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Marisa Ruiz



In informal letters, the way you say hello is very
simple. Dear Jane,
GREETINGS REMEMBER: if you’re not using exclamation To whom it may concern, (when you don’t know who the
marks (!), you have to use a comma (,) letter is referred to).
Hi! Hello! Dear John,
Here you will have to either: UNFRIENDLY
- Thank: Thank you so much for your letter! Here you have to avoid any kind of friendliness. Just
BEGINNING - Ask for personal information: How are you? stick to what you know.
Are you all right? I have received your letter, thank you for taking your time to
- Apologize: I’m sorry for not writing to you write it.
before, I was busy.
In this part you have to say why you’re writing to
them. I would like to state/say that I write to you
PURPOSE I’m writing to you because… because/since/as in the previous email you asked me
The purpose of my email/letter is the question you about…
asked me about …
Marisa Ruiz

The body in these kinds of writing cannot be very Here is where you have space to show off. Use
long since you only have 40-50 words. However, grammar points that can let the examiner know that
you should include some phrasal verbs and you know:
difficult grammatical structures (passive, Passive, reported speech, conditionals, phrasal, connectors,
conditionals…) expressions, collocations…
Here is where you will answer the questions they Use a good amount of vocabulary that you’ve learnt.
have said in the previous email. Think about: 3 advantages on the topic they have
I agree/disagree with you… given to you and write them in one/two paragraph. 3
I consider/Under my point of view… disadvantages on the topic and write them in one/two
I believe it’s a good (or bad) idea/I think… paragraph.
You don’t have space to include lots of things in
this paragraph, I would recommend to only write Make your conclusions. Make a little summary on the
CLOSING one line. things that you have said and then make a decision.
PARAGRAPH I’m looking forward to receiving your letter! Write 4-5 lines.
I really wish you have a fantastic time in…! To conclude,/To sum up,/ Summing up,/…
I hope you stay well.
See you soon!
GOOD-BYE Best regards,
Best wishes,
Take care!


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