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B. D. K.



Nlongi’a Kongo Ne Makandala
Spiritual Leader of Bundu dia Kongo


B.P.15.964 KINSHASA1


Japan was technological late on the Occident. When the Enlightened Leaders
of Japan decided to make up for this lost time, as true experts, they did
not make the SERIOUS ERROR to give up their LANGUAGE, their ANCESTORS, their
CULTURE, their LOCAL GENIUSES, their GODS, therefore their ANCESTRAL

And see what JAPAN quickly became on the technical plan and civilization!
JAPAN is presented today in the form of a model of a country which succeeded
in harmoniously marrying modern of High technology with the ANCESTRAL
TRADITION of the Yellow world.

In thirty-four years of independence, the African Political Leader made

a SERIOUS ERROR to give up his LANGUAGE, his HISTORY, his ANCESTORS, his

BUNDU DIA KONGO is a powerful CULTURAL GROUP which preaches the cultural
rehabilitation of Africa.

The BUKONGO, in other words KONGO FUNDAMENTALISM, is the Heart of the

authenticity and the right relations between the various creatures of the
great Kongo dia Mbumba (= universe). The BUKONGO preaches the Unit in
diversity, and diversity in the complementary, which makes the richness
and the beauty of the universe.
To use only the African Languages in our meetings, teaching, the drafting
of the books, in short, in all the circumstances of our life day laborer,
it is to apply the philosophy of Kôngo Fundamentalism in the linguistic
To manufacture drugs containing the medicinal herbs of the African Negros
world, it is to apply the philosophy of Kôngo Fundamentalism in the
pharmaceutical domain.

To set up an architecture adapted to the climate of our country, it is to

apply the philosophy of Kôngo Fundamentalism in the field of the building
and public works.
To set up a food program which leads us to be nourished only with our local
products, it is to apply the philosophy of Kôngo Fundamentalism in the food
To set up Worship where one speaks only about the African Negros Ancestors,
the Geniuses, the African Gods, and where one gives to the members a morals
of life drawn from the inheritance cultural African Negros, it is to apply
the philosophy of Kôngo Fundamentalism in the religious domain.

Fundamentalism must be applied in all the fields of our national life.

When I had set up Bundu Dia Kongo charged to promote NZILA KONGO, the BUKONGO
thus the African Culture, I had received several letters of contempt and
insults coming from the Christians fanatics who insulted me and of me they
launched slogans such as:
I love Jesus, and Jesus is not African Negros. Without Jesus, there is no
salvation. Lower the Authenticity. Live up the tie. The African Negros
Culture is of devilish origin!

All their theories and offenses are extracted in manuals of the Colonial
What it is understood for the Colonial Church?

The Colonial Church is all Church that supports colonialism, the

Neocolonialism, apartheid, and the alienation of the African Negros man.

The Colonial Church in Africa is the great School which trains specialists
in art to sabotage our Authenticity.

Any person who diffuses an unspecified idea which stretches to disinterest

the African Negros man of his Culture, this person makes part in the
operation of Sabotage of the Cultural Specificity African Negros.

When the Colonial Church said that the African Negros Culture is of devilish
origin, this Church makes part in the operation of Sabotage of our own

The conscience of African Negros youth is poisoned by erroneous theories

of Colonial Church. Thus for this youth, the CULTURAL REHABILITATION OF
AFRICA will remain a Theory in the air, if all the erroneous theories of
the Colonial Church are not refuted rigorously.

To refute the principal theories of the Colonial Church, in order to release

the conscience of African Negros youth, such is the objective of this book

The trouble is that the Occident had used certain verses of the Bible to
support Colonization, apartheid, and the alienation of the African Negros
man. Thus, currently, it became impossible to release the African Negros
man without attacking a certain badly interpreted Bible.

Personally, I have much respect for Jesus, Nsaku Ne Vunda, Buddha, and all
the Lights of the World. I am not an enemy of the Bible, the Koran, the
Makaba, Nihongi, Bagavad Gita, or of any sacred book of the world. Only,
in my thought, there is a great difference between the Bible itself, and
what I call a certain Badly Interpreted Bible.

Nlongi'a Kongo Ne Makandala
Fundamentalist chief Kongo
Kinshasa, 03-05-1988



To make of the black man a being without clean personality, the Colonial
Church qualified the African Negros Culture of devilish and that in order
to convince African Negros to turn aside from its Ancestors and of its
Culture. Thus, the same truth is qualified of divine or devilish, according
to whether it is discovered by a White or a Black man.

1°) When a White discovers medicinal herbs, the colonizer says that he is
a Scientist, a great Neophyte. But, when a Black discovers the same
medicinal herbs, the Colonial Church said that he is a Wizard.

2°) When an old African Negros man inclines and kisses the ground, the
Colonial Church said that he is a Wizard, but when the Pope arrived in
Kinshasa, inclines and kisses the Zairian ground, and then they say of him
that he is a servant of God.

3°) When Mr. François d' Assise cures the patients, the Colonial Church
said that he is a Saint; but when the Archbishop of Lusaka, Archbishop
Milingo (a Zambian) did the same thing, the White Journalists called him
the Wizard Archbishop.

4°) Prepared to leave this world, Jesus gave to eat to its disciples the
human meat and human blood. Will you accept all that and qualify Jesus of
Son of God, of great Neophyte. But if an old African Negros man dares to
do the same thing, then the Colonial Church says that he is a Wizard.

5°) When Moses manipulates the primordial energy and orders the lightning,
the say that he is a Neophyte. But, when an old African Negros orders the
same lightning, the say of him that he is a Wizard.

6°) When King Solomon of Jerusalem marries nine hundred women, they say
that he is a man of God. But, when they learned that King Nzinga Nkuwu,
in Mbanza Kongo, has three women, the Colonial Church said that he is Pagan,
Heathen one.

7°) a certain girl, Agar, goes the search of employment in Abraham’s house,
He engages her. After a certain time, Abraham knocks up this girl. After
having been confined, Abraham gets along with his wife to lay off this girl
and to drive her out on their premises. What is the difference between this
behavior of Abraham and that of many nowadays’ young people, who knock up
the girls, and that we qualify of the hooligans? If Abraham were an old
African Negros man, will you going to accept that he is called a man of

8°) King David desires somebody else’s wife, makes adultery with her, and
kills the husband of this woman. If he is a Head of Negros African State
who did that, would the Colonial Church accept to call him a man of God?

9°) A psalm is a hymn, a song. In many of his psalms, King Solomon of

Jerusalem did nothing but speaking about thighs of women, their pretty
chests, and of what excites the prostitution.
It is said that King Solomon is great man of God.
What is the difference between the songs of King Solomon and those of Yulu
Mabiala and Tabu Ley who like also many women?
Will you accept that they can go to sing in your Church the song which says
that Ngalula mipende ya milangi? It is however what the King Solomon sang,
and all that is written in this book that the colonizer taught you to call
the Holy Bible, the Word of God.

10°) the Colonial Church said that the African Negros Ancestors adored
biteke (idols, statues). However, when we look in the Bible, we see that
there too Moses had used a statue of copper snake, to save the Jews in danger.
Everywhere where the Roman Catholic Church is established, there are always
many statues: of the Virgin Mary and consort. The Protestants prefer this
statue which one calls the cross of Jesus. This cross can be in wood, metal,
or ink. Go to Asia and you will see statues of the Lord Buddha, Brahma,
Siva, and Vishnu.
When African Negros uses the biteki (statues), the Colonial Church said
that it is the Devil. The same the biteki used by the White, becomes the
Word of God.

11°) For the Colonial Church, the Black color is the color of the Devil
and not advanced man. The Japanese say that the Black color is the color
of the greatest development. Thus, in Martial arts, the most advanced man
is called Black belt. In the holy place of Mecqua (Islam) there is a stone
of Black color…

12°) The Colonial Church having succeeded in establishing the dislike of

the African Negros Culture in the conscience of African Negros
Christianized, try to talk about the African Negros Ancestors to this Negros
Christianized, and they will say to you with contempt: Leave me quiet with
these stories of the Ancestors! ….
Thus the alienated African religiously despite his Ancestors and adores
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob! This poor Christian cannot even understand that
famous Abraham is also an Ancestor, an Ancestor of the Whites.

13°) To reinforce the contempt of the Black man towards the skin that God
gave him, the Colonizer manufactured the soap ambi and introduced the
imported Hair into all the African Negros countries.

14°) In the whole world, the Wise ones were accustomed to speaking by using
proverbs. When they speak about the proverbs which the White used, they
call that: word of God. But when one wants to speak about the proverbs that
use Wise African Negros, then the Colonial Church calls that: carnal Things.

15°) When Jesus asks the Independence of Israel from the Westerners who
killed him, this business is called the Word God. But when Mbuta Kimbangu
speaks about Independence of the Black Race and that the Westerners
imprisoned him until dying in prison, this business is called: History of

16°) God gave a language to each people. According to the will of God, the
names which must carry the races must come from the language that God gave
to these people.
Thus, myself I am called Muanda Nsemi, in the Kikongo language, Muanda wants
to say the Spirit, while Nsemi means the Creator. Muanda Nsemi wants to
say: the Creative Spirit. Here is a very divine name! But the Colonial Church
had come to teach to the African Negros that God only knows the names
originating in the language from the White. Thus whoever is called Tadi
(in the plural Matadi) carries a diabolic name, while that whoever is called
Pierre, Stone, carries a divine name, whereas translated into our
language, Stone says Tadi, in other words Limanha. They are not serious!
We will be considered as serious the day that all African Negros will manage
to Africanize the names of the people, the countries, the cities, the
rivers, and all. This day will be the day of a great defeat for the Colonial

17°) In 1921, when the Kôngo neophytes cured the patients by laying on of
hands, the Colonial Church qualified this act of diabolic. Today, the
Colonial Church changed opinion. Even the Roman Catholic Church starts
today to practice spiritual cures. They call that the Charismatic Revival!

18°) Yesterday, the Priests of the Colonial Church said that to be in fright
(tuntuka, zakama) is a diabolic act. Today, tuntuka and zakama became
currency, even in the Roman Catholic Church.
The God of Christians must undoubtedly be a versatile being who changes
opinion constantly…

19°) Yesterday, the Colonial Church said that they cannot use the ngoma
(the tom-tom) African in the Church, because it is a diabolic instrument
which the Negros use in their dances. Meanwhile, the piano and the guitar
which the White uses in their Night Clubs are always used in the Church….

20°) Today, the Colonial Church changed opinion. The rehabilitated African
ngoma resounds everywhere in the middle of Africa, even in the Roman
Catholic Church!

21°) When the White says that the ngoma is not good for the Church, the
Christianized Negros answers: Yes, it is not at all good! When the White
changes opinion and says that the ngoma is a good instrument which can be
used to glorify God, then the Christianized Negros changes also opinion
and answers: Yes it is a very good instrument.

Noble Africans, the hour of the truth sounded in the whole world. Let us
go from the front one, because any truth which the colonizer ridiculed in
Africa will be rehabilitated soon. Sorcery soon will change definition.




A Prophet rises to Israel, it is called Jesus Christ. He gives his message

to the lost ewes of the house of Israel.
Jesus dies in year 33. The Spirit of the Christ goes down on her followers
and orders to them to diffuse its message to the Middle-East, to jump Africa,
and going to install it in Europe where this message will remain confined
for more than thousand and four hundred years.

Arrived at the fifteenth century, the Occident goes in search of wealth

of the world. Thus they came to invade Africa while bringing their Religion
as Religion of the Colonizer and main instrument of work for the cultural
colonization the of African Negros world.

Thus, at the fifteenth century, the Invader comes to Africa and begins his
work of spoliation. Prophets and other Nationalists arise and mobilize the
people to fight the Invader. The Colonizer uses then all the means to divert
the Africans of their Ancestors, their Gods, their languages, therefore
their Culture, and to replace there the Colonial Religion and the Worship
of the Culture of the colonizer.

At the sixteenth century, Africa starts to bubble. Thus the Priests of the
Colonial Religion use all the means to convince the African believers not
to fight colonization. They ask them to endure all the injustices, because
JESUS COMES SOON to establish the Paradise on the Earth. The African
Believers accept, they cross their arms, and start to wait and hope by
looking at times to time the sky to see whether Jesus does not come. In
front of all the sufferings due to the injustices of the colonial regimen,
they say to the African believers that:

At the time of the end, the life will be very difficult. Jesus already
prophesied it. We are at the time of the end.
Happy to those who are crying, because they will be comforted. Happy the
poor, because the kingdom of heavens belongs to them.

Thus they arrive at the seventeenth century, then eighteenth century, Jesus
still does not come. Africa becomes very poor, because its basement gorged
with the colossal wealth passed under the control of the Invader who becomes
very rich to the detriment of the Africans that they succeeded in deadening,
due to some biblical verses.

In the nineteenth century, Africa starts again to be agitated. The Colonial

Church retakes rumors that JESUS COMES SOON…

The faithful Africans of the Colonial Church started to await Jesus until
in 1885, the informed them that the Colonial powers divided Africa with
the Conference of Berlin…

Around the years 1950, when Africa had returned to be agitated, the Colonial
Church told the African believers to pay attention not to lose their souls
and to go in hell eternal, because JESUS COMES SOON, very soon to establish
the Paradise on Earth. Rise with all these sweet talks, the Enlightened
Africans entered the fight, in accordance with the plan of God for the
Restoration of Africa. Around 1960, as crown of their efforts blessed by
God, Africa entered the era of the first Independence.
Meanwhile, the Believers alienated by the opium of the Colonial Church
continued to await Jesus who would come in 1975, and they affirmed with
force and arrogance that 1975 will not pass, Jesus Christ will be there
to establish the terrestrial paradise.

Today, we are in 1988, Jesus therefore did not come, but the word Magic
JESUS COMES SOON always resounds and continues to make victims in Africa.


In 1971, the Portuguese had just made slaughters in Angola. Receiving this
notice, my heart was invaded by an anger of a cruel intensity. I took three
shirts and two pants, I put them in a Plastic bag and I set way to deliver
them to somebody at Kintambu who was charged to deliver them to the Angolan
refugees in lower part of Zaire.
Arrived towards Cosbaki, I meet a former Angolan friend with whom we had
in 1970 the desire for going to the maquis in Angola to fight the Portuguese.
I told him about the slaughters and the needs of intensifying the armed
struggle in Angola. This friend, who was in impetuous time like a lion,
smiled me like a tired sheep and said,

My dear friend, I always like Angola my country, but I do not see the need
of going to fight, because JESUS COMES SOON. I became an announcer of the
Word of God, and I know that from now to 1975, Angola will not have time
to be independent that Jesus will already be there to restore the kingdom
of God on the Earth, and then what good is it to go to fight…

I had openly said to him that Jesus will not come in 1975. With that he
answered that I am a society man. I tried to make think, but in vain. He
was firmly convinced that 1975 will not pass, Jesus will be there.
Arrived in 1975, Angola obtains its independence, but Jesus did not come.
Today, this friend works in independent Angola where he occupies an
important rank that he could not occupy without the independence of Angola.


In 1974, while I was a Physical & Chemistry teacher at the Adventist College,
I had the occasion to notice that many children of Witnesses of Jehovah
failed the school by negligence. Having question to one of these children,
he answered:

Why do I have to worry to learn all these difficult things that you teach
to us, when I know that the next year Jesus will come to transform us into
Scientists in a wink, when he comes to restore the Paradise on this Earth…?

I tried to make these children understand but in vain. Fanatics, they were
firmly convinced that 1975 will not pass, Jesus will come. They finally
failed the school, in spite of their potential talents.
Last year (1987), I met one of these former students in Maman Yemo hospital.
Became unemployed, this time, this poor young man gave me the reason and
regretted having neglected his studies because of Jesus who did not hold
his promise in 1975…


A certain Witness of Jehovah had a basic house in Bandalungua Street

(Kinshasa). Arrived in 1974, he decided to sell this house saying:

Next year, Jesus will come to restore the Terrestrial Paradise. All the
malicious ones will be killed. We other Witnesses of Jehovah will be the
only survivors; thus all the beautiful villas of Macampagne will be for
us. Thus I prefer to sell my house and satisfy my immediate needs with this
money. There are only a few months that I will rent, and Jesus will already
be there…
We tried to make him to reflect, but in vain, as much he was convinced that
1975 will not pass. After the year 1975, the price of the rent being
seriously complicated in Kinshasa, the poor fellow started to regret his
house, because Jesus who should come SOON had not come. Afflicted, for him
at least, left the Association of Witnesses of Jehovah which he qualifies
now as liars.

While in Africa the fanatic believers neglected their studies, their houses
sold, and did not want to engage any more in the national liberation war,
in South Africa, in Namibia, in Angola, in Australia, in short in the world,
the Occident continued to make the war of imperialism. In the United States
in this year 1975, the American Witnesses of Jehovah continued to pile up
the money of sales of the publications and to build gigantic buildings in
Brooklyn, New York…

Kutu di ufiona dia zengi!

The ear you’ve cleaned is of rude!

Those who brought us the Bible continue to killing our black brothers in
Australia, South Africa, and Namibia!
While they say to us to take the Bible, they themselves take weapons.
While they preach us charity, they themselves make racism, apartheid and
terrorism. Yes, those who are against the independence of Namibia are not
Communists, but Christians of the occident who talk to us all the time about

In South Africa, the White Christians do everything to hide to the Blacks

the trade secrets of the engines, the planes, the drugs, and of all that
gives power to people. While they hide all that, they publish millions of
Bibles and Courses Biblical which they distribute to the Blacks…

Let us reflect a little bit. If the White knew that the Bible is able to
give to the Blacks the force and the power which will enable them to release
them from the colonial yoke, believe that the Occident who makes racism
in South Africa will allowed giving these Biblical Courses to the Blacks?


If the Africans stare at the wealth of their countries, they will become
jealous of this wealth and will be ready to take the weapons to prevent
the robbers from coming to take them. Thus, it is necessary to use all the
means to deaden African Negros and to prevent them from thinking of its
richness’s. Then an alternative of the Colonial Church arrives and requires
to our children to look to the sky and to sing while dancing:

Biloko nionso ekotikala (Everything will stay

Na mokili oyo in this world
Nkolo Yesu kumisama lord Jesus be praised
Aleluya! Alleluia!)

But, let us reflect a little bit. The Creator God knew that to live happy
on this planet Land which he gave to the men, it is necessary that has iron,
gold, diamond, cobalt, oil, fruits to be eaten, and all kinds of biloko
Thus, before creating the man, The Mbumba God (Creator) places already all
these biloko (Things) in the ground. He sends then the man to come to take
possession of the planet Land, knowing that all is to make happiness to
the man, since they seek and work. Instead of enjoying these gifts which
the Mbumba God placed in the African basement, the Colonial Church comes
with its biblical verses which say that: Happy the poor, because the kingdom
of heavens belongs to them….
Thus, the Colonial Church comes to introduce into the conscience of African
Negros the idea to ignore these goods. Meanwhile, day and night, boats come
to Africa and return to Occident charged with all these biloko nionso
ekotikala na mokili oyo… (All these Things which will stay on this Earth)….
And then? Well, after they say that Africa is a poor continent, while the
Occident is rich. Whereas, this entire billions which are in the
Occidentals’ banks comes from Africa.


At the moment the New Testament was written, they said that the disciples
of Jesus were not going yet to finish evangelizing all the towns of Samaria,
Jesus would be already of return.

It already made more than nineteen centuries since all the cities of Samaria
are evangelized, however the Christians continue to wait the return of
Jesus. I do not say that Jesus will not return. He will return, if such
is the will of who sent him. Because any man goes and returns. The true
question is that to know if the Christians who wait for him are able to
recognize him, when he returns. Because he will be able to always come from
the most unexpected manner for them, to come to do his work in a different
way from what they think…

1°) The first time, Jesus came and was born of a woman, like everyone. Today,
your Church taught you that this time he will go down from the sky on board
a parachute, with his commando of warlike Angels, which will help him to
make bloodiest Coup d’état of the History! …, since your Church says that
he will come to reverse all the Heads of States of the world, kill them,
and take the power, because Jesus makes a point of coming to make the
politics on this planet Land.

If Jesus Christ decides not to come from this way, will you be able to
recognize him?

Do not forget that your Church had already told you that Jesus comes in
1975. Did you see him? Did he come? Did your Church lie?

Possible that Jesus certainly came in 1975, but you did not recognize him,
because he did not come in the way in which you waited ….

2°) Your Church told you that Jesus, with patents of General of the Army
Forces, comes to smash those who disturb World-wide Peace, and thus to
inaugurate the kingdom of peace on this Earth of the men. However, even
the Extraterrestrial ones know it, and often say it, that they are the
Occident who disturbs the Peace on the Planet Land. If Jesus comes, and
starts to threaten the Occident’s, will they recognize him? Won't they say
that he is Integrant?

3°) The Colonial Church taught to its African Negros believers that Jesus
comes for everyone. In this case, if Jesus decided to come to be born in
Africa Negros, what will do the Occident racists? Will they recognize it
with their apartheid? Will they accept a Black Messiah?

4°) If Jesus decides to come to be born in Occident, what will say the
Communists, Muslim Iranians, the Africans and the Asian who currently fight
to perfect their independence? Won't they take these activities for
camouflaged operations of the Occident Imperialism?
Then how will he come, Jesus the Master?

5°) If Jesus came to reappear in Israel, the Palestinians and many of Arabs
will take him for a Zionist, but then a Zionist to fight under the screams
of Allah Akbar!

When Jesus came for the first time, his country was colonized by Occident’s
who killed him. Before that, its disciples knew that Jesus will drive out
the Occident colonialists, to become King of Jews, to form a government
with Peter as Prime Minister, and Judas Iscariot as Finance Minister. The
day before his death, Jesus prophesies the destruction of Israel, but
promises to his disciples that he will return, and in that time the State
of Israel will be restored by him.
In 1948, the State of Israel was restored. By whom? I do not know, though
I know very well! Praise David Ben Gourion, by the way Jesus? It is with
you to answer.


Let us enter the Bible now, not to disparage its message, but to try to
understand it better and thus to appreciate the Bible with its right value,
because the Kôngo God is a God of truth.


An Antichrist is any person, any Church, which gives an opposed teaching

to the one of Jesus Christ. To give to Jesus another mission than his really
mission, it is to act as true Antichrist. Then let us see now who is Jesus,
and which is his true mission on ground. Who is the antichrist?


1°) The testimony of astrologers.

The Bible says: After Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days
of Herod the king, look! Astrologers from eastern parts came to Jerusalem,
saying: ‚Where is the one born king of the Jews? For we saw his star [when
we were] in the east,

Matthew 2: 1-2

The Bible told us here that the star that the astrologers saw is not the
star of the Savior of the World, but rather the star of the Savior of a
tribe of the Middle-East, the star of the King of the tribe of Jews.
You and I, dear Reader, we are not Jews, because we are African Negros.

2°) Jesus and the Phoenician woman.

Phoenician were Blacks, All the historians specialists in the history of

the people of the Middle-East people know it.
One day a Phoenician woman beseeched Jesus so that he can go to cure his
child. Jesus refuses because this woman is not tribe of Israel. Jesus called
to the Black woman of Canaan:

‚I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.‛…

Mathew 15: 22-24

Here is Jesus’ answer, according to the Bible. An answer with full of
tribalism, racism. What a regionalism for a Savior claimed world-wide!
However Jesus knew his true mission. Thus he said only the Truth with capital
Yes Phoenicians were Blacks and Jesus told the Phoenician woman that God
did not send him to save the Blacks, Phoenicians. Thus the Bible says that
Jesus is not the savior of Blacks.
Thus, in the presence of Christianity, Apartheid does not have anything
to be accused. Because the God of the Bible is tribal, a racist God.

3°) The bread of Israel children.

In spite of these hard words of Jesus, the Black woman of Phoenician

continued to beg the Master of Nazareth. Jesus was annoyed and brutally
answered that:

‚It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little

Mathew 15: 26

Are you a Jews dear reader? No! Then the Bible says that you are only a
little dog, and Jesus was not sent for you. He is not your Savior. That’s
what is called the Christian Racism. Height five percents White men racists
in South Africa are members of the Reformed Dutch Church (of the
Protestants). All these Whites take the Blacks for dogs, and call Jesus
by the feudal title of: Our Lord, the Lord of the Whites.

4°) Jesus in Jerusalem.

Mbanza Kôngo is the capital of the Kôngo Kingdom. This city is built on
the mount Kôngo dia Ntotela, the mount Lemba and the Nkayila mount.
Jerusalem is the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. This city is built on
the Zion mount.
One day, Jesus on an ass enters Jerusalem in festival. The Bible says:

‚TELL the daughter of Zion, ‘Look! Your King is coming to you, mild-tempered,
and mounted upon an ass,‛

Mathew 21: 4-5

Here also the Bible says clearly that Jesus did not come to save all the
races of the world, but to be the King of the Zionists, the King of the
We other African Negros we are not Jews. Thus, any person preaches to the
Negros that Jesus is our Lord, is an Antichrist, because he is against the
true teachings of Jesus, the Savior of the Jews.

5°) Hosanna to the son of David.

One of the Kings the most famous Jews is King David. While entering
Jerusalem, the Bible says that crowds glorified Jesus saying:

Hosanna to the son of David!

Mathew 21: 9

To acclaim Jesus saying: hosanna the son of David, it is to say to Jesus

that glory to you the new King of Jews.

6°) Sow what you received

Jesus chooses twelve disciples. He gave them a new teaching. After having
assimilated it, he sent them to preach the people to whom he was sent. The
Bible says:

Jesus sent to them after their having given the following instructions:
‚Do not go off into the road of the foreigners, and do not enter into a
Samaritan city; but, instead, go continually to the lost sheep of the house
of Israel
Mathew 10: 5-7

Why Jesus has prohibited to his disciples to do not go to those who are
not Jews?

Answer: Because Jesus knew it very well that God had only sent him to be
the savior of the lost cheeps of the house of Israel. The secret Doctrines
of the occident world say that all Occidental are descendants of the lost
cheeps of the house of Israel. Jesus is thus their Savior.

Thus, after having evangelized the lands of Israel to the Middle-East, the
Spirit of Christ ordered to take Christianity DIRECTLY into Occident, in
Europe. It was no question to giving this message to the Blacks of Africa,
who are however geographically very close to the country of Israel.

The only country of Africa the Christianity was sent is Ethiopia where the
descendants of King Solomon with the Queen Mankenda Saba resided.
Except Ethiopia, Christianity went straight to Occident where it remained
confined for centuries.
At the fifteenth century, the Portuguese arrived at the Kingdom of Kongo
armed with the Bible and Weapons. It is in this way that Christianity was
brought in Central Africa, as Religion of the Colonizer.

‚… Evangelize, evangelize for better colonizing…‛ they said in Europe.

Divert the Blacks of the way of their Ancestors. Lead them to adore our
Ancestors who will not listen to them…‛

To convince colonized to accept the Colonial Christianity, they FALSIFIED

the Bible by adding false verses saying that Jesus had asked them to go
in the whole world to make everyone his disciples.

7°) Jesus to the court.

Jesus was arrested. The Bible says that to the court Jesus appeared in front
of the Roman governor, Pilate, who questioned him in these terms:

Are you the King of the Jews? Jesus answered: You say it well

Mathew 27: 11

Here also we saw that Jesus does not say that he is the King of African
Negros. Because he affirms that he is the King of the Jews.

8°) Jesus and THE Soldiers.

Always answering the question of knowing who Jesus is, the Bible says:

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor’s palace
and gathered the whole body of troops together to him, they draped him with
a scarlet cloak. And they braided a crown out of thorns and put it on his
head and a reed in his right hand. And, kneeling before him, they made fun
of him, saying: ‚Good day, you King of the Jews!‛
Mathew 27: 28-29

9°) For whom Jesus died for?

The Bible says: Jesus was crucified. To indicate the reason of his death,
they posted above his head the charge against him, in writing: ‚This is
Jesus the King of the Jews.‛

Mathew 27: 36-37

Thus, according to the Bible, Jesus died for his people, the Jews, and Not
for the African Negros and consort.
In Israel, whoever transgressed the crowned Law was killed lapidated
(killed with stones).
At the African Negros, in the Kongo Kingdom, the transgressor of the crowned
Law was buried alive at the market.
In the Roman Empire, the transgressor of the Political Laws of Rome had
like capital punishment on the pole, degenerated into cross. Rome having
colonized Israel, Jesus died crucifies.

Here is the Truth, the really truth supported by biblical verses. The Bible
was not written by me. I do nothing but read it. Because it is written this,
in the Bible: Probe the Writings.

Thus, let us continue to probe the Bible, in order to best know and
appreciate it with its right value.

10°) Jesus and cemeteries.

1. Moses is the father of the independence of the Israel people, colonized

by the Blacks by the old Egypt. After his death, he was buried on a certain
mountain which was known only large Israeli Neophytes. Jesus knew where
the cemetery of Moses was.
Tormented by the difficulties of his mission, Jesus decided to speak in
front of the tomb of the father of independence about the Israeli people.
He went, accompanied secretly there only with three of his disciples in
whom he had more confidence. There he called his Ancestors.
In answer to his invocation, two Ancestors of the Israeli people, Moses
and Elijah, advised to him.

Luke 9: 28-30

A son of God that goes to the cemetery to contact his Ancestors! Here is
the truth.

2. Gethsemane is the name of a place where the Jews buried their deaths.
When this land was full of tomb, they planted trees which pushed and
transformed this place into true forest. And it is in this cemetery that
Jesus liked to go to ask for (to pray) with his disciples, yes in the

Mathew 26: 30-45

When Jesus goes to request into the cemetery, the Colonial Religion said
that he is a son of God, while when a Wise African Negros goes to speak
to the Ancestors in the cemetery; the Colonial Religion said that it is
a Wizard, a Pagan!
11°) The Only son of God?

The African Negros Culture teaches that the man is a spiritual Being (a
Spirit) dressed in a carnal body. The spiritual Being comes from God, while
the carnal body comes from the land. God is Esprit. However, the Spirit
of God lives in the body of the man. Thus, any man is son of God.
Therefore, you, I, and Jesus all of us are sons of God.

Reason why Jesus said to his disciples: My Father is your Father, my God
is your God.

John 20: 16-17

That is why, we do not have to pray saying: The Father of Jesus who is in
the heavens, because we must say OUR FATHER who is in the heavens.

Mathew 6: 9-13

Thus, any religion that teaches that Jesus is the Only Son of God teaches
a lie worthy of an Antichrist. It is false Christian doctrine.




The God Mbumba has created the man with his image. The physical world is
made with the image of the spiritual world.
Each organized country has a Chief surrounded by his ministers and a
hierarchy of collaborators charged to apply the general policy of the
country to all the levels.
The organization of a country is made with the image of the model whose
God Mbumba organized his creation. Because, after having created the
universe, the God Mbumba had trusted his creation to Higher Spirits to whom
he had given the mission of directing the evolution of the universe…. In
accordance to the great plan traced by him. Thus, there exists in charge
of each star, of each planet, each continent, each country a Great Spirit
surrounded by his collaborators charged to supervise the evolution of the
part of the universe that was entrusted to them.

They are Simbi, the Geniuses sidereal, the Angels, and the Spirits of
nature… etc

There are Superiors Spirits who deal with each reign: mineral, plant,
animal, human, and spiritual.
Each reign of nature is subdivided in several under groups placed under
the supervision of different Geniuses from Nature.

Thus, for the human race also, in the head of each tribe, there is a Great
Genius of Nature, surrounded by a whole hierarchy of collaborators charged
to supervise the Spiritual evolution and material of this tribe.

Each Angel in the past had brought his tribe into its promised land, where
he had inspired to the leaders of this tribe to create a Kingdom equipped
with a government, which is the reflex on the physical level of its own
invisible government.
Thus was born the Kingdom from Kongo, the Kingdom of Israel, the Empire
of Japan… etc


For the BUKONGO, the Supreme Being is a Trinitarian God who takes the
following names: Ne Mbumba, Ne Kôngo Kaluga, and Tata Nzambi'a Mpungu.
Except this Supreme Being, Single and Trinitarian, Lord of the universe,
the BUKONGO speaks a lot about a certain very powerful Archangel, who takes
the name of Ne Muanda Kôngo. The Greats Nabi Kôngo’s know that it is the
Archangel Ne Muanda Kôngo who had inspired the creation of the Kingdom of

This Archangel has a plan which includes the entire world Black Race, and
the second solar system. Because, in the second solar system, the Archangel
Ne Muanda Kôngo is the representative of the second person of the Trinity
(Ne Kôngo Kalunga) on the Earth. He is the spirit of Wisdom of Great God
Akongo, say the Great Nabi Kôngo (=Les Grand’s Neophytes.)


The God Kôngo Kalunga is the Great Supreme God of the universe, while its
Angels are secondary Gods, intended to carry out his will in the universe,
his creation.
Who is the God of Israel?

The Bible says:

1°) And Moses became a shepherd of the flock of Jethro, the priest of Midian,
whose son-in-law he was. While he was driving the flock to the west side
of the wilderness, he came at length to the mountain of the [true] God,
to Horeb. Then Jehovah’s angel appeared to him in a flame of fire

Exodus 3: 1-2

Who appeared to Moses?

Answer: The Bible says that it is not Creative God himself who appeared
in Moses, but rather an Angel, therefore secondary God.
2°) the Bible continues saying: The Angel called to Moses: I am the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

Exodus 3: 4-6

In the first quoted verse, we saw that Moses saw an Angel.

In the second passage, this Angel told Moses that he is the God of Abraham,
God of Isaac, and God of Jacob. (= Israel).

An Angel who says he’s God, is thus secondary God.

Thus, the God Israel is the name of the Angel who appeared to Moses on the
Horeb mount and ordered to him to go to deliver the children Israel from
This Angel is called Yahweh Israel, and it is this Angel who gave his name
to Jacob, then to the country of Jews.
God of Israel is not the Supreme Akongo itself, but rather a Genius, Simbi,
an Angel, the Angel of the people of Israel, Jealous God.
This Angel has a plan which includes all the Occident Race.

3°) This Angel talked to Moses: Go, gathers the old ones of Israel, and
tell them that God of your Ancestors appeared to me…

Exodus 3: 16-17

Since this time, it has been with this Angel that Moses thought whenever
he spoke about Yahweh God of Israel.

Thus, to adore Yahweh, or Jehovah, is to adore the Supervisory Angel of

the Israel people, it is thus to give up the Angel of his own nation and
going to adore the Angel of a foreign nation. That’s what is called to adore
foreign God, and thus to ridicule the Source of your Cultural Identity,
because the Angel of your nation is the Genius who is at the base of the
specific Culture of your nation.

The Angel given to people is the Heart of these people. The Culture is the
expression of the Heart of people, who’s the language, is the principal
The Culture is a life style. The true religion is also a life style. Thus,
the religion is a culture.
The Religion of the Cultural Specificity is a Culture in conformity with
the standards of the Genius of our people, in large Kongo dia Mbumba (=l'

4°) To the people of Israel, Moses said: It could be a prophet, or your

brother, your wife, your husband, your loved friend, whoever should try
to allure you to serve foreign Gods that our Ancestors did not serve, some
of the gods of the peoples who are all around YOU, the ones near you or those
far away from you, from one end of the land to the other end of the land,
you must not accede to his wish or listen to him, do not feel sorry of him,
but you should kill him with stones. Because he wants to encourage you to
give up Yahweh your God who made you leave Egypt…

Deuteronomy 13: 6-10

Today Africa is full of people working day and night to incite African Negros
to adore Foreign Gods, Gods that our Ancestors did not adore. Thus, these
people work to move away African Negros in the way of the African Specificity

They are numerous in Africa Negros, working day and night to encourage
African Negros to give up their natural languages, their skin, their hair,
their Spirit Community, and adopt the foreign languages, the use of soap
to change the skin, the imported hair, and the ideologies non conformity
with the Heart of the African Negros people.

It is all of these I call the sabotage of our own African Personality.


The various tribes of the planet are similar to distinct plants intended
to produce a variety of the flowers, different ones to the others, but
complementary in their manner of expressing the divine beauty. For that,
each tribe must continue to develop in accordance to the plan that the
supervisory Genius of this tribe is holder.

See how the diversity of flowers in Nature is source of beauty and joy!
This natural beauty is fully expressed only when each species of Nature
got loose in accordance with its own Genius.
What would become the world if all the plants of our forests became palm
trees all of them? And if all metals became all lead? The disaster enters
in the Nature from the time that the plant intended to produce pink flowers,
wants to suppress the expression of its own Nature and set to imitate all
the plant to white flowers.

A creature that refuses to express in accordance with its Genius, while

starting to imitate blindness the Genius of others, creates a conflict
between the expression of its own Genius and that of loan.

It becomes the battlefield of an interior conflict that makes it a hybrid

product, unable to express neither its own Nature fully, nor that of loan,
becoming thus a poor being rejected on both sides, and that what the Kôngo
Wise calls mpuku mu nuni. (a rat in a bird = bat).

The same Truth that the God Mbumba intends to the people of the land is
initially received by the Angel of each people, who color this Unique truth
of the particular note that his people are charged to express. After that,
this Angel chooses somebody among these people to whom he entrust this
revelation and gives him the necessary faculties and the mission of inking
this truth in the conscience of the Nation. This man becomes a Ntumua
(Messenger) who will have to present accounts to the Angel of the nation,
who will then present his accounts to the Conclave of the continent and
planet Angels… etc Thus since highest antiquity, the Single Truth come from
the great God Kôngo Kalunga (Akongo) descended on this ground, generating
different cultures, various religions adapted to the Genius of each people,
in accordance with the mission of these people. Thus was born the Initiatory
Kôngo Tradition, the Buddhist Religion, the Islamic religion, the Jewish
Religion with its paralytic child called Christian Religion.
The angel of a nation is the great Supervisor of the business of this nation.
This higher Spirit knows the origin, the past, the present, and the future
of his people, and can reveal it to his Ntumua (Messenger) in this nation.

That’s why it is impossible to make a disappearance of a History from people

who are attached to God of his Ancestors.

The Angel of the Israel people said to Moses: When you die, behind you,
the children of Israel will rise to go to follow foreign Gods. This time,
my anger will ignite on them. I will give them up and I will hide my face
to them. They thus will sink in great difficulties, but I will let them
suffer because of foreign Gods whom they will start to follow.

Deuteronomy 31: 16-18

This verse says clearly that the given Angel of people does not like that
his people gives up the Cultural Model that it gave them to follow the one
that another Angel gave to his people.

Leave the circle of the Genius Cultural of the others and to return into
our own Genius Cultural, that’s what we call in Zaire the Return to the
Authenticity, of which the BUKONGO is the Heart of the Authenticity.

The Authenticity does not want to say the limitation to oneself. Because
the BUKONGO encourages the man to be initially oneself, to know and living
initially his own Culture, before willing to know other Cultures.

The BUKONGO encourages the man to live his Culture and recognizing the right
of the others to live their own Culture.

The BUKONGO preaches the unit in diversity, diversity in the


Thus, the BUKONGO is the love, freedom, balance, and harmonizes in which
generates the manifestation of the beauty divine in the universe.

Who says BUKONGO known as right relations between the men and the various
creatures of large Kongo dia Mbumba (= universe).

That’s why I said that BUKONGO equal Reality and simplification. Yes, the
BUKONGO equal radiation and harmonization in the Vibration of Cosmos, of
the great Kongo dia Mbumba (= universe).


A sentence of article 17 of the Republic of Zaire’s Constitution says that

the Republic of Zaire does not have a Religion of State.
This is at the same time true and false. It is true in the sense that we
all know, and it is false because the Republic of Zaire effectively has
a Religion of State which is called the Fundamentalism Religion of Kôngo.
That is scientifically true, because the Culture is a lifestyle. The true
religion is a lifestyle. Bukôngo is also a lifestyle.

Thus, the BUKONGO is a Culture, therefore a religion, the true Initiatory

Religion of the World-wide BLACK RACE.

The Jewish Religion is the expression of the Cultural Identity of the Jewish
people. It is the lifestyle that the Angel of the tribe of Israel had given
to his people.
The African Negros Religion, Bukôngo is the expression of the Cultural
Identity of African the Negros people. It is the lifestyle that the Gods
(Angels) had given African to the Negros people.

In the Jewish Religion speaks about God, the Angels, and the Ancestors of
Jewish people.
In the BUKONGO African Negros speaks about God, of the Geniuses (of the
Angels), and of the Ancestors.

Moses is the first Astrologer who had started writing to codify the Jewish
Religion and to give an ordered structure to this one.
Work to codify the authentic African Negros Religion is the main axis work
that we lead in Bundu dia Kongo and that for the glory of the Ideal of greats
Nabi Kôngo.

Japan has its own Culture, very different from the American Culture, however
Japan is a friend of America.
The Culture of Vietnam is different from the Culture of Russia; however
Vietnam and Russia are great friends.
Saudi Arabia has as religion Islam, America has Christianity. They have
two different religions; however America and Saudi Arabia are allies, great
The Islam that praises Saudi Arabia, teaches that Jesus is a little prophet,
because the Great Prophet it is Mohamed. In spite of this contrary teachings
with Christianity, the friendship between America and Saudi Arabia remain.
Japan has an initiatory Religion (Mahikari) which teaches that the Japanese
Prophet, Kotama Okada, is greater than Jesus. In spite of that, the
friendship between Japan and America remain.

The Philosophy of Kôngo Fundamentalism came from the Supervisory Angels

of Africa. Thus the Christian Occident risks inserting it in a dead end,
if it looks to fight, as in the past, those who are for the African Negros
Authenticity. It is not wise, and it is sought unnecessarily to lose Strong
Friends in the African Negros world. Because the Kôngo Fundamentalism is
the Will of the Gods.

They are men and the Gods who make the history, but the men only have the
before last word, because the Gods have the last word to say.



To take the African Negros man to give up his Culture and to convert to
the religion of the colonizer, the Colonial Church started to teach that:
1°) The Negros Ancestors are demons, and all of what Africa possesses as
languages, religions, habits, and traditions, all of that are diabolic

2°) While the White men, their Ancestors, cultures, Bible, their
homosexuality, their languages, their pornography are from a divine origin.

After several centuries of colonization, all these erroneous theories ended

up badly alienating the Christianized Negros and to give them a complex
of inferiority and a certain dislike to all that touches their Culture and
their Ancestors.

Ashamed themselves, certain Christianized Negros started to scrape the skin

with the soap ambi to try to bleach, but in vain. They accepted the contempt
of their native languages and were damaged in art to imitate even the way
of laughing and of crying of the white, but in vain.
They did everything to try to copy the manners of the white, thus thinking
to accept by them, in spite of that, Occident racism and apartheid always
They agreed to lose their Land, and the Moon that had promised to them
remains inaccessible.
Poor Negros, they are sinking in the vacuum! Yes, all these vain attempts,
trying to erase his own Culture and to imitate the White led Christianized
in the dead end, in the vacuum where it currently struggles, completely
To save these Negros and to recover them, it is necessary to demystify the
Bible and to break all erroneous theories of the Colonial Church, and then
gradually the alienated Negros will be released and been ready to reconsider
their cultural past with interest and begin the way of the African Negros
Identity Cultural.


The Colonial Church teaches that the Bible is the Word of God, because those
who had written this Book had written it under the dictation of the Holy
Spirit. But when we read the Bible, we find serious errors in, which are
such as any normal man, cannot allot them to God. Here is an example:

One day, Jesus was close to the town of Jericho with his disciples. He met
a blind man or two blind men.

1°) Luke wrote that it is when Jesus entered the town of Jericho (Luke 18:35
- 43), while Mathew and Mark wrote that he met the two blind men when Jesus
left the town of Jericho.

Mathew 20:29 - 34
Mark 10:46 - 52

2°) According to Mathew, there were two blind men in front of the door of
Jericho, but Mark and Luke say that there was one blind man

Here is my first question: How the same Spirit of God dictates to Luke to
write that it is when Jesus entered have to be contradicting by himself
dictating to Mark and to Mathew that it is when he left?
My second question is: The same Spirit of God gives the dictation to three
people. How come that this Spirit of God says to Mathew that there were
two blind men, while to Mark and Luke this same Spirit says that there was
only one blind man?
Are two blind men equal to a blind man?
For you from the Colonial Church, there is not any difference between one
and two, between the verb to go out and to enter?

Who has instructed to write all these abominable faults in the Bible, is
it the Spirit of God?


When he was on earth, Jesus was often saying that any man is a Son of God.
That’s what he told to those who were looking for him in the cemetery that:
My Father is your Father, my God is your God…

John 20: 16-17

After Jesus’ death, Paul deforms his teaching and starts preaching that
God has ONLY ONE SON, who is Jesus…

Hebrews 1:1 - 3

- Between the teachings of Paul that opposes the teaching of Jesus, which
one should we follow?
- Why the Holy Spirit who guided Paul didn't take him to say the same thing
as the Holy Spirit that guided Jesus Christ?
- How many Holy Spirit is there in fact?

- Are you really sure, that it is the Holy Spirit who is responsible of
all these contradictions?


When he was about to die, Jesus said to one of the evildoer that was crucified
with him: today you will be with me in the Paradise…
Jesus did not say that when you die, you will become a dust, and in the
day of the last judgment I will resurrect you and will enter with you to
the Paradise.
Not, Jesus said this: Today, you will be with me in the Paradise.

After the death of Jesus, Paul deformed his teaching and started to preach
that: Deaths are like deadened people. They do not know anything, until
Jesus comes to resurrect deaths the day of the last judgment.

I Thessalonica 4:13 - 17

Thus, here also, regarding the deaths, there is a contradiction between

Paul and Jesus, Paul and the African Negros belief. Because for Jesus and
African Negros, deaths did not die, while for Paul, deaths do not exist
any more since they became dust of the ground.

Talking about Lazarus and the rich man, Jesus said: Lazarus died, and he
was carried off by the Angels in the bosom (position) of Abraham. The rich
person also died, and was buried. And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, he
existing in torments, and he saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in the bosom
[position] with him. So he called and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy
on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my
tongue, because I am in anguish in this blazing fire

Luke 16: 19-25

Thus, we see that according to Jesus, deaths are alive and acting in the
spiritual world. While, according to Paul, deaths become dust.


One day, Jesus drove out the salesmen in the temple of Jerusalem

The spirit of God (?) who guided John told him to write that Jesus had done
that at the beginning of his prophetic career.

John 2: 15

The spirit of God (?) who guided Mark and Luke told them: No, Jesus had
driven out the salesmen of the temple at the time of his last rise in
Jerusalem, therefore at the end of his prophetic career.

Mark 11: 15
Luke 19: 45

The Spirit of Great God Nzambi'a Mpungu is never contradicted, thus we

really do not manage to swallow this pill of Biblical Contradictions which
they would like to take us to believe that it is God’s work.
It is a very serious insult to claim that the Spirit of God is an
inconsistency and Argumentativeness.

A Perfect God cannot be the Author of a Book full of contradictions and



According to Paul, the love is patient, the love is never annoyed, and the
love forgives any transgression.

I Corinthian 13: 4-7

In Mathew 21: 12-13, we see that in front of the abominations of the priests
in the temple of Jerusalem, Jesus did not have patience, did not forgive,
he was annoyed and started to thrash them.
After that, Paul came and started to preach that Jesus is the Love of god!


In several passages of his teaching, Paul often said words of animosity

towards the red wine (alcoholic beverage), while when he was alive, the
first miracle of Jesus was the transformation of water into red wine.

John 2:1 - 12

Thus, Paul prohibits the consumption of the red wine, while Jesus took
water, and transformed into red wine, and gave people for drinking…


In the Bible, Paul says that none is saved by works, but only by the faith
in Jesus Christ.

Romans 3: 27-28

In the same Bible, Jacques says that salvation lies in good works. Thus,
too, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself.
James 2: 17

It is thus a contradiction between Paul and James, both appears guided by

the same Spirit of God!
A Spirit of God that speaks by contradicting itself?


In the Bible, we read that before Jesus’ birth, the angel Gabriel had come
to announce this news.
Mathew says that the angel Gabriel had come to speak to Joseph

Mathew 1: 20-21

Luke says: No, the angel Gabriel had come to announce this news to Mary.

Luc 3: 23-38

All this contradictions in the Bible are what the Colonial Church calls
the Word of God.

Mathew says that the angel Gabriel told Joseph that your wife will give
birth to a son; you will give him the name of Jesus.

Afterwards, Mathew adds: All this actually came about for that to be
fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through his prophet, saying: ‚Look!
The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will
call his name Immanuel,‛

Mathew 1: 22-23

Here are three questions:

1. What’s the name they will give to the child that will be born?

Answer: Yahweh, God of Israel, says: he will be called Emmanuel

2. Who sent the angel Gabriel to Joseph?

Answer: It is certainly Yahweh, God of Israel who sent him so that he can
give to Joseph the important name to give to the child.

3. What is this name?

Answer: Mathew says that the angel Gabriel said, the child will be called

Hold, it is not Emmanuel any more? Now it is Jesus?

However, in his hole life, Jesus was never been called Emmanuel!
There is thus a confusion of prophecies here.

Emmanuel, Samuel, Daniel, Michel, Gabriel, all these names which end in
EL (God) feel the Middle-East.
But the names which finish by US feel Latin of Rome: Brutus, Regulus,
Ignatus, Romilus, Jesus, Fabilus… etc

Thus, Jesus, isn't he a Roman priest (of Sun God) Christianized? Fable or


One day, a man came and says to Jesus: Hello good Master!

Jesus answered: Why do you qualify me as good? Nobody is good, except God…

Mark 10: 17-18

According to this passage of the Bible, Jesus says that he is not the
Creative God himself, as is accustomed teaching by the Colonial Church.
Jesus refuses to be qualified of good, because he knew that he had also
his defects as a man.
After the death of Jesus, apostles full with overzealousness started to
deform the Truth and present to us their imaginary Jesus, perfect, without
sins, good, savior of the world, and Creative God himself. Way! Thus,
wavuna, vioka. (Never! Tried to bypass)


During his life, Jesus taught to his disciples that John Baptist is the
reincarnation of Ely the prophet.

Mathew 11: 7-15

This proves that Jesus knew that they are the men who die hereon the earth
who come to reborn.
After the death of Jesus, Paul deformed this teaching of Jesus Christ and
started to preach that: The man dies only once, after he becomes dust of
land that will wait the Day of the last judgment, where this dust will be
reanimated and will leave the tomb.

Hebrews 9: 27-28

Here also thus, the Holy Spirit that guided Paul is not able to get along
with the one guided Jesus.
How many Holy Spirit do you have in the Colonial Church?


The Colonial Church teaches to the African Negros that in the past, only
Israel knew the really God. But the Bible says that at the time of Job,
there was nobody in all East and the Middle-East who was greater than Job
in front of God.
However Job was not a Jew, he was not an Israeli. Because Job was a citizen
of the Uts country, where he was born, he lived his whole life, practicing
the Religion of Uts which had made him very wise and very pleasant in front
of God.

Job 1: 1

This shows the high spirituality of the Uts Religion. Thus, it is not only
Israel knew the true God. Everywhere in the world, the men of all the regions
always knew and adored true God according to their specific Culture.


Regarding the judgment of Jesus after his arrest, reading the Bible, we
see that there is no agreement between what the Spirit of God (?) had
dictated to Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

A Spirit of God that is unable, for the same topic, to dictate the same
thing to four writers! Do you realize?

According to Mathew 26: 59 and Mark 14: 53 the Sanhedrin, for the judgment
of Jesus, meets immediately after his arrest, the same night, then the next
morning. Mark 15: 1.
Luke protests and says that this meeting had taken place the first day of
Passover. Luke 22: 66.
John comes to upset all that while saying that the supreme court of Israel
does not meet after the arrest of Jesus, because the court already had
pronounced a death sentence for Jesus the day of the resurrection of

John 11: 47-54

- Between the teaching of Paul who opposes the teaching of Jesus, which
one should do we follow?
- Why the Holy Spirit that guided Paul didn't bring him to say the same
thing as the Holy Spirit that guided Jesus Christ?
What a contradictions! And to say that there are people supporting that
all these contradictions are the work of God, of the Spirit of God!
That’s all these biblical contradictions that the Colonial Church calls
the word of God. It is in the name of this contradictory Word that they
incite African Negros youth to ignore its Culture and going to stick
fanatically to the Bible.
To claim that all the faults contained in the Bible are the work of God
is to insult God seriously. It is to sin against the Holy Spirit.


1. Mary, Jesus’ mother, did not believe in the rumors according to that
the pregnancy of Jesus did not come from Joseph her husband.

2. The brothers of Jesus had one day come to ask for a miracle that would
help them to believe in him. Jesus could not make this miracle.

Thus, Marie and her other children entered the group of whose did not believe
in a Jesus.
Mark 3: 31-35

3. The inhabitants of Nazareth blasphemed Jesus and did not believe in him,
because Jesus had not been able to make the miracles that they had asked
Luke 4: 16-30

4. One day, the scribes came to look for Jesus so that he makes a miracle
that will lead them to believe in him. Jesus could not make this it.

Mathew 12: 38-39

5. Another day, the Pharisees and the Sadducees requested miracles from
Jesus who could not do them.

Mathew 16: 1-4

6. Nailed on the post, the crowd began making fun of Jesus: if you are the
Son of God, make a miracle that will deliver you out of the cross, but Jesus
had not made this miracle.

Mathew 27: 38-42

Then who are the people who saw all miracles of Jesus, which the Colonial
Church speaks to us?

Nsi kuayenda ko zulu diabua,

Says the Wise Kôngo


Islam teaches that Jesus was a minor prophet compared to great Prophet
Mohamed, the Prophet of Allah.
Mahikari teaches the inferiority of the mission of Jesus compared to the
great Japanese’s Prophet, Kotama Okada.
Etienne, the first Christian martyr, did not tremble in front of death,
while Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, was afraid and perspired by
requesting: Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me

Mathew 26: 38-39

Comparing Etienne and Jesus from the Self-control point of view, which is
a great spiritual quality.
For the self-control point of view, Etienne is higher than Jesus?
Misused by a great mirage (of the dreams), many African Negros alienated
by the Colonial Church believe that Jesus was a great prophet, popular,
and known of everyone in Jerusalem. However, he was not so. Jesus was not
Thus, the day of his arrest, in the whole Jerusalem, did find even one
soldier who knew him. That’s why Judas agreed to go together with them and
instructed them that the one I will kiss is that Jesus of Nazareth…

Mathew 21: 48-49

Honestly Jesus was a marshy Ngunza (Prophet) like our Ngunza of Mpeve
Yanlongo. Neither more nor less. I said.


After five centuries under the propaganda of the Colonial Church, many
Africans Negros accepted Jesus as their Savior, because his/her brother
Jewish did not accept him, because they took him for a joker, the Bible
continues until today to repeating that: Jesus had come to his (the Jews),
but they did not accept him…

John 1: 11

You the African Negros who accepted Jesus, aren’t you thus his?
Whereas what worth are all these slogans: Nayambi ye, Ngai nabala Yeso,
(I received him, I’m married to Jesus) since he isn't yours?

One day, Jesus taught to his disciples how to pray. He gave them the famous
prayer calls Our Father.
The Colonial Church told us that after Jesus’ death, the Holy Spirit came
to dictate this prayer to Mathew, Luke… etc
Dictating this prayer to Mathew, the Holy Spirit (?) said:

1. Our Father in the heavens

2. Let your name be sanctified
3. Let your kingdom comes
4. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth
5. Give us today our bread for this day
6. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors
7. And do not bring us into temptation
8. But deliver us from the wicked one
9. Because yours is the kingdom, and the power, and glory, forever. Amen.

Mathew 6: 9-13

Dictating this same prayer of Jesus to Luke, the Holy Spirit (?) said:

1. Father, let your name be sanctified

2. Let your kingdom come
3. Give us our bread for the day according to the day’s requirement
4. And forgive us our sins
5. for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt to us
6. And do not bring us into temptation. Amen.

Luke 11: 2-4

Thus, by comparing the prayer that the Spirit of God (?) had given Luke
and Mathew, we notice that words do not clash exactly. And that’s where
our disappointment is, because for a work done by the Spirit of true God,
we expected much more perfection. However the Bible is honestly a skimped
book. Who is the author of this contradictory Book? God?
It is an insult to the Omniscient Spirit of the Great God Nzambi'a Mpungu

In the Bible, James says that God does not try anybody. God does not induce
anybody in temptation. Because only Satan the Devil tries the man.
James 1: 13.

However in ours Father, there is a line of this prayer which says that:
Do not induce us in temptation.
My question is as follow: To who is addressed this word, this prayer? To
Satan the Devil who is the great Tempter?


The Bible says to us that God decided to destroy the town of Sodom and Gomorra
because of the prostitution.

Genesis 18: 23-33

Genesis 19: 4-9

But before destroying these two cities, Abraham meant himself with Yahweh
to save Lot that was known as just and not soiled.

Thus, before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, they sent Lot out and
his daughters, who went to hide in the mountains of the surroundings.
Where they had to hide, the first night, Lot had sexual relations with his
first daughter and becomes pregnant of him. After Lot had sexual relations
with his second daughter, and becomes pregnant of him!
To try to bleach Lot, the Colonial Church claims that Lot had done it under
the effect of drink. Thus he did not know what he had done.
This argument does not hold upright, because the sexual organ of the man
cannot rectify and penetrate in the body of a woman without the will of
the man himself.
There is a Kôngo proverb which says that: If somebody insults you when he
is drunk, that’s for a long time that he cultivated this thought to insult

The single conclusion to take is that Lot was worse than those who had been
destroyed in Sodom and Gomorra.
They are the stories of the prostitution of Lot with his own daughters whom
the Colonial Religion came to teach to the Negros to call: Word of God!


In the Kôngo tradition, it is strictly interdict to a son-in-low to have

sexual relationships with his mother-in-law, or a father-in-law with his
daughter-in-law. Because indeed, the MAKABA says:

Tina buko bonso butinuanga nioka.

(Run away from your in-low as we run when a serpent)

In the Bible, we have Judah who had had sexual relationships with Tamar,
the woman of his son.
Genesis 38: 1-30
Here is the Word of God contained in the Bible, which they dare to call
the Holy Bible. It is a low-level of holiness. In other words, it’s
Christianity without Christ. The Bible says that Jesus came down from this
line of the prostitutes Ancestry!


The BUKONGO teaches that God created several races on the earth: The Blacks,
the White, the Yellows, Reds… etc. Each race has its original Ancestors.
Thus the Blacks are the descendants of Nzala Mpandu and Nkenge Lufuma. The
Whites are the descendants of Adam and Eve, while the Yellows are the
descendants of Izanagi and Izanami.
The Colonial Church came to Africa and started to indoctrinate African
Negros in saying that all the races result from Adam and Eve who were White.
However since the creation of the world until our days, we never saw a White
man coupled with a white woman and giving birth to a Black man. This was
never seen.
The Bible says: Adam and Eve reflect in the world two children: Cain and
Abel. After having killed his brother, Caïn left the country of his parents
and went away far from the country of the North where he met another race
of men. And it is in this race that he found the woman that he married.

Genesis 4: 16-17

This verse of the Bible has just given reason to the NZILA KONGO which
teaches that the Yellows and the Blacks are not descendants of Adam and


The Bible speaks about the appearance of Jesus after his death.

As always, there is divergence between the writings of Mathew, John, and

The Spirit of God (?) said to Mathew to write that Jesus appeared only in

Mathew 28: 16-17

The Spirit of God (?) dictating to Luke told him: Not, Jesus appeared only
on the road of Emmaus and in Jerusalem.

Luke 20: 19-29

The same Spirit of God (?) will say to John that Jesus appeared only at
the edge of the Lake Tiberias.

John 21: 1

Who saw him? Nobody from other people except his dedicated fanatics, his


Jesus had begun his mission at the thirty years age; he died at the age
of thirty-three years. He was thus a young man, and not an old man. Compare
the thirty year old young person with the old man whom this alleged
photograph (drawing) of Jesus represents that they came to sell to you…
I have pity of you, because you became an open man to all the long stories.
No matter who comes to tell you anything, and you believe.
But when they want to speak to you about your Ancestors, about the African
Negros Culture, about the Authenticity, then you become being wary, you
hesitate, doubts, you give questions.
When it’s about the African Negros Culture, you become very strong to make
critical analyzes, but as soon as they say Bible, your critical spirit is
paralyzed, because over there, it is the Word of God. Wavuna, vioka.
(You’ve tried to bypass)


We saw that the Bible is full of contradictory writings. We said that the
Spirit of the Great God Nzambi'a Mpungu cannot be responsible for all these
faults. It is necessary for us thus to say what is the origin of the faults
we meets in the Bible.

In the Bible, Luke says: Several people having undertaken to compose an

account of the events which were achieved among us, following what those
TRANSMITTED to US who were Eyewitnesses as of the beginning and became
Ministers for the Word, it also seemed to me good after having made research
exact on all these things since their origin to expose them to you in writing
followed manner, my dear Theophilus…

Luke 1: 1-3

This text of the Bible says clearly that it’s not the Holy Spirit who
dictated to Luke what he wrote. Because Luke says well that what he has
writing is the fruit of its research from the eyewitnesses. They are thus
testimonies of men gathered and writings per Luke what the Colonial Church
calls the Word of God.
If an African raised today, made research, gathers all testimonies of the
Religious Tradition of the African Negros and writes these testimonies in
a Book, will you agree to call that the Word of God?
If so, then your place is in Bundu dia Kongo, because Bundu dia Kongo
currently works to gather, write the Religious Tradition of the African
Negros, and to try it out in its workshops of application.

In short, Luke helped us to understand that the Bible is a Book like others.
It contains Truths and Falsenesses.


Come with me, my dear friend. Let us enter in this room. Look at the bottom
of this part. Look at this Old man sitting beside crowned fire, he speaks.
He takes an object similar to a bone and throws it to fire, he speaks.
He takes some scented leaves and throws them to producing fire of the smoke
that goes up to the sky, he speaks.
He puts palm wine in a small water-bottle, pours a part on the ground and
drinks the remainder. He speaks.
He poses his two hands by ground, He speaks.
Days and nights, he is there to call upon God to attract his blessings on
the Kingdom of Kôngo. On his mouth the Name of Ne Kôngo Kalunga resounds,
Ne Mbumba, Tata Nzambi'a Mpungu the Trinitarian God of BENA KONGO.

Who is this man?

It is Mfumu Nsaku Ne Vunda, the Great Priest of the old Temple of Mbanza
Kongo, that the Occident’s missionaries taught you to call the African
Wizard …

Come my dear friend; enter now this old Temple of Jerusalem. Look at this
Old man sitting beside fire. Sometimes he is upright, sometimes he sat
beside the fire, but he speaks.
It takes a sheep; he kills it and puts the meat at fire. He speaks.
He takes incense and throws it to the producing fire and smoke full of odor.
He Speaks.
He takes a red wine, pours a party at side and drinks the remainder. He
He inclines and kisses the ground. He speaks.
He asks to God the blessing of the Kingdom of Israel. On his mouth the name
of Yahweh, God of the Tribe of Israel…
In his crowned ministry, the Great Priest of Mbanza Kongo uses the word,
fire, the palm wine, and nine cola nuts (makazu vua).
The Great Priest of Jerusalem uses the word, fire, the red wine, and the

Hold, were they thus Wizard also, these Israeli Priests who were going to
prepare Kamundele (Barbecue) in the Temple of Jerusalem! Do you agree?




In the intention to lead African Negros to ignore the God of their Ancestors,
and thus to convert them to the Colonial Christianity, the occident
missionaries started to disparage the African Gods and qualify them of
Thus, in his dictionary Kikongo-French, which contains many errors, the
Swedish missionary, Karl Laman, from S.M.F, wrote:

1º) Kôngo: is the name of a very powerful Witchcraft.

2º) Mpungu: is a powerful Witchcraft

3º) Mbumba: is a powerful Witchcraft.

Where Karl Laman says Witchcraft, put God. Because, indeed, NZILA KONGO
teaches that God has several attributes, who’s the three principal ones
are Lendo (power), Zola (love), and Ngangu (intelligence).

1º) When God appears as a Creative intelligence, his names Nzambi'a Mbumba
(Creative God). Thus, Mfumu Nsaku Vunda said:

Ne Mbumba wawumba Zulu ye ntoto.

2º) When he appears as Love and a Wisdom which keeps and protects the
universe creates, God names Ne Kôngo Kalunga.
By his Love which fills the entire universe, this God is everywhere. He
is in all and with the top of all. He is the Light which shone in the middle
of any thing.
Thus, Mfumu Nsaku Vunda said:

Ne Kongo Kalunga walungila mu babo ye biabio

3º) when God appears as Being who governs the universe, he names Tata
Nzambi'a Mpungu, God the Father very powerful.

Thus, Karl Laman should write:

- Ne Kongo Kalunga: Omnipresent God

- Ne Mbumba: Omniscient God
- Ne Mpungu: Omnipotent God

All three are One, because they are only the first three attributes of the
same God who is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent.
The eagle is the symbol of Ne Mpungu, who is God as being that, governs
the universe.

With time, any instrument which was used to get to the man some Power was
ended up to be called of mpungu, by the people.

In the same way, the Eagle which is the symbol of the power of God Mpungu
Tulendo ended up being called mpungu, in the old Kikongo language.
Until now, the eagle says mpungu in the language of Batabua in Katanga,
which adores the Great God of and call him by Kabezia Mpungu.


In 1921, the great Prophet Kimbangu rises. He expresses a great Power. He

speaks in the name of Tata Nzambi'a Mpungu, and prophesies the release of
the Black Race World-wide.
The Belgians arrested him, condemned him to death and life, and locked him
up in a dungeon of Lubumbashi (Katanga, Shaba) by two thousand kilometers
of Kongo Central (current Low-Zaire), his native area all bubbling. After
him, Kongo Central continues to bubble.
In 1933, the disciples of Mfumu Kimbangu had held an assembly in a forest
of Northern Manianga (Mongo Luwala) under the direction of Mbuta Matai
Muanda. When the prayer reached the paroxysm, the Great Neophyte Matai
Muanda shouted aloud saying:

Mfumu' eto, Mfumu' eto

Wiza wasiamisa nlongoki miaku!

Our Lord, our Lord

Come to sanctify your disciples!

Two thousand kilometers from there, in his dungeon of Lubumbashi, Mfumu

Kimbangu heard the call and decided to answer it.
Suddenly, a luminous cloud was formed in the top of the assembly of the
disciples brought together in the forest. A fine rain started to fall, and
then they saw a big Eagle (mpungu) in the cloud. The Eagle went down, posed
in the middle of the assembly, and transformed itself into a man: The lord
Kimbangu, Grand Messenger of Tata Nzambi'a Mpungu!
He congratulated Mbuta Matai Muanda for his uprightness and his zeal with
work, and then he blesses the assistance and disappeared in a wink.

NZILA KONGO teaches that before the colonial time, during the foundation
of the Kôngo Kingdom:

1º) The Eagle appeared, when the great Messenger Makaba rose in Kongo dia

2º) The Eagle appeared, when the great Messenger Kodi Puanga rose in Kongo
dia Kuimba.

3º) The Eagle appeared, when the great Messenger Mbakala Nzondo rose in
Kongo dia Luangu.

4º) Nine Eagles appeared in the sky, when the Archangel Ne Muanda Kongo
went down on the mountain of Kongo dia Ntotela, the Nkumba mount.

5º) After the colonization, the Eagle still goes to appear at the time of
Mama Vita Kimpa in 1702, and of Mfumu Kimbangu in 1921, and of…!

Here are some of the Great Figures of the Prophetic line Kôngo.


Your work is to divert the Negros from the way of their Ancestors and lead
them to adore our Ancestors who will not listen to them, said a great Belgian
Personality, at the time colonial.

Evangelize, evangelize for better colonizing, said another Personality of

colonial Europe.

But how may it be that the Africans were misled thus during centuries?

1º) Because, hypnotized by the teaching of the Colonial Church, they turned
the back on the Messengers that sent the ARCHANGEL OF KONGO to them to go
to adore foreign Gods who did not listen to them.
The Priests of the Colonial Church arrive to Africa; they alienate a given
generation which starts to follow the Colonial Religion with eagerness.
But, since they do not obtain anything valid in all that, towards old age,
this generation feels the vacuum and is put to be discouraged. Immediately,
the Colonial Church ignores these old men who became unable to take the
weapons and fight to release Africa. It then centers its attention on their
children, these thus who are able to take the weapons to fight.
Certain discouraged old men then try to retain their children in order to
prevent them from sinking in the same vacuum, BUT, believing to be more
enlightened than their parents, these young people refuse. Because they
are convinced that with this Christian Religion they soon will become
Prophets, scientists, mysterious ones who will go to the sky, just like
believed it the adults who are tired today of all these sweet talks.

Thus, in this way, generations top generations had been left themselves
precipitated in the same vacuum, where their predecessors had finished
their miserable life.
At the time to die, they see a Devil (= a priest wizard) of the Colonial
Church comes to shows up to them with the aspect of Jesus who comes to take
them and bring them to the sky, thus they make testimonies.
But, once arrived at the World of Deaths, they could not see this Jesus
any more, and meet the Ministers of the Invisible Government and the Angel
of their nation who qualify them cowards, culprits, and send them in prison
escorted by warlike angels.
After several years in prison, they releases them and sending them to come
to reappear in order to come to compensate for their errors of the past.
Some arrive to make it, but others return to fail for several lives, because
the Colonial Religion is a true snake that can changes skin and arise in
several different forms.

In this decisive time of the African History, the Colonial Religion, under
all its alternatives, currently works with average multiples by thousand.

2º) a first Sect of the Colonial Church comes to stress such verse which
attracts crowd sufficiently. When the people start to get tired and want
to ignore all that, another Sect of the Colonial religion leaves the
Occident and comes to Africa to come to stress another biblical verse which
will captivate the spirits and will keep the believers in the same nets
of the Colonial Church. Thus, some came to stress the Sabbath, the others
on the Holy Spirit; in the fact of speaking in languages, on the Jesus comes
soon, over the alleged time of end… etc

3º) When the African Invisible Government raises a true Messenger to light
the people, by its magic, the Colonial Church produces several noisy false
prophets in order to choke the voice of Justice and to embarrass the people
by leading them more to do not know whom to follow.

The true Messenger of the Great God, Tata Nzambi'a Mpungu, is a man who
walks in the way of Justice, of Truth, and who wants the safety of Africa
in all the plans.
The False prophet is a hypocrite who superficially defends the Interests
of Africa, but in-depth is a defender of the Erroneous Theses of the Enemy
of Africa from whom he has the responsibility to diffuse the Erroneous
Theories, in order to alienate the conscience of the African Negros man
and to have him hate the way of Kôngo fundamentalism.

4º) In the years 1930, when they died of hunger in China, the Chinese
Christians said that: it is normal, because we are at the time of the End
foreseen by Jesus.
When Mao Tsetung created abundance alimentary program in China and that
the hunger does not exist any more, the Chinese do not speak on the time
of the End foreseen by Jesus…



The Culture is a lifestyle. The true Religion is a lifestyle. The Kôngo

Fundamentalism is also a lifestyle in conformity with the plan of our Heart,
our Angel, and our God.


Creative God has chosen very Powerful Angels, to whom he gave the mission
to supervising, the material and spiritual evolution of Africa; but instead
of looking the contact with these Great Beings, full of pride, you turn
the back to them and you go to search for foreign Gods.
Instead of going to the mountains, the caves, the crowned sites that God
placed in your country, to inspire to you and guide you in your spiritual
evolution, you turn the back on all that and you raisin your time to think
of the Alps, in the Himalayas, in California, the mount Palomar… etc

Instead of going towards your Ancestors, you turn the back to them, and
you spend your time day and night to call upon foreign Ancestors who do
not have anything with you.
The result of all that is that, it’s has already been more than twenty five
years that you do all of that, but you are nowhere.

Each true Neophyte has a field in which he is very strong.

1º) Africa needs true Neophytes who are able to make inventions. You do
not make anything and you call yourself of Neophyte …
2º) In other countries of the world, they are Initiates who make discoveries
and create new technical terms which miss in their languages to indicate
their inventions. You say yourself that you are a Neophyte, but you are
unable to do that for your native tongue…
3º) Africa needs true Neophytes who are able to contact the Files of the
Ancestors and thus to write the True story of the nation. You are unable
to do that, and you call yourself for a Neophyte …
4º) Speaking on behalf of Tata Nzambi'a Mpungu, only one word of Mfumu
Kimbangu had the power to raise million people in Central Africa.
Only one speech of Mama Vita Kimpa put in boiling all the Kingdom of Kôngo,
from the south of Angola to Gabon.
You, you qualify yourself of Neophyte, and your environment is insensitive
to your verb…
From 1921 to 1951, only one murmur of Mfumu Kimbangu in his dungeon of
Lubumbashi raised million people in Kongo Central (today Low-Zaire). The
colonialist then launched out in the wildest repression, but in vain.
Hundred thousand of people knew the drama of relegation out of their native
area. They create Abako in 1950. Mfumu Kimbangu died in 1951, Abako (=
Alliance of Bakongo) takes the ownership and leads Belgian Kongo to
prophesied independence. Here is what a Kôngo Neophyte is able of. Here
is the power of the Great Nabi Kôngo!

But you, you qualify yourself by Neophyte, and it doesn’t show in what you
are able. And then, what a kind of Neophyte you are talking, since it is
known that they must judge the tree by its fruits! In what initiation are
your speeches?

Undoubtedly of a masked initiation, of low-level, this makes you to consider

the smoke for the light…

Only the Angel responsible by Creative God to guide your nation is

authorized to give you true Initiation. Without his permission, you will
be able to cover the entire world; you will do nothing but overload your
head with biblical verses badly interpreted, and vocabularies of the non
African languages which will not be used for nothing. Put an end to this
useless walk, ô! Worthy Son of Africa.

1º) Put an end to the worship of the foreign Gods.

2º) In all your prayers, call God by the name that he had given to your

3º) Adore this God on behalf of the Prophets whom he had sent to your tribe,
and not by the non African tribe.

4º) Adore this God by using the language which he had given to your

5º) Teach to your children the history of your tribe, of your clan, because
it contains much information on the relation that existed in the past
between God and your tribe. Because the past prepares the present, that
prepares the future.

6º) Respect all prohibits sexual or food that God had given to your
Ancestors, even if seems odd to you and unexplainable.

7º) Look to discover the current will of God for your tribe and put yourself
to work so that it can be achieved.

8º) Look to discover in your tribe, and in Africa in general, those who
work for the Ancestors, do your best to collaborate with them, by supporting
them mentally, orally, materially, spiritually, and financially.

9º) Cultivate a very intense desire to contact your Ancestors and be

faithful to their cause.

10º) Cease the misuse of the sorcery and the forces of nature to harm to
your brothers of race.

11º) Get rid of the individualism that sacrifices the interest of the
greatest number to the profit of your own interests, because the Angel of
the nation wants the prosperity of everyone in the nation.

12º) Often think of your Ancestors and accustomed to going to deposit a

spray of flowers in their cemetery.

13º) Cultivate a great purity of thoughts and intentions.

14º) Diffuse each fragment of the history of your tribe that happens to
you. Because it is while giving that we can receive.

15º) Gather to create a core of Worship of God of your Ancestors. Keep a

great purity of this core of worship, so that it can become a magnetic center
which will start to attract the other information that you need.

16º) Visit some holy Places of your country in a state of great purity and
firm determination to serve the cause of the Ancestors.

17º) Be ready to pay with courage the compensatory allowances which will
bring the reopening of the communication channel between the intuitive ones
of your tribe and God of your Ancestors.

18º) Work jointly to set up a national religion in conformity with the

mentality of people of your tribe.

19º) They will open that to who will knock, and who seeks will find.

Into a multinational country, each tribe must create a core of worship of

the God of his Ancestors. This core will be charged to lead deeply the
research on the old ancestral religion. After several years of research,
when each core reaches a certain degree of advance in this work, the
government of this country will organize a conference where the
representatives of all the tribes of the country will come to review their
work, and to launch the bases of the National Religion of this country,
whose Angels of each tribe and their Glorified Ancestors will be the only
Saints that the people of this country will have to consider.

After having joined all the useful lessons, they will divide them into two
holly Books: one of mainstream education intended for everyone, while the
other will be a Book of Secrets of the Temple, which will be accessible
only to Mfumu'a Nlongo (the Great Priest) and the King (the Head of the

There is one Chosen tribe of people for each race of this planet. When we
will be able to set up the African Religion, all tribes will have to turn
like planets around the Chosen people of the Negros Race, which will be
regarded as their central Sun, their spinal column, their principal Root.
The Holly book of mainstream education of Chosen people will be the great
skeleton in which will come to be grafted the Books of the other tribes.
Thus, the Creative Angels of God in charge of the restoration of Africa
had decided this in 1945:

When an African tribe has many errors to compensate, it will be necessary

a relatively long time before the communication channel of this tribe with
its Angel can largely open. To do not create a vacuum, after having butted
all the foreign bibles out, that this tribe will temporarily use to them
Writing Crowned mainstream education of the Chosen people of the World
Black Race, the Kôngo People.


1º) The Enemy of Africa will come and say to you that it is an unrealizable
work, but for me, I say that this work is difficult, but realizable. Because,
to all those who will be given to this work body and heart will work under
the blessing of the Angels of Creative God in charge of the Restoration
of Africa.

2º) The Enemy of Africa will certainly come and say to you that, each tribe
has an Angel, but the time of these Angels already passed. In truth I say
it to you that it is only Devilish operation of this Enemy who wants to
hinder the Africans from going to draw to the source of the true power.

The Protestant Missionaries defended their faithful Africans to go to

contact their Ancestors with the cemeteries, meanwhile, secretly, at
midnight, these same Missionaries went to the cemetery of the former died
Missionaries in Kingoyi (Manianga)!

Wavuna, vioka.
Kutu di ufiona, dia zengi!

You’ve tried to bypass

The ear you’ve cleaned is of rude!


At the time of the decline of Egyptian civilization, in year 220 before

the era of fish (before J.C.), addressing to the Kôngo People, via the great
Neophyte Ne Mbemba Zulu (= the Eagle of the Sky), the Lord our God said:

101. You are my Chosen people.

Your first Ancestors came from Space,
But you, you were born in Ethiopia.

102. I brought you in Egypt.

Now I make you leave Egypt,
And I send you far beyond Ethiopia:

103. To be the Head and Heart

Of this great area of Ntimansi
This goes from the Katiopa Ocean, Kalunga,
Until the sources of the Nile.

104. You will live in the Promised Country,

Of the Great King, the Great Mani Kongo,
Who will come from the sky, in the Space.
105. It is there that prophecies will be achieved
Because, in truth, says the Lord,
When the Sons of the World of Darkness
Will manage to deviate collectively the
People of the Earth from the right Way,
The light that will rehabilitate the World
Will come from Kongo dia Ntontela.

106. At the foreseen times by the Lord,

When the Star of the promise
Will come in Kongo Central

Makaba 115: 101-106


There is only one SUPREME GOD, and a UNIVERSAL RELIGION on the Sky.
When this Universal Religion goes down on the Earth, it comes to take several
different forms, adapted to the mentality and to the specific culture of
the various people of the planet Earth. Because each race has its mentality,
specific and authentic.

1º) the BUKONGO, in other words NZILA KONGO (= the Kôngo Way) is the
Universal Religion adapted to the mentality of the Negros Race World-wide

2º) ISLAM is the Universal Religion adapted to the mentality of the Arabs.

3º) BUDDHISM is the Universal Religion adapted to the mentality of the Asian

4º) CHRISTIANITY is the Universal Religion adapted to the mentality of the


- It is BOUDHA, an Asian, who is in the center of Buddhism.

- It is JESUS, a White who is in the center of Christianity.

- It is MOHAMED, an Arab, who is in the middle of Islam

- It is NLONGI' A KONGO, a Negros, who is in the middle of Bukongo, of

Nzila Kongo. (= the Kôngo Way)

Here is the WISDOM OF GOD. To save a given People, God always use a Son
of these People, of a Large Neophyte who knows the mentality of his People.

The BUKONGO, BUDDHISM, CHRISTIANITY, and ISLAM. The Unit in diversity. Such
is the Natural law, of the universe. Because God is opposed to monotony,
with the standardization. Thus, God has creates several races, several
kinds of trees, several kinds of animals, birds, fish, creatures, several
races of men, and several Specific Religions adapted to the mentality of
various races of the planet Earth.

The SKY preaches the Unit in diversity. The Diversity in the complementarily
It’s the INTOLERANCE and the INTEGRISM of the Colonial Christianity which
are responsible of the Religions’ war in the Planet Earth.

To reduce the forest in only one species of trees is to introduce POVERTY

into this forest, which is very rich by its diversity of trees.
To remove ISLAM, BUDDHISM, and the BUKONGO, to leave only Colonial
CHRISTIANITY, it is TO IMPOVERISH the Cultural heritage of Humanity, and
going against the Natural law, which preaches the Unit in Diversity.

The BIBLE has many things to envy to the MAKABA, within the framework of
the complementarily of the Revealed Messages, for the wellbeing of the Sons
of man who are also of Sons of God.


From 1986 to 1995, Ne Muanda Nsemi Spiritual leader of Bundu dia Kongo
already wrote and published the following books:

1º) French

1. The Authenticity and the Religion

2. To revalorize our African Languages
3. Here is Munu Kutuba
4. The Statute of Bundu dia Kongo
5. The Authenticity and Civilization
6. The Authenticity and Tribes
7. Saboteurs
8. To support the Authenticity
9. To build the Temple of the Authenticity
10. Go in Mama Yemo
11. Bundu dia Kongo and the Authenticity
12. The Conference of Ntimansi
13. The Structure of Bundu dia Kongo
14. The Message of Bundu dia Kongo
15. B.D.K and the National conference
16. History of Central Kongo
17. You know Bakongo
18. The Kikongo Language
19. To rehabilitate the African Culture
20. Kikongo and Chemical Science
21. The Inaugural speech of Makongo
22. The Specificity of the Kongo Religion
23. Jesus and the Bible
24. Earth of Kongo
25. Kikongo and the Military academy
26. Central Kongo
27. Not Mister the Professor
28. New Portuguese of Luanda
29. Children of Kongo
30. African rebirth
31. The province of Kongo dia Luangu
32. My References
33. Longi'a Kongo speaks to the Young people Bakongo
34. The Oil of Central Kongo
35. The Worship African Side
36. The State de Kuimba
37. Kikongo and Teaching
38. Union of Ntimansi
39. Kikongo and the science of Electron 40. The Mission of the CBZO
41. Kikongo and Nuclear Science
42. Xenophobia? Not!
43. Problems of Central Kongo
44. To the Governor of Central Kongo
45. To the Prime Minister Kenge wa Dondo
46. Impression of Makaba
47. Names of Bakongo
48. The Compass of the Union of Ntimansi
49. The Kongo Cultural center
50. Enemies of our Culture
51. Christian Sectarianism
52. The Autonomy of the Areas
53. The Na Kiasuama work

2º) In Kikongo.

1. Malongi ma Minu
2. Kubama
3. Kindoki ?
4. Nzambi za Nzenza
5. Mvulusi Wansompa
6. Kiese mu tanga Bibila
7. Bana Beto
8. Luiza Sonama
9. Kimbangi kia Minu
10.Mandanda ma Bisambu
11.Lusuasisa Zimpeve
12.Bakulu Batatu
13.Kisambu kia Mafua
14.Mansueki ma Lusakumunu
15.Kimpuanza kia Kimpeve
16.Sambila Nzambi za Nzanza
17.Kedika kue Kiena ?
18.Nani tuna Yadisa ?
19.Kimfumu ma kia Tumbua
20.Mpeve ya Mika mia Mbua
21.Ne Muanda Kongo i nani ?
22.Mvutu za Bisambu biaku
23.Kubika nzila Mfumu
24.Mavanga ma Ntatu
25.Tatu mu Kinzambi kia Kongo
26.Kanda dia Kongo
27.Nganga za Kinlongo
28.Mbila Mfumu a Ndungunu
29.Biela bia Kanda dia Kongo
30.Minsiku mia Bundu dia Kongo
31.Mfumu Yesu ye Bibila dia Bayuda
32.Kibundesua kia Kongo Dianene
33.Bibila dia Kongo
34.Mazayu Makitamina
35.Kongo Diakati ye mavangilu
36.Kikongo ye Mazayu
38.Nsilulu zena yeto
39.Malongi ma Mayala
40.Sakanana Ntumua ?
41.Tata tuvana Ntuadisi
42.Nzambi’a Israel i nani ?
43.Mbua za Ntatu
44.Salu kiaku nki ?
45.Ntangu’a Nsilulu
46.Nkua Mayuya
100. Nsikudukusu kua Bakongo
101. Kimono kuame i nki?
102. Nsobolo ku Kongo Diakati
103. Bakongo Lusikama
104. Mvutu kua Missioni
105. Mfumu Muanda Velela
106. Ntoto Tualomba
107. Bintuadi Nsambodia
108. Mpungu za Nzinga
109. Mbanza Kongo
110. Kongo Dieto
111. Kimpangala
112. Yesu ye Paulu
113. Bakongo nki Luavengi?
114. Mbuetete ya Nsilulu
115. Bantuenia Lusikama
116. Ntantu mia Nsobolo
117. Mbongo mu Ntoto
118. Makaba 118
119. Nkunga mia Bundu dia Kongo
120. Na Mfuenge
121. Zitisa Mfumu’a Lupangu.

............. (to be followed)............

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