Idioms: Group FB: Idiomatic TEST 5p

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Practicing The Idioms

Group FB: Idiomatic TEST 5p

Question 1: That ship has _____. We must speed up now.

A. shut B. sunk C. sailed D. slid

Question 2: A: ―Will she marry again, do you think?‖

B: I doubt it - ______ bitten, twice shy.

A. One B. Once C. Only D. Twice

Question 3: A: Would you like to go out with me now? B: It’s time for me to hit the ___, I’m so tired.

A. roof B. ceiling C. books D. sack

Question 4: John wins the lottery. He is ___ cloud nine.

A. in B. on C. at D. up

Question 5: They're twins, so they are like two peas in a ___ .

A. hull B. shuck C. shell D. pod

Question 6: A: What a gorgeous dress! I really love the way you've accessorized it with the bracelet.

B: Yeah, this gorgeous dress _______me an arm and a leg.

A. reckoned B. took C. cost D. computed

Question 7: A: Tonight’s the first night of the play.

B: Is it? Well, break a _______.

A. knee B. chin C. abdomen D. leg

Question 8: I’m desperate to know my exam results, but I’ll just have to hang in _______ until they are

A. hand B. there C. here D. white flag

Question 9: I'm getting a bit tired now - let's _______ it a day.

A. do B. make C. pull D. call

Question 10: We’ll just have to _______ the bullet and get on with it.

A. shoot B. lick C. bite D. chew

Question 11: He was exhausted, so he slept like a _______.

A. fox B. wood C. dog D. log

Question 12: A: Can I put it down now? B: Yes, but It’s fragile so_______ does it.

A. heed B. care C. easy D. fluent

Question 13: He escaped from the secret police by the _______ of his teeth.
A. shed B. skin C. skill D. set

Question 14: Don't waste my time. Please stop ________ about the bush and tell me the truth.

A. making B. beating C. leading D. hitting

Question 15: This mess wouldn't have happened had you been on the________.

A. spot B. ball C. whole D. tidy

Question 16: ―Can I come and have a look at your house?‖—―Yes _______all means‖.

A. in B. on C. by D. at

Question 17: He told me about his close _________ when he was beaten.

A. death B. danger C. detect D. shaves

Question 18: The company blamed a ________ storm of bad trading conditions for a 90 percent fall in

A. perfect B. terrible C. unexpected D. strange

Question 19: "If you ________ corners on your car repairs, your vehicle won't last as long as you
want", Ann said.

A. cure B. can C. cut D. call

Question 20: She said she used to love me but I knew she was just ________ my leg.

A. talking B. pulling C. breaking D. saying

Question 21: Dai is such a _______ horse. I had no idea he'd created an interesting group on

A. black B. dark C. devil D. coral

Question 22: Don't throw in the ________. We can win this competition.

A. tower B. basket C. towel D. owlet

Question 23: I truly wanted to come to see you, but my friend's birthday party ______ on my parade.

A. blew B. sank C. fell D. rained

Question 24: The girl he loves has a new boy-friend. Now, he is _______ in the dumps.

A. down B. rolling C. dancing D. falling

Question 25: I told her about my secret. I hope that she doesn't _______ the cat out of the bag.

A. get B. take C. put D. let

Question 26: Although my parents and siblings are scientist, I am a street dancer. Everybody
considers me a black ________.

A. horse B. hole C. ship D. sheep

Question 27: Don't ________ the beans! This thing is a secret of us.
A. spill B. spread C. spray D. drop

Question 28: A: I'm pretty sure that I can become the wealthiest man over the world.

B: And pigs might ________.

A. jump B. fly C. sing D. speak

Question 29: I think our enthusiastic volunteers are the salt of the ________.

A. ocean B. crop C. earth D. world

Question 30: After finishing the exam, John looked like a cat on hot _________.

A. blocks B. bricks C. wheels D. roof

Question 31: With the new advertising strategy, our business will be in the _______.

A. dark B. black C. grey D. blue

Question 32: Her plans are not realistic - they'll never be more than a _______ dream.

A. perfect B. mythic C. light D. pipe

Question 33: My friend told me that he wants to live a _______ of roses without hard work, winning the
Jackpot made his dream come true.

A. garden B. bed C. rain D. heaven

Question 34: My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a ________.

A. fish B. fiddle C. fine D. fidget

Question 35: A: Anna works 6 days a week. B: Really? She works like a ______.

A. charm B. mouse C. tiger D. Trojan

Question 36: I ______ into my creditor this morning.

A. came B. jumped C. bumped D. launched

Question 37: I’ll have always been _____ by the end of a month.

A. broke B. taken C. lost D. broken

Question 38: Oh my dear, last time I saw you, you were just knee-high to a _______.

A. nightingale B. giraffe C. grasshopper D. cricket

Question 39: A: When we were using map to find the true way, Titan just went straight to the forest and
got lost. B: Fools rush in where angel fears to _______.

A. tread B. treadle C. thread D. read

Question 40: The subject of bullying in my school is a _______ potato.

A. hot B. heat C. trendy D. host

Question 41: A: Do you like reading newspapers? B: No I don't. I only read newspapers once in a
_______ moon.

A. blood B. black C. blue D. bad

Question 42: ______the word until you have a plan.

A. Mom's B. Mum C. Mun D. Mum's

Question 43: A: Do you think things will work out for the best?‖

B: ―I'm sure they will. Every cloud has a _______ lining.‖

A. sapphire B. diamond C. rubby D. silver

Question 44: This problem is very easy, you can understand it. It's not rocket _______, is it?

A. science B. society C. knowledge D. research

Question 45: At my new class, I feel like a fish out of _______.

A. tank B. sea C. lake D. water

Question 46: I’ve never traveled alone before, but perhaps I’ll give it a ________.

A. trying B. shot C. whisl D. test

Question 47: I can't go out tonight. I need to _______ the books.

A. take B. get C. hit D. look

Question 48: If you don't confess your love now, you may find that you've missed the ________.

A. trip B. chance C. boat D. opportunity

Question 49: They’re ______ the moon about their trip to Japan.

A. over B. through C. on D. above

Question 50: A: I think you should prepare for your English exam tomorrow carefully.

B: Don't worry. It is a piece of _______.

A. candy B. cake C. cookies D. biscuit

Question 51: After years of rivalry with her cousin, she decided to _____ an olive branch and go have
fun together.‖

A. bring about B. give away C. hold out D. carry away

Question 52: Don't sell yourself ______ - you've got the skills and the experience.

A. cheap B. few C. poor D. short

Question 53: She has a great confidence on herself. She think she is the bee's______.

A. brain B. honey C. knees D. queen

Question 54: We can guess what she thinks. She is an _______ book.
A. widen B. opened C. wise D. open

Question 55: A: I meet Son Tung MTP yesterday.

B: Get ______ of here.

A. in B. out C. through D. away

Question 56: Does this emotional story ______ the cockles of your heart?

A. warm B. wing C. fly D. fall

Question 57: Nowadays, the market is very competitive. It's just a dog-_____-dog world.

A. bark B. bite C. swallow D. eat

Question 58: It is impossible for me to keep the child sitting quietly. He is always ______ the move.

A. on B. in C. by D. getting

Question 59: Finally, it comes ______ to me that he doesn't love my anymore.

A. across B. straight C. home D. clear

Question 60: This girl keeps talking about my ex-lover. Does she want to _____ the knife in the

A. twist B. cut C. get D. hold

Question 61: You should buy this mobile phone on _______.

A. agreement B. approval C. support D. assurance

Question 62: She will be on time. Punctuality is her _______ name.

A. nick B. secret C. middle D. exact

Question 63: I've got a 99 point for the Idioms Test Week 3. I was on the edge of my _______!

A. head B. plane C. wing D. seat

Question 64: I never feel satisfied with what I have and always want to push the _______.

A. develop B. envelope C. limit D. horizon

Question 65: After we had broken up, I had a _______ in a bonnet about you.

A. burn B. fire C. bee D. sorrow

Question 66: I met him just _______ the nick of time.

A. in B. on C. right D. exactly

Question 67: I have failed to win him. But I know that I can do better, so I will start _____ scratch.

A. in B. at C. from D. onward

Question 68: I wonder whether he could change his bad habits or not. A leopard can't change its____.
A. spots B. skin C. acnes D. fur

Question 69: She was in deep ________ because her parents had just passed away.

A. situation B. water C. time D. life

Question 70: Having a bad mark on the semester exam, I had to ______ the music from my parents.

A. listen B. face C. hear D. stand

Question 71: I ____ red when I bumped into my boyfriend flirting a girl in the way to school yesterday.

A. saw B. met C. watched D. smelt

Question 72: I'm ______ ears - tell us what they had to say.

A. together B. all C. whole D. with

Question 73: Our children have been going out for 3 hours. They are the ______ of me.

A. worried B. anxious C. death D. unhappy

Question 74: Breaking up with my ex-boyfriend turned out a ______ in disguise.

A. mask B. blessing C. explanation D. face

Question 75: She finally arrived. Better _______ than never!

A. now B. no C. late D. have

Question 76: I think you should cut him some ______. He is tired.

A. relaxed B. time C . breath D. slack

Question 77: I am going to wait for him to show me he loves me because actions speak _____ than

A. louder B. better C. worse D. later

Question 78: As the saying goes - it's no use crying over spilt _______.

A. milk B. water C. oil D. lemonade

Question 79: My ex-boyfriend came to help me when my car broke down. He was my _______ in
shining armour (armor).

A. hero B. superman C. knight D. prince

Question 80: I _______ a clanger and he know all about your secret.

A. make B. create C. bring D. drop

Question 81: The truth stands out a _______.

A. way B. route C. game D. mile

Question 82: I have no money left. One of my friends takes me to the _______.

A. hell B. white C. heaven D. cleaner

Question 83: A: You know that your ex-lover is going to get married next month, do you?

B: You could have ________ me down with a feather. We just broke three days ago!

A. knocked B. sank C. hit D. kick

Question 84: He dreamed of reaching the _______ height of Number 1 in the charts.

A. top B. giddy C. dizzy D. peak

Question 85: Selfishness is the kiss of _______ for friendship.

A. reincarnation B. death C. devil D. wind

Question 86: He left no ______ unturned in his search for his natural mother

A. rubble B. rock C. stone D. ice

Question 87: The company is ready to sign the agreement now, but it _______ two to tango and the
negotiations may continues for several days yet.

A. takes B. makes C. gets D. does

Question 88: He began to change his ________ after realizing how much money he could earn.

A. ways B. mood C. tune D. misdeed

Question 89: He got his new car for a ______.

A. rainy day B. song C. cheap D. long time

Question 90: He is quiet, modest sort of man who doesn’t believe in ______ his own horn.

A. raising B. growing C. rising D. tooting

Question 91: Can you guys please be quiet? Your _______ music is distracting me from my work.

A. chin B. loud C. feel D. chill

Question 92: My sister has a bun _______the oven.

A. in B. on C. up D. onto

Question 93: She is a _______cheese in the company.

A. good B. best C. big D. small

Question 94: George is cool as a _______ and this should be just another operation for him.

A. mandarin B. kumquat C. cucumber D. peach

Question 95: Stop trying to butter me ______!

A. on B. outside C. up D. in

Question 96: The medical school's graduates are considered to be the _______ of the crop and can
get jobs wherever they want to.

A. top B. ice C. cream D. best

Question 97: Would you stop telling me to clean my room already? Sheesh, you sound like a ____

A. block B. broken C. broke D. bizarre

Question 98: We believe in parents and teachers calling the _______.

A. tune B .tone C. shot D. midwife

Question 99: The company stopped using certain chemicals only after some workers ______ the
whistle on it.

A. puffed B. winded C. tuned D. blew

Question 100: The name ______ a bell but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before.

A. ring B. rung C. rang D. rent

Question 101: He had a very successful year and has every right to _______ his own trumpet.

A. blow B. blew C. blown D. block

Question 102: When I kissed her the first time, I was full of the _______ of spring.

A. flowers B. steps C. melody D. joys

Question 103: I keep buying lottery tickets - hope springs ________.

A. eternal B. forever C. endless D. immortal

Question 104: Since we met each other again, I have had a spring in my _______.

A. mind B. season C. heart D. step

Question 105: The village is quiet in the morning, but in the evening it springs to _______.

A. summer B. life C. colors D. lights

Question 106: I'm sure someone can help you, but no one immediately springs to _______.

A. ear B. mind C. ring D. eye

Question 107: The teacher suspected that there had been some _______ business going on while she
was out of the room.

A. monkey B. lion C. elephant D. eagle

Question 108: The novel is about a couple who gets out of the _____ race and buys a farm in France.

A. skunk B. boar C. rat D. donkey

Question 109: The company is top ______in the food retail market.

A. tiger B. dog C. grasshopper D. buffalo

Question 110: Nhung is the eager _______ in this class. She likes to study.

A .zebra B. cobra C. turtle D. beaver

Question 111: Because of the cash _______ status of the show, the creators are sure to take
advantage and produce a second season.

A. cow B. owl C. swan D. coral

Question 112: A: Where did you get all that money?

B: Curiosity _____ the cat.

A. made B. is C. helped D. killed

Question 113: She is so beautiful! Yes, she is also as ________ as a lamb.

A. gentle B. soft C. decent D. good

Question 114: My nephew is as sly as a _____ .

A. cat B. dolphin C. fox D. bat

Question 115: He's been working late with her every night this week - I ______ a rat!

A. see B. smell C. hear D. think

Question 116: A: Did you hear that rumor going around about Jane and Mary calling off their wedding?

B: Yeah, I heard it straight from the horse's _______.

A. lips B. ears C. eyes D. mouth

Question 117: You can bet your bottom _______ that he'll be late.

A. life B. dollar C. money D. chance

Question 118: The company bet the _______ on the new marketing model, only to find that it wasn’t

A. money B. ranch C. capitalization D. rawness

Question 119: They failed to put clear _______ water between themselves and their competitors.

A. blue B. dark C. black D. red

Question 120: They were ______ with envy when they heard about my great new job.

A. green B. yellow C. blue D. pink

Question 121: You can argue till you're ___ in the face, but you won't change my mind.

A. white B. black C. brown D. blue

Question 122: He sees ______ every time his team loses.

A. yellow B. black C. white D. red

Question 123: I had no idea you were coming. You came right out of the ______.

A. green B. pink C. blue D. red

Question 124: As kids we used to beat each other up black and _____ .
A. yellow B. red C. blue D. green

Question 125: He pays a lot of money on rent for his restaurant, but he has very few customers. It's a
_______ elephant.

A. yellow B. black C. white D. red

Question 126: There's nothing better than going out and _______ the town red after a hard week at

A. painting B. drawing C. sketching D. imagining

Question 127: My colleague is really browning me ______. He's so lazy.

A. up B. off C. on D. down

Question 128: I sometimes think I'd be happier teaching in Spain. Oh well, the grass is always ____ on
the other side.

A. green B. pink C. blue D. greener

Question 129: This is a black ______ white situation. You are either with us or against us.

A. and B. on C. as D. with

Question 130: I shall nail my colours firmly ___ the mast–as a feminist I find movies like this offensive

A. in B. upon C. on D. to

Question 131: The day I first set foot in America was a red-_____ day for me.

A. time B. letter C. lucky D. envelope

Question 132: The father was furious when he caught his son _____-handed, smoking a cigarette.

A. black B. dark C. red D. white

Question 133: If you criticize him, it’s like a red rag to a/an _____-he gets absolutely furious.

A. bull B. cow C. ox D. beef

Question 134: He'll scream _______murder if he doesn't get his way.

A. yellow B. red C. blue D. green

Question 135: We have new evidence that ___ colour to the accusation of fraud.

A. lends B. gives C. borrows D. makes

Question 136: In nature, red _______ tooth and claw.

A. on B. in C. up D. with

Question 137: New York _______ the red carpet for the astronauts.

A. roll away B. rolled over C. rolled by D. rolled out

Question 138: Moving to another state is ________ for thought for many of those affected by the
recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida.
A. food B. mood C. good D. blood

Question 139: She shouted at him angrily for being five minutes late, but it really didn’t matter that
much. She really made a mountain out of a ________.

A. moustache B. molehill C. moderate D. mutability

Question 140: Were you at the football game last night? The stadium was packed like________.

A. sardines B. sanitizes C. sabbaticals D. satchels

B. Keys
1. C
That ship has sailed= It's too late
2. B
Once bitten, twice shy= said when you are frightened to do something again because you had
an unpleasant experience doing it the first time (Một lần bị rắn cắn, 10 năm sợ dây thừng)
3. D
Hit the sack/hay= go to sleep
Hit the books= study
Hit the roof/ceiling= to become extremely angry .
4. B
On cloud nine= very happy
5. D
Like two peas in a pod= very similar, especially in appearance
6. C
Costs an arm and a leg/ a fortune= very expensive
gorgeous /ˈɡɔː.dʒəs/=luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊə.ri.əs/: lộng lẫy
reckon /ˈrek.ən/: tính, đếm, đoán, coi là, liệt vào
compute: tính toán( bằng máy)
7. D
Break a leg=Good luck
Chin :/tʃɪn/: Cằm
Abdomen :/ˈæb.də.mən/: Bụng
Knee :/niː/: Đầu gối
8. B
Hang in there= don't give up
desperate /ˈdes.pər.ət/
= disappointed /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd/
= downcast /ˈdaʊn.kæst/
9. D
Call it a day= stop working on something.
10. C
Bite the bullet= to force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a
difficult situation (cố gắng chịu đựng)
Lick: liếm ( Eg: lick the stamps)
11. D
To sleep like a log/baby= to sleep very well
12. C
Easy does it= used to tell someone to do something slowly and carefully
fragile /ˈfrædʒ.aɪl/ (adj): mỏng manh, dễ vỡ
heed /hiːd/:chú ý ( Eg: Heed what I say!)
Put down:
+hạ xuống, đặt xuống
+đàn áp, chấm dứt( nổi loạn,..)
+giết (động vật) 1 cách ít đau đớn vì nó bị bệnh nặng hoặc già.
13. B
By the skin of one's teeth: suýt
Shed (n):
+kho để hàng; xưởng làm việc( Eg: a coalshed, a toolshed )
+ Chuồng (trâu, bò, ngựa)
(v) :
+Rụng (lá...), lột (da..)
+Rơi, trào, chảy (nước mắt..), đổ( máu)
+Loại bỏ nhân viên (shed workers/employees/staff), bỏ việc
+Tung ra, toả ra; đưa ra ( Eg: shed perfume: tỏa hương thơm)
14. B
Beat about the bush: nói loanh quanh, nói vòng vo tam quốc
15. B
On the ball= to be quick to understand and react to things ( nhanh nhẹn)
on the spot= at once ( ngay lập tức)
+Put someone on the spot: đặt ai đó vào tình huống khó khăn
on the whole=generally ( chung quy, trọn vẹn)
16. C
By all means= certainly= of course= definitely= surely
17. D
Close shave= những lần thoát hiểm trong đường tơ kẽ tóc= close call
shave(v):cạo râu
(n):dao cạo râu
18. A
Perfect storm= the worst possible situation ( tình huống xấu nhất có thể xảy ra)
19. C
Cut corners= to use less money, effort, time etc when doing something than was thought
necessary, often giving a poorer result ( Làm tắt, đi tắt nhưng kết quả thường xấu, vô giá trị)
20. B
Pull someone's leg= To joke with someone ( trêu đùa ai đó)
21. B
Dark horse= a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a
surprising ability or skill. ( mấy thanh niên giấu nghề.)
( Nguồn gốc: Bắt nguồn từ một cuộc đua ngựa. Chú ngựa đen chưa từng được biết đến và không
được đặt cược nhưng lại có tốc độ phi thường và giành chiến thắng.)
22. C
Throw in the towel= to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying ( bỏ cuộc.)
owlet /ˈaʊ.lət/: con cú non.
23. D
Rain on someone’s parade = to do something that spoils someone's plans ( làm hỏng kế hoạch
của ai - thọc gậy bánh xe.)
24. A
Down in the dumps= feeling unhappy = depressed ( chán nản)
25. D
Let the cat out of the bag = to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake ( vô tình tiết lộ bí mật.)
26. D
Black sheep= a person who is different from the rest of their family or another group, and who
is considered bad or embarrassing ( kẻ bất hảo, đồ vô lại; đứa con hư hỏng.)
27. A
Spill the beans = to tell somebody something that should be kept secret or private ( tiết lộ bí
Spill (v): (làm) tràn, chảy, sánh ra bên ngoài.
Spill blood= to kill or hurt people - phạm tội đổ máu.
28. B
Pigs might/may fly= When pigs fly= used to show that you do not believe something will ever
happen - điều vô tưởng, điều không thể xảy ra ( mang tính mỉa mai,châm biếm)
29. C
Be the salt of the earth= a very good and honest person that you can always depend on ( người
tốt nhất quả đất.)
30. B
Like a cat on a hot tin roof/hot bricks=used to describe someone who is in a state of extreme
nervous worry ( khắc khoải, lo âu)
31. B
Be in the black= to have money, for example in your bank account ( sinh lời, có lời)
Be in the red= to owe money to your bank because you have spent more than you have in your
account ( nợ tiền ngân hàng vì tiêu xài quá mức)
32. D
Pipe dream= an idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen
( giấc mơ viển vông)
+Real (adj): có thật, có tồn tại, không phải do tưởng tượng.
+Realistic (adj): thực tế, không phải viển vông, có thể đạt được.
33. B
Bed of roses= an easy and happy existence ( đời sống dễ chịu, hạnh phúc)
Bed of nails= a difficult situation or way of life ( cuộc sống khó khăn, khổ sở)
34. B
Be (as) fit as a fiddle= to be very healthy and strong
fidget: (v):động đậy, bồn chồn.
(n): sự bồn chồn
fiddle: (n):vố lừa bịp, chốt chặn
(v): chơi violong, lãng phí ( fiddle away one's time), nghịch vớ vẩn
+face as long as a fiddle= mặt buồn dài thườn thượt
+to hang up one's fiddle= dừng làm việc
+to play first/second fiddle= giữ vai trò chủ đạo/ở địa vị phụ thuộc
35. D
Work like a dog/horse/Trojan/beaver= to work very hard ( làm việc chăm chỉ.)
Work like a charm= to be very effective, possibly in a surprising way ( hiệu quả bất ngờ.)
Trojan horse - /ˌtrəʊdʒən ˈhɔːs/ (n):
+ Nghĩa: - a person or thing that joins and deceives a group or organization in order to attack it
from the inside ( nội gián.)
-(also Trojan): a computer program that seems to be helpful but that is, in fact, designed to
destroy data, etc. - phần mềm độc hại nhưng lúc đầu lại hữu dụng.
+ Nguồn gốc: Điển tích "Con ngựa thành Troy (Tơ - roa) trong Thần thoại Hy Lạp.
36. C
Bump into sb = run into sb = come across sb= to meet somebody by chance ( tình cờ gặp ai)
Launch into sth= to start saying something or criticizing something with a lot of energy or
37. A
Broke (adj)= having no money ( cháy túi, hết tiền)
flat/stony broke = completely broke
38. C
Be knee-high to a grasshopper = very small; very young (describe a children) -thấp bé, nhỏ bé.
Nightingale - /ˈnaɪ.tɪŋ.ɡeɪl/: chim dạ oanh - một loài chim sinh sống ở châu Âu, có tiếng hót rất
hay và đặc biệt hót vào cả ngày lẫn đêm.
Giraffe - /dʒɪˈrɑːf/: hươu cao cổ
Grasshopper - /ˈɡrɑːsˌhɒp.ər/: con châu chấu
Cricket - /ˈkrɪk.ɪt/: con dế
39. A
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread = (saying) people with little experience try to do the
difficult or dangerous things that more experienced people would not consider doing. - cầm đèn
chạy trước ô tô.
+Tread - /tred/ (V): bước đi, dẫm lên
(N): dáng đi, tiếng bước chân.
+Treadle - /ˈtred.əl/ (N): bàn đạp
+Thread - /θred/ (N): sợi chỉ
40. A
A hot potato= a controversial issue tion, etc. that is difficult and unpleasant to deal with (vấn đề
gây tranh cãi, khó giải quyết)
+bully (n): đầu gấu ( ở trường)
(v): bắt nạt (bully sb into doing st)
bully for sb: hoan hô ai
+powder: bột, rắc, thoa,
+ponder: suy nghĩ, cân nhắc

41. C

Once in a blue moon= very rarely

42. D
Mum's the word= to keep quiet ( giữ im lặng, giữ bí mật khi đã đồng ý với ai)
43. D
Every cloud has a silver lining= be optomistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.(
luôn lạc quan kể cả những lúc khó khăn, luôn hướng về ngày tươi sáng hơn)
44. A
It's not rocket science= It’s not brain surgery= to emphasize that something is easy to do or
understand - dễ ợt.
45. D
A fish out of water= someone who is uncomfortable in a specific situation - cá mắc cạn - người
lạc lõng, lạc loài.
46. B
Give st a try/ shot/ whirl= try doing st
47. C
Hit the books= to study or begin to study in a serious and determined way - vùi đầu vào học
48. C
Miss the boat= to be unable to take advantage of st because you are too late - bỏ lỡ cơ hội
49. A
Over the moon (adj)= extremely happy and excited - vô cùng vui sướng và hạnh phúc
50. B
A piece of cake= a thing that is very easy to do - dễ ợt
51. C
To hold out an olive branch= Quyết định giảng hòa (với đổi thủ hoặc kẻ thù)
Carry away= mang đi , phân phát
+Rivalry (n): sự ganh đua
+Rival (n): đối thủ
(v):cạnh tranh
52. D
Sell sb/yourself/sth short= to not consider someone or something to be as valuable or good as
he, she, or it deserves( đánh giá thấp )
53. C
The bee’s knees = an excellent person or thing - người, vật xuất chúng, xuất sắc.
54. C
Be an open book= if someone is an open book, it is easy to know what they are thinking and
feeling.( dễ hiểu)
Keep/have an open mind= to have a willingness to listen to or accept new ideas, other people’s
suggestions( có đầu óc rộng mở)
Open-minded(adj): cởi mở
55. B
Get out of here= something you say when something good happens to someone =No way
56. A
Warm the cockle ( of sb’s heart)= to make somebody feel happy or sympathetic - sưởi ấm trái
tim, ấm l ng, làm ai hạnh phúc.
Wing it= to do something without planning or preparing it first - tùy cơ ứng biến= improvise
57. D
Dog-eat-dog= to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if
what they do harms other people: (dùng trong lĩnh vực kinh tế, chính trị để diễn tả một tình
huống mà mọi người cạnh tranh với nhau bằng mọi thủ đoạn để đạt được thành công mà không
cần quan tâm xem có ảnh hưởng tới người khác hay không)
Bark /bɑːk/ (n): vỏ cây, tiếng chó sủa.
Sb’s bark is worse than their bite= to say that somebody is not really as angry or as aggressive
as they sound (khẩu xà tâm phật, chó sủa không cắn.)
Swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/ (V): nuốt chửng (thức ăn...), nuốt nước bọt (vì lo lắng), nuốt lời.
58. A
On the move= to be physically active ( luôn hoạt động, di chuyển)
+Không có: in/at/by the move
59. C
Come home to sb= to become completely clear to somebody, often in a way that is painful - ai
đó hiểu rõ điều gì, (thường đau l ng).
Come across to sb: bắt gặp ai.
60. A
Turn /twist the knife (in the wound)= to say or do something unkind deliberately; to make
somebody who is unhappy feel even more unhappy - xoáy sâu vào nỗi đau, xát muối vào vết
+twist /twɪst/: (V) xoắn, xoáy, vặn, bẻ
(nghĩa bóng) xuyên tạc, thêm mắm dặm muối vào lời nói, câu chuyện.
61. B
On approval= to be sent or given back to a shop etc if not satisfactory (gửi trả lại nếu không
vừa ý)
agreement (n): sự đồng ý
assurance (n): sự bảo đảm
62. C
Be sb's middle name= to say that somebody has a lot of a particular quality - sở trường, nét đặc
trưng của ai.
63. D
(Be/keep) on the edge of sb’s seat= very excited (phấn khích)
64. B
Push the envelope= to behave in more extreme ways, or to try new things that have not been
acceptable or tried before (Cư xử ngày càng quá giới hạn, làm những điều mới, chưa được mọi
người chấp nhận hoặc làm trước đó)
(Ngày nay, câu nói này chủ yếu được dùng với nghĩa tích cực.)
+horizon (n): chân trời
65. C
Have a bee in one’s bonnet (about something )= to think or talk about something all the time
and to think that it is very important - bị ám ảnh về điều đó và không thể không nghĩ tới nó,
thường được dùng khi bạn lo lắng hay cáu bẳn vì điều gì.
Bonnet /ˈbɒnɪt/: mũ chóp, nắp ca-pô của ô tô.
66. A
In the nick of time= at the very last moment; just before something bad happens, so that you
manage to avoid it, but only just - vừa kịp lúc
67. C
From scratch= from the beginning, without using anything that already exists ( bắt đầu lại từ
đầu mà ko còn gì)
68. A
A leopard can't/doesn't change its spots= people cannot change their character, especially if
they have a bad character - giang sơn dễ đổi bản tính khó dời.
Nghĩa đen: Một con báo đốm không thể thay đổi vết đốm của chính mình.
69. B
Be in/ get into deep water= in trouble or difficulty - trong tình thế khó khăn, nguy hiểm
70. B
Face the music= to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done(chấp nhận sự
trừng phạt và những hậu quả không mong muốn từ chính việc làm của mình.) - chịu trận.
71. A
See red= to become very angry - trở nên rất tức giận
72. B
Be all ears= to be waiting with interest to hear what somebody has to say - háo hức lắng nghe
73. C
Be the death of somebody= to worry or upset somebody very much - làm ai rất lo lắng
74. B
A blessing in disguise= something that seems to be a problem at first, but that has good results
in the end - trong cái rủi có cái may
75. C
Better late than never: used especially when you, or somebody else, arrive/arrives late, or
when something such as success happens late, to say that this is better than not coming or
happening at all - muộn c n hơn không
76. D
Cut somebody some slack= to be less critical of somebody or less strict with them - cho ai
nghỉ ngơi, khoan dung với ai
77. A
Actions speak louder than words: what a person actually does means more than what they say
they will do - hành động hơn lời nói, nói ít làm nhiều
78. A
Cry over spilt milk (UK)= to waste time worrying about something that has happened that you
cannot do anything about
(US English cry over spilled milk) - tiếc nuối vì những gì đã qua
79. C
A knight in shining armour= a man who saves somebody, especially a woman, from a
dangerous situation - anh hùng cứu mỹ nhân. Ngày nay nó cũng được dùng để miêu tả một
người giúp đỡ người khác trong hoàn cảnh khó khăn.
Armour (n) - /ˈɑːmə(r)/ : áo giáp sắt, xe bọc sắt, vỏ sắt (tàu chiến, xe tăng,...)
80. D
Drop a brick/clanger(British English)= to say something that offends or embarrasses
somebody, although you did not intend to - lỡ lời lỡ miệng(mang tính xúc phạm)
+clanger - /ˈklæŋə(r)/: an obvious and embarrassing mistake - điều sơ suất, sai sót.
81. D
Stand/stick out a mile= to be very obvious or easy to notice - hiển nhiên, rõ ràng
82. D
Take sb’s to the cleaner= to steal all of somebody’s money, etc., or to get it using a trick - lừa
ai vét sạch tiền.
to defeat somebody completely - chiến thắng tuyệt đối.
83. A
You could have knocked me down/over with a feather: said when you are extremely
surprised ( vô cùng kinh ngạc)
84. C
The dizzy heights (of something)= an important or impressive position - vị trí quan trọng, uy
dizzy - /ˈdɪzi/ (a) [SYN] giddy : - hoa mắt, chóng mặt
- thay đổi nhanh chóng
- ngớ ngẩn
85. B
The kiss of death (for something): something that will cause something else to fail - việc làm
gây ra sự tàn phá, thất bại cho thứ khác.
reincarnation - /ˌriːɪnkɑːˈneɪʃn/: the belief that after somebody’s death their soul lives again in a
new body - sự tái sinh, luân hồi.
incarnation - /ˌɪnkɑːˈneɪʃn/: - a period of life in a particular form - kiếp sống.
- a person who represents a particular quality, for example, in human form - hiện thân.
86. C
Leave no stone unturned= to do everything you can to achieve a good result, especially when
looking for something( làm tất cả để đạt mục tiêu)
rubble: gạch vụn
87. A
It takes two to tango= said when you want to emphasize that both people involved in a difficult
situation must accept the blame, or that an activity needs two people who are willing to take part
for it to happen (Nếu có một vấn đề liên quan đến hai người hay hai phe, thì cả hai cần hợp tác
với nhau để giải quyết vấn đề đó.)
88. C
Change one’s tune= to change the opinion completely, especially because you know it will
bring you an advantage (thay đổi ý kiến của mình về nó. Ngữ cảnh để dùng thành ngữ này là khi
điều đó đột nhiên có lợi cho bạn.)
Change one's ways= to improve the bad parts of one's behaviour.
misdeed /ˌmɪsˈdiːd/: an act that is criminal or bad
89. B
For a song= very cheaply
Save/keep money for a rainy day= to save money for a time when it might be needed
+for cheap ( not a)
90. D
Blow/toot one's own horn= to boast or brag about one's own abilities, skills, success,
achievements (Tự hào hay khoe khoang về khả năng, kỹ năng, thành công, thành tích của chính
91. A
Chin music= chatter (nói nhảm)
92. A
Have a bun in the oven= to be pregnant - có thai
93. C
A big cheese= an important and powerful person, especially in an organization - người quan
trọng trong 1 tổ chức
94. C
(As) cool as a cucumber= very calm and showing control, especially in a difficult situation -
cực kỳ bình tĩnh
95. C
Butter somebody up= to say nice things to somebody so that they will help you or give you
something - nịnh bợ, tâng bốc ai
96. C
The cream of the crop= the best of a group of similar things or people - vật tốt nhất, người xuất
97. B
Like a broken record= used to say that someone keeps saying the same thing over and over
bizarre /bɪˈzɑːr/: very strange and unusual( kì quái)
98. A
Call the shots/tune= to be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence
a situation
+tone: giọng ( tune: âm điệu)
99. D
Blow the whistle on= to bring something to the attention of other people in order to stop
something bad from happening
+blow= wind= puff
100. C
Ring a bell= to sound familiar
Thì KĐ = rang
101. A
Blow your own trumpet/horn= to tell everyone proudly about your achievements
102. D
Full of the joys of spring= very cheerful
103. A
Hope springs eternal= people never stop hoping – niềm tin c n mãi
104. D
A spring in your step= If you walk with or have a spring in your step, you walk energetically in
a way that shows you are feeling happy and confident - Mỗi bước đi như nở hoa.
105. B
Spring to life= to suddenly become very active or busy - bất ngờ trở nên năng động, nhộn nhịp.
106. B
Come/spring to mind= if something comes/springs to mind, you suddenly remember or think
of it - đột nhiên nghĩ tới
107. A
Monkey business= dishonest or silly behaviour
suspect /səˈspekt/: nghi ngờ
108. C
The rat race= a way of life in modern society, in which people compete with each other for
power and money
109. B
Top dog= the most important person or organization in a particular situation
+retail /ˈriː.teɪl/: bán lẻ
110. D
Eager beaver= an enthusiastic person who works very hard
111. A
Cash cow= a product or service that makes a lot of money over a long period of time for the
company that sells it, often money that is used to support the company's other activities( con gà
đẻ trứng vàng)
+coral /ˈkɒr.əl/: san hô
112. D
Curiosity killed the cat= used to tell somebody not to ask questions or try to find out about
things that do not involve them - tò mò hại thân
113. A
Be as gentle as a lamb= to be pleasant, caring, and calm - dịu dàng, hòa nhã
114. C
Sly as a fox= smart and clever - thông minh nhanh nhẹn
115. B
Smell a rat= to suspect that something is wrong about a situation - nghi ngờ, cảm thấy có gì đó
không ổn
116. D
(Straight) from the horse's mouth= given by somebody who is directly involved and therefore
likely to be accurate - thông tin chính xác
117. B
You can bet your life/your bottom dollar (on something/(that)…)= used to say that you are
certain that something will happen – chắc chắn điều sắp xảy ra
118. B
Bet the farm/ranch on something= to risk everything you have on an investment, a bet, etc.
(mạo hiểm mọi thứ bạn có trong một khoản đầu tư, đặt cược, v.v.)
119. A
Clear blue water (between A and B)= a complete difference or division between two people or
120. A
Green with envy= very jealous (= angry or unhappy because you wish you had something that
somebody else has ) - ghen t
121. D
Until/till you are blue in the face= to try to do something as hard and as long as you possibly
can but without success - cố gắng nhưng không thành
122. D
See red= to become very angry
123. C
Out of the blue= If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected – bất ngờ,
đột ngột
124. C
(Beat somebody) black and blue= to hit somebody until they are covered with bruises (= blue,
brown or purple marks on the body); hurt emotionally - bị đánh bầm tím, bị tổn thương cảm xúc
125. C
White elephant= something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose - tốn nhiều
tiền nhưng chẳng có ích
126. A
Paint the town red= to go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy yourself- tận hưởng
127. B
Brown off= to cause one to become angry- nguyên nhân khiến ai tức giận, làm phiền
128. D
The grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)= said about people who never
seem happy with what they have and always think they could be happier in a different place or
situation – đứng núi này trông núi nọ
129. A
Black and white= A situation is one in which it is easy to understand what is right and wrong (
in writing) - phân rõ trắng đen
130. A
Nail your colours to the mast= to say publicly and clearly what you believe or who you
support – phát ngôn, lên tiếng
Feminist /ˈfem.ɪ.nɪst/ : nhà nữ quyền
131. B
Red-letter day= a special, happy, and important day that you will always remember
132. C
Catch somebody red-handed= to catch somebody in the act of doing something wrong or
committing a crime – bắt ai đó làm việc sai trái hoặc phạm tội
133. A
A red rag to a bull (British English)
(North American English like waving a red flag in front of a bull)
= used to talk about something that is likely to make somebody very angry
134. C
Scream blue murder= to scream loudly and for a long time, especially in order to protest about
something- la hét để phản đối
Get (one's) (own) way= to get or have what one wants;
135. A
Lend colour to something= to make something seem true or likely - khiến cho điều gì thêm
tính xác thực
136. B
Red in tooth and claw= involving opposition or competition that is violent and without
sympathy – tranh đấu tàn khốc
137. D
Roll out the red carpet (for someone)= to give a guest special treatment – nghênh tiếp
138. A
Food for thought= an idea that makes you think seriously and carefully – điều hệ trọng
139. B
Make a mountain out of a molehill= to make an unimportant matter seem important – chuyện
bé xé ra to
Moustache (n) (UK) /məˈstɑːʃ/ : ria mép
(US) /ˈmʌs.tæʃ/
Molehill (n) /ˈməʊlhɪl/ : đống đất chuột chũi đào
Moderate (adj) / ˈmɒdərət/ : vừa phải
Mutability (n) : khả năng biến đổi
140. A
Packed/squashed like sardines= overcrowded= pressed tightly together in a way that is
uncomfortable or unpleasant – tắc nghẽn, chật chội
Sardine /sɑːˈdiːn/: cá m i
Sanitize (v) /ˈsæn.ɪ.taɪz/: khử trùng
Sabbatical (n) /səˈbæt.ɪ.kəl/: ngày nghỉ phép
Satchel (n) /ˈsætʃ.əl/: cặp học bằng da

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