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Santiago National High School

Santiago, Agusan del Norte

Detailed Lesson Plan

Creative Writing
(Grand Demonstration)

I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes discussion the students should be able to:
a. identify the elements of drama;
b. reflect the importance of the elements in making a good drama; and
c. re-enact a given drama piece.
with 75% level of proficiency.

II. Subject Matter: Elements of Drama

Materials: IM’s, Laptop, Projector, Speaker, Textbook, and Marker

Reference: Creative Writing
Pages: 103 - 106
Author: Arnold Jan Ford G. Buhisan and Ayesha H. Sayseng

III. Teaching Strategies:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

Let us all rise for a prayer. Roan can you

lead a prayer? Yes ma’am!
(Students are praying.)

Before you take your seats

Please pick-up pieces of paper and arrange
your chairs properly. (Students are picking-up
pieces of papers and
arranging the chairs.)
You can now take your seats.

How are you today class? We are fine Ma’am.

That’s good to hear.

A. Drill

Now, let’s exercise our tongue. I will read

the tongue twister first and then you will read it
slowly, then fast and lastly the fastest as you can.
: Yes Ma’am!
(The teacher reads the tongue twister.)
: I thought a thought. But the
thought I thought wasn’t the
thought I thought I thought.

So did you have fun? : Yes Ma’am!

Does it energized you? : Yes Ma’am.

B. Review

Before we proceed to our new lesson

for today, Elnes can you recall our topic
last meeting? : Yes Ma’am.

What is it all about? :It is all about

Materializing Themes in
Fictional Works.
That’s right! Why is it that “Theme” is an
essential element of fiction?
:Because through the theme
of a fiction all the other
elements will be bind
together to bring sense into
the story.
Very good! We can now proceed to our lesson
for today.

C. Motivation

So based on the color of your name tag,

you will be group as the Red Team and the
Blue Team. We will have an activity called

Direction: As a group you will reenact a certain situation

that will be flashed at the board. You will be given
five (5) seconds to think and act and when you hear
the word “Freeze!” you will stop whatever you’re
doing and act like a mannequin. The group that acts the
situation creatively will earn a point.

: Yes Ma’am.
Facing the audience, Red Team you settle at the
front-right side and Blue Team at the front-left side.
Your scores will be recorded at the scoreboard.
The group that will have greater points at the end
Of our discussion will have an additional five (5) points
during our quiz later.

Are you ready?

: Yes Ma’am!
1. Birthday Party
2. Typhoon Yolanda
3. Intramural Meet
4. Town Fiesta
(The students are doing the activity.)

You have delivered well enough your activity

and you worked as a group. Job well done everyone!

D. Setting of Standards

Before we start our discussion I will set

rules in order to have a smooth
flow of our discussion.

S- Sit properly.
M-Maintain orderliness.
A-Be Attentive.
R-Raise your hand.

E. Presentation

Are you familiar with the Game App called

“4Pics1Word”? : Yes Ma’am.

Direction: In your group, you will choose three

representatives to participate in the game.
Pictures will be flashed at the board and you
Will guess what is it just like in the game
Using these sets of letters. When you guess
The word you are going to paste it at the board.
The group that can guess and paste the word first
Will be the winner and will have an additional
Point to the scoreboard. Understand? : Yes Ma’am.

(The teacher presents the pictures.)

(The students guess what it is.)

That’s right! Very good!

What are your insights and ideas

of drama all about?
: Drama is an activity that
involves a show case of
intense and emotional
feelings through the
medium of acting.

You got it right! Drama can be a powerful

tool for expression. Okay another idea, Zyrah?

: Drama is all about the

expression of ideas
through various types of
medium like a movie, a
teleserye or a live play.

(The students’ answers may vary.)

Yes, that’s right!


(Video clip of Halik.)

Are you familiar with this video? : Yes Ma’am!

What is the title of this teleserye? : It’s “Halik ” Ma’am!

That’s right! So are you watching it every night? : Yes Ma’am!

So what is the teleserye all about, Ehramae?

Why is it that it became one of the trending
teleserye in the Philippines?

: The teleserye follows the

lives of two childhood
friends, Jacky and Lino
torn apart by fate. Years
after Lino fell inlove with
Jade, a very ambitious
woman, while Jacky
married Ace, the son of
her father’s business
partner. By a cruel twist
of fate, Lino and Jacky’s
lives collide once more
when their spouses
become entangled in a
scandalous affair.
That’s quite a twist! So Rodney what do you call the series
of events that form the entirety of the drama? : It’s the plot of
the story Ma’am! It
serves as a structural
frame work which brings
the events to a cohesive
form and sense.
Very good Rodney! So who are the actors and
Actresses present in this teleserye? : (Jacky) Yen Santos,
(Ace) Sam Milby,
(Lino) Jericho Rosales
and (Jade) Yam
Very good! So what do you call those
actors and actresses present in a drama? : They are the Characters

Excellent! They are the characters and as considered

as the principal material in a drama.

In that short clip where did it happened? : It is in Jacky’s house


Okay. So Clarence, what do we call the place or

the time which an incident takes place? : Setting Ma’am.

That’s right! The setting identifies where and when

A certain event occurs.

So what is the universal truth or the message that

the drama wanted to show to the viewers or the audience?
: Halik highlighted about
the cheating Issue in
Philippine society

That’s right! Another one, Iryl? : People being not

contented of what
they have right now.

Good point Iryl! So what do we call the over-all sense

Or the lesson that the drama wanted to imply? : It’s called the theme

Yes! The theme is the unifying element that defines the

dramatized idea of the drama.

So the Plot, Characters, Setting and the Theme are the basic
elements of a Drama.

Is there any questions and clarifications? : None Ma’am.

F. Generalization

Did you have fun with our topic for today?

: Yes Ma’am.
To sum it up, what was our topic all about?
: Our topic was all about
drama and its elements.
What are the elements of drama?
: Setting, Character, Plot,
Theme, and Style.
Very good!

G. Application

Direction: Work as a group. Identify and analyze

the elements of drama on the bestselling novel
by William Shakespeare entitled “Romeo and Juliet”
and write its elements in a cartolina that will be
provided using a graphic organizer. After that you post
your work at the board and choose a representative to
present it.

I will give you 5 minutes to finish

the activity. The group that has correct answers will
earn an additional point to the scoreboard.
(The students are doing the activity.)

H. Valuing

Can we make a drama without considering

even one of its elements, Haertcille?
: No Ma’am.
:Because each element
has its own important role
in making a drama and a
good drama can only be
achieved through the
synchronization of
Very good! That’s right. With the synchronization
Of elements we can create an impact to our audience.

I. Evaluation

Direction: Identify what is being described.

1. The unifying element that defines the

dramatized idea of the drama. : Theme
2. The actors who plays in a drama. : Character
3. It is an activity that involves a show
case of intense and emotional feelings
through the medium of actors or acting. :Drama
4.It is the place or the time which an incident
takes place . : Setting
5.It is the series of events that form the
entirety of the drama. : Plot

IV. Asssignment/ Agreement

Still with your group, we’re going to

have a role play tomorrow based on the
bestselling novel by William Shakespeare
entitled “Romeo and Juliet”. You are going
to perform it with a maximum of 3 minutes.

The criteria are as follows:

Creativity - 20%
Costume - 20%
Teamwork - 30%
Over-all Performance - 30%
Total - 100%

That would be all for today. Goodbye class! Goodbye and thank you Ma’am.

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