं। 000154) एक बक ु सेट (से#टर -20) पहुंचाया। मेरे Zनराशा के <लए, मझ
ु े वह सेट नह3ं <मला है िजसके
<लए मSने आदे श ^दया है और इसके बजाय, गलत पK ु तक सेट EाMत aकया है । मS बेहद Zनराश हूं। समKया को हल करने के <लए, मS इसकN सराहना
करता हूं य^द आप मल ू cप से ऑड7र aकए गए गलत पK ु तक सेट को बदल सकते हS। कृपया मझ ु े जeद से जeद बताएं aक आप #या कार7 वाई करने
का EKताव रखते हS। मS अगले दस ^दनL के भीतर आपसे सन ु वाई के <लए तiपर हूं। संलjन लेन-दे न दKतावेज़ और रसीद कN EZतयां हS। मS आपके
उlर और मेर3 समKया के समाधान के <लए तiपर हूं और उपभो#ता संरnण एजpसी या बेहतर qयापार :यरू ो से मदद मांगने से पहले उपरो#त समय
तक इंतजार कcंगा। कृपया मझु े उपरो#त पते पर या फोन rवारा 098100XXXXX पर संपक7 करp ।
वuण जोशी
Writing for various
online platforms
Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between
people using electronic devices.
§ Things to consider when writing emails
§ What is the relationship between the reader and the writer?
§ Does the language need to be formal or informal?
§ How polite does the writer need to be?
§ How much does the reader know about the subject?
§ How good is the reader’s English?
§ What is the purpose of your email?
§ Clarity
§ Accuracy
§ Grammar, spelling and punctuation are as important in
professional emails as they are in letters
Anatomy of a good email
Every email you write has the same basic structure: Subject line, greeting, email body, and closing. But as with
every written form of professional communication, there’s a right way to do it and standards that should be
followed. Here’s how to write a proper email:
1. Subject line
The subject line could be the most important part of the email, though it’s often overlooked in favor of the email
body. But if you’re cold-emailing someone, or just establishing a professional relationship, your subject line can
entice people to open the message as well as set expectations about what’s enclosed. On the other hand, a poorly
crafted or generic subject line (like “Hi” or “You don’t wAnt to miss thos”) can deter the reader and result in your
email landing in the spam folder.
“Spend double the amount of time crafting the right subject line as you do on the [body] because if they don’t open
the email, it doesn’t matter,” says Cole Schafer, founder and copy chief of Honey Copy.
2. Openers
In most email writing situations, you’ll want to include a quick greeting to acknowledge the reader before diving
into your main message or request.
The exception: When you’re on an email chain with close colleagues, it often becomes more natural to drop the
opener (as well as the closing). Though it may initially feel like a faux pas, it signals a better professional rapport.
3. Body
The body of an email is the meat of your message, and it must have a clear and specific
purpose, such as getting feedback on a presentation or arranging a meeting with a new client.
It should also be concise. That way, people will be more inclined to read it, rather than
skimming it and risking missing critical information. If you can, boil it down to a few choice
And for emails that require more length and detail, keep it as focused as you can. “Nobody
wants to receive a novel. You want to keep it between three, four, or five lines of text,” says
4. Closings
Just as you want to start things off on the right foot with your greeting, you also want to part
well. That means writing a friendly sign-off. And there are plenty of options to choose from.
§ Headlines Should Be Attention Grabbers
§ One Rule Applies to All Blogs: Relevancy
§ Blogs and Links Go Hand in Hand
§ A Blog Is Founded on Personal Touch
§ Posts Should Always Encourage Debate
§ All Blogs Are about Communication
Blog- a website where a person writes regularly about topics that
interest them, usually with photographs and links to other websites
they find interesting.Blogs need frequent updates. Good examples
of this include a food blog sharing meal recipes or a company
writing about their industry news. Blogs also promote reader
engagement. Readers have a chance to comment and voice their
different concerns and thoughts to the community.The current
definition of blogger, according to Google, is: a person who
regularly writes material for a blog. Which is true, but there is so
much more to bloggers than that. Blogging is a credible career.
Bloggers do more than write regularly.
§ What exactly does a blogger do?
The primary task of a blogger is to produce content in the form of articles. Blog content is how you
provide value to your audience, educate them on what your business is about, and ultimately build trust
with them before you can expect them to spend any money.
§ Do bloggers get paid?
The two main ways bloggers get paid through ad networks are per impression or per click. Paid per
impression – with these ads, the viewer does not have to click on the ad in order for the blogger to
receive an income. ... “advertisers pay website owners based on how many people have seen their ads.
Highest Earning Blogger

§ Moz: $44.9 million per year.

§ PerezHilton: $41.3 million per year
§ Copyblogger: $33.1 million per year.
§ Mashable: $30 million per year.
§ TechCrunch: $22.5 million per year.
§ Envato Tuts+: $10 million per year.
§ Smashing Magazine: $5.2 million per year
§ Gizmodo: $4.8 million per year.
Social networking sites

u How social media is changing language From unfriend to selfie, social media is clearly having an
impact on language. As someone who writes about social media I’m aware of not only how fast
these online platforms change, but also of how they influence the language in which I write. The
words that surround us every day influence the words we use. Since so much of the written language
we see is now on the screens of our computers, tablets, and smartphones, language now evolves
partly through our interaction with technology. And because the language we use to communicate
with each other tends to be more malleable than formal writing, the combination of informal,
personal communication and the mass audience afforded by social media is a recipe for rapid change.
From the introduction of new words to new meanings for old words to changes in the way we
communicate, social media is making its presence felt.
New ways of communicating
u Communication to help us be understood. I’m old enough to have learned the acronyms we now
think of as textspeak on the online forums and ‘internet relay chat’ (IRC) that pre-dated text
u On IRC, acronyms help speed up a real-time typed conversation. On mobile phones they
minimize the inconvenience of typing with tiny keys. And on Twitter they help you make the
most of your 140 characters. Emoticons such as ;-) and acronyms such as LOL (‘laughing out
loud’ – which has just celebrated its 25thbirthday) add useful elements of non-verbal
communication – or annoy people with their overuse.
u This extends to playful asterisk-enclosed stage directions describing supposed physical actions
or facial expressions (though use with caution: it turns out that innocent face is no defence in
court).An important element of Twitter syntax is the hashtag – a clickable keyword used to
categorize tweets.
u Hashtags have also spread to other social media platforms – and they’ve even reached everyday
speech, but hopefully spoofs such as Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake’s sketch on The
Tonight Show will dissuade us from using them too frequently.
u But you will find hashtags all over popular culture, from greetings cards
and t-shirts to the dialogue of sitcom characters. Syntax aside, social media
has also prompted a more subtle revolution in the way we communicate.
u We share more personal information, but also communicate with larger
audiences. Our communication styles consequently become more informal
and more open, and this seeps into other areas of life and culture.
u When writing on social media, we are also more succinct, get to the point
quicker, operate within the creative constraints of 140 characters on Twitter,
or aspire to brevity with blogs.
New words and meanings
u Facebook has also done more than most platforms to offer up new meanings for common words such as
friend, like, status, wall, page, and profile. Other new meanings which crop up on social media channels also
reflect the dark side of social media:
a troll is no longer just a character from Norse folklore, but someone who makes offensive or provocative
comments online;
a sock puppet is no longer solely a puppet made from an old sock, but a self-serving fake online persona; and
astroturfing is no longer simply laying a plastic lawn but also a fake online grass-roots movement.
u Social media is making it easier than ever to contribute to the evolution of language. You no longer have to
be published through traditional avenues to bring word trends to the attention of the masses. While
journalists have long provided the earliest known uses of topical terms
– everything from 1794’s pew-rent in The Times to beatboxing in The Guardian (1987) – the net has been
widened by the ‘net’.
u A case in point is Oxford Dictionaries 2013 Word of the Year, selfie: the earliest use of the word has been
traced to an Australian internet forum. With forums, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media channels
offering instant interaction with wide audiences, it’s never been easier to help a word gain traction from your
u Keeping current
Some people may feel left behind by all this. If you’re a lawyer grappling with
the new geek speak, you may need to use up court time to have terms such as
Rickrolling explained to you.
And yes, some of us despair at how use of this informal medium can lead to an
equally casual attitude to grammar. But the truth is that social media is great for
word nerds.
It provides a rich playground for experimenting with, developing, and subverting
It can also be a great way keep up with these changes. Pay attention to
discussions in your social networks and you can spot emerging new words, new
uses of words – and maybe even coin one yourself.

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