Predicting Colloidal Stability in Beer

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Predicting colloidal stability in beer

Beer stability can be judged by therefore the expected shelf life of the beer.
the degree to which a beer Technical Summary 4 There are a number of factors which
influence colloidal stability (see Technical
tastes and looks as good at the Summary, January 2002), however given
end of its shelf life as it did The fourth in this series of
similar beer brands and brewery equipment,
when it was first packaged. technical summaries for the principal variables will come from the
Most customers “drink with the Institute & Guild’s protein and polyphenol content of the beer.
their eyes”. They are often more AME candidates. These are usually measured when predicting
colloidal stability.
willing to accept a glass of beer By Tim O’Rourke.
which does not taste quite right, Looking at the protein
over a glass of beer which is its preferred method. A few are listed below: (polypeptide) content
hazy. Hence colloidal
stabilisation is often considered European Brewery Convention Chilling test
(1963 method). A sample of the beer is chilled below 0°C to
a more important attribute than The beer is held at 60°C for 7 days then as low as -8°C without freezing (often alcohol
flavour stability. cooled to 0°C for 24 hours and the haze has to be added) and left for 8 hours and chill
measured. haze measured. The lower the chill haze the
greater the stability. The chill haze is

I n the first article of this series (January

2002) stability was related to both the
flavour and colloidal instability which can
Harp method
The beer is stored for 4 weeks at 37°C
followed by 8 hours at 0°C and the haze
principally the protein fraction.

Sensitive Protein –
occur in beer as a result of oxidation measured. In this method forced haze Titration with tannic acid
reactions principally during and after development is equated to normal storage Tannic acid is a “super” polyphenol which
packaging. Through the use of modern time. One member of the consortium related readily forms insoluble complexes with
colloidal stabilisers it is possible to produce 1 weeks forced aging to 1 month of storage protein. A given amount of tannic acid is
beer which shows improved colloidal under normal conditions, while another titrated against a given volume of beer to
stability. This article will cover the equated 4 weeks of forced storage to 6 give a haze measurement which relates to its
measurement and prediction of colloidal months of storage under normal conditions. stability
stability. The forcing tests have to be correlated to
When it comes to assessing colloidal normal storage conditions as shown in Ammonium Sulphate Precipitation (SASPL)
stability of a beer for the duration of its shelf Figure 1. Saturated ammonium sulphate is titrated
life there are three principal methods: against a sample of beer where it forms an
insoluble precipitate with larger molecular
• ABSOLUTE ACCURACY: - keeping the beer weight polypeptides (m.w. 210,000). The
at ambient and measuring haze at the end of precipitate drops out and once all the
its stated shelf life (best before date – e.g. 12 proteins have been removed, the haze starts
months) to increase giving an measurement of the
amount of high molecular polypeptides in
• RELIABLE INDICATOR – using some form the beer.
of accelerated ageing (forcing test) on the
packaged beer (e.g. 4 weeks at 37°C is Looking at the polyphenol content.
equivalent to 1 months storage at ambient)
and relating the date to absolute results. Titrating with PVP
Fig 1: Correlation between forced haze and This is a nephelometric titration of soluble
• PREDICTIVE TEST – using a measurement absolute haze development. PVP (polyvinyl pyrollidone) solution. PVP has
usually related to the proteins or polyphenol a similar structure to a protein molecule and
content of the beer to predict the probable Cycle tests – European Brewery readily forms an insoluble precipitate with
rate of production of haze and hence the Convention (1975 method) polyphenols, particularly medium size
shelf life. The beer is kept overnight at 0°C and the molecular weight polyphenols often called
haze read to establish the base line. The beer tannoids, which are know to be haze active.
Typically bright beer is packaged with an is placed in a heated water bath at 60°C and When the PVP is titrated in beer a haze is
EBC haze of less than 0.8 units. The critical then kept overnight at 0°C and the haze formed. This increases to a maximum and
haze for stored beer is usually less than 2 or checked again. This shows the rate of haze then decreases by a dilution effect as PVP
3 EBC units for beer at 0°C. development and can be repeated over addition continues. The peak value gives a
Keeping beer to the end of its shelf life to number of cycles. measure of the “tannoids” which can be
evaluate its colloidal stability is pointless Although these methods are faster than correlated with chill-stability.
except as an assurance exercise but it is the absolute test, they still take a number of
essential to calibrate rapid prediction days to several weeks to complete, by which High Performance Liquid Chromatography
methods. time the beer has been released and found Polyphenols can be adsorbed on Sephadex
its way in trade. It is a reactive rather than a LH 20 and can be identified using 4-
Accelerated ageing tests proactive test. dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde as a
These tests are aimed at stressing the beer chromogen. The individual polyphenols can
usually by subjecting the beer to either hot or Predictive tests then be measured directly.
cold conditions to produce “accelerated” What every brewer would like is a test, which
aging. Almost every brewing company has can predict the colloidal stability and These predictive tests can be used to

The BREWER International • • April 2002


Is this produce rapid results for beer prior to

packaging, but the results have to be
correlated with actual storage data.

Protein-Reagent P40/ Polyphenol-Reagent
For best results the data should be set up Protein-Reagent P40/ Polyphenol-Reagent T-125
per brand (product quality) and per brewery to HIGH VALUE = HIGH
reduce the amount of outside influences LESS HAZE FORMING COMPOUNTS

distorting the stabilisation results. 100

else’s C B


As well as predicting the potential shelf life 90
of a beer, these methods are useful in 80
determining the optimum dosage rate of a POLYPHENOL

beer stabilisation treatment. See figure 2.

copy of 60





Brewer 0



20 30

PT- INDEX 8 : 16
40 50 60 70 80

8 : 16and polyphenols are very

and polyphenols are very
Predominat: Unstable proteins
90 100


you’re Figure 2: Determining the optimum dose rate for

a beer stabilisation treatment.
B PT-INDEX 95unstable

: 80

95 : 80
well balanced,extreme
Both,proteins and polyphenols are very

high stability
Both,proteins and polyphenols are very
C PT-INDEX 90 : 25

Extreme high protein-stability
Automated measurements well balanced,extreme high stability
Low polyphenol stability
To help the brewer, some of the methods BEERBEER
PT-INDEX9030: 25
: 95
Extreme high polyphenol stability
described above have been automated. Extreme high protein-stability
Fair protein stability
Low polyphenol stability
Good stability for proteins and polyphenols
Tannometer BEER D PT-INDEX 30 : 95
This instrument measures the turbidity of a Extreme high polyphenol stability
re 3
Fair protein stability
liquid sample in the range of 0 to 300 EBC in
Make sure you stay units of 0.01 EBC. It works on transmitted light BEER E PT-INDEX 35 : 45
Good stability for proteins and polyphenols
at 510nm and the instrument can control the
on top of the sample temperature including cooling it down
to -8°C. The Tannometer can produce Figure 3: Predicting beer stability using
industry, scientific automated results for: PT standard.
• Tannoid content
and educational • Chill haze
news and analysis. • Sensitive Protein must not only look at the predicted stability of
• SASPL the beer in the brewery, but consider the
Order your own hazards the beer may be subjected to during
monthly copy of PT Standard storage and in the supply chain and take
Uses a series of specially developed reagents appropriate remedial action.
The Brewer International. to the measure the protein and polyphenol
content of a beer through titration and the
It couldn’t be easier. results can be simply displayed on a computer
allowing the brewer to see immediately the
relative stability of his beer and decide what
Simply call the further treatment – protein or polyphenol,
Subscription Department on could be used to achieve the required stability.
+44 (0) 20 7499 8144 See figure 3.

and start receiving your own Summary

regular copy of the There are a number of methods which can be
official magazine of the used to predict colloidal stability and hence ● Further Reading
the shelf life of a beer. The principle reactions
Institute & Guild of Brewing. occur between the protein and polyphenol Tim O’Rourke: Beer Stabilisation Brewer
International – January 2002.
fractions and hence the most consistent
results come by looking at the levels of both Tim O’ Rourke et al: from poster presented at Perth
Convention - Ferment June 1998 - p189.
BREWERInternational The test and storage data are usually
collected under ideal (laboratory) conditions.
Packaged beer faces a much greater
Tim O’ Rourke: Back to Basics, Brewers Guardian
February 2000 - p29.
Jurgen Schneider: Opto-electronic regulations of
extreme of conditions in the real world, stabilisation inputs – Brewers Guardian July 2000.
particularly those in the export trade, and it is M Moll: Colloidal Stability of Beer – Brewing Science
The Institute & Guild of Brewing export beers which are usually those Vol 3 ed Pollock.
OFFICIAL MAGAZINE consumed near or at the end of their shelf life.
I. McMurrough I et al: Effect of PVPP dosage on the
For those brewers anxious to deliver their flavanoid content of beer and consequences for beer beer to the consumer in prime quality they quality – Brew Digest 59 (10) 1984.

April 2002 • The BREWER International •


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