Lesson 2: Basic Requirements For A Planned Installation Learning Objectives

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learning objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

➢ Prepare the required documents or forms before you do a well -planned installation
➢ Identity the qualifications to be a certified hardware professional so that you could be
allowed and authorized to do a well-planned installation

Are you the person everyone calls when they have a computer problem? Have you
considered getting paid for fixing near-fatal errors and turning your PC prowess into a
business? According a recent report, sales of computer services are expected to exceed $47
billion this year in the U.S. alone, with PC repair leading the way. But there are some
requirements that you need to know before joining the bandwagon of Computer Hardware
Servicing trade, like document/forms (e.g. Job Orders, Request Forms, and Report Sheets)
and qualifications for personnel in repairing computers.

Required documents/forms:

A. Job Order

A Job order (known as works order outside of the United States because the work is
produced in a manufacturing area known as the works) or job order (sometimes job
ticket or work ticket, as it often has some type of ticket attached) is an order received
by an organization from a customer or client, or an order created internally within the
organization. A work order may be for products or services.

In a manufacturing environment. a work order is converted from a sales order to show

that work is about to be begin on the manufacture, building or engineering of the products
requested by the customer. In a service environment. a work order can be equivalent to a
service order where the \VO records the location. date and time the service is carried out
and the nature of work that is done. The type of personnel (e.g. job position) may also be
listed on the WO. A rate (e.g. $/hr., $/week) and also the total amount of hours worked
and total value is also shown on the work order.

A work order may be a maintenance or repair request from students. faculty or staff
in a university.

Orders received from outside an organization are often dispatched (reviewed and
scheduled) before being executed Work orders may be for preventive maintenance.

Contractors may use a single job work order and invoice form that contains the
customer information. describes the work performed, lists charges for material and labor,
and can be given to the customer as an invoice.

A job order is an internal document extensively used by projects-based,

manufacturing, building and fabrication businesses. A job order may be for products
and/or services. In a manufacturing environment, a job order is used to signal the start
of a manufacturing process and will most probably be linked to a bill of material. Hence,
the job order will probably state:

1. the quantity of the product to be manufactured, built or fabricated

East Asia International System College Inc. – Module 2 1

2. the amount of raw material to be used. its price and amount
3. the types of labor required, rate (per hour or per unit) and amount
4. the machine utilization for each machine during the routing process, its rate and

In a service environment, a job order can be the equivalent to a work or service order
where the job order records the location. date and time the service is carried out and the
nature of service that was carried out The type of personnel (e.g. job position) may also be
listed on the job order. A rate (e.g. $/hr., $/week) and also the total amount of hours
worked and total value is also shown.

Sample of Job Orders

B. Request Form and Report Sheet

Computer Hardware Servicing maintenance. which includes planned installation,
main objective is to keep and improve production facilities, to keep and improve production
facilities stable and efficient at the lowest life cycle cost with the active participation of all
members in the company. A Request Form is

used to put this objective into action. And the Report Sheet and Request Form bring t o life
this maintenance's purposes which are:

➢ To increase productivity through maximum utilization and improvement of all


➢ To develop maintenance system to reduce life cycle cost of machinery and equipment
through the involvement of everybody in the organization

➢ To develop the operator's capability to be competent in maintenance activities through

education, training and motivation.

➢ To enhance capability for advanced and sophisticated technology that would reinforce
competitive power.

East Asia International System College Inc. – Module 2 2

Sample of Request Form

Sample of Report Sheet


What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a PC Repair Technician?


Employers prefer applicants who have completed formal electronics training in a

vocational school. community college or similar setting, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Training programs may last from 6 months to two years. Some employers require at least
a high school diploma or QED.


East Asia International System College Inc. – Module 2 3

Trainees can take the TESDA NC II Computer System Servicing assessment to
demonstrate their competency for entry-level jobs to employers. The Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority or TESDA offers a variety of certification programs. In
addition, technicians can achieve certifications even for trainer ship.

Physical and Personal Traits

PC technicians must be able to squat, bend and reach to access the computer
equipment requiring repair. They should be physically able to lift at least 50 pounds of
computer components. Employers look for technicians who can stand for long periods of
time and have the ability to perceive a variety of colors. Employers want technicians who
think analytically, are organized and pay attention to detail. They should feel comfortable
working under tight deadlines, and companies may expect them to work overtime or on weekends.

Knowledge and Skills

Applicants should know how to use a variety of standard office software. and some jobs also
require knowledge of networking. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair
experience, and they may look for candidates with experience repairing specific brands of
computers. Technicians need strong oral communication skills and should be able to explain
their findings to customers using common terms.

What are computer skills?

Computer skills fit into two categories: hardware and software.

Hardware skills allow you to physically operate a computer. Hardware skills can be as simple as
knowing how to turn devices on and off. They might also involve more complex tasks like
connecting machines to networks, changing parts or fixing broken devices. For these complex
tasks, many employers hire trained technicians with advanced computer skills.

Software skills help you to efficiently use computer programs and applications. There are some
software skills that employers may consider as prerequisites to employment. Employers may not
include some software skills on job posts under the assumption they are universally understood.
For example, many employers may believe all applicants have a basic knowledge of word
processing programs, like Microsoft Word.

Some common computer skills include:

• Analytics
• Social media
• Graphic design
• Microsoft Office
• Spreadsheets
• Email communication
• Marketing automation
• Data visualization

Why are computer skills important?

Most jobs now require the use of computers, mobile devices or software applications in some
capacity. Some employers will require prior knowledge or experience with specific applications,
while others will offer on-the-job training. If you have a working knowledge of commonly used
software, you may be able to more easily learn how to use new programs.

Whether you’re employed in customer service, manufacturing, food service or tech, employers use
computer applications to automate certain tasks, streamline communication and more.
You can showcase your computer skills by identifying computer-related requirements on job
postings and explaining on your resume how you meet or exceed those requirements with past

East Asia International System College Inc. – Module 2 4


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

________ 1. Anyone can perform a planned installation as long as he knows it.

________ 2. The Department of Education facilitates the competency assessment for computer

________ 3. Computer Technicians are given the TESDA NC II Computer System Servicing by TESDA
after successfully taking the Assessment

________ 4. Computer Technicians need not to have strong oral communication skills for they only
repair computers.

________ 5. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair experience, and they may look for
candidates with experience repairing specific brands of computers.

________ 6. A job order is an external document by a project based


________ 7. A job order can be the equivalent to a work or service order where the job order records
the location, date and time the service is carried out and the nature of service that was carried out.

________ 8. Software skills allow you to physically operate a computer. Software skills can be as simple
as knowing how to turn devices on and off.

________ 9. Hardware skills help you to efficiently use computer programs and applications. There are
some hardware skills that employers may consider as prerequisites to employment.

________ 10. A work order may be a maintenance or repair request from students. faculty or
staff in a university.

II. list down below the required qualification for a computer hardware personnel.

III. Create a sample job order using your own information and the image information below.
Use the back of the answer sheet.

East Asia International System College Inc. – Module 2 5

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