Definition of Recount Text

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Definition of Recount Text

Literally, recount means “to tell.” So recount text can be interpreted as “Text that tells”. If
referring to the information in school books (Read: Junior High School / Senior High
School). Recount text is a text that tells the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal
is to entertaining or informing the reader. But Inside Recount Text there is no complication
just like in Narrative Text.

Generic Structure of Recount Text

# Orientation : tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and
when it happened.
# Events : tell what happened in chronological sequence.
# Re-orientation : consists of optional-closure of events/ending.

Purpose of Recount Text

The purpose of a recount is to list and describe past experiences by retelling events in the
order in which they happened. Recounts are written to retell events with the purpose of either
informing or entertaining their audience (or both)

In a simple word the purpose of recount text is To retell past experience

Language Feature of Recount Text

– Using the simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect
continuous tense.
– Using temporal sequence, e.g. On Saturday. On Monday, On Sunday
– Focus on specific participant, e.g. I (the writer)
– Using the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc.
– Using action verb, e.g. went, stayed

Example of Recount Text

Example of Recount Text – Vacation Experience

My Vacation with My Beloved People

One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I
promised her that the next week we would go to Mutun beach in Lampung.

The next week, we prepared everything needed in the morning. We brought some foods and
beverages, such as chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the
beach, I ask our brother, Bayu, to join us. He agreed to join and we went there together with
our parents. We went there by car. It took 3 hours to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in
the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more
than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next,
three of us created a very big sand castle, while my parents were enjoying the beautiful
scenery there. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a restaurant to have dinner. I ordered
sruit, Lampungnese traditional food, while my brother, my sister, and my parents ordered
fried rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home
at 9 o’clock. We were tired but we were absolutely happy.

Example of Recount Text – Experience with Taufik Hidayat

My Experience Met with Taufik Hidayat

Last sunday, there was Thomas cup badminton championship between Indonesa and China. It
was held on Istora Gelora Bung Karno. I went to Istora Gelora Bung Karno with my Brother,

Before entering Istora Gelora Bung Karno, we looked the bus that took Indonesian badminton
team players. I saw taufik Hidayat, Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Hayom Rumbaka,
Angga Pratama, Rian Agung, Simon Santoso, Sony Dwi Kuncoro and the other Indonesian
badminton players in that bus. They were very handsome. Then, we followed that bus to
main-entrance. I found that Taufik Hidayat left from the bus. When we wanted to get close to
Taufik Hidayat, a security guard held me back. But, I thought that security guard was familiar
because He was my old friend when I was senior high school, he was Andre. After that, he let
me in, finally i could meet Taufik Hidayat and got his signature.

Example of Recount Text about School

Came Late to school

Last wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation untill 2.00 am in the
night. Because that I woke up late.

I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be began at 7.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a
bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day I did not do that.

I always went to school by my moyorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the key. So, I
went to the school by public transportion. It made me took a longer time. I arrived at school
at 7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I
entered to my class and of course my teacher was angry to me because I came late.

It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

Example of Recount Text about Travel about Traveling Experience

Travel on the Train for the First Time

Last year, I was Eighteen years old. I had graduated from my senior high school and I wanted
to continue my education in Yogyakarta. . . I lived with my family in Cirebon during eighteen
years So, I would live alone there and it was new experience for me.

I went to yogyakarta by train, Before I came to the train station, I did not know how to check-
in. All procedures were so new to me. Fotunately, a security guard helped me and gave me
some directions to check-in. After that I entered to the train and sat on the chair.

I listened to the song and I was Really enjoy when I was in the train. After 5 hours in the train
, finally I arrived in Yogyakarta. I would start my new life in yogyakarta. I was really excited
to start my new adventure my new city.


Melakukan Perjalanan dengan Kereta untuk Pertama Kalinya

Tahun lalu, saya berumur delapan belas tahun. Saya telah lulus dari SMA saya dan saya ingin
melanjutkan pendidikan di Yogyakarta. . . Saya tinggal bersama keluarga saya di Cirebon
selama delapan belas tahun Jadi, saya akan tinggal sendiri di sana dan ini adalah pengalaman
baru bagi saya.

Saya pergi ke yogyakarta dengan kereta api, Sebelum sampai di stasiun kereta, saya tidak
tahu bagaimana cara check-in. Semua prosedur begitu baru bagiku. Untungnya, petugas
keamanan membantu saya dan memberi saya beberapa petunjuk untuk check-in. Setelah itu
saya masuk ke kereta dan duduk di kursi.

Saya mendengarkan lagunya dan saya sangat menikmati saat berada di kereta. Setelah 5 jam
di kereta, akhirnya saya sampai di Yogyakarta. Saya akan memulai hidup baru saya di
yogyakarta. Saya sangat bersemangat untuk memulai petualangan baru saya ke kota baru

I think that’s all my explanation about recount text. I hope this article is useful for you.
Thanks for your visiting….

Reference :
Rudi Hartono, Genre of Texts, (Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language and Art
Semarang State University, 2005).
Mark Andersons and Kathy Andersons, Text Type in English 1-2, Australia:
MacMillanEducation, 2003.
Related Posts:
1. Contoh Recount Text “Travel on the train for the First Time” Beserta
2. Contoh Recount Text “My Experience Met with Taufik Hidayat” Beserta
3. Recount Text ; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language Features
4. Explanation Text (Complete Explanation)

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for all of us.
Descriptive Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Descriptive Text (Complete Explanation)


NOVEMBER 22, 2017 AT 11:36 AM

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