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Learn, Reflect, Share: Discussion Board

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Learn, Reflect, Share: Discussion Board

Kaplan Live Review

Participation in the Kaplan review offered invaluable and fist-hand insights about the

nature of the NCLEX exam. I specifically liked two things about the Kaplan Live Review. First,

the Kaplan’s decision tree supported the development of clinical reasoning. I liked the fact that

the decision tree was presented by the best teachers who have vast experience with the NCLEX

exam. As such, the instructors presented specific questions and proven strategies of answering

them. Second, the review of realistic practice questions and Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)

was another valuable aspect of the Kaplan Live Review. The realistic Qbank questions offered a

feeling of the real questions that I will encounter on the exam day. Exposure to the realistic

questions will help me enhance my self-confidence and avoid tension during the exam day.

Overall, the experience was helpful in preparing for the NCLEX exam. As mentioned, I

liked the fact that the Kaplan Live Review uses experienced teachers to guide students on how to

develop clinical reasoning skills using the decision tree. The realistic questions have also given

me a clue on the nature and structure of the exam, which will be an integral part of my

preparation. However, I wish that the experience was personalized to meet the learning needs of

each student. Personalization is necessary considering that students have different learning

styles. Furthermore, the Live Review should also include proven strategies for effective

studying. For example, short classroom hours mean that students have limited time to review

more materials. Thus, I do wish that Kaplan had extra classroom hours for students.

An AHA moment was the real-time interaction between the instructors and students. The

Kaplan Live Review offered a superior experience unlike the one that I have had with online or

virtual learning. The interactive livestreamed classroom session offered an opportunity of


engaging the instructors in real-time, which replicated and augmented the classroom experience.

I would have been disappointed if the experience was like the redundant Zoom approach where

instructional materials are presented in a hollow classroom.

Barriers to Success on NCLEX

The NCLEX licensure examination is critical because it is the first step to professional

nursing practice. However, my biggest barrier is not having adequate time to prepare for the

exam. My main concern is that lack of adequate preparation because of work and family-related

demands could increase the risk of test anxiety. Research findings have shown that test anxiety

reduces the level of concentration during study sessions, as well as blanking questions, changing

answers, and misreading questions during the exam time (Quinn et al., 2017). Therefore, I have

identified two strategies to ensure adequate preparation for the test.

The first strategy entails content mastery by taking as many practice tests as possible. The

goal is to develop self-efficacy and confidence in answering questions instead of cramming for

the test. According to Lewis (2018), the NCLEX-RN is a cognitively demanding test that

demands comprehensive preparation. As such, I will integrate the Kaplan’s decision tree and

concept mapping to improve my critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. The Kaplan study

materials, NCSBN® NCLEX-RN Exam Prep, and practice tests will help me to prepare

adequately for the exam by building self-confidence and self-efficacy through sustained practice.

The second strategy is to develop a realistic study plan that focuses on personal strengths

and weaknesses. Junger et al. (2016) have argued that some students usually follow unrealistic

study plans that focus on covering as much content as possible. The focus of a realistic approach

is to master key areas instead of straining to know everything (Quinn & Peters, 2017). Thus, will

emphasize basic content knowledge on my areas of weakness and the use the knowledge to

develop critical thinking skills. Focusing on my weaker areas will foster mastery of unfamiliar

content. However, I will follow a paced approach to enhance the learning and preparation


In conclusion, the program and the course have provided adequate preparation for a

career in nursing. Conversely, I have two things that I would change about the program and two

for the course. First, I would integrate high-fidelity simulation and virtual reality as key elements

of the program. Simulation-based learning will provide a safe environment for developed

advanced skills and competencies. Second, I will strengthen the capacity of knowledge

acquisition in clinical learning environment (CLE). Research findings have shown that most of

the learning takes place in the CLE because it allows nursing students to translate classroom

theories and concepts into practice (Flott & Linden, 2016).

On the other hand, I will integrate collaborative learning in the course. Zhang and Cui

(2018) have found that collaborative learning promotes student engagement in the learning

process, as well as improving clinical competency and teamwork. Collaborative learning will lay

the foundation for broader adoption of high-fidelity simulation. The second recommendation for

the course is to include a course outcome on content mastery for the NCLEX test by promoting

both strategic and deep learning approaches. Emphasis should be placed on exposing students to

NCLEX-RN formatted examinations, specifically those by the National League of Nursing,

Kaplan, HESI, and Mosby.



Flott, E. A., & Linden, L. (2016). The clinical learning environment in nursing education: A

concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(3), 501-513.

Junger, S., Trinkle, N., & Hall, N. (2016). Nurse leader certification preparation: How are

confidence levels impacted? Journal of Nursing Management, 24(6), 775-779.

Lewis, L. (2018). The stories of nursing student repeaters: A narrative inquiry study. Nurse

Education in Practice, (28), 109-114.

Quinn, B. L., & Peters, A. (2017). Strategies to reduce nursing student test anxiety: A literature

review. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(3), 145-151.


Zhang, J., & Cui, Q. (2018). Collaborative learning in higher nursing education: A systematic

review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(5), 378-388.

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