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e-Doctor User Manual

DL06, DL08 and DV11engine

July, 2009
Overseas Product Support Team
Text No. ENG0012
Major functions available from e - Doctor

- Show to the user the engine failure status, history and trouble shooting manual : ‘Fault codes’.

- View monitored engine’s components working behavior & value of critical parameters :
‘Service Data’ / ‘Snap shot’.

- Save engine data for checking engine condition : ‘Service Data’ / ‘Snap shot’.

- Check power deviation between cylinders : ‘Run-up Test’.

- Check compression deviation between cylinders : ‘Compression Test’.

- Check an engine’s behavior to a set of simulated sensor inputs from the laptop : ‘Remote Control’.

- Enable to up grade ECU program : ‘Reprogramming’.

- See ECU Information (controller revision, …) : ‘ECU Information’

Table of content

1. KIT’s parts number & contents ---------------------------------------- (3-4)

2. Software installation guide ---------------------------------------- (5-14)

1. Software installation 2. ‘USB’ port’s driver installation

3. User registration & login ---------------------------------------- (15-17)

1. User registration 2. Login (start of each session)

4. Operation of ‘e-Doctor’ ---------------------------------------- (18-52)

1. Top Bar menu
2-12. Screen menu:
2. Connect ECU 3. Connection setting
4. Fault codes 5. Service data
6. Snap shot 7. Run-Up test
8. Compression test 9. Remote control
10. Register machine ID 11. Re programming
12. ECU information

5. Laptop information ---------------------------------------- (53)

6. Appendix (Cut off test) ---------------------------------------- (54-71)

1. e - Doctor Kit Components (P/N : K9001683)

Program Installation CD Gate way (Module) Main Harness

(Module - 14 pin harness)

USB Port cable Serial Port cable 14 Pin Harness

(Module - Lap top USB port) (Module - Lap top serial port) (Main harness - Check connector)
Wiring connection between machine check connector and laptop

← Lap top
(USB or Serial Port)

Check connector →
(14pin check connector)

2. Install program (e-Doctor)

Windows XP / vista version

Install e Doctor program
- Insert the installation CD in your lap top computer.
- Copy and save “USB gateway driver” from the CD to your laptop (any folder, any location is okay)
- And double click on directory “e- Doctor2.00”

Double click

Save USB Gateway driver on your laptop

2. Install program (e-Doctor)

Windows XP / vista version

- Double click “e- Doctor2.00 exe” and click “next” in the installation wizard

Click ‘Next’

- Click “Install” and wait for the installation to be completed.

Click ‘Install’ Click ‘Finish’

2. Install program (e-Doctor)

Windows XP / vista version

- Click “OK” and Click ‘yes’ for restart system

Click ‘OK’
Click ‘Yes’

Then, the e- Doctor program installation is completed on your laptop

2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows XP version
Set up USB driver
- Connect the USB cable on your laptop, the USB cable must be connected with gateway only as below
condition (Do not connect main harness to machine)

Connect USB cable

on your laptop

Do not connect
main harness
to machine

2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows XP version
- Your laptop will recognize the new hardware as shown below (top left screen), If your laptop looks for
the USB gateway driver, indicate the driver location (top right screen) by giving the directory name
selected as explained on page 5 -line 2. Click “OK “.

Click here
Click here 9
Click ‘Next’ Click ‘Next’

Click ‘Continue’

Click ‘Finish’

Then, the USB drive installation is completed on your laptop

2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows vista version

Turn user account control off
- Start and go to control panel



2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows vista version

- Disable ‘Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer



2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows vista version

Set – up USB driver
- Connect the USB cable on your laptop, the USB cable must be connected with gateway only as below
condition (Do not connect main harness to machine)

Connect USB cable

on your laptop

Do not connect
main harness
to machine

2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows vista version

Set – up USB driver




2. Install program (USB Driver)

Windows vista version

Set – up USB driver



Then, the USB drive installation is completed on your laptop

3. User Registration and Log In

1. User Registration

As soon as the installation is fully completed, click on ‘e Doctor’ icon, and the window shown on this
page will be displayed. Record the unique ID (i.e.:03b41a93). Select a ‘User ID’ having 6 digits (see
next page) to access the software. Send both the ‘unique ID’ & the ‘user ID’ to the program manager
in Doosan infracore (Korea). The user ID is not supplied by the program manager. You have to make
your own choice. The program manager will give you a ‘system key No’ and a ‘password’ related
with your ID.

Note: Each hardware (laptop) has its own unique ID. If the hardware is changed, you must get
another system key No and password.

3. User Registration and Log In

1. User Registration

If you enter the ‘system key No’ which is obtained from the program manager, you can see the above

Enter your ID and ‘password’ which is obtained from the program manger. Click OK. You can now use

Every time you run the e-Doctor, the system will prompt you with the window to key-in your ‘user ID’
and ‘password’.

3. User Registration and Log In

2. Log in

Enter your ‘user ID’ and ‘password’ whenever you run the program.

※ If your password is lost, contact the program manager and get a new password
and user ID. You have to reinstall the program.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

1. Top menu

ƒ Menu (M)
- Exit : exit the program.

ƒ Communication (C)
- Start : Start the communication with the machine.
- Stop : Stop the communication with the machine.

ƒ Preference (P)
- COM1 : Select to connect to the COM port #1 of your laptop computer.
- COM2 : Select to connect to the COM port #2 of your laptop computer.
- USB : Select to connect to the any USB port of your laptop computer.

ƒ Help (H)
- About : You can see the copyright and version information.
- Fault codes : You can see fault information and trouble shooting manual.
- Help : You can see the online help for the diagnosis program. (Manual here)

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
1. Connect / Disconnect ECU

ƒ “Connect ECU” icon

- Establishes communication between the e-Doctor and engine ECU
(Communication is activated when the line at the bottom of the screen displays : ‘DL06’ ‘DL08’
or ‘DV11’ and ‘Step2 and 3 communicating …’)
- Lets you know which type engine is installed on machine : DL06, DL08 and DV11.

ƒ “Dis connect ECU” icon

- Turns communication off.
※ Wait 5 seconds before resuming the communication.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
2. Connection setting

ƒ COM1 : Instructs the e-Doctor program to communicate with the gateway through the serial port #1 of your
laptop computer.

ƒ COM2 : Instructs the e-Doctor program to communicate with the gateway through the serial port #2 of your
laptop computer.

ƒ USB : Instructs the e-Doctor program to communicate with the gateway through any of the “USB ports” of
your laptop computer. Makes sure that the process described in the section ‘software installation guide’ sub
section ‘USB port driver installation’ is completed properly (otherwise communication by that method will fail).

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
3. Fault codes

ƒ Displays Engine failure messages with fault code.

ƒ All message will remain in the ECU memory until deleted by an e-Doctor user.
ƒ ‘Active’ error messages can not be deleted.
ƒ ‘Historic’ error messages can be deleted.
4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
3. Fault codes

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
3. Fault codes
ƒ Erase fault
- Lets the user erase all error data in ECU providing that the status is ‘Historic’.

ƒ Save as Excel
- Lets the user save the list of errors as an Excel file.

ƒ Fault code
-Lets you know the fault codes of the engine.

ƒ Description
- Provides the detail information about each fault code.

ƒ Activity
- ‘Active’ means that the fault is currently present.
- ‘History' means the problems is not currently present.

ƒ Help pop up
- Click on the fault code line to open the ‘online’ help window.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
3. Fault codes : Help window
- Click on the fault code line to open the help window.
- You can see the fault detail, cause result & repair recommendations.


4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
3. Fault codes : Help window
- Click on bit (Trouble causing) to open the trouble shooting manual.
- You can see the fault detail, what was problem & hot to check / fix / repair engine recommendations
(step by step)


4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
4. Service data

ƒ View service data enables you to check the sensors and service data values of the
engine, and check the status of the electric components such as sensor or switches.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
4. Service data

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
4. Service data
ƒ View Selection
- Tick the square cell in the column ‘SEL’ in front of the selected parameter
- Only the selected parameters (service data) will be shown on the screen

ƒ Open Selection
- Opens the list of service data you saved in lap top in a former session
ƒ Save Selection
- You can save the specified service data which you selected from the full service data list
- The filename has a *.sds extension.
- To select the service data, proceed in the same way as in “View selection”

ƒ Graph
- Shows the values for each selected service data as a graph.
- You can view up to 10 service data at a time.
ƒ Save as excel
- The service data names, parameter names, current values and units which are shown are saved as Excel
format. The curves are not saved in the current software version
ƒ Data Group
- Select the service data you want to see using the fall-down menu.
- All data, Start data, injector data, voltage data, fuel pressure data….

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
4. Service data (Graph screen)

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
4. Service data (Graph screen)
ƒ Graph
- CR : Indicates the line color on the graph.
- SVC Data : Indicates the service data names/parameter names shown on the graph.
- Value : Indicates the parameter’s current value, shown as Y-coordinate.
- Max : Indicates the max. value of the parameter. It is 100% of the graph.
- Min : Indicates the min. value of the parameter. It is 0% of the graph.
- Time : X-coordinate
- Scroll bar : It is active when going over the next frame.
- Stop button : Temporarily stops the measurement on the graph.
- Exit : Closes the graph window.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
4. Service data (Help pop up)
- If click any cell in the column ‘current value’. A pop up window provides information on the value of the
related parameter.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
5. Snap shot

ƒ The Snapshot enables you to record and display long periods of machine operation

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
5. Snap shot
ƒ Initialize
- The Initialize icon displays the list of all parameters on the screen.
ƒ Manual Start
- Data can be saved up to 200 seconds (100 seconds before and after starting).
- Click the Manual Start icon. The icon will be changed to the ‘Manual Stop’ icon so that you can
control the saving time.
ƒ Manual Stop
- Click the Manual Stop icon. The button will be revert to the ‘Manual Start’ icon
- You can store the data up to a maximum of 200 seconds
(respectively 100 seconds before and after starting).
- The filename has a *.snp extension.
ƒ Auto Start
- Click the Auto Start icon. The system will wait until the machine generates a fault and will then start
to save the fault data.
- e-Doctor will save automatically the fault data for 200 seconds before and after fault.
ƒ Open
- Load and run a stored snapshot file.
ƒ Time Frame Scroll
- Change the time frame scroll to check the current value of each time.
4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
5. Snap shot
ƒ Data Group
- Select the service data you want to see using the fall-down menu.
- All data, Start data, injector data, voltage data, fuel pressure data….

ƒ View selection
- See ‘Service Data’ section. This function behave in the same way

ƒ Graph
- See ‘Service Data’ section. This function behave in the same way

ƒ Save As Excel
- The service data names, parameter names, values and units which are shown are saved as an Excel

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
6. Run up test
ƒ This test allows checking of the power deviation between cylinders.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
6. Run up test

ƒ Auto Start icon

- Start and idle the engine before clicking the Auto Start icon
- The test will be started as soon as you click the start icon
- The test will be performed six times automatically
- After performing the test six times, the test will automatically be stopped

ƒ Manual Start icon

- Select the cylinders you want to test.
- If the Manual Start icon is clicked, the test is performed only on the selected cylinder

ƒ Stop icon
- Makes the test stop.

ƒ Status message
- It enables you to trace the test progress.

ƒ Measurement result
- Max speed: Indicates the max. RPM of each cylinder during the test.
- Min speed: Indicates the min. RPM of each cylinder during the test.
- Elapsed time: Indicates the time to reach the max. RPM. from min. RPM

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
6. Run up test
¾ The white cells containing: ‘Cyl.#1’ or ‘Cyl.#2’ or … show the engine firing order
(DL06/DL08 : 1-5-3-6-2-4, DV11 : 1-4-2-5-3-6)

¾ The first column shows the ‘Elapsed time’ resulting from the operation of cylinders 2 to 6. ‘Cylinder 1’ is
turned off. The second column shows similar results but with ‘cylinder 5’ turned off if engine DL08 is
checked (‘cylinder 4’ is turned off if engine DV11 is checked).

¾ The height of the six columns is the elapsed time expressed in percent of the longest of the six times

¾ Should the deviation of any cylinder exceed 20%, a major problem is detected. Any deviation could
indicate a minor problem. Typical problems could be: defective fuel spray pattern, no spray at all, scratch
of the liner

¾ This result is just for reference value

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
6. Run up test
▣ Case study of run up test: one an engine with an injector fault (i.e Cyl. No 2 injector).
Press the ‘run up’ test button. The ECU turns No1 injector off and starts investigating engine’s speed (the
engine is running with 5 cylinders only). The ECU gives signals to 5 injectors to maintain the engine running
speed .
The engine speed will be reduced because No 2 injector cannot generate a normal output according to our
assumption. The elapsed time will be quite long.

The ECU shall turn No2 injector off afterwards. The engine speed will not be degraded because the
damaged injector/cylinder is turned off. The elapsed time will be short.

The ECU shall turn No3 injector off. The engine speed shall be degraded because No 2 injector/cylinder is
turned on and contributes to the time calculation again.

This test will be repeated 6 times all together. The shortest elapsed time is assigned to the column where the
cylinder is damaged.

1 2 3 4 5 6

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
7. Compression test
ƒ This test aims to check the deviation of the compression between cylinders

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
7. Compression Test

ƒ Start icon
- Make sure that the engine is not running, but the starter Key is in the “On” position.
- The test will start after you click the ‘Start’ icon and then start cranking the engine.

ƒ Stop icon
- Clicking the icon makes the test stop.

ƒ Status message
- It enable you to trace the test progress.
- Always follow the instructions written in the ‘message’ cell

ƒ Cranking message
- Start cranking when prompted to start.
- Stop cranking when prompted to stop.

ƒ Understand the graphs: ‘Compression stroke’ & ‘Expansion stroke’

- It shows the elapsed time as a percentage the longest measurement time.
- The software selects a time base for the compression phase & different one for the expansion phase
- Assuming that the compression ratio of a cylinder is lower than the other cylinders the time needed for
the compression phase is shorter, and the expansion phase longer.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
8. Remote control
ƒ Allows test of ECU, by allowing the user to replace the sensor(s) signal(s) with inputs from the laptop.
ƒ The engine’s response to abnormal signals can be checked by remote control.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
8. Remote control
ƒ View current value
- Shows current value of parameters displayed in the right hand side of the screen

ƒ Start remote control

- Replaces sensor(s) output(s) to ECU by the user defined laptop signal(s)

ƒ Stop remote control

- Stop remote control test on engine.

- Choose and remove test data from engine test.


-‘Input Variables’ are the parameters which can be selected to send inputs to the ECU
- Select an ‘Input Variable’ and click on to send the input(s) to the right screen side
- ‘Output Variables’ are the parameters which outputs from ECU are analysed
- Select an ‘Output Variable’ and click on to send the output(s) to the right screen side
- Click on ‘View Current Value’ to see the selected parameter(s) current value(s)
- Enter values in the column ‘Input’ to assign a value to each selected parameter
- Click “Start Remote Control” to see the effect of the selected values
- Click “Stop Remote Control” to return to the machines own input values
4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
9. Register machine ID
ƒ You can record the engine No. and machine ID on the ECU.
ƒ After Reprogramming an ECU, the engine No. and machine ID are not saved in ECU.
ƒ The engine No. and machine ID must be saved in the ECU.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
9. Register machine ID
ƒ “Select in communication”
- View all : Click ‘view all’ icon. You can see the EOL data.
. CUID_D_DSID_CUC : Record engine ID
. CUID_D_VIN_CUC : Record machine ID

- “Apply” : New value is applied (saved) in ECU

- “Open selection” : Opens the data item you want to save in laptop.
- “Save selection” : Saves the data item you selected.

ƒ Open file : Open specified service data and value you saved before.
ƒ Save file : Save specified service data and value.
ƒ Save as excel : Save specified service data and value as excel.

ƒ Change data value

- Tick the EOL data value you want to modify. “√” is shown in the ‘SEL’ column.
- Enter the NEW value in the ‘Value’ column and Click “Apply”. The NEW value is
saved in ECU.
- Click the ‘Stop’ icon to validate the input and wait a few minutes.
- The NEW value is shown on ECU information.

*The engine must be stopped (Key ‘On’ condition), whenever you do ECU reprogramming and
Change EOL data.
4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
9. Register machine ID

3. Click apply
5. Click

2. Check
1. Change value

4. Click Yes

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
10. Reprogramming ECU

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
10. Reprogramming ECU

ƒ Select Engine
- No use

ƒ Select file
- Select ECU MAP file on your laptop computer for reprogramming or rework
- The files are obtained from the Doosan company if required

ƒ File transferring.
- Install Map file on ECU.
- You can see the program installing progress rate

• Install completely (100%): when prompted “install complete” message, click “sure”
• You have to wait a few minutes. MAKE SURE THAT THE LAPTOP BATTERY IS FULL
• Should the proper transfer of file fail, the ECU will be damaged and should be replaced
otherwise the engine cannot be run anymore.
• Click “stop” icon (Start /Stop Icon ), and restart e- Doctor
• After restarting the e Doctor, the engine serial No must be entered in the ECU through EOL
• It is not possible to re program a DX340 ECU with a DX420 software and so on.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
10. Reprogramming ECU

* Selecting Map file on your laptop * Click “Start” then you can see progress rate

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
10. Reprogramming ECU

2. Stop / Start

1. Confirm

* After programming Click “confirm”. You must click Disconnect icon then re start e-Doctor after a few

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
11. ECU Information

ƒ You can check that you are performing the test on the correct machine by checking the hardware,
software and machine ID of ECU.

4. Operation of e - Doctor

2. Main menu
10. ECU Information

- Machine Identification number

ƒ Engine Type
- Suffix / Engine Number

ƒ Last test user

- Indicates the ID number of the test user who last modified program data.

ƒ S/W Version
- Indicates the software version.

ƒ Data Set
- Indicates the software components.

ƒ Programming Date
- Indicates the date last modified EOL data.
- It will be displayed as blank if the data has never been changed.

ƒ Engine Test Date

- Indicates the last engine test date.

Let’s remember this….

- Never disconnect a communication cable from your lap top computer while
making an engine diagnosis.

- If you disconnect the communication cable from your lap top,

your laptop shall face a serious trouble.

- If you want to disconnect the cable, you must use below icon to perform
“safety remove hardware” or turn off the engine.

Laptop Specifications

(1) Minimum Specifications

- CPU : Pentium-II 300MHz
- RAM : 128M
- Video Card : VGA Card with 8M
- HDD : 10GB

(2) Recommended Specifications

- CPU : Pentium-III 3.1GHz
- RAM : 256M
- Video Card : VGA Card with 16M
- HDD : 40GB


Cut Off Test Using e-Doctor

Overseas P/S Team

Construction Equipment BG
How to detect Fault Injector Using Cut Off Test

Cut off #1 Cylinder

if it is fault cylinder
Normal Fault

RPM decreases No change in RPM

ECU increase fuel inj. quantity No change in fuel inj. quantity

RPM is compensated

You can decide faultiness by observing these value

Be aware before Cut-Off Test

ƒ During Injector Cut off test, be sure to maintain low idle rpm

ƒ After cut off test, be sure to turn off the start key switch, then wait 2~3 sec more, and start it again.
(Unless restarting, you can not change RPM with accelerator pedal or throttle.)

ƒ After cut off test, Injectors which have no changes in Low Idle Control Quantity should be replaced
according to procedures for changing injectors.

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (1/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

1. Connect your e-Doctor (using gateway) to your machine.
2. Key on and start engine
3. Idling engine at low idle RPM.
4. Run e-Doctor program, and click [Connect ] icon at the left top.

Connect icon is changed to Disconnect icon

while showing a message saying ‘E/G
MODEL(DL08) STEP3 Communication..’ on the
left bottom status bar, which means you
successfully have a connection to your machine.

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (2/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

5. Go to remote control menu

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (3/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

6. Select ‘‘Switch off Cylinder 1’ in the ‘Input Variables’ list box and click it

Switch off cylinder 1

Switch off cylinder 5
Switch off cylinder 3
Switch off cylinder 6
Switch off cylinder 2
Switch off cylinder 4
Is not real cylinder No.

It is firing order.

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (4/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

7. Click the right-heading arrow. Related value list will appear on the table.

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (5/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

8. Select ‘‘Low Idle Control quantity’ in ‘Output Variables’ list box and click it. Click the right-
heading Arrow. Related value list will appear in the table.

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (6/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

9. When clicking [View Current Value] button, the current parameters are listed in the table.
. Switch off Cyliner 1 : OFF (Which means #1 Injector cut off is not activated)
. Low Idle control quantity : Shows standard quantity at low idle RPM, which is calculated by ECU.
Write down Low Idle Control quantity value on your sheet.

Maintain low idle RPM

Ex) Idle(750) rpm :


Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (7/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

10. In the parameters table for Input Variables, click input column and select it to ‘ON’

Maintain low
idle RPM

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (8/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

11. Click [Start Remote Control] and click YES on verifying question window.
Now Injection cut off is activated.

Maintain low idle RPM


Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (9/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

12. Output column of Switch off Cylinder1 changes to ‘ON’ (which means #1 injector is cut off)
Output column of ‘Low idle Control quantity’ shows estimated fuel quantity without #1 injector
Write down Low idle control quantity value on your sheet.

Maintain low idle RPM

Estimated fuel quantity

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (10/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

13. <Deciding Faultiness by comparing values>
Compare Low idle control quantity 1 value with the value before cut off (procedure 9).
‘Output’ value of ‘Low idle Control quantity 1’ in Output Table :
1) Increases when normal injector was cut off. (more than 5mg)
2) Has no change when fault injector was cut off. (less than 2mg)
(Refer to below example of changes of normal injectors.)
* Changes of Low idle Control Quantity value at 750 rpm

Model Normal state normal injector is cut off

DL06 18 ±2 mg/str 22 ±2 mg/str
DL08 23 ±2 mg/str 27 ±2 mg/str
DV11 27 ±2 mg/str 33 ±2 mg/str

Above table is a example of change amounts at 750 rpm.

The value can be different depending on machine specs and conditions.
Let’s go to case study….

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (11/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

▣ Case study of cut off test : one an engine with an injector fault (i.e Cyl. No 2 injector is open condition).

Try to cut cylinder #1 off. The ECU turns No1 injector off and starts investigating engine’s speed (the engine
is running with 5 cylinders only). Then, the engine speed will be decreased in a moment and recovered
immediately because, the ECU gives signals to 5 injectors to maintain set engine running speed by
increased fuel injection with 5 cylinders working.

The ECU shall turn No2 injector off afterwards. The engine speed will not be decreased, because the
damaged (open) injector/cylinder still generate engine power (Injector open condition : Still generate power)
Then, the ECU will not be increased fuel amount with 5 injector.

The ECU shall turn No3 injector off. The engine speed will be decrease by No 3 injector/cylinder is turned off
and the ECU will increase fuel amount to maintain set engine running speed with 5 cylinders working

This test will be repeated 6 times all together, then you can catch up the problem injector.
Cylinder No. Before test valve After test valve
Cylinder #1. 18 mg/str 22 mg/str
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Cylinder #2. 18 mg/str 19 mg/str
X Cylinder #3. 18 mg/str 23 mg/str
Cylinder #4. 18 mg/str 22 mg/str
…… …. …

Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (12/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

14. Click [Stop Remote Control] to finalize cut off test for #1 cylinder.

Maintain low idle


Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (13/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

15. Delete all items in right table to test other injectors.
(Select item in table and click left-heading arrow to get rid of it.)

SwitchoffCylinder1 is


Injector Cut-Off Test Using E-Doctor (14/14)

• Try to check injector condition with cut off test

16. Perform cut off test on other injectors by the firing order. (Cylinder 1Æ 5Æ 3Æ 6Æ 2 Æ 4)
(The items in ‘Input Variable’ are also listed in firing order.)



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