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1. Problem Identification:

This should describe what is required to be achieved through the proposed solution. U.

2. Define Boundaries:

In this stage specify the limits and boundaries under which case has to be solved. These may be
given in the case clearly or you need to assume i.

3. Case:

This heading should contain the key words given/narrated in the case. This is very important
step but often student rewrite the whole case in this heading. But it gives bad impression to
reader of case.

4. Assumption:

The gaps in the data noticed while writing the keywords have to be filled in by making
assumptions. These assumptions should be clearly stated and reason for making the
assumption should be stated.

5. Possible solution for case:

Under this heading as much as solution you can give that should write under sub heading.





6. Select best possible solution:

This paragraph should give the answer why this solution is best solution for the case and how it
can be helpful for case, what competency it has. It may be single solution or mixture of more
than one solution.

7. Managerial Application:

Under this heading student should write which managerial theory used to get the solution.

8. Conclusion:
A summary by comparing what was the problem, how the action plan on the basis of optimal

Case study

Riversong Guitars

Riversong guitars are an innovative instrument being manufactured in Kamaloops BC using

locally sourced, high-end woods and parts. Riversong guitars are one of the many product and
service offerings at Lee’s Music, which is currently being managed by Mike Miltimore.

Lee’s music offers many different product and service to their customers, include: AV
instillation, rental, sales and service of musical equipment and instruments, as well as music
lessons. This is all on top of their in-house manufacturing of the Riversong guitars.

Lee’s is seeing a great opportunity for Riversong; after a small run of forty guitars they have
completely sold out and are experiencing a high demand for more of their innovative product.
The challenge that this demand creates is that of fulfillment. Lee’s wants to continue to growth
their business and work towards their long term goal of being a world renown manufacturer of
guitars, however the challenge their facing is controlling that growth so that it is sustainable in
the long run.

Case answer

1. Problem Identification

The main problem is if they are to re-focus the business and concentrate on manufacturing
Riversong guitars, how should they position themselves in comparison to the competition, who
will be the target for these guitars and how will they be priced, distributed and promoted?

2. Define Boundaries

In order to better understand the current position of Riversong guitars in the market, as well as
how to effectively price, place and promote the product, a number of marketing tools must be

3. Case

Lee’s is seeing a great opportunity for Riversong; after a small run of forty guitars they have
completely sold out and are experiencing a high demand for more of their innovative product.
The challenge that this demand creates is that of fulfillment. Lee’s wants to continue to growth
their business and work towards their long term goal of being a world renown manufacturer of
guitars, however the challenge their facing is controlling that growth so that it is sustainable in
the long run.
4. Assumption

I think their guitar design is innovative and unique among competition. And have high quality
parts and locally sourced hardwood.

5. Possible solution for case

The guitar purchasers are fairly quick in their buying decisions (average of 1.5-3 months
across a variety of distribution channels) and the positive current buzz from the short run and
naming contest, it would be best if Riversong was to implement a strategic marketing plan

6. Select best possible solution

Finish the patent process and license out the technology to larger manufacturers around the
world. Achieving their goal of having Riversong guitars worldwide.Focus on the guitar rental
segment and rent out Riversong guitars to advanced guitar players and musicians.

7. Managerial Application

For Riversong to succeed in its long term goal of being a wold renowned guitar
manufacturer, they need to properly segment the market to effectively gain market share and
brand loyalty.

8. Conclusion

Riversong could completely remove themselves from the manufacturing process and license
the design and IP to the German manufacturer that was in contact. They could also look for
other partners to enter into a licensing deal. Once production moved to another facility, they
could focus their efforts on providing the repair work for Riversong as the exclusive technicians
in BC or Canada, in addition to selling. Also After re-focusing the business, more resources could
be funnelled into the production of Riversong guitars and an inventory can start to form. This
would allow for them to expand their reach gradually and focus on creating sustainable growth
and marketing strategies.

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