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BITS Pilani

BITS Pilani Dr. Nivedita Sinha
Hyderabad Campus Department of Economics & Finance

 Foundation building for Valuation

 Prospective analysis
 Cash flows
 What are the relevant cash flows?
 What is free cash flow to firm and free cash flow to equity

9/26/2020 2
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Question 1 – Application of
Horizontal & Vertical analysis
Prospective Analysis

You are an intern with an Investment Banking firm.

You have been given the task to project the Balance sheet
and Profit & Loss statement of co. ABC in order to value
the company. Given Profit & Loss and Balance sheet for
the Years 2017-2019. Project the P&L and Balance sheet
for 2020 using the most recent assumptions
Refer to excel Lecture 6_Answer 1

7/27/2019 3
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Defining cash flows

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Relevant cash flows to the

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Relevant cash flows contd.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Market cannibalization refers to a reduction in sales volume or market
share of a product as a result of the introduction of a new product made
by the same company
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
DCF and Inflation

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Equity versus Project free cash flow
 Equity free cash flow (FCFE): Focuses on the CF that is available for
distribution to the firm’s common shareholders

EFCF levered firm = (EBIT-I) (1-T) + DA – WC – CAPEX-P+NP

= EBIT(1-T) + DA –I(1-T) –WC – CAPEX –P + NP
Where P : Principal payments on the firm’s outstanding debt
NP: Net proceeds from the issuance of debt
WC: Change in operating Working capital
 Project free cash flow (FCFF): Focuses on the CF available for distribution to
both the firm’s creditors and equity holder
PFCF levered firm = EFCF levered firm + I (1-T) + P –NP
Creditors CF are I + P –NP. Tax savings from govt. Equals I x T
Hence, CF to creditors net of tax saving I-IxT + P – NP
PFCF levered firm = EBIT (1-T) + DA – WC – CAPEX

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Depreciation and amortization

• Do not represent cash payments

• They arise due to matching principle in accounting
(expenses be matched with revenues whenever it is
reasonable), firms use it to match expenditures made for
long-lived assets against the revenues they help
• These expenses are tax deductible
• EBIT(1-T)+ DA can be written as (EBITDA-DA)(1-T) +
DA = EBITDA(1-T) –DA+DA*T +DA which is like taking
Depreciation tax shield in our calculation

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

• To sustain a firm’s productive capacity and provide for

growth in future cash flows, firms must periodically make
investments in long-lived assets
• Investments made for expanding plant capacity and
replacing old equipment
• CAPEX (t) = Net PPE (t)- Net PPE (t-1) + Depreciation
• CAPEX(t) = Gross PPE (t) – Gross PPE (t-1)

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Changes in Operating Net
Working capital
• Just as firm must invest in PPE (Property , Plant and
equipment) as it is growing, it must invest in current
assets such as inventories and accounts receivable.
• This investment is partially financed by increases in
accounts payable and other current liabilities.
• So this additional investment is taken as change in net
operating working capital

• Operating Net Working capital (t) = [Current Assets –

Cash and marketable securities) – (Current Liabilities –
Current portion of interest bearing debt)]
• Change in WC (t)= Operating Net WC (t) – Operating
Net WC (t-1)
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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Thank you!

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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