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A Soldier’s love

I’m no poet, just a delayed writer and perhaps a frantic lover. I’m no good at writing neither my
imagination is strong enough to think of a decent story and express it in such a way that everyone
would like it… Nothing of a great imagination but I do have a short story (fictional) today… I
hope you like it…

He’s leaving at the end of the first month of summer. She told him not to leave. She pleads and
begs… But now, they suffer. The love they have has turned into storms and thunder. She reckons
numbers but soon, she lost her count. Will he still return to her or not?

The war is raging but still he fight, not a tear he won’t steer clear. Gunshots and bombs he feels,
see and hear. Then one unexpected night when the moon was bright, he called her at 11 o’clock
and she was mental blocked. She was filled in glee to hear his voice again. He has done so much
for their countrymen.

They exchanged I love you’s and he said, “I will be home soon.” Little did she know, his
promise will hit her with a harpoon.

Weeks later, he came home. He came home but everyone is all dressed in black. What happened
during the attack?

She sees him sleeping but her heart is aching. Yesterday, she can still recognize him on his
helmet. But now, his face is unrecognizable in his casket.

Then one of his fellow cadets pulled out something from his pocket. The cadet gave her a letter
and said you’re the bravest soldier he ever met. The letter says, “My soon-to-be-wife, I’m sorry I
lied but I’ll never be home. I don’t want to leave you alone because this war is far from over. But
I know our love is our strongest armor. I love you is all that matters. Marry me now and we’ll be

The cadet pulled out something again from his pocket. But this time, it is covered in a small
piece of white blanket. He unveiled the cover and went down on his bent knee.
“This was always his plan, but on behalf and as his final request, please take his pen and don’t
let yourself be oppressed. Do not rest until there’s no pain left in your chest. Continue writing.
Continue living.”

She is now holding his pen; it makes her feel that he’s with her again. Her brave, brave soldier,
he can rest now. She will forever keep their vow. In my writings, he always has a special place to
belong for their love will always keep them strong.

“My husband, we will see each other soon once everything is in the right tune. But for now, I
have to write and try my best to make things right. I will fight with all my might.”

PS: Sorry for the stupid way of ending I hate this ending part. Couldn’t get a better ending yet

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