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The use of archaeobotanical assemblages in palaeoeconomic reconstructions

Chapter · January 2008


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1 author:

Mette Marie Hald

The National Museum of Denmark


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Case Studies on Research Planning,
Characterisation, Conservation
and Management of
Archaeological Sites

Edited by

Nicolò Marchetti
Ingolf Thuesen

BAR International Series 1877

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Publishers of British Archaeological Reports
Gordon House
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Oxford OX2 7ED

BAR S1877

ARCHAIA: Case Studies on Research Planning, Characterisation, Conservation and Management of

Archaeological Sites

© the individual authors 2008

ISBN 978 1 4073 0357 4

Layout editing: Ivano Devoti

Text editing: Benedetta Panciroli
Revision of the English texts: Richard Hugh Barnes, Rachael J. Dann, Inge Demant Mortensen
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The use of archaeobotanical assemblages in
palaeoeconomic reconstructions

Mette Marie Hald

Charred plant remains from archaeological deposits are potentially useful for the reconstruction of ancient agricultural economies, in-
cluding the origins of agriculture, and the practices of growing, harvesting, storing, distributing, and consuming a crop. Here the back-
ground, methods and theories of archaeobotanical research are outlined, and illustrated by examples from studies in the Near East.

1. Introduction of the fire and escape the flames, and dense enough not to
burn away completely (Boardman and Jones 1990, Hillman
Charred plant remains are often found in archaeological 1981: 139-40, Hillman 1984: 11). The plants also have to
deposits and are potentially useful indicators of palaeoeco- be robust enough to survive the formation processes of the
nomic practices on ancient settlements. These practices archaeological deposits. These particular plant elements –
include the production and management of crops; the stor- cereal grains and seeds, the lower parts of glumes, rachis
age, distribution and consumption of plants as food and and straw nodes, and shells or stones from fruits and nuts
fodder; methods of field cultivation and processing of – are the types of charred plant remains most commonly
crops; and the movement of crops as part of exchange rela- found on archaeological sites. Oil- or water-rich seeds
tions with other sites. Apart from the purely economic and or plants, such as flax or sesame, are comparatively less
nutritional aspects of food, the cultural and social practices likely to survive burning; oil-rich seeds tend to boil and
of food consumption may also be detected by the presence explode when exposed to fire, though if not undergoing too
of charred plant remains in the archaeological deposits. much post-depositional disturbance, the remains of them
The analytical methods of archaeobotany draw from a can still be found (Hald and Charles 2008). Water-rich and
range of information including ecological, environmental, soft tissue plants such as vegetables rarely survive char-
ethnographic and experimental studies, botanical surveys, ring, though seeds of vegetables may be found, and tubers
archaeological interpretation, and historical sources. and parenchyma are also occasionally observed (Nesbitt
1995: 69).

2. Preservation of plant remains

3. Potential sources of plant remains
Archaeological plant remains are preserved as either – factors of variation in sample com-
charred, waterlogged or desiccated specimens. In the Near position
East, charring is the most common method of preservation.
Unless there is considerable post-depositional disturbance, The archaeobotanical assemblage may derive from a wide
charred plant remains can survive in the ground for thou- range of potential sources, which need to be considered
sands of years. Preservation of plants by charring depends when using archaeobotanical remains for the reconstruc-
on a range of factors such as the temperature of the fire tion of past economic practices. Plants arrive on a site
in which they are burnt, depositional and post-depositional for a number of reasons: they may have been brought to
formation processes, and the robustness and oil or moisture a settlement intentionally as food for humans or fodder
content of the plants. for animals, or for the use as, for instance, roof thatching,
Charring of plants may happen through the catastrophic ceramic tempering or fuel for fireplaces. Plants may also
or intentional burning of a house or part of a settlement, have arrived on the site more indirectly, for instance when
through the intentional burning of plants as fuel in fire- eaten by animals during grazing and appearing in dung
places, or through accidents during cooking or parching used for fuel. Part of the challenge for the archaeobota-
(to release glumes from glume wheat grain or to sterilise nist is to identify the means by which an archaeobotanical
insect-infected crops). In order for plant material to sur- assemblage arrived on a site; it goes without saying that
vive, the temperature of the fire has to be either relatively archaeobotanical questions on, for instance, the food crop
low (200-400º C), or the plants have to be buried in the preferences of the inhabitants of an ancient settlement can
ashes so that the lack of oxygen prevents the plants from only be answered through the analysis of plants intended
being burnt to ashes themselves (Hillman 1981: 139). for food, and not through plants intended for animal fod-
The relative robustness of the various plant elements is der, or used for fuel, or for construction material such as
also important for their preservation: to survive burning in mudbricks. Before attempting to define the crop economy
a fireplace without being charred to ash, the plant elements of a given site, therefore, it is necessary to ensure that an
need to be both heavy enough to fall into the lower parts
Mette Marie Hald

interpretation of archaeobotanical finds is based on an as- 4. Field methods of archaeobotany

semblage actually containing crops and/or weeds of crops.
4.1. Soil sampling
3.1. Dung fuel as a potential source of plant remains During excavation, soil for recovering archaeobotanical
The burning of dung fuel in particular has been discussed material should be sampled from a range of contexts, such
as an alternative source of charred plant remains to that as pits, pots, fireplaces, and general room fill, to make sure
of food or fodder (Miller and Smart 1984, Charles 1998). that the samples are representative of all excavated areas.
Dung from domestic animals, in the form of ‘dung cakes’ Sample size will vary, and may often be limited to the size
(dung mixed with straw and chaff as a ‘temper’) is a popu- of the context that it is taken from, such as a small pit or ce-
lar source of fuel in many areas of the Near East, both be- ramic vessel. For larger contexts such as room fill, 50-litre
cause of its good burning qualities but also because it is an samples can be taken at intervals across the room, which is
alternative to wood which is often a rare resource in arid useful in the investigation of spatial variation in the prepa-
regions. Today, the use of dung as fuel is regularly associ- ration and consumption of food products. In the case of
ated with deforested areas (Miller and Smart 1984). Various large pits, multiple samples can also be taken at vertical
plants are likely to be associated (though not exclusively) intervals, which is useful in determining seasonal differ-
with dung: some wild taxa are noted for their usefulness as entiation in the deposition of bioarchaeological waste, thus
grazing plants, such as the legumes Astragalus, Medicago helping to determine seasonal events (Wright et al. 1989).
and Trigonella sp. (Townsend and Guest 1974); the former Generally, sample size depends on the richness of charred
is also collected for fuel on its own (Nesbitt 1995: 77, Van plant remains in the soil: whereas only small samples may
Zeist and Bakker-Heeres 1985: 234). Prosopis sp., the be needed from deposits with rich concentrations of seeds,
fruits of which are eaten by sheep and goats (and humans from deposits with low seed density, large-volume samples
in times of food shortage), has been associated in particular are needed to recover a statistically representative number
with dung-derived archaeobotanical material due to its late of plant remains.
flowering season; since crops in the Near East are prima- The volume of each sample should be recorded before
rily winter sown and harvested in the spring, Prosopis sp., processing in order to have a comparative measure of the
fruiting in September, is not a crop weed, and when present concentrations of archaeobotanical material in each de-
in archaeobotanical material is more likely to have arrived posit. The density of a concentration (i.e., the number of
with animal dung (Charles 1998: 114). Scirpus sp. has also seeds per litre of soil) is a reflection of the rate of deposi-
been associated with dung in some archaeobotanical stud- tion of plants; a large amount of crops, for instance, spoiled
ies (Fairbairn et al. 2002: 45-48). Considering that archae- in storage or during cooking and deposited in a pit or bin as
ological plant remains often come from domestic hearths a single event, will tend to have been less mixed with other
where dung could have been used as a fuel, it is important kinds of refuse than the crops which may have been dis-
to identify and separate dung-derived plant material in an carded in smaller amounts over longer periods of time, for
archaeobotanical assemblage before reaching any conclu- instance during day-to-day fine sieving and hand-sorting
sions on ancient plant use. of grains before cooking. Calculating the density of plant
items per litre of floated soil for each sample is thus useful
3.2. Crop processing as a factor of sample composition for distinguishing between single and repeated events of
Crop processing is the process by which a harvested crop is discard (Jones 1987: 317).
cleaned and prepared for consumption, by threshing, win- Samples should be taken as whole-earth samples, i.e., in-
nowing and sieving the crop to remove straw, chaff, weed cluding everything that is found in the particular volume of
seeds and other impurities such as earth and small stones. soil. In this way the sample can serve as a control of the on-
Ethnographic studies of ‘traditional’ non-mechanised site recovery rate of archaeological material on the site; this
farming economies have shown that a harvested crop goes method has proven useful at the Tell Brak project in North-
through some thirty operational sequences in order to be Eastern Syria, particularly in the study of animal bones:
cleaned (Hillman 1981, Hillman 1984, Jones 1984, Jones though the soil samples taken at Tell Brak contained a higher
1987, Jones 1990). The crop processing stages of winnow- number of smaller bone fragments, the variety and distribu-
ing, coarse and fine sieving each produce products and by- tion of animal species found in the soil samples was similar
products that are likely to appear in archaeological depos- to that of the handpicked material (J. Weber, pers. comm.).
its. The various processes involved in cleaning a harvested
crop change the original composition of crops and weeds 4.2. Flotation of soil samples
in an assemblage, at the same time leaving specific ‘sig- Extraction of plant remains from the soil matrix is carried
nature’ patterns in the relative abundance of plant compo- out with the use of a flotation tank. A water-recycling flo-
nents (grains, seeds and chaff) in the crop samples (Table tation system, based on the model developed by French
1). When investigating the habitat and crop management (1971) and running on electrical pump power is by far the
of specific crops, the origin of an archaeobotanical assem- most efficient, and the system can be built with materials
blage in terms of crop processing stages must therefore be readily available in the Near East.
identified, and comparisons made only between samples Flotation works on the simple principle that soil, and any
from the same processing stage, thus eliminating the vari- non-charred archaeological material included in the soil,
ation in the samples that is due to crop processing rather is heavier than water, which again is heavier than carbon.
than to, for instance, food preference. Consequently, mixing a volume of soil with water in a flota-
tion tank will result in the soil (and archaeological remains

The use of archaeobotanical assemblages in palaeoeconomic reconstructions

such as bone, chipped stone, and ceramics) sinking to the out other fragments and thus preventing ‘double’ counting.
bottom of the tank, and the charred plant remains floating These features, based on their being durable and easy to
to the surface of the water. The charred material, which is recognise, include embryo ends of cereal grains and grass-
commonly referred to as the ‘flot’, is then easy to ‘decant’ es, and glume bases representing each side of a spikelet
into a sieve with a maximum mesh size of 300 μm, to en- fork (Jones 1991: 65-66)
sure the retrieval of as many potentially identifiable seeds
as possible. The remaining soil should be taken out of the
tank to dry and be sorted for archaeological remains such 6. Pattern searching in the archaeo-
as pottery, bones, chipped stone, and small objects such as botanical assemblage
beads. The flot should be hung up to dry in the shade, and
taken to a lab for analysis. An assemblage of archaeobotanical samples may poten-
tially contain several thousand identified seeds, and hun-
dreds of taxa (families, genera, species). The application of
5. Quantitative analysis of charred statistical tools is therefore useful in order to ‘make sense’,
plant assemblages as it were, of the large dataset, and investigate patterns of
variation between samples.
Subsampling, identification and quantification of charred Variation between archaeobotanical samples and the factors
plant remains will now be briefly discussed. behind it (chronological variation, archaeological context,
Once the samples have arrived in the laboratory, a brief methods of crop management) can be investigated using
scanning of each sample is useful in order to assess the correspondence analysis, which detects variation in the
richness and variety of the assemblage. Depending on the composition of samples by comparing the taxon composi-
richness, in plant remains, of the samples recovered from tion of each sample with every other sample, and places each
the excavation, it is sometimes necessary to split the sam- variable (samples or taxa) in a plot along axes according to
ples to make the time-consuming laboratory analysis cost- the similarities or differences between the variables (Fig. 1).
efficient. In the case of rich samples, it has been estimated By coding each variable according to potential factors of
that in order to reach an accuracy to within 5% of the per- variation (samples from different archaeological contexts,
centage content of a sample with an estimated total of 1000 or taxa with different water level requirements), one can
seeds, 278 seeds are needed for analysis (Van der Veen and investigate which factors account for the most variation,
Fieller 1982: 296). Large samples can therefore be split which may lead to conclusions about crop management, the
down to this estimated size, using a sample splitter (ibid.). use of specific areas for the processing or storage of crops,
Identification of seeds is based on their morphological chronological changes in crop preferences, and so on.
characteristics and is made with the help of modern seed As mentioned above, crop processing is a major factor in
reference collections, floras, seed atlases, photographs, the composition of archaeobotanical samples, and needs
drawings and keys (for the Near East, particularly useful to be accounted for when investigating an archaeobo-
reference works include Davis et al. 1965-1988, Guest tanical assemblage. Studies by Glynis Jones (1984, 1987,
1966, Nesbitt 2006, Townsend and Guest 1966-85, Van 1990) have shown how specific crop processing stages
Zeist and Bakker-Heeres 1985, Van Zeist and Bakker- of archaeobotanical samples can be identified using the
Heeres 1986a, Van Zeist and Bakker-Heeres 1986b, Van weed seed attributes related to processing methods (size,
Zeist and Bakker-Heeres 1988, Zohary and Hopf 2000). weight, and ‘aerodynamic’ properties, that is, how well
Morphological characteristics are still the main source a seed ‘flies’; see ‘method/equipment’ column, Table 1).
of distinction between wild, cultivated and domesticated Jones’ ethnographic study of crop processing methods in
plants, used in the discussion of the origins of agriculture, Greece has shown that by-products (i.e., non-edible plant
the theories of which are primarily based on the presence parts) of winnowing and coarse sieving and the by-product
of plants in various stages of domestication on archaeo- and product (i.e., the grains) of fine sieving can each be
logical sites, thereby mapping the spread and distribution separated in groups by discriminant analysis, which, in the
of founder crops (Helbæk 1970, Zohary and Hopf 2000). words of Shennan (1997: 350):
Recently, the study of ancient DNA has been applied as a
method of identifying agricultural founder crops (Brown ‘presupposes that we can divide our observations
1999); though there are still some problems with this meth- into groups on the basis of some criterion and then
od, including the expense of the method and the unpre- attempts to find ways of distinguishing those same
dictability of actually retrieving DNA from charred plant groups on the basis of some independent criterion
remains, the analysis of DNA in archaeological material derived from the data’.
does hold great potential.
Identified plant items are tabulated, most commonly as This method was used by Hald (2008) for comparing the
counts of ‘Minimum Number of Individuals’ (MNIs) in a weed seed composition of a Late Chalcolithic archaeobo-
spreadsheet. ‘MNI’, a term borrowed from the methodol- tanical assemblage from Tell Brak with those from the eth-
ogy used in the analysis of archaeozoological assemblages, nographic study of crop processing made by Jones.
ensures that counts are as realistic as possible, by avoiding By entering the archaeological material in the same plot
accidentally counting fragments from the same seed more as the ethnographically known samples, it was determined
than once. To do this, certain features of seeds have been that the majority of the samples were fine sieving by-prod-
proposed as useful for representing whole seeds, leaving ucts, i.e. the chaff and small weed seeds from one of the

Mette Marie Hald

last stages of crop processing (Fig. 2). This information with the chaff by-product of emmer wheat cleaning, indi-
could be used to determine where in the settlement the cating that this by-product may have held some economic
various stages of crop cleaning were carried out (or the by- importance. In the Early Bronze Age, however, barley is
products stored), and to ensure that for the investigation the only crop found in a definite storage context, and on a
of crop growing conditions, only samples from the same much larger institutional scale than the earlier storage ar-
stage were compared. eas. It appears, therefore, that storage practices changed
through time, increased in scale, and came to focus on a
6.1. Investigating crop management practices from much narrower range of crops to be held in communal stor-
weed seeds age than previously. The reasons for this intensification of
Ancient crop management practices can be reconstructed the agricultural economy of the site may be found in the
partly from the presence and composition of crop species continuous growth of Tell Brak during the periods in ques-
in archaeobotanical samples, but most importantly from tion, necessitating a growing number of inhabitants to be
the weed species associated with these crops. Whereas freed from food production, and thus necessitating larger
crop species can often grow in a range of different habitats amounts of crops to be redistributed as food rations.
and are usually relatively tolerant of changes in humidity, Stable nitrogen isotope ratios in human bone collagen have
salinity, or methods of crop husbandry, some weed species been used to investigate past diet, particularly distinguish-
are often comparatively more habitat-specific. Weed spe- ing between plant and animal based food. The method is
cies associated with certain crop species, therefore, may be based on the observation that δ15N increases up the food
useful indicators of the conditions under which these crops chain, with herbivores having higher values than the plants
were growing (Bogaard et al. 1999, Bogaard et al. 2001, they eat (Bogaard et al. 2007), leading to the suggestion
Charles and Hoppé 2003, Charles et al. 2003, Jones 1984, that comparatively high δ15N ratios in human bone col-
Jones 1987). lagen reflects a primarily meat-based diet. A recent study
The Functional Interpretation of Botanical Surveys (FIBS) by Bogaard et al. (ibid.) has pointed out problems in this
is a method used to infer ancient crop husbandry practic- method, as the crop husbandry method of manuring ce-
es from archaeobotanical samples (Bogaard et al. 1999, real crops raises the levels of δ15N in the cereals, thus re-
Bogaard et al. 2001, Charles et al. 1997, Charles et al. 2003). sembling a meat-based diet. Crop management practices,
Functional attributes related to different growing conditions therefore, will need to be factored in when investigating
are measured on weed species attested archaeologically. ancient diet. The most direct evidence we have for ancient
Attributes such as germination time, onset and length of practices of food consumption is still the actual remains of
flowering period, canopy height and leaf thickness relate to food found in excavations, including the charred archaeo-
habitat conditions such as sowing time, watering, fallowing logical plants.
and crop rotation regimes. Once these specific attributes are
known for the archaeological species, habitat conditions,
and, by inference, past crop management practices, can be 7. Conclusion: Inclusion of archaeo-
assessed. A study by Charles et al. (2003) on the Kerak Pla- botanical studies in archaeological
teau, Northern Jordan, using this method, has shown that
it is possible to recognise different watering regimes (fully
or biennially irrigated, dry-farmed) used in fields, while a
Charred plant remains from archaeological deposits offer
similar study by Bogaard et al. (1999) found that it was
a potentially valuable insight into past economic practices.
possible to discriminate between various crop rotation and
They are also not the only tool in palaeoeconomic investi-
fallowing regimes by using functional attributes.
gations, as results gained from archaeobotanical data may
Recent attempts at detecting manuring and watering re-
be tied in with results from animal and human bone collec-
gimes of crops by the use of stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N)
tions, phytoliths, and, in some parts of the Near East, pol-
ratios in cereal grains have so far been successful (Bogaard
len cores and Coleoptera. Palaeoeconomic studies should
et al. 2007). This method is highly useful when working
therefore be considered in the preparation of the archaeo-
on archaeobotanical assemblages that may not include a
logical research agenda, they should be fully integrated
sufficient number of weed seeds for weed ecology studies
into the archaeological fieldwork from the beginning of
such as FIBS (for instance, very clean stored crops).
any project, and once fieldwork has been carried out, and
post-excavation lab and office work has begun for every-
6.2. Investigating distribution, consumption and stor-
one involved in the project, a steady and reliable informa-
age practices
tion flow between researchers should be kept up in order
The finds of large on-site crop storage areas, such as those
to aid the archaeological interpretation and the publication
found at Tell Brak in North-Eastern Syria (Hald 2001,
Hald and Charles 2008), among others, provide us with
an opportunity to investigate the practices of crop storage,
as well as indicators of the practices of distribution and
consumption of crops within a settlement. A study of com- References
munal crop storage in Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze
Age levels at Tell Brak (Hald and Charles 2008) has shown Boardman, S., Jones, G., 1990, ‘Experiments on the Ef-
that in the Late Chalcolithic, several types of crops, includ- fects of Charring on Cereal Plant Components’, Jour-
ing barley and flax, were stored in communal space, along nal of Archaeological Science 17, pp. 1-11

The use of archaeobotanical assemblages in palaeoeconomic reconstructions

Bogaard, A., Heaton, T.H.E., Poulton, P., Merbach, I., 2007, burgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 123-162
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struction of Diet and Crop Management Practices’, from Turkey’ in W. Van Zeist, W.A. Casparie (eds)
Journal of Archaeological Science 34, pp. 335-343 Plants and Ancient Man: Studies in Palaeoethnobota-
Bogaard, A., Jones, G.E.M., Charles, M., Hodgson, J.G., ny (Rotterdam: Balkema), pp. 1-41
2001, ‘On the Archaeobotanical Inference of Crop Jones, G.E.M., 1984, ‘Interpretation of Archaeological
Sowing Time Using the FIBS Method’, Journal of Plant Remains: Ethnographic Models from Greece’
Archaeological Science 28, pp. 1171-1183 in W. Van Zeist, W.A. Casparie (eds) Plants and An-
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Biological Sciences 354, pp. 89-98 Jones, G.E.M., 1991, ‘Numerical Analysis in Archaeobot-
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(ed.) Farming Practice in British Prehistory (Edin-

Mette Marie Hald

Crop processing stage Purpose Method/equipment Plant composition pattern

breaking off straw and
Threshing animal hooves or stick for pounding no separation of plant parts
chaff from grain
wind: lighter plant parts (e.g., light by-product: straw, light chaff,
chaff and weed seeds) are carried to small light weed seeds
separating straw and
Winnowing the side by the wind while heavier
chaff from grain
parts (cereal grains and heavier chaff product: crop grains with heavy
and weeds) travel less distance weed seeds
separating large weed
coarse sieve: retains larger plant by-product: large weed seeds
seeds, seeds in heads and
Coarse sieving items while the threshed grains go product: crop grains with small
unthreshed ears from the
through mesh weed seeds

by-product: small heavy weed

separating small weed fine sieve: retains the grains while seeds
Fine sieving
seeds from the grain small seeds go through mesh product: semi-clean crop grains
(before handsorting)

Table 1 - Summary of major crop processing stages, the products and by-products of which are most
likely to become charred.

Fig. 1 - Correspondence analysis plot with archaeobotanical samples represented as pie charts,
showing the relative proportions of weed seeds with varying flowering times in the samples. The plot
indicates that sample variation may be related to early- vs. late-flowering species, which ties in with
crop growing conditions such as the use of irrigation or fallowing (after Hald 2008).

The use of archaeobotanical assemblages in palaeoeconomic reconstructions

Fig. 2 - Archaeological samples of charred plant remains analysed alongside modern samples from
ethnographically known crop processing stages. The plot shows that the archaeological samples
mostly resemble fine sieving by-products (after Hald 2008).


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