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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh – Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
Ngày thi: 08/12/2020
(Gồm 08 trang) (Lưu ý: Học sinh làm bài vào đề thi)

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(3 pts) (7 pts) (7 pts) ( 3 pts) (20 pts)

I. LISTENING. (3 pts)
PART 1: You will hear part of an interview with two graphic designers called Anita
Dickinson and Joe Connolly in which they talk about going freelance. For questions 1–6,
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.
1. Anita admits feeling unsure about leaving her job with a big company because ______ .
A. she lacked sufficient experience in her field
B. she was concerned about her financial prospects
C. she doubted her ability to work for herself
D. she was anxious about the opinion of her colleagues
2. What does Joe say about when he first started working freelance?
A. It was more complicated than he‟d expected.
B. He resented having less free time than before.
C. It was necessary to have the right attitude to work.
D. He found it easy to find clients through his website.
3. Joe confesses that having to work at home on his own is ______ .
A. a relief after working in a busy office
B. a cause of loneliness for him at times
C. something that he avoids as much as possible
D. something that he thought he would dislike
4. When asked about self-discipline, Anita claims that ______ .
A. she checks her daily work output very carefully.
B. she is rarely tempted away from work by social media.
C. she needs certain apps to keep her focussed on work.
D. she is often forced to change her working hours to fulfil contracts.
5. Anita and Joe agree that keeping up to date with trends is ______ .
A. less important than being a specialist in one area
B. difficult when balanced against other demands on time
C. one of the most enjoyable sides of their work
D. not as challenging as they‟d expected it to be
6. What does Joe think is the reason for his success as a freelancer?
A. He has effective negotiating skills. B. He makes sure he has good relations with clients.
C. He offers his services at the right price. D. He gets plenty of personal recommendations.
(Source: Exam Booster for Advanced)
PART 2: You will hear a woman called Janine Rogers giving a talk about her work with
chocolate. For questions 7 - 12, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
- Janine trained as a 7) _____________________before working for her current employer. Janine found
her background particularly helpful when working on a project to put bubbles into chocolate.
- Janine uses the word 8) “____________________” to describe chocolate as a substance to work with.
- Janine mentions the method of drying the cocoa beans as a variable affecting the taste of her
chocolate. Janine says that ideas for new types of chocolate generally come from her company‟s 9)
____________________ department.
- Janine says the staff responsible for 10) ____________________ play a surprisingly important role in
developing a new chocolate product.
- Janine gives the example of 11) ____________________ as a group that need to be considered when
designing the label for a product.
- Janine thinks that 12) _________________ is the most essential quality needed for her job.
(Soure: CAE Listening Practice Test)
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from others.
1. A. horrible B. horrific C. horoscope D. horizontal
2. A. bureaucracy B. chateau C. plateau D. portmanteau
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the stress pattern different from
that of the others.
3. A. argumentative B. contributory C. hypersensitive D. psychological
4. A. compassionate B. disadvantage C. epidemic D. superstitious
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
5. Up to World War II almost all important research in physics had been made in universities, with only
university funds for support.
A. almost all B. research C. made D. for support
6. Light aircafts are small planes with seats for no more than about six passengers.
A. light aircrafts B. with seats C. no more D. about six passengers
7. Enormous energy is required for exchange of heat and moist between the atmosphere and the earth‟s
A. required B. heat and moist C. the atmosphere D. the earth‟s surface
8. Kids who took part in sports and other positive social activities or shared similar academic goals with
their friends were also more likely to get good night‟s sleep.
A. other positive social B. shared similar academic C. more likely D. good night‟s sleep
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
9. Illness can result when bodily systems are not in equilibrium.
A. balance B. operation C. equity D. disharmony
10. When her schoolwork got to be too much, Pam had a tendency to procrastinate, which always put
her further behind.
A. dedicate herself wholeheartedly B. put off until a later time
C. quit what is being done D. make a greater effort
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
11. I always had a soft spot for Maria despite the fact that she often let me down.
A. liked B. hated C. feared D. respected
12. We run a tight ship here, and we expect our employees to be at their desks by eight o‟clock and
take good care of their own business.
A. mange an inflexible system B. have a good voyage
C. run faster than others D. organize things inefficiently
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the sentences.
13. I can‟t understand how your father managed to ______ that man. He had deceived all the rest of us.
A. see off B. see through C. see to D. see out
14. This research is important ______ it confirms the link between aggression and alcohol.
A. as far as B. in that C. as for D. in terms
15. ______ essence of chemistry consists of ______ making of new substances, and _______ chemical
change is defined as ______ changing of one substance into another.
A. X/ x/ a/ x B. The/ x/ the/ x C. The/ the/ a/ the D. The/ the/ the/ the
16. Where are the freshmen? They should have been here _______ .
A. soon B. before long C. as of now D. any minute by now

17. His French is roughly ______ with my Japanese, so communication was rather difficult.
A. in harmony B. on a par C. on equal term D. on good terms
18. It is mandatory that smoking in public ______.
A. is prohibited B. must be prohibited C. prohibiting D. be prohibited
19. David: “How often do you visit your parents?”
Jim: “______ so often, even though they live some distance away.”
A. Ever B. Every C. Much D. Never
20. Smallpox, once responsible for millions of deaths, has been completely ______.
A. abolished B. erased C. eradicated D. exterminated
21. We warned them, but __________.
A. has no effect B. had no effect C. to no effect D. nothing on effect
22. It is strange to think of them as such good friends, as they are so different and their ideas on most
things are __________apart.
A. worlds B. earths C. moons D. stars
23. __________, they surrendered themselves to the police.
A. Because they don‟t have any choice B. There being no choice
C. In spite of no choice D. Without no choice
24. Mary: “I‟m going to Vietnam this summer holiday. Would you like to join me, David?”
David: “ ___________”
A. Can I take a rain check? B. Come on. Go back your home.
C. Thanks. You can go alone. D. Can you repeat?
CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning or best
combines the pair of sentences given in each of the following questions.
25. The fire must have been started on purpose; otherwise, it couldn't have caused so much damage.
A. If someone were to start a fire there, it could prove highly damaging.
B. Seeing that it destroyed many things, the fire can't have been accidental.
C. No one can say for sure how the fire broke out, but the harm it did was obvious.
D. The fire might have been very serious if nobody had tried to prevent it.
26. Vicky was delighted at her sister‟s success. She still felt somewhat envious.
A. Vicky was delighted at her sister‟s success as she couldn‟t help feeling somewhat envious.
B. Despite her delight at her sister‟s success, Vicky couldn‟t help feeling somewhat envious.
C. Instead of being delighted at her sister‟s success, Vicky couldn‟t help feeling somewhat envious.
D. Vicky was delighted at her sister‟s success, or she couldn‟t help feeling somewhat envious.
27. After the inflation, the financial performance of the business improved faster than any of us had
A. After the inflation, the financial performance of the business improved as fast as we had
B. To our surprise, the financial performance of the business was able to improve after the inflation.
C. We were all surprised at how fast the financial performance of the business improved after the
D. How fast the financial performance of the business improved after the inflation was contrary to
our expectation.
28. A quarter of all bird species in the world are known to have become extinct during the last two
hundred years.
A. It is known that two centuries ago the number of birds living on the earth was 25% greater than
it is today.
B. It is estimated that one-fourth of all bird species will become extinct within the next two
C. We are likely to cause the extinction of one fourth of all bird species during the next two hundred
D. It has been acknowledged that one-fourth of all bird species have ceased to exist over the past
two centuries.
III. READING (7 pts)
PART 1 - Read the passage and CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the space numbered from 1 to 6.

Stressful atmosphere pressure of deadlines and long hours dominate office life, according to a
survey published recently. The majority of those questioned said a good salary and career (1) _____
were their main reasons for working. But significant numbers did not believe their employers offered
either. In general the survey found that most felt that (2) _____ of life was more important than status
and company perks. Most would prefer employers to offer flexible hours, challenging tasks and job (3)
_____ rather than perks such as company cars and private health care. Many employers‟ failure to
understand this meant more than a third worried about their work on holiday, and 40 percent took days
off sick when not ill.
Workers were also (4) _____ by the conditions they had to work in. A fifth struggled with (5)
_____ technology badly lit offices and chairs which caused backache. Half said their productivity would
increase if their environment improved.
On the plus side, the biggest (6) _____ was the friendship offered by colleagues, and it appears
that the office also affords the chance to flirt with colleagues, make personal calls to friends abroad,
steal stationery and play computer games.
1. A. odds B. outlooks C. prospects D. views
2. A. caliber B. excellence C. quality D. worth
3. A. protection B. safety C. sanctuary D. security
4. A. inflamed B. irritated C. pestered D. ruffled
5. A. behind the times B. expired C. invalid D. out-of-date
6. A. atonement B. compensation C. damages D. reimbursement
PART 2 - Read the passage and CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the space numbered from 7 to 12.
WMO's head of atmospheric environment research Dr. Oksana Tarasova said the (7) _____ of
the increase in carbon dioxide levels over the past four years was comparable to changes seen during
the shift from ice age to more temperate periods but, back then, the transition happened over a much
longer timeframe.
"We humans did it without anything, with just with our emissions, and we did it within four
years." Global data is not yet available for 2020 but the trend of rising concentrations appears to be (8)
_____, the WMO – World Meterological Organization - said, citing initial readings from its Tasmania and
Hawaii stations.
Like other scientific (9) _____, the WMO said it expects annual global carbon emissions to fall
this year due to COVID measures, and ventured a preliminary estimate of between 4.2-7.5 percent.
Such a drop would not (10) _____ atmospheric carbon dioxide to go down, but would slow the
rate of increase temporarily on a scale that falls within normal variations, it said.
"Our whole economy and our consumption patterns (11) _____us to extremely high emissions
even if we all sit in lockdown," said Tarasova.
(12) _____ of what we do to curb emissions today, much of the carbon dioxide already emitted
decades ago remains in the atmosphere and contributes to global warming, climate scientists say. Over
the 2018-2019 period, concentrations of the more potent heat-trapping gas methane increased by 8
parts per billion, the report said - slightly lower than the previous year-on-year change but still above-
average over the last 10-year period.
7. A. magnitude B. attitude C. gratitude D. aptitude
8. A. inward B. intake C. intact D. intestate
9. A. arms B. heads C. faces D. bodies
10. A. lead to B. cause C. bring about D. result in
11. A. wire B. woo C. wring D. wreak
12. A. Despite B. By virtue C. On account D. Irrespective
PART 3 - Read the passage and CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 13 to 20.
The ocean‟s predators come in all shapes and sizes. For example, one of the less infamous ones is
the colorful starfish, which feeds on plant life, coral, or other shellfish such as mussels for sustenance. A
more bloodcurdling example, especially to human beings and most other species of fish, is the shark,
though most scientists agree that only ten percent of the 450 plus species of sharks have been
documented as actually attacking a human. Still, there is another predator lurking invisibly in the
bodies of water of the world, one which poses one of the greatest threats to all species of ocean life –
bacteria. Though many types of fish are continually stalking and evading one another for
survival, they all band together in an attempt to keep bacteria levels at bay in order to allow
their own existence to continue.
Bacteria play a dual role in the ecosystems of the oceans. On the other and, they are beneficial as
they stimulate plant life through food decomposition, which releases the necessary chemicals for the
growth of the plant life. This is called nutrient recycling and helps keep the oceans alive. But, on the
other hand, bacteria are a major predator for all fish because they attack fragile, weaker individuals. If
they are allowed to run rampant and not kept in check, they could virtually suffocate the oceans. In
water, bacteria prove to be an even greater threat than on land because, as they proliferate, they
reduce the oxygen levels necessary for organisms in the oceans to live. Further, when fish populations
become depleted due to factors like overfishing, microbes such as algae expand and threaten the fragile
ecosystems of the ocean. Therefore, ocean predators play a critical role by thwarting bacteria growth
and maintaining the oceans‟ equilibrium by reducing vulnerable links in the food chain.
In many ways, the balance within the oceans‟ ecosystems mirrors the human body. That is, all of
their components must work in harmony for them to stay healthy, efficient, and alive. If one of them is
missing or deficient, an entire system can be placed in jeopardy. In both the human body and the
ocean, bacteria play a vital role because, at manageable levels, they aid in protecting and cleaning each
system of foreign agents that can be of harm. On the other hand, if bacteria levels increase and become
out of control, they can take hold of a system, overrun it, and become debilitating. Therefore, both
oceans and the human body have a kind of custodian that maintains bacteria levels. In the human body,
it is called a phagocyte. Phagocytes eat up sick, old or dying cells, which are more prone to bacterial
invasion, and thus keep the body healthy. Like in the human body, bacteria can prove fatal to the living
organisms in the ocean.
Like phagocytes in the human body, ocean predators work as antibacterial custodians of the seas. In
essence, they are the immune system and a vital link in the food chain because they remove small,
injured, or sickly fish from the ocean environment before bacteria can become too comfortable and
multiply. By ridding the ocean of weaker fish, predators allow the stronger ones to multiply, making their
species stronger and more resilient. Without their services and with their declining numbers, bacteria will
blossom to levels that will eventually overpower and kill even the strongest species of fish because of
the depletion of their number one source of life, all important oxygen.
(Source: TOEFL iBT ACTUAL TEST – reading test book)
13. The word “lurking” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______ .
A. attacking B. waiting C. increasing D. approaching
14. According to passage, which of the following is true of ocean predators?
A. The shark is the deadliest one for all other kinds of life in the oceans.
B. One of the most threatening to all fish populations is bacteria.
C. Starfish do little damage to the population of mussels and shellfish.
D. Most of the killers that hide in the oceans are unknown to humans.
15. Which of the following can be inferred about bacteria?
A. They can be extremely detrimental to fish if their numbers increase.
B. They are able to feed off themselves when other food sources are limited.
C. They stimulate plant life, which in turn releases oxygen into the water.
D. They present themselves in numerous shapes and forms as well as colors.
16. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the bold sentence in the
A. Evasion tactics help fish escape from the threats posed by an increasing number of bacteria.
B. Various species of fish prey upon one another in order to lower bacteria levels in the ocean.
C. High bacteria levels in the ocean help most species of fish to survive by providing them with food.
D. Rivals or not, all fish help one another survive by preventing bacteria from proliferating.
17. The author discusses “nutrient recycling” in order to ______ .
A. show how bacteria act similarly in the ocean and the human body
B. explain the different roles of nutrients and oxygen for species of fish
C. indicate that bacteria do have a positive impact in the oceans
D. note how chemicals from bacteria are able to stimulate plant growth
18. The word “thwarting” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______ .
A. encouraging B. preventing C. slowing D. sustaining
19. According to the passage, bacteria are dangerous to ocean life because ______ .
A. they have the capability to attack both strong and weaker fish.
B. they could monopolize the critical breathable gas in the ocean.
C. they get rid of vulnerable links, like dying fish, in the food chain.
D. they blossom out of control when overfishing becomes dominant.
20. The word “debilitating” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______ .
A. stimulating B. hindering C. elevating D. weakening
PART 4 - Read the passage PLATE TECTONICS THEORY and CIRCLE the letter A, B, C or D to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 21 to 28.
From our fleeting human perspective, the configuration of Earth‟s continents and oceans
seems quite stable, and it is easy to assume that our world has always looked the same. For hundreds
of years, scientists believed this to be true, but in the mid-twentieth century, evidence emerged
providing that the Earth‟s crust – oceans as well as continents – is slowly moving. While this is now
accepted as fact, it was not always so. The first thinkers to suggest such concepts were ridiculed and
their revolutionary ideas dismissed.
With the creation of accurate global maps, many people began to wonder about the remarkable
relationship between the coastlines of eastern South America and western Africa. It appears that the
two continents, if joined, would fit together perfectly. This was essentially the birth of what would
eventually become the theory of plate tectonics. Of course, the shape of the continents was not the
only peculiarity that encouraged speculation on this topic. Some scientists were intrigued by the close
similarities in fossil remains found on separate continents – for example, in the northeastern United
States and Scotland. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the mainstream scientific
community explained these findings by arguing that changing ocean levels sometimes exposed land
bridges that connected the continents, allowing the overland migration of species.
Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist with an interest in geology, found this theory lacking.
He felt that land bridges could not adequately explain the close fossil matches discovered on opposite
shores of the ocean. His curiosity on the subject led him to accumulate as much data as possible about
rock and fossil samples uncovered throughout the world. In doing so, he encountered facts that further
called the predominant theory into question. For example, fossils of various tropical plants had been
discovered in lands that now lie in the Arctic.
Wegener‟s research led him in 1915 to introduce his theory of “continental drift,” the primary
forerunner of plate tectonics. It stated that the continents had at one time been joined together in a
huge supercontinent, and that this great landmass had broken apart and the separate continents had
been drifting away from one another ever since. At the time, however, the idea received little support.
Critics emphasized the failure of Wegener‟s theory to sufficiently account for the means and causes of
continent movement. His theory proposed that the landmasses moved independently of the
rest of Earth’s crust, simply smashing through the solid rock of the seafloor, and no one,
including Wegener, could come up with a force that would be great enough to drive this
type of movement.
It was not until the 1950s and „60s, when new technologies enabled scientists to study the
ocean, that the main concept of Wegener‟s theory was proven correct. In perhaps the most important
discovery, researchers observed that, at some point on the seafloor, there were areas where it seemd
like two sections of crust were moving apart from each other. In 1968 three American scientists used
this discovery, along with other significant findings, to develop the theory of plate tectonics.
(From Ivy‟s Reading – 15 Actual Tests – TOEFL iBT)
21. The word “configuration” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. material B. solution C. arrangement D. connection
22. The word “dismissed” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. destroyed B. altered C. stolen D. rejected
23. According to paragraph 2, maps played a role in the development of the plate tectonics theory by
A. showing the paths of the moving continents
B. helping scientists record the locations of different fossils
C. stimulating curiosity about the parallels between coastlines
D. outlining the locations of underwater land bridges
24. Why does the author mention fossils of tropical plants found in the Arctic in paragraph 3?
A. To provide an example of evidence that undermined an accepted theory
B. To explain why the continental drift theory was not accepted at first
C. To show how earlier scientists misunderstood the effects of Earth‟s climate
D. To demonstrate the problems encountered by Wegener during his research

25. According to the information in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4, how did Wegener‟s theory explain the
existence of similar fossils on different continents?
A. By describing how the continents moved through crust
B. By suggesting that land bridges were present beneath the ocean
C. By describing the migration patterns of the ancient species
D. By suggesting that the continents were locked together at one time
26. The phrase “account for” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. conform to B. resolve C. stand by D. deny
27. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in
the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
A. Wegener‟s theory stated that there was no known force capable of causing the movement of the
Earth‟s crust.
B. It was not logical to assume that landmasses could break through the thick crust found at the
bottom of the ocean.
C. Scientists were unable to identify any phenomenon that could cause the extraordinary continental
movement described in Wegener‟s theory.
D. If Earth‟s continents moved separately from the rest of the crust, there would have to be an
incredibly powerful force at work.
28. According to paragraph 5, it can be inferred that the scientific study of Earth‟s crust before 1950
A. disproved the theory of continental drift B. led to major discoveries about plate movement
C. made use of the latest technologies D. lacked information about the seafloor

IV. WRITING (3.0 pts)

In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a wide range of subjects. In
others, children focus on fewer subjects related to particular careers. For today‟s world, which system do
you think is more appropriate?
Write an essay (of about 300 words) to state your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and
include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
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