Midterm Quizzes and Activities

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THC6-Professional Development and Applied Ethics

Name: Cruz Jr, Jose M. Date: __________

Year and Section: BSHM 3-G Score: __________

Quiz 1

Paste 3 photos of people who you think possesses the given characteristics of a good

Pope Francis Mother Teresa Teacher

Quiz 2

Make a script or conversation that usually happens between Flight Attendant and a
customer that shows customer complaints and how the FA Professional handles and
solved the situation. Remember to foster the five strategies that will help you handle a
customer complaint in a smooth and professional manner:


One day, during boarding, one passenger who was afraid of flying, soon after asking for a
medicine to stop her headache pain, fell into a hysterical crisis and started to slap the
flight attendant who was trying to calm her down.

1. Stay Calm

Flight Attendant: Good day Ma’am, if there’s anything problem Ma’am? Please calm
down. How may I help you?

2. Listen Well

Flight Attendant: How do you feel now?

Passenger: I have a phobia of heights, so I feel a headache. I would like to get off the
plane. I want a medicine to cure my headache.

3. Acknowledge the Problem

Flight Attendant: Ok Ma'am, I understand you, apart from dizziness and fear, do you feel
and want anything else?

Passenger: That's all. I just want to get rid of my dizziness and fear.

4. Get the Facts

Flight Attendant: Ma'am, it's only natural that you feel dizzy during our flight, and don't
be nervous because you are safe here on our airline, we won't leave you alone.

5. Offer a solution

Flight Attendant: Ma'am, we have this painkilling medicine, if you don't have any allergies
to the medicine, you can take it to relieve the headache you feel. To get rid of your fear
on this flight, you can listen to music Ma'am using your phone, this is also the blanket to
make you more comfortable if you want to sleep, Don't worry Ma'am, you will arrive
safely where you are going.
Passenger: Ok thank you.

Flight Attendant: If you need anything else Ma'am, don't be shy to call or tell me, just
relax Ma'am. Thank you.

Lesson learned: flight attendants are captain’s eyes. They must be always attentive, since
any insignificant event could be of great importance at an altitude of 10,000 meters.
THC6-Professional Development and Applied Ethics

Name: Cruz Jr, Jose M. Date: __________

Year and Section: BSHM 3-G Score: __________

1. What are the characteristics of a good leader? Give examples.
a. It is an inter-personal process in which a manager is into influencing and guiding workers
towards attainment of goals.
Example: An example of this is that a manager does not distance himself from his crews so that
the crews are more willing to work so that they can achieve their goal.
b. It denotes a few qualities to be present in a person which includes intelligence, maturity and
Example: As a leader, you must not be childish. you must be matured to think so that you can
guide your members
c. It is a group process. It involves two or more people interacting with each other.
Example: A leader should also take the opinion of his members. He should not follow only his
own opinion.
d. A leader is involved in shaping and molding the behavior of the group towards
accomplishment of organizational goals.
Example: If you are a leader, you must also know how to help your groupmates, don't rely on
them all.
e. Leadership is situation bound. There is no best style of leadership. It all depends upon
tackling with the situations.
Example: In a group many glitches are inevitable. So, you must learn to handle it properly.
2. Give the different leadership styles and explain each style.

a. Democratic Leadership - generally it is the most leadership style. Encourage group members
to participate, but retain the final say over the decision-making process.
b. Autocratic Leadership- the followers require direct supervision at all times or else they would
not operate effectively. Autocratic leadership style works if the leader is competent ang
knowledgeable enough to decide each and everything.
c. Delegative or Laissez -faire Leadership- the leaders allow the employees to make the
decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decision that are made. This is used
when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what we need to be done and
how to do it.
d. Strategic Leadership- requires the ability to anticipate and envision, maintain flexibility,
empowers others to create strategic change as necessary.
e. Transformational Leadership- where a leader works with teams or followers beyond their
immediate self-interests to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change
through influence, inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members
of a group.
f. Transactional Leadership- focuses on supervision, organization, and performance; it is an
integral part of the Full Range Leadership Model. Transactional leadership is a style of
leadership in which leaders promote compliance by followers through both rewards and
punishments. Through a rewards and punishments system, transactional leaders are able to
keep followers motivated for the short-term.
g. Coaching Leadership- is a style that involves recognizing team members’ strengths,
weaknesses and motivations to help each individual improve. It is one of the four main
leadership styles that managers use to motivate employees and achieve success.
h. Bureaucratic Leadership- relies on a clear chain of command, strict regulations, and
conformation by its followers. There can be confusion about the difference
between bureaucratic leadership and autocratic leadership, which can overlap in certain
3. Enumerate the different types of groups and give your own reflection/insights on these
a. The Principle of Belongingness- Here in this group, they need to feel that they belong or they
are welcome in that group so that they are not ashamed to participate.
b. The Principle or Perception- Here in this group, everyone has to accept each member’s own
perception. because it is important to accept each other's point of view.
c. The Principle of Conformity- Here in this group, each member must follow or follow each of
the rules of each group, in order for each to be more disciplined.
d. The Principle of Change- Here in this group, each member must be able to accept possible
changes in their decisions. They should handle it properly so that they avoid being stressed.
e. The Principle of Readjustment- Here in this group, each member must be able to adjust to
the changes happening in a group.
f. The Principles of Common Motive- Here in this group, each member must have a motivation
or goal to achieve so that they can target each of their goals.
g. The Goal Orientation- Here in this group, each member should be focused on only one goal,
no one should deviate from the target goal.
h. The Principle of Power- Here in this group, each member must have trust in each other, they
must have confidence that each member can perform their assigned tasks.
4. Explain how you can apply the important principles of group dynamics

-How you can apply the important principles of group dynamics? First you must have compared
your individual team members is more like comparing apples to oranges everyone works
different, has their own opinions, and ethics. You’ll have a range from the very outgoing to the
very shy and reserved as far as personalities. Second, if it were only one for all and all for one,
your job as the leader would be a piece of cake. Group dynamics are not where you sit
everyone down and instruct them on the project’s goals, their task assignments and tell
everyone to just get along. Lastly, effective Leadership, this means you, as the leader, have to
monitor your teams to ensure they are aligning with each other and often includes conflict
resolution skills.

5. Identify and describe ethical behavior in relation to client satisfaction.

How Does Ethics Contribute to client satisfaction? In small-businesses ethics refers to standards
of correct behavior often established by the owner of the business that members of the
organization are expected to maintain when dealing with each other, customers, vendors and
the community as a whole. First customer support as a team, each employee is focused on the
customer, the customer needs to feel that they belong to your business. Second, listen to
customers, we must be able to accept or listen to customers' feedback, because with this
feedback we can further improve our service. Third, don’t be a robot, because customers want
an energetic customer service and as a customer service we must not stay on your idea, you
must learn to study the other fields. Fourth, be honest on what you don’t know, as an
employee we don't all know, so we shouldn't be wise, but we also shouldn't tell the customer
that you don't know what they are asking, Fifth, practice empathy, we as employees must also
understand why a client or customer complains. Sixth, know your product, as an employee, we
must know what are we offer or selling, because as a client it is important for them to know
what are you selling. And lastly remember every second count, remember that the time is very
important to everyone.
6. How will you solve and handle guest complaint
In a business it is natural to have a customer complaint, but how can we handle and resolve it.
First you have to stay calm, because when there are customers who complain they are angry,
they shouting, you just have to be calm, don't go along with their anger. Second listen very well,
listen carefully to what they complaining so that you can resolve it properly. Third acknowledge
the problem the customer must know that you understood his complaint, Fourth, get the facts,
you must find a way or make sure of his complaint first, do not immediately conclude. Fifth,
offer a solution, when you have proven that you really have the problem why the customer is
co -complaining, you can provide a solution to his complaint, and lastly you apologize and make
sure it doesn't happen again.

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