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Understanding Calories

By: Sheryl Opes

Posted on SEPTEMBER 6, 2016

Calories is a unit of energy it represents the energy require to

heat a kilogram of water on degree Celsius. While people generally
Link the term calorie with food, it is a unit of measurement that can
be applied to any substances possessing energy. In to a litter of
gasoline there are 8200 calories.

Calories describe the potential energy in food to maintain

bodily functions, grow or repair tissue, and perform mechanical work
such as exercise. A food calorie may take the form of fat,
carbohydrates or Proteins. If you consumed enzymes act on these
nutrients through metabolic processes and break them into their
perspective categories of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids.
The molecules travel through the blood stream to specific cells
where they are absorbed for immediate use or sent on to the final
stage of metabolism where they release their stored energy through
the process of oxidation.

In order to survive and maintain body weight, the average

individual requires approximately 2000 to 2500 calories per day.
Gaining or losing weight is a simple process. Nutrition has nothing to
do with it. It is all about Calories.

Reference :
Name: Ye Rim V. Park Date: Aug. 20, 2021

Grade level and Section: Gr.11 ABM- Blessed Angelo of Furci

Ms. Bartolazo

Guide Questions:
Read and answer the questions provided below. Type your answers
in this document right after each question.
1.Identify the thesis statement of the Essay.

The thesis statement of the essays is all about understanding calories.

2. Cite the three important parts of the essay “Understanding

Calories” by highlighting the introduction in yellow, the body in green
and the concluding paragraph in blue.

- Calories is a unit of energy it represents the energy require to heat a

kilogram of water on degree Celsius.
- Calories describe the potential energy in food to maintain bodily
functions, grow or repair tissue, and perform mechanical work such
as exercise.
- Nutrition has nothing to do with it. It is all about Calories.

3. What are the claims of the author?

The claims of the authors that calories are not only found in food but
also in any substances processing energy.

4. Why is it important to learn about calories?

To have knowledge that the human body needs calories to endure.

Without energy, the cells in the body would bite the dust, the heart
and lungs would stop, and the organs would not have the option to
complete the fundamental cycles required for living. Individuals
assimilate this energy from food and drink.

5. What do you think is the purpose of that Academic text?

As far as I might be concerned, the reason for this scholastic content
is to give us information about calories so we can realize that
calories don’t just contain in food varieties yet additionally in
numerous substances.

6.What is the significance of recognizing the features and structures

of academic text?

A significant element of scholarly messages is that they are

coordinated with a particular goal in mind; they have a reasonable
construction. This construction makes it simpler for your peruse to
explore your content and comprehend the material better. It
likewise makes it simpler for you to put together your material.

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