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Communicating and collaborating online- Whole School Overview.

Year Learning Objectives Key Skills Notes

R Woodlands-primary mail
1  To start to understand that  Contribute ideas to a class email and Woodlands-primary mail
messages can be sent together respond to messages- this can be to disabled.
electronically over distances. real life of ‘fictitious’ characters.

2  To start to understand that  Look at the different ways that messages can Woodlands-primary mail
messages can be sent be sent, letters, telephone, email, text, disabled for individual children.
electronically over distances. instant messaging etc
 To understand that email can be  Continue to contribute ideas to a class or
used to send messages group email and together respond to
electronically and people can messages- this can be to real life of ‘fictitious’
reply to emails characters.

3  To understand that Cloud based  Begin to use on-line tools, such as Google Woodlands-primary mail
tools can allow multiple people to docs and sites to collaborate together- for disabled for individual children.
contribute to shared documents example by working together to add ideas to
and Google Sites a word bank, write a shared story

4  To understand a small range of  Understand how e-mails work, and send e-mails 1 hour input.
web 2.0 tools that can help them between people within the woodlands-primary Woodlands-primary mail
work together and collaborate; domain, including using the ‘cc’ and ‘bcc’ fields. restricted to internal e-mails
forums, shared documents etc  Use e-mail to e-mail work completed in school to only.
 To use the web 2.0 tools to work their teachers and peers.
collaboratively on a project (e.g.  Collaborate with peers on a project to produce a
sharing comparative data, finished piece to support topic work- using
creating a story) google documents within the woodlands-primary

Woodlands Primary School- ICT Curriculum- Communicating and Collaborating online- Whole School Overview. Page 1
 To understand how e-mails work domain.
and be able to send an e-mail,  Contribute/edit/refine contributions to a shared
including choosing a suitable document and understand that all changes are
subject and entering addresses visible
in the ‘to’, ‘cc’ and ‘bcc’ fields.
 To share and exchange their
ideas using e-mail and electronic
communication- inside the
school environment.
5  To share and exchange their ideas  Continue to use e-mail to e-mail within All delivered as part as general
using e-mail and electronic woodlands-primary and to e-mail work completed curriculum.
communication- inside the school in and out of school to their teachers and peers.
 Collaborate on a project using a range of web 2.0
 To use collaboration tools to work
tools to support their work- including, but not
together to produce a joint piece of
limited to , goggle documents and sites (within
work the woodlands-primary domain)
 Begin to collaborate with other children outside of
Woodlands-primary (e-safety paramount)
 Upload files to an online area e.g. video, photo
story, sounds, images

6  To use appropriate forms of  Continue to collaborate on a project using a Collaboration and e-mails with
communication to, share range of web 2.0 tools to support their work- others schools as part of
information or ideas including, but not limited to , goggle documents transition to high school.
 To use collaboration tools to work and sites- both with children in their class, other
together to produce a joint piece of classes and children from other schools.
Woodlands-primary e-mail
work with children both inside  Respond to e-mails sent from outside the
Woodlands Primary and in other woodlands-primary domain using their account allows for monitored
schools. woodlands-primary e-mail account. (e-sfatey and filtered e-mailing outside of
paramount) the woodlands-primary domain.
 Talk about the different forms of electronic
communication and web 2.0 tools, discuss
appropriateness of using different tools in
different contexts and the advantages and

Woodlands Primary School- ICT Curriculum- Communicating and Collaborating online- Whole School Overview. Page 2

Woodlands Primary School- ICT Curriculum- Communicating and Collaborating online- Whole School Overview. Page 3

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