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Seismic wavelets and resolution


3.1 Introduction In practice, the amplitude spectrum is calculated
A fundamental aspect of any seismic interpretation in from the seismic trace using a Fourier transform over
which amplitudes are used to map reservoirs is the a given seismic window, usually several hundred
shape of the wavelet. This chapter presents introduc- milliseconds long. It is assumed to first order that
tory material relating to the nature of seismic wave- the Earth reflectivity is random and that the wavelet
lets; how they are defined, described and manipulated is invariant throughout the window. The amplitude
to improve interpretability. Seismic resolution, in spectrum of the wavelet is then assumed to be a scaled
terms of recognising the top and base of a rock layer, version of the amplitude spectrum of the seismic
is controlled by wavelet properties. However, owing trace. Amplitude spectra are also commonly esti-
to the high spatial sampling of modern 3D seismic, mated over short seismic segments using a range of
resolution in the broadest sense also includes the different approaches (e.g. Chakraborty and Okaya,
detection of geological patterns and lineaments on 1995). Such analysis is an essential component of
amplitude and other attribute maps. spectral decomposition techniques for use in detailed
stratigraphic interpretation (e.g. Burnett et al. 2003).
In addition to the amplitude spectrum, the other
3.2 Seismic data: bandwidth and phase piece of information that is needed to define the shape
The seismic trace is composed of energy that has a of the wavelet uniquely is the relative shift of the sine
range of frequencies. Mathematical methods of Four- wave at each frequency (i.e. the phase). The wavelet in
ier analysis (e.g. Sheriff and Geldart, 1995) allow the Fig 3.1 shows frequency components that have a peak
decomposition of a signal into component sinusoidal aligned at time zero. Such a wavelet is termed zero phase.
waves, which in general have amplitude and phase that As described in Chapter 2 a zero phase wavelet is ideal
vary with the frequency of the component. An example for the interpreter because it has a strong dominant
is the seismic wavelet of Fig. 3.1, which can be formed central trough or peak at zero time. If this is the wavelet
by adding together an infinite set of sine waves with in a processed seismic dataset, then an isolated subsur-
the correct relative amplitude and phase, of which a face interface between layers of different impedance will
few representative examples are shown in the figure. be marked by a correctly registered trough or peak
The amplitude spectrum shows how the amplitude of (depending on the sign of the impedance contrast and
the constituent sine waves varies with frequency. In the polarity convention used). This makes it fairly easy
Fig. 3.1 there is a smooth amplitude variation with a to relate the seismic trace to the subsurface layering,
broad and fairly flat central peak. This is often the case even in ‘thin-layered’ situations with overlapping reflec-
as the acquisition and processing have been designed tions. The interpretation is made more difficult if the
to achieve just such a spectrum. The bandwidth of the seismic wavelet is not symmetrical but, for example, has
wavelet is usually described as the range of frequencies several loops with roughly the same amplitude; then the
above a given amplitude threshold. With amplitudes interference between adjacent closely spaced reflectors
that have been normalised, such as those shown in Fig. will be difficult to understand intuitively. The import-
3.1, a common threshold for describing bandwidth is ance of zero phase wavelets to the interpreter becomes
half the maximum amplitude. In terms of the logarith- clear when considering well to seismic ties (Chapter 4).
mic decibel scale commonly used to present amplitude Zero phase is a condition that requires processing of the
data this equates to !6 dB (i.e. 20 log10 0.5). seismic data (see Section 3.6.2). 23
Seismic wavelets and resolution

a) Zero phase wavelet and selected zero-crossing (brown wave). The turning wheel idea is
frequency components useful for describing the angular differences in phase.
Seismic wavelets can sometimes be approximated
0 3 6 12 24 40 72Hz as constant phase across the dominant bandwidth. In
such a case (Fig. 3.3), the phase of each frequency
component is the same. Figure 3.3 shows a wavelet in
which the phase is 90°. Thus, a zero phase wavelet is a
special case of a constant phase wavelet. Another case
often seen is linear phase, where phase is related
linearly to frequency (Fig. 3.4). In effect, a wavelet
with linear phase is equivalent to a time-shifted con-
stant phase wavelet.
As will be discussed in detail below, the bandwidth
b) Phase spectrum and phase of the seismic signal emitted by the source
is modified in its passage through the subsurface by
180 the ‘earth filter’ (Fig. 3.5). Shallow targets will gener-
ally have higher bandwidth than deeper targets.
Higher bandwidth essentially means greater resolving
Phase angle


3.3 Zero phase and minimum phase

-180 From the interpreter’s point of view the ideal wavelet
20 60 is zero phase, i.e. symmetrical and with the amplitude
Frequency Hz centred on time zero. Real sound sources such as
explosives and airguns typically have minimum phase
signatures. Generally, a minimum phase wavelet is
c) Amplitude spectrum one that has no energy before time zero and has a
1 rapid build-up of energy. Each amplitude spectrum
Bandwidth (7-55Hz) can be characterised by a unique minimum phase
wavelet (i.e. the wavelet that has most rapid build-up

of energy for that given spectrum). It is possible to

Half peak find the minimum phase wavelet for a given spectrum
amplitude point using methods based on the z transform (see e.g.
Sheriff and Geldart 1995) but there is no intuitive
way to determine whether a given wavelet is min-
0 imum phase or not. Conversely, to say that a dataset
20 60 is minimum phase does not guarantee a particular
Frequency Hz shape. Figure 3.6 shows an example of two minimum
Figure 3.1 Elements of seismic wavelets; (a) sinusoidal frequency phase wavelets with similar bandwidth but slightly
components, (b) phase spectrum, (c) amplitude spectrum (after different rates of change of frequency in the low-
Simm and White, 2002).
frequency range. Thus, if an interpreter is told that
the seismic data is minimum phase then it is not clear
Phase can be thought of as a relative measure of exactly what response should be expected from a
the position of a sinusoidal wave relative to a refer- given interface. What is important is that the inter-
ence point, and is measured in terms of the phase preter is able to assess and describe wavelet shape in
angle (Fig. 3.2). The sine waves in Fig 3.2 all have seismic data. Determining wavelet shape from seismic
the same frequency but are out of phase. At the time is described in Chapter 4.
24 zero reference point, they vary from peak (red wave) A useful semi-quantitative description of wavelet
to zero-crossing (blue wave) to trough (green wave) to shape is in terms of a constant phase rotation of an
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon

Phase angle Time


Phase angle


Figure 3.2 Illustration of phase; showing several waveforms with the same frequency but different phase (i.e different timing of the
waveforms relative to the zero reference point). The turning wheel model describes the angular relations intrinsic to the advancement of
the waveform.

Decomposed into single

Wavelet frequency components Plot of phase against frequency


Time zero


Time Time
Figure 3.3 Constant phase wavelet (+90°) (J. Chamberlain, personal communication).

initially zero phase wavelet (Fig. 3.7). As the phase

rotates, the relative amplitudes of the peak and
3.4 Change of wavelet shape
trough loops of the wavelet change. At a phase angle with depth
of 90° the two loops have the same amplitude. Note The Earth filter can have significant effects on the amp-
that the description of phase is dependent on the litude and phase spectrum of the wavelet. Figure 3.8
reference polarity. It is most common to reference shows an example where the seabed response corres-
polarity descriptions to positive standard polarity ponds to a !60° phase rotated zero phase wavelet, 25
(Chapter 2). whereas at the target the optimum wavelet for the well
Seismic wavelets and resolution

zero-phase Decomposed into single Plot of phase
wavelet frequency components against frequency

Time zero

Time shift -180


Time Time
Figure 3.4 Linear phase wavelet; illustrating that this phase behaviour is effectively associated with a time shift (J. Chamberlain, personal

Source Signature a) 18db/oct low-cut b) 18+24 db/oct low-cut

0 0

50 50

100 100
150 150
Earth Filter
Transmission 100

Attenuation a: blue
10-1 b: red

Amplitude spectra

0 50 100

Frequency Hz
Figure 3.6 Two minimum phase wavelets with similar bandwidth
but slightly different low-cut responses (after Simm and White 2002).
Note the marked differences in wavelet shape.
tie is lower in frequency and roughly symmetrical with a
phase of around 180°.
Seismic Trace These effects are controlled by attenuation, which
Figure 3.5 Seismic bandwidth and the Earth filter. varies with the lithology and state of consolidation.
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon

0º 180º 30º -150º 60º -120º 90º -90º

120º -60º 150 -30º 180º 0º -150º 30º

-120º 60º -90º 90º -60º 130º -30º 150º

Figure 3.7 Constant phase rotation of a zero phase wavelet – a useful description for wavelet shape. Blue numbers are referenced to positive
standard polarity and red numbers are referenced to negative standard polarity. Note it is usual to use the positive standard convention when
describing wavelet phase.

frequency than at a lower one. Attenuation also causes

Seabed Extracted wavelet seismic wave propagation to be dispersive (i.e. the
Response at 3000ms seismic velocity varies with frequency), and thus
changes to the phase spectrum depend on distance
travelled. For a Q value greater than about 10, velocity
450 -50 should vary with frequency according to

TWT lnðf 2 =f 1 Þ
ðC2 ! C1 Þ=C1 ¼ , ð3:2Þ
500 0 πQ
where c1 is the velocity at frequency f1 and c2 is the
velocity at frequency f2 (O’Brien and Lucas, 1971). An
50 example of a modelled effect of Q on wavelet phase is
shown in Fig. 3.9. Essentially low values of Q will give
Figure 3.8 Example of change in wavelet shape with depth. greater phase rotation for a given sediment thickness
than higher values of Q.
Attenuation is parameterised by the quantity Q Q can be measured on core samples in the labora-
defined as tory (e.g. Winkler, 1986), but it is not clear whether
the results obtained are representative of in-situ
Q ¼ 2π=fraction of energy lost per cycle: ð3:1Þ
values. At the seismic scale the easiest way to measure
Equation (3.1) implies that the effect of attenuation is Q is from a VSP (e.g. Stainsby and Worthington,
to reduce amplitude at high frequencies more than at 1985; see also Chapter 4). The method compares
low frequencies, because in any given subsurface path direct (down-going) arrivals at two different depths 27
there will be more cycles (i.e. wavelengths) at a higher in a vertical well using vertical incidence geometry
Seismic wavelets and resolution

Table 3.1 Some typical values of Q (after Sheriff and Geldart,

180º 1995)

Lithology Q
Sedimentary rocks 20–200
Sandstone 70–130
TWT (s)

Shale 20–70

Q=30 Q=100 Limestone 50–200

Chalk 135
Dolomite 190
2.3 Rocks with gas in pore space 5–50
Metamorphic rocks 200–400
90º 150º Igneous rocks 75–300
Figure 3.9 Modelled effect of absorption on wavelet shape over a
1.3 s zone (modified after Angeleri and Loinger, 1984). In a real
example the bandwidth would also change. Note that Q ¼ 30 is gas effect (i.e. high absorption in the presence of
characteristic for example of shales whereas Q ¼ 100 would be gas) may be due to cross-flow of liquids between fully
characteristic of limestones and sandstone.
liquid-saturated pores and surrounding rock with
partial gas saturation. These developments are inter-
(i.e. near-zero horizontal offset between source and esting, but there is as yet no single widely accepted
receiver). This source–receiver geometry is highly view of the significance of absorption effects as a
favourable, because raypaths for the top and base of direct hydrocarbon indicator. Sometimes gas sands
an interval are essentially coincident. Thus spectral show an obvious shift to low-frequency signal at
differences between the arrivals can be reliably and for some distance below them but sometimes
assumed to be due only to the interval properties they do not.
between the two depths.
Determining Q from VSPs is of course only pos-
sible where there is a borehole, so it would be desir- 3.5 Idealised wavelets
able to extend lateral coverage by measuring Q from There are a number of types of idealised wavelets that
surface seismic. This is not easy to do and it is not are in common use, for example to make well syn-
routine practice. Q cannot be derived from stacked thetics when the exact wavelet is not known. Some
traces owing to mixing of traces with different path examples are shown in Fig. 3.10. In each type the
length, the spectral distortion due to moveout and the wavelets can be zero phase, constant phase, or min-
incorporation of AVO effects. Dasgupta and Clark imum phase, and the frequency content is specified by
(1998) have devised a method for using pre-stack data the user. The Butterworth wavelet is defined by the
in which amplitude spectra are computed for a par- lower and upper bandpass frequencies and the slopes
ticular reflection for each trace of a CMP gather of the response, usually in dB per octave. The Ormsby
individually. They are then corrected for moveout wavelet is defined by four frequencies: low-cut, low-
stretch (Chapter 6) and compared to the source sig- pass, high-pass and high-cut. Both these wavelets
nature to obtain an estimate of Q. develop oscillatory side lobes if the cut-off slopes are
As can be seen from Table 3.1, the presence of gas set too steep. The Ricker wavelet (Ricker, 1940) is
in a sandstone can give rise to anomalously low Q defined by a single central frequency and has only
(high absorption), particularly at intermediate satur- two side lobes. Hosken (1988) advised strongly
ations. This has driven interest in the use of Q in against the use of Ricker wavelets, largely because real
direct hydrocarbon detection. Chapman et al. (2006) seismic generally has a flat topped as opposed to a
have developed a theoretical framework to explain peaked amplitude spectrum (Fig. 3.10). For detailed
28 abnormally high attenuation in hydrocarbon reser- work it is probably best to use a custom wavelet
voirs. Dvorkin and Mavko (2006) suggest that the created by the methods to be described in Chapter 4,
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon

Butterworth Ricker Ormsby

18dB/Oct 12Hz – 20Hz 5-10-35-60 Hz
12dB/Oct40Hz Zero Phase Minimum Phase


Amplitude spectra
1 1 1 1

Amp Amp Amp Amp

0 0 0 0
0 75 0 75 0 75 0 Hz 75
Hz Hz Hz
Figure 3.10 Examples of idealised wavelets.

but the Ricker wavelet is often a useful tool for first- to be evaluated, for example with well ties (Chapter 4).
pass synthetics, given its simplicity. It is essential that this process does not boost noise
levels in the data. In the worst case scenario the
apparent improvements suggested by the high-
3.6 Wavelet phase and processing frequency look to the data may not be real. When
In order to enhance the interpretability of seismic a correctly applied the amplitude corrections give rise
number of processes can be applied to the data. Typ- to data that have true relative amplitude and the phase
ically these relate to the zero phasing of the seismic, correction enhances vertical resolution, particularly
compensation for absorption effects and bandwidth with increasing depth (e.g. Gherasim et al., 2010).
improvement. These are not mutually exclusive and Amplitude and phase corrections can be applied indi-
the processor/interpreter needs to evaluate appropri- vidually or in combination.
ate approaches for the data at hand.
3.6.2 Zero phasing
3.6.1 Q compensation The process of zero phasing seismic is conceptually
Inverse Q filtering (e.g. Wang, 2006) is a way of straightforward. If the wavelet is known (for example
correcting for the exponential loss of high-frequency from wavelet extractions (Chapter 4)) then a convo-
energy and increasing wavelet distortion with increas- lution operator can be applied to transform it to zero
ing two-way time. Figure 3.11 shows an example phase (Fig. 3.12). In practice, this process is not
where this type of amplitude and phase compensation always carried out in this way owing to uncertainties
has been applied. In this case the result is fairly in the definition of the wavelet. One problem is that 29
dramatic but the usefulness of the correction needs different wavelet extraction methods can give different
Seismic wavelets and resolution

a) b)
Trace number Trace number
1 51 101 151 201 251 301 1 51 101 151 201 251 301
0 0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
1.5 1.5
Time (s)

2.0 2.0
2.5 2.5
3.0 3.0
3.5 3.5
4.0 4.0
Figure 3.11 An example of inverse Q filtering; (a) before and (b) after inverse Q filtering (after Wang, 2006).

Extracted wavelet possible to create a zero phase result at a specific target

rather than over the whole section.
If the interpreter does not have access to software
for detailed wavelet shaping, an approximation to
0 100 zero phase can often be achieved by a simple phase
rotation. The amount of rotation is determined by
Convolve with inverse operator rotating the extracted wavelet until it is approximately
symmetrical with the desired polarity. This rotation is
then applied to the seismic dataset. Software for such
simple phase rotation is widely available.
-100 -50 0 50 In the absence of well data to establish phase it
0 may not be possible to accurately zero phase the
Zero phase wavelet seismic data. Sometimes it is possible to check wavelet
phase from seismic reflectors whose characteristics
-20 are well known, such as the top of a thick soft shale

-30 (such as the Kimmeridge shale in parts of the North

-40 -50 0 50 Sea) or the top of a thick hard limestone. The problem
TWT of phase determination without wells is discussed in
15 30 45 50 Chapter 4.
Figure 3.12 Zero phasing through application of an inverse
operator. 3.6.3 Bandwidth improvement
Convolution operators can also be used to broaden
results and the interpreter needs to determine which the bandwidth of seismic data. In principle, increasing
method is best for the dataset at hand. Often the the bandwidth gives better vertical resolution and also
various wavelet extractions are used to ‘de-phase’ an improved result in trace inversion. Historically the
the seismic data (i.e. apply a ‘phase-only’ correction) aim was to achieve a flat amplitude spectrum, usually
followed by an evaluation of the results. In situations called a white spectrum by analogy with visible light,
30 where Q is poorly understood or where inverse where low frequencies are red and high frequencies
Q has not been applied to the seismic, it may only be are blue. Effectively the amplitudes of all frequencies
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon


Figure 3.13 Example of spectral blueing; (a) before spectral blueing, (b) after spectral blueing (after Blache-Fraser and Neep, 2004).
In this example the blueing has been targeted at enhancing the interpretability of the channel feature.

are boosted to match the maximum amplitude in the sometimes called spectral blueing. An example is
original spectrum. A difficulty with this is the effect of shown in Fig. 3.13, where blueing has enhanced the
noise in real data. At frequencies where there is very resolution and facilitated the identification of a subtle
little signal, boosting the amplitude will simply increase channel feature. As is sometimes the case, improved
the noise content. In practice, therefore, tests need to be definition of a target level has led to an increase in
run to find out what frequency range can be whitened noise elsewhere in the section. The scope for blueing
without making the trace data excessively noisy. is thus still limited by the need to avoid undue
A more recent and more geophysically justifiable boosting of the noise content.
approach is to design an operator to shape the reflect- It may be useful to improve the signal to noise
ivity spectrum of the seismic to match the spectrum ratio before bandwidth improvement, for example by
of reflectivity derived from well data. As shown by the application of particular types of filtering tech-
Walden and Hosken (1985), well-based reflectivity niques. Helmore et al. (2007) have proposed that the
tends to be blue with amplitude increasing with fre- data should be divided into frequency bands and
quency across the frequency range usually found in filtering adapted to local dip (referred to as struture-
seismic data. The slope of the amplitude–frequency oriented filtering) is applied to each band separately,
relation varies from one depositional environment to followed by their recombination. In this way the filter
another and Lancaster and Connolly (2007) have can be adapted to the noise level in each frequency
shown that the spectral decay of impedance as a band. As can be seen from the example in Fig. 3.14,
function of frequency is related to the fractal distribu- after this noise reduction it is possible to apply quite
tion of layer thickness in the Earth. Matching the aggressive bandwidth improvement (in this case spec- 31
seismic spectrum to the well spectrum is thus tral whitening) without introducing excessive noise.
Seismic wavelets and resolution

Tie at Well A
a) Section through input volume (bandwidth 10-50Hz) Wavelet 10-50Hz

Tie at Well A
b) After FSSOF and whitening (bandwidth 10-75Hz) Reservoir
Wavelet 10-75Hz

Figure 3.14. Seismic section (a) before and (b) after processing with frequency split structurally oriented filtering and trace whitening
(after Helmore et al., 2007).

3.7 Resolution shales. With a positive standard polarity zero phase

wavelet, a peak would be expected at the top of the
A key issue in the interpretation of bandlimited seis-
sand and a trough at the base and in a general way this
mic data is the fact that there is a lower limit (imposed
is what is seen. In detail, however, the acoustic imped-
by bandwidth and wavelet shape) to the bed thickness
ance curve shows variability within the sand. The
that can be uniquely resolved. This limit defines the
effect of this fine layering is to modify the seismic
boundary between ‘thick’ beds (above the resolution
response. Owing to the fact that the seismic wavelet is
limit) and ‘thin’ beds (below the resolution limit). The
longer than the spacing between impedance contrasts,
uncertainty in the interpretation of ‘thin’ beds that
the character of the top and base sand reflections is
results from resolution limits is a major issue for
dependent not only on the contrast at the reflecting
quantitative interpretation and this discussion will
interface but also on the layering close to the bound-
be developed in Chapters 5, 9 and 10. Although verti-
ary. The amount of interference is controlled by the
cal resolution is a key concept for the interpreter to
length of the seismic pulse and the spacing in two way
consider, in the context of 3D amplitude and other
time of the impedance contrasts (a function of the
seismic attribute maps the idea of resolution also
interval velocity).
tends to incorporate the notion of detectability.

3.7.1 The problem of interference 3.7.2 Simple models of interference

The modelled seismic trace in Fig. 3.15 illustrates the A simple way of looking at wavelet interference is via
fact that a seismic section is a complex interaction of the ‘wedge’ model (Widess 1973). This is usually
32 the wavelet and reflecting surfaces. Figure 3.15 shows thought of as a wedge of sand encased in shale (the
a high-impedance sand encased in low-impedance sand may be higher or lower impedance than the
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon

Vsh Phi AI Rc Synthetic thickness and with apparent sand thickness (defined
as the trough-to-peak time separation). It is evident
0 10 0.4 4 8 -0.2 0.2 0.25 0.25 that the character of the tuning curve is related to the
shape of the wavelet (Fig. 3.16b), with the actual
thickness vs amplitude relationship having a shape
similar to a wavelet half cycle. The amplitude tuning
curve is a maximum at the sand thickness below
which the peak and trough separation remains con-
stant. This is commonly referred to as the tuning
thickness. Below the tuning thickness, the amplitude
decreases in response to the thinning sand.
A comparison of Figs. 3.16b,c indicates that, for a
limited range of thicknesses above tuning thickness,
estimating sand thickness using trough-to-peak sep-
aration would result in a slight underestimate. Note
that although tuning imposes limits on the interpret-
ation of thicknesses the changes in seismic amplitude
and apparent thickness can be used in net pay inter-
pretation (Chapter 10).
Interference related to two reflections of the same
polarity is shown in Figs. 3.16e,f. In this model the
two reflections converge to a single loop at the tuning
thickness. The tuning thickness is characterised by
maximum destructive interference (i.e. low ampli-
tude) and as the wedge thins below this point there
is an increase in amplitude. This type of interference
pattern might be characteristic of angular
Figure 3.15 Synthetic seismogram illustrating how geology relates
to seismic.

3.7.3 Estimating vertical resolution

shale) such that the reflection coefficients at top and from seismic
base of the wedge are equal but of opposite polarity. For practical purposes the tuning thickness can be
It is particularly applicable for example to isolated considered as an indication of the vertical
gas sands in unconsolidated basin fill sections. resolution. Fundamentally, the tuning thickness is
Figure 3.16 (upper part) shows an example of this determined by the compressional velocity of the unit
type of model constructed using a positive standard and the wavelength of the seismic pulse (λ). A first
polarity zero phase wavelet. The figure shows the order approximation for making quick calculations:
modelled seismic response together with crossplots
of thickness and amplitude, and illustrates the key tuning thickness ¼ λ=4ðWidess, 1973Þ ð3:3Þ
problem for vertical resolution (in the sense of λ ¼ V p ðm=sÞ=F d ðHzÞ ð3:4Þ
uniquely identifying the top and base of the wedge).
Owing to the finite seismic bandwidth there is a F d ¼ 1=T, ð3:5Þ
thickness below which the seismic loops effectively where
have a constant separation. Thus, when the sand is
λ ¼ wavelength (m), Fd ¼ dominant frequency
very thin, estimating its thickness from the separation
and T ¼ ‘period’ (measured in seconds from trough
of trough and peak seismic loops will result in a
to trough or peak to peak) on a seismic section
significant overestimate (Fig 3.16c).
(e.g. Fig. 3.17).
The tuning curves in Figs. 3.16b,c show how the 33
trough amplitude changes with both actual sand A worked example based on Fig. 3.17:
Seismic wavelets and resolution

a) b) c)
-0.2 60

Apparent Thickness (ms)

Wedge model with opposite

Trough Amplitude
polarity reflections 50
-0.1 30
Amplitude vs
apparent thickness 20
in red, vs actual 10
-100 thickness in blue Unity
-50 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (ms)

d) 50
Thickness (ms) Actual Thickness (ms)
e) 100 f) g)
0.1 60

Apparent Thickness (ms)

0.08 50
Peak Amplitude

Wedge model with same 0.02 10
polarity reflections Unity
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Actual Thickness (ms) Actual Thickness (ms)
Figure 3.16 Simple interference models: (a–c) wedge model with opposite polarity reflections and thickness vs amplitude characteristics,
(d) seismic wavelet, (e)–(g) wedge model with same polarity reflections.

T ¼ 0.027 s A common first order effect evident on seismic

Fd ¼ 37 Hz data is the decrease in frequency content with depth
λ ¼ 60 m (if Vp ¼ 2220 m/s) (Fig. 3.18). This is due to the various effects of the
tuning thickness (m) ¼ 15 m Earth filter. In the shallow part of the section the
tuning thickness (ms) ¼ 0.0135 s. seismic loops are close together whilst in the deep
section they are further apart. This change in fre-
Theoretically, the temporal (or vertical) resolution quency combined with the general increase in veloci-
(i.e. the point at which the two reflections become a ties with depth clearly has an effect on vertical
composite) is slightly less than tuning thickness and resolution.
for a simple pulse is defined as Tr ¼ 1/(2.31Fd) s. Of
course in reality resolution is dependent on the wave-
let in the data. A useful reference is Kallweit and
3.7.4 The effect of wavelet shape
Wood (1982) where the resolving properties of Ricker on resolution
wavelets are discussed. It is worth noting that the The work of Koefoed (1981) was instructive in illus-
‘peak’ frequency (Fp) (i.e. the frequency descriptor trating the fact that wavelets with the same bandwidth
for the Ricker wavelet, and the frequency having the can give different seismic traces and differences in
34 largest amplitude) is related to the dominant fre- perceived resolution. Figure 3.19 shows two zero
quency by Fp ¼ Fd/1.3. phase wavelets with nominally the same bandwidth
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon

Loops close together
T = 21ms
Resolution = T/2.31 = 9.1ms
Vp = 2500m/s

Vertical resolution = 11.3m

Loops further apart

T = 27ms
Figure 3.17 Estimating the dominant period in a seismic section. T/2.31 = 11.7ms
Vp = 3000m/s
Vertical resolution = 17.6m
but which have different slopes on the amplitude
spectra, together with synthetics generated from a
reflection series with different types of thin beds. 2000
The wavelet with steep slopes has a narrow main lobe
but significant side lobe energy. This wavelet seems to
show some detectability of thin beds with same polar-
Figure 3.18 Frequency, velocity and vertical resolution.
ity reflections but is poor at identifying thin beds with
opposite polarity reflections, owing to the presence of
side lobe energy. By contrast, the opposite appears to
be the case with a wavelet with shallower slopes, a un-migrated seismic image the Fresnel zone diam-
broad main lobe and minimal side lobe energy. In eter is given by (Sheriff 1977):
practice, seismic processors make judgements on the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
" #
trade-off between the desire for a narrow main lobe λ 2
and the effects of reverberations due to high filter Fd ¼ 2 z+ ! z2 , ð3:6Þ
where z ¼ depth and λ ¼ wavelength.
Un-migrated seismic objects that are smaller than
3.7.5 Lateral resolution the Fresnel zone are, therefore, not uniquely identi-
For most practical purposes lateral seismic fied. In the days when prospect maps were generated
resolution is not as important for amplitude inter- with un-migrated seismic it was important to calcu-
pretation as vertical resolution, but it is still worth late the Fresnel zone. It was used, for example, to
considering briefly as it may be a factor in evaluating determine an adequate stand-off distance from faults
the significance of lateral shifts in quantitative well and to ensure that the well was drilled on the
ties (Chapter 4). The starting point for considering up-thrown side. Migration, however, plays a signifi-
lateral resolution is the fact that reflections are the cant role in enhancing lateral seismic resolution.
result of constructive interference over an area of Figure 3.21 shows how the Fresnel zone is compressed
the wavefront called the Fresnel zone (Sheriff, 1977) in the inline direction for a 2D migration. Note that
(Fig. 3.20). The reader is referred to a useful discus- 3D migration collapses the Fresnel zone to a small 35
sion of the Fresnel zone by Lindsey (1989). For an circle (ideally around one half of the wavelength in
Seismic wavelets and resolution

Figure 3.19 Filter slopes and wavelet shape (after Koefoed, 1981).

Post migration Fresnel zone

–1 4 FOR HIGH Pre migration
4 FOR LOW FREQUENCY Fresnel zone

Zone Line direction
Low Frequency
Figure 3.20 The ‘Fresnel’ zone; the area at the acoustic boundary
from which the dominant part of the reflection originates (after
Sheriff, 1977; AAPG © 1977, reprinted by permission of the AAPG
36 whose permission is required for further use). The Fresnel zone varies Figure 3.21 The effect of migration on the Fresnel zone for a 2D
with frequency. line (after Lindsey, 1989).
Robb Simm and Mike Bacon

diameter). Key factors in lateral resolution for 3D 3D Model

seismic surveys are bandwidth, accuracy of the migra-
tion velocity model, and adequate sampling of steep-
dip information. Owing to the dense sampling of
modern 3D data lateral resolution (in terms of the
Fresnel zone) is not usually an issue. Depth

3.8 Detectability Contact

Although a gas sand may have a thickness below
tuning thickness it will still potentially have ampli-
tudes higher than background. Thus the sand is Inline
detectable without being fully resolved. The limit
of detectability (i.e. the thickness at which the amp-
litude merges with the background) depends essen- Crossline
tially on the acoustic impedance contrast and the
signal-to-noise ratio of the seismic. As a general rule b)
of thumb, for low impedance hydrocarbon sands CDP
with reasonable data quality the limit of detectabil- Signal only
ity can be around λ/20 to λ/30 (Sheriff and Geldart, TWT
1995; Sheriff, 2006). Whenever net pay is deter-
mined from seismic (Chapter 10) there is always
the uncertainty that there may be pay in this ‘below
detectability’ zone. Whether this hydrocarbon is c)
producible of course depends on the connectivity CDP
of the reservoir and is a question for the reservoir S:N=1.5

Much of the power of 3D seismic is in detecting
subtle features below seismic resolution. The notion
of detectability is illustrated in Fig. 3.22, which con-
trasts the interpretability of subtle effects on ampli-
tude maps and vertical sections. A 3D model is d) e)
shown of a formation defined by two bounding Line Line
surfaces with a hydrocarbon contact (Fig. 3.22a). Signal only S:N=1.5
The 3D synthetic models were generated to simulate
the seismic before and after production and a differ-
ence dataset was generated (Fig. 3.22b). It is evident
that the change in the contact can be seen effectively


as a composite of two interfering reflections (see also

Section 10.4 on time lapse seismic). For realism,
noise was added and the corresponding section is
shown in Fig. 3.22c. In the presence of noise the
time lapse signature is not easily interpretable on the
vertical section. Time slices were also generated at
the level of the original contact (Figs. 3.22d,e) and it Figure 3.22 Detectability in seismic sections and maps; (a) 3D model
is clear that even in the noisy data the outline of the of top and base Oseberg reservoir and a hydrocarbon contact, (b)
contact change is clearly visible. The effective vertical difference section after pre-production and monitor models are
subtracted, (c) vertical difference section with realistic levels of noise
dynamic range of amplitude maps (and other seis- added, (d) time slice through model at level of contact, (e) time slice
mic attribute maps) is much greater than vertical through model with added noise. Note how the time lapse signature is
sections. evident in the noise prone map (e) but quite indistinct on the noise 37
prone section (c) (re-drawn after Archer et al., 1993).

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