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1. What are the things need to consider in creating a survey questionnaire?

-the things need to consider in creating a survey questionnaire is. One, the validity of questions.
Questions must be related and has the answer that would help the research to be valid. Two,
the respondents. In creating a questionnaire, you must know your respondents as they will be
the one who will give you datas for the research. Specificity of the respondents is important to
have a more accurate datas. Last, the content. In creating a questionnaire, you must consider
that these questions will be the backbone of the research and contents of the questionnaire will
dictate the results and validity of the research.

2. When are we going to use survey questionnaire in research?

- questionnaire is being used in research after knowing the problems and wanting to have supporting
datas for the research.

3. What will be the basis in creating the survey questionnaire in your research?

- the basis will be the content of the statement of the problem, in which the questionnaire will help
answer those problems.

4. What is our goal in creating the survey questionnaire?

- our goal is to have a valid result that will dictate the whole research.

5. Why there is a need to validate the survey questionnaire?

- validation is important because, questionnaires will support the whole research and if the
questionnaire is not valid then the datas will not prove the research is worthy.

1. Give at least 3 benefits of staffing and brief explanation of each.



- having the right decision in staffing would give and increase in productivity if staffing is done in the
right process.


building trust in the workplace is important because this will result in efficiency and bondage.
With the right process of staffing, background and personality will be checked and will be able
to fit in in the right company.

- having the right process in staffing will result to success because you will know what are their
strengths that would help the company grow and innovate.

2. What are the examples of benefits offered by a company to attract applicants. Name at least 4

- medical insurances

- bonus

- salary

- workplace

1. - The aircraft not on its leveled angle and could cause turbulence.
- They should have hired good pilots so there would be no trouble.
2. - Aircrafts are too near to each other and close to collision
- Coordination within the air traffic control should be prioritize to avoid these incidents
3. - the airplane is upside down
- This should not be allowed to fly because it doesn’t obey the law of thermodynamics
4. - this is a crashed aircraft at the sea.
- To avoid these kind of incidents, proper maintenance should be done.
5. - the airline is upside down
- This should not be allowed to fly because it doesn’t obey the law of thermodynamics
6. - Two planes are in near collision.
- This should not happen, proper coordination with the air traffic control must be prioritized
7. - the level of the plane is too near to the ground and could cause turbulence and crash.
- Management should asses their pilots to avoid these kind of incidents.

1. Demand, Competition and Forecast. in these kinds of scenarios , as a marketing airline

manager I would be depending on our previous data. ill implement those successful policies and
those aren't will be studied and be configured for it to be implemented.

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