Networks Test-3 (Ac Analysis) KL University

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Time: 90min 751=75 Marks

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Roll No:

1. The current in the pure inductor

a) Lags behind the voltage by 90 0 b) Leads the volt age by 90 0
c)in phase with the voltage d) lags behind the voltage by 45
2. A sinusoidal voltage is applied to the resistive circuit shown in fig. Determine the 2
I rms ?
a) 7.07 mA b) 70.7 mA c) 7.07A d) 7.7A

3. In an ac circuit v = 100 sin(t +300) V, i = 5 sin(t-300) A. The apparent power is
a) 125 VA b) 176 VA c) 250 VA d) 500 VA
4. A power factor of ‘1’ indicates
a) Purely resistive circuit b) purely reactive circuit
c) Combination of both a and b d)None of the above
5. Which of the following waveforms can satisfy property as RMS of full cycle is same
as RMS of half of the cycles. f(t)
a) 4 f(t) b) 4
2 4 t
0 2 4 6 t -4
-4 f(t)
c) f(t) d) 4
0.5 1 2 3 t
2 4 t
6. The RMS value of current in the circuit shown in below figure.
a) 2 R L C
b) 5
c) 4 10Vrms 2 10Vrms 4Vrms
d) None

7. Find the average power delivered to a 4- resistor by the current i1=2 cos 10t-3 cos 20t A.
a) 8W b) 18W c) 26W d) 32W
8. If a series circuit having R=50 and X L =+j25 .Determine capacitive reactance at resonance
a) 25 b)53 c)52 d)20
9. In figure shown A1, A2, A3, are ideal ammeters. If A1 and A, read 5 A and 13A respectively
reading of A2 will be–
A1 A2
(a) 8 A
(b) 12 A A3
(c) 18 A

KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 1

(d) Indeterminate unless the actual values of R, C and w are specified.

10. Determine quality factor of a coil for the series circuit consisting of R=10,L=0.1H and
C=10  F.
a)16 b)15 c)10 d)32

11. A series circuit containing R.L and C is excited by a step voltage input. The voltage
across the capacitance exhibits oscillations. The damping coefficient (ratio) of this
circuit is given by
a) = b) = c) = C d) = L
2 LC LC 2 2
12. At lower half power frequency the total reactance of the series RLC circuit is
a) R b) 2 R 45 0 c) 2 R   45 0 d) None of the above
13. In a pure LC Circuit (parallel) under resonance condition, current drawn form the
supply main is
a) Very large b) V LC c) d) Zero
14. In the circuit Vs = 10 cos ωt. Power drawn by the 2 ohm resistor 4 W. the power factor is–
(a) 0.3 (b) 0.4 1Ω L
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.8
Vs + 2Ω

15. In a circuit voltage and current are given by V= 10 sin (t+300) and I=10sin (t-300)
The power consumed in the circuit is
a) 100 watts b) 50 watts c) 25 watts d) 12.5 watts
16. In a series Resonant circuit, if the value of resistance is increased then the band width
a) Remains same b) increases c) decreases d) Becomes zero
17. A resonance curve for a parallel circuit is a plot of
a) voltage Vs frequency b) Impedance Vs frequency
c) current Vs frequency d) reactance Vs frequency
18. In case of reciprocal two-port network the relationship of transmission parameters is
a) AD-BC = 1 b) AD-BC = -1 c) AD+BC = 1 d) A = D
19. The two-port network doesn’t have the z-parameter matrix
a) has a single series element b) has a single shunt element
b) has a current controlled voltage source d) has a current controlled current source
20. Find the average value of f(t) as shown in the below figure.
a) 1.0 f(t)
b) 1.25 3
c) 1.5 1
d) 2.0
1 2 t

21. The admittance parameter Y12 in the Two port network shown below is
KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 2

a. –0.2mho b. 0.1mho 20

c. –0.05mho d. 0.05mho I1  I2
V1 5  10  V2

22. An RLC series circuit has R =1, L=1H and C=1F. The damping ratio of the circuit will be
a) More than unity b) unity c) 0.5 d) Zero
23. Two coils connected in series have an equivalent inductance of 0.4H when connected in
aiding, and an equivalent inductance 0.2 H when the connection is opposing. Calculate the
mutual inductance of the coils?
a) 0.5H b) 0.05H c) 0.005H d) 0.0005H
24. In a certain RC circuit, the true power is 300 W and the reactive power is 1000VAR.What is
the apparent power?
a) 1344 VA b) 1244 VA c) 1044 VA d) 1444 VA
25. An amplifier with an output impedance of 1936  is to feed a loudspeaker with an
impedance of 4 . Calculate the desired turns ratio for an ideal transformer to connect the two
1 3 1 1
a) b) c) d)
2 2 22 33
26. A wire is carrying a D.C. current of 10A and a sinusoidal alternating current of peak value
10 A. Find the rms. value of the resultant current in the wire
a) 5A b) 10A c) 10 6 d) 5 6
27. Find the form factor of the half-wave rectified sine wave shown
a) 1.572 b) 2 c) 1.44 d)1.272

0  2 3 4  t
28. The rms value of the voltage for a voltage function V=10+5 cos(628 t+30 )0

volts through a circuit is

a) 5.25V b)5V c)3V d)10.6V
29. The voltage wave consists of two components 50 volts d.c component and a
sinusoidal component with a value of 50 volts. The average value of the
resultant will be
a) zero b)86.6V c)50V d)none
30. A two element series circuit with an instantaneous current I=4.24sin(5000t+45 0 ) A has a
power of 180 watts and a power factor of 0.8 lagging .The inductance of the circuit must have
the value.
a) 3H b)0.3H c) 3mH d)0.3mH
31. Two, two-port networks are connected in cascade. The combination is to be represented
as a single two-port network.teh parameters of the network are obtained by multiplying
the individual–
(a) Z-parameter matrix (b) h-parameter matrix
(c) y- parameter matrix (d) ABCD parameter matrix.
32. A series RLC circuit is excited by an ac voltage (t)=1 sin(t). If L=10H and C=0.1F,
KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 3

then the peak value of the voltage across R will be

a) 0.707 b) 1 c) 1.414 d) Indeterminate as the value of R is not given.

33. A dc voltage 10 volts is applied to a series circuit consisting of resistor R=2 and the
inductance L =2H the steady state current is
a) 1.2 A b) 2.5 A c) 5 A d) 10 A
34. Dot convention in coupled circuit is used
a) To measure the mutual inductance
b) To determine the polarity of the mutually induced voltage in coils
c) To determine the polarity of the self induced voltages in coils
d) To measure the self inductance
35. Two 1H induction coils are coupled to each other with the coefficient of coupling 0.1. The
mutual inductance between the coils is
a) 0.1H b) 0.2H c) 1.8H d) 2.2H

36. Which of the following are true of the circuit shown below .
1) VR=100 2 v 2) I=2A 3) L=0.25H
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Codes: a) 2 and 3 b) 1 and 2 c) 1 and 3 d) 1, 2 and 3
+ VR
250 2 sin300t- I L 150V(Vrms)

37. A series RLC circuit consists of a 50 resistance.0.2H inductance and 10  F capacitance
with an applied voltage of 20 V. Determine the resonant frequency and Band width
a)f r =112.5Hz,B.W=39.79Hz b) f r =112.5Hz,B.W=30.79Hz
c) f r =110.5Hz,B.W=39.79Hz d) f r =115.2Hz,B.W=39.79Hz

38. The frequency at which maximum voltage occurs the capacitor in a series RLC
1 1 1 R2
circuit is a) b)  2
2 LC 2 LC 2 L
1 1 R2 1 R2
c)  d)
2 L2 C 2 2 L 2 LC 2 L2

39. What is the power factor of the circuit shown in below figure. Assume =1 rad/sec
a) 1 1H
b) 0
a) 90 Zi 1F 2H
d) None
40. Consider the following statements regarding the situation at resonant frequencies.
1.For a series RLC circuit, current is minimum
2. For a series RLC circuit, voltage across C is minimum
3. For a series RLC circuit, current is maximum
4. For a parallel RLC circuit, total impedance is maximum. Of these statements.
KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 4

a) 1 and 2 are correct b) 2 and 3 are correct

c) 3 and 4 are correct d) 1 and 4 are correct
41. In a two-port network, the short circuit admittance parameters are Y 11 =0.6,Y 12 =Y 21 = -0.4
and Y 22 =2.6.The value of transmission parameter B is
a) 5 b)1.5 c)6.5  d)2.5 
42. The circuit given below indicates the voltage (V) and current (I). I will lag behind V
1 1
if a) L> b) L< v
C c
 1 
c) R>  L   d) None I R C L
c 

43. The resonant frequency of the series circuit shown below. is
Hz b)
4 2
Hz a M=1H
 3H 3H  3F
c) d)
2 2 4 3
44. A series RLC Circuit is over damped when 
R2 1
a) 4 L2  LC
R2 1
b) 4 L2  LC ~ c) 4RL  LC12

d) R= Infinity
45. In a sine wave ac circuit with XL are in series
a) Voltage across R and XL are in phase
b) Voltage across R lags behind that across XL by 900
c) Voltage across R leads voltage across XL by 900
d) None of these
46. For the circuit shown below, the Z-parameters Z11 and Z22 are respectively
a. 3.5, 0.5 1 1
b. 13 / 7, 3 / 7
c. 3 / 7, 3 / 7 2 ½
d. 13 / 7, 13

47. Find Vx(t) in the circuit of figure shown below, if VS1=20 cos1000t V and
VS2 =20 sin 1000tV.
a) 70.7 cos (103t+450)V 10mH Vx(t) 0.1mF
3 0
b) 60.7 cos (10 t-45 )V
c) 60.7 sin (103t-450)V VS1 25 VS2
3 0
d) 70.7 cos (10 t-45 )V

48. The y-parameters of a two-port network are Y 11 = 8, Y 12 =Y 21 = -6and Y 22 = 6. If the

network is represented like the network shown below, the values of Y a ,Y b and Y c are
respectively in mhos. Ya

KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 5

Yb Yc
V1 V2

a) 6,2 and 0 b) 2,6 and 0 c) 2, 0, and 6 d) 0,6 and 2

49. Which of the following properties is incorrect for RLC series Resonance circuit
a a) Source voltage exist across resistance only
b b) Current drawn from the source is maximum
c c) Input impedance is purely resistive
d d) Input impedance is purely reactive
e 50. Calculate the Y parameter for the given network–
2 .5 3 .5  2 .5 3 .5 
f (a)   (b)  
1 .5 4 .5  0 .5 3 .5  2 4 
1 .5 3 .0  1 3 
g (c)   (d) None of these
1 .0 4 .5 
51. For the circuit shown, the Z-parameters Z11and Z22 are
a. Ya+Yb, Yb+Yc 1 2
b. both Yc Yc
c. 1 / Ya+Yc, 1 / Yb+Yc Ya Yb
d. (Yb+Yc)/Y,(Ya+Yc) / Y 1 1
2i x
52. The z-parameter matrix of the network shown is

2 i x 1

2 2 2  2 2 2  2 2
a)  4 5
b) 4 5 
c) 4 0
d)  3 5
      

 2 4
53. In the figure shown below, if-h parameter matrices of networks A and B are  1 3 and
 
3 4 
6  2
respectively, the h-parameter matrix across terminals 11’ and 22’ is

1 A 2
1' 2'

5 8  5 8 5 8 5 5
a) 5  2 b) 5 1 c) 5 0 d) 5 1
       
54. The admittance parameters of a two port network shown below are given by
Y11=2 mho,Y12=-0.5 mho,Y21=4.8mho,Y22=1mho,and output port is terminated with load
YL=0.2 mho ,find V2 if V1=1000 V
Two Port
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a. – 4000 V b. -80 00 V c. -1200 V d.-20 00 V

55. Phasor relationship of voltage and current in a pure capacitor is given by
a) V= CI b) I= CV c) V= jCI d) I= jCV
56. The inverse transmission parameter matrix of the network shown below is
1 2

2 4  2 4 2 4 2 4
a)  3  1 3  c)  1 3  d)  1 3
2 b)  2
 2  2 2   2 4   2 8 
57. A series RLC circuit resonates at 50Hz. The power factor of the circuit at a frequency
lower than 50Hz is
a) Leading b) Lagging c) Unity d) Zero
58. Given two coupled inductors L1 and L2, their mutual Inductance
M satisfies–
L  L2
(a) M  L21  L22 (b) M  1
(c) M  L1 L 2 (d) M  L1 L 2
59. The transmission parameter B of the two-port network shown in below is
a) j5 j10
b) 2+j10
c) j10 1 1
d) -j5

60.If the measured short-circuit or open circuit impedance’s ZSC and ZOC of the symmetrical two-
port network shown are 4, 9 respectively, the characteristic impedance of the network is
a) 5 Z
b) 13
c) 6 2Z2 2Z2
d) 10
61. Consider the statements
1. The two-port network shown below does not have an impedance matrix
representation. 1 Z 2

1| 2|

2. The following two-port network does not have an admittance matrix

representation. 1 2
1| 2|
of these statements

KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 7

a) 1 and 2 are correct b) 1 is correct and 2 is wrong

c) 1 is wrong and 2 is correct d) 1 and 2 are wrong

62. The ‘Y’ parameter Y12 of the network shown below is

a) 141.8 3 5 2
b) –76.6
c) 23.4 V1 10 20 V2
d) 56.9

63. Match the following for the two-port network shown in the given figure and select the correct
answer. I1 I2
List-I List-II L
A. Z11 1. R
B. Z12 2. R+L V1 R V2
C. Z21 3. R-LS
D. Z22 4. R+LS
a) A-1, B-2, C-1, D-4 b) A-1, B-1, C-1, D-4
c) A-2, B-1, C- 1, D-3 d) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

64. Z12 of the two-port network shown below is

a) 11.76 20 50
b) 21.2
c) 67.6 V1 40 25 V2
d) 56.1

65. The equivalent inductance of the network is– L1

(a) L1 +L2 – 2M
(b) L1 +L2 + 2M
(c) L1 +L2 – M
(d) L1 +L2
J 5Ω L1
J 2Ω
66. Impedance Z as shown in figure–
J 2Ω
(a) J 29 Ω (b) J 9 Ω J 10Ω
(c) J 19 Ω (d) J 39 Ω J 10Ω

 Y1 1 Y1 2 
67. The 2-port network of fig. (1) has Y-parameter   . The network is excited as
 Y2 1 Y2 2 
shown in fig. (2). If Ix = Iy, the current I drawn from the source would be Ix
(a) V(Y11 + Y12 + Y21+ Y22)
(b) V(Y11 + Y22)
(c) V(Y11) 2-port + 2-port
(d) V(Y11 + Y22 + Y12– Y21) 1 Network 2 –V 1 Network

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Statement for Linked Questions 68 & 69 :
For the network shown below.

68. h – parameter matrix is given by

(a) (b) (c) (d)

69. z21 and z22 are given by

(a) 1, -1 (b) - 1, 1 (c) 0, 2 (d) 1, 1

Common data for the questions 70, 71 & 72 :

Two equivalent circuits of a passive two port network are shown below.

70. z – parameters of the network shown in Fig. 1 are

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
71. z – parameters of networks shown in Fig. 2 are

(a) (b)

KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 9

(c) (d)

72. Za and Zb equals

(a) Z1 + 2 Z2 , Z1 (b) Z1 , Z1 + 2 Z2 (c) Z1 + 2 Z2 , Z1 (d) Z2 , Z1 +2 Z2

Common data for questions 73, 74 & 75 :

Consider the symmetrical T – network shown below:

73. The transmission parameters of the network are

(a) (b) (c) (d)

74. The value of image impedance zi in ohms is

(a) 2.83 (b) 4.46 (c) 3.15 (d) 5.65

75. If 10 V source is connected across terminals 11`, the power delivered by the source,
with Zi connected across terminals 22`is
(a) 15.4 W (b) 35.3 W (c) 41.6 W (d) 20 W


KL University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Pincode:522 502,, ,
Contact: Administrative Office:0866 2577715, Fax:0863 2388999 Page 10

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