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Title: The Clever Snail

Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to share with you a story about The Clever

One day, a deer was at a river. He saw a snail crawling nearby. The Deer laughed.
“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are very slow.” He said to the snail.

The Deer thought of an idea. He asked The Snail to race with him from the first hill to
the seventh hill. “Okay. Why not.” The Snail agreed.

The Deer was very proud. He was sure that he would win. He waited patiently for the
day of the race.

Meanwhile, The Snail went to see her six friends. She told them about the race. “You
need to help me.” said The Snail. The Snails wanted their friends to win the race. “Don’t
worry, we will help you.” they said.

The Snails thought of an idea. They would each be at a hill. “I will be at hill number
one,” said Snail 1. “I will be at number two.” Said the second snail. And on they go. The
Snail will be at the last hill.

The race began. At the first hill, The Deer asked, “where are you Snail?’ “Right in
front of you.” The Snail’s friend replied.

The deer ran faster. He asked the same question at the other hills. He was surprised
when The Snail was always ahead of him!

In the end, The Deer was very tired to run. The Snail won the race. The deer learnt his
lesson not to be proud anymore.

From this story, we can learn that we should always be humble and not look down on

The end.

Thank you.

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