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Name of the faculty Name: Raghav Mittal

Ms.Garima Bora Enrollment No. 01990102420
(Assistant Professor) Semester/Section: Ist

Self Extempore
- Women Equality
u Good Morning, everybody! I have come to give a speech on women's equality.
Women are regarded with the highest regard in Indian society. Many of our
gods are female, and many faithful people have revered them as deities. Laxmi
is the goddess of abundance, Durga is the goddess of power and courage, and
Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge. The epitome of wealth and influence is
a woman. In today's culture, women play an essential part.
Women play a vital role in society, and the everyday tasks of the whole family
are dependent on them. They concurrently play the roles of mother, wife,
homemaker, chef, tutor, mate, and nurse, all while tending to everyone's needs.
Women who work must balance their home and family obligations with their
work responsibilities. Women's lives are complex, but they get little to no
recognition. Many women are highly creative, and multitaskers but are ignored
by society.
Gender disparity remains one of the main impediments to women's development and progression. This
suggests that even when doing the same job, we perceive men and women differently. In most cases, this
is the case in agricultural communities. A family will often urge a male child to attend school, while a
female child will learn domestic chores.
Since divorce is still frowned upon in Indian culture, many women remain trapped in violent
relationships. They are unable to speak up for their rights, and they are powerless. Domestic abuse must
permanently be eradicated if we are to encourage women.
Females are unable to obtain decent employment because they have received inadequate or no
qualifications. As a result, they must either sit at home or work for lower pay. As a result, the male is
always the family's breadwinner. As a result, women scarcely gain economic independence.
It is critical to have "Women equality" if we want to see a nation that succeeds economically on a global
scale. Women would be entirely motivated as they become politically self-sufficient.
Women's equality needs high-quality schooling. Gradually, as literacy and knowledge
levels have risen, society has begun to value education. Many parents today want their
daughters to get the same education as their sons. Today, many women work as doctors,
lecturers, collectors, among other professions.
Women's liberation frequently refers to whether society accepts women as family
decision-makers regarding economic and financial matters. Women from all walks of
life would be encouraged to make their own choices. Men don't need to permit them.
Women's liberation frequently refers to whether society accepts women as family
decision-makers regarding economic and financial matters. Women from all walks of
life would be encouraged to make their own choices. Men don't need to permit them.
The true sense of women's liberation, on the other hand, will be realised until gender
inequality is abolished. We must provide women with equal employment, equal wages,
and equal respect as men. We hope to live in such a country.
Dialogue Writing
“Handsome lad like you. There must be some special girl. Come on, what’s her name?" says Caesar.

Peeta sighs. "Well, there is this one girl. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I can remember. But I’m pretty sure she didn’t know I
Sounds of sympathy from the crowd. Unrequited love they can relate to.

“She have another fellow?" asks Caesar.

“I don’t know, but a lot of boys like her," says Peeta.

“So, here’s what you do. You win, you go home. She can’t turn you down then, eh?" says Caesar encouragingly.
"I don’t think it’s going to work out. Winning...won’t help in my case," says Peeta.

“Why ever not?" says Caesar, mystified.

Peeta blushes beet red and stammers out. "Because...because...she came here with me.”
Group Discussion
- Gender Inequality In Workplace
§ Theme:
In India, gender discrimination in the workplace is a normal occurrence. Women are the ones who
suffer as a result of it. However, there are many misunderstandings, mistaken conclusions, and
inferences that must be considered in order to examine the problem critically.
§ Gender Wage Gap:
Women under 30 years old earned 23.07 percent less than men, while those between 30 and 40 years
old earned 30.24 percent less. Wage Indicator estimated the gender pay gap in India in 2013 to be
24.81 percent, and an interesting finding is that the gap widens with age.
The data presented above is a little misleading. Several significant variables were lost in the process of
calculating a common average. When the data is examined more closely, it is clear that the total
number of employed men exceeds the total number of employed women. In addition, more women are
working in low-wage jobs. Nurses, teachers, and call center operators, for example.
When it comes to structural problems, when women are fairly skilled and trained, they are paid equally
to men. The argument that women are paid less than men despite having the same degree of
experience and qualifications is untrue. If this were the case, any industry would choose to hire only
women because they would cost the business less for the same services
§ Disparity in Numbers:
In terms of structural barriers, there are currently no barriers to women's entry into
any sector. No business, agency, or employer has the authority to disqualify an
applicant solely on the basis of their gender. Any act like this will be illegal. Women
were previously barred from joining the military, but this is changing, and women are
now being recruited in greater numbers.
Community and social constructs are obviously to blame for the difference in numbers.
In India, which is still mostly conservative, there are some unjustified limits on
women's choices. Certain professions are deemed unsuitable for women by society.
Such irrational convictions must be dispelled.
The argument that all occupations should have a 1:1 ratio of the sexes in terms of
numbers normally arises when there is a numerical disparity. The question of Equality
of Opportunity vs. Equality of Outcome arises as a result of this. Equality of opportunity
requires that women have the same opportunities as men, which is a very reasonable
Even if social barriers were removed, structural barriers were removed, and
opportunities were equalized, women would still make different decisions than men.
Biologically, women are more inclined to jobs that focus on individuals, such as nursing
and education, while men are more inclined to jobs that focus on objects, such as
construction, demolition, and mechanics. Even if there is equality of opportunity, the
above-mentioned variables would always result in disparities in outcomes. This is best
shown by the Scandinavian countries, where gender equality is nearly perfect. Despite
the fact that there are no cultural barriers, the number discrepancy issue remains.
§ Childbirth:
Childbirth is typically one of the most significant factors
affecting a woman's career. Childbirth has a variety of effects,
including maternity leaves and reduced job efficiency.
However, this also indicates that a cultural shift is needed.
Both the mother and the father should share childcare. Both
parents should share the responsibility of a caregiver.
§ Unfair Treatment :-
Women are often treated in an unfair manner in workplaces.
Again, systemically no discrimination exists as it is prohibited by
Law. Only social and cultural constructs for women are the
reason behind it.
§ Conclusion:
It is apparent from the above data that gender equality in the
workplace does not exist on a structural basis. There are no
laws, guidelines, or regulations that exclude women from
working in any area (except defense). Inequality occurs
primarily due to socioeconomic and cultural influences.
Women's cultural and social constraints, which contribute to
inequalities of opportunity, must be tackled.
Reviewing Audio
We solely concentrate on small issues, not the larger elements of life’: Actor
Ayush Mehra
Ayush Mehra, an Indian mannequin and actor, is well-known for his YouTube
videos and internet series. Filter Copy, Cube Media, and Arre are among the
networks with which he frequently collaborates. He wanted to be an actor since
he was a boy, but his difficult path led him to some wonderful small experiences.
“On the day of my first audition, I received up and received prepared and
determined to achieve an hour early to create a very good impression. I attain
there and see the door is shut and I waited exterior and the casting director was
late. By then lots of people began coming,” the actor says on this video.
The director requested for my profile and gave me the transient. So, the transient
was that I’m speaking a couple of corrupt enterprise deal about fleecing somebody
and one thing hits me from behind, it was suppose to be the newspaper.”
u Aside from getting a large social media following, the actor is known for
his roles in No Strings Attached and MBBS.
u “I saved specializing in the micro elements in life, like I saved occupied
with solely being an actor, solely specializing in my job and I used to be
lacking the macro image. That’s what all of us do in life, we solely
concentrate on small issues and never go for that greater side of life.
This attitude has helped me a lot that even proper now in my profession,
I don’t solely take a look at my traces or my character, I take a look at the
general scene, I take a look at the context of the scene and the place its
becoming. This helped me develop as an actor and a person, and I
began turning into a workforce participant.” The speaker quoted.
Identified and Analyzed newspaper
content based one Model of
u The above news falls under Interactive Model of Communication because its like transactional model as
they are both two-way communication model. But interactive model is mostly used for new media like
internet. Here, people can comment and information being exchange opinions to any mass communications
like videos, news, etc. People can exchange their views and ideas.
Identified and Analyzed newspaper
content based one Theory of
u Bullet Theory
- There are many theories of mass communication by which we
can develop our communication skills. Bullet theory is one of
them . According to this theory, communication plays a very
important role in the process of communication. Mainly, the
communication decides, the size, the form, the necessity and the
medium or a message or a information. Receives do not play any
role in communication process. For example:-In an advertising
agency, these are three main people.1. Produces2. Consumer
3.Marketing Agent .According to this theory the marketing agent,
generally, do not advertise according to the necessity of consumer,
but they try to generate, the necessity of consumers, with the help
of producer. In other words, we can say, mass communication try
to move the interest of receive according to their message. We all
are familiar, with the example of close up in which they said, “Kya
apke toothpaste me namak hai”. Before this advertisement, we
were not thinking that the salt is important for our teeth but after
this, we are aware about this that salt is very important so we have
to use the close-up. Bullet means, message direct attracts on
receives like a bullet. The Hypothesis of this theory is that receive
is inactive, and he accept all the things or all the information
which we give to him. He is new and he has no his personal
thought limitations of this theory. According to this theory
receives do not play any important role in communication process,
he is inactive but receives is a human being and he has his own
ideas, his views, and he gives a special meaning to all the
information which he received.
Letter to Editor

QUES : You are Ajay/Priya, member of NGO AWAAZ,

write a letter to the editor of a national daily for a public
movement to clean the Yamuna River, (You must
introduce yourself, describe how the people are to be
blamed for polluting the river and suggest the need for
installing water treatment plant to clean the river.
C-104,Yamuna colony
New Delhi
24 June 2020
The Editor
National times
Tilak Marg, New Delhi
Subject: Public movement to clean the Yamuna river
Respected sir/ma’am
I'm Ajay from the NGO AWAAZ, and I'd like to use the segments of your paper to attract media
attention to the need for a public campaign to clean up the Yamuna Dam. The Yamuna River is
being more polluted by the day. Garbage, waste, and filth are being dumped into the water by the
locals. Plastic, pesticides, and other waste products abound in flood water. It is unfit for
consumption by humans. People have been clamoring for a water treatment center. The authorities
have yet to respond to the numerous demands for information. I sincerely recommend that you
post this issue in your newspaper in order to pique public curiosity. We need to get together as a
group to set up a plant in the city.
Yours Sincerely


u First and foremost, everyone should know
weather and climate are not same thing
u Weather is
-Short term
-Limited area
-Can change rapidly
-Difficult to predict
- The weather is all you can see outside your window
u Climate is the average observation of weather from many
u Climate is
- Long term
- Wide area
- Seasonal changes
- Measured over long span of time
Climate have many factors

Abiotic Factors Biotic Factors

u Abiotic Factors u Biotic Factors
- Ocean Currents - Transpiration
- Topography - Respiration
- Solar Radiation - Photosynthesis
- Evaporation - Decomposition
- Orbital Variations - Digestion
- Volcanic Activity
- Latitude
- Altitude
u The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that allows
the Earth's surface to become warmer. As sunlight strikes the
Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space,
while the remainder is absorbed and re-radiated by
greenhouse gases.Water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, ozone, and some man-made chemicals like

Greenhouse Effect
chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases
u The absorbed energy warms the Earth's atmosphere and
surface. This process holds the Earth's temperature about 33
degrees Celsius higher than it would be otherwise, allowing
life to survive on the planet.
u Step 1: Solar radiation reaches the Earth's
atmosphere - some of this is reflected back
into space.
u Step 2: The rest of the sun's energy is
absorbed by the land and the oceans,
heating the Earth.
u Step 3: Heat radiates from Earth towards
u Step 4: Some of this heat is trapped by
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
keeping the Earth warm enough to sustain
u Step 5: Human activities such as burning
fossil fuels, agriculture and land clearing
are increasing the amount of greenhouse
gases released into the atmosphere.
u Step 6: This is trapping extra heat, and
Evidence of climate
change comes from
various sources
u When coal, oil, natural gas, and other carbon-rich fossil fuels are

Where do greenhouse burned, carbon dioxide is released. Despite the fact that carbon
dioxide is not the most strong greenhouse gas, it is the most
common contributor to climate change. We must reduce the
gas emission comes amount of fuel we use in our vehicles, houses, and lives in order
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

from? u Methane is generated when plant matter decomposes and is

released from landfills, swamps, and rice paddies. Methane is
also released by cattle. Despite the fact that methane emissions
are smaller than carbon dioxide emissions, each methane
molecule has 25 times the global warming potential of a carbon
dioxide molecule, making it a big greenhouse gas.
u Bacteria in the soil produce nitrous oxide. Tilling and soil cultivation,
livestock waste management, and the use of nitrogen-rich fertilisers are all
examples of modern agricultural activities that contribute significantly to
nitrous oxide emissions. The global warming potential of a single nitrous oxide
molecule is 298 times that of a carbon dioxide molecule.
u Hydrofluorocarbons (1,430-14,800 times the global warming potential of
carbon dioxide), sulphur hexafluoride (22,800 times the global warming
potential of carbon dioxide), and water vapour are all secondary greenhouse
Links for better understanding of the

u Human-induced climate change has contributed to changing patterns of extreme weather across
the globe, from longer and hotter heat waves to heavier rains. From a broad perspective, all
weather events are now connected to climate change. While natural variability continues to play
a key role in extreme weather, climate change has shifted the odds and changed the natural
limits, making certain types of extreme weather more frequent and more intense.
u While our understanding of how climate change affects extreme weather is still developing,
evidence suggests that extreme weather may be affected even more than anticipated. Extreme
weather is on the rise, and the indications are that it will continue to increase, in both predictable
and unpredictable way

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