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At the end of the 45 - minute discussions, the pupils should be able to:

 identify and use the correct order of adjectives;

 apply adjectives in a sentence; and
 explain the importance of using adjectives in appreciating one’s beauty.


TOPIC: Using the Correct Order of Adjectives

Reference: English 4 pp. 252-257

Materials: laptop, projector, wide screen, pictures, chart, paper bag, chocolate, cellphone, towel

Value: “Close Family Ties”


A. Routine Activities

a. Greetings

b. Prayer

c. Checking of Attendance

d. Review

Arrange the pictures in the order that they happen. Write 1-6 in the box.
How did you arrange the pictures?

B. Motivation

Game: “Mystery Bags”

Use only your sense of touch to observe the object in each mystery bag. Give at least
three words to describe the hidden object and guest what is in the paper bag.
1 2 3
Descriptive Words Descriptive Words Descriptive Words

Guess Word: ______ Guess Word: ______ Guess Word: ______

 What are the words used to describe the objects hid in Paper Bag 1, Paper Bag 2 and Paper
Bag 3?

C. Lesson Proper

Read the story “Our Family Customs and Traditions” Delete the poem and focus on this one to lessen the
questions. Then insert the story of Our Family Customs and Traditions

 What is the short story all about?

 Who are the characters in the story?
 What are the presents the Ortega family received from the Johnsons family?
 What kind of doll was given to Ana?
 Describe the toy can Mark received?
 Describe the polo shirts father got?
 What kind of bag did mother receive?
Let’s read the sentences taken from the story.
a beautiful dolls
ten, small, green, toy cars
three, new, blue polo shirts
two, red, leather bags
 What are the underlined words?
 What do you notice about the words?
 Have they arranged?


Adjectives tell about the number, kind, and a color of a person, animal or thing.
When several adjectives are used in one sentence, the order of adjectives is as follows:
number, kind or quality, and color.

Now, let us go back to the mystery bags. Can you arrange the adjectives to describe all the
hidden objects using these series of adjectives?

D. Generalization:

1. What is the order of adjectives when they are used in phrases or sentences?

2. What is the importance of having a Close Family Ties?

3. Based on the story, are you practicing also those customs and traditions of your family?
Why and why not?
E. Application

Activity 1: “Individual Work-Show and Tell”

Get anything from your bag or in the classroom and describe the object according to
its number, kind and color.

Activity 2: “Group Work-Toy and Learn”

Divide the class into four.

Each group will be given a sheet of paper, arrange the object in the correct order
and write your answer. The group who will get a highest score will be the winner.
IV. Evaluation:

Describe each noun using the correct order of adjectives. Then write it in a sentence.


1. classmate
2. school
3. flower
4. birds
5. candies

V. Assignment:

Arrange the adjective inside the parenthesis. Then rewrite in on the space provided.

1. Mother gave Ana (beautiful, short, yellow) dress on her birthday.

2. I ate (sweet, red, ten) strawberries last night.
3. There are (brown, seven, big) cows on the farm.
4. Father bought (sweet, green, twenty) apples for the children.
5. Andrew has (fat, white, six) rats as his pet.

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