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Ruins of an ancient structures found near Ranchi, in

Jharkhand state of India.

Is it Geological weathering or remains of an ancient structure?

Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi

We live in a highly advanced, technical world, but there are nevertheless a great many
mysteries all around us. Ancient places and mysterious beings, sunken worlds and
cultures, landscapes imbued with symbolism, unexplained apparitions, and unbelievable
finds from ancient times- all of these remain mysteries for human kind, despite intense

Legendary ancient places tell stories that provide archaeologists and historians with
information that is essential for the study of culture. In the past, we have often been less
than careful with old buildings and religious sites, many of which were left to fall to
pieces after their abandonment. Lack of repair and natural forces take care of the rest,
leaving the large part of most ancient sites in ruins.

These ruins can still give us a lot of information about the production, form, and quality
of building materials. They can also tell us what led to their destruction. The location and
function of the structures can be used to help interpret past cults and cultures.

Sometimes problem does arise to interpret such structures as some of it very much
resembles with typical geological structures or weathering. We have to be very careful in
studying such structures or rocks.

This report unreels the unsolved mysterious rock structures and cuttings, on the hills
some 25 km north of Ranchi city, capital of Jharkhand State of India. These structures
have recently been exposed due to expansion of road construction, and now are being
continuously destroyed due to on going construction.

Ranchi possesses remnants of numerous pre-historic stone implements. Its monuments,

some of which are credited to the Asuras by the Mundas, yielded such a mixed
assortment of finds as polished stone stools, Carnelian beads, wheel-made pottery, copper
and bronze objects, copper and gold ornaments and even iron slags, that it is impossible
to date them to any one age.

Credit goes to my senior friend Mrs. Elizabeth Borde who told me about these mysterious
unsolved rock structures. She used to visit that area from her childhood. When I visited
the area with her, I was surprised to see that some weathered structures which very much
resemble to ancient rock pillars were lying at the road side. Many were still found intact
with rocks of that area.

The way the rocks are carved, it clearly indicates that people at that time in this area were
perfect in making such structure.

The rock cuttings and stone blocks fitting snugly together were probably hewed from
granite rocks.

At first instance it very much resembled with that of typical geological weathering or
different layered rocks. As a geologist I looked on the structures that showed a typical
pattern of weathering which are not common in other parts of these state.
Though it was a weathering but not of usual local hard rocks but that resembling to some
ancient structures like stratified pillars. I was also surprised to see some geometrical lines
and angles, rock cuttings and even plant imprints and radiating lines on the rock surface.

Ranchi rocks are mainly Chotanagpur Granite gneiss with Quartzite, Amphibolites etc.
Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss forms the country rock of the district and is a part of the
enormous intrusive mass. It shows wide variations from fine to coarse grained and
porphyritic types, and form massive to highly gneissic types. Weathered structures seen
here are not common in Granitic rocks.

Geologists may feel that structures are the outcome of natural weathering, but the
pattern of weathering is peculiar. It seems that in ancient days there must have been huge
structure may be of Buddhism, build up on the top of the hills, which finally collapsed
either due to natural disaster or some invasions.

Some scholars feel that Buddhism influenced this area in Early History. There are several
ruins of the Buddhist monuments and statutes in different places of Jharkhand. Apart
from Buddhism, Jainism also makes its presence in Jharkhand.

Road construction is going on putting threat on these mysterious rock structures. Early
destruction took place in 1960 when rocks of these structures were used for constructing
wall guard along the road side. Even today villagers used these rocks for constructing
their houses.

The ruins of these pillars, rock cuttings may be vital clue to ancient civilizations
developed and gradually vanished from this area.

More research is needed to reveal the age and the mystery of these structures and rock

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