Series H - Social Media Monitoring FOIA

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Point of Contact*: Leslie Mariscal

Desk Phone

Point of Contact*: Leslie Mariscal

Desk Phone

Point of Contact*: Leslie Mariscal

Desk Phone

TO: Officer Kathleen Owens (LAPD RACR)

FR: Jeff Long (Dataminr)

DT: Wednesday, May 4, 2016

RE: Response to RACR’s questions about Dataminr

On March 3, 2016, LAPD’s RACR division began a three month trial of Dataminr’s real-time alerting and
situational awareness platform.

This document addresses questions that were asked by RACR Officer Kathleen Owens.

About Dataminr

Dataminr provides real-time social media information discovery through algorithmic processing of the entire
public Twitter data stream. This unique data access allows Dataminr to identify, classify, and determine the
significance of over 500 million Tweets per day. Our proprietary algorithm, detects signals, clusters and
patterns that are indicative of emergent events and alerts users to their occurrence via Dataminr Notifications.
Once alerted, users leverage Dataminr’s unique advanced analytic capabilities to build contextual
understanding of events in both real time and retrospectively.

Key Differentiators

• Data quality: Dataminr is the only company that ingests the entire Twitter firehose into its technology;
Dataminr is partially owned by Twitter, which gives Dataminr exclusive one-of-a-kind data access to the
entire Twitter firehose of 500 million daily public tweets. While other companies say they have "access" to
the firehose, this means they are buying specific keywords within specific geographic areas; Dataminr
alerts are based off of an analysis of the entire firehose in real-time; no other company has this capability.

• Geo-prediction: Dataminr is the only company to provide non-geotagged data. Specifically, Dataminr
predicts the location of up to around 60% of the Twitter firehose in addition to providing the 2-3% of
geotagged data;

• Guaranteed data access: Dataminr has a long term strategic partnership with Twitter giving Dataminr
guaranteed access to the Twitter firehose for a rolling 5-year basis. No other company has this and could
be at risk of getting turned off without this level of commitment.

• First of its kind data access: Dataminr recently closed data partnerships with two major social media
platforms; the deals include exclusive first of its kind access to their entire real-time public status firehoses
(data is being tested now).

• No noise: Dataminr alerts are not noisy; when Dataminr sends users an alert, it's actionable. Dataminr has
perfected removing the signal from all of the social media noise.

Geofeedia vs. Dataminr

• Limited ability to filter “noise” from search results (Dataminr users select broad topics NOT keywords)
o Geofeedia users are required to apply manual filters, Block Users, and exclude words (this is
manual and time-intensive).
• User-defined search vs. proactive alerting
o Geofeedia users can set up rules-based alerts, but there’s no way to be alerted to the
“unknown unknown”
o Dataminr offers content prioritization
• Limited access to Twitter, which is known to be the “real-time social media platform”

o Geofeedia does not have access the Twitter Firehose
• Limited to posts with embedded geo-tags
o Excludes non-geotagged information (97 - 98% of Twitter content)
• Limited to 45 languages (Dataminr supports 76)
• Dataminr provides 365 days of Twitter data and metadata (Geofeedia provides “100 most recent
results from each source” and only provides “analytics from Geofeedia’s historical database”).

Upcoming Features


Dataminr is in the process of adding 2 additional social media datasets to its platform. Dataminr will be making
a public announcement in the coming months regarding these new datasets. Dataminr’s access to these
additional social media datasets will be the first of its kind – no other company will have full access to these
companies’ firehose of public posts.


Area Analysis application

• Indicate query association with message points in scrollable list view
• Incorporate Real-time Alerts
• Improve custom geoselection capability to include freeform and polygon selections
• Add ability to analyze multiple custom geofences simultaneously
• Increase the number of searchable terms per query (i.e. conduct more complex queries)
• Introduce advanced query editor
• Include ability to annotate map with custom map markers
• Add capability to add custom map layers (open source and client data)

Historical Reference application

• Incorporate real-time data
• Increase the number of searchable terms per query (i.e. conduct more complex queries)
• Increase number of tweets displayed in context section to show more raw messages
• Enable post-search filters and refining of results
• Add ability to filter by social platform
• Incorporate additional graph types for historical analysis

Analyst Application update

• New application to facilitate analyst workflows

Real-time Alerting Application update

• New application to real-time workflows

New Source Types

• Classifying Public Figures, Universities, Corporate Business handles

Custom Alerting
• Integrating custom alerts into mobile application

References and Partial List of Customers

Feel free to reach out to the following Dataminr users to discuss how they use Dataminr; they are aware
someone from LAPD may reach out:

Partial list of government and law enforcement agencies using Dataminr*:

*This is in addition to Dataminr’s work with over 75 news organizations (i.e. CNN, ) and
dozens of financial institutions (i.e. .

Success Stories

Please see attached document for a list of recent success stories from around Los Angeles, state of California
and world.

The document is labeled “Dataminr_LAPD Success Stories”.

MayDay Support

Dataminr supported the RACR MayDay Command Center with social media monitoring on May 1, 2016 during
the day shift.

The Dataminr representative and RACR Officer John Alipio (Social Media point person) uncovered several
previously unknown items using Dataminr's custom alerts and advanced area analysis application.

Pre-organized Bike Rides/Tours Coinciding with May Day:

• May Day Reggae Fun Ride: The Area Analysis Application uncovered a tweet with a flyer of the event
• DTLA Sunday Funday Bike Ride: The Area Analysis Application uncovered a tweet from a bicyclist
about a Sunday Funday bike ride in DTLA. Further analysis uncovered a Facebook page about the

BLM Protest at the LAPD Detention Center

• By monitoring for "protest", "march", and "mayday" in the Area Analysis Application, Dataminr
uncovered a tweet from the LA Black Lives Matter account at approximately 10:00am. This tweet was
promoting a 2:30 gathering in front of the LAPD detention center.
• By continuing to monitor the downtown LA area through Custom Alerts and the Area Analysis
Application, Dataminr uncovered the first images of people at the the protest in front of the detention
center in the afternoon.

First Images of Anti-Trump Protest

• Dataminr uncovered the first images of people protesting at Olympic and Broadway with a giant blow-
up statue of Trump. This tweet was uncovered before the street cam feed picked it up and transmitted
to the command post. LAPD was able to zoom cameras into the exact location of the event based on a
street sign and restaurant that was visible in the tweet.

Ongoing monitoring: Through Topic List Notifications and the Area Analysis Application, Dataminr provided
ongoing situational awareness and monitoring of the event, using on-the-ground images to track the protests
were peaceful.

Side-by-side training: Dataminr representative also assisted John Alipio, Erick Yepez, and Officer Garcia with
configuring their Dataminr accounts and using the Geo App for event monitoring.

Dataminr Power Users at RACR

As RACR solicits feedback from users regarding their experience with Dataminr, please consider reaching out
to the following “power users”:


John Alipio
Luis Garcia
Ray Rodriguez
Adan Urena
RACR Watchfloor*
Tuyet Nguyen
Sean Murray

*This is a general account Dataminr created and is accessed by a number of RACR officers. Please inquire
within the RACR organization who has been using this account to get their feedback.

Twitter vs. Facebook vs. Instagram

It is important to note that a vast majority of Facebook data is private; and no company has access to
Facebook’s private data; and many companies have seen their access to Facebook’s public data go away in
recent months.

The majority of Twitter data, however, is public. Twitter is also widely considered the “go to” social media
platform for real-time information. Journalists, law enforcement and emergency managers all depend on turn to
Twitter for real time information, not Facebook or other social media platforms.

Dataminr Pricing and Products

depending on which of the 3 products purchased. Dataminr’s customers are

able to select multiple types of products or just one product. In other words, customers do not have to buy only
the “Limited” product or only the “Standard” product. Dataminr does not meter data or charge for any additional
services; the per user per year cost is the only fee.

Dataminr’s 3 product offering is described below (LAPD RACR is mostly using features in the “Standard”
product category but some power users have been trained on the “Advanced” product features)

The Limited product includes the following features:
• Discovery and Analytics applied to all public tweets
• Push Alerts and Indications and Warnings across up to 1 geographic area, 1 priority level, and
all Topics for one Topic List
• Customizable signal delivery through desktop application, email, and pop-up
• Real-time Context Dashboard, with basic Geo Mapping, Image, and Analytics Modules with
access to 30-day archive
• Geo-prediction, User Graph Analysis, Content Summarization
• User Analysis and Source Categorization for Alerts

Limited can be purchased with Alerts being delivered at the Local, National, and Global Priority Levels
across one of four different geographic coverage areas: City, Regional, National, and Global.

The Dataminr Standard product includes the following features:
• Discovery and Analytics applied to all public tweets
• Push Alerts and Indications and Warnings for all Topics and all Geographies with up to 10 user-
defined Topic Lists
• Customizable signal delivery through desktop application, email, and pop-up
• Real-time Context Dashboard, with basic Geo Mapping, Image, and Analytics Modules with
access to 30-day archive
• Geo-prediction, User Graph Analysis, Content Summarization
• User Analysis and Source Categorization for Alerts
• Custom Alert Watch-lists for any keyword or Boolean combination
• iOS or Android Mobile Application access for each Unique User
• Advanced Area Reference Module
• Saved and Shared Searches
• Influencer Identification

• Discovery and Analytics applied to all public tweets
• Push Alerts and Indications and Warnings for all Topics and all Geographies with up to 10 user-
defined Topic Lists
• Customizable signal delivery through desktop application, email, and pop-up
• Real-time Context Dashboard, with basic Geo Mapping, Image, and Analytics Modules with
access to 30-day archive
• Geo-prediction, User Graph Analysis, Content Summarization
• User Analysis and Source Categorization for Alerts
• Keyword Lists for any keyword or Boolean combination
• iOS or Android Mobile Application access for each Unique User
• Advanced Area Reference Module
• Saved and Shared Searches
• Influencer Identification
• Dataminr’s Advanced Historical Module with access to one year archive and suite of complex
querying, search, and analysis functions (including comparative long-term analytics metrics,
Influencer Identification per query and region, regional historical volume dispersion, per query
advanced filtering)
• Custom Signal Detection and Delivery: Unlimited Custom Alerts (criteria including User
Groups, Geography, Media Type, Terms & Boolean Combinations, Publication Client, User
Influence, Language, Social Platform), Custom keyword Watch-lists
• Full Suite of Collaboration and Account Management Tools including Admin Capability, Shared
Tagging, broad and flexible Export Functionalities across CSV and JSON, and Gnip Query

Would you be open to having a quick chat about how real time alerting may be of value to you and your unit?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

About Dataminr:
Dataminr Blog | AI for Good | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram
Forbes AI 50 | Deloitte Fast 500 | Forbes Cloud 100 | AI Breakthrough

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On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 1:53 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:
Good Morning Lieutenant Gomez,

Thank you for taking my call this morning. As discussed, I will in LA on December 9th and 10th and am happy to work around your availability for a 1 hour
meeting. If possible, the morning of Tuesday, December 10th would be best.

I will set you up with a Dataminr First Alert trial account in advance of our meeting as a means for you to take a closer look at our capabilities before our
discussion. Look for a separate email updating you with credentials and instructions.

Below you will find a proposed agenda:

Meeting Agenda

California Public Sector Client Update

Dataminr Major City Partnerships Update

First Alert Product Enhancement Update

-Mobile App

Dataminr for LAPD

-Support of Commanders and Area Captains
-Neighborhood Policing

Dataminr Pricing


I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential and/or proprietary. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us
immediately by replying to the message and deleting it.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector

C: +1
Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

Meeting Agenda

California Public Sector Client Update

Dataminr Major City Partnerships Update

First Alert Product Enhancement Update

-Mobile App

Dataminr for LAPD

-Support of Commanders and Area Captains
-Neighborhood Policing

Dataminr Pricing


I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Hi Lt. Gomez,

Just wanted to circle back before the weekend. Are we able to confirm our meeting?

I'm also ready to deploy your trial account.

Thank you,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 1:47 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Lt. Gomez,

Are you able to connect me with your EA to schedule our meeting?

Thank you,

On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 1:53 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Lieutenant Gomez,

Thank you for taking my call this morning. As discussed, I will in LA on December 9th and 10th and am happy to work around your availability for a 1 hour
meeting. If possible, the morning of Tuesday, December 10th would be best.

I will set you up with a Dataminr First Alert trial account in advance of our meeting as a means for you to take a closer look at our capabilities before our
discussion. Look for a separate email updating you with credentials and instructions.

Below you will find a proposed agenda:

Meeting Agenda

California Public Sector Client Update

Dataminr Major City Partnerships Update

First Alert Product Enhancement Update

-Mobile App

Dataminr for LAPD

-Support of Commanders and Area Captains
-Neighborhood Policing

Dataminr Pricing


I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,
To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 1:47 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Lt. Gomez,

Are you able to connect me with your EA to schedule our meeting?

Thank you,

On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 1:53 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Lieutenant Gomez,

Thank you for taking my call this morning. As discussed, I will in LA on December 9th and 10th and am happy to work around your availability for a 1 hour
meeting. If possible, the morning of Tuesday, December 10th would be best.

I will set you up with a Dataminr First Alert trial account in advance of our meeting as a means for you to take a closer look at our capabilities before our
discussion. Look for a separate email updating you with credentials and instructions.

Below you will find a proposed agenda:

Meeting Agenda

California Public Sector Client Update

Dataminr Major City Partnerships Update

First Alert Product Enhancement Update

-Mobile App

Dataminr for LAPD

-Support of Commanders and Area Captains
-Neighborhood Policing

Dataminr Pricing

I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies

How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

I will set you up with a Dataminr First Alert trial account in advance of our meeting as a means for you to take a closer look at our capabilities before our
discussion. Look for a separate email updating you with credentials and instructions.

Below you will find a proposed agenda:

Meeting Agenda

California Public Sector Client Update

Dataminr Major City Partnerships Update

First Alert Product Enhancement Update

-Mobile App

Dataminr for LAPD

-Support of Commanders and Area Captains
-Neighborhood Policing

Dataminr Pricing


I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,
To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

Dataminr Major City Partnerships Update

First Alert Product Enhancement Update

-Mobile App

Dataminr for LAPD

-Support of Commanders and Area Captains
-Neighborhood Policing

Dataminr Pricing


I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,
To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Dataminr Pricing


I'm looking forward to an opportunity to continue our discussion and appreciate your help!

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD.Please use caution when clicking on hyperlinks or opening attachments if you are unfamiliar with the sender.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 1:08 PM
To: Regina Scott
Subject: Re: Dataminr Feedback: Phone Call Request

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Deputy Chief Scott,

Do you have any availability for a call this week to discuss your experience trialing Dataminr?

Thank you,

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 12:51 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for your previous positive feedback on our First Alert trial with LAPD. I recently met with Dan Gomez and Chief Moore at IACP in Chicago and after
recapping with them it would be helpful to hear any feedback you have too.

Are you available to connect by phone this week? I'd love to hear any additional context you have on our trial with LAPD and suggestions for the future.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD.Please use caution when clicking on hyperlinks or opening attachments if you are unfamiliar with the sender.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 9:51 AM
To: Regina Scott
Subject: Dataminr Feedback: Phone Call Request

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for your previous positive feedback on our First Alert trial with LAPD. I recently met with Dan Gomez and Chief Moore at IACP in Chicago and after
recapping with them it would be helpful to hear any feedback you have too.

Are you available to connect by phone this week? I'd love to hear any additional context you have on our trial with LAPD and suggestions for the future.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Please use caution when clicking on hyperlinks or opening attachments if you are unfamiliar with the sender.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 2:11 PM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Categories: responsive

Hey Dan,

Just wanted to circle back. Are you free at 9:30 tomorrow or 11?


On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 10:18 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Dan,

Great! Would Saturday morning work for you? Possibly 9 or 9:30?

Thank you,

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 9:43 AM Daniel Gomez <> wrote:

Thank you Andrew,

I am attending the IACP and would be happy to connect. I do not arrive until the evening of the 25th. How does the 26th work?

All the best,


LT Dan Gomez
Innovation Management Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 7:01:36 AM
To: Daniel Gomez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability to connect while in you are Chicago this week? I would love a chance to discuss our trial with LAPD.

Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 3:44 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability for a brief meeting while in Chicago next week? I'd love a chance to discuss how best to engage LAPD going forward as we are
still very interested in partnering.

I also recently connected with Sean Malinowski through our work with

I will be at the Marriott Marquis Wednesday - Saturday and have a conference room booked.

Is there a time that works?

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 8:18 AM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Categories: responsive

Hi Dan,

Great! Would Saturday morning work for you? Possibly 9 or 9:30?

Thank you,

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 9:43 AM Daniel Gomez <> wrote:

Thank you Andrew,

I am attending the IACP and would be happy to connect. I do not arrive until the evening of the 25th. How does the 26th work?

All the best,


LT Dan Gomez
Innovation Management Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 7:01:36 AM
To: Daniel Gomez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability to connect while in you are Chicago this week? I would love a chance to discuss our trial with LAPD.

Thank you,
On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 3:44 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:
Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability for a brief meeting while in Chicago next week? I'd love a chance to discuss how best to engage LAPD going forward as we are still
very interested in partnering.

I also recently connected with Sean Malinowski through our work with

I will be at the Marriott Marquis Wednesday - Saturday and have a conference room booked.

Is there a time that works?

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Daniel Gomez
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 7:44 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Categories: responsive

Thank you Andrew,

I am attending the IACP and would be happy to connect. I do not arrive until the evening of the 25th. How does the 26th work?

All the best,


LT Dan Gomez
Innovation Management Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 7:01:36 AM
To: Daniel Gomez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability to connect while in you are Chicago this week? I would love a chance to discuss our trial with LAPD.

Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 3:44 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability for a brief meeting while in Chicago next week? I'd love a chance to discuss how best to engage
LAPD going forward as we are still very interested in partnering.

I also recently connected with Sean Malinowski through our work with

I will be at the Marriott Marquis Wednesday - Saturday and have a conference room booked.

Is there a time that works?

Thank you,


Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016
Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 7:02 AM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Categories: responsive

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability to connect while in you are Chicago this week? I would love a chance to discuss our trial with LAPD.

Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 3:44 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability for a brief meeting while in Chicago next week? I'd love a chance to discuss how best to engage LAPD going forward as we are still
very interested in partnering.

I also recently connected with Sean Malinowski through our work

I will be at the Marriott Marquis Wednesday - Saturday and have a conference room booked.

Is there a time that works?

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016
Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 6:24 AM
To: Michel Moore
Subject: Dataminr at MCCA: 15 Minute Trial Feedback Meeting

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Chief Moore,

Do you have 15 minutes for a quick discussion while you are in Chicago? We were sorry to see our trial with LAPD end in August and would love to hear any
feedback you have on our real-time public safety notifications.

We have a boardroom booked at the Marriott Marquis today - Saturday. Is there a time that works for you?

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 2:01 PM
To: Michel Moore
Subject: Dataminr at MCCA: Chicago

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Chief Moore,

Do you have any availability for a brief meeting while you are in Chicago next week? I'd love a chance to discuss how best to engage LAPD going forward as we
are still very interested in a partnership. We would value the opportunity to hear your feedback on how our recent trial with LAPD command staff went.

Do you have 15-30 minutes before or after any of the sessions? We have a conference room booked at the Marriott Marquis.

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Dataminr at MCCA/IACP: 10/23 -10/26

Categories: responsive

Hi Dan,

Do you have any availability for a brief meeting while in Chicago next week? I'd love a chance to discuss how best to engage LAPD going forward as we are still
very interested in partnering.

I also recently connected with Sean Malinowski through our work with .

I will be at the Marriott Marquis Wednesday - Saturday and have a conference room booked.

Is there a time that works?

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 11:06 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info

Categories: responsive


I wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your support of the 2019 Government Social Media Summit. The feedback from the guests has
been tremendous, and they are already asking to know when the next one will be taking place. We are going to be sending out an email to all the
guests, thanking them for their attendance. In that email, we are going to include your contact info and a link to your website so that guests can
follow-up with your respective teams. If you prefer we don't include your contact info, please let me know.

Thanks again and we look forward to working with your team in the future.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman <>

Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 1:42 PM
Subject: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info


We conducted our final walk-thru with Paramount Studios and everything looks set for a great event. They will provide an 8 foot by 30 inches table
for your display. They will provide a table linen, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. You can arrive as early as 6:30am to park and setup
your display. We anticipate guests to start filtering in as early as 7am, but closer to 7:30am, as the program begins at 8am.

Parking for you will be at the VIP gate, located at the intersection of Bronson Avenue and Melrose Avenue (see Google maps screenshots). Please
have government photo ID and tell the security guard you are a sponsor of social media summit taking place at the Paramount Theatre. The VIP
parking lot is situated

Again, thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the 27th. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself and/or
Dana from the LA Police Foundation. My cell is also on 24/7.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 8:49 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Colleen Marchesano
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

That would be great if you'd share our contact info.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 8:44 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Hi Tim,

Thanks again for your support and the kind words. Unfortunately the guests were promised their email addresses wouldn’t be given out. But we are sending a
thank you email to all the guests, and we can include your contact info in that email if you wish.


Sergeant Hector Guzman
Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 7:51:10 AM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Cc: Mathew Rejis <>; Colleen Marchesano <>
Subject: Social Media Summit

Hey guys,

Great event yesterday. The locale, speakers, and attendees were all very good. Those events can be dull as well all know, but yesterday was a good time.

I also wanted to thank you for the Torrance referral. I'm scheduling a demo and most likely a trial for them.

I had several other great talks with Riverside, CHP, LA Emergency, and a couple others but did not get business cards for everyone. Do you happen to have an
attendee list for the event? No spamming intentions, I was hoping to follow up with those I spoke with.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 8:44 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Colleen Marchesano
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

Hi Tim,

Thanks again for your support and the kind words. Unfortunately the guests were promised their email addresses wouldn’t be given out. But we are sending a
thank you email to all the guests, and we can include your contact info in that email if you wish.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 7:51:10 AM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Cc: Mathew Rejis <>; Colleen Marchesano <>
Subject: Social Media Summit

Hey guys,

Great event yesterday. The locale, speakers, and attendees were all very good. Those events can be dull as well all know, but yesterday was a good time.

I also wanted to thank you for the Torrance referral. I'm scheduling a demo and most likely a trial for them.

I had several other great talks with Riverside, CHP, LA Emergency, and a couple others but did not get business cards for everyone. Do you happen to have an
attendee list for the event? No spamming intentions, I was hoping to follow up with those I spoke with.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 7:51 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Colleen Marchesano
Subject: Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

Hey guys,

Great event yesterday. The locale, speakers, and attendees were all very good. Those events can be dull as well all know, but yesterday was a good time.

I also wanted to thank you for the Torrance referral. I'm scheduling a demo and most likely a trial for them.

I had several other great talks with Riverside, CHP, LA Emergency, and a couple others but did not get business cards for everyone. Do you happen to have an
attendee list for the event? No spamming intentions, I was hoping to follow up with those I spoke with.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:41 PM
To: Jeffrey Brugger
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Trial Conclusion - Friday, August 16th

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Detective Brugger,

Thanks for your note. We hope to have an opportunity to revisit a partnership with LAPD soon. In the meantime, it always helps to pass along the feedback.

Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help.

Thank you,

On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 3:07 PM Jeffrey Brugger <> wrote:

Thank you for the opportunity to utilize Dataminr First Alert. We found it to be a very useful tool for our work at the Situational Awareness Watch
unit. Unfortunately, it appears budget constraints will not allow us to move forward, but my colleagues here at the JRIC did appreciate the
generous support you provided to us.

Thank you, Jeff

Detective III Jeff Brugger, LAPD

JRIC Situational Awareness Watch Supv

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 8:27:39 AM
To: Stephen Chen <>; Lynette Veazie <>; Jeffrey Brugger <>; Jason Veiga <>; Kurt
Wong <>; Linda Peace <>; Lee Ann Jones <>; Lawrence Koreen <>; Greg Kraft
<>; Lizeth Lomeli <>; Tony Kuey <>; Jeffrey Lee <>; Robert Green
<>; Michel Moore <>; Robert Arcos <>; Beatrice Girmala <>; Horace Frank
<>; Jorge Rodriguez <>; Dominic Choi <>; Regina Scott <>; Blake Chow
<>; Peter Zarcone <>; Justin Eisenberg <>; Kris Pitcher <>; Dennis Kato
<>; Anthony Espinoza <>; Daniel Gomez <>; Shandrea Porter <>
Cc: Tim Plunkett <>; John McMahon <>
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Trial Conclusion - Friday, August 16th

Good Morning LAPD Team,

Thank you for participating in the Dataminr First Alert trial and for providing feedback. We have appreciated the opportunity to support the important public
safety mission of LAPD.

Your Dataminr First Alert account will be deactivated tomorrow, August 16th at 12 PM PDT. You may continue to use your account normally until that point.

If you would like to share additional feedback on the product or purchase a Dataminr account, please contact

Thank you,
Andrew & Tim

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Associate Director, Public Sector
C: +1

From: Maya Smith <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 11:10 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info

Categories: responsive

Great, thanks!

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 12:34 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


This is actually our first year of the Summit, so we will probably see a mix of setups. I don't foresee others bringing monitors; most likely they will
be networking and distributing literature and/or business cards for future contact.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>

Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 7:05 AM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info

Thanks, Hector! Do most people just bring a banner stand and giveaways to hand out, or are there monitors we could/should rent for demos? I'm
guessing the former but wanted to make sure our tabletop matches others since we haven't been to this show before.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 4:42 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


We conducted our final walk-thru with Paramount Studios and everything looks set for a great event. They will provide an 8 foot by 30 inches
table for your display. They will provide a table linen, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. You can arrive as early as 6:30am to park and
setup your display. We anticipate guests to start filtering in as early as 7am, but closer to 7:30am, as the program begins at 8am.

Parking for you will be at the VIP gate, located at the intersection of Bronson Avenue and Melrose Avenue (see Google maps screenshots). Please
have government photo ID and tell the security guard you are a sponsor of social media summit taking place at the Paramount Theatre. The VIP
parking lot is situated

Again, thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the 27th. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself
and/or Dana from the LA Police Foundation. My cell is also on 24/7.
Sergeant Hector Guzman
Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 9:34 AM
To: Maya Smith
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info

Categories: responsive


This is actually our first year of the Summit, so we will probably see a mix of setups. I don't foresee others bringing monitors; most likely they will
be networking and distributing literature and/or business cards for future contact.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>

Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 7:05 AM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info

Thanks, Hector! Do most people just bring a banner stand and giveaways to hand out, or are there monitors we could/should rent for demos? I'm
guessing the former but wanted to make sure our tabletop matches others since we haven't been to this show before.


Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 4:42 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


We conducted our final walk-thru with Paramount Studios and everything looks set for a great event. They will provide an 8 foot by 30 inches
table for your display. They will provide a table linen, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. You can arrive as early as 6:30am to park and
setup your display. We anticipate guests to start filtering in as early as 7am, but closer to 7:30am, as the program begins at 8am.

Parking for you will be at the VIP gate, located at the intersection of Bronson Avenue and Melrose Avenue (see Google maps screenshots). Please
have government photo ID and tell the security guard you are a sponsor of social media summit taking place at the Paramount Theatre. The VIP
parking lot is situated

Again, thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the 27th. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself and/or
Dana from the LA Police Foundation. My cell is also on 24/7.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 7:05 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info

Categories: responsive

Thanks, Hector! Do most people just bring a banner stand and giveaways to hand out, or are there monitors we could/should rent for demos? I'm guessing the
former but wanted to make sure our tabletop matches others since we haven't been to this show before.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 4:42 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


We conducted our final walk-thru with Paramount Studios and everything looks set for a great event. They will provide an 8 foot by 30 inches
table for your display. They will provide a table linen, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. You can arrive as early as 6:30am to park and
setup your display. We anticipate guests to start filtering in as early as 7am, but closer to 7:30am, as the program begins at 8am.

Parking for you will be at the VIP gate, located at the intersection of Bronson Avenue and Melrose Avenue (see Google maps screenshots). Please
have government photo ID and tell the security guard you are a sponsor of social media summit taking place at the Paramount Theatre. The VIP
parking lot is situated

Again, thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the 27th. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself and/or
Dana from the LA Police Foundation. My cell is also on 24/7.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 1:42 PM
Subject: Social Media Summit -- Sponsor Info
Attachments: Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 1.25.19 PM.png; Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 1.18.30 PM.png

Categories: responsive


We conducted our final walk-thru with Paramount Studios and everything looks set for a great event. They will provide an 8 foot by 30 inches table
for your display. They will provide a table linen, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. You can arrive as early as 6:30am to park and setup
your display. We anticipate guests to start filtering in as early as 7am, but closer to 7:30am, as the program begins at 8am.

Parking for you will be at the VIP gate, located at the intersection of Bronson Avenue and Melrose Avenue (see Google maps screenshots). Please
have government photo ID and tell the security guard you are a sponsor of social media summit taking place at the Paramount Theatre. The VIP
parking lot is situated

Again, thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the 27th. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself and/or
Dana from the LA Police Foundation. My cell is also on 24/7.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Jeffrey Brugger
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 12:07 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Trial Conclusion - Friday, August 16th

Categories: responsive

Thank you for the opportunity to utilize Dataminr First Alert. We found it to be a very useful tool for our work at the Situational Awareness Watch
unit. Unfortunately, it appears budget constraints will not allow us to move forward, but my colleagues here at the JRIC did appreciate the
generous support you provided to us.

Thank you, Jeff

Detective III Jeff Brugger, LAPD

JRIC Situational Awareness Watch Supv

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 8:27:39 AM
To: Stephen Chen <>; Lynette Veazie <>; Jeffrey Brugger <>; Jason Veiga <>; Kurt
Wong <>; Linda Peace <>; Lee Ann Jones <>; Lawrence Koreen <>; Greg Kraft
<>; Lizeth Lomeli <>; Tony Kuey <>; Jeffrey Lee <>; Robert Green
<>; Michel Moore <>; Robert Arcos <>; Beatrice Girmala <>; Horace Frank
<>; Jorge Rodriguez <>; Dominic Choi <>; Regina Scott <>; Blake Chow
<>; Peter Zarcone <>; Justin Eisenberg <>; Kris Pitcher <>; Dennis Kato
<>; Anthony Espinoza <>; Daniel Gomez <>; Shandrea Porter <>
Cc: Tim Plunkett <>; John McMahon <>
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Trial Conclusion - Friday, August 16th

Good Morning LAPD Team,

Thank you for participating in the Dataminr First Alert trial and for providing feedback. We have appreciated the opportunity to support the important public
safety mission of LAPD.

Your Dataminr First Alert account will be deactivated tomorrow, August 16th at 12 PM PDT. You may continue to use your account normally until that point.

If you would like to share additional feedback on the product or purchase a Dataminr account, please contact

Thank you,
Andrew & Tim


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 8:28 AM
To: Stephen Chen;Lynette Veazie;Jeffrey Brugger;Jason Veiga;Kurt Wong;Linda Peace;Lee Ann Jones;Lawrence Koreen;Greg Kraft;Lizeth Lomeli;Tony Kuey;Jeffrey Lee;Robert
Green;Michel Moore;Robert Arcos;Beatrice Girmala;Horace Frank;Jorge Rodriguez;Dominic Choi;Regina Scott;Blake Chow;Peter Zarcone;Justin Eisenberg;Kris
Pitcher;Dennis Kato;Anthony Espinoza;Daniel Gomez;Shandrea Porter
Cc: Tim Plunkett;John McMahon
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Trial Conclusion - Friday, August 16th

Categories: responsive

Good Morning LAPD Team,

Thank you for participating in the Dataminr First Alert trial and for providing feedback. We have appreciated the opportunity to support the important public
safety mission of LAPD.

Your Dataminr First Alert account will be deactivated tomorrow, August 16th at 12 PM PDT. You may continue to use your account normally until that point.

If you would like to share additional feedback on the product or purchase a Dataminr account, please contact

Thank you,
Andrew & Tim

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2019 8:07 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: SFPD and LAPD
Attachments: 2019 Govt SM Summit.pdf

Categories: responsive

Nick, I had passed the flyer for the Social Media event LAPD is hosting on August 27th to your PIO last week. I'm attaching it for you as well. I'll be in attendance
and from what I hear it's going to be an amazing event, if you and your PIO can make it down south.

Also, looks like Hector is back in the office this week if you wanted to speak with him.

Thanks guys,

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 11:27 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Thanks for the intro Tim.


Would love to chat when I’m back next week. Also, did you hear about our social media summit? Should be a great event. I believe Tim and his team will be
there as well. It’s August 27th. I can send you the info if you’re interested.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 11:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: SFPD and LAPD

Hi Hector,

I had a presentation with SFPD's PIO's office this morning and I believe their PIO knows you, but also wanted to introduce you to Nick Ortiz-Sybou in his office.
There was some overlap on use cases and interest in an introduction.

Nick, I believe Hector is on PTO through this week but he's a great guy and I'm sure will get back to you when he's able.

Thanks guys, stay safe.

Tim Plunkett

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 11:28 AM
To: Tim Plunkett;
Subject: Re: SFPD and LAPD

Categories: responsive

Thanks for the intro Tim.


Would love to chat when I’m back next week. Also, did you hear about our social media summit? Should be a great event. I believe Tim and his
team will be there as well. It’s August 27th. I can send you the info if you’re interested.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 11:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: SFPD and LAPD

Hi Hector,

I had a presentation with SFPD's PIO's office this morning and I believe their PIO knows you, but also wanted to introduce you to Nick Ortiz-Sybou
in his office. There was some overlap on use cases and interest in an introduction.

Nick, I believe Hector is on PTO through this week but he's a great guy and I'm sure will get back to you when he's able.
Thanks guys, stay safe.

Tim Plunkett

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 11:57 AM
To: Maya Smith
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Categories: responsive

Sounds great. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 11:45:58 AM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Hector,

I'd like to register one more person for the upcoming event:

 Name: Colleen Marchesano

 Title: Client Engagement Manager, SLG
 Company: Dataminr
 Email Address:


Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 3:32 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Great. We will have a front row VIP seat for him.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:24:19 PM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

I'd like to register the following person for the 2019 Government Social Media Summit:

 Name: Tim Plunkett

 Title: Account Executive
 Company: Dataminr
 Email Address:
 Phone Number:

Please let me know if you need any additional information.


Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Dana Katz <>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
To: Maya Smith <>

Thanks, Maya! They have everything they need in terms of sponsorship materials. You can send guest names to Sgt. Guzman at

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 25, 2019, at 9:35 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Thank you! Just sent to AP to have processed.

Is there anything you need from me in terms of sponsorship materials? How do I get someone registered?


Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:04 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the form. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 1:13 PM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Thanks! I see the invoice but don't think the W4 made it through. Please also fill out the attached form.



Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 2:24 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the invoice and our W-9. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 7:30 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
Hi Dana,

Yes, an invoice would be great.

Attached is a high res logo.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 10:24 AM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,
Terrific! Do you need an invoice to process payment?

Other than that, I need a high resolution version of your logo.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2019, at 7:07 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Hi Dana,

Thank you! We would like to move forward with the sponsorship. Please let me know of next steps.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 12:19 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Summit that LAPD’s Public Communications Group is putting on on August

All sponsors will be recognized by the emcee during opening remarks and will have the opportunity to have a table to
display your products/services before the event commences, during the two scheduled 25-minute breaks, and as the event
concludes and guests are exiting. Sponsors will also be given a list of all agencies participating and can collect the email
addresses of anyone who stops by their table. Your logo will also be displayed onscreen before the speakers, during breaks,
and at the conclusion.

Sponsorships are $1,000 and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:52 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Please send me information about sponsorship opportunities around the Government Social Media Summit on August
27th. We're interested in participating.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 2:31 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Once again, thank you for your interest in being a sponsor of the 2019 Government Social Media Summit, being hosted by
the LAPD. As mentioned previously, we are expecting approximately 350 guests in attendance from various sectors of city,
county and state government, as well as non-profit agencies that work closely with government agencies. The event is
scheduled to begin at 8am, with opening remarks by LAPD Chief Michel Moore, followed by speakers from Twitter,
NASA/JPL, and Facebook/Instagram. The emcee for the event will be our Public Information Director, Josh Rubenstein,
and the sponsors will be acknowledged during the event, along with the opportunity to have a table display of your
product for the attendees. We will provide this opportunity before the event commences, during two scheduled breaks,
and as the event concludes and guests are exiting.

If you are ready to move forward, please have someone from your team reach out to Dana Katz, the Executive Director for
the Los Angeles Police Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides critical resources and vital
support to the Los Angeles Police Department. She can be reached via email at

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 11:46 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Categories: responsive

Hi Hector,

I'd like to register one more person for the upcoming event:

 Name: Colleen Marchesano

 Title: Client Engagement Manager, SLG
 Company: Dataminr
 Email Address:

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 3:32 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Great. We will have a front row VIP seat for him.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group
From: Maya Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:24:19 PM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

I'd like to register the following person for the 2019 Government Social Media Summit:

 Name: Tim Plunkett

 Title: Account Executive
 Company: Dataminr
 Email Address:
 Phone Number:

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Dana Katz <>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 2:41 PM

Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
To: Maya Smith <>

Thanks, Maya! They have everything they need in terms of sponsorship materials. You can send guest names to Sgt. Guzman at

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 25, 2019, at 9:35 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Thank you! Just sent to AP to have processed.

Is there anything you need from me in terms of sponsorship materials? How do I get someone registered?


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:04 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the form. Please let me know if you need anything else.


From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 1:13 PM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Thanks! I see the invoice but don't think the W4 made it through. Please also fill out the attached form.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 2:24 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the invoice and our W-9. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 7:30 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Yes, an invoice would be great.

Attached is a high res logo.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 10:24 AM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Terrific! Do you need an invoice to process payment?

Other than that, I need a high resolution version of your logo.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2019, at 7:07 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Hi Dana,

Thank you! We would like to move forward with the sponsorship. Please let me know of next steps.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 12:19 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Summit that LAPD’s Public Communications Group is putting on on August

All sponsors will be recognized by the emcee during opening remarks and will have the opportunity to have a table to
display your products/services before the event commences, during the two scheduled 25-minute breaks, and as the event
concludes and guests are exiting. Sponsors will also be given a list of all agencies participating and can collect the email
addresses of anyone who stops by their table. Your logo will also be displayed onscreen before the speakers, during breaks,
and at the conclusion.

Sponsorships are $1,000 and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:52 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
Hi Dana,

Please send me information about sponsorship opportunities around the Government Social Media Summit on August
27th. We're interested in participating.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 2:31 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Once again, thank you for your interest in being a sponsor of the 2019 Government Social Media Summit, being hosted by
the LAPD. As mentioned previously, we are expecting approximately 350 guests in attendance from various sectors of city,
county and state government, as well as non-profit agencies that work closely with government agencies. The event is
scheduled to begin at 8am, with opening remarks by LAPD Chief Michel Moore, followed by speakers from Twitter,
NASA/JPL, and Facebook/Instagram. The emcee for the event will be our Public Information Director, Josh Rubenstein,
and the sponsors will be acknowledged during the event, along with the opportunity to have a table display of your
product for the attendees. We will provide this opportunity before the event commences, during two scheduled breaks,
and as the event concludes and guests are exiting.

If you are ready to move forward, please have someone from your team reach out to Dana Katz, the Executive Director for
the Los Angeles Police Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides critical resources and vital
support to the Los Angeles Police Department. She can be reached via email at

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:33 PM
To: Maya Smith
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Categories: responsive

Great. We will have a front row VIP seat for him.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:24:19 PM
To: Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

I'd like to register the following person for the 2019 Government Social Media Summit:

 Name: Tim Plunkett

 Title: Account Executive
 Company: Dataminr
 Email Address:
 Phone Number:

Please let me know if you need any additional information.


Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201
Dataminr in the news:
TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Dana Katz <>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
To: Maya Smith <>

Thanks, Maya! They have everything they need in terms of sponsorship materials. You can send guest names to Sgt. Guzman at

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 25, 2019, at 9:35 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Thank you! Just sent to AP to have processed.

Is there anything you need from me in terms of sponsorship materials? How do I get someone registered?


Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:04 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the form. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 1:13 PM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Thanks! I see the invoice but don't think the W4 made it through. Please also fill out the attached form.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 2:24 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the invoice and our W-9. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 7:30 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Yes, an invoice would be great.

Attached is a high res logo.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 10:24 AM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Terrific! Do you need an invoice to process payment?

Other than that, I need a high resolution version of your logo.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2019, at 7:07 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Hi Dana,

Thank you! We would like to move forward with the sponsorship. Please let me know of next steps.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 12:19 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Summit that LAPD’s Public Communications Group is putting on on August

All sponsors will be recognized by the emcee during opening remarks and will have the opportunity to have a table to
display your products/services before the event commences, during the two scheduled 25-minute breaks, and as the event
concludes and guests are exiting. Sponsors will also be given a list of all agencies participating and can collect the email
addresses of anyone who stops by their table. Your logo will also be displayed onscreen before the speakers, during breaks,
and at the conclusion.

Sponsorships are $1,000 and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:52 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Please send me information about sponsorship opportunities around the Government Social Media Summit on August 27th.
We're interested in participating.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 2:31 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Once again, thank you for your interest in being a sponsor of the 2019 Government Social Media Summit, being hosted by
the LAPD. As mentioned previously, we are expecting approximately 350 guests in attendance from various sectors of city,
county and state government, as well as non-profit agencies that work closely with government agencies. The event is
scheduled to begin at 8am, with opening remarks by LAPD Chief Michel Moore, followed by speakers from Twitter,
NASA/JPL, and Facebook/Instagram. The emcee for the event will be our Public Information Director, Josh Rubenstein, and
the sponsors will be acknowledged during the event, along with the opportunity to have a table display of your product for
the attendees. We will provide this opportunity before the event commences, during two scheduled breaks, and as the
event concludes and guests are exiting.

If you are ready to move forward, please have someone from your team reach out to Dana Katz, the Executive Director for
the Los Angeles Police Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides critical resources and vital
support to the Los Angeles Police Department. She can be reached via email at

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Maya Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:24 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Fwd: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
Attachments: image001.jpg; image002.jpg; image003.jpg; image004.jpg

Categories: responsive

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

I'd like to register the following person for the 2019 Government Social Media Summit:

 Name: Tim Plunkett

 Title: Account Executive
 Company: Dataminr
 Email Address:
 Phone Number:

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dana Katz <>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
To: Maya Smith <>

Thanks, Maya! They have everything they need in terms of sponsorship materials. You can send guest names to Sgt. Guzman at

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 25, 2019, at 9:35 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Thank you! Just sent to AP to have processed.

Is there anything you need from me in terms of sponsorship materials? How do I get someone registered?


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:04 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the form. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 1:13 PM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Thanks! I see the invoice but don't think the W4 made it through. Please also fill out the attached form.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 2:24 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Attached is the invoice and our W-9. Please let me know if you need anything else.



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 7:30 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Yes, an invoice would be great.

Attached is a high res logo.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 10:24 AM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Terrific! Do you need an invoice to process payment?

Other than that, I need a high resolution version of your logo.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2019, at 7:07 AM, Maya Smith <> wrote:

Hi Dana,

Thank you! We would like to move forward with the sponsorship. Please let me know of next steps.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 12:19 PM Dana Katz <> wrote:

Hi, Maya,

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Summit that LAPD’s Public Communications Group is putting on on August

All sponsors will be recognized by the emcee during opening remarks and will have the opportunity to have a table to
display your products/services before the event commences, during the two scheduled 25-minute breaks, and as the event
concludes and guests are exiting. Sponsors will also be given a list of all agencies participating and can collect the email
addresses of anyone who stops by their table. Your logo will also be displayed onscreen before the speakers, during breaks,
and at the conclusion.

Sponsorships are $1,000 and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



From: Maya Smith []

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:52 AM
To: Dana Katz
Subject: Re: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity

Hi Dana,

Please send me information about sponsorship opportunities around the Government Social Media Summit on August 27th.
We're interested in participating.




Maya Smith
Field Marketing Manager, Public Sector
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 2:31 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Once again, thank you for your interest in being a sponsor of the 2019 Government Social Media Summit, being hosted by
the LAPD. As mentioned previously, we are expecting approximately 350 guests in attendance from various sectors of city,
county and state government, as well as non-profit agencies that work closely with government agencies. The event is
scheduled to begin at 8am, with opening remarks by LAPD Chief Michel Moore, followed by speakers from Twitter,
NASA/JPL, and Facebook/Instagram. The emcee for the event will be our Public Information Director, Josh Rubenstein, and
the sponsors will be acknowledged during the event, along with the opportunity to have a table display of your product for
the attendees. We will provide this opportunity before the event commences, during two scheduled breaks, and as the
event concludes and guests are exiting.

If you are ready to move forward, please have someone from your team reach out to Dana Katz, the Executive Director for
the Los Angeles Police Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides critical resources and vital
support to the Los Angeles Police Department. She can be reached via email at

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 1:30 PM
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Mathew Rejis;
Subject: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Director Levine,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active and you should begin seeing emails related to public safety incidents happening in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 We strongly encourage you to download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google
Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional assistance.

Thank you,

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 11:31 AM
Subject: 2019 Government Social Media Summit - Sponsorship Opportunity
Attachments: 2019 Govt SM Summit.pdf

Categories: responsive


Once again, thank you for your interest in being a sponsor of the 2019 Government Social Media Summit, being hosted by the LAPD. As mentioned
previously, we are expecting approximately 350 guests in attendance from various sectors of city, county and state government, as well as non-
profit agencies that work closely with government agencies. The event is scheduled to begin at 8am, with opening remarks by LAPD Chief Michel
Moore, followed by speakers from Twitter, NASA/JPL, and Facebook/Instagram. The emcee for the event will be our Public Information Director,
Josh Rubenstein, and the sponsors will be acknowledged during the event, along with the opportunity to have a table display of your product for
the attendees. We will provide this opportunity before the event commences, during two scheduled breaks, and as the event concludes and guests
are exiting.

If you are ready to move forward, please have someone from your team reach out to Dana Katz, the Executive Director for the Los Angeles Police
Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides critical resources and vital support to the Los Angeles Police Department.
She can be reached via email at

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:36 PM
To: Maya Smith;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

Sounds great. Nice to e-meet you Maya. I will be putting you in contact with the LA Police Foundation once you tell me you're ready to move


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:26:55 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Maya Smith
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Hector, please meet Maya Smith; our Field Marketing Manager for State and Local Government. She will be your point person for logistics ons sponsoring the


Tim Plunkett

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 1:25 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Once your team expresses interest, I would put you in contact with the LAP Police Foundation, which is the non profit that handles sponsors for
LAPD-affiliated events. They could provide all the details as to cost and due dates. And yes, an intro to your marketing team would be ideal.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Thanks Hector. Are you the one dealing with the sponsorship? How much does it cost and when do we have to pay by? Would you like me to intro
you to our Marketing person that would handle the logistics?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 12:54 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Thank you for the phone call and for your interest in being a potential sponsor at the 2019 Government Social Media Summit being held on
August 27th at the historic Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA. Our RSVP list continues to grow in numbers and various sectors of government,
but at last count we had approximately 300 people attending, with guests from Sacramento to San Diego, across various city, county and state
agencies. The agencies, to name a few, are from police, fire, transit agencies, emergency management, county board of supervisors, city council,
district attorney and public defenders office, libraries, beaches & harbors, airports and non-profits affiliated with government agencies. If you are
interested in this unique opportunity, please let me know and I will put your team in contact with our LA Police Foundation, which is our non-
profit that handles sponsors at various LAPD-affiliated events.

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit


On behalf of the LAPD Public Communications Group, we are reaching out to our social media partners within government to invite you to the 2019
Government Social Media Summit, which we will be hosting on August 27, 2019, from 8am to 12pm, at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The expected
speakers are representatives from Twitter, Facebook/Instagram and NASA/JPL. Admission and parking to the event will be FREE. This is an invaluable
opportunity to gain insight and information at this Summit to help you and your team learn about the ever-evolving world of social media from industry
leaders and insiders. (see attached flyer).

If you could please RSVP to with an approximate number of attendees from your respective social media shops by July 12, 2019, as
space is limited.

Thank you,

Strategic Communications Unit

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:27 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Maya Smith
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

Hector, please meet Maya Smith; our Field Marketing Manager for State and Local Government. She will be your point person for logistics ons sponsoring the


Tim Plunkett

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 1:25 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Once your team expresses interest, I would put you in contact with the LAP Police Foundation, which is the non profit that handles sponsors for
LAPD-affiliated events. They could provide all the details as to cost and due dates. And yes, an intro to your marketing team would be ideal.


Sergeant Hector Guzman
Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Thanks Hector. Are you the one dealing with the sponsorship? How much does it cost and when do we have to pay by? Would you like me to intro
you to our Marketing person that would handle the logistics?


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 12:54 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Thank you for the phone call and for your interest in being a potential sponsor at the 2019 Government Social Media Summit being held on
August 27th at the historic Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA. Our RSVP list continues to grow in numbers and various sectors of government,
but at last count we had approximately 300 people attending, with guests from Sacramento to San Diego, across various city, county and state
agencies. The agencies, to name a few, are from police, fire, transit agencies, emergency management, county board of supervisors, city council,
district attorney and public defenders office, libraries, beaches & harbors, airports and non-profits affiliated with government agencies. If you are
interested in this unique opportunity, please let me know and I will put your team in contact with our LA Police Foundation, which is our non-
profit that handles sponsors at various LAPD-affiliated events.

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit


On behalf of the LAPD Public Communications Group, we are reaching out to our social media partners within government to invite you to the 2019
Government Social Media Summit, which we will be hosting on August 27, 2019, from 8am to 12pm, at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The expected
speakers are representatives from Twitter, Facebook/Instagram and NASA/JPL. Admission and parking to the event will be FREE. This is an invaluable
opportunity to gain insight and information at this Summit to help you and your team learn about the ever-evolving world of social media from industry
leaders and insiders. (see attached flyer).

If you could please RSVP to with an approximate number of attendees from your respective social media shops by July 12, 2019, as
space is limited.

Thank you,

Strategic Communications Unit

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:26 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

Once your team expresses interest, I would put you in contact with the LAP Police Foundation, which is the non profit that handles sponsors for
LAPD-affiliated events. They could provide all the details as to cost and due dates. And yes, an intro to your marketing team would be ideal.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Thanks Hector. Are you the one dealing with the sponsorship? How much does it cost and when do we have to pay by? Would you like me to intro
you to our Marketing person that would handle the logistics?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201
Dataminr in the news:
TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 12:54 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Thank you for the phone call and for your interest in being a potential sponsor at the 2019 Government Social Media Summit being held on August
27th at the historic Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA. Our RSVP list continues to grow in numbers and various sectors of government, but at
last count we had approximately 300 people attending, with guests from Sacramento to San Diego, across various city, county and state agencies.
The agencies, to name a few, are from police, fire, transit agencies, emergency management, county board of supervisors, city council, district
attorney and public defenders office, libraries, beaches & harbors, airports and non-profits affiliated with government agencies. If you are
interested in this unique opportunity, please let me know and I will put your team in contact with our LA Police Foundation, which is our non-
profit that handles sponsors at various LAPD-affiliated events.

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit


On behalf of the LAPD Public Communications Group, we are reaching out to our social media partners within government to invite you to the 2019
Government Social Media Summit, which we will be hosting on August 27, 2019, from 8am to 12pm, at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The expected
speakers are representatives from Twitter, Facebook/Instagram and NASA/JPL. Admission and parking to the event will be FREE. This is an invaluable
opportunity to gain insight and information at this Summit to help you and your team learn about the ever-evolving world of social media from industry
leaders and insiders. (see attached flyer).

If you could please RSVP to with an approximate number of attendees from your respective social media shops by July 12, 2019, as
space is limited.

Thank you,

Strategic Communications Unit

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit

Categories: responsive

Thanks Hector. Are you the one dealing with the sponsorship? How much does it cost and when do we have to pay by? Would you like me to intro you to our
Marketing person that would handle the logistics?


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 12:54 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Thank you for the phone call and for your interest in being a potential sponsor at the 2019 Government Social Media Summit being held on August
27th at the historic Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA. Our RSVP list continues to grow in numbers and various sectors of government, but at
last count we had approximately 300 people attending, with guests from Sacramento to San Diego, across various city, county and state agencies.
The agencies, to name a few, are from police, fire, transit agencies, emergency management, county board of supervisors, city council, district
attorney and public defenders office, libraries, beaches & harbors, airports and non-profits affiliated with government agencies. If you are
interested in this unique opportunity, please let me know and I will put your team in contact with our LA Police Foundation, which is our non-
profit that handles sponsors at various LAPD-affiliated events.

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit


On behalf of the LAPD Public Communications Group, we are reaching out to our social media partners within government to invite you to the 2019
Government Social Media Summit, which we will be hosting on August 27, 2019, from 8am to 12pm, at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The expected
speakers are representatives from Twitter, Facebook/Instagram and NASA/JPL. Admission and parking to the event will be FREE. This is an invaluable
opportunity to gain insight and information at this Summit to help you and your team learn about the ever-evolving world of social media from industry
leaders and insiders. (see attached flyer).

If you could please RSVP to with an approximate number of attendees from your respective social media shops by July 12, 2019, as
space is limited.

Thank you,

Strategic Communications Unit

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 12:54 PM
Subject: Fw: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit
Attachments: 2019 Government SM Summit.pdf

Categories: responsive


Thank you for the phone call and for your interest in being a potential sponsor at the 2019 Government Social Media Summit being held on August
27th at the historic Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA. Our RSVP list continues to grow in numbers and various sectors of government, but at last
count we had approximately 300 people attending, with guests from Sacramento to San Diego, across various city, county and state agencies. The
agencies, to name a few, are from police, fire, transit agencies, emergency management, county board of supervisors, city council, district attorney
and public defenders office, libraries, beaches & harbors, airports and non-profits affiliated with government agencies. If you are interested in this
unique opportunity, please let me know and I will put your team in contact with our LA Police Foundation, which is our non-profit that handles
sponsors at various LAPD-affiliated events.

Thank you,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: Save the Date! 2019 Government Social Media Summit


On behalf of the LAPD Public Communications Group, we are reaching out to our social media partners within government to invite you to the 2019
Government Social Media Summit, which we will be hosting on August 27, 2019, from 8am to 12pm, at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The expected
speakers are representatives from Twitter, Facebook/Instagram and NASA/JPL. Admission and parking to the event will be FREE. This is an invaluable
opportunity to gain insight and information at this Summit to help you and your team learn about the ever-evolving world of social media from industry
leaders and insiders. (see attached flyer).

If you could please RSVP to with an approximate number of attendees from your respective social media shops by July 12, 2019, as
space is limited.

Thank you,

Strategic Communications Unit

LAPD Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 12:22 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Call on Friday?

Categories: responsive

That works great. I'll send a calendar invite and call bridge.

Thanks guys,

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 12:19 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys. Can we do tomorrow at 10am PST?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jul 9, 2019, at 10:34 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt and Hector,

To piggyback on Tim... we are looking forward to an opportunity to continue last week's conversation.

We have reviewed some next steps with our team and think we have a pathway forward.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 12:01 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt and Hector,

How's your week looking for a phone call? Tomorrow and Thursday are pretty open for us.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:14 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Great. I added a call bridge in the calendar invite, so please use that to dial in. I reached out to LT Espinosa asking for his candor and any
feedback from the command staff on why they didn't see the value; any info regarding the platform's shortcomings or where they thought
we lacked helps provide intel for engineering to improve the tool.

Have a great weekend guys.

Tim Plunkett

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:09 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Let’s do like 10am


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jun 26, 2019, at 3:59 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Monday morning works great. What time is good for you?

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 3:57 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Friday is actually not good for us. Can you do Monday?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jun 26, 2019, at 3:35 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Are you around for a quick call this Friday sometime between 10:30am and 12pm?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 12:19 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Call on Friday?

Categories: responsive

Hey guys. Can we do tomorrow at 10am PST?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jul 9, 2019, at 10:34 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt and Hector,

To piggyback on Tim... we are looking forward to an opportunity to continue last week's conversation.

We have reviewed some next steps with our team and think we have a pathway forward.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 12:01 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt and Hector,

How's your week looking for a phone call? Tomorrow and Thursday are pretty open for us.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:14 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Great. I added a call bridge in the calendar invite, so please use that to dial in. I reached out to LT Espinosa asking for his candor and any
feedback from the command staff on why they didn't see the value; any info regarding the platform's shortcomings or where they thought we
lacked helps provide intel for engineering to improve the tool.

Have a great weekend guys.

Tim Plunkett

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201
Dataminr in the news:
TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:09 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Let’s do like 10am


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jun 26, 2019, at 3:59 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Monday morning works great. What time is good for you?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:
TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 3:57 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Friday is actually not good for us. Can you do Monday?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jun 26, 2019, at 3:35 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Are you around for a quick call this Friday sometime between 10:30am and 12pm?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1

Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 10:35 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Call on Friday?

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt and Hector,

To piggyback on Tim... we are looking forward to an opportunity to continue last week's conversation.

We have reviewed some next steps with our team and think we have a pathway forward.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 12:01 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt and Hector,

How's your week looking for a phone call? Tomorrow and Thursday are pretty open for us.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:14 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Great. I added a call bridge in the calendar invite, so please use that to dial in. I reached out to LT Espinosa asking for his candor and any feedback from the
command staff on why they didn't see the value; any info regarding the platform's shortcomings or where they thought we lacked helps provide intel for
engineering to improve the tool.

Have a great weekend guys.

Tim Plunkett

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:09 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Let’s do like 10am


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jun 26, 2019, at 3:59 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Monday morning works great. What time is good for you?

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 3:57 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Friday is actually not good for us. Can you do Monday?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jun 26, 2019, at 3:35 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Are you around for a quick call this Friday sometime between 10:30am and 12pm?


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Sunday, July 7, 2019 6:37 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman;Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Paul Tierney
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Earthquake Assistance

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Josh, Matt and Hector,

I hope everyone has stayed safe over the course of what I'm sure has been a difficult weekend. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help as you
continue to manage response around the earthquakes.

First Alert sends alerts immediately from the National Geological Sensor as earthquakes are detected. We are happy to deploy trial accounts for staff that
require or would like heightened awareness.

Josh- I saw your tweet that has been picked up by many news outlets. I'm sure a lot of scared folks around California found that very helpful.

Good Luck,
To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 8:21 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive

Hi Josh,

Hopefully your travels went well. Our SVP met with LT Gomez in Jacksonville this week at IACP and the LT mentioned the ball is still in Commander McMahon's
hands regarding his feedback and meeting with Chief Moore. Have you had a chance to speak to him about his meeting with Chief Moore? We'd love to keep the
momentum going and a formal quote and contracting has been punted to post Chief Moore's approval.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 7:17 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thanks Josh. Safe travels and talk soon.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 7:14 AM Joshua Rubenstein <> wrote:


I have been traveling on business. I am back in town middle of next week and I will circle back with Cmdr. McMahon to get a status update. Last I heard
he was reaching out to current users.

Josh Rubenstein
Public Information Director II
Commanding Officer - Public Information Group
Los Angeles Police Department

On May 17, 2019, 7:13 AM -0700, Tim Plunkett <>, wrote:

Hi Matt and Josh, have you had a chance to speak with Commander McMahon regarding his meeting with Chief Moore about a procurement?

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 1:19 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

I have not. I can follow up with Mr Rubenstein to see if there is an update. Sorry for the delay.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On May 8, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt,

We wanted to check in and see if you've heard anything from Commander McMahon on his feedback gathering? We're in a bit of a holding pattern
with him and don't want to lose any momentum. I know the ball is in their court and will get direct comms on status from them, but thought we'd
check with you prior to following up.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.

Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 7:18 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive

Thanks Josh. Safe travels and talk soon.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 7:14 AM Joshua Rubenstein <> wrote:


I have been traveling on business. I am back in town middle of next week and I will circle back with Cmdr. McMahon to get a status update. Last I heard
he was reaching out to current users.

Josh Rubenstein
Public Information Director II
Commanding Officer - Public Information Group
Los Angeles Police Department

On May 17, 2019, 7:13 AM -0700, Tim Plunkett <>, wrote:

Hi Matt and Josh, have you had a chance to speak with Commander McMahon regarding his meeting with Chief Moore about a procurement?

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 1:19 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

I have not. I can follow up with Mr Rubenstein to see if there is an update. Sorry for the delay.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On May 8, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt,

We wanted to check in and see if you've heard anything from Commander McMahon on his feedback gathering? We're in a bit of a holding pattern
with him and don't want to lose any momentum. I know the ball is in their court and will get direct comms on status from them, but thought we'd check
with you prior to following up.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.
Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Joshua Rubenstein
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 7:15 AM
To: Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive


I have been traveling on business. I am back in town middle of next week and I will circle back with Cmdr. McMahon to get a status update. Last I heard
he was reaching out to current users.

Josh Rubenstein
Public Information Director II
Commanding Officer - Public Information Group
Los Angeles Police Department

On May 17, 2019, 7:13 AM -0700, Tim Plunkett <>, wrote:

Hi Matt and Josh, have you had a chance to speak with Commander McMahon regarding his meeting with Chief Moore about a procurement?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government

C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 1:19 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

I have not. I can follow up with Mr Rubenstein to see if there is an update. Sorry for the delay.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On May 8, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt,

We wanted to check in and see if you've heard anything from Commander McMahon on his feedback gathering? We're in a bit of a holding pattern
with him and don't want to lose any momentum. I know the ball is in their court and will get direct comms on status from them, but thought we'd check
with you prior to following up.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.

Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 7:13 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt and Josh, have you had a chance to speak with Commander McMahon regarding his meeting with Chief Moore about a procurement?

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 1:19 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

I have not. I can follow up with Mr Rubenstein to see if there is an update. Sorry for the delay.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On May 8, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt,

We wanted to check in and see if you've heard anything from Commander McMahon on his feedback gathering? We're in a bit of a holding
pattern with him and don't want to lose any momentum. I know the ball is in their court and will get direct comms on status from them, but
thought we'd check with you prior to following up.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.

Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 1:19 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive

I have not. I can follow up with Mr Rubenstein to see if there is an update. Sorry for the delay.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On May 8, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hey Matt,

We wanted to check in and see if you've heard anything from Commander McMahon on his feedback gathering? We're in a bit of a holding
pattern with him and don't want to lose any momentum. I know the ball is in their court and will get direct comms on status from them, but
thought we'd check with you prior to following up.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1

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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.

Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 12:56 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive

Hey Matt,

We wanted to check in and see if you've heard anything from Commander McMahon on his feedback gathering? We're in a bit of a holding pattern with him and
don't want to lose any momentum. I know the ball is in their court and will get direct comms on status from them, but thought we'd check with you prior to
following up.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

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TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.
Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 8:22 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Update Call

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Are you free for a call today with Tim and I. We want to see where everyone is at after our last meeting.

Let me know if you are free this morning.

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

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Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 11:26 AM
To: John Mcmahon
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Daniel Gomez;Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis;Hector Guzman;Arnold Suzukamo;Anthony Espinoza
Subject: Re: LAPD and Dataminr
Attachments: LAPD User List - Sheet1.pdf; Dataminr Los Angeles PD User Accounts.xlsx

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Commander McMahon,

Attached you will find a list of users currently trialing Dataminr First Alert.

Once given approval and the contracting process has begun, we can look to add more user accounts immediately. It was suggested that we look at piloting a
couple divisions to start. We would also suggest offering accounts to at the area Commanders and Captains. I have attached a spreadsheet that can we used for
adding accounts when you are ready.

Please let us know if we can aid in the process of gathering product feedback or if there is anything else you need.

Thank you,
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On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 2:03 PM John Mcmahon <> wrote:

A formal list would be helpful. I need their feedback.

JOHN McMAHON, Commander

Commanding Officer
Information Technology Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 10:48 AM
To: John Mcmahon

Cc: Daniel Gomez; Joshua Rubenstein; Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman; Andrew Johnston; Arnold Suzukamo
Subject: Re: LAPD and Dataminr

I believe there are roughly 35 LAPD that have been trialing the tool and have access today. In addition to the Chiefs you mentioned, Chief Green, Assistant
Director Jorge Rodriguez, the Bureau Chiefs, Commanders Choi and Zarcone, Beatrice Girmala, and others. Would you like a formal list?

If you have identified those field officers that you'd like to have access we can begin adding them immediately.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

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TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 10:29 AM John Mcmahon <> wrote:

Thank you, Tim. While I can appreciate the value this yields in giving command staff an advance warning on developing issues, I would be interested in a trial
to our field personnel.

Can I get a list of folks who have been trying out app to date.

I’m aware of Mr. Rubenstein, Chief Moore, Assistant Chief Arcos, and Deputy Chief Scott. Are there others?


On Apr 22, 2019, at 10:13 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander McMahon,

I wanted to thank you all for your time last week; after speaking with everyone we thought it was very productive and trending well. Typically
the next step would be begin working on a contract. I know you're going to speak to Chief Moore first, but wanted to let you know that with
the 50 paid licenses at we would allow you as many trial accounts on top of that as you'd like or need. That would fully cover any
divisions, patrol, or whomever else you feel would benefit. We could also begin deploying those users as soon as you would like.

Would it be helpful at this point to get you formal quote and contract so you have something tangible?

Thanks again and have a great day guys.

Tim Plunkett
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Account Executive - State and Local Government
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

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Andrew Johnston
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:33 AM
To: Mathew Rejis;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Wednesday Meeting

Categories: responsive

Great! Thanks Matt

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On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 11:27 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

That should work. See you then.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 16, 2019, at 9:24 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt and Hector,

Lunch time works for me. Do you want to meet at Blue Bottle at noon?

Thank you,
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On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 10:53 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hector and I should be free around noon if you want to grab coffee. We both have to attend the Mayors State of the City address in the


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 16, 2019, at 8:46 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Following up to see if you have time to connect tomorrow in advance of Thursday’s meeting with the broader group.

Would love a few minutes with Chief Arcos if possible.

I can work around your schedule. Let me know!

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

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How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
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Andrew Johnston
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

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Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

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Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:27 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Wednesday Meeting

Categories: responsive

That should work. See you then.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 16, 2019, at 9:24 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt and Hector,

Lunch time works for me. Do you want to meet at Blue Bottle at noon?

Thank you,

On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 10:53 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hector and I should be free around noon if you want to grab coffee. We both have to attend the Mayors State of the City address in the


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 16, 2019, at 8:46 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Following up to see if you have time to connect tomorrow in advance of Thursday’s meeting with the broader group.

Would love a few minutes with Chief Arcos if possible.

I can work around your schedule. Let me know!

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:25 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Wednesday Meeting

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt and Hector,

Lunch time works for me. Do you want to meet at Blue Bottle at noon?

Thank you,
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On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 10:53 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hector and I should be free around noon if you want to grab coffee. We both have to attend the Mayors State of the City address in the evening.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 16, 2019, at 8:46 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Following up to see if you have time to connect tomorrow in advance of Thursday’s meeting with the broader group.

Would love a few minutes with Chief Arcos if possible.

I can work around your schedule. Let me know!

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 8:53 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Wednesday Meeting

Categories: responsive

Hector and I should be free around noon if you want to grab coffee. We both have to attend the Mayors State of the City address in the evening.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 16, 2019, at 8:46 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Following up to see if you have time to connect tomorrow in advance of Thursday’s meeting with the broader group.

Would love a few minutes with Chief Arcos if possible.

I can work around your schedule. Let me know!

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 8:46 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Wednesday Meeting

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Following up to see if you have time to connect tomorrow in advance of Thursday’s meeting with the broader group.

Would love a few minutes with Chief Arcos if possible.

I can work around your schedule. Let me know!

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:32 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: DOC Accounts and Next Week's Meeting

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Got it. Call me when you are free.

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On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 10:21 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey Andrew,

Yes, I’ll give you a call in s but. Like we discussed though, we will not be activating any of those accounts at the moment.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 10, 2019, at 7:07 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Is there a good time to connect with you this morning to discuss Sgt. Mariscal's last email regarding accounts? I want to check in with you
before we activate anyone.

I'd also love to connect about next week's rescheduled meeting.

Let me know!

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

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Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:22 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: DOC Accounts and Next Week's Meeting

Categories: responsive

Hey Andrew,

Yes, I’ll give you a call in s but. Like we discussed though, we will not be activating any of those accounts at the moment.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 10, 2019, at 7:07 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Is there a good time to connect with you this morning to discuss Sgt. Mariscal's last email regarding accounts? I want to check in with you before
we activate anyone.

I'd also love to connect about next week's rescheduled meeting.

Let me know!


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:07 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: DOC Accounts and Next Week's Meeting

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Is there a good time to connect with you this morning to discuss Sgt. Mariscal's last email regarding accounts? I want to check in with you before we activate

I'd also love to connect about next week's rescheduled meeting.

Let me know!

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Leslie Mariscal
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 2:44 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Mathew Rejis;
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer
Attachments: Dataminr LAPD DOC User Accounts 1.xlsx; Dataminr LAPD DOC User Accounts 2.xlsx; Dataminr LAPD DOC User Accounts 3.xlsx

Categories: responsive

Thank you Andrew, see attached list, sorry for delay


From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 9:46:44 AM
To: Leslie Mariscal
Cc: Mathew Rejis;
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Good Morning Sgt. Mariscal,

We are happy to provide accounts for all of the officers you listed. Can you fill out the attached spreadsheet with email addresses so that we can get the
accounts deployed?

Thank you,

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 12:41 PM Leslie Mariscal <> wrote:

Yes, please give access to the following personnel if possible:
Lt Marco Munoz 25576
Sgt George Hoopes 26967
Sgt Richard Abad 27911
Sgt Nicholas Balzano 37564
Sgt Jennifer Labrada 34285
Sgt Blair McCormack 26888
Sgt Joseph Morrison 26894
PO Emilia Lugo 30108
PO Mika Neal 37185
PO Rosheen Rosenblum 37119
PO Adan Urena 37460
PO Norma Vargas 31783
PO Zackary Goldstein 39442
PO John Sopko 38299
PO Arthur Rodriguez 26255
PO Leticia Thompson 30077
PO Antonio Delatorre 33981
PO Deborah Gauff 25409
PO Felipe Gonzalez 27497
PO Nicole Nelson 33367
PO Dennis Orris 36054
PO Kevin Snaer 31261
POj Gerald Todd 26010

If the access can also be given to PSR's please include the following:

PSR Rosanna Kim N4441

PSR MIchael McGowan N2894
PSR Brian Nance-Pettifer N2627
PSR Stephanie Nash N4273
PSR Mary Newton E9433
PSR Natalie Osling N4394
PSR Janene Perry N2538
PSR Angela Rodriguez V9770
PSR Kim Seals N3003
PSR Andrew Tarabotto N5088
PSR Tamera Walker N4280
PSR Alison Yoshinaga N3103
PSR Gabriela Cruz N2558
PSR Eva Espinoza-Montano G9036
PSR Eduardo Gomez N2724
PSR Marcela Price V8715
PSR Laura Santoyo N2904
PSR Mechelle Sherman N1732
PSR Tia Teixeira N2493
PSR Diana Torrero N4566

Thank you,

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6:11:34 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc:; Leslie Mariscal
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Thanks Andrew.

Sgt Mariscal-

Aside from you, is there anyone else on your team you would like to have access?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 3, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

This is great news! I'd be happy to set up accounts for Sgt. Mariscal and her team.

Would it be possible to ask for a list of trial users for the DOC team? We would be happy to set up as many as are necessary, which will facilitate
the chance for everyone to trial the mobile app and leverage personalized settings in the dashboard.

We avoid shared accounts because it violates our TOS but more importantly it limits the effectiveness of First Alert's ability to deliver
information as fast as possible

Thank you,

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Can we create two more broad, city-wife accounts and add them to our trial?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Mariscal <>

Date: April 3, 2019 at 1:58:47 PM PDT
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Access to Dataminer

I am respectfully requesting that the Department Operations Center get access to Dataminer via one DOC user
name and password. The username can be used.

I would also like account access for myself if possible. My email address is
Sergeant Leslie Mariscal
Serial No. 35658
Department Operation Center
Communications Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6700


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016
Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 10:34 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston;
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Categories: responsive

Andrew, Tim

Hold off on this list for a second. It is a lot larger than I thought. Give me the day to sort this out.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 4, 2019, at 9:41 AM, Leslie Mariscal <> wrote:

Yes, please give access to the following personnel if possible:

Lt Marco Munoz 25576
Sgt George Hoopes 26967
Sgt Richard Abad 27911
Sgt Nicholas Balzano 37564
Sgt Jennifer Labrada 34285
Sgt Blair McCormack 26888
Sgt Joseph Morrison 26894
PO Emilia Lugo 30108
PO Mika Neal 37185
PO Rosheen Rosenblum 37119
PO Adan Urena 37460
PO Norma Vargas 31783
PO Zackary Goldstein 39442
PO John Sopko 38299
PO Arthur Rodriguez 26255
PO Leticia Thompson 30077
PO Antonio Delatorre 33981
PO Deborah Gauff 25409
PO Felipe Gonzalez 27497
PO Nicole Nelson 33367
PO Dennis Orris 36054
PO Kevin Snaer 31261
POj Gerald Todd 26010

If the access can also be given to PSR's please include the following:

PSR Rosanna Kim N4441

PSR MIchael McGowan N2894
PSR Brian Nance-Pettifer N2627
PSR Stephanie Nash N4273
PSR Mary Newton E9433
PSR Natalie Osling N4394
PSR Janene Perry N2538
PSR Angela Rodriguez V9770
PSR Kim Seals N3003
PSR Andrew Tarabotto N5088
PSR Tamera Walker N4280
PSR Alison Yoshinaga N3103
PSR Gabriela Cruz N2558
PSR Eva Espinoza-Montano G9036
PSR Eduardo Gomez N2724
PSR Marcela Price V8715
PSR Laura Santoyo N2904
PSR Mechelle Sherman N1732
PSR Tia Teixeira N2493
PSR Diana Torrero N4566
Thank you,

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6:11:34 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc:; Leslie Mariscal
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Thanks Andrew.

Sgt Mariscal-

Aside from you, is there anyone else on your team you would like to have access?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 3, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

This is great news! I'd be happy to set up accounts for Sgt. Mariscal and her team.

Would it be possible to ask for a list of trial users for the DOC team? We would be happy to set up as many as are necessary,
which will facilitate the chance for everyone to trial the mobile app and leverage personalized settings in the dashboard.

We avoid shared accounts because it violates our TOS but more importantly it limits the effectiveness of First Alert's ability to
deliver information as fast as possible

Thank you,

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Can we create two more broad, city-wife accounts and add them to our trial?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Mariscal <>

Date: April 3, 2019 at 1:58:47 PM PDT
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Access to Dataminer

I am respectfully requesting that the Department Operations Center get access to Dataminer via one
DOC user name and password. The username can be used.

I would also like account access for myself if possible. My email address is

Sergeant Leslie Mariscal

Serial No. 35658
Department Operation Center
Communications Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6700


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 9:47 AM
To: Leslie Mariscal
Cc: Mathew Rejis;
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer
Attachments: Dataminr LAPD DOC User Accounts.xlsx

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Sgt. Mariscal,

We are happy to provide accounts for all of the officers you listed. Can you fill out the attached spreadsheet with email addresses so that we can get the
accounts deployed?

Thank you,

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On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 12:41 PM Leslie Mariscal <> wrote:

Yes, please give access to the following personnel if possible:
Lt Marco Munoz 25576
Sgt George Hoopes 26967
Sgt Richard Abad 27911
Sgt Nicholas Balzano 37564
Sgt Jennifer Labrada 34285
Sgt Blair McCormack 26888
Sgt Joseph Morrison 26894
PO Emilia Lugo 30108
PO Mika Neal 37185
PO Rosheen Rosenblum 37119
PO Adan Urena 37460
PO Norma Vargas 31783
PO Zackary Goldstein 39442
PO John Sopko 38299
PO Arthur Rodriguez 26255
PO Leticia Thompson 30077
PO Antonio Delatorre 33981
PO Deborah Gauff 25409
PO Felipe Gonzalez 27497
PO Nicole Nelson 33367
PO Dennis Orris 36054
PO Kevin Snaer 31261
POj Gerald Todd 26010

If the access can also be given to PSR's please include the following:

PSR Rosanna Kim N4441

PSR MIchael McGowan N2894
PSR Brian Nance-Pettifer N2627
PSR Stephanie Nash N4273
PSR Mary Newton E9433
PSR Natalie Osling N4394
PSR Janene Perry N2538
PSR Angela Rodriguez V9770
PSR Kim Seals N3003
PSR Andrew Tarabotto N5088
PSR Tamera Walker N4280
PSR Alison Yoshinaga N3103
PSR Gabriela Cruz N2558
PSR Eva Espinoza-Montano G9036
PSR Eduardo Gomez N2724
PSR Marcela Price V8715
PSR Laura Santoyo N2904
PSR Mechelle Sherman N1732
PSR Tia Teixeira N2493
PSR Diana Torrero N4566

Thank you,

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6:11:34 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc:; Leslie Mariscal
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Thanks Andrew.

Sgt Mariscal-

Aside from you, is there anyone else on your team you would like to have access?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 3, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

This is great news! I'd be happy to set up accounts for Sgt. Mariscal and her team.

Would it be possible to ask for a list of trial users for the DOC team? We would be happy to set up as many as are necessary, which will facilitate
the chance for everyone to trial the mobile app and leverage personalized settings in the dashboard.

We avoid shared accounts because it violates our TOS but more importantly it limits the effectiveness of First Alert's ability to deliver
information as fast as possible

Thank you,

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protect y our
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In ternet.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Can we create two more broad, city-wife accounts and add them to our trial?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Mariscal <>

Date: April 3, 2019 at 1:58:47 PM PDT
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Access to Dataminer

I am respectfully requesting that the Department Operations Center get access to Dataminer via one DOC user
name and password. The username can be used.

I would also like account access for myself if possible. My email address is

Sergeant Leslie Mariscal

Serial No. 35658
Department Operation Center
Communications Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6700

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Leslie Mariscal
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 9:41 AM
To: Mathew Rejis;Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Categories: responsive

Yes, please give access to the following personnel if possible:

Lt Marco Munoz 25576
Sgt George Hoopes 26967
Sgt Richard Abad 27911
Sgt Nicholas Balzano 37564
Sgt Jennifer Labrada 34285
Sgt Blair McCormack 26888
Sgt Joseph Morrison 26894
PO Emilia Lugo 30108
PO Mika Neal 37185
PO Rosheen Rosenblum 37119
PO Adan Urena 37460
PO Norma Vargas 31783
PO Zackary Goldstein 39442
PO John Sopko 38299
PO Arthur Rodriguez 26255
PO Leticia Thompson 30077
PO Antonio Delatorre 33981
PO Deborah Gauff 25409
PO Felipe Gonzalez 27497
PO Nicole Nelson 33367
PO Dennis Orris 36054
PO Kevin Snaer 31261
POj Gerald Todd 26010

If the access can also be given to PSR's please include the following:

PSR Rosanna Kim N4441

PSR MIchael McGowan N2894
PSR Brian Nance-Pettifer N2627
PSR Stephanie Nash N4273
PSR Mary Newton E9433
PSR Natalie Osling N4394
PSR Janene Perry N2538
PSR Angela Rodriguez V9770
PSR Kim Seals N3003
PSR Andrew Tarabotto N5088
PSR Tamera Walker N4280
PSR Alison Yoshinaga N3103
PSR Gabriela Cruz N2558
PSR Eva Espinoza-Montano G9036
PSR Eduardo Gomez N2724
PSR Marcela Price V8715
PSR Laura Santoyo N2904
PSR Mechelle Sherman N1732
PSR Tia Teixeira N2493
PSR Diana Torrero N4566

Thank you,

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6:11:34 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc:; Leslie Mariscal
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Thanks Andrew.

Sgt Mariscal-

Aside from you, is there anyone else on your team you would like to have access?

Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 3, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

This is great news! I'd be happy to set up accounts for Sgt. Mariscal and her team.

Would it be possible to ask for a list of trial users for the DOC team? We would be happy to set up as many as are necessary, which will facilitate
the chance for everyone to trial the mobile app and leverage personalized settings in the dashboard.

We avoid shared accounts because it violates our TOS but more importantly it limits the effectiveness of First Alert's ability to deliver
information as fast as possible

Thank you,

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Can we create two more broad, city-wife accounts and add them to our trial?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Mariscal <>

Date: April 3, 2019 at 1:58:47 PM PDT
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Access to Dataminer

I am respectfully requesting that the Department Operations Center get access to Dataminer via one DOC user name
and password. The username can be used.

I would also like account access for myself if possible. My email address is

Sergeant Leslie Mariscal

Serial No. 35658
Department Operation Center
Communications Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6700


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6:12 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc:;Leslie Mariscal
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Categories: responsive

Thanks Andrew.

Sgt Mariscal-

Aside from you, is there anyone else on your team you would like to have access?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Apr 3, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

This is great news! I'd be happy to set up accounts for Sgt. Mariscal and her team.

Would it be possible to ask for a list of trial users for the DOC team? We would be happy to set up as many as are necessary, which will facilitate
the chance for everyone to trial the mobile app and leverage personalized settings in the dashboard.

We avoid shared accounts because it violates our TOS but more importantly it limits the effectiveness of First Alert's ability to deliver
information as fast as possible

Thank you,

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Can we create two more broad, city-wife accounts and add them to our trial?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Mariscal <>

Date: April 3, 2019 at 1:58:47 PM PDT
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Access to Dataminer

I am respectfully requesting that the Department Operations Center get access to Dataminer via one DOC user name
and password. The username can be used.

I would also like account access for myself if possible. My email address is

Sergeant Leslie Mariscal

Serial No. 35658
Department Operation Center
Communications Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6700

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 2:57 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc:;Leslie Mariscal
Subject: Re: Access to Dataminer

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

This is great news! I'd be happy to set up accounts for Sgt. Mariscal and her team.

Would it be possible to ask for a list of trial users for the DOC team? We would be happy to set up as many as are necessary, which will facilitate the chance for
everyone to trial the mobile app and leverage personalized settings in the dashboard.

We avoid shared accounts because it violates our TOS but more importantly it limits the effectiveness of First Alert's ability to deliver information as fast as

Thank you,
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In ternet.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Hey guys,

Can we create two more broad, city-wife accounts and add them to our trial?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Mariscal <>

Date: April 3, 2019 at 1:58:47 PM PDT
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Access to Dataminer

I am respectfully requesting that the Department Operations Center get access to Dataminer via one DOC user name and
password. The username can be used.

I would also like account access for myself if possible. My email address is

Sergeant Leslie Mariscal

Serial No. 35658
Department Operation Center
Communications Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6700

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 12:30 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: FirstAlert

Categories: responsive

Hi Hector, sorry for the delay on this.

Our product guy that is coming out with us in a
couple weeks can and will speak to this during out meeting though. We're briefing him next week.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 9:29 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Thank you. Much appreciated

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 9:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Joshua Rubenstein; Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: FirstAlert

Hector, we haven't forgotten about you, just waiting to hear back from the
. I'll follow back up with them today.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 1:16 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Great. Thank you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 1:05:07 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Joshua Rubenstein; Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: FirstAlert

Hi Hector, is doing some things that may be applicable. I have an inquiry out to speak with the one responsible for those efforts. If I don't get
answers today, I'll follow up Monday.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 7:51 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sorry. Here’s the screenshot

Sergeant Hector Guzman
Public Communications Group

From: Hector Guzman <>

Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 7:47 AM
To: Tim Plunkett; Andrew Johnston
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein; Mathew Rejis
Subject: FirstAlert

Good morning,

We had a local community member post something with the words “LAPD” in the caption and it’s drawing a good amount of retweets (see screenshot). Does
FirstAlert have the capability to capture these anomalies and send an alert?


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 9:49 AM
To: Stephen Chen
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Shandrea Porter
Subject: Re: FW: Police sweep Fulton Street subway station in New York, NY, find nothing that put passengers' safety at risk after reports of shooting: NYCT Subway, Official Post
via Twitter.
Attachments: image011.jpg

Categories: responsive

Hi Stephen,

Thank you for the additional context. Shandrea's account has been updated.

Please let me know if you need any additional assistance.

Thank you,
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On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 12:43 PM Stephen Chen <> wrote:

Shandrea would like to receive emails about critical incidents globally and nationwide as well, especially with a possible terrorism nexus. Those types of
notifications are actually more useful than alerts about (unfortunately) routine shootings in Los Angeles County.

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 9:38 AM
To: Tim Plunkett <>
Cc: Stephen Chen <>; Shandrea Porter <>
Subject: Re: FW: Police sweep Fulton Street subway station in New York, NY, find nothing that put passengers' safety at risk after reports of shooting: NYCT
Subway, Official Post via Twitter.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 9:38 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Stephen Chen;Shandrea Porter
Subject: Re: FW: Police sweep Fulton Street subway station in New York, NY, find nothing that put passengers' safety at risk after reports of shooting: NYCT Subway, Official Post
via Twitter.

Categories: responsive

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for reaching out. We have updated all of our most recent account deployments to have a strict focus on Los Angeles. Your account is configured with a
broader look at the rest of the US.

Would you like me to update Shandrea's account to provide greater national awareness?

I'd also love an opportunity to connect with you by phone to quickly you walk through our settings.

Happy to help!
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On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 9:55 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Andrew, can we mirror Stephen's account stencil for Shandrea's?

Also, Stephen, you and all users have the ability to edit your settings (topics, geo, alert impact level, delivery method, etc). We're happy to show you how to do
it if you'd like. With the release of our new product First Alert we have been walking customers through it personally.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 6:55 AM
To: Stephen Chen
Cc:;Shandrea Porter
Subject: Re: FW: Police sweep Fulton Street subway station in New York, NY, find nothing that put passengers' safety at risk after reports of shooting: NYCT Subway, Official Post
via Twitter.

Categories: responsive

Andrew, can we mirror Stephen's account stencil for Shandrea's?

Also, Stephen, you and all users have the ability to edit your settings (topics, geo, alert impact level, delivery method, etc). We're happy to show you how to do it
if you'd like. With the release of our new product First Alert we have been walking customers through it personally.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 3:47 PM Stephen Chen <> wrote:

Hi Andrew and Tim. I think Shandrea Porter (CCd on this email) is receiving a different selection of First Alert emails than I am. Can you adjust this so she’s set to
the same threshold as me? Can you show me if there’s a setting I can learn for this?
From: Shandrea Porter
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 1:34 PM
To: Andrew Johnston;Stephen Chen
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Thank You, yes I’m seeing the alerts now

Get Outlook for iOS

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 1:25 PM
To: Stephen Chen
Cc: Shandrea Porter; Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Sorry All!

To clarify my type-o. Emails are turned on for Shandrea.

Please let me know if you need any additional assistance.

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Stephen,

Sorry for the delayed response. Yesterday was a travel day.

I have updated Shandrea's account and she should no receive First Alert emails. Please let me know if you need any additional help!

Thank you!

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 12:26 PM Stephen Chen <> wrote:

Good morning, Andrew. Shandreá is not receiving First Alert emails. Does she need to login first to enable that? Can you please help her to subscribe to those?



On Feb 27, 2019, at 12:45, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Detective Porter,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or
incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we're looking forward to working with you.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 1:26 PM
To: Stephen Chen
Cc: Shandrea Porter;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Sorry All!

To clarify my type-o. Emails are turned on for Shandrea.

Please let me know if you need any additional assistance.

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On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Stephen,

Sorry for the delayed response. Yesterday was a travel day.

I have updated Shandrea's account and she should no receive First Alert emails. Please let me know if you need any additional help!

Thank you!
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In ternet.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 12:26 PM Stephen Chen <> wrote:

Good morning, Andrew. Shandreá is not receiving First Alert emails. Does she need to login first to enable that? Can you please help her to subscribe to those?



On Feb 27, 2019, at 12:45, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Detective Porter,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or
incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we're looking forward to working with you.

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 1:18 PM
To: Stephen Chen
Cc: Shandrea Porter;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Stephen,

Sorry for the delayed response. Yesterday was a travel day.

I have updated Shandrea's account and she should no receive First Alert emails. Please let me know if you need any additional help!

Thank you!
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On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 12:26 PM Stephen Chen <> wrote:

Good morning, Andrew. Shandreá is not receiving First Alert emails. Does she need to login first to enable that? Can you please help her to subscribe to those?



On Feb 27, 2019, at 12:45, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Detective Porter,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we're looking forward to working with you.

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 9:56 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Categories: responsive

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your willingness to consider attending the Dataminr panel at IACP Tech. At this time we have decided that we will not be pursuing a panel
discussion and have to cancel.

I am sorry for any time you put into reviewing the conference and its potential impact to your schedule.

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On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 8:38 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Thank you, Josh. We would love to have you.

Travel expenses would be compensated by Dataminr.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 7:47 PM Joshua Rubenstein <> wrote:

Hey Andrew…I’ll look into this.

Josh Rubenstein

Public Information Director

Los Angeles Police Department

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 5:05 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein <>
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Good Morning Josh,

Have you had a chance to look at the IACP Tech materials? We did receive confirmation that Anthony can make it and we'd love to have you speak as well.

Let me know!

Thank you,

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https://t.y es

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:42 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh,

I hope you are doing well. It was great seeing you in Washington DC a few weeks ago at Major City Chiefs.

I would like to invite you to join our panel on "Empowering First Responders in the Social Media Era" as a speaker at the IACP Technology Conference in
Jacksonville, FL on May 22nd. If you choose to accept you will be joined by Sgt. Joe Freer from NYPD and Director Jim Glass from San Antonio PD. We have
also invited Anthony Guglielmi from Chicago Police Department.

The details are as follows:

IACP Technology Conference

May 20-22nd in Jacksonville, FL

Accepted Abstract:

With the evolving role of social media in an emergency, first responders need a new paradigm for turning information chaos into real-time situational
awareness. Whether during local or national incidents, quick, relevant and actionable information can ensure the right resources are deployed at the right
time. Utilizing learnings from unexpected and recurring events, we will discuss how a timely narrative provides government agencies with insights critical
to the response and recovery of a nation and its localities.

Dataminr would be honored to have you participate and can look at helping with travel expenses.

Thank you for your consideration.

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In ternet.
https://t.y es

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9c10XaIXVSHXk ipNlwnT1J2KdWk pSoRFO3GbgSJ7c2EKJNOjj2dSHO4yA Y75oD1avA PA wBb4CyY

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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dBk UgS0t-


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. UCl1FJA -fbdcJBiv fiqO2VNxC-FnmBqDnQ3m7w7KsZHXhpGnH12JhC-
9c10XaIXVSHXk ipNlwnT1J2KdWk pSoRFO3GbgSJ7c2EKJNOjj2dSHO4yA Y75oD1avA PA wBb4CyY

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.
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n7Ouh9NrTpHrJaS3Nuy v A WrSNMR4-
dBk UgS0t-

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Stephen Chen
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 9:27 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Shandrea Porter;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good morning, Andrew. Shandreá is not receiving First Alert emails. Does she need to login first to enable that? Can you please help her to subscribe to those?



On Feb 27, 2019, at 12:45, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Detective Porter,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we're looking forward to working with you.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 12:37 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc:;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein;Kris Pitcher
Subject: Re: FirstAlert App Update

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Matt and Deputy Chief Pitcher,

Thank you for the feedback and sorry for the excessive emails. Deputy Chief Pitcher's account has been updated to send significantly less alerts and almost only
for events related to the San Fernando Valley. If for some reason something of a global impact happens in LA but outside of the Valley you still will receive an
email alert but you shouldn't see anything beyond a major incident outside of your AOR.

Please send any additional feedback my way. I can continue to make updates.

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On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 10:56 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Andrew,

As we are going through and evaluating user experience on our end, this was brought to my attention.

Chief Pitcher is responsible for Valley Bureau, so that would the entirety of the San Fernando Valley. Can we look into adjusting his notifications to incidents
that solely occur in his area of responsibility as it pertains to public safety? Also, can we adjust the frequency at which he is receiving these notifications?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kris Pitcher <>

Date: March 7, 2019 at 7:50:53 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Subject: Re: FirstAlert App Update


I’m getting far too many alerts and many of them not accurate, creating more issues than good in terms of notifications and time spent on the
incidents in terms of de confliction.

Deputy Chief Kris E. Pitcher

Commanding Officer
Operations-Valley Bureau
(818) 644-8080

Policing with Purpose

Policing with Compassion
Policing with Partnerships

On Mar 6, 2019, at 10:20 PM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good evening,

As we reach the 60 yard-line regarding our demo of the FirstAlert application, we wanted to check-in with all of you to get
some feedback on your experience with FirstAlert. We hope it has been as rewarding as ours, and that you have been able to
extract the same value we have. Recently, we had the opportunity to meet with FirstAlert representatives who came to PHF
and they once again reaffirmed their commitment while also reaffirming what sets them apart from others, to custom tailor the
user experience based on your particular needs.

Therefore, we are asking: are you getting enough alerts? Too many? Are there some topics you would like to see more alerts
on, or to the contrary, less alerts on? Both myself and Sgt Guzman had the FirstAlert team tweak our user experience to fit our
particular needs, and they are more than willing to do the same for all of you. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Lastly, if have not done so already, we encourage all of you to download the FirstAlert mobile application directly onto your
phones. Should any of require assistance doing this, we would both be more than willing to walk you through it. Please do not
hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help make this product the best tool for your specific needs.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Get Outlook for iOS

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 5:38 PM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Categories: responsive

Thank you, Josh. We would love to have you.

Travel expenses would be compensated by Dataminr.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 7:47 PM Joshua Rubenstein <> wrote:

Hey Andrew…I’ll look into this.

Josh Rubenstein

Public Information Director

Los Angeles Police Department

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 5:05 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein <>
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Good Morning Josh,

Have you had a chance to look at the IACP Tech materials? We did receive confirmation that Anthony can make it and we'd love to have you speak as well.

Let me know!

Thank you,

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On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:42 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh,

I hope you are doing well. It was great seeing you in Washington DC a few weeks ago at Major City Chiefs.

I would like to invite you to join our panel on "Empowering First Responders in the Social Media Era" as a speaker at the IACP Technology Conference in
Jacksonville, FL on May 22nd. If you choose to accept you will be joined by Sgt. Joe Freer from NYPD and Director Jim Glass from San Antonio PD. We have also
invited Anthony Guglielmi from Chicago Police Department.

The details are as follows:

IACP Technology Conference

May 20-22nd in Jacksonville, FL

Accepted Abstract:

With the evolving role of social media in an emergency, first responders need a new paradigm for turning information chaos into real-time situational
awareness. Whether during local or national incidents, quick, relevant and actionable information can ensure the right resources are deployed at the right
time. Utilizing learnings from unexpected and recurring events, we will discuss how a timely narrative provides government agencies with insights critical
to the response and recovery of a nation and its localities.

Dataminr would be honored to have you participate and can look at helping with travel expenses.

Thank you for your consideration.


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protect y our
priv acy ,
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In ternet.
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9c10XaIXVSHXk ipNlwnT1J2KdWk pSoRFO3GbgSJ7c2EKJNOjj2dSHO4yA Y75oD1avA PA wBb4CyY

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.
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dBk UgS0t-


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9c10XaIXVSHXk ipNlwnT1J2KdWk pSoRFO3GbgSJ7c2EKJNOjj2dSHO4yA Y75oD1avA PA wBb4CyY

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social
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n7Ouh9NrTpHrJaS3Nuy v A WrSNMR4-
dBk UgS0t-

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Joshua Rubenstein
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 4:48 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Categories: responsive

Hey Andrew…I’ll look into this.

Josh Rubenstein
Public Information Director
Los Angeles Police Department

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 5:05 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein <>
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Good Morning Josh,

Have you had a chance to look at the IACP Tech materials? We did receive confirmation that Anthony can make it and we'd love to have you speak as well.

Let me know!

Thank you,

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:42 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh,

I hope you are doing well. It was great seeing you in Washington DC a few weeks ago at Major City Chiefs.

I would like to invite you to join our panel on "Empowering First Responders in the Social Media Era" as a speaker at the IACP Technology Conference in
Jacksonville, FL on May 22nd. If you choose to accept you will be joined by Sgt. Joe Freer from NYPD and Director Jim Glass from San Antonio PD. We have also
invited Anthony Guglielmi from Chicago Police Department.

The details are as follows:

IACP Technology Conference

May 20-22nd in Jacksonville, FL

Accepted Abstract:

With the evolving role of social media in an emergency, first responders need a new paradigm for turning information chaos into real-time situational
awareness. Whether during local or national incidents, quick, relevant and actionable information can ensure the right resources are deployed at the right
time. Utilizing learnings from unexpected and recurring events, we will discuss how a timely narrative provides government agencies with insights critical to
the response and recovery of a nation and its localities.

Dataminr would be honored to have you participate and can look at helping with travel expenses.

Thank you for your consideration.


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 5:05 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Follow Up Flag: Follow Up

Flag Status: Flagged

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Josh,

Have you had a chance to look at the IACP Tech materials? We did receive confirmation that Anthony can make it and we'd love to have you speak as well.

Let me know!

Thank you,
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On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:42 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh,

I hope you are doing well. It was great seeing you in Washington DC a few weeks ago at Major City Chiefs.

I would like to invite you to join our panel on "Empowering First Responders in the Social Media Era" as a speaker at the IACP Technology Conference in
Jacksonville, FL on May 22nd. If you choose to accept you will be joined by Sgt. Joe Freer from NYPD and Director Jim Glass from San Antonio PD. We have also
invited Anthony Guglielmi from Chicago Police Department.

The details are as follows:

IACP Technology Conference

May 20-22nd in Jacksonville, FL

Accepted Abstract:

With the evolving role of social media in an emergency, first responders need a new paradigm for turning information chaos into real-time situational
awareness. Whether during local or national incidents, quick, relevant and actionable information can ensure the right resources are deployed at the right
time. Utilizing learnings from unexpected and recurring events, we will discuss how a timely narrative provides government agencies with insights critical to
the response and recovery of a nation and its localities.

Dataminr would be honored to have you participate and can look at helping with travel expenses.

Thank you for your consideration.

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prev ented

auto matic
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 12:45 PM
To: Shandrea Porter
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Stephen Chen
Subject: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Detective Porter,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about
public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we're looking forward to working with you.

Thank you,
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auto matic
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In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content

Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 1:42 PM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Subject: IACP Technology Conference: Invitation to Speak on Dataminr Panel

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Josh,

I hope you are doing well. It was great seeing you in Washington DC a few weeks ago at Major City Chiefs.

I would like to invite you to join our panel on "Empowering First Responders in the Social Media Era" as a speaker at the IACP Technology Conference in
Jacksonville, FL on May 22nd. If you choose to accept you will be joined by Sgt. Joe Freer from NYPD and Director Jim Glass from San Antonio PD. We have also
invited Anthony Guglielmi from Chicago Police Department.

The details are as follows:

IACP Technology Conference

May 20-22nd in Jacksonville, FL

Accepted Abstract:

With the evolving role of social media in an emergency, first responders need a new paradigm for turning information chaos into real-time situational
awareness. Whether during local or national incidents, quick, relevant and actionable information can ensure the right resources are deployed at the right
time. Utilizing learnings from unexpected and recurring events, we will discuss how a timely narrative provides government agencies with insights critical to
the response and recovery of a nation and its localities.

Dataminr would be honored to have you participate and can look at helping with travel expenses.

Thank you for your consideration.

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prev ented

auto matic
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2019 2:58 PM
To: Mathew Rejis;Hector Guzman
Subject: Friday meeting

Categories: responsive

Hey guys,

The meeting with Commander McMahon, Lt. Gomez, and Lt. Espinosa went great. In short, they just wanted the formal introduction to Dataminr because
they've heard positive things and knew the Chiefs were set up with it.

The "social media aggregator" beginning was perfect and although they went through their typical technology questions, it was largely about emergencies, how,
and when they would see alerts.

Thanks again for the walk and advice on Friday, really appreciate it. Let's talk sometime this coming week about the Malinowski meeting. Andrew and I are

FYI, I'm meeting with Deputy Executive Director Gannon (LAWA Police) the day before the Malinowski meeting.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:56 AM
To: Mary Campos
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Categories: responsive


On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:55 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

Yes, please call (213) 486-0370 when you arrive. We will escort you up to the conference room.


From: Tim Plunkett []

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:49 AM

To: Mary Campos <>

Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Yes. 4pm will work. 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:47 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

I don’t want you to rush, and with the traffic you may not make it. How about 4:00?
From: Tim Plunkett []
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:46 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Yes. As long as he doesn’t mind if I am in Civilian clothes. My flight lands at 10:15am and I may not be checked in to my hotel room yet.

Is Commander McMahon at 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:35 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Would it be possible for you to meet with Commander McMahon today at 11:30 a.m.?

He will not be in the office tomorrow.

Thank you,


From: John Mcmahon
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:02 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr First Alert Account

Mary, any time to meet on Thursday?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Regina Scott <>

Date: February 19, 2019 at 11:32:08 PM PST
To: Tim Plunkett <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>, John Mcmahon <>, Sean Malinowski <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of Detective.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this
Thursday afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First
Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.
Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:


After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source
and available to anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the
alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the information. The
situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform
that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts
has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a

permanent password.

 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app
stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including
ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your
agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product
capabilities. We will reach out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Andrew and Tim

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prev ented

auto matic
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mary Campos
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:55 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: RE: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Yes, please call (213) 486-0370 when you arrive. We will escort you up to the conference room.


From: Tim Plunkett []

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:49 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Yes. 4pm will work. 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:47 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

I don’t want you to rush, and with the traffic you may not make it. How about 4:00?

From: Tim Plunkett []

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:46 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Yes. As long as he doesn’t mind if I am in Civilian clothes. My flight lands at 10:15am and I may not be checked in to my hotel room yet.

Is Commander McMahon at 100 W 1st Street?

To: Tim Plunkett <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>, John Mcmahon <>, Sean Malinowski <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be
in LA this Thursday afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like
to see more of First Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any

Thank you,


On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:


After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open
source and available to anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in
which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of
the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform
that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts
has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a
permanent password.

 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app
stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us,
including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you
support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product
capabilities. We will reach out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Andrew and Tim


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:49 AM
To: Mary Campos
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Yes. 4pm will work. 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:47 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

I don’t want you to rush, and with the traffic you may not make it. How about 4:00?

From: Tim Plunkett []

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:46 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Yes. As long as he doesn’t mind if I am in Civilian clothes. My flight lands at 10:15am and I may not be checked in to my hotel room yet.

Is Commander McMahon at 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:35 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Would it be possible for you to meet with Commander McMahon today at 11:30 a.m.?

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this
Thursday afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First
Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:


After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source
and available to anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the
alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the information. The situation
awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform
that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts
has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a

permanent password.

 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app
stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including
ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's
mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product
capabilities. We will reach out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Andrew and Tim

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protect y our
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prev ented

auto matic
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mary Campos
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:47 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: RE: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

I don’t want you to rush, and with the traffic you may not make it. How about 4:00?

From: Tim Plunkett []

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:46 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Yes. As long as he doesn’t mind if I am in Civilian clothes. My flight lands at 10:15am and I may not be checked in to my hotel room yet.

Is Commander McMahon at 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:35 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Would it be possible for you to meet with Commander McMahon today at 11:30 a.m.?

He will not be in the office tomorrow.

Thank you,


From: John Mcmahon
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:02 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr First Alert Account

Mary, any time to meet on Thursday?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Regina Scott <>

Date: February 19, 2019 at 11:32:08 PM PST
To: Tim Plunkett <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>, John Mcmahon <>, Sean Malinowski <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in
LA this Thursday afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to
see more of First Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any

Thank you,


On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:


After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open
source and available to anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in
which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of
the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that
will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has
been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a

permanent password.

 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores.
Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us,
including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you
support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product
capabilities. We will reach out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Andrew and Tim


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:46 AM
To: Mary Campos
Subject: Re: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Yes. As long as he doesn’t mind if I am in Civilian clothes. My flight lands at 10:15am and I may not be checked in to my hotel room yet.

Is Commander McMahon at 100 W 1st Street?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 7:35 AM Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Would it be possible for you to meet with Commander McMahon today at 11:30 a.m.?

He will not be in the office tomorrow.

Thank you,


From: John Mcmahon

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:02 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr First Alert Account

Mary, any time to meet on Thursday?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Regina Scott <>

Date: February 19, 2019 at 11:32:08 PM PST
To: Tim Plunkett <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>, John Mcmahon <>, Sean Malinowski <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of Detective.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this
Thursday afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First
Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,

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protect y our
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auto matic
download of
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In ternet.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:


After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source
and available to anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the
alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the information. The situation
awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform
that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts
has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a

permanent password.

 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app
stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including
ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's
mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities.
We will reach out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Andrew and Tim

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mary Campos
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:35 AM
Subject: FW: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good Morning

Would it be possible for you to meet with Commander McMahon today at 11:30 a.m.?
He will not be in the office tomorrow.

Thank you,


From: John Mcmahon

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:02 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr First Alert Account

Mary, any time to meet on Thursday?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Regina Scott <>

Date: February 19, 2019 at 11:32:08 PM PST
To: Tim Plunkett <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>, John Mcmahon <>, Sean Malinowski <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in
LA this Thursday afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to
see more of First Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any

Thank you,

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open
source and available to anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which
I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the
information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that
will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has
been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log
in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us,
including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you
support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product
capabilities. We will reach out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:58 AM
To: John Mcmahon
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Commander McMahon, I see you don't have a First Alert account. If you are unfamiliar, First Alert is a tool used by Law Enforcement and Emergency
Management to discover those earliest indications of an emergency (active shooter, building on fire, gang shooting, car wreck, etc) on social media, blogs, dark
web, sensory sites, etc (publicly available information). The LAPD is going through a formal pilot right now.

I am happy to talk to you about it, walk you through it while I'm in LA this week, and/or have an account set up for you. Let me know if any of that is of interest
and we'll accommodate.

We appreciate your time and have a great day.

Tim Plunkett

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 6:47 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. The PIO's Office is helping facilitate a meeting with Chief Malinowski in a couple weeks.

We're happy that you are pleased with the tool and it is helping in your day to day. Feel free to reach out any time if you have questions or feedback.

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:32 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of Detective.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this Thursday
afternoon and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First Alert or how the sausage is
made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,
To help
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In ternet.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source and available to
anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the
source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you
with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific areas
of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the
above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve
the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach
out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:47 AM
To: Regina Scott
Cc: Andrew Johnston;John Mcmahon;Sean Malinowski
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. The PIO's Office is helping facilitate a meeting with Chief Malinowski in a couple weeks.

We're happy that you are pleased with the tool and it is helping in your day to day. Feel free to reach out any time if you have questions or feedback.

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:32 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of Detective.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this Thursday afternoon
and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First Alert or how the sausage is made in a
sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,
To help
protect y our
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In ternet.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source and available to
anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the
source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you
with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific areas of

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve
the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach
out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Regina Scott
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 11:32 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston;John Mcmahon;Sean Malinowski
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

I am no longer with Information Technology. However I have included Cmdr McMahon and Deputy Chief Malinowski, Chief of Detective.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this Thursday afternoon
and Friday morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First Alert or how the sausage is made in a
sense, I'm happy to sit down with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source and available to
anyone who want to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the
source provides me the ability to quickly assess the validity of the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you
with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific areas of

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the
tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach
out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:07 AM
To: Regina Scott
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Thank you Deputy Chief Scott. Andrew and I spoke over the weekend and your feedback is very much appreciated.

I believe I saw your name at the CPCA a few weeks back in Riverside, but we never had a chance to meet. I will be in LA this Thursday afternoon and Friday
morning for other meetings at the Mayor's Office and LASD. If you'd like to see more of First Alert or how the sausage is made in a sense, I'm happy to sit down
with you.

Thank you again for the feedback it greatly helps us know how the tech is operating and ensure it's working for you.

Tim Plunkett

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:18 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,
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In ternet.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source and available to anyone who want
to search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to
quickly assess the validity of the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or
incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to
check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

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prev ented

auto matic
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 2:18 PM
To: Regina Scott
Cc: Dennis Kato;Kris Pitcher;Justin Eisenberg;Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Deputy Chief Scott,

Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated! Please let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions!

Thank you,
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On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 5:13 PM Regina Scott <> wrote:

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source and available to anyone who want to
search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly
assess the validity of the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to
check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Regina Scott
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 2:14 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Dennis Kato;Kris Pitcher;Justin Eisenberg;Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

After receiving first alerts for almost a month I have to say I am a big fan. Although the information are from open source and available to anyone who want to
search social media. I am impress as to the speed and accuracy in which I receive the alerts. Moreover providing the source provides me the ability to quickly
assess the validity of the information. The situation awareness is invaluable on many levels.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:31 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific areas of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to
check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 9:44 AM
To: Jorge Rodriguez
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Commander Rodriguez, are the changes we made to your account satisfactory? We'd love to hear your feedback on what you're seeing and ensure it's to your
liking and AOR.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 3:05 PM Jorge Rodriguez <> wrote:

Thanks Andrew. I'll keep you posted.

Jorge R. Rodriguez

On Feb 5, 2019, at 2:14 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Commander Rodriguez,

Thank you for the feedback. I have updated your account to only send alerts for incidents that have a higher potential impact. I also
reconfigured the geography that your account is focused on.

If you see an alert that is valuable to you or is not what you would like sent to you- please forward the email to me at I can easily make updates based on what is and isn't providing value for you.

Please let us know if you need anything else!

Thank you,
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On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 4:47 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

It helps us improve your instance greatly.

Andrew, what do we need to modify Commander Rodriguez’s account?

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:33 PM Jorge Rodriguez <> wrote:

Good afternoon Tim,

I have to be honest, at the moment i am getting overwhelmed with the number of emails being received. There are many duplicate sources
that are reporting the same information and have no value. They just clog up my in basket. Secondly, I’m getting notified on incidents that
are not near our jurisdiction and have no connection to the City of LA. Perhaps we can filter a bit more to eliminate the redundancy in the

I hope this helps you.

Jorge R. Rodriguez, Commander

Assistant to the Director,
Office of Operations

Follow me on Twitter

On Feb 4, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Rodriguez,

It was a pleasure meeting you a few weeks back when we met with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert
account I wanted to offer any help I can for you. Is there anything you're seeing or curious about with the alerts? I'd like to
ensure you're happy with the topics and alerts you're seeing. I'll also be in LA in a couple weeks meeting at the Mayor's Office
and can always sit down with you if you'd like a closer, detailed look.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you
with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve
the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach
out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 7:16 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive

That's a good point Andrew. Matt, would an early March meeting with Chief Malinowski be possible to facilitate? During our meeting with Chief Arcos it was
stated that Chief Malinowski would have to sign off on this at some point and we're happy to meet with him with your help.

Andrew and I will be in LA the week or March 4th. I'll be out in a couple weeks on other meetings, but the week of March 4th is looking really good for us.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 7:08 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I completely understand. It was worth a chance!

I hope you are all doing well. I am planning to be back out in LA in March.

Thank you,
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On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 10:02 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Andrew,

The Chief has a stacked agenda seeing as this is his first MCCA Conference, so unfortunately, I don’t think he has any availability. Apologies for the delayed
response in my end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 12, 2019, at 6:57 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Did you hear back from Chief Arcos or Chief Moore's Office? We will be at the conference through Thursday beginning tonight with the
opening reception.

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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:47 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Thanks, Matt!

I would, of course, keep it very high level and only about our broader work as a company with larger law enforcement organizations across
the country.

Our Senior Vice President, Paul Tierney, will also be with me.
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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:26 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


I’ll reach out to the Chiefs Office and see if there is room in his agenda for a quick meeting. More importantly however; I want us to be
cognizant of the command structure we have implemented for the roll-our of this product, so let me touch base with Chief Arcos.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 7, 2019, at 9:22 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about
reaching out to Chief Moore to see if he will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for
the mobile app.

What do you think?


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 7:08 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

I completely understand. It was worth a chance!

I hope you are all doing well. I am planning to be back out in LA in March.

Thank you,
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On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 10:02 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Andrew,

The Chief has a stacked agenda seeing as this is his first MCCA Conference, so unfortunately, I don’t think he has any availability. Apologies for the delayed
response in my end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 12, 2019, at 6:57 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Did you hear back from Chief Arcos or Chief Moore's Office? We will be at the conference through Thursday beginning tonight with the opening

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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:47 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Thanks, Matt!

I would, of course, keep it very high level and only about our broader work as a company with larger law enforcement organizations across the

Our Senior Vice President, Paul Tierney, will also be with me.
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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:26 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


I’ll reach out to the Chiefs Office and see if there is room in his agenda for a quick meeting. More importantly however; I want us to be
cognizant of the command structure we have implemented for the roll-our of this product, so let me touch base with Chief Arcos.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 7, 2019, at 9:22 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about
reaching out to Chief Moore to see if he will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for
the mobile app.

What do you think?


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 7:02 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive

Good morning Andrew,

The Chief has a stacked agenda seeing as this is his first MCCA Conference, so unfortunately, I don’t think he has any availability. Apologies for the delayed
response in my end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 12, 2019, at 6:57 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Did you hear back from Chief Arcos or Chief Moore's Office? We will be at the conference through Thursday beginning tonight with the opening


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:47 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Thanks, Matt!

I would, of course, keep it very high level and only about our broader work as a company with larger law enforcement organizations across the

Our Senior Vice President, Paul Tierney, will also be with me.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:26 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


I’ll reach out to the Chiefs Office and see if there is room in his agenda for a quick meeting. More importantly however; I want us to be
cognizant of the command structure we have implemented for the roll-our of this product, so let me touch base with Chief Arcos.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 7, 2019, at 9:22 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about
reaching out to Chief Moore to see if he will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for
the mobile app.

What do you think?



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 6:58 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Did you hear back from Chief Arcos or Chief Moore's Office? We will be at the conference through Thursday beginning tonight with the opening reception.

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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:47 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Thanks, Matt!

I would, of course, keep it very high level and only about our broader work as a company with larger law enforcement organizations across the country.

Our Senior Vice President, Paul Tierney, will also be with me.
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In ternet.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:26 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


I’ll reach out to the Chiefs Office and see if there is room in his agenda for a quick meeting. More importantly however; I want us to be cognizant of the
command structure we have implemented for the roll-our of this product, so let me touch base with Chief Arcos.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 7, 2019, at 9:22 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about reaching out to Chief
Moore to see if he will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for the mobile app.

What do you think?


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Dominic Choi
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 10:24 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Thanks Tim. I will take a look at it.

Dominic H. Choi, Commander

Homeless Coordinator
Office of Operations
(213) 486-6050

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 9:55:07 AM
To: Dominic Choi
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Commander Choi,
. Please feel free to share any feedback you have or if you'd like to speak about it or for us to show
you via a web screen share we are happy to do so.

I will be in LA in a couple weeks and can also walk you through it in person.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 9:53 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Choi,

Thank you for the tour of your Ops center, we really appreciated seeing it live. Now that you're set up with your First Alert account please feel free to let us
know if you have any questions or comments about what we're sending you.

If there's anything we can do for you please let us know. I will be in LA in a couple weeks for meetings at the Mayor's Office and the Sheriff's dept if I can also be
of any assistance to you.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:
Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to check

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 9:55 AM
To: Dominic Choi
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Commander Choi,
Please feel free to share any feedback you have or if you'd like to speak about it or for us to show
you via a web screen share we are happy to do so.

I will be in LA in a couple weeks and can also walk you through it in person.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 9:53 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Choi,
Thank you for the tour of your Ops center, we really appreciated seeing it live. Now that you're set up with your First Alert account please feel free to let us
know if you have any questions or comments about what we're sending you.

If there's anything we can do for you please let us know. I will be in LA in a couple weeks for meetings at the Mayor's Office and the Sheriff's dept if I can also be
of any assistance to you.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.
We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to check

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 9:47 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive

Thanks, Matt!

I would, of course, keep it very high level and only about our broader work as a company with larger law enforcement organizations across the country.

Our Senior Vice President, Paul Tierney, will also be with me.
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On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:26 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


I’ll reach out to the Chiefs Office and see if there is room in his agenda for a quick meeting. More importantly however; I want us to be cognizant of the
command structure we have implemented for the roll-our of this product, so let me touch base with Chief Arcos.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 7, 2019, at 9:22 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about reaching out to Chief
Moore to see if he will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for the mobile app.

What do you think?


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 9:26 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive


I’ll reach out to the Chiefs Office and see if there is room in his agenda for a quick meeting. More importantly however; I want us to be cognizant of the
command structure we have implemented for the roll-our of this product, so let me touch base with Chief Arcos.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Feb 7, 2019, at 9:22 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about reaching out to Chief
Moore to see if he will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for the mobile app.

What do you think?



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 9:22 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Dataminr at Major City Chiefs: Washington D.C. February 12-14

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

I am going to be at the Major City Chiefs conference in Washington D.C. next week and wanted to check with you about reaching out to Chief Moore to see if he
will be there.

I'd like to offer him a 15-20 minute briefing on our work with law enforcement groups as well as a quick training session for the mobile app.

What do you think?


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Jorge Rodriguez
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 3:05 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Thanks Andrew. I'll keep you posted.

Jorge R. Rodriguez

On Feb 5, 2019, at 2:14 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Commander Rodriguez,

Thank you for the feedback. I have updated your account to only send alerts for incidents that have a higher potential impact. I also reconfigured
the geography that your account is focused on.

If you see an alert that is valuable to you or is not what you would like sent to you- please forward the email to me at
I can easily make updates based on what is and isn't providing value for you.

Please let us know if you need anything else!

Thank you,

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 4:47 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

It helps us improve your instance greatly.

Andrew, what do we need to modify Commander Rodriguez’s account?

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:33 PM Jorge Rodriguez <> wrote:

Good afternoon Tim,

I have to be honest, at the moment i am getting overwhelmed with the number of emails being received. There are many duplicate sources
that are reporting the same information and have no value. They just clog up my in basket. Secondly, I’m getting notified on incidents that

are not near our jurisdiction and have no connection to the City of LA. Perhaps we can filter a bit more to eliminate the redundancy in the

I hope this helps you.

Jorge R. Rodriguez, Commander

Assistant to the Director,
Office of Operations

Follow me on Twitter

On Feb 4, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Rodriguez,

It was a pleasure meeting you a few weeks back when we met with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert
account I wanted to offer any help I can for you. Is there anything you're seeing or curious about with the alerts? I'd like to
ensure you're happy with the topics and alerts you're seeing. I'll also be in LA in a couple weeks meeting at the Mayor's Office
and can always sit down with you if you'd like a closer, detailed look.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:
Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you
with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve
the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach
out individually to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 2:14 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Jorge Rodriguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Commander Rodriguez,

Thank you for the feedback. I have updated your account to only send alerts for incidents that have a higher potential impact. I also reconfigured the geography
that your account is focused on.

If you see an alert that is valuable to you or is not what you would like sent to you- please forward the email to me at I can easily
make updates based on what is and isn't providing value for you.

Please let us know if you need anything else!

Thank you,
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On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 4:47 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

It helps us improve your instance greatly.

Andrew, what do we need to modify Commander Rodriguez’s account?

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:33 PM Jorge Rodriguez <> wrote:

Good afternoon Tim,

I have to be honest, at the moment i am getting overwhelmed with the number of emails being received. There are many duplicate sources that are reporting
the same information and have no value. They just clog up my in basket. Secondly, I’m getting notified on incidents that are not near our jurisdiction and
have no connection to the City of LA. Perhaps we can filter a bit more to eliminate the redundancy in the notifications.

I hope this helps you.

Jorge R. Rodriguez, Commander

Assistant to the Director,
Office of Operations

Follow me on Twitter

On Feb 4, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Rodriguez,

It was a pleasure meeting you a few weeks back when we met with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert account I wanted
to offer any help I can for you. Is there anything you're seeing or curious about with the alerts? I'd like to ensure you're happy with the topics
and alerts you're seeing. I'll also be in LA in a couple weeks meeting at the Mayor's Office and can always sit down with you if you'd like a
closer, detailed look.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or
incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually
to check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government

C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 1:47 PM
To: Andrew Johnston;Jorge Rodriguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

It helps us improve your instance greatly.

Andrew, what do we need to modify Commander Rodriguez’s account?

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:33 PM Jorge Rodriguez <> wrote:

Good afternoon Tim,

I have to be honest, at the moment i am getting overwhelmed with the number of emails being received. There are many duplicate sources that are reporting
the same information and have no value. They just clog up my in basket. Secondly, I’m getting notified on incidents that are not near our jurisdiction and have
no connection to the City of LA. Perhaps we can filter a bit more to eliminate the redundancy in the notifications.

I hope this helps you.

Jorge R. Rodriguez, Commander

Assistant to the Director,
Office of Operations

Follow me on Twitter

On Feb 4, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Rodriguez,

It was a pleasure meeting you a few weeks back when we met with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert account I wanted
to offer any help I can for you. Is there anything you're seeing or curious about with the alerts? I'd like to ensure you're happy with the topics
and alerts you're seeing. I'll also be in LA in a couple weeks meeting at the Mayor's Office and can always sit down with you if you'd like a
closer, detailed look.


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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or
incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to
check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

From: Jorge Rodriguez
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 1:34 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Good afternoon Tim,

I have to be honest, at the moment i am getting overwhelmed with the number of emails being received. There are many duplicate sources that are reporting
the same information and have no value. They just clog up my in basket. Secondly, I’m getting notified on incidents that are not near our jurisdiction and have
no connection to the City of LA. Perhaps we can filter a bit more to eliminate the redundancy in the notifications.

I hope this helps you.

Jorge R. Rodriguez, Commander

Assistant to the Director,
Office of Operations

Follow me on Twitter

On Feb 4, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Commander Rodriguez,

It was a pleasure meeting you a few weeks back when we met with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert account I wanted
to offer any help I can for you. Is there anything you're seeing or curious about with the alerts? I'd like to ensure you're happy with the topics
and alerts you're seeing. I'll also be in LA in a couple weeks meeting at the Mayor's Office and can always sit down with you if you'd like a closer,
detailed look.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is . Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to
check availability.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:45 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Sounds good, thanks.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 11:37 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Tim,

I have not heard back as of yet, but we've had yet another busy weekend with the Super Bowl and everything. I will follow-up this week and get
back to you. Thanks for everything as always.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:23 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Hector Guzman; Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Hi Matt,

Are the Bureau Chiefs and other new users doing okay with their First Alert accounts? Have you heard anything from them? Content? Frequency?

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:48 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Sounds great Matt! I'm also going to be back in town Mid February meeting with the County Sheriff's and the Mayor's Office. If any of the Bureau
Chiefs or anyone else that's now live wants to chat, I'll make myself available to whoever's interested.

An LA Rams downtown parade would be interesting. May be wishful thinking against the Pats, but not out of reason. Pulling for them.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend, and stay safe.

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:43 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Let’s do this..

Let’s touch base in a couple of weeks to see who has actually set an account up, and who hasn’t, and then I can insert myself and offer to set up
the accounts for them.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Region specific accounts for all of the Bureau Chiefs are now live.

Please let me know if you hear any feedback.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,
To help
protect y our
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?

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In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander
Zarcone and Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of
day tomorrow.
To help
protect y our
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prev ented
auto matic
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the
foundation we are building. I will update you all next week.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a
much larger and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet
with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test
group to the individuals mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and
reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It
could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think
the Department wants to determine the viability of this model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll
talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command

staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the
broader team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy
week and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom
accounts. I will have them created and deployed by the end of next week and will
let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We

are happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across
the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more
about how you are using the real-time information and we will certainly pass this
along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will
help us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.
I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will
be expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge

Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD
Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove
Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need
anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:38 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Good morning Tim,

I have not heard back as of yet, but we've had yet another busy weekend with the Super Bowl and everything. I will follow-up this week and get
back to you. Thanks for everything as always.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:23 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Hector Guzman; Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Hi Matt,

Are the Bureau Chiefs and other new users doing okay with their First Alert accounts? Have you heard anything from them? Content? Frequency?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:48 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Sounds great Matt! I'm also going to be back in town Mid February meeting with the County Sheriff's and the Mayor's Office. If any of the Bureau
Chiefs or anyone else that's now live wants to chat, I'll make myself available to whoever's interested.

An LA Rams downtown parade would be interesting. May be wishful thinking against the Pats, but not out of reason. Pulling for them.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend, and stay safe.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:43 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Let’s do this..

Let’s touch base in a couple of weeks to see who has actually set an account up, and who hasn’t, and then I can insert myself and offer to set up
the accounts for them.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Region specific accounts for all of the Bureau Chiefs are now live.

Please let me know if you hear any feedback.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?


On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.
Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander
Zarcone and Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of
day tomorrow.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the
foundation we are building. I will update you all next week.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a
much larger and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet
with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test
group to the individuals mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and
reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It
could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the
Department wants to determine the viability of this model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to
Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command staff
regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the
broader team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week
and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.
Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom
accounts. I will have them created and deployed by the end of next week and will
let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We

are happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across
the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more
about how you are using the real-time information and we will certainly pass this
along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will
help us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be
expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge

Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD
Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove
Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need
anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:24 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Are the Bureau Chiefs and other new users doing okay with their First Alert accounts? Have you heard anything from them? Content? Frequency? etc.

To help
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auto matic
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this pictu re
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:48 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Sounds great Matt! I'm also going to be back in town Mid February meeting with the County Sheriff's and the Mayor's Office. If any of the Bureau Chiefs or
anyone else that's now live wants to chat, I'll make myself available to whoever's interested.

An LA Rams downtown parade would be interesting. May be wishful thinking against the Pats, but not out of reason. Pulling for them.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend, and stay safe.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:43 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Let’s do this..

Let’s touch base in a couple of weeks to see who has actually set an account up, and who hasn’t, and then I can insert myself and offer to set up the accounts
for them.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Region specific accounts for all of the Bureau Chiefs are now live.

Please let me know if you hear any feedback.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,
To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?

To help
protect y our
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prev ented

auto matic
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:
Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and
Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day
To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we
are building. I will update you all next week.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger
and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our
Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals
mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’
approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be that it would work better with
Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this
model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our
soon-to-be added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for
your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader
team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week and are very
excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will
have them created and deployed by the end of next week and will let you know when
they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are
happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across the
department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how
you are using the real-time information and we will certainly pass this along to our team.
Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update
settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

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On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be
expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge

Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD
Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove
Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need
anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:21 AM
To: Jorge Rodriguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Hello Commander Rodriguez,

It was a pleasure meeting you a few weeks back when we met with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert account I wanted to offer any help I
can for you. Is there anything you're seeing or curious about with the alerts? I'd like to ensure you're happy with the topics and alerts you're seeing. I'll also be in
LA in a couple weeks meeting at the Mayor's Office and can always sit down with you if you'd like a closer, detailed look.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is . Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to check

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 9:54 AM
To: Dominic Choi
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Hello Commander Choi,

Thank you for the tour of your Ops center, we really appreciated seeing it live. Now that you're set up with your First Alert account please feel free to let us
know if you have any questions or comments about what we're sending you.

If there's anything we can do for you please let us know. I will be in LA in a couple weeks for meetings at the Mayor's Office and the Sheriff's dept if I can also be
of any assistance to you.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is . Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to check

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 9:49 AM
To: Peter Zarcone
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr First Alert Account

Categories: responsive

Hi Commander Zarcone,

It was a pleasure meeting you a couple weeks back during our meeting with Chief Arcos. Now that you are set up with your First Alert account I'd like to offer
any support, help, or resources. Do you have any initial questions or comments about your account and what we are sending you?

If you haven't downloaded the mobile app yet, I highly recommend it. The majority of our customers are utilizing the app much more than email.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:14 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning LAPD Team,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles. Each of your accounts has been tailored to your specific area of responsibility.

Below is more information about your Dataminr First Alert account:

 Your username is . Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

We are in Los Angeles often and would love an opportunity to brief you in person on our product capabilities. We will reach out individually to check

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Andrew and Tim
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 9:49 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Sounds great Matt! I'm also going to be back in town Mid February meeting with the County Sheriff's and the Mayor's Office. If any of the Bureau Chiefs or
anyone else that's now live wants to chat, I'll make myself available to whoever's interested.

An LA Rams downtown parade would be interesting. May be wishful thinking against the Pats, but not out of reason. Pulling for them.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend, and stay safe.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 9:43 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Let’s do this..

Let’s touch base in a couple of weeks to see who has actually set an account up, and who hasn’t, and then I can insert myself and offer to set up the accounts
for them.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Region specific accounts for all of the Bureau Chiefs are now live.

Please let me know if you hear any feedback.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,
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On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?

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On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and
Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day
To help
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are
building. I will update you all next week.

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In ternet.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger
and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our
Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals
mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’
approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be that it would work better with
Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this model
first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-
be added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your
continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader
team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week and are very
excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will
have them created and deployed by the end of next week and will let you know when they
are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are
happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across the
department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how
you are using the real-time information and we will certainly pass this along to our team.
Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update
settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

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this pictu re
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In ternet.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be
expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD
Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove
Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need
anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 9:44 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Perfect. Let’s do this..

Let’s touch base in a couple of weeks to see who has actually set an account up, and who hasn’t, and then I can insert myself and offer to set up the accounts for


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 25, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Region specific accounts for all of the Bureau Chiefs are now live.

Please let me know if you hear any feedback.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:
That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?


On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and
Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are
building. I will update you all next week.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger
and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our
Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals
mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’
approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be that it would work better with
Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this model
first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-
be added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your
continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader
team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week and are very
excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will
have them created and deployed by the end of next week and will let you know when they
are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy
to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across the department,
especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how
you are using the real-time information and we will certainly pass this along to our team.
Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update
settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be
expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD
Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove
Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need
anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 9:36 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Region specific accounts for all of the Bureau Chiefs are now live.

Please let me know if you hear any feedback.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,
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In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented

auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and Commander

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day tomorrow.
To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are building. I will
update you all next week.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined
relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general
consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little
time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be
that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability
of this model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be
added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really
appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to
broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created
and deployed by the end of next week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide
more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the
real-time information and we will certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more
feedback our way! It will help us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our
demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for
your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief
Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social
To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 9:40 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

That works for me. Talk to you soon.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?


On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?

Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and Commander

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day tomorrow.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are building. I will
update you all next week.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined
relationship. After our meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general
consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little
time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be
that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability
of this model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be
added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really
appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to
broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created
and deployed by the end of next week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more
accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the
real-time information and we will certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more
feedback our way! It will help us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our
demo of the FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your
reference. Lastly, it was also requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief
Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content

Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 9:37 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Sure! Can we connect at 10 AM Pacific?

To help
protect y our
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prev ented

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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:32 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day tomorrow.
To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are building. I will update you all next

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined relationship. After our
meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our
test group to the individuals mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’
approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc,
but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure
your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your
continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really appreciate the time
you gave us during such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created and deployed by
the end of next week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more accounts in an
effort to truly test our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the real-time
information and we will certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will
help us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the
FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:
Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference.
Lastly, it was also requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if
you need anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 9:32 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Perfect. Thank you.

Side note, are you or Tim free for a quick phone call within the hour?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 24, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day tomorrow.

I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are building. I will update you all next


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined relationship. After our
meeting, Mr. Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our
test group to the individuals mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach
we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think
the Department wants to determine the viability of this model first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email
gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command staff regarding the timeline for them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really appreciate the time
you gave us during such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created and deployed by
the end of next week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more accounts in an
effort to truly test our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the real-time
information and we will certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help
us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the
FirstAlert app to the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference.
Lastly, it was also requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if
you need anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 9:19 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

I have deployed AOR specific accounts for Commander Choi, Deputy Chief Chow, Commander Zarcone and Commander Rodriguez.

I am still working on the custom builds for the Bureau Chiefs but still tracking for release by end of day tomorrow.
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I will keep you up to date.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 4:14 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are building. I will update you all next week.

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On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr.
Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals
mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level.
It could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this model

first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command staff regarding the timeline for
them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during
such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created and deployed by the end of next
week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test
our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the real-time information and we will
certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update settings for the
best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

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On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to
the below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also
requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 1:15 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Thank you! Understood regarding account deployment and we are also excited about the foundation we are building. I will update you all next week.

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On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 1:06 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr.
Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals
mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level.
It could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this model
first. Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command staff regarding the timeline for
them to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during
such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created and deployed by the end of next
week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test
our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the real-time information and we will
certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update settings for the
best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

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On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the
below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:

Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also
requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 1:07 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive


Happy we could help facilitate the meeting. We all feel as if we have laid the foundation for a much larger and defined relationship. After our meeting, Mr.
Rubenstein had a chance to meet with members of our Command Staff, and the general consensus at this time is to grow our test group to the individuals
mentioned in the previous emails. We will give it a little time and reassess to see if the ‘mid-level down’ approach we are rolling out works at the bureau level. It
could very well be that it would work better with Divisional Captains on board etc, but I think the Department wants to determine the viability of this model first.
Hope that made sense. I’ll talk to Mr. Rubenstein to ensure your email gets distributed to our soon-to-be added command staff regarding the timeline for them
to be brought on board. Thanks for your continued partnership.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 18, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during
such a busy week and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created and deployed by the end of next
week and will let you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test
our abilities across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the real-time information and we will
certainly pass this along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update settings for the
best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the
below referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also
requested that we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 12:59 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Josh, Matt, Hector,

Thank you for facilitating our meeting on Wednesday with Chief Arcos and the broader team. We really appreciate the time you gave us during such a busy week
and are very excited about our opportunity to broadening our support of LAPD.

Based on the map and user list you sent, we are working to build custom accounts. I will have them created and deployed by the end of next week and will let
you know when they are deployed.

Would it be possible to get more accounts out to Commanders and Captains? We are happy to provide more accounts in an effort to truly test our abilities
across the department, especially at the local level.

Hector, thank you for sending your feedback over. It really helps to learn more about how you are using the real-time information and we will certainly pass this
along to our team. Please don't hesitate to send more feedback our way! It will help us continue to update settings for the best possible experience.

I will follow up again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

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On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below
referenced email users:
Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that
we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Robert Arcos
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 6:09 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: Account Update

Categories: responsive

Thank you Andrew. Appreciate the meeting and open discussion.


ROBERT N. ARCOS, Assistant Chief

Director, Office of Operations

213 486-0100

On Jan 17, 2019, at 5:40 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Chief Arcos,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with Tim and I yesterday. Your First Alert account has been updated and you should begin seeing an
increase in local public safety alerts.

I have also made the additional account updates we discussed during the meeting.

Please let me know if you would like me to make anymore updates and if there is anyone else you would like to be set up with an account.

Thank you,


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 5:40 AM
To: Robert Arcos
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett;Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: Account Update

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Chief Arcos,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with Tim and I yesterday. Your First Alert account has been updated and you should begin seeing an increase in local
public safety alerts.

I have also made the additional account updates we discussed during the meeting.

Please let me know if you would like me to make anymore updates and if there is anyone else you would like to be set up with an account.

Thank you,

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 4:30 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Categories: responsive

That’s awesome, thank you for sharing! Getting ahead of the narrative before social media users jump to uneducated assumptions and ranting is ideal I imagine.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:13 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


It was our pleasure today. I know we were talking about how we’ve been using the product. I failed to mention how we’ve used it to improve our two-way
engagement and as a customer-service tool.

Feel free to look at this Twitter thread for one example of that. We were alerted to this via the app.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Public Communications Group

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 2:43 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Hector Guzman; Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: New FirstAlert Users

Thanks for having us today. We really enjoyed the tour and working with you guys on this. This is a great start for us. We will be in touch soon.

Matt, FYI, Captain Chris Waters and Commander Regina Scott will be at the CPCA tech summit in Riverside tomorrow.

Good luck with all that's going on in town this week. As always, anything we can do, let us know.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today. As was discussed, we will be expanding our demo of the FirstAlert app to the below
referenced email users:

Assistant to the Director of the Office of Operations, Commander Jorge Rodriguez:
Homeless Coordinator, Commander Dominic Choi:
Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Regina Scott:
Transit Services Bureau, Deputy Chief Blake Chow:
Counter Terrorism Group, Commander Peter Zarcone:
Operations West Bureau, Deputy Chief Justin Eisenberg:
Operations Valley Bureau, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher:
Operations South Bureau, Deputy Chief Dennis Kato:

Regarding the appropriate geofencing for each user, I have attached our LAPD Bureau map for your reference. Lastly, it was also requested that
we remove Captain Sandoval, and Deputy Chief Tingirides. Please let me know if you need anything else on our end.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 8:58 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein;Anthony Otero
Subject: Re: Meeting Location Change

Categories: responsive

Thank you again, Jeannie! We will see you then.

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On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 8:19 AM Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mr. Johnson,

You will meet with Chief Arcos and Josh Rubinstein at the Command Post at the DOC at:

500 e Temple

Los Angele, CA 90012

You can call when you arrive and tell Officer Dawson that you are there to meet with Josh and Chief Arcos.

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7:47 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein;Anthony Otero;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Meetings this am

Categories: responsive


Thank you! We will see you at 10 AM.


On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 7:46 AM Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Josh,

As of this morning the 0900 on the CPAB Videos and the 1000 hours with Andrew Johnson, yourself and others remains on calendar.

Chief Arcos anticipates being able to attend both meetings.

If that changes I will notify you as soon as possible.

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 9:02 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

all set. Thanks!

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD
To: Jeannie Gharib <>

Hi Jeannie,

We will not need parking but thank you very much for the offer.

From Dataminr we will have myself and Tim Plunkett, who has been working with Matt Rejis and Director Rubenstein.

We are also looking to include our company President, Steven Schwartz, who will be in LA and would very much like to meet Chief Arcos. For now he is tentative,
but I will update you when I have a confirmation.

Thank you again for all of your help and we will see you on Wednesday.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:57 AM Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Your welcome Sir,

Will you need parking?

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:50 AM
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Cc: Jeannie Gharib <>; Anthony Otero <>; Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman
<>; Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Thank you all for your help coordinating!

Will this be a 30 or 60 minute meeting? Are there any special instructions for reaching Chief Arcos when we arrive at Police Headquarters?

Thank you,


On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:46 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you ma’am.

Andrew, see below and be advised that changes are possible.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s
Meeting with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel
this meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib
Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s calendar
for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few months? They have
laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented

auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 9:02 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Anthony Otero;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

30 min is perfect.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:52 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

I listed it for 30 minutes, The email suggest you needed less than that time. It’s all I have, will this work?

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:50 AM
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Cc: Jeannie Gharib <>; Anthony Otero <>; Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman
<>; Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Thank you all for your help coordinating!

Will this be a 30 or 60 minute meeting? Are there any special instructions for reaching Chief Arcos when we arrive at Police Headquarters?

Thank you,


On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:46 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you ma’am.

Andrew, see below and be advised that changes are possible.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh
Rubinstein’s Meeting with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers
strike. I may need to cancel this meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

From: Anthony Otero

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib <>
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Can you please reach out to Mr. Rejis and make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM
To: Anthony Otero <>
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief
Arcos’s calendar for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for
the past few months? They have laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know
if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM
and 1 PM on Wednesday(1/16)?

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

<~WRD151.jpg>Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

Thank you,


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief

Have a great weekend!





Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social




Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 9:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Hi Jeannie,

We will not need parking but thank you very much for the offer.

From Dataminr we will have myself and Tim Plunkett, who has been working with Matt Rejis and Director Rubenstein.

We are also looking to include our company President, Steven Schwartz, who will be in LA and would very much like to meet Chief Arcos. For now he is tentative,
but I will update you when I have a confirmation.

Thank you again for all of your help and we will see you on Wednesday.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:57 AM Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Your welcome Sir,

Will you need parking?

Who else will be attending with you?

Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s
Meeting with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel
this meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s calendar
for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few months? They have
laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!


From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 9:01 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Jeannie Gharib;Anthony Otero;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Andrew, can you respond with your parking needs? Thank you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:50 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Thank you all for your help coordinating!

Will this be a 30 or 60 minute meeting? Are there any special instructions for reaching Chief Arcos when we arrive at Police Headquarters?

Thank you,

On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:46 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you ma’am.

Andrew, see below and be advised that changes are possible.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh
Rubinstein’s Meeting with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers
strike. I may need to cancel this meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

From: Anthony Otero

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib <>
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Can you please reach out to Mr. Rejis and make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM
To: Anthony Otero <>
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief
Arcos’s calendar for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for
the past few months? They have laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know
if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM
and 1 PM on Wednesday(1/16)?

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

Thank you,


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief

Have a great weekend!




Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1

Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s
Meeting with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel this
meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s calendar
for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few months? They have
laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

Thank you,


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:55 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Anthony Otero;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Hi Jeannie,

30 Minutes is perfect! Thank you for making room for us.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:52 AM Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

I listed it for 30 minutes, The email suggest you needed less than that time. It’s all I have, will this work?

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:50 AM
To: Mathew Rejis <>
Cc: Jeannie Gharib <>; Anthony Otero <>; Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman
<>; Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Thank you all for your help coordinating!

Will this be a 30 or 60 minute meeting? Are there any special instructions for reaching Chief Arcos when we arrive at Police Headquarters?

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s
Meeting with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel this
meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s Meeting
with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel this meeting
along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

From: Anthony Otero
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib <>
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Can you please reach out to Mr. Rejis and make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM
To: Anthony Otero <>
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s calendar
for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few months? They have
laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:50 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Jeannie Gharib;Anthony Otero;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Thank you all for your help coordinating!

Will this be a 30 or 60 minute meeting? Are there any special instructions for reaching Chief Arcos when we arrive at Police Headquarters?

Thank you,
To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:46 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you ma’am.

Andrew, see below and be advised that changes are possible.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s Meeting
with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel this meeting
along with others

Jeannie Gharib

Executive Administrative Assistant

Office of Operations

100 W First Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

From: Anthony Otero

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib <>
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Can you please reach out to Mr. Rejis and make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM
To: Anthony Otero <>
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s calendar
for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few months? They have
laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented

Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

Thank you,


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer

Serial No. 40875

Public Communications Group

Los Angeles Police Department

100 W. 1st Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented

auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:47 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib
Cc:;Anthony Otero;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Thank you ma’am.

Andrew, see below and be advised that changes are possible.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 8:43 AM, Jeannie Gharib <> wrote:

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s Meeting
with Chief Arcos) , However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel this meeting
along with others

Jeannie Gharib
Executive Administrative Assistant
Office of Operations
100 W First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
213.486.0100 – Main

From: Anthony Otero

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib <>
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Can you please reach out to Mr. Rejis and make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM
To: Anthony Otero <>
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s
calendar for a meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few
months? They have laid out their availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any
further assistance.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139
Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1
PM on Wednesday(1/16)?

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Jeannie Gharib
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:44 AM
To: Mathew Rejis;
Cc: Anthony Otero;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Mathew,

In regards to this meeting for Mr. Johnson with Chief Arcos, I can put this on calendar for 1/16 at 1000 am (following Josh Rubinstein’s Meeting with Chief Arcos)
, However please bear in mind that his availability may be affected by the teachers strike. I may need to cancel this meeting along with others

Jeannie Gharib
Executive Administrative Assistant
Office of Operations
100 W First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

213.486.0100 – Main

From: Anthony Otero

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: Jeannie Gharib <>
Subject: FW: Dataminr for LAPD

Can you please reach out to Mr. Rejis and make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you

From: Mathew Rejis

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM
To: Anthony Otero <>

Cc: Joshua Rubenstein <>; Hector Guzman <>
Subject: Fwd: Dataminr for LAPD

Good morning Sir,

I’m reaching out on behalf of Mr. Rubenstein. I know this is short notice, but would it be possible to get 15 minutes on Chief Arcos’s calendar for a
meeting with a company called Dataminr that the Department and the city have been working with for the past few months? They have laid out their
availability in the email below. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Date: January 14, 2019 at 7:42:32 AM PST
To: Mathew Rejis <>, Tim Plunkett <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:00 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Working on it now. This week is pretty crazy FYI, but I will let you know whether it’s going to be possible.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 14, 2019, at 7:42 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on Wednesday(1/16)?

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 7:43 AM
To: Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

I hope you had a great weekend. Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Chief Arcos between 8 AM and 1 PM on Wednesday(1/16)?

I need to head up to Sacramento in the afternoon for a 3:30 flight from LAX.

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Looking forward to getting something scheduled.

auto matic
download of
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from the
In ternet.

Thank you,

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 4:14 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,
Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!


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prev ented

auto matic
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016
Dataminr in the news:
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 1:15 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Thank you for helping out with that. I will work to hopefully get on his calendar.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!



Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 12:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking my call this morning. Director Rubenstein's account has been updated.

We are looking forward to meeting in person next week and for an opportunity to brief Chief Arcos.

Have a great weekend!


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 8:56 AM
To: Sean Malinowski;Sean Malinowski
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr for LAPD: First Alert Account and Briefing Request

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Chief Malinowski,

Happy New Year! I am following up on my last email to see if I can get on your calendar for a briefing.

I would love an opportunity to talk through the basics of your recently deployed First Alert account, our trial with LAPD and work with our major law
enforcement groups. I am also and they mentioned you as an excellent resource.

We will be in Los Angeles on January 15th, 16th and 18th. Is there a time that works for you for a 30 minute meeting?

Thank you for your consideration.

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On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 2:28 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Chief Malinowski,

I work on the Dataminr State and Local Team managing our existing partnerships with Law Enforcement and Emergency Management groups across the
country. I am contacting you to make sure you have been able to access your recently deployed First Alert account and see if you have any questions. We are
very excited for the opportunity to have you and the other Chiefs trialing First Alert and want to make sure you are getting the most out of our product.

I will be in Los Angeles on Wednesday, January 16th, with my colleague, Tim Plunkett, and would love an opportunity to brief you on our product capabilities

Lastly, I am also I know you have worked closely with that team and
would greatly appreciate any guidance you have for who I should be working with on their side.

Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 11:29 AM
To: Sean Malinowski;Sean Malinowski
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Dataminr for LAPD: First Alert Account and Briefing Request

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Chief Malinowski,

I work on the Dataminr State and Local Team managing our existing partnerships with Law Enforcement and Emergency Management groups across the country.
I am contacting you to make sure you have been able to access your recently deployed First Alert account and see if you have any questions. We are very excited
for the opportunity to have you and the other Chiefs trialing First Alert and want to make sure you are getting the most out of our product.

I will be in Los Angeles on Wednesday, January 16th, with my colleague, Tim Plunkett, and would love an opportunity to brief you on our product capabilities

Lastly, I am also running a trial . I know you have worked closely with that team and would
greatly appreciate any guidance you have for who I should be working with on their side.

Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social
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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 7:05 AM
To: Hector Guzman;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Dataminr Training:

Categories: responsive

Hi Hector,

Here is the link to join the meeting:


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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 12:49 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Chief Moore Registration

Categories: responsive

Chief Moore login credentials:

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Please let me know if you need any help

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 11:22 AM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt

In advance of our call this afternoon, I just updated your account only with our new settings. If you have a chance to login to the dashboard or mobile app
before the call it would be great. We will talk you through the settings on the call and then wait for your green light to deploy to the rest of the group.

Here a screenshot from the mobile app showing custom alert notifications for Officer Involved Shootings in Los Angeles:

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this pictu re
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In ternet.

Looking forward to speaking with you later.

Thank you,

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 4:40 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you for all of your help building momentum with our trial!

We are very excited to have Chief Moore on First Alert and want to make sure we are only delivering valuable content. To that end, Tim and I have been
working with our Customer Success team to update your accounts based on the initial feedback you provided. Our goal is to limit the number of emails sent
while maximizing early awareness of situations via the mobile app.

Below are a few important updates, which we will go into greater detail tomorrow:

The executive staff will have the best possible user experience via the First Alert mobile app. The mobile app will send push notifications only for the highest
level incidents, while also making it very easy to view less impactful events without any emails. The mobile app will also have a dedicated screen for "Officer
Involved Shootings", which will make it easy for everyone to access in the moment as well as for historical reference.

Another feature, which we would like to turn on for everyone is our "alerts near me" functionality for the First Alert mobile app. This populates alerts in the
app and sends push notifications only for high level incidents based on proximity. We see this as something, which can provide direct value for the Chief as he
likely maintains a very full travel schedule. It doesn't send emails and only sends a push notification if a high level incident is alerted within a 1 mile radius of
where you are located and updates automatically as you move.

Here is the general language for the welcome email I would normally send when I turn an account on:

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr account is now active. Dataminr is a real-time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password or contact us to create one for you. Your username is
 The website to bookmark is, and Dataminr works best in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 The Dataminr mobile app (First Alert powered by Dataminr) is available for download from the Apple or Google Play app stores.

Looking forward to discussing this further with you tomorrow.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:37 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Absolutely. Andrew (copied) has something for you. Andrew can you reply with the on-boarding message you mentioned earlier?

We do recommend you hold off on sending it to him until we have this new account officially provisioned though. Tomorrow after our call at the latest.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:31 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Sure. In the meantime, can you or someone on your team re-send me the account set-up email.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 9:21 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein; Hector Guzman; Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Chief Moore Registration
Hi Matt,

I just wrapped up a call with Andrew and one of our Engineers to get the topics and impact levels better aligned. The improved list will be ready
today and we intended to talk through it with you tomorrow during our scheduled call. We want you to have all the information needed so
when you communicate with him and set up his account everything is crystal clear.

Getting Chief Moore on the mobile app will vastly improve his experience, so that's great you're going to set that up.

As for getting him officially set up, can we hold off until tomorrow? We believe is would be best to ensure you have everything you need prior
to talking to Chief Moore and getting his account going.

I appreciate the candor and opportunity.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 9:05 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Tim,

Chief Moore reaches out to me and asked me to have you guys resend the email with his registration information so he can set up his account.
To help streamline this, can you please send me the email and I will set up his account for him and get it installed on his phone.

As I’m sure you’re aware, this is the big test. That being said I want to make sure we have the product streamlined and ready for him. I know
you set up my account to mirror his, but I still have been getting quite a few miscellaneous notifications that are outside of his sphere. Aside
from that, send me the registration and I’ll get him set up. Thanks as always.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 8:22 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Chief Moore Registration

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt

In advance of our call this afternoon, I just updated your account only with our new settings. If you have a chance to login to the dashboard or mobile app
before the call it would be great. We will talk you through the settings on the call and then wait for your green light to deploy to the rest of the group.

Here a screenshot from the mobile app showing custom alert notifications for Officer Involved Shootings in Los Angeles:

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this pictu re
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In ternet.

Looking forward to speaking with you later.

Thank you,

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 4:40 PM Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thank you for all of your help building momentum with our trial!

We are very excited to have Chief Moore on First Alert and want to make sure we are only delivering valuable content. To that end, Tim and I have been
working with our Customer Success team to update your accounts based on the initial feedback you provided. Our goal is to limit the number of emails sent
while maximizing early awareness of situations via the mobile app.

Below are a few important updates, which we will go into greater detail tomorrow:

The executive staff will have the best possible user experience via the First Alert mobile app. The mobile app will send push notifications only for the highest
level incidents, while also making it very easy to view less impactful events without any emails. The mobile app will also have a dedicated screen for "Officer
Involved Shootings", which will make it easy for everyone to access in the moment as well as for historical reference.

Another feature, which we would like to turn on for everyone is our "alerts near me" functionality for the First Alert mobile app. This populates alerts in the app
and sends push notifications only for high level incidents based on proximity. We see this as something, which can provide direct value for the Chief as he likely
maintains a very full travel schedule. It doesn't send emails and only sends a push notification if a high level incident is alerted within a 1 mile radius of where
you are located and updates automatically as you move.

Here is the general language for the welcome email I would normally send when I turn an account on:

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr account is now active. Dataminr is a real-time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password or contact us to create one for you. Your username is
 The website to bookmark is, and Dataminr works best in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 The Dataminr mobile app (First Alert powered by Dataminr) is available for download from the Apple or Google Play app stores.

Looking forward to discussing this further with you tomorrow.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:37 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Absolutely. Andrew (copied) has something for you. Andrew can you reply with the on-boarding message you mentioned earlier?

We do recommend you hold off on sending it to him until we have this new account officially provisioned though. Tomorrow after our call at the latest.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:31 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Sure. In the meantime, can you or someone on your team re-send me the account set-up email.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 9:21 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein; Hector Guzman; Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Chief Moore Registration
Hi Matt,

I just wrapped up a call with Andrew and one of our Engineers to get the topics and impact levels better aligned. The improved list will be ready
today and we intended to talk through it with you tomorrow during our scheduled call. We want you to have all the information needed so
when you communicate with him and set up his account everything is crystal clear.

Getting Chief Moore on the mobile app will vastly improve his experience, so that's great you're going to set that up.

As for getting him officially set up, can we hold off until tomorrow? We believe is would be best to ensure you have everything you need prior to
talking to Chief Moore and getting his account going.

I appreciate the candor and opportunity.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 9:05 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Tim,

Chief Moore reaches out to me and asked me to have you guys resend the email with his registration information so he can set up his account.
To help streamline this, can you please send me the email and I will set up his account for him and get it installed on his phone.

As I’m sure you’re aware, this is the big test. That being said I want to make sure we have the product streamlined and ready for him. I know
you set up my account to mirror his, but I still have been getting quite a few miscellaneous notifications that are outside of his sphere. Aside
from that, send me the registration and I’ll get him set up. Thanks as always.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:41 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Chief Moore Registration

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Thank you for all of your help building momentum with our trial!

We are very excited to have Chief Moore on First Alert and want to make sure we are only delivering valuable content. To that end, Tim and I have been working
with our Customer Success team to update your accounts based on the initial feedback you provided. Our goal is to limit the number of emails sent while
maximizing early awareness of situations via the mobile app.

Below are a few important updates, which we will go into greater detail tomorrow:

The executive staff will have the best possible user experience via the First Alert mobile app. The mobile app will send push notifications only for the highest
level incidents, while also making it very easy to view less impactful events without any emails. The mobile app will also have a dedicated screen for "Officer
Involved Shootings", which will make it easy for everyone to access in the moment as well as for historical reference.

Another feature, which we would like to turn on for everyone is our "alerts near me" functionality for the First Alert mobile app. This populates alerts in the app
and sends push notifications only for high level incidents based on proximity. We see this as something, which can provide direct value for the Chief as he likely
maintains a very full travel schedule. It doesn't send emails and only sends a push notification if a high level incident is alerted within a 1 mile radius of where
you are located and updates automatically as you move.

Here is the general language for the welcome email I would normally send when I turn an account on:

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr account is now active. Dataminr is a real-time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts
about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password or contact us to create one for you. Your username is
 The website to bookmark is, and Dataminr works best in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 The Dataminr mobile app (First Alert powered by Dataminr) is available for download from the Apple or Google Play app stores.
Looking forward to discussing this further with you tomorrow.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:37 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Absolutely. Andrew (copied) has something for you. Andrew can you reply with the on-boarding message you mentioned earlier?

We do recommend you hold off on sending it to him until we have this new account officially provisioned though. Tomorrow after our call at the latest.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:31 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Sure. In the meantime, can you or someone on your team re-send me the account set-up email.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 9:21 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein; Hector Guzman; Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Chief Moore Registration

Hi Matt,

I just wrapped up a call with Andrew and one of our Engineers to get the topics and impact levels better aligned. The improved list will be ready
today and we intended to talk through it with you tomorrow during our scheduled call. We want you to have all the information needed so when
you communicate with him and set up his account everything is crystal clear.

Getting Chief Moore on the mobile app will vastly improve his experience, so that's great you're going to set that up.

As for getting him officially set up, can we hold off until tomorrow? We believe is would be best to ensure you have everything you need prior to
talking to Chief Moore and getting his account going.

I appreciate the candor and opportunity.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 9:05 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Good morning Tim,

Chief Moore reaches out to me and asked me to have you guys resend the email with his registration information so he can set up his account.
To help streamline this, can you please send me the email and I will set up his account for him and get it installed on his phone.

As I’m sure you’re aware, this is the big test. That being said I want to make sure we have the product streamlined and ready for him. I know you
set up my account to mirror his, but I still have been getting quite a few miscellaneous notifications that are outside of his sphere. Aside from
that, send me the registration and I’ll get him set up. Thanks as always.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 4:09 PM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: LAPD and Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Lt, I just left you a voicemail. Is there a good time I can try you tomorrow? or Wednesday?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 1:35 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

LT, I understand you're speaking with the Captain now, but wanted to see if there'd be a better time to reach you this afternoon or when you are out of training
(I believe your message said you'd be in for the rest of the week)?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 3:21 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Daniel, I want to follow up with you regarding my message below and ensure I'm doing my due diligence. I returned from Los Angeles last night after meeting
with the LAPD and Mayor's Office and would be happy to loop you in. Are you around for a phone call tomorrow or next week?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 9:25 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hello Daniel,

You met a colleague of mine that and their use of technology for real time situational awareness and recommended that I reach out to

My name is Tim Plunkett and I a part of our State and Local Government division that services local law enforcement and emergency management. Dataminr
if you are unfamiliar is a tech that provides real time updates for law enforcement pertinent information, collected from social media and other publicly
available information areas and pushes those notifications to users desktop, mobile device, and/or email.

I will be meeting with PIO Rubenstein and Chief Green next week and would appreciate an opportunity to introduce myself. Are you able to take a phone call
over the upcoming weeks or possibly around the morning of the 24th?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:46 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Officer-involved shooting in Bell Gardens, CA: Blog via Twitter.

Categories: responsive

Happy to help guys. I'm locked in on LA and CA. If you guys need anything or want to give me a call. Hopefully it's a calm week and there's nothing too heavy.

Good luck guys and enjoy your Thanksgiving.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 11:27 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Thank you for the proactiveness Tim.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 21, 2018, at 11:10 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes. Sheriff’s Area

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:02 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Officer-involved shooting in Bell Gardens, CA: Blog via Twitter.

I did see this. I think this may LASD jurisdiction however. Hector?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 21, 2018, at 10:46 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:27 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Officer-involved shooting in Bell Gardens, CA: Blog via Twitter.

Categories: responsive

Thank you for the proactiveness Tim.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 21, 2018, at 11:10 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes. Sheriff’s Area

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:02 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Officer-involved shooting in Bell Gardens, CA: Blog via Twitter.

I did see this. I think this may LASD jurisdiction however. Hector?

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:11 PM
To: Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Officer-involved shooting in Bell Gardens, CA: Blog via Twitter.

Categories: responsive

Yes. Sheriff’s Area

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:02 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Officer-involved shooting in Bell Gardens, CA: Blog via Twitter.

I did see this. I think this may LASD jurisdiction however. Hector?


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 21, 2018, at 10:46 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

From: Amy Albanese <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 5:57 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: First Alert Adjustments

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Thank you for your email.

As for Josh, during our call today it was mentioned to update Josh as part of the new settings discussed for the team (Hector's new settings were applied to the
whole team except for you). I went ahead and reverted Josh back to his old settings for now - if he needs further changes, please let me know.

As for your account, I double-checked and you should only be receiving Flash level emails. If you have received a non-flash email, please let me know. If you have
not logged out of the application and logged back in, you may need to do to see those settings apply.

The executive "stencil" that was applied to your account will still include lower level notifications when you log into the dashboard or mobile app. I can always
adjust your settings in the panes to only see flash level events if you will be logging into the dashboard. If I adjust your dashboard to see Flash level notifications
only, the panes will be mostly empty.

As for the mobile app, you can adjust the alert delivery settings by clicking the gear icon in the lower right corner (you can choose to only get push notifications
for Flash).

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Thank you!


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Amy Albanese
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 8:25 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:


I think there might have been a mix-up. Since this afternoon I am actually receiving more notifications on topics way outside of what we discussed this
afternoon. I also got a call from our Public Information Director (Josh Rubenstein) and he too has been receiving many many more notifications than usual. Is
there any way to verify the settings on our accounts? Thank you as always for your efforts.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 19, 2018, at 1:34 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Awesome. Thank you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Amy Albanese <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:00 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: First Alert Adjustments

Hello Matt and Hector,

It was wonderful speaking with you both this afternoon.

I have adjusted Matt's account to be stenciled exactly as we have the Chiefs' accounts setup.

In addition, I have adjusted Hector's account, along with the rest of your team, to reduce the amount of fire and traffic notifications coming

If you have any questions, please let me know.



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Amy Albanese
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 5:25 PM
To: Amy Albanese
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Joshua Rubenstein;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: First Alert Adjustments

Categories: responsive


I think there might have been a mix-up. Since this afternoon I am actually receiving more notifications on topics way outside of what we discussed this
afternoon. I also got a call from our Public Information Director (Josh Rubenstein) and he too has been receiving many many more notifications than usual. Is
there any way to verify the settings on our accounts? Thank you as always for your efforts.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 19, 2018, at 1:34 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Awesome. Thank you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Amy Albanese <>

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:00 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman

Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: First Alert Adjustments

Hello Matt and Hector,

It was wonderful speaking with you both this afternoon.

I have adjusted Matt's account to be stenciled exactly as we have the Chiefs' accounts setup.

In addition, I have adjusted Hector's account, along with the rest of your team, to reduce the amount of fire and traffic notifications coming

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Amy Albanese
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:34 PM
To: Amy Albanese;Mathew Rejis
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: First Alert Adjustments

Categories: responsive

Awesome. Thank you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Amy Albanese <>

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:00 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: First Alert Adjustments

Hello Matt and Hector,

It was wonderful speaking with you both this afternoon.

I have adjusted Matt's account to be stenciled exactly as we have the Chiefs' accounts setup.

In addition, I have adjusted Hector's account, along with the rest of your team, to reduce the amount of fire and traffic notifications coming through.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Amy Albanese
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 6:43 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman;Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive

I just sent out a calendar invite, with a call bridge, so tap that number in the cal invite.

Thanks guys,

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 10:09 PM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

12pm works


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 8:34 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

That should work

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:05 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

are you guys available between 11am and 2pm? If so, let me know what time is best and I'll send out a calendar invite and call bridge.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 6:25 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Let us know what time(s) work for you


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:21 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

I’m available.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 4:51 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings

Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t
reach the highest impact of alerts.

Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?




Tim Plunkett

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 10:09 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive

12pm works


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 8:34 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

That should work

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:05 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

are you guys available between 11am and 2pm? If so, let me know what time is best and I'll send out a calendar invite and call bridge.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 6:25 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Let us know what time(s) work for you


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:21 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

I’m available.

Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 4:51 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings

Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t reach
the highest impact of alerts.

Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?



Tim Plunkett

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:35 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive

That should work

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:05 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

are you guys available between 11am and 2pm? If so, let me know what time is best and I'll send out a calendar invite and call bridge.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 6:25 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Let us know what time(s) work for you


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:21 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

I’m available.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 4:51 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings

Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t reach the highest
impact of alerts.

Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?




Tim Plunkett

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:05 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive

are you guys available between 11am and 2pm? If so, let me know what time is best and I'll send out a calendar invite and call bridge.

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protect y our
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 6:25 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Let us know what time(s) work for you


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:21 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

I’m available.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 4:51 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings
Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t reach the highest
impact of alerts.

Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?




Tim Plunkett

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:25 PM
To: Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive


Let us know what time(s) work for you


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Mathew Rejis <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:21 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett; Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

I’m available.


Mathew Rejis

Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 4:51 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings

Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t reach the
highest impact of alerts.
Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?




Tim Plunkett

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:21 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett;Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive

I’m available.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Nov 18, 2018, at 4:51 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:


Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings

Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t reach the highest
impact of alerts.

Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?




Tim Plunkett

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:51 PM
To: Tim Plunkett;Mathew Rejis
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Re: Officer involved shootings

Categories: responsive


Matt, what’s your schedule like so you can join in?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Amy Albanese
Subject: Officer involved shootings

Hey guys, a couple officer involved shootings that didn’t reach “Flash” status, so the Chiefs didn’t see these as they didn’t reach the highest impact of alerts.

Hector, have time for a quick call tomorrow afternoon?


Tim Plunkett

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:59 AM
To: Amy Albanese;Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis
Cc: Paul Tierney;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr Pilot

Categories: responsive

Always appreciate your prompt response. Thank you so much and enjoy your weekend

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Amy Albanese <>

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 7:51 AM
To: Hector Guzman; Joshua Rubenstein; Mathew Rejis
Cc: Paul Tierney; Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr Pilot

Hello Hector, Matt, and Josh,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for the feedback about the content you are receiving - great to hear that the LMU incident turned out to be a prank.

I have adjusted your accounts to receive less information regarding low-level fire or traffic incidents. We did have the "traffic" topic turned off for you all;
however, our "emergency response" topic can also capture some of these incidents. I changed the "LA County Situational Awareness" topic list to a higher
priority level - this means, you will only get higher level or more impactful traffic or fire incident information that surfaces from within the emergency response

If you feel you are still getting too much information, I can continue to make changes until we find a level that is just right for you.

As for the Jaden Smith alert, this was an error with how the technology classified the alert. We are continually working to refine our technology to capture
content in a specific way. These types of errors are pretty rare, but if you do come across any alerts that seem out of place, please let us know.

Please feel free to email me directly with any requests to further adjust your accounts.
Thank you!


Amy Albanese
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 4:02 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Hector and Amy,

Let's jump on a quick call on Monday to discuss the topic lists we have. What time is good for you? Amy, can you remove the "traffic" topic for Hector, Matt,
and Josh?

I saw the Jaden Smith alert as well and thought it was odd. It may have been a topic error is my guess. I'm copying Amy on this that may be able to give us a
more clear answer on why that slipped though. We did provision the Chief's accounts this week but tapered those back so much that they are only going to get
the highest of impact emergency alerts and those only pertaining to public safety. Jaden Smith's nonsense is not of high impact value to anyone, let alone you

As for the fire and traffic stuff, we can look at that as well. The fire stuff is included in emergency related topics, so some of that stuff you will get, but the traffic
alerts we can axe. Let's see what Amy comes back with and go from there.

I'm really happy to hear that the LMU incident was not real and that we helped you debunk that quickly.

If you guys hear any feedback from the Chief's we'd love to hear what they're saying, but hopefully we all (the state of CA) get a bit of break from extreme
emergencies for a while.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention and as always please do reach out.

Tim Plunkett

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 11:52 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


I’m not sure if our settings got changed but I noticed I started getting more fire & traffic related info. I think I can speak for both Matt and myself, that unless
it’s a large-scale incident happening in the City of Los Angeles, small-scale fire & traffic incidents don’t necessarily affect us. I’ll attach screenshots of some of
the notifications I’m referring to.

Apart from that, it’s been amazing. There was an incident of a possible active shooter at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) that ended up being a prank, but
we were able to jump on it within minutes. Guess how we became aware of it? Yup, Dataminr.

Thanks for everything and if you like I would be more than glad to jump on a call and go over the alerts/notifications I’m getting and let your team know which
we benefit from and which we could do without.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Amy Albanese <>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 7:52 AM
To: Hector Guzman;Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis
Cc: Paul Tierney;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Dataminr Pilot

Categories: responsive

Hello Hector, Matt, and Josh,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for the feedback about the content you are receiving - great to hear that the LMU incident turned out to be a prank.

I have adjusted your accounts to receive less information regarding low-level fire or traffic incidents. We did have the "traffic" topic turned off for you all;
however, our "emergency response" topic can also capture some of these incidents. I changed the "LA County Situational Awareness" topic list to a higher
priority level - this means, you will only get higher level or more impactful traffic or fire incident information that surfaces from within the emergency response

If you feel you are still getting too much information, I can continue to make changes until we find a level that is just right for you.

As for the Jaden Smith alert, this was an error with how the technology classified the alert. We are continually working to refine our technology to capture
content in a specific way. These types of errors are pretty rare, but if you do come across any alerts that seem out of place, please let us know.

Please feel free to email me directly with any requests to further adjust your accounts.

Thank you!


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Amy Albanese
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1

Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 4:02 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Hector and Amy,

Let's jump on a quick call on Monday to discuss the topic lists we have. What time is good for you? Amy, can you remove the "traffic" topic for Hector, Matt,
and Josh?

I saw the Jaden Smith alert as well and thought it was odd. It may have been a topic error is my guess. I'm copying Amy on this that may be able to give us a
more clear answer on why that slipped though. We did provision the Chief's accounts this week but tapered those back so much that they are only going to get
the highest of impact emergency alerts and those only pertaining to public safety. Jaden Smith's nonsense is not of high impact value to anyone, let alone you

As for the fire and traffic stuff, we can look at that as well. The fire stuff is included in emergency related topics, so some of that stuff you will get, but the traffic
alerts we can axe. Let's see what Amy comes back with and go from there.

I'm really happy to hear that the LMU incident was not real and that we helped you debunk that quickly.

If you guys hear any feedback from the Chief's we'd love to hear what they're saying, but hopefully we all (the state of CA) get a bit of break from extreme
emergencies for a while.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention and as always please do reach out.

Tim Plunkett

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 11:52 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


I’m not sure if our settings got changed but I noticed I started getting more fire & traffic related info. I think I can speak for both Matt and myself, that unless
it’s a large-scale incident happening in the City of Los Angeles, small-scale fire & traffic incidents don’t necessarily affect us. I’ll attach screenshots of some of
the notifications I’m referring to.

Apart from that, it’s been amazing. There was an incident of a possible active shooter at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) that ended up being a prank, but
we were able to jump on it within minutes. Guess how we became aware of it? Yup, Dataminr.

Thanks for everything and if you like I would be more than glad to jump on a call and go over the alerts/notifications I’m getting and let your team know which
we benefit from and which we could do without.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 1:02 PM
To: Hector Guzman;Amy Albanese
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis;Paul Tierney
Subject: Re: Dataminr Pilot
Attachments: Image-1.png

Categories: responsive

Hello Hector and Amy,

Let's jump on a quick call on Monday to discuss the topic lists we have. What time is good for you? Amy, can you remove the "traffic" topic for Hector, Matt, and

I saw the Jaden Smith alert as well and thought it was odd. It may have been a topic error is my guess. I'm copying Amy on this that may be able to give us a
more clear answer on why that slipped though. We did provision the Chief's accounts this week but tapered those back so much that they are only going to get
the highest of impact emergency alerts and those only pertaining to public safety. Jaden Smith's nonsense is not of high impact value to anyone, let alone you

As for the fire and traffic stuff, we can look at that as well. The fire stuff is included in emergency related topics, so some of that stuff you will get, but the traffic
alerts we can axe. Let's see what Amy comes back with and go from there.

I'm really happy to hear that the LMU incident was not real and that we helped you debunk that quickly.

If you guys hear any feedback from the Chief's we'd love to hear what they're saying, but hopefully we all (the state of CA) get a bit of break from extreme
emergencies for a while.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention and as always please do reach out.

Tim Plunkett

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 11:52 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:


I’m not sure if our settings got changed but I noticed I started getting more fire & traffic related info. I think I can speak for both Matt and myself, that unless
it’s a large-scale incident happening in the City of Los Angeles, small-scale fire & traffic incidents don’t necessarily affect us. I’ll attach screenshots of some of
the notifications I’m referring to.

Apart from that, it’s been amazing. There was an incident of a possible active shooter at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) that ended up being a prank, but
we were able to jump on it within minutes. Guess how we became aware of it? Yup, Dataminr.

Thanks for everything and if you like I would be more than glad to jump on a call and go over the alerts/notifications I’m getting and let your team know which
we benefit from and which we could do without.


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Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 11:52 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Joshua Rubenstein;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Dataminr Pilot

Categories: responsive


I’m not sure if our settings got changed but I noticed I started getting more fire & traffic related info. I think I can speak for both Matt and myself, that
unless it’s a large-scale incident happening in the City of Los Angeles, small-scale fire & traffic incidents don’t necessarily affect us. I’ll attach
screenshots of some of the notifications I’m referring to.

Apart from that, it’s been amazing. There was an incident of a possible active shooter at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) that ended up being a
prank, but we were able to jump on it within minutes. Guess how we became aware of it? Yup, Dataminr.

Thanks for everything and if you like I would be more than glad to jump on a call and go over the alerts/notifications I’m getting and let your team
know which we benefit from and which we could do without.


Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

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Contact Us for General & Sales Inquiries or Customer Support

Our address is:

6 E 32nd Street, Floor 2, New York, NY 10016

© 2017 Dataminr. All rights reserved.


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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 1:36 PM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: LAPD and Dataminr

Categories: responsive

LT, I understand you're speaking with the Captain now, but wanted to see if there'd be a better time to reach you this afternoon or when you are out of training
(I believe your message said you'd be in for the rest of the week)?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 3:21 PM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Daniel, I want to follow up with you regarding my message below and ensure I'm doing my due diligence. I returned from Los Angeles last night after meeting
with the LAPD and Mayor's Office and would be happy to loop you in. Are you around for a phone call tomorrow or next week?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 9:25 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Daniel,

You met a colleague of mine that works with the and their use of technology for real time situational awareness and recommended that I reach out to

My name is Tim Plunkett and I a part of our State and Local Government division that services local law enforcement and emergency management. Dataminr if
you are unfamiliar is a tech that provides real time updates for law enforcement pertinent information, collected from social media and other publicly
available information areas and pushes those notifications to users desktop, mobile device, and/or email.

I will be meeting with PIO Rubenstein and Chief Green next week and would appreciate an opportunity to introduce myself. Are you able to take a phone call
over the upcoming weeks or possibly around the morning of the 24th?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 3:21 PM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: Re: LAPD and Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Daniel, I want to follow up with you regarding my message below and ensure I'm doing my due diligence. I returned from Los Angeles last night after meeting
with the LAPD and Mayor's Office and would be happy to loop you in. Are you around for a phone call tomorrow or next week?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 9:25 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hello Daniel,

You met a colleague of mine that works with the and their use of technology for real time situational awareness and recommended that I reach out to

My name is Tim Plunkett and I a part of our State and Local Government division that services local law enforcement and emergency management. Dataminr if
you are unfamiliar is a tech that provides real time updates for law enforcement pertinent information, collected from social media and other publicly available
information areas and pushes those notifications to users desktop, mobile device, and/or email.

I will be meeting with PIO Rubenstein and Chief Green next week and would appreciate an opportunity to introduce myself. Are you able to take a phone call
over the upcoming weeks or possibly around the morning of the 24th?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 4:29 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

That’s great! See you tomorrow.

Tim Plunkett

On Oct 23, 2018, at 4:19 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Both Matt and myself should be there

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 10:19:16 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

I don’t believe so but I can double check

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 9:30:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Hector, I really appreciate it.

Any chance you and/or Matt are going to be in the meeting tomorrow?

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 10:02 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

The link ed
image can not
be d isplay ed.
The file may
hav e been
mov ed,
ren amed, or
Verify that
the link
points to the
correct file
and location.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:00:52 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

No. That was an Officer-Involved Shooting. But that was first put on my radar by Dataminr as well. The Champs Charter High shooting was on
September 20

Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident
or another one? I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


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protect y our
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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were
first alerted to by Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911
was busy. Dataminr alerted us to that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and
would love to mention any specifics.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First
Alert. I recall you telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents
that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


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protect y our
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auto matic
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this pictu re
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 4:20 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

Both Matt and myself should be there

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 10:19:16 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

I don’t believe so but I can double check

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 9:30:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Hector, I really appreciate it.

Any chance you and/or Matt are going to be in the meeting tomorrow?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 10:02 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

The link ed
image can not
be d isplay ed.
The file may
hav e been
mov ed,
ren amed, or
Verify that
the link
points to the
correct file
and location.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:00:52 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

No. That was an Officer-Involved Shooting. But that was first put on my radar by Dataminr as well. The Champs Charter High shooting was on September 20

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident or another one?
I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to
by Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us
to that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 10:19 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

I don’t believe so but I can double check

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 9:30:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Hector, I really appreciate it.

Any chance you and/or Matt are going to be in the meeting tomorrow?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 10:02 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

The link ed
image can not
be d isplay ed.
The file may
hav e been
mov ed,
ren amed, or
Verify that
the link
points to the
correct file
and location.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:00:52 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

No. That was an Officer-Involved Shooting. But that was first put on my radar by Dataminr as well. The Champs Charter High shooting was on September 20

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident or another one?
I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to
by Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us
to that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 9:31 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question
Attachments: Image-8.png

Categories: responsive

Thanks Hector, I really appreciate it.

Any chance you and/or Matt are going to be in the meeting tomorrow?

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 10:02 AM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

The link ed
image can not
be d isplay ed.
The file may
hav e been
mov ed,
ren amed, or
Verify that
the link
points to the
correct file
and location.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:00:52 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

No. That was an Officer-Involved Shooting. But that was first put on my radar by Dataminr as well. The Champs Charter High shooting was on September 20

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident or another one?
I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
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In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to
by Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us
to that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:02 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:00:52 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

No. That was an Officer-Involved Shooting. But that was first put on my radar by Dataminr as well. The Champs Charter High shooting was on September 20

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident or another one?
I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to by
Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us to
that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:01 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

No. That was an Officer-Involved Shooting. But that was first put on my radar by Dataminr as well. The Champs Charter High shooting was on September 20

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident or another one?
I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:
There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to by
Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us to
that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:58 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

Hi Hector,

Was the Van Nuys shooting on 13,500 block of Sherman Way in Van Nuys?

And the instance you mentioned with the "community member" getting a busy signal from 911 and posting online, was that the same incident or another one?
I'm asking because I'd like to dig up those alerts and show them to Chief. Or if you have them handy.


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Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to by
Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us to
that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.
Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:
There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:30 AM
To: Brian Bixler
Subject: LAPD and Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hello Brian,

My name is Tim Plunkett and you recently had a conversation with a colleague of mine Kat Faley (at IACP I believe) about technology being used to capture
indications of an emergency or . She recommended that I follow up with you and was wondering if you'd be around for a phone call over the
upcoming weeks to discuss how the is using Dataminr to have those earliest alerts of a citizen posting on social media about something they are seeing?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:25 AM
To: Daniel Gomez
Subject: LAPD and Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hello Daniel,

You met a colleague of mine that works with the and their use of technology for real time situational awareness and recommended that I reach out to

My name is Tim Plunkett and I a part of our State and Local Government division that services local law enforcement and emergency management. Dataminr if
you are unfamiliar is a tech that provides real time updates for law enforcement pertinent information, collected from social media and other publicly available
information areas and pushes those notifications to users desktop, mobile device, and/or email.

I will be meeting with PIO Rubenstein and Chief Green next week and would appreciate an opportunity to introduce myself. Are you able to take a phone call
over the upcoming weeks or possibly around the morning of the 24th?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 4:17 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

That's very helpful Hector. I'll be prepping for our meeting over the upcoming days and will let you know if there is anything else we need. Otherwise, I really
appreciate the help and will keep you guys in the loop.

Have a great night and stay safe.

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 3:30 PM Hector Guzman <> wrote:

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to by
Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us to
that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.

Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 12:31 PM
To: Tim Plunkett;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Quick question

Categories: responsive

There’s been a bunch. Off the top of my head that we were first alerted to by
Dataminr. Also, there was a community member who jumped on social media trying to report a shooting in progress but 911 was busy. Dataminr alerted us to
that and we were able to respond to them within minutes.

Let me know if you need more and I can dig through our alerts and find some more


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:55:09 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Quick question

Thanks Matthew.

Hector, I was wondering which recent incidents Dataminr added some value for you? I'm meeting with Josh and Chief Green next week and would love to
mention any specifics.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:08 AM Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

There have been a couple. Let me rope in my colleague Sergeant Guzman and see what we can come up with for you.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:48 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are meeting next week with Josh and Chief Green and was hoping to get a little insight from you on your usage of First Alert. I recall you
telling us that the Trader Joe's incident was a big help, but have there been any other recent(ish) incidents that First Alert was a help to you?

Also, have you heard from Chief Green on how his experience with the trial has been?


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 1:33 PM
To: Robert Green
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Tim Plunkett
Subject: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Chief Green,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public
safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application (First Alert powered by Dataminr) from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer you a trial account. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you have as you begin to receive notifications. We can
easily make updates to your account as you get a sense for the type of content you would like to receive.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we're looking forward to working with you.

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content

Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:01 AM
To: Blake Chow
Subject: Re: Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Commander, I want to bubble this back up in your inbox as I'm sure you're a busy man. If now is not a good time to connect is there a better time I should check
back with you?

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:10 AM Tim Plunkett <> wrote:

Commander, I want to follow up with you regarding my message below and when would be the best time to set up a phone call to discuss the use of Dataminr
at the LAPD. There are about a dozen officers using Dataminr today on trial and are reporting back some tremendous feedback; specifically during the Trader
Joe's incident. As a quick refresher on what Dataminr is, it's a technology that discovers those earliest indicators of an emergency in publicly available places on-
line (social media, blogs, dark web, sensory sites, etc).

Are you available for a phone call next week? If so, let me know a good day/time to reach you.

Tim Plunkett
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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hello Blake,

Vince Stacey referred you as the one to speak with about Dataminr. The feedback we're getting from those trialing is very positive and we'd love a chance to
introduce ourselves to you and see how we can best support your mission.

Is there a day/time over the upcoming weeks that you can take a phone call? Let me know what works for you and I'll accommodate.


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Tim Plunkett

Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:48 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Categories: responsive

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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 12:26 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Just got a hold of Detective Chen. He stated he will loop back with you and CC me as well for any need on a Q&A session


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:25 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

is who my colleague previously worked with but I have been unable to reach him.


Tim Plunkett
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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:21 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Can you remind me who at the is involved with Dataminr? If you can give me a name and number I can reach out.


Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:12 AM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Hey guys, I want to follow up here and see if it would be possible to get 30 minutes on the calendar over the upcoming weeks for a quick training and Q&A
session for you and the team?
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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hi Matt and Hector,

Do you guys think it would be worth your while to do a virtual demo/Q&A? Andrew and I are happy to set that up and ensure everything is set the way you
want it and are aware of all the capabilities and new releases.

If you're open to the idea, we'd love to include the guys and would want to know what the best way to set that up is. I can reach out to them via email or
take your direction on what/how you think we should best set this up.
I'll wait to hear what you think is best.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:26 PM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Categories: responsive


Just got a hold of Detective Chen. He stated he will loop back with you and CC me as well for any need on a Q&A session


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:25 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston; Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

is who my colleague previously worked with but I have been unable to reach him.


Tim Plunkett

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:21 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Can you remind me who at the is involved with Dataminr? If you can give me a name and number I can reach out.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:12 AM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Hey guys, I want to follow up here and see if it would be possible to get 30 minutes on the calendar over the upcoming weeks for a quick training and Q&A
session for you and the team?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hi Matt and Hector,

Do you guys think it would be worth your while to do a virtual demo/Q&A? Andrew and I are happy to set that up and ensure everything is set the way you
want it and are aware of all the capabilities and new releases.

If you're open to the idea, we'd love to include the guys and would want to know what the best way to set that up is. I can reach out to them via email or
take your direction on what/how you think we should best set this up.

I'll wait to hear what you think is best.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:26 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Categories: responsive

is who my colleague previously worked with but I have been unable to reach him.


Tim Plunkett
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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:21 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Can you remind me who at the is involved with Dataminr? If you can give me a name and number I can reach out.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:12 AM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Hey guys, I want to follow up here and see if it would be possible to get 30 minutes on the calendar over the upcoming weeks for a quick training and Q&A
session for you and the team?
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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hi Matt and Hector,

Do you guys think it would be worth your while to do a virtual demo/Q&A? Andrew and I are happy to set that up and ensure everything is set the way you
want it and are aware of all the capabilities and new releases.

If you're open to the idea, we'd love to include the guys and would want to know what the best way to set that up is. I can reach out to them via email or
take your direction on what/how you think we should best set this up.

I'll wait to hear what you think is best.


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Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:22 AM
To: Tim Plunkett
Cc: Andrew Johnston;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Categories: responsive


Can you remind me who at the is involved with Dataminr? If you can give me a name and number I can reach out.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Tim Plunkett <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:12 AM
To: Mathew Rejis; Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr session

Hey guys, I want to follow up here and see if it would be possible to get 30 minutes on the calendar over the upcoming weeks for a quick training and Q&A
session for you and the team?

Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hi Matt and Hector,

Do you guys think it would be worth your while to do a virtual demo/Q&A? Andrew and I are happy to set that up and ensure everything is set the way you
want it and are aware of all the capabilities and new releases.

If you're open to the idea, we'd love to include the guys and would want to know what the best way to set that up is. I can reach out to them via email or
take your direction on what/how you think we should best set this up.

I'll wait to hear what you think is best.


Tim Plunkett
Account Executive - State and Local Government
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

From: Tim Plunkett <>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 10:10 AM
To: Blake Chow
Subject: Re: Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Commander, I want to follow up with you regarding my message below and when would be the best time to set up a phone call to discuss the use of Dataminr at
the LAPD. There are about a dozen officers using Dataminr today on trial and are reporting back some tremendous feedback; specifically during the Trader Joe's
incident. As a quick refresher on what Dataminr is, it's a technology that discovers those earliest indicators of an emergency in publicly available places on-line
(social media, blogs, dark web, sensory sites, etc).

Are you available for a phone call next week? If so, let me know a good day/time to reach you.


Tim Plunkett
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Account Executive - State and Local Government
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Arlington, VA 22201

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On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Tim Plunkett <> wrote:
Hello Blake,
Vince Stacey referred you as the one to speak with about Dataminr. The feedback we're getting from those trialing is very positive and we'd love a chance to
introduce ourselves to you and see how we can best support your mission.

Is there a day/time over the upcoming weeks that you can take a phone call? Let me know what works for you and I'll accommodate.


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Account Executive - State and Local Government
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2101 Wilson Boulevard, Ste 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

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From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 7:38 AM
To: Andrew Johnston;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive

Thanks. Be sure to let us know a couple dates your thinking for an in-person meeting.

Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 10, 2018, at 5:45 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Sorry about that. I thought the “n” was a type-o. I’ll update ASAP.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 9, 2018, at 6:45 PM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Mr Rubenstein’s email is


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 9, 2018, at 12:48 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Mr. Rubenstein

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that
will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways
to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission
more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are excited to get an in person briefing on your calendar


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Joshua Rubenstein
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 7:26 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Hector Guzman;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive


Hector and Matt keep raving about your service. I am looking forward to giving it a test drive! I look forward to connecting with you thank you.


Get Outlook for iOS

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 7:24:15 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Cc: Hector Guzman; Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr Account

Good Morning Mr. Rubenstein,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about
public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are excited to get an in person briefing on your calendar soon!


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 7:24 AM
To: Joshua Rubenstein
Cc: Hector Guzman;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Mr. Rubenstein,

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about
public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are excited to get an in person briefing on your calendar soon!

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 5:44 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc:;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

Sorry about that. I thought the “n” was a type-o. I’ll update ASAP.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 9, 2018, at 6:45 PM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Mr Rubenstein’s email is


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 9, 2018, at 12:48 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Mr. Rubenstein

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with
breaking news alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Your username is Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the
tool or incidents that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are excited to get an in person briefing on your calendar soon!

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 3:45 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc:;Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive

Mr Rubenstein’s email is


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 9, 2018, at 12:48 PM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Mr. Rubenstein

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news
alerts via email about public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Your username is . Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents
that Dataminr notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are excited to get an in person briefing on your calendar soon!

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 12:48 PM
Cc: Hector Guzman;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Dataminr Account

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon Mr. Rubenstein

I am pleased to let you know that your Dataminr First Alert account is now active. Dataminr is a real time alerting platform that will provide you with breaking news alerts via email about
public safety incidents in Los Angeles.

Below is more information about your Dataminr account:

 Your username is . Please follow the "Welcome to Dataminr" email to create a permanent password.
 To log in, open in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
 Download the mobile application from the Apple or Google Play app stores. Log in using the above credentials.

We greatly value your feedback on the product. Please share your Dataminr experience with us, including ways to improve the tool or incidents that Dataminr
notified you of which helped you support your agency's mission more effectively.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are excited to get an in person briefing on your calendar soon!

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content

Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 6:32 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Categories: responsive

Sounds good. Thanks again and will definitely circle back with feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 6:03:27 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis; Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Good Morning Hector,

All of your existing account settings will be migrated and your current email/password will continue to work.

You will need to download the First Alert app, which can be found by searching for “Dataminr” in the app stores.

We will be adding an account for Director Rubenstein when we do the migration.

Looking forward to hearing feedback!

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 8, 2018, at 5:46 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Thank you. Excited to demo the new product. Same log in as Dataminr? Do we need to do anything with our existing Dataminr account/app?

Will Director Josh Rubenstein also have access to demo this new product?


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 1:36 PM
To: Stephen Chen; Lawrence Koreen; Lee Ann Jones; Linda Peace; Kurt Wong; Jason Veiga; Jeffrey Brugger; Lynette Veazie; Mathew Rejis; Greg
Kraft; Lizeth Lomeli; Tony Kuey; Jeffrey Lee; Hector Guzman; Carlos Zaragoza; Sean Malinowski
Subject: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Good Afternoon LAPD Team,

I am writing to inform you of exciting new enhancements to your Dataminr account! On Thursday, August 9th, your capabilities will
be upgraded. Starting at 1 PM PDT tomorrow, you may access your upgraded Dataminr product at:

Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you,


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 6:03 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Hector,

All of your existing account settings will be migrated and your current email/password will continue to work.

You will need to download the First Alert app, which can be found by searching for “Dataminr” in the app stores.

We will be adding an account for Director Rubenstein when we do the migration.

Looking forward to hearing feedback!

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 8, 2018, at 5:46 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Thank you. Excited to demo the new product. Same log in as Dataminr? Do we need to do anything with our existing Dataminr account/app?

Will Director Josh Rubenstein also have access to demo this new product?


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 1:36 PM

To: Stephen Chen; Lawrence Koreen; Lee Ann Jones; Linda Peace; Kurt Wong; Jason Veiga; Jeffrey Brugger; Lynette Veazie; Mathew Rejis; Greg
Kraft; Lizeth Lomeli; Tony Kuey; Jeffrey Lee; Hector Guzman; Carlos Zaragoza; Sean Malinowski
Subject: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Good Afternoon LAPD Team,

I am writing to inform you of exciting new enhancements to your Dataminr account! On Thursday, August 9th, your capabilities will
be upgraded. Starting at 1 PM PDT tomorrow, you may access your upgraded Dataminr product at:

Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 2:47 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Mathew Rejis;Joshua Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Categories: responsive

Thank you. Excited to demo the new product. Same log in as Dataminr? Do we need to do anything with our existing Dataminr account/app?

Will Director Josh Rubenstein also have access to demo this new product?


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 1:36 PM
To: Stephen Chen; Lawrence Koreen; Lee Ann Jones; Linda Peace; Kurt Wong; Jason Veiga; Jeffrey Brugger; Lynette Veazie; Mathew Rejis; Greg Kraft; Lizeth
Lomeli; Tony Kuey; Jeffrey Lee; Hector Guzman; Carlos Zaragoza; Sean Malinowski
Subject: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Good Afternoon LAPD Team,

I am writing to inform you of exciting new enhancements to your Dataminr account! On Thursday, August 9th, your capabilities will be upgraded.
Starting at 1 PM PDT tomorrow, you may access your upgraded Dataminr product at:

Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 1:36 PM
To: Stephen Chen;Lawrence Koreen;Lee Ann Jones;Linda Peace;Kurt Wong;Jason Veiga;Jeffrey Brugger;Lynette Veazie;Mathew Rejis;Greg Kraft;Lizeth Lomeli;Tony
Kuey;Jeffrey Lee;Hector Guzman;Carlos Zaragoza;Sean Malinowski
Subject: Dataminr: Introducing First Alert

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon LAPD Team,

I am writing to inform you of exciting new enhancements to your Dataminr account! On Thursday, August 9th, your capabilities will be upgraded.
Starting at 1 PM PDT tomorrow, you may access your upgraded Dataminr product at:

Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you,
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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 12:45 PM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Hi Matt,

It was great talking to you and Hector. We really appreciate your positive feedback and look forward to hearing more after the First Alert update next week.

I am working on coordinating dates with our SVP, Paul Tierney, who would love a chance to join a meeting downtown with Mr. Rubenstein and Chief Girmala. I
will be in touch early next week.

Thank you,
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On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 4:42 PM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

Great touching base. Me. Rubenstein is excited to try out the new platform. He also expressed interest in having you and your team out to our Downtown LA
Headquarters to meet with both him and the Assistant Chief in charge of our Office of Special Operations (S.W.A.T., Major Crimes Division etc)- Chief Bea
Girmala. Let’s work on getting a date for that meeting locked in within the next couple weeks.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 2, 2018, at 8:06 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Hector,

Thank you. I updated the meeting to 1 PM.


On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 6:39 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure thing. Whatever works best for you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:37:06 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Hector and Matt,

Are you available to move our meeting up today? I accidentally double booked myself.

Are you free at 1130 or 1 PST?

Sorry for the last minute change.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 1, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.

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On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?

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On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer
Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get
access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get
the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
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6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social
To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 1:43 PM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Great touching base. Me. Rubenstein is excited to try out the new platform. He also expressed interest in having you and your team out to our Downtown LA
Headquarters to meet with both him and the Assistant Chief in charge of our Office of Special Operations (S.W.A.T., Major Crimes Division etc)- Chief Bea
Girmala. Let’s work on getting a date for that meeting locked in within the next couple weeks.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 2, 2018, at 8:06 AM, Andrew Johnston <> wrote:

Good Morning Hector,

Thank you. I updated the meeting to 1 PM.


On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 6:39 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure thing. Whatever works best for you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit

Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:37:06 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Hector and Matt,

Are you available to move our meeting up today? I accidentally double booked myself.

Are you free at 1130 or 1 PST?

Sorry for the last minute change.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 1, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer
Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access
to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo
access again.
His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 8:06 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Hector,

Thank you. I updated the meeting to 1 PM.


On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 6:39 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure thing. Whatever works best for you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:37:06 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Hector and Matt,

Are you available to move our meeting up today? I accidentally double booked myself.

Are you free at 1130 or 1 PST?

Sorry for the last minute change.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 1, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who
might join us on the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo
version. I thought he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented

auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:39 AM
To: Andrew Johnston;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Sure thing. Whatever works best for you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:37:06 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Hector and Matt,

Are you available to move our meeting up today? I accidentally double booked myself.

Are you free at 1130 or 1 PST?

Sorry for the last minute change.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 1, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.

Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who
might join us on the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo
version. I thought he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:37 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Hector and Matt,

Are you available to move our meeting up today? I accidentally double booked myself.

Are you free at 1130 or 1 PST?

Sorry for the last minute change.

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston

On Aug 1, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?
To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who
might join us on the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo
version. I thought he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented

auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 7:12 AM
To: Mathew Rejis
Cc: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Great, Thank you!

Just sent a meeting invite with a dial in.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:59 AM, Mathew Rejis <> wrote:

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on
the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought
he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented

auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies

How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Mathew Rejis
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 7:00 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

A call tomorrow at 4pm should work for me as well.


Mathew Rejis
Strategic Communications Officer
Serial No. 40875
Public Communications Group
Los Angeles Police Department
100 W. 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: 213.486.0139

On Aug 1, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on
the call if his schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought
he was on the initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1

Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:57 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Cc: Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Yes Thursday at 4pm works.


See email thread below and let us know if your schedule allows you to join the call.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:54 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM

To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his
schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access

To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the
initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:55 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Yes, I'm on the West Coast this week.

To help To help
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download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his
schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the
initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented

auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

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Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:52 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Is that Pacific time?

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:50:59 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?

The link ed
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On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his
schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM

To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the
initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:51 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Sgt Guzman,

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you do tomorrow at 4 PM or Friday at 9 AM?

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his
schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the
initial demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented

auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office
prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:49 AM
To: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Sure. Give us some time/dates that work for you. I’m looping in our Strategic Communications Lead, Officer Matt Rejis, who might join us on the call if his
schedule allows.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Andrew Johnston <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial
demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division


Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

in the news:
People Safe in New York City Emergencies
to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Andrew Johnston <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Demo access

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Sergeant Guzman,

Thank you for reaching out, I can absolutely help you.

Are you available for a brief phone call today or tomorrow to discuss specifics?

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial
demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented

auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Andrew Johnston
Client Engagement Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10016

Dataminr in the news:

Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies
How to Streamline Emergency Communications in Social Media Era
Flooded with Data: Hurricane Harvey Shows the Rising Value of Social Media Content
Taking a Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial
demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 9:14 AM
To: Paul Tierney
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Re: Demo access

Categories: responsive

I am terribly sorry for your loss. Our condolences from the LAPD family.

My cell phone number is and I'm always available.

From: Paul Tierney <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:18:51 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Tim Plunkett
Subject: Fwd: Demo access

Sergeant Guzman,
My name is Paul Tierney and I run the State and Local vertical here at Dataminr. Thank you for your email and we will take care of getting your boss set up. I
know LAPD has been working with Jeff Long as a primary point of contact.
We do have an account executive based out of California, Tim Plunkett, who is new to his role and to our
team. Tim will be working with our California-based prospective customers. I've cc'ed Tim on this email. Please do not hesitate to reach out directly to Tim or
to me if either of us can be of any assistance. Thank you.


Public Sector, State and Local Government

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VA 22201

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---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hector Guzman <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial
demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Demo access
To: "" <>


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial
demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 4:53 PM
Subject: Demo access

Categories: responsive


I was talking to my boss about Dataminr and my positive experiences with it. He asked if he could get access to the demo version. I thought he was on the initial
demo group but he was asking if he could get the demo access again.

His email address is


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 12:26 PM
To: Sean Malinowski
Subject: Circling back about Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hi Chief Malinowski,

We met at the recent MCCA event in Nashville. Thank you for letting me bend your ear for a few minutes.

I run point on Dataminr's pilot with LAPD's situational awareness team and the media relation division. Dataminr is a real-time public safety event
and threat alerting technology based on our analysis of social media data. Dataminr alerts are often 5-60+ minutes ahead of other resources, all
based on unique access we have to public Twitter data. There are about 15 LAPD personnel across the two divisions that have Dataminr accounts;
feedback continues to be positive; POC's are Stephen Chen ( and Hector Guzman (

We're working with many of LAPD's peers, including (curently deploying across over 1,000 personnel, including

I wanted to follow up with you about two things:

(1) I just set you up with a Dataminr account; would welcome your feedback and thoughts; more details below; and
(2) I'll be in Los Angeles later this summer and would like to brief you on the pilot and collect feedback from you based on your experience. I'll be in
touch with you and Stacy as my dates firm up.

About your Dataminr account:

You'll have access to the web-based dashboard and iOS/Android apps; you'll also begin to receive email alerts about major events going on in LA
and throughout California, highly impactful events from around the US and catastrophic public safety events around the world (probably around 10-
12 emails a day tops). If it's too much or it's just not of any interest to you we can dial it back or just turn off the account entirely. Just thought it
might be of interest to you given your leadership on technology issues within the law enforcement community. Log in credentials are below:


Thank you and look forward to staying in touch.


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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 12:42 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Fwd: Update

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Would you mind asking Commander Scott about my email below? Thank you for your help!

Very respectfully,


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download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Date: Wed, May 16, 2018 at 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Update
To: Regina Scott <>,

Hi Commander Scott,
We have two active pilots going on with LAPD. I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on the status of those pilots. Are you available to connect at the IACP
technology conference in Providence next week? Could you do 2PM on May 21?

We're the social media alerting company working with your peers at and many others. Dataminr alerts are helping LAPD respond faster and
more effectively to developing public safety events and threats.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Jeffrey Long <> wrote:
Hi Commander Scott,

Hope this note finds you well.

We have two active pilots within LAPD; one in the Media Relations Division and another with the situational awareness team within the Major Crimes Division.
Feedback continues to be positive; in fact, we presented a price quote to our POC in the Major Crimes Division who is getting the appropriate approvals from
his leadership. The main POC who asked for the price quote is Stephen Chen (

I'll be at the IACP tech conference in Providence, Rhode Island next week. Will you be attending? I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on the status of the pilots.
Can we meet on 5/21 at 2PM EDT?

We're a real-time public safety event and threat detection platform working with and many other first
responders. We use social media data.

You may recall Dataminr from last years pilot with RACR.

Thank you and hope to connect with you next week.



To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 2:22 PM
To: Sean Malinowski
Subject: Meeting?

Categories: responsive

Hi Chief Malinowski,

I run Dataminr's work on the West Coast; we currently have two pilots going on within LAPD, including the Major Crimes Division and the Media Relations
Division. Feedback from those on the pilot continues to be very positive.

Dataminr is working with the and others. We're a real-time public safety event and threat detection technology; we use
unique access we have to social media data to provide first responders with a 5-60+ heads up about a developing situation within the primary AOR or anywhere
around the world.

I'll be at the IACP tech conference next week. Do you have 15 minutes on May 21st at 2PM? I'd like to brief you on our work with LAPD, and others.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:30 AM
To: Regina Scott;
Subject: Re: Update

Categories: responsive

Hi Commander Scott,

We have two active pilots going on with LAPD. I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on the status of those pilots. Are you available to connect at the IACP
technology conference in Providence next week? Could you do 2PM on May 21?

We're the social media alerting company working with your peers at and many others. Dataminr alerts are helping LAPD respond faster and
more effectively to developing public safety events and threats.



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On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Jeffrey Long <> wrote:
Hi Commander Scott,

Hope this note finds you well.

We have two active pilots within LAPD; one in the Media Relations Division and another with the situational awareness team within the Major Crimes Division.
Feedback continues to be positive; in fact, we presented a price quote to our POC in the Major Crimes Division who is getting the appropriate approvals from
his leadership. The main POC who asked for the price quote is Stephen Chen (

I'll be at the IACP tech conference in Providence, Rhode Island next week. Will you be attending? I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on the status of the pilots.
Can we meet on 5/21 at 2PM EDT?

We're a real-time public safety event and threat detection platform working with and many other first
responders. We use social media data.

You may recall Dataminr from last years pilot with RACR.

Thank you and hope to connect with you next week.



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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 12:42 PM
To: Regina Scott
Subject: Update

Categories: responsive

Hi Commander Scott,

Hope this note finds you well.

We have two active pilots within LAPD; one in the Media Relations Division and another with the situational awareness team within the Major Crimes Division.
Feedback continues to be positive; in fact, we presented a price quote to our POC in the Major Crimes Division who is getting the appropriate approvals from his
leadership. The main POC who asked for the price quote is Stephen Chen (

I'll be at the IACP tech conference in Providence, Rhode Island next week. Will you be attending? I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on the status of the pilots.
Can we meet on 5/21 at 2PM EDT?

We're a real-time public safety event and threat detection platform working with and many other first
responders. We use social media data.

You may recall Dataminr from last years pilot with RACR.

Thank you and hope to connect with you next week.



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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 12:24 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Notifications

Categories: responsive

Thanks again for the feedback. We removed the "traffic" topic from your settings.

Let's plan for another feedback session next week. Can you do next Wednesday at 1PM PDT?
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On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 9:28 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

We’ve seen a drop in the number of notifications but still getting a good amount that don’t really rise to our level of concern, primarily base around traffic. See


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeff Long <>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 7:36 PM
To: Hector Guzman;
Subject: Re: Notifications

Categories: responsive

Thanks for feedback. We will address.

On May 14, 2018, at 9:28 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:


We’ve seen a drop in the number of notifications but still getting a good amount that don’t really rise to our level of concern, primarily base
around traffic. See screenshots





Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 6:29 PM
Subject: Notifications

Categories: responsive


We’ve seen a drop in the number of notifications but still getting a good amount that don’t really rise to our level of concern, primarily base around traffic. See


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 7:54 AM
To: Jeffrey Long
Cc: Hector Guzman;Greg Kraft;Lizeth Lomeli;Tony Kuey;Carlos Zaragoza;Jeffrey Lee;Mathew Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Good Morning LAPD team,

Sgt Guzman was gracious enough to provide Jeff and I with feedback on your experience using Dataminr thus far. Based on his feedback, we have tweaked your
content settings to focus on events occurring in the immediate LA area and reduce the volume of notifications from events occurring outside of LA. We hope that
these changes improve your Dataminr experience.

If you are using the mobile app, please sign out and sign back into the app to ensure the new settings are applied. You do not need to log out of the desktop
application; the new settings will be applied automatically.

We encourage you to continue to provide your feedback, both good and bad, so we can ensure you are receiving the right content and appropriate volume of
information from the platform. This includes content wins (events that you first heard about through Dataminr), general feedback on the content and user
experience, features you would like to see, etc. Keep in mind that we can customize your account settings to ensure they are best tailored to assist in your day-to-
day duties. Likewise, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to Jeff ( or me.

Best Regards,

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Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
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2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

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On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 4:33 PM Jeffrey Long <> wrote:
Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your important public safety mission
with Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30 minutes?

Thank you, all.

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On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of the LAPD
Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real
time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and
across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome
to Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we
have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety
risks in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive
email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to download the Dataminr mobile
app in the App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you
understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

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Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
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2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 9:56 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

Thanks for the note and hope you enjoyed your time off!

Let's go with 12PM PDT this Monday. We can use this dial in:

Look forward to hearing feedback you can gather from the team.


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On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Does Monday work for a call? I’m available between 11am and 3pm Pacific Time

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:20:08 PM

To: Hector Guzman

Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

Fully understand. I'd be doing the same thing!

Look forward to your feedback once your back.

In the meantime, just know that we submitted a price proposal to Steve Chen ( who runs the situational awareness group. Our proposal,
which is attached here, is for for 13 paid licenses plus an unlimited number of no cost pilot accounts for anyone at LAPD, including your group, for the
year. If there's interest on your end, we'd welcome your support and helping to advocate internally for this. Dataminr's base price per license is normally
per user.
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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:15 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I’m not. In a meeting and trying to finish up some matters before I start my vacation.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:09:28 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

No worries.

Are you free now for less than 10 minutes?

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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I am going to be on vacation and out of the office until May 7. I could squeeze in a quick call next week but it wouldn't be until
Thursday or Friday, as I will be out of town till then

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 11:43:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Next week

Hi Hector,

Are you free this Monday, April 30th at 11AM PST for a 30 minute feedback call?

We'd welcome your feedback on the product; I would also like to update you on our procurement discussions with another division of LAPD, which would
have a positive impact on your group.

Please let me know if that time works for you.



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Jeff Long
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From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 8:44 AM
To: Jeffrey Long
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

Does Monday work for a call? I’m available between 11am and 3pm Pacific Time

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:20:08 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

Fully understand. I'd be doing the same thing!

Look forward to your feedback once your back.

In the meantime, just know that we submitted a price proposal to Steve Chen ( who runs the situational awareness group. Our proposal,
which is attached here, is for for 13 paid licenses plus an unlimited number of no cost pilot accounts for anyone at LAPD, including your group, for the
year. If there's interest on your end, we'd welcome your support and helping to advocate internally for this. Dataminr's base price per license is normally
per user.

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
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Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:15 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I’m not. In a meeting and trying to finish up some matters before I start my vacation.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:09:28 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

No worries.

Are you free now for less than 10 minutes?

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I am going to be on vacation and out of the office until May 7. I could squeeze in a quick call next week but it wouldn't be until
Thursday or Friday, as I will be out of town till then

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 11:43:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Next week

Hi Hector,

Are you free this Monday, April 30th at 11AM PST for a 30 minute feedback call?

We'd welcome your feedback on the product; I would also like to update you on our procurement discussions with another division of LAPD, which would
have a positive impact on your group.

Please let me know if that time works for you.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
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TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:20 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week
Attachments: Dataminr Price Quote for LAPD_April 23, 2018.pdf

Categories: responsive

Fully understand. I'd be doing the same thing!

Look forward to your feedback once your back.

In the meantime, just know that we submitted a price proposal to Steve Chen ( who runs the situational awareness group. Our proposal,
which is attached here, is for for 13 paid licenses plus an unlimited number of no cost pilot accounts for anyone at LAPD, including your group, for the
year. If there's interest on your end, we'd welcome your support and helping to advocate internally for this. Dataminr's base price per license is normally
per user.
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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:15 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I’m not. In a meeting and trying to finish up some matters before I start my vacation.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:09:28 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

No worries.

Are you free now for less than 10 minutes?

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Jeff Long
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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I am going to be on vacation and out of the office until May 7. I could squeeze in a quick call next week but it wouldn't be until
Thursday or Friday, as I will be out of town till then

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 11:43:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Next week

Hi Hector,

Are you free this Monday, April 30th at 11AM PST for a 30 minute feedback call?

We'd welcome your feedback on the product; I would also like to update you on our procurement discussions with another division of LAPD, which would
have a positive impact on your group.

Please let me know if that time works for you.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
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From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:16 PM
To: Jeffrey Long
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

Unfortunately I’m not. In a meeting and trying to finish up some matters before I start my vacation.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:09:28 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Next week

No worries.

Are you free now for less than 10 minutes?

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
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On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Unfortunately I am going to be on vacation and out of the office until May 7. I could squeeze in a quick call next week but it wouldn't be until
Thursday or Friday, as I will be out of town till then

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 11:43:20 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Next week

Hi Hector,

Are you free this Monday, April 30th at 11AM PST for a 30 minute feedback call?

We'd welcome your feedback on the product; I would also like to update you on our procurement discussions with another division of LAPD, which would have
a positive impact on your group.

Please let me know if that time works for you.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 9:01 AM
To: Aila Altman;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Thank you

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 8:42:23 AM
To: Hector Guzman; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Fwd: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Morning Hector,

Jeff is out of the office today, but he had forwarded your feedback about the initial content settings we deployed to you and your team's
trial accounts. Thank you for providing this feedback; it really helps us mold and tweak your settings so they are more in-tune with your

That said, I made some tweaks to your content and email settings in hopes of bringing down the email volume and increasing the
relevance of the content. One thing to note is I added an additional content pane in your dashboards called "Custom Alerts: LAPD
Awareness." These alerts are generated based solely on select key terms and set to the LA area. These notifications will not send
email notifications nor generate desktop pop-ups; they are viewable only in the Dataminr dashboard. We can always add or remove key
terms to this list if you find it helpful.

Please continue to send over any product or content feedback (both good and bad) from you or your team so we can continue to adjust
your settings as needed. There is often bit of back and forth and fine-tuning needed to get things just right so we appreciate your
transparency in the process.

Thank you again and have a great weekend!

Best Regards,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Hector Guzman" <>
Date: April 19, 2018 at 9:35:36 PM EDT
To: Jeff Long <>
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

A bit high on the volume. A bit low on the relevance. Although it did alert us first to the two deputies being shot and killed in Florida.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Jeff Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active
To: Hector Guzman <>

No problem, sounds good.

How’s the email volume and relevancy of the alerts?

On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

I’m not available on that date. Can we actually do a check-in call towards the middle or end of next week. I’m already getting
some feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33:11 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman; Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your
important public safety mission with Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30

Thank you, all.


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr.Jeff has been working with Sergeant
Hector Guzman of the LAPD Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time
breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real time alerts on critical public safety incidents and
breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and across the United
States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email fromnotifications@dataminr.comwith
the subject line “Welcome to Dataminr”sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login
to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of
safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible
at You will receive email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always
be adjusted). We encourage you to download theDataminr mobile app in theApp Store or Google Play Store so you
can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues.
We are here to ensure you understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only
the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Aila Altman <>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 8:42 AM
To: Hector Guzman;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Fwd: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active
Attachments: Dataminr Dashboard Update 04-20-2018.jpg

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Hector,

Jeff is out of the office today, but he had forwarded your feedback about the initial content settings we deployed to you and your team's
trial accounts. Thank you for providing this feedback; it really helps us mold and tweak your settings so they are more in-tune with your

That said, I made some tweaks to your content and email settings in hopes of bringing down the email volume and increasing the
relevance of the content. One thing to note is I added an additional content pane in your dashboards called "Custom Alerts: LAPD
Awareness." These alerts are generated based solely on select key terms and set to the LA area. These notifications will not send
email notifications nor generate desktop pop-ups; they are viewable only in the Dataminr dashboard. We can always add or remove key
terms to this list if you find it helpful.

Please continue to send over any product or content feedback (both good and bad) from you or your team so we can continue to adjust
your settings as needed. There is often bit of back and forth and fine-tuning needed to get things just right so we appreciate your
transparency in the process.

Thank you again and have a great weekend!

Best Regards,

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:
TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Hector Guzman" <>
Date: April 19, 2018 at 9:35:36 PM EDT
To: Jeff Long <>
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

A bit high on the volume. A bit low on the relevance. Although it did alert us first to the two deputies being shot and killed in Florida.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Jeff Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active
To: Hector Guzman <>

No problem, sounds good.

How’s the email volume and relevancy of the alerts?

On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

I’m not available on that date. Can we actually do a check-in call towards the middle or end of next week. I’m already getting
some feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33:11 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman; Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your
important public safety mission with Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30

Thank you, all.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr.Jeff has been working with Sergeant
Hector Guzman of the LAPD Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time
breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real time alerts on critical public safety incidents and
breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and across the United
States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email fromnotifications@dataminr.comwith
the subject line “Welcome to Dataminr”sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login
to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of
safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible
at You will receive email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always
be adjusted). We encourage you to download theDataminr mobile app in theApp Store or Google Play Store so you
can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues.
We are here to ensure you understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only
the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:45 PM
To: Jeff Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

This kind of local stuff is good

222 H1003
Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Hector Guzman

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:35:36 PM
To: Jeff Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

A bit high on the volume. A bit low on the relevance. Although it did alert us first to the two deputies being shot and killed in Florida.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Jeff Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active
To: Hector Guzman <>

No problem, sounds good.

How’s the email volume and relevancy of the alerts?

On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

I’m not available on that date. Can we actually do a check-in call towards the middle or end of next week. I’m already getting some feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33:11 PM
To: Hector Guzman

Cc: Aila Altman; Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your important public
safety mission with Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30 minutes?

Thank you, all.


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active
Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr.Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of
the LAPD Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that
will provide you with real time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as
breaking events throughout California and across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email fromnotifications@dataminr.comwith the subject line
“Welcome to Dataminr”sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To
help you get started, we have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well
as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You
will receive email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to
download theDataminr mobile app in theApp Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events
when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to
ensure you understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The
file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:36 PM
To: Jeff Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

A bit high on the volume. A bit low on the relevance. Although it did alert us first to the two deputies being shot and killed in Florida.

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Jeff Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active
To: Hector Guzman <>

No problem, sounds good.

How’s the email volume and relevancy of the alerts?

On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

I’m not available on that date. Can we actually do a check-in call towards the middle or end of next week. I’m already getting some feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33:11 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman; Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your important public
safety mission with Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30 minutes?

Thank you, all.


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr.Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of
the LAPD Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that
will provide you with real time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as
breaking events throughout California and across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email fromnotifications@dataminr.comwith the subject line
“Welcome to Dataminr”sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To
help you get started, we have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well
as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You
will receive email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to
download theDataminr mobile app in theApp Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events
when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to
ensure you understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Jeff Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:30 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

No problem, sounds good.

How’s the email volume and relevancy of the alerts?

On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:

I’m not available on that date. Can we actually do a check-in call towards the middle or end of next week. I’m already getting some feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33:11 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman; Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your important public
safety mission with Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30 minutes?

Thank you, all.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of
the LAPD Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that
will provide you with real time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as
breaking events throughout California and across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject
line “Welcome to Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr
account. To help you get started, we have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA
County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You
will receive email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to
download the Dataminr mobile app in the App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events
when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to
ensure you understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 6:18 PM
To: Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

I’m not available on that date. Can we actually do a check-in call towards the middle or end of next week. I’m already getting some feedback

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33:11 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman; Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your important public safety mission with
Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30 minutes?

Thank you, all.


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The
file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of the LAPD
Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real
time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and
across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome
to Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we
have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks
in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive
email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to download the Dataminr mobile app
in the App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you
understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:33 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Aila Altman;Greg W Kraft;Lizeth M Lomeli;Tony S Kuey;Carlos A Zaragoza;Jeffrey A Lee;Mathew W Rejis
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Hi Hector and Team,

Thank you for piloting Dataminr. Our pilots are 30 days; we look forward to your feedback. We're delighted to support your important public safety mission with
Dataminr alerts.

Hector: Let's schedule a "check in" call to collect feedback during the week of April 30th. Can you do 10AM on May 2 for 30 minutes?

Thank you, all.

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protect y our protect y our
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download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
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Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of the LAPD
Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real
time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and
across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome
to Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we
have preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks
in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive
email notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to download the Dataminr mobile app
in the App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you
understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

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Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 12:57 PM
To: Aila Altman;Greg W Kraft;Lizeth M Lomeli;Tony S Kuey;Carlos A Zaragoza;Jeffrey A Lee;Mathew W Rejis;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

We got the email. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of the LAPD
Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real
time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and
across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome to
Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we have
preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the
state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive email
notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to download the Dataminr mobile app in the
App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you
understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 12:24 PM
To: Aila Altman;Greg W Kraft;Lizeth M Lomeli;Tony S Kuey;Carlos A Zaragoza;Jeffrey A Lee;Mathew W Rejis;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Thank you. I will let you know when we receive the “Welcome to Dataminr” email

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Aila Altman <>

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16:23 AM
To: Greg W Kraft; Lizeth M Lomeli; Tony S Kuey; Carlos A Zaragoza; Jeffrey A Lee; Hector Guzman; Mathew W Rejis; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of the LAPD
Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real
time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and
across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome to
Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we have
preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the
state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive email
notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to download the Dataminr mobile app in the
App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you
understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002

Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Aila Altman <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:16 AM
To: Greg W Kraft;Lizeth M Lomeli;Tony S Kuey;Carlos A Zaragoza;Jeffrey A Lee;Hector Guzman;Mathew W Rejis;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Jeff has been working with Sergeant Hector Guzman of the LAPD
Social Media Unit to implement an internal pilot of Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real
time alerts on critical public safety incidents and breaking events in and around LA County, as well as breaking events throughout California and
across the United States. Hector has identified you as interested participants of the Dataminr pilot.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome to
Dataminr” sent to your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to your Dataminr account. To help you get started, we have
preloaded settings on your account that will notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the
state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive email
notifications for select high priority events (email settings can always be adjusted). We encourage you to download the Dataminr mobile app in the
App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue to receive alerts on breaking events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you
understand the capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

We look forward to working with you!

Thank you,

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
O: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1002
Arlington, VA 22201

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 2:14 PM
Subject: Dataminr Demo

Categories: responsive


Here are the names and email addresses for the Dataminr demo:

Hector Guzman

Carlos A Zaragoza
Jeffrey A Lee
Tony S Kuey
Lizeth M Lomeli
Greg W Kraft
Matt Rejis

Thank you again,

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:05 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Tomorrow

Categories: responsive

No problem. We'll stick to the 10AM PST webinar. Look forward to it. Thanks for the quick note!
To help To help
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this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 5:03 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
I’m sorry but the rest of my day is taken up. I have to stick to the 10am webinar

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:49 PM
Subject: Tomorrow
To: Hector Guzman <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>

Know we're scheduled for a webinar tomorrow at 10AM PST. We can still do that but wanted to let you know that my colleague, Andrew Johnston, is actually
going to be in LA now and could potentially meet with you in person. Andrew can't do 10AM PST tomorrow but has flexibility tomorrow afternoon.

Do you want to meet with Andrew in person tomorrow afternoon? If so, can you let us know what time(s) work for you? If not, we can stick to doing a webinar
tomorrow at 10AM.

Thanks again for your interest.



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protect y our protect y our
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auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:03 PM
To: Jeffrey Long
Cc: Andrew Johnston
Subject: Re: Tomorrow

Categories: responsive

I’m sorry but the rest of my day is taken up. I have to stick to the 10am webinar

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division
From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:49 PM
Subject: Tomorrow
To: Hector Guzman <>
Cc: Andrew Johnston <>


Know we're scheduled for a webinar tomorrow at 10AM PST. We can still do that but wanted to let you know that my colleague, Andrew Johnston, is actually
going to be in LA now and could potentially meet with you in person. Andrew can't do 10AM PST tomorrow but has flexibility tomorrow afternoon.

Do you want to meet with Andrew in person tomorrow afternoon? If so, can you let us know what time(s) work for you? If not, we can stick to doing a webinar
tomorrow at 10AM.

Thanks again for your interest.



The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC |Security Magazine |PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
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correct file and location.

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:48 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

Sounds good. Many thanks.

Confirmed on my end.

Talk to you next week. Appreciate your time.

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this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
That should work

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:41:02 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Next week

No problem. Fully understand.

How about a webinar/phone call next week? I can send you a link to view my screen so you can see my slides and the demo. Can you do 10AM PST on
Wednesday, April 18th?

Let's plan on 45 minutes.

We can use this link:

And we can use this phone number for dial in:

Let me know when you can.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Sorry I’m off that day. Initial meeting would be with just myself.

Sergeant Hector Guzman
Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:56:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Fwd: Next week

Hi Hector,

Since can't meet, are you available to meet at LAPD this Thursday at 11:30AM? Perhaps you could have your commander officer join us?

Thank you, and hope to connect this Thursday.

Thank you,


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

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from the Internet.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: >
Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: Next week
To: Jeffrey Long <>

Cc: "" <>, Paul Tierney <>

From: Jeffrey Long [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM
Cc:; Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office
Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division). Hector is
interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here (

Thank you, and see you next week.

To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:46 PM
To: Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

That should work

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:41:02 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Next week

No problem. Fully understand.

How about a webinar/phone call next week? I can send you a link to view my screen so you can see my slides and the demo. Can you do 10AM PST on
Wednesday, April 18th?

Let's plan on 45 minutes.

We can use this link:

And we can use this phone number for dial in:

Let me know when you can.



The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Sorry I’m off that day. Initial meeting would be with just myself.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:56:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Fwd: Next week

Hi Hector,

Since can't meet, are you available to meet at LAPD this Thursday at 11:30AM? Perhaps you could have your commander officer join us?

Thank you, and hope to connect this Thursday.

Thank you,


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: >
Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: Next week
To: Jeffrey Long <>
Cc: "" <>, Paul Tierney <>

From: Jeffrey Long [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM

Cc:; Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office
Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division). Hector is
interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here (

Thank you, and see you next week.


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:41 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

No problem. Fully understand.

How about a webinar/phone call next week? I can send you a link to view my screen so you can see my slides and the demo. Can you do 10AM PST on
Wednesday, April 18th?

Let's plan on 45 minutes.

We can use this link:

And we can use this phone number for dial in:

Let me know when you can.



To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Hector Guzman <> wrote:
Sorry I’m off that day. Initial meeting would be with just myself.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:56:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Fwd: Next week

Hi Hector,

Since can't meet, are you available to meet at LAPD this Thursday at 11:30AM? Perhaps you could have your commander officer join us?

Thank you, and hope to connect this Thursday.

Thank you,


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: >
Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: Next week
To: Jeffrey Long <>
Cc: "" <>, Paul Tierney <>

From: Jeffrey Long [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM
Cc:; Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office (
Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division). Hector is
interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here (

Thank you, and see you next week.


To help protect y ou r priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office

prev ented automatic download of this picture
from the Internet.

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protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
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Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:58 PM
To: Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Next week

Categories: responsive

Sorry I’m off that day. Initial meeting would be with just myself.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>

Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:56:14 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Fwd: Next week

Hi Hector,

Since can't meet, are you available to meet at LAPD this Thursday at 11:30AM? Perhaps you could have your commander officer join us?

Thank you, and hope to connect this Thursday.

Thank you,


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: >
Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: Next week
To: Jeffrey Long <>
Cc: "" <>, Paul Tierney <>

From: Jeffrey Long [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM
Cc:; Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office (
Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division). Hector is
interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here (

Thank you, and see you next week.


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The

file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points to the
correct file and location.

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:56 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Fwd: Next week

Categories: responsive

Hi Hector,

Since can't meet, are you available to meet at LAPD this Thursday at 11:30AM? Perhaps you could have your commander officer join us?

Thank you, and hope to connect this Thursday.

Thank you,


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From: >
Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: Next week
To: Jeffrey Long <>

Cc: "" <>, Paul Tierney <>

From: Jeffrey Long [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM
Cc:; Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office
Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division). Hector is
interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here (

Thank you, and see you next week.

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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: >
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 11:44 AM
To: Jeffrey Long
Cc: Hector Guzman;Paul Tierney
Subject: RE: Next week

Categories: responsive

From: Jeffrey Long []

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM
Cc:; Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office (
, Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division).
Hector is interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here

Thank you, and see you next week.


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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

Dataminr in the news:

TechCrunch | Deloitte | Built in NYC | Security Magazine | PR Week

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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6:41 PM
Cc: Hector Guzman;Paul Tierney
Subject: Next week

Categories: responsive

Paul Tierney and I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at 2PM PST on Thursday, April 12th at your Norwalk office (
Norwalk, CA 90650). Thank you again for making time for us.

Quick question for you. We recently connected with your LAPD colleague, Sergeant Hector Guzman (Social Media Unit, Media Relations Division). Hector is
interested in learning more about Dataminr and is able to come to Norwalk. Would you mind if he joined us? I've cc'ed Hector here (

Thank you, and see you next week.


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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

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From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 9:09 AM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: Re: I have left Dataminr. Re: DATAMINR

Categories: responsive

Will do. Thanks

Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:37:15 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: I have left Dataminr. Re: DATAMINR

Thanks for your message. I have left my position at Dataminr effective

January 16, 2018. Please contact Jeff Long ( for
any business-related requests.


From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 9:01 AM
Subject: Fwd: I have left Dataminr. Re: DATAMINR

Categories: responsive


Please see email thread below. Looking to demo your product.


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:37:15 AM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: I have left Dataminr. Re: DATAMINR

Thanks for your message. I have left my position at Dataminr effective

January 16, 2018. Please contact Jeff Long ( for
any business-related requests.


From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:37 AM

Categories: responsive


Would like to discuss your product and possibility of a demo for my unit. Also left a voicemail


Sergeant Hector Guzman

Social Media Unit
Media Relations Division

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2018 12:15 PM
To: Stephen J Chen;Lynette I Veazie;Jeffrey A Brugger;Jason M Veiga;Kurt Y Wong;Lee Ann Jones;Linda A Peace;Lawrence E Koreen
Cc: Aila Altman
Subject: Re: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Hi LAPD team,

We're thrilled to support your important public safety mission with Dataminr News Alerts. We hope you find the alerts valuable, especially as you ramp up to
support the Academy Awards.

Aila and I are standing by to answer any questions you may have; and feel free to send over any feedback (good or bad!).

We look forward to working with you.


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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

NYC and Dataminr Announce Partnership: Link to Video

Taking A Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 1:42 PM, Aila Altman <> wrote:
Good Morning LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real time
alerts on critical public safety incidents in and around LA County. With the Academy Awards approaching, we hope that you find Dataminr valuable with monitoring and
identifying potential security risks.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome to Dataminr” sent to
your LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to Dataminr using your LAPD email address. We have preloaded settings on your account that will
notify you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive email notifications for
select high priority events (these settings can be adjusted). We also encourage you to download our mobile app in the App Store or Google Play Store so you can
continue to monitor events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you understand the
capabilities of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

Thank you,

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Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 950

Arlington, VA 22201

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Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

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From: Aila Altman <>
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2018 10:43 AM
To: Stephen J Chen;Lynette I Veazie;Jeffrey A Brugger;Jason M Veiga;Kurt Y Wong;Lee Ann Jones;Linda A Peace;Lawrence E Koreen
Cc: Jeffrey Long;Aila Altman
Subject: Your Dataminr Account is Now Active

Categories: responsive

Good Morning LAPD team,

My name is Aila Altman and I work closely with Jeff Long here at Dataminr. Dataminr is a real time breaking news alerting platform that will provide you with real time alerts
on critical public safety incidents in and around LA County. With the Academy Awards approaching, we hope that you find Dataminr valuable with monitoring and
identifying potential security risks.

Your Dataminr account is now active. Momentarily, you will receive an email from with the subject line “Welcome to Dataminr” sent to your
LAPD email address. Please follow the link in the email to login to Dataminr using your LAPD email address. We have preloaded settings on your account that will notify
you of safety risks and threats in LA County, as well as high priority threats and safety risks in the state of California and nationwide.

Dataminr notifications can always be viewed when logged into the Dataminr dashboard accessible at You will receive email notifications for
select high priority events (these settings can be adjusted). We also encourage you to download our mobile app in the App Store or Google Play Store so you can continue
to monitor events when you are away from your desk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Dataminr or if you run into any technical issues. We are here to ensure you understand the capabilities
of Dataminr and your account is configured to bring you only the information relevant to your mission.

Thank you,

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Aila Altman
Customer Success Manager
C: +1
Twitter | LinkedIn

2101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 950

Arlington, VA 22201

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Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

Dataminr in the news: TechCrunch | The Economist | International Business Times | SIA
From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 3:42 PM
To: Sean Malinowski
Subject: Re: Update from Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hi Chief,

I'll be around LAPD HQ's on 1/24 at about 11AM-2PM. Let me know if you might be around or if we can briefly connect at MCCA.

We're working with many of your peers around the US, including and others. Just a reminder that Dataminr is a real-time public
safety event and threat detection technology that alerts first responders -- and other government officials (PIO's, senior executives) -- to incidents in their AOR
and around the US and the world. Dataminr alerts are often minutes to hours ahead of other resources all based on unique access we have to social media data.

Appreciate your time.


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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

NYC and Dataminr Announce Partnership: Link to Video

Taking A Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 4:38 PM, Jeffrey Long <> wrote:
Hi Chief Malinowski,

My name is Jeff Long and I run Dataminr's state and city business. We're a real-time alerting technology working directly with
and many others.

I'll be in Los Angeles next week for the Major City Chiefs Association event in Long Beach. Will be be attending? I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on our
technology and discuss ways we can support LAPD. Dataminr alerts are based on unique access we have to social media data (Twitter is a strategic partner and
investor). Dataminr alerts are typically 5-45 minutes ahead of other resources.

Are you available next week to briefly connect in Long Beach at the MCCA event or at your office in downtown LA on 1/24?

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

NYC and Dataminr Announce Partnership: Link to Video

Taking A Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 1:39 PM
To: Sean Malinowski
Subject: Update from Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hi Chief Malinowski,

My name is Jeff Long and I run Dataminr's state and city business. We're a real-time alerting technology working directly with
and many others.

I'll be in Los Angeles next week for the Major City Chiefs Association event in Long Beach. Will be be attending? I'd like to brief you for 15 minutes on our
technology and discuss ways we can support LAPD. Dataminr alerts are based on unique access we have to social media data (Twitter is a strategic partner and
investor). Dataminr alerts are typically 5-45 minutes ahead of other resources.

Are you available next week to briefly connect in Long Beach at the MCCA event or at your office in downtown LA on 1/24?

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

NYC and Dataminr Announce Partnership: Link to Video

Taking A Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 1:20 PM
To: Horace Frank
Subject: Update from Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hi Chief Frank,

We've met a few times over the years. I run Dataminr's state and city business. Dataminr is the real-time alerting and situational awareness technology that uses
social media data; we're working with and others. Dataminr sends alerts to first responders so resources can be deployed faster and
even more effectively.

I'll be in Los Angeles next week for the Major City Chiefs Association meeting in Long Beach. I'd like to update you on our technology and discuss ways we can
support your mission at LAPD.

Are you available to meet for 30 minutes on 1/24? I can meet anytime that day; or if you happen to be coming to Long Beach for the conference we can awlays
connect there.

Look forward to it.



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Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
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Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

NYC and Dataminr Announce Partnership: Link to Video

Taking A Look Back: How the Biggest Events of 2017 Broke on Social

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From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 2:05 PM
To: Armand Carranza
Cc: John Alipio
Subject: Re: Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Captain Carranza,

I appreciate the opportunity to have met you during May Day at RACR, just as you were assuming your role from Captain Thomas. I wanted to update you on our
progress to make Dataminr a permanent fixture at RACR. Just after May Day, we submitted pricing documents to Commander Regina Scott as LAPD's CTO. Cmdr.
Scott told us late last week that she was unsure she could budget for Dataminr after she receives FY18 budget funds. If it's possible for you to do so, I'd welcome
you weighing in with her to reiterate that RACR continues to benefit from access to our platform, and to request that this need be supported from FY18 funds.

I know the City funding situation is not great, but we've continued to provide Dataminr to RACR for free over the past year in the hope of partnering with the
Department long-term. If there's a way for you to reiterate to Cmdr. Scott the benefit you get from Dataminr and your desire to continue using the platform, I do
think it would help in the contracting process.

Many thanks,

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager
Dataminr, Inc.

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Jennifer Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Commander Scott and Tony,

With 2017 May Day behind us, I want to take a moment to thank Jason, Dataminr,, who spent an entire day with us. With his presence inside the DOC
yesterday, he was able to data mine social media for us. One of the officers from our support divisions called in sick and that left me short one person. So,
Jason’s presence inside the DOC to scrub social media really helped me fill that void. Also, due to Dataminr, we actually learned of a couple of incidents prior to

being notified by UCP. As a result, we were able to verify the information with UCP and manage the messaging and information flow among the DOC, UCP and

Jason and his staff have been incredibly generous with us with the free use of Dataminr for the past year. The availability of their service has been instrumental
with RACR getting ahead of incidents such as the rumor of active shooter in LAX last year. It is definitely an important tool for RACR. I included Jason in the
email to serve as an e-introduction. Any questions regarding, please feel free to call me. Thanks.

Jennifer J. Thomas


Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and

Critical Response Division

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 2:26 PM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: Armand Carranza
Subject: Re: Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Captain Thomas,

Thank you so much for doing this. It's been such a pleasure to work with you over the last year, and I really appreciate all of your efforts to help us continue our
work at LAPD. I enjoyed sitting with you all yesterday as well, and am glad you found it helpful. Best of luck in your new role in risk management, and I hope we
have a chance to work together again soon.

Captain Carranza: I enjoyed meeting you yesterday, and am looking forward to working with you going forward. If I can be of any help to you or would like a
more full demonstration of Dataminr and our capabilities, I'll be happy to provide at your convenience.

Best and thank you again,


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 9:59 AM, Jennifer Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Commander Scott and Tony,

With 2017 May Day behind us, I want to take a moment to thank Jason, Dataminr,, who spent an entire day with us. With his presence inside the DOC
yesterday, he was able to data mine social media for us. One of the officers from our support divisions called in sick and that left me short one person. So,
Jason’s presence inside the DOC to scrub social media really helped me fill that void. Also, due to Dataminr, we actually learned of a couple of incidents prior to
being notified by UCP. As a result, we were able to verify the information with UCP and manage the messaging and information flow among the DOC, UCP and

Jason and his staff have been incredibly generous with us with the free use of Dataminr for the past year. The availability of their service has been instrumental
with RACR getting ahead of incidents such as the rumor of active shooter in LAX last year. It is definitely an important tool for RACR. I included Jason in the
email to serve as an e-introduction. Any questions regarding, please feel free to call me. Thanks.

Jennifer J. Thomas


Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and

Critical Response Division

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 11:02 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Cc: Adrian Moody
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Great. Thanks.

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 10:50 Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


When you get to our front desk—You can call me or Sgt. Moody at 213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 10:34 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Should have asked sooner: should I give you a call when I arrive at LAPD headquarters this afternoon? If so, what is the best number to reach you at?


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 09:49 Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Thank you much. See you then.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 9:49 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Absolutely. Looking forward to the opportunity to meet Commander Scott. See you this afternoon.



On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Just confirming you will still be in attendance today for our 3pm meeting?

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.



On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May 2?



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that
will do.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be
best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in
LA later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is
there a time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she
would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-
1130 hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I
have cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information
for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this
partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that
will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will
please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and
let you know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on
the offer we made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,



Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 10:50 AM
To: Jason Starr
Cc: Adrian Moody
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive


When you get to our front desk—You can call me or Sgt. Moody at 213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 10:34 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Should have asked sooner: should I give you a call when I arrive at LAPD headquarters this afternoon? If so, what is the best number to reach you at?


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 09:49 Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Thank you much. See you then.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 9:49 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Absolutely. Looking forward to the opportunity to meet Commander Scott. See you this afternoon.



On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Just confirming you will still be in attendance today for our 3pm meeting?

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.



On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has
open, that will do.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th,
would be best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that
I'll be in LA later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion
from yesterday. Is there a time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be
happy to meet for as long as she would like.

To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt.
Thomas directly?



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-
1130 hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can
use my personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work
with LAPD, most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media
data on a pilot basis for about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain
Thomas, the commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I
have cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one
aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have
going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We
are deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness
platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from
Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to
make this happen.



Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 10:34 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up
Attachments: image001.jpg

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Should have asked sooner: should I give you a call when I arrive at LAPD headquarters this afternoon? If so, what is the best number to reach you at?


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 09:49 Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Thank you much. See you then.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 9:49 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Absolutely. Looking forward to the opportunity to meet Commander Scott. See you this afternoon.



On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Just confirming you will still be in attendance today for our 3pm meeting?

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.



On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,

Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May 2?



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that
will do.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be
best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.


On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA
later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a
time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-
1130 hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty
Smith who handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I
have cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information
for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this
partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jennifer Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:59 AM
To: Regina Scott;Armand Carranza
Cc: Martin Baeza;Christopher Chase;Lee Powell;Alonso Flores;Madusta Smith;Jason Starr;Jennifer Thomas
Subject: Dataminr

Categories: responsive

Hi Commander Scott and Tony,

With 2017 May Day behind us, I want to take a moment to thank Jason, Dataminr,, who spent an entire day with us. With his presence inside the DOC
yesterday, he was able to data mine social media for us. One of the officers from our support divisions called in sick and that left me short one person. So,
Jason’s presence inside the DOC to scrub social media really helped me fill that void. Also, due to Dataminr, we actually learned of a couple of incidents prior to
being notified by UCP. As a result, we were able to verify the information with UCP and manage the messaging and information flow among the DOC, UCP and

Jason and his staff have been incredibly generous with us with the free use of Dataminr for the past year. The availability of their service has been instrumental
with RACR getting ahead of incidents such as the rumor of active shooter in LAX last year. It is definitely an important tool for RACR. I included Jason in the
email to serve as an e-introduction. Any questions regarding, please feel free to call me. Thanks.

Jennifer J. Thomas


Commanding Officer
Real-Time Analysis and
Critical Response Division

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:49 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Absolutely. Looking forward to the opportunity to meet Commander Scott. See you this afternoon.


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Just confirming you will still be in attendance today for our 3pm meeting?

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.



On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May 2?



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that will

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be
best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA
later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a
time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.

To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas directly?



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-
1130 hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about
one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I
have cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our
calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch
with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let
you know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the
offer we made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:50 AM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Thank you much. See you then.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 9:49 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Absolutely. Looking forward to the opportunity to meet Commander Scott. See you this afternoon.


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Just confirming you will still be in attendance today for our 3pm meeting?

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.



On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has
open, that will do.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th,
would be best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that
I'll be in LA later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from
yesterday. Is there a time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to
meet for as long as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-
1130 hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can
use my personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work
with LAPD, most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media
data on a pilot basis for about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas,
the commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I
have cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one
aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have
going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We
are deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness
platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from
Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to
make this happen.


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:43 AM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive


Just confirming you will still be in attendance today for our 3pm meeting?

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.


On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,
I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open,
that will do.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th,
would be best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that
I'll be in LA later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from
yesterday. Is there a time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to
meet for as long as she would like.
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

Captain Thomas will not be able to make it to the Commander’s Office for the call but she will call into the conference call. She will be on her way to her
next meeting.

Command Officers are always so busy, I don’t know how they do it!


PSR Madusta Smith

Assistant to the Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division

Los Angeles Police Department

(213) 484-6710 Office


From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt.
Thomas directly?



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use
my personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with
LAPD, most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a
pilot basis for about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas,
the commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have
cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one
aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have
going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We
are deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness
platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr
to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Perfect. Thanks so much, Angela.


On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May 2?



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that will

Thanks again,


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be best
for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA
later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a
time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one
year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have
cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our
calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch
with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:50 PM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hello Jason,

I have sent out a meeting invite for May 2nd at 3pm.

Here at PAB 3pm to 330pm

Thank you,

Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May 2?

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open,
that will do.

Thanks again,

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th,
would be best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll
be in LA later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from
yesterday. Is there a time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to
meet for as long as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use
my personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with
LAPD, most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a
pilot basis for about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas,
the commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have
cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one
aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have
going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness
platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr
to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this



Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Sorry to nag on this, I'm just trying to finalize my travel plans. Are you able to confirm my 3pm meeting with Commander Scott on Tuesday, May 2?


On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that will

Thanks again,

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be best
for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA
later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a time
on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one
year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have
cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our
calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with
Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 12:16 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to check to make sure-- is the meeting at 3pm on May 2 confirmed?


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that will

Thanks again,

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be best
for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA later
this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a time on
April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one
year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have
cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our
calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with
Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 12:00 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

If the 2nd is best for her, that should be fine. If there's any chance she could meet that morning, that would be great, but if 3pm is all she has open, that will do.

Thanks again,

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?

Thank you so much,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM

To: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be best for
me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA later
this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a time on
April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.

To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

Captain Thomas will not be able to make it to the Commander’s Office for the call but she will call into the conference call. She will be on her way to her
next meeting.

Command Officers are always so busy, I don’t know how they do it!


PSR Madusta Smith

Assistant to the Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division

Los Angeles Police Department

(213) 484-6710 Office


From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas directly?



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one
year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have
cc’d her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he
will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you
know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we
made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 11:51 AM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Unfortunately she is not, May 2nd will not work for you?
Thank you so much,

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would
be best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.


On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be
in LA later this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday.
Is there a time on April 27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long
as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with
LAPD, most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a
pilot basis for about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect
of this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going
with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:32 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Thank you, Angela. Might she have any time on the 26th?


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be best for
me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA later
this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a time on April
27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.



On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.



On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one
year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will
give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:58 AM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive


Unfortunately, Cmdr Scott is not available the 27th , 28th, May 1st --She is available May 2nd at 3pm.

Thank you,

Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would
be best for me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.


To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

Captain Thomas will not be able to make it to the Commander’s Office for the call but she will call into the conference call. She will be on her way to her next

Command Officers are always so busy, I don’t know how they do it!


PSR Madusta Smith

Assistant to the Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division

Los Angeles Police Department

(213) 484-6710 Office


From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with
LAPD, most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot
basis for about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect
of this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going
with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform
that will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you
will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can Commander Scott meet with me sometime on either April 27 or 28? The afternoon of Friday, the 28th, would be best for
me. That said, meeting with the Commander is a priority so I'll be very flexible on those days according to her schedule.


On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA later
this month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a time on April
27-28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.


On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.


On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year,
and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will
give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Angela,

Thank you so much for scheduling my call yesterday with Commander Scott and Captain Thomas. I had mentioned to Commander Scott that I'll be in LA later this
month to assist the City's EOC, and requested to meet with her briefly while I'm in town to continue our discussion from yesterday. Is there a time on April 27-
28, or May 1-2, that would work for her? I won't need any more than 30 minutes, but will be happy to meet for as long as she would like.


On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Thank you, Angela, will do.


On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,


From: Madusta Smith
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:36 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

Captain Thomas will not be able to make it to the Commander’s Office for the call but she will call into the conference call. She will be on her way to her next

Command Officers are always so busy, I don’t know how they do it!


PSR Madusta Smith

Assistant to the Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division

Los Angeles Police Department

(213) 484-6710 Office


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>

Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year,
and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will
give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:39 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Cc: Madusta Smith;Jennifer Thomas
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Thank you, Angela, will do.


On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,


From: Madusta Smith

Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:36 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

Captain Thomas will not be able to make it to the Commander’s Office for the call but she will call into the conference call. She will be on her way to her next

Command Officers are always so busy, I don’t know how they do it!


PSR Madusta Smith

Assistant to the Commanding Officer

Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division

Los Angeles Police Department

(213) 484-6710 Office


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas directly?



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Thank you so much! 1100 hrs on April 6th.

Have a great afternoon~



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year,
and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will
give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you
know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made
last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,



Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:40 PM
To: Madusta Smith;Jason Starr;Jennifer Thomas
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hello All—

Capt Thomas will no longer be able to meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office, so this will now be a conference call. Please Dial

Thank you in advance,


From: Madusta Smith

Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:36 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

Captain Thomas will not be able to make it to the Commander’s Office for the call but she will call into the conference call. She will be on her way to her next

Command Officers are always so busy, I don’t know how they do it!


PSR Madusta Smith

Assistant to the Commanding Officer
Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division
Los Angeles Police Department
(213) 484-6710 Office

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hell9o Dusty,

Just confirming that Capt Thomas will be meeting here at Cmdr Scott’s Office tomorrow for this phone call?

Thank you much,

Angela Dominguez #V9400
Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Thank you so much! 1100 hrs on April 6th.

Have a great afternoon~


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:37 PM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information
for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this
partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going
with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that
will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will
please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2017 8:36 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Maria, Dusty:

I wanted to let you know that I will also have on the call with Cmdr. Scott and Capt. Thomas Dataminr's state and local government coordinator, Jeff Long. Jeff
and I will join the call from the same line, and look forward to speaking with Cmdr. Scott and Capt. Thomas as planned this Thursday. I will forward your meeting
invite to Jeff.

Best regards,

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Thank you so much! 1100 hrs on April 6th.

Have a great afternoon~


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:37 PM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year,
and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:12 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Great. Thanks, Maria.


On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d
her on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact
information for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of
this partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going
with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that
will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will
please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:04 AM
To: Jason Starr;Madusta Smith
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

They will call you on your number. Thank you

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Thank you so much! 1100 hrs on April 6th.

Have a great afternoon~


From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:37 PM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.
Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information
for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this
partnership. If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going
with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that
will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will
please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and
let you know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on
the offer we made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:58 AM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Great. Should we use my conference number for the call then ( )? Or would Cmdr. Scott prefer that I call her and Capt. Thomas directly?


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Maria and Jason,

Thank you so much! 1100 hrs on April 6th.

Have a great afternoon~


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:37 PM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>

Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year,
and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be
willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will
give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Madusta Smith
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:38 PM
To: Maria Dominguez;Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Maria and Jason,

Thank you so much! 1100 hrs on April 6th.

Have a great afternoon~


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:37 PM
To: Jason Starr <>; Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.


Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information
for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership.
If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:37 PM
To: Jason Starr;Madusta Smith
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive


Let’s please plan for 1100 am.

Dusty—I will let Cmdr Scott know that she will meet in Cmdr Scott’s Office and they will landline Mr. Starr.

Thank you in advance,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.



On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information
for her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership.
If you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are
deploying the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that
will display our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will
please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.




Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:23 PM
To: Madusta Smith
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

No problem for me. I am available anytime that day Captain Thomas and Commander Scott are available to speak.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Madusta Smith <> wrote:

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.



From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year, and
are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing
to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give
you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you know
that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made last
month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,



Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Madusta Smith
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:22 PM
To: Jason Starr;Maria Dominguez
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jason and Maria,

I am so sorry but when I looked at the calendar, I misread the time of the meeting. Can we change the conference call to anytime between 1000-1130
hrs. Captain Thomas will be in the building, so she can go to the Cmdr’s Office for the call.


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my
personal conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


From: Madusta Smith

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:08 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>; Jason Starr <>

Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

I am so sorry I just double checked the calendar and saw I made a mistake, Captain Thomas is available from 1000-1130 hrs. What time is best for the



From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jason Starr <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


I am following up on the meeting. I have a HOLD on Cmdr Scott’s Calendar for April 6th, just checking in if we have confirmation w/Captain Thomas?

Thank you in advance,


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD,
most prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for
about one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display
our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in
touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.




Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:19 PM
To: Maria Dominguez
Cc: Madusta Smith
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive


That will work very well, and I appreciate your help and Dusty's. We are confirmed for 12pm Pacific time on Thursday, April 6. We can use my personal
conference line for the call ( ) unless there is another number you would prefer to use.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


From: Madusta Smith

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:08 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>; Jason Starr <>

Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

I am so sorry I just double checked the calendar and saw I made a mistake, Captain Thomas is available from 1000-1130 hrs. What time is best for the



From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jason Starr <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


I am following up on the meeting. I have a HOLD on Cmdr Scott’s Calendar for April 6th, just checking in if we have confirmation w/Captain Thomas?

Thank you in advance,


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year, and
are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing
to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give
you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you know
that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made last
month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:14 PM
To: Madusta Smith;Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

12pm is fine—Looks like it will be a 15 min or so Conference Call.

Mr. Starr, does 12pm work for you?

Thank you in advance,


From: Madusta Smith

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:08 PM
To: Maria Dominguez <>; Jason Starr <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hi Maria,

I am so sorry I just double checked the calendar and saw I made a mistake, Captain Thomas is available from 1000-1130 hrs. What time is best for the


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jason Starr <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


I am following up on the meeting. I have a HOLD on Cmdr Scott’s Calendar for April 6th, just checking in if we have confirmation w/Captain Thomas?

Thank you in advance,

From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about
one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.
Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display
our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in
touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Madusta Smith
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:08 PM
To: Maria Dominguez;Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Maria,

I am so sorry I just double checked the calendar and saw I made a mistake, Captain Thomas is available from 1000-1130 hrs. What time is best for the


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jason Starr <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


I am following up on the meeting. I have a HOLD on Cmdr Scott’s Calendar for April 6th, just checking in if we have confirmation w/Captain Thomas?

Thank you in advance,


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about
one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display
our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in
touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let
you know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the
offer we made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,
Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Madusta Smith
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:05 PM
To: Maria Dominguez;Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Maria,

Sorry for the delay, I have been off and today is my first day back. Captain Thomas is available at 1200 hrs. on April 6th. She has a meeting from 1030-1130 hrs.
and would need time to get back to the office.


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jason Starr <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up


I am following up on the meeting. I have a HOLD on Cmdr Scott’s Calendar for April 6th, just checking in if we have confirmation w/Captain Thomas?

Thank you in advance,


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about
one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display
our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in
touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let
you know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the
offer we made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,
Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jason Starr
Cc: Madusta Smith
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive


I am following up on the meeting. I have a HOLD on Cmdr Scott’s Calendar for April 6th, just checking in if we have confirmation w/Captain Thomas?

Thank you in advance,


From: Maria Dominguez

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:18 AM
To: 'Jason Starr' <>
Cc: Madusta Smith <>
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about
one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display
our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in
touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.
From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 9:27 AM
To: Maria Dominguez
Cc: Madusta Smith
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Thank you very much, Angela. Dusty, can you confirm whether Captain Thomas is available during this time window? I would be happy to speak on April 6
anytime during the suggested time period.


On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Maria Dominguez <> wrote:

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau

Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer

Direct #

Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>

Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year, and
are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding
officer at RACR, join the call.



On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her
on this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing
to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for
service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give
you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Maria Dominguez
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:19 AM
To: Jason Starr
Cc: Madusta Smith
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hello Mr. Starr,

Cmdr Regina Scott will be on vacation starting this Friday. She is open Thursday April 6th from 10am-12pm for a conference call. I have cc’d Dusty Smith who
handles Captain Thomas’ calendar to see if she is also available that same date/time.

Thank you in advance,


Angela Dominguez #V9400

Information Technology Bureau
Office of the Assistant Commanding Officer
Direct #
Main #213-486-0770

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos <>
Cc: Maria Dominguez <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most
prominently RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about
one year, and are at an important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the
commanding officer at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If
you'd be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display
our calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in
touch with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Mary Campos
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Mary, thank you very much for this introduction. I appreciate your help!

Angela, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would like to try to arrange a time to brief Commander Scott by phone about Dataminr's work with LAPD, most prominently
RACR division. We've been providing LAPD critical first-response alerting data leveraging social media data on a pilot basis for about one year, and are at an
important contracting phase with Motorola to be able to formalize our partnership.

Might Commander Scott have 15 minutes to speak by phone at some point next week? If possible, I would like to have Captain Thomas, the commanding officer
at RACR, join the call.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Mary Campos <> wrote:

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing
to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the
Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for service,
CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more
details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.



On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you know
that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made last month
while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,



To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Mary Campos
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 7:51 AM
To: Jason Starr
Cc: Maria Dominguez
Subject: RE: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Good Morning

Maggie’s position has not been filled, however, Commander Regina Scott is the acting commanding officer, her assistant is Angela Dominuez, I have cc’d her on
this email.

Thank you,


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for
her replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd
be willing to connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:
Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying
the Motorola Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our
calls for service, CCTV cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch
with Tim, he will give you more details and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.


On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you
know that Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we
made last month while we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify
that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 8:35 AM
To: Mary Campos
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Good morning, Mary,

I understand Maggie has left LAPD. I order to maintain progress on the contract process we began with her, may I have the contact information for her
replacement? We have been in contact with Motorola and are moving forward, but need to get approval for one aspect of this partnership. If you'd be willing to
connect me with him or her, I would appreciate it.

Best wishes,

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:
Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the Motorola
Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV
cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details
and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.


On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you know that
Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made last month while
we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:13 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Sounds great- just wanted to update you on my availability. Please let me know if I can help.


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 19:03 Hector Guzman <> wrote:

Hi. I'm waiting to hear back from my bosses. But thanks for the updated info

Sergeant Hector Guzman #35480

Community Relationship Division

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 17, 2017, at 3:41 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

Just wanted to check in again and let you know that if you would like to be added to the LAPD-Dataminr pilot program, I will be available next
Tuesday at 4pm or Wednesday, Jan. 24, in the morning or early afternoon, to provide in-person training to you

and other officers in your division. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to schedule some time for training while I'm
in LA next week.



On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Jason Starr

<> wrote:

Sgt. Guzman,

Thank you again for taking the time this afternoon for me to provide you a demonstration of Dataminr. As I mentioned, we are a real-time
event detection and notification software that leverages social media data to provide customized breaking news event

notifications to law enforcement and first responders based on your individual areas and topics of assignment and responsibility. A snapshot
of the major product features I showed you today is provided in the two-page document I have attached to this e-mail.

As I mentioned, we have an ongoing pilot partnership with LAPD, in which most Dataminr users are assigned to RACR. As we work through the
dynamics of the procurement process, we can extend you accounts under that pilot program. I will be in Los Angeles

next week and am happy to brief your leadership on our capabilities or offer training on our platform to any officers you believe could benefit
from the product.

Thank you again for your time, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or further requests for information.




To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Hector Guzman
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 4:03 PM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi. I'm waiting to hear back from my bosses. But thanks for the updated info

Sergeant Hector Guzman #35480

Community Relationship Division

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 17, 2017, at 3:41 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

Just wanted to check in again and let you know that if you would like to be added to the LAPD-Dataminr pilot program, I will be available next
Tuesday at 4pm or Wednesday, Jan. 24, in the morning or early afternoon, to provide in-person training to you and other officers in your
division. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to schedule some time for training while I'm in LA next week.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Sgt. Guzman,

Thank you again for taking the time this afternoon for me to provide you a demonstration of Dataminr. As I mentioned, we are a real-time
event detection and notification software that leverages social media data to provide customized breaking news event notifications to law
enforcement and first responders based on your individual areas and topics of assignment and responsibility. A snapshot of the major product
features I showed you today is provided in the two-page document I have attached to this e-mail.

As I mentioned, we have an ongoing pilot partnership with LAPD, in which most Dataminr users are assigned to RACR. As we work through the
dynamics of the procurement process, we can extend you accounts under that pilot program. I will be in Los Angeles next week and am happy
to brief your leadership on our capabilities or offer training on our platform to any officers you believe could benefit from the product.

Thank you again for your time, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or further requests for information.

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify
that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify
that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:41 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Sgt. Guzman,

Just wanted to check in again and let you know that if you would like to be added to the LAPD-Dataminr pilot program, I will be available next Tuesday at 4pm or
Wednesday, Jan. 24, in the morning or early afternoon, to provide in-person training to you and other officers in your division. Please feel free to reach out if you
have any questions or want to schedule some time for training while I'm in LA next week.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Jason Starr <> wrote:
Sgt. Guzman,

Thank you again for taking the time this afternoon for me to provide you a demonstration of Dataminr. As I mentioned, we are a real-time event detection and
notification software that leverages social media data to provide customized breaking news event notifications to law enforcement and first responders based
on your individual areas and topics of assignment and responsibility. A snapshot of the major product features I showed you today is provided in the two-page
document I have attached to this e-mail.

As I mentioned, we have an ongoing pilot partnership with LAPD, in which most Dataminr users are assigned to RACR. As we work through the dynamics of the
procurement process, we can extend you accounts under that pilot program. I will be in Los Angeles next week and am happy to brief your leadership on our
capabilities or offer training on our platform to any officers you believe could benefit from the product.

Thank you again for your time, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or further requests for information.


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 12:38 PM
To: Hector Guzman
Subject: Dataminr: Following Up
Attachments: Dataminr Fact Sheet.pdf

Categories: responsive

Sgt. Guzman,

Thank you again for taking the time this afternoon for me to provide you a demonstration of Dataminr. As I mentioned, we are a real-time event detection and
notification software that leverages social media data to provide customized breaking news event notifications to law enforcement and first responders based
on your individual areas and topics of assignment and responsibility. A snapshot of the major product features I showed you today is provided in the two-page
document I have attached to this e-mail.

As I mentioned, we have an ongoing pilot partnership with LAPD, in which most Dataminr users are assigned to RACR. As we work through the dynamics of the
procurement process, we can extend you accounts under that pilot program. I will be in Los Angeles next week and am happy to brief your leadership on our
capabilities or offer training on our platform to any officers you believe could benefit from the product.

Thank you again for your time, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or further requests for information.


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 11:46 AM
To: Maggie Goodrich
Cc: Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Maggie,

Thank you very much. We're sorry to miss you during our trip to LA in a couple weeks, but will be in Tim very shortly to discuss with him. We'll follow up with
you as necessary, and really appreciate your time and effort to facilitating our use across LAPD.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Maggie Goodrich <> wrote:
Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the Motorola
Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV
cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details
and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.


On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you know that
Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made last month while
we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Maggie Goodrich
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:07 AM
To: Jason Starr
Cc: Mary Campos;Jeffrey Long;Tim Boyle
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Following Up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jason -

I will not be in the office Jan. 23-25. However, I would like to get things going with you guys before that, by way of a project we have going with Motorola.

I am copying Tim Boyle, who is a consultant to Motorola and a number of other tech companies, to get that conversation going. We are deploying the Motorola
Aware platform at RACR and in the Chief's Situation Room, which is essentially a situational awareness platform that will display our calls for service, CCTV
cameras, etc. in one place. We would like to add social media alerts from Dataminr to that. If you will please get in touch with Tim, he will give you more details
and will work with you to develop a plan to make this happen.


On Jan 4, 2017, at 9:40 AM, Jason Starr <> wrote:

Good morning, Maggie,

I hope you had a great holiday and a wonderful start to the New Year. With the holidays behind us, I wanted to follow up and let you know that
Jeff and I will be back in Los Angeles on January 23-24 and would appreciate an opportunity to follow up on the offer we made last month while
we're in town. Do you have any time to meet during the afternoon of the 23rd or 24th?

Best wishes,

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify
that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:43 AM
To: Jennifer Thomas;Maggie Goodrich
Cc: Jason Starr;Mary Campos
Subject: Update

Categories: responsive

Hi Captain Thomas and Maggie:

You may have seen this ACLU blog post. I wanted to reiterate that we are cleared to support LAPD and the first responder use case, which includes the RACR
division. If I can answer any questions or be a resource of any kind, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to continuing to support your important
public safety mission with Dataminr's real time alerts. Look forward to being in touch early in the New Year to discuss next steps.



To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jeff Long
Director of State and Major City Partnerships
C: +1

2101 Wilson Blvd., 9th floor

Arlington, VA 22201
To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

Dataminr in the news: The Economist | International Business Times | | SIA
To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 8:04 AM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: John Alipio;Madusta Smith;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Categories: responsive

Captain Thomas,

No problem-- I understand a lot is happening. I'll be in touch in a couple weeks to see if we can set something up after Thanksgiving; if not, we'll look forward to
briefing you at the meeting early next month. In the meantime, if we can be of any assistance with training or additional accounts, please do not hesitate to
reach out.


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Jennifer Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Jason,

I do not have any time this week. Our Department Operations Center is activated and we are extremely busy. Let's try to set it up in a couple of
weeks or just chat at the meeting.

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 7:56:36 AM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: John Alipio; Madusta Smith; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Hi Captain Thomas,

Thank you for your quick note back. It's great to hear that you'll be joining us in the meeting with Ms. Goodrich. Both Jeff and I will be in that meeting, and are
excited for the opportunity to discuss with you then. If you have 10-15 minutes before then, we would still like to provide you an update on where we stand in

light of recent events in the social media space, and why we believe we're well positioned to continue our work with RACR and LAPD more broadly. Is there a
time this week or next when you might be able to take a very brief call from us?

Best regards,


On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Jennifer Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Jason,

Thank you for reaching out. I believe we already have a meeting set up next month to meet with Jeff and Ms. Maggie Goodrich, ITB, LAPD. Will you be at that
meeting? If so, we can discuss. We still have not started using Digital Stakeout.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 12:22 PM
To: Jennifer Thomas <>
Cc: John Alipio <>; Madusta Smith <>; Jeffrey Long <>
Subject: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Captain Thomas,

I hope that you had a great time away from the office and have settled back in at RACR. I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you while I was in Los
Angeles in September, as well as your willingness to introduce me to several of your colleagues.

I wanted to follow up with you to see if you'd be willing to talk sometime next week by phone. I've enjoyed working with Officer Alipio since my visit a couple
months ago, but understand he's out of the office for the next couple weeks. If possible, I'd like to discuss any updates you have with regard to the trail of

Digital Stakeout RACR was preparing to undertake, as well as any updates on how you'd like to move forward regarding the no-cost trial we've been pleased to
offer RACR for the past several months. We would be very pleased to talk at any time next week that is convenient for you.

Have a great weekend and a happy Veterans Day.

Best regards,



To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

To help To help
protect y our protect y our
priv acy , priv acy ,
Micro so ft Micro so ft
Office Office
prev ented prev ented
auto matic auto matic
download of download of
this pictu re this pictu re
from the from the
In ternet. In ternet.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jennifer Thomas
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 7:59 AM
To: Jason Starr
Cc: John Alipio;Madusta Smith;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Categories: responsive

Hi Jason,

I do not have any time this week. Our Department Operations Center is activated and we are extremely busy. Let's try to set it up in a couple of
weeks or just chat at the meeting.

From: Jason Starr <>

Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 7:56:36 AM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: John Alipio; Madusta Smith; Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Hi Captain Thomas,

Thank you for your quick note back. It's great to hear that you'll be joining us in the meeting with Ms. Goodrich. Both Jeff and I will be in that meeting, and are
excited for the opportunity to discuss with you then. If you have 10-15 minutes before then, we would still like to provide you an update on where we stand in
light of recent events in the social media space, and why we believe we're well positioned to continue our work with RACR and LAPD more broadly. Is there a
time this week or next when you might be able to take a very brief call from us?

Best regards,


On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Jennifer Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Jason,

Thank you for reaching out. I believe we already have a meeting set up next month to meet with Jeff and Ms. Maggie Goodrich, ITB, LAPD. Will you be at that
meeting? If so, we can discuss. We still have not started using Digital Stakeout.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 12:22 PM
To: Jennifer Thomas <>
Cc: John Alipio <>; Madusta Smith <>; Jeffrey Long <>
Subject: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Captain Thomas,

I hope that you had a great time away from the office and have settled back in at RACR. I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you while I was in Los
Angeles in September, as well as your willingness to introduce me to several of your colleagues.

I wanted to follow up with you to see if you'd be willing to talk sometime next week by phone. I've enjoyed working with Officer Alipio since my visit a couple
months ago, but understand he's out of the office for the next couple weeks. If possible, I'd like to discuss any updates you have with regard to the trail of
Digital Stakeout RACR was preparing to undertake, as well as any updates on how you'd like to move forward regarding the no-cost trial we've been pleased to
offer RACR for the past several months. We would be very pleased to talk at any time next week that is convenient for you.

Have a great weekend and a happy Veterans Day.

Best regards,



The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify
that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify
that the link points to the correct file and location.

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 7:57 AM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: John Alipio;Madusta Smith;Jeffrey Long
Subject: Re: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Categories: responsive

Hi Captain Thomas,

Thank you for your quick note back. It's great to hear that you'll be joining us in the meeting with Ms. Goodrich. Both Jeff and I will be in that meeting, and are
excited for the opportunity to discuss with you then. If you have 10-15 minutes before then, we would still like to provide you an update on where we stand in
light of recent events in the social media space, and why we believe we're well positioned to continue our work with RACR and LAPD more broadly. Is there a
time this week or next when you might be able to take a very brief call from us?

Best regards,


On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Jennifer Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Jason,

Thank you for reaching out. I believe we already have a meeting set up next month to meet with Jeff and Ms. Maggie Goodrich, ITB, LAPD. Will you be at that
meeting? If so, we can discuss. We still have not started using Digital Stakeout.

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 12:22 PM
To: Jennifer Thomas <>
Cc: John Alipio <>; Madusta Smith <>; Jeffrey Long <>
Subject: Dataminr: Phone Call Request

Captain Thomas,

I hope that you had a great time away from the office and have settled back in at RACR. I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you while I was in Los
Angeles in September, as well as your willingness to introduce me to several of your colleagues.

I wanted to follow up with you to see if you'd be willing to talk sometime next week by phone. I've enjoyed working with Officer Alipio since my visit a couple
months ago, but understand he's out of the office for the next couple weeks. If possible, I'd like to discuss any updates you have with regard to the trail of
Digital Stakeout RACR was preparing to undertake, as well as any updates on how you'd like to move forward regarding the no-cost trial we've been pleased to
offer RACR for the past several months. We would be very pleased to talk at any time next week that is convenient for you.

Have a great weekend and a happy Veterans Day.

Best regards,



To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr

Engagement Manager


To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

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To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the

Jason Starr
Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2016 1:22 PM
To: Yungfan Liu
Subject: Re: Dataminr Updates

Categories: responsive

Officer Liu,

Thank you for reaching out. I would be happy to set up a call to explain to you. We remain an official Twitter partner with full access to all publicly available
tweets, and the number of notifications that you receive should not be affected in any way.

I would be happy to explain on a phone call, please just let me know what time would be most convenient for you.



On Friday, November 4, 2016, Yungfan Liu <> wrote:

Hi Jason,

As of Officer Alipio advised me, everything goes well. We are still doing our test on the program. The only concern he has so far is if the lawsuit against
Geofedia and other social media tracking programs affect Datamir? He said it seems we had received less notifications than before for the last couple
weeks. Maybe you can help us to figure out. Thanks


Police Officer II Yungfan Liu #38244

Real-Time Analysis and

Critical Response Division


From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 7:40 AM
To: John Alipio <>
Cc: Yungfan Liu <>; Alonso Flores <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr Updates

Officer Liu, Sgt. Flores:

Very sorry to just be following up on this now, after Officer Alipio is out of the office again. I would be happy to address any of your concerns today if you are
available to take a call. Just let me know when would be a convenient time for you to talk.

Separately, I wanted to let you know I'll be back in LA the week of December 5. I hope you'll have time to meet in person early that week so I can address any
additional concerns then.


Jason Starr

Engagement Manager

Officer John Alipio #39190

Special Projects Unit

Real Time Analysis & Critical Response Division


Office: (213) 484-6710

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 2:05 PM
To: John Alipio <>
Subject: Dataminr Updates

Hi John,

I hope you're doing well. Wanted to check in with you and see how things were going in regards to your trial of Digital Stakeout. I also wanted to speak by
phone when you're able about some forthcoming product updates on our end. Are you available to talk for 10-15 minutes later this week-- Wednesday at
10am PDT, perhaps?


Jason Starr


Engagement Manager

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Dataminr is a Twitter Official Partner.

From: Yungfan Liu
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2016 12:56 PM
To: Jason Starr
Subject: RE: Dataminr Updates

Categories: responsive

Hi Jason,

As of Officer Alipio advised me, everything goes well. We are still doing our test on the program. The only concern he has so far is if the lawsuit against Geofedia
and other social media tracking programs affect Datamir? He said it seems we had received less notifications than before for the last couple weeks. Maybe you
can help us to figure out. Thanks


Police Officer II Yungfan Liu #38244

Real-Time Analysis and
Critical Response Division

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 7:40 AM
To: John Alipio <>
Cc: Yungfan Liu <>; Alonso Flores <>
Subject: Re: Dataminr Updates

Officer Liu, Sgt. Flores:

Very sorry to just be following up on this now, after Officer Alipio is out of the office again. I would be happy to address any of your concerns today
if you are available to take a call. Just let me know when would be a convenient time for you to talk.

Separately, I wanted to let you know I'll be back in LA the week of December 5. I hope you'll have time to meet in person early that week so I can
address any additional concerns then.


Jason Starr
Special Projects Unit

Real Time Analysis & Critical Response Division


Office: (213) 484-6710

From: Jason Starr []

Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 2:05 PM
To: John Alipio <>
Subject: Dataminr Updates

Hi John,

I hope you're doing well. Wanted to check in with you and see how things were going in regards to your trial of Digital Stakeout. I also wanted to
speak by phone when you're able about some forthcoming product updates on our end. Are you available to talk for 10-15 minutes later this week--
Wednesday at 10am PDT, perhaps?


Jason Starr


From: Jason Starr <>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 4:46 PM
To: John Alipio
Subject: Re: USC Department of Public Safety Request

Categories: responsive

Hey John,

Thanks so much for this! We really appreciate the referral, and it sounds like a great group to work with. I'll be sure to be in touch with Robin, but will wait for
her to contact me on Monday if she wants to reach out.

Thanks again, and look forward to seeing you again in LA in late October.


On Friday, September 30, 2016, JOHN ALIPIO <> wrote:


The University of Southern California Department of Public Safety came by RACR Yesterday to see what we are doing in regards to social media mining. They
were impressed with Dataminr and requested our contact's information. I hope you don't mind but I gave your contact information to USC's:

Robin Tilley
Director of Support Services Bureau
(213) 740-4375 (Office)

If you have any questions please give me a call or email.

Thank You,

Officer John Alipio #39190

Special Projects Unit
Real Time Analysis & Critical Response Division
Office: (213) 484-6710

From: John Alipio
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 6:59 AM
Subject: USC Department of Public Safety Request

Categories: responsive


The University of Southern California Department of Public Safety came by RACR Yesterday to see what we are doing in regards to social media mining. They
were impressed with Dataminr and requested our contact's information. I hope you don't mind but I gave your contact information to USC's:

Robin Tilley
Director of Support Services Bureau
(213) 740-4375 (Office)

If you have any questions please give me a call or email.

Thank You,

Officer John Alipio #39190

Special Projects Unit
Real Time Analysis & Critical Response Division
Office: (213) 484-6710

To help
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from the
In ternet.

To help
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

From: Glenn Archer < >
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 7:17 PM
To: Chand Syed;Jeff Long
Cc: Alejandro Vargas;Michael Downing
Subject: Re: Social Media Capability Demonstration from Data Miner Company: AUG 17th 1000-11:30

Categories: responsive

Chand – Thank you very much for arranging the meeting next Wednesday at 1000 am. I have cc’ed Jeff Long, the primary POC from Dataminr on this note to coordinate
any last minute details. I will plan to attend with Jeff.

Jeff – Please forward your short write up and one pager to Chand to distribute to the the participants. Also, I asked Chand today about a projector and a wifi connection
today. Please work with him on this and any other requirements you might need.


Glenn L. Archer III

Executive Director
National Fusion Center Association


Date: Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7:39 PM
To: Glenn Archer < >
Cc: ALEX VARGAS <>, Michael Downing <>
Subject: Fwd: Social Media Capability Demonstration from Data Miner Company: AUG 17th 1000-11:30

Greetings Mr. Archer,

We are all set. Please call me when your team arrives and I will have your guys parked in the building the day of. Also feel free to give my cell out to your
presenters in case they have questions.


>>> CHAND SYED 8/8/2016 4:37 PM >>>
You are receiving this email because you have been invited to attend:

Social Media Capability Demonstration from Data Miner Company:

Wednesday, August 17th 1000-1130 hours at 100 West 1st. Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

(9th Floor, MCD Orange Room). (Location could change, so watch for future emails).

Please RSVP to this email as seating is limited (Please do not ignore, just specify if you will attend or not). I'm getting lots of interest and want to make sure we
fill the seats for our guests.

If you receive a duplicate email, only RSVP one time.

If you have questions feel free to call my cell (I will be off for the next week, however will be available by cell)


Sergeant Chand Syed

Los Angeles Police Department
Counter-Terrorism & Special Operations Bureau
Office: 213-486-8780

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 4:05 PM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: Lee Powell;Alonso Flores;Kathleen Owens;Lapd Racr Division
Subject: Re: Next steps

Categories: responsive

All sounds good. Thank you for the very quick note back. And apologies for catching you right after you got back to the office!

Look forward to connecting next week.



Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 6:39 PM, JENNIFER THOMAS <> wrote:
Hi Jeff,

Thank you very much for reaching out and for extending the free trial for two additional weeks. I was away for three weeks and just returned yesterday so I am
doing a lot of catching up. I understand my staff has completed a report for me to review. My goal is to review the report this week and make a
recommendation to Information Technology Bureau based on that report. My personal experience with Dataminr has been very positive and I am eager to find
out my staff's feedback.

I will advise my staff that the free trial ends today. Again thank you for your generosity for the free trial and support.

I will contact you next week.

Jennifer J. Thomas
Jennifer J. Thomas, Captain
Commanding Officer
Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division (RACR)

Follow me on Twitter!

>>> Jeffrey Long <> 6/14/2016 3:27 PM >>>

Hi Captain Thomas,

Since March 1st, Dataminr has been very pleased to offer RACR unlimited no
cost trial accounts of our real-time alerting and analytical tools. We've
received a lot of positive feedback about RACR's use of our social media
tools; and RACR has a number of consistent "power users" using our tools on
virtually every shift.

The trial officially ended on 5/31/16. In order to keep the accounts turned
on, my leadership is asking me to secure a firm intent to procure. Do you
or any of your LAPD colleagues have a few minutes to connect by phone this
week to discuss next steps in the procurement process? We'd, of course, be
honored to support your mission at RACR. If we can work together to develop
a clear plan/intent to procure Dataminr, we'd be more than happy to keep
the accounts live during that process. And finally, would it be possible to
set-up a 15-minute call in the coming weeks with Chief Villegas and our
CEO/founder, Ted Bailey?

This weekend's horrific tragedy underscores the criticality of LAPD having

Dataminr's real-time I&W alerts to help protect citizens in real-time.

As always, thank you for your time and consideration,


Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr <>
mobile |

From: Jennifer Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:39 PM
Cc: Lee Powell;Kathleen Owens;Lapd Racr Division;Alonso Flores
Subject: Re: Next steps

Categories: responsive

Hi Jeff,

Thank you very much for reaching out and for extending the free trial for two additional weeks. I was away for three weeks and just returned yesterday so I am
doing a lot of catching up. I understand my staff has completed a report for me to review. My goal is to review the report this week and make a
recommendation to Information Technology Bureau based on that report. My personal experience with Dataminr has been very positive and I am eager to find
out my staff's feedback.

I will advise my staff that the free trial ends today. Again thank you for your generosity for the free trial and support.

I will contact you next week.

Jennifer J. Thomas

Jennifer J. Thomas, Captain

Commanding Officer
Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response Division (RACR)

Follow me on Twitter!

>>> Jeffrey Long <> 6/14/2016 3:27 PM >>>

Hi Captain Thomas,

Since March 1st, Dataminr has been very pleased to offer RACR unlimited no cost trial accounts of our real-time alerting and analytical tools. We've received a
lot of positive feedback about RACR's use of our social media tools; and RACR has a number of consistent "power users" using our tools on virtually every shift.

The trial officially ended on 5/31/16. In order to keep the accounts turned on, my leadership is asking me to secure a firm intent to procure. Do you or any of
your LAPD colleagues have a few minutes to connect by phone this week to discuss next steps in the procurement process? We'd, of course, be honored to
support your mission at RACR. If we can work together to develop a clear plan/intent to procure Dataminr, we'd be more than happy to keep the accounts live
during that process. And finally, would it be possible to set-up a 15-minute call in the coming weeks with Chief Villegas and our CEO/founder, Ted Bailey?

This weekend's horrific tragedy underscores the criticality of LAPD having Dataminr's real-time I&W alerts to help protect citizens in real-time.

As always, thank you for your time and consideration,


Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr <>

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:27 PM
To: Jennifer Thomas
Cc: Kathleen Owens
Subject: Next steps

Categories: responsive

Hi Captain Thomas,

Since March 1st, Dataminr has been very pleased to offer RACR unlimited no cost trial accounts of our real-time alerting and analytical tools. We've
received a lot of positive feedback about RACR's use of our social media tools; and RACR has a number of consistent "power users" using our tools
on virtually every shift.

The trial officially ended on 5/31/16. In order to keep the accounts turned on, my leadership is asking me to secure a firm intent to procure. Do you
or any of your LAPD colleagues have a few minutes to connect by phone this week to discuss next steps in the procurement process? We'd, of
course, be honored to support your mission at RACR. If we can work together to develop a clear plan/intent to procure Dataminr, we'd be more than
happy to keep the accounts live during that process. And finally, would it be possible to set-up a 15-minute call in the coming weeks with Chief
Villegas and our CEO/founder, Ted Bailey?

This weekend's horrific tragedy underscores the criticality of LAPD having Dataminr's real-time I&W alerts to help protect citizens in real-time.

As always, thank you for your time and consideration,


Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 4:39 PM
To: Kathleen Owens
Cc: William Kane;Soyeon Yu;Jennifer Thomas
Subject: Information from Dataminr
Attachments: Dataminr_LAPD_Success Stories.pdf; Dataminr_LAPD RACR Responses.docx

Categories: responsive

Hi Officer Owens,

Thank you for all you did to have my colleague, Soyeon Yu, join you at the RACR offices on MayDay. Hopefully RACR found Dataminr to be a useful tool. I hope
you and your colleagues have recovered from the long day on Sunday!

I'm attaching all of the information you requested as well as some additional background I think may be helpful for your final report. I've broken down the
information into the following buckets:

1. About Dataminr
2. Key Differentiators
3. Upcoming Features
4. References and Partial List of Customers
5. Success Stories
6. MayDay Support
7. Dataminr Power Users at RACR
8. Twitter vs. Facebook vs. Instagram
9. Dataminr Pricing and Products

Please review the attached documents and let me know if you have any further questions or need me to address anything else. And please feel free to lift of the language
in the documents for your final report.

In terms of next steps, would you and Captain Thomas be able to help me arrange a 20-30 minute conference call with our founder/CEO, Ted Bailey, and Chief Villegas?
Also, when would be a good time for me to come meet with you and Captain Thomas again in person to discuss RACR's potential plans to move forward with Dataminr?

Thank you and look forward to continuing the conversation.


Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr

From: Kathleen Owens
Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: Dataminr Readout

Categories: responsive

Thank you so much for this and thanks again for spending Sunday with us

Police Officer Kathleen Owens #37198

Los Angeles Police Department
RACR Admin Researcher
Direct Line
RACR 213-484-6700

>>> Soyeon Yu <> 5/2/2016 1:21 PM >>>

Officers Owens and Alipio-

Thank you again for facilitating Dataminr's visit to RACR yesterday. I really appreciated the opportunity to work with you and your team. As mentioned yesterday, here are our
notes from yesterday's coverage. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

 Dataminr supported the RACR May Day Command Center with social media monitoring on May 1, 2016 during the day shift.
 The Dataminr representative and RACR Officer John Alipio (Social Media point person) uncovered several previously unknown items using Dataminr's custom alerts and
advanced area analysis application
o Pre-organized Bike Rides/Tours Coinciding with May Day:
 May Day Reggae Fun Ride: The Area Analysis Application uncovered a tweet with a flyer of the event
 DTLA Sunday Funday Bike Ride: The Area Analysis Application uncovered a tweet from a bicyclist about a Sunday Funday bike ride in
DTLA. Further analysis uncovered a Facebook page about the event


Soyeon Yu
Public Sector | Dataminr |
99 Madison Ave, 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10016
tel: mobile |

From: Soyeon Yu <>
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:21 PM
To: Kathleen Owens
Cc:;Jeffrey Long;William Kane
Subject: Dataminr Readout

Categories: responsive

Officers Owens and Alipio-

Thank you again for facilitating Dataminr's visit to RACR yesterday. I really appreciated the opportunity to work with you and your team. As mentioned yesterday, here are our notes from
yesterday's coverage. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

 Dataminr supported the RACR May Day Command Center with social media monitoring on May 1, 2016 during the day shift.
 The Dataminr representative and RACR Officer John Alipio (Social Media point person) uncovered several previously unknown items using Dataminr's custom alerts and
advanced area analysis application
o Pre-organized Bike Rides/Tours Coinciding with May Day:
 May Day Reggae Fun Ride: The Area Analysis Application uncovered a tweet with a flyer of the event
 DTLA Sunday Funday Bike Ride: The Area Analysis Application uncovered a tweet from a bicyclist about a Sunday Funday bike ride in DTLA. Further analysis
uncovered a Facebook page about the event


Soyeon Yu
Public Sector | Dataminr |
99 Madison Ave, 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10016
tel: mobile |

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2016 11:23 AM
To: Richard Abad;;Teresa Irvin;Nathan Benson;Ramez Dabdoub;Ruben Jimenez;Blair Mccormack;Tuyet Nguyen;Averill Henry;Erick Yepes;Robert
Vargas;Natalie Whisenton;Kyle Mcinnis;Alan Lampe;Marshall Webb;Joseph Strader;Norma Vargas;Antonio Delatorre;Yungfan Liu;Felipe Gonzalez;John Laster
Cc: Kathleen Owens
Subject: Re: Dataminr account

Categories: responsive

Hi Team RACR,

Just want to check in. Let me know if you'd like a Dataminr account during RACR's no cost trial. Dataminr is a real time alerting and situational awareness
technology. Training takes 20 mins by phone and I can train you pretty much anytime that works for you.

I've trained about 25 of your colleagues so far and I'd be happy to train you, too.

Thank you,


On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Jeffrey Long <> wrote:

LAPD's RACR division recently started a no cost 3 month trial of Dataminr, which is a social media real time alerting and situational awareness tool being used
by the . Officer Kathleen Owens ( is managing the trial for RACR.

I was at RACR a few weeks ago to train an initial group of 15 trial users. I'm sorry to have missed you on my trip but would still like to offer you trial accounts.

Can you please email me back a date and time for me to call you and train you over the phone? Training takes 20 minutes; and you will need access to an
Internet connected computer.

Thank you,


P.S. I'm attaching a very brief case study on how our technology performed during the San Bernardino tragedy.

Dataminr instantly analyzes all publicly available Tweets for real-time information related to terrorist threats, social and political unrest, shootings, fires, transportation and
other serious accidents, extreme weather and illness outbreaks.

Dataminr is working with the . This is in addition to our

work with over 75 news organizations who depend on our Dataminr for News product.

Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr
mobile |

From: Sean Murray
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Dataminr account

Categories: responsive

This is Officer Sean Murray. I am working today 3/30 and tomorrow 3/31 from 0600-1800 hrs.

Officer S. Murray #35945

Los Angeles Police Department

West Traffic Division
Collision Investigator

4849 W. Venice Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90019
Phone (213) 473-0222

>>> Jeffrey Long <> 3/21/2016 2:32 PM >>>

Hi Team RACR,

LAPD's RACR division recently started a no cost 3 month trial of Dataminr, which is a social media real time alerting and situational awareness tool being used by
the . Officer Kathleen Owens ( is managing the trial for RACR.

I was at RACR a few weeks ago to train an initial group of 15 trial users. I'm sorry to have missed you on my trip but would still like to offer you trial accounts.

Can you please email me back a date and time for me to call you and train you over the phone? Training takes 20 minutes; and you will need
access to an Internet connected computer.

Thank you,


P.S. I'm attaching a very brief case study on how our technology performed during the San Bernardino tragedy.

Dataminr instantly analyzes all publicly available Tweets for real-time information related to terrorist threats, social and political unrest, shootings, fires, transportation and other
serious accidents, extreme weather and illness outbreaks.

Dataminr is working with the . This is in addition to our work with
over 75 news organizations who depend on our Dataminr for News product.

Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr
mobile |

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 2:56 PM
To: John Sopko;;Diane Cazares;Arthur Rodriguez;Emilia Lugo;Deborah Gauff;Nicole Nelson;Kevin Snaer;Honour Henry;Carey Coco;Javier Mora;Kathleen
Owens;Ray Rodriguez;Gerald Todd;Adan Urena;Leticia Thompson;Rosheen Rosenblum;Luis Garcia;Nathan Hooper;John Alipio
Subject: Following up
Attachments: LAPD-RACR Recommended Watchlist Settings.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi Team RACR,

You recently started a 3 month trial of Dataminr's real time alerting and situational awareness technology. I'm reaching out now to see if you have any questions
or feedback. Please feel free to call or email me anytime. We're excited to be working with RACR during this trial period, which runs through the end of May.
Officer Kathleen Owens ( is playing point for RACR on the trial so please consider sending feedback to her as well.

Just a reminder that Dataminr is a leading social media real time alerting and situational awareness technology. Dataminr's technology instantly analyzes all publicly available
Tweets for real-time information related to terrorist threats, social and political unrest, shootings, fires, transportation and other serious accidents, extreme weather and
illness outbreaks. Dataminr also has a suite of of advanced analytics, which includes a one-year archive of Twitter data, advanced geolocation prediction algorithms and
analytic capabilities, and custom signal discovery tools.

In the meantime, I'm attaching a one page document highlighting the recommended settings you should consider having for your account. Please call me anytime if you
need my help to optimize your account.

Thank you,


Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr
mobile |

From: William Kane <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:57 AM
To: Kathleen Owens;Diane Cazares;Javier Mora;Rosheen Rosenblum;John Alipio;Nicole Nelson;John Sopko;Adan Urena;Luis Garcia;Ray Rodriguez;Carey Coco;Nathan
Hooper;Gerald Todd;Leticia Thompson;Kevin Snaer;Deborah Gauff;Honour Henry;
Subject: Dataminr - Enhanced Geospatial Analysis Tool
Attachments: Geospatial Analysis Application.pdf

Categories: responsive

Good morning,

Dataminr is excited to announce the release of our Geospatial Analysis Application. Users can visualize real-time and historical events across the entire public Twitter dataset through our
enhanced geospatial capability. The Geospatial Analysis Tool will be available in your account by midnight on March 16th.

Please find a brief description of our new application attached below. Don't hesitate to reach out if I can provide a product demonstration or answer any immediate product questions.
Please email me if I can be of any assistance,

We are looking forward to hearing your feedback.


Will Kane
Dataminr |
6 East 32nd Street, 2nd Floor | New York, NY 10016
mobile |

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 12:48 PM
To: Richard Abad;;Teresa Irvin;Nathan Benson;Ramez Dabdoub;Ruben Jimenez;Blair Mccormack;Eric Obrecht;Tuyet Nguyen;Averill Henry;Erick
Yepes;Robert Vargas;Natalie Whisenton;Kyle Mcinnis;Sean Murray;Emilia Lugo;Alan Lampe;Arthur Rodriguez;Marshall Webb;Joseph Strader;Norma Vargas;Antonio
Delatorre;Dennis Orris;Yungfan Liu;Felipe Gonzalez;John Laster
Cc: Kathleen Owens;William Kane
Subject: Dataminr account
Attachments: 2015-12-02_San Bernardino Shooting.pdf

Categories: responsive


LAPD's RACR division recently started a no cost 3 month trial of Dataminr, which is a social media real time alerting and situational awareness tool being used by
the . Officer Kathleen Owens ( is managing the trial for RACR.

I was at RACR a few weeks ago to train an initial group of 15 trial users. I'm sorry to have missed you on my trip but would still like to offer you trial accounts.

Can you please email me back a date and time for me to call you and train you over the phone? Training takes 20 minutes; and you will need access to an
Internet connected computer.

Thank you,


P.S. I'm attaching a very brief case study on how our technology performed during the San Bernardino tragedy.

Dataminr instantly analyzes all publicly available Tweets for real-time information related to terrorist threats, social and political unrest, shootings, fires, transportation and
other serious accidents, extreme weather and illness outbreaks.

. This is in addition to our

work with over 75 news organizations who depend on our Dataminr for News product.

Jeff Long
Public Sector | Dataminr
mobile |

Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 2:40 PM
To: Mary Campos
Subject: Re: Meeting with Maggie Goodrich

Categories: responsive

Thank you for the feedback.

I'm in touch with an officer in the RACR division and it sounds like we may be starting a trial with that office in the coming weeks.

I'll continue to be in touch with my point of contact in the RACR division.

Thank you again for discussing my email with Maggie. Have a good weekend.


On Jan 15, 2016, at 4:53 PM, MARY CAMPOS <> wrote:

Good Afternoon

After checking with Ms. Goodrich, she indicated that LAPD already has this tool.

Thank you,


>>> Jeffrey Long <> 1/8/2016 12:48 PM >>>

Hi Mary,

Just want to quickly check in. Does Maggie have any availability for a 30-minute call next week or the week after? We had a great
series of meetings with law enforcement agencies across CA when we were in the state in early December. Sorry we missed Maggie
during the trip. I'd like to brief Maggie on our technology and our current work with agencies in CA and around the country, including

As a reminder, my company, Dataminr, is a leading social media alerting and analytics company, finding actionable signals in real-
time from our analysis of the full Firehose of publicly available tweets, something only our company has access to. We use this
access to all Twitter data to detect unexpected events that are witnessed by Twitter users first and deliver those eyewitness accounts

to our clients in real time through a desktop app, email, and mobile app. This is a departure from typical social media tools that are
more research and analysis focused and many of our LE clients have found it to be invaluable.

Thank you and hope to connect with Maggie in the near future by phone.



Jeff Long
Client Solutions, Public Sector | Dataminr
cell |

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:06 AM, MARY CAMPOS <> wrote:

Good Morning
I apologize for the last minute notice. Maggie will not be able to meet with you this morning at 11:30 a.m., I will remove the
appointment from your calendars.
If you have any questions, please call me at
Thank you,

From: Mary Campos
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: Meeting with Maggie Goodrich

Categories: responsive

Good Afternoon

After checking with Ms. Goodrich, she indicated that LAPD already has this tool.

Thank you,


>>> Jeffrey Long <> 1/8/2016 12:48 PM >>>

Hi Mary,

Just want to quickly check in. Does Maggie have any availability for a 30-minute call next week or the week after? We had a great series of meetings with law
enforcement agencies across CA when we were in the state in early December. Sorry we missed Maggie during the trip. I'd like to brief Maggie on our technology
and our current work with agencies in CA and around the country, including .

As a reminder, my company, Dataminr, is a leading social media alerting and analytics company, finding actionable signals in real-time from our analysis of the
full Firehose of publicly available tweets, something only our company has access to. We use this access to all Twitter data to detect unexpected events that are
witnessed by Twitter users first and deliver those eyewitness accounts to our clients in real time through a desktop app, email, and mobile app. This is a
departure from typical social media tools that are more research and analysis focused and many of our LE clients have found it to be invaluable.

Thank you and hope to connect with Maggie in the near future by phone.



Jeff Long
Client Solutions, Public Sector | Dataminr
cell |

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:06 AM, MARY CAMPOS <> wrote:
Good Morning
I apologize for the last minute notice. Maggie will not be able to meet with you this morning at 11:30 a.m., I will remove the appointment from your calendars.
If you have any questions, please call me at
Thank you,

From: Jeffrey Long <>
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2016 12:48 PM
To: Mary Campos
Subject: Re: Meeting with Maggie Goodrich

Categories: responsive

Hi Mary,

Just want to quickly check in. Does Maggie have any availability for a 30-minute call next week or the week after? We had a great series of
meetings with law enforcement agencies across CA when we were in the state in early December. Sorry we missed Maggie during the trip. I'd like
to brief Maggie on our technology and our current work with agencies in CA and around the country, including .

As a reminder, my company, Dataminr, is a leading social media alerting and analytics company, finding actionable signals in real-time from our
analysis of the full Firehose of publicly available tweets, something only our company has access to. We use this access to all Twitter data to detect
unexpected events that are witnessed by Twitter users first and deliver those eyewitness accounts to our clients in real time through a desktop app,
email, and mobile app. This is a departure from typical social media tools that are more research and analysis focused and many of our LE clients
have found it to be invaluable.

Thank you and hope to connect with Maggie in the near future by phone.



Jeff Long
Client Solutions, Public Sector | Dataminr
cell |

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:06 AM, MARY CAMPOS <> wrote:

Good Morning

I apologize for the last minute notice. Maggie will not be able to meet with you this morning at 11:30 a.m., I will remove the appointment from
your calendars.

If you have any questions, please call me at

Thank you,


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A exible and easy to understand platform, Media

Work ow
the platform. A methodical ow turns data and content into
intelligence which then turns in to more e cient

The most data search/ lter mechanisms available
Automated work ows and data intelligence

Since 2012, Media Sonar has been assisting Public Safety organizations with social media intelligence and in that time we have
grown to be the leading purpose-built platform trusted by law enforcement agencies of all types.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 2:24 PM
Subject: Media Sonar - Upcoming Webinar

Categories: newsletter or similar

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


We are conducting a Webinar on November 18th at 2 PM ET as we explore how Media Sonar customers harness key threat intelligence data from
IntelligenceX to maximize OSINT investigations.

- Learn how IntelligenceX creates a pipeline of key threat intelligence data.

- Learn how Media Sonar customers use IntelligenceX data for compromises like breaches, leaks, and more.
- Understand how to maximize the speed and results of OSINT investigations.

Peter Kleissner, Founder & CEO of IntelligenceX will be one of the featured speakers.

Register For The Webinar:

It would be great if you could join us! :)

Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.
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From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


I hope all is well with you.

I am reaching out to check in on how things are moving along from your end?

Would you be free to get on a call with me sometime this week?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 9:37 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:


That's great to know. :)

Do you have an update on when we can have the PO from LAPD for the 2021 implementation? I wanted to get ahead of things and plan onboarding for your

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 10:47 PM wrote:

Thank you, this is perfect!

giving authorities and event managers valuable and critical time to react. Media Sonar’s Footprint and OSINT Toolkit, combined, can help resolve real-world
information about potential threat actors upon the detection of a threat.

Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies;

Media Sonar allows for easy collaboration and information sharing amongst teams, agencies, and chain of command. Teammates of the Media Sonar platform
can share cases and data, allowing for the expedient and efficient investigation of potential threats. Once data has been collected and conclusions are drawn -
cases can be exported in either PDF (for ease of briefing other parties and information-sharing) or CSV (for ingestion into other systems) formats.

Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”

The Media Sonar platform uses a mixture of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and querying logic in order to detect and investigate a wide range of
topics; from executive protection, to public safety, to detecting indicators of emerging global threats. Using a combination of features like keyword groups,
automated detection rules, and alerts - security professionals can be alerted not only of current web data being discovered - but can be confident they will be
alerted the moment emerging data is detected. Furthermore, the Media Sonar provides the ability to query in and translate many major languages, which
extends the radius of investigation beyond the Stateside boundaries. These technologies allow authorities to gain crucial time to discovery, and then
investigate indicators closer to their source.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:47 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:


No worries at all. :)

Please find attached the below documents:

Also, can you confirm if you need pricing for 5 or 10 users? I will share the order form and proposal accordingly.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 3:18 PM wrote:

No worries! Been busy here as well. Also, for your marketing team:

Some additional details on what UASI is can be found at:

“There are four national priorities that Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) has identified:

1. Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security);

2. Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security);
3. Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies; and
4. Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS],



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated
quote, same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented
within the past year?

Thanks much,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other
legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is
solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know
that our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end
of 2020, but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


I am reaching out to get an understanding of where things are from your end.

It would be great to have some clarity. I look forward to hearing from you.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through
our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and
has offered up his calendar for us.


From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence"
intelligence/ I know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to
identify critical and protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features
called Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social
listening on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

[Webinar] How Analysts Use OSINT and Dark Web for Cyber Investigations
Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi ,

That's great to know. :)

Do you have an update on when we can have the PO from LAPD for the 2021 implementation? I wanted to get ahead of things and plan onboarding for your

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 10:47 PM < > wrote:

Thank you, this is perfect!

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 10:26 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”

The Media Sonar platform uses a mixture of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and querying logic in order to detect and investigate a wide range of topics;
from executive protection, to public safety, to detecting indicators of emerging global threats. Using a combination of features like keyword groups, automated
detection rules, and alerts - security professionals can be alerted not only of current web data being discovered - but can be confident they will be alerted the
moment emerging data is detected. Furthermore, the Media Sonar provides the ability to query in and translate many major languages, which extends the
radius of investigation beyond the Stateside boundaries. These technologies allow authorities to gain crucial time to discovery, and then investigate indicators
closer to their source.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:47 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

No worries at all. :)

Please find attached the below documents:

1.A summary of all the changes that have taken place since we last spoke with you in 2019.
2.Renewal order form for 2022 (5 users)
3.Renewal order form for 2022 (10 users)

I am not sure either on which proposal was submitted for 2021 budget approval (5 or 10 users). I was hoping you would be able to help me with this

Also, can you confirm if you need pricing for 5 or 10 users? I will share the new order form and proposal accordingly.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:02 PM < > wrote:

Yes, that’s perfect! Thank you.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the
use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the
No worries! Been busy here as well. Also, for your marketing team:

Some additional details on what UASI is can be found at:

“There are four national priorities that Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) has identified:

1. Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security);

2. Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security);
3. Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies; and
4. Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS],



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated
quote, same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented
within the past year?

Thanks much,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other
legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely
for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released
to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for
privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic
Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific
content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies
of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know
that our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of
2020, but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other
legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is
solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence"
intelligence/ I know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to
identify critical and protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social
listening on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me



Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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At the heart of site/facility security is people; on both sides of the problem. On the nefarious side, people plan and discuss violent action. Media Sonar has the
ability to search across a multitude of various data sources, many of which track back to the conversational aspects of web data. Our platform can detect
indicators of potential attacks or terrorist acts ahead of time, allowing investigators to quickly gain information on the act and the potential perpetrators - giving
authorities and event managers valuable and critical time to react. Media Sonar’s Footprint and OSINT Toolkit, combined, can help resolve real-world
information about potential threat actors upon the detection of a threat.

Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies;

Media Sonar allows for easy collaboration and information sharing amongst teams, agencies, and chain of command. Teammates of the Media Sonar platform
can share cases and data, allowing for the expedient and efficient investigation of potential threats. Once data has been collected and conclusions are drawn -
cases can be exported in either PDF (for ease of briefing other parties and information-sharing) or CSV (for ingestion into other systems) formats.

Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”

The Media Sonar platform uses a mixture of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and querying logic in order to detect and investigate a wide range of topics;
from executive protection, to public safety, to detecting indicators of emerging global threats. Using a combination of features like keyword groups, automated
detection rules, and alerts - security professionals can be alerted not only of current web data being discovered - but can be confident they will be alerted the
moment emerging data is detected. Furthermore, the Media Sonar provides the ability to query in and translate many major languages, which extends the
radius of investigation beyond the Stateside boundaries. These technologies allow authorities to gain crucial time to discovery, and then investigate indicators
closer to their source.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:47 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

No worries at all. :)

Please find attached the below documents:

1. A summary of all the changes that have taken place since we last spoke with you in 2019.
2. Renewal order form for 2022 (5 users)
3. Renewal order form for 2022 (10 users)

Also, can you confirm if you need pricing for 5 or 10 users? I will share the new order form and proposal accordingly.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:02 PM < > wrote:

Yes, that’s perfect! Thank you.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use
of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public,
the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and
the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,

Some additional details on what UASI is can be found at:

“There are four national priorities that Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) has identified:

1. Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security);

2. Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security);
3. Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies; and
4. Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that
our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020,
but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other
legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely
for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released
to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for
privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic
Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific
content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies
of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence"
intelligence/ I know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to
identify critical and protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social
listening on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying
to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to
this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;

(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi ,

Our team has provided language around for how our platform would meet the 4 priorities listed below. Let me know if you need anything else from my end.
Also, it would be great to know when I can follow up with you for the 2021 implementation. Any updates on that PO would be helpful. :)

Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security);

In a world where cyber election tampering is a real risk, being able to react quickly to potential attacks and interruptions to election security is a must. Media
Sonar allows cybersecurity teams to supplement their other operational and technical controls by extending their awareness beyond their walls, across hard to
search areas of the web such as the Deep and Dark Web. The platform can detect indicators of leaks, future attacks, new vulnerabilities, etc. before they reach
the network, allowing teams to adjust policies and security controls proactively. Media Sonar also allows the investigation of detected data points with technical
tools in our OSINT Toolkit, which can surface technical data that can be helpful in other security layers.

Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security);

At the heart of site/facility security is people; on both sides of the problem. On the nefarious side, people plan and discuss violent action. Media Sonar has the
ability to search across a multitude of various data sources, many of which track back to the conversational aspects of web data. Our platform can detect
indicators of potential attacks or terrorist acts ahead of time, allowing investigators to quickly gain information on the act and the potential perpetrators - giving
authorities and event managers valuable and critical time to react. Media Sonar’s Footprint and OSINT Toolkit, combined, can help resolve real-world
information about potential threat actors upon the detection of a threat.

Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies;

Media Sonar allows for easy collaboration and information sharing amongst teams, agencies, and chain of command. Teammates of the Media Sonar platform
can share cases and data, allowing for the expedient and efficient investigation of potential threats. Once data has been collected and conclusions are drawn -
cases can be exported in either PDF (for ease of briefing other parties and information-sharing) or CSV (for ingestion into other systems) formats.

Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”

The Media Sonar platform uses a mixture of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and querying logic in order to detect and investigate a wide range of topics;
from executive protection, to public safety, to detecting indicators of emerging global threats. Using a combination of features like keyword groups, automated
detection rules, and alerts - security professionals can be alerted not only of current web data being discovered - but can be confident they will be alerted the
moment emerging data is detected. Furthermore, the Media Sonar provides the ability to query in and translate many major languages, which extends the
radius of investigation beyond the Stateside boundaries. These technologies allow authorities to gain crucial time to discovery, and then investigate indicators
closer to their source.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:47 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

No worries at all. :)

Please find attached the below documents:

1. A summary of all the changes that have taken place since we last spoke with you in 2019.
2. Renewal order form for 2022 (5 users)
3. Renewal order form for 2022 (10 users)

I am not sure either on which proposal was submitted for 2021 budget approval (5 or 10 users). I was hoping you would be able to help me with this

The marketing team is working on the language for you around the 4 priorities you shared. I can send that over to you latest by tomorrow.

In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Happy to jump on a call as well if you prefer.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:10 PM < > wrote:

4. Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the
use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the
public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy
and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy
Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and
metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication
immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

I checked online that the LAPD Fiscal Year is July-June. Does this mean you receive the funds in July and we receive payment in July 2021?

Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform.
We are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that
will greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that
our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020,
but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence"
intelligence/ I know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to
identify critical and protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social
listening on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 1:48 PM
Cc: Anne-Marie Moore
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps
Attachments: image002.jpg; Key Product Changes - LAPD Oct2020.pdf; Media Sonar 2022 Renewal Order Form - LAPD (5 users).pdf; Media Sonar 2022 Renewal Order Form - LAPD
(10 users).pdf

Categories: responsive

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi ,

No worries at all. :)

Please find attached the below documents:

1. A summary of all the changes that have taken place since we last spoke with you in 2019.
2. Renewal order form for 2022 (5 users)
3. Renewal order form for 2022 (10 users)

I am not sure either on which proposal was submitted for 2021 budget approval (5 or 10 users). I was hoping you would be able to help me with this

The marketing team is working on the language for you around the 4 priorities you shared. I can send that over to you latest by tomorrow.

In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Happy to jump on a call as well if you prefer.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:10 PM < > wrote:

Hmmmm … I *believe* it was 5. This would be for essentially a renewal of our 2020 UASI request (which was approved, with funds kicking in 2021), to continue
with the program the following year. But I apologize – I wasn’t involved in last year’s



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use
of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public,
the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and
the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

I checked online that the LAPD Fiscal Year is July-June. Does this mean you receive the funds in July and we receive payment in July 2021?

Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform.
We are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that
will greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that
our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020,
but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social
listening on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

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Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 1:01 PM
To: < >
Cc: Anne-Marie Moore <>
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use
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protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the
California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

I checked online that the LAPD Fiscal Year is July-June. Does this mean you receive the funds in July and we receive payment in July 2021?

Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform.
We are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that
will greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that
our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020,
but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening
on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this

message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Also, can you confirm if you need pricing for 5 or 10 users? I will share the order form and proposal accordingly.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 3:18 PM < > wrote:

No worries! Been busy here as well. Also, for your marketing team:

Some additional details on what UASI is can be found at:

“There are four national priorities that Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) has identified:

1.Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security);

2.Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security);
3.Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies; and
4.Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated
quote, same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented within
the past year?

Thanks much,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use
of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public,
the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and
the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that
our UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020,
but I wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


It would be great to have some clarity. I look forward to hearing from you.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no
problem, I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some
helpful stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening
on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

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message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

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message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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To help
protect y our
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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me



Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 1:03 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Cc: Anne-Marie Moore
Subject: RE: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

Yes, that’s perfect! Thank you.

LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection
purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California
Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such
material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control
(ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 1:01 PM
To: < >
Cc: Anne-Marie Moore <>
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the
California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 12:08 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:12 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated quote,
same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented within the
past year?

Thanks much,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform.
We are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that will
greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

I tried calling you today but left a message.

I am reaching out to get an understanding of where things are from your end.

It would be great to have some clarity. I look forward to hearing from you.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem,
I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening
on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me



Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the
California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

I checked online that the LAPD Fiscal Year is July-June. Does this mean you receive the funds in July and we receive payment in July 2021?

Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform.
We are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that will
greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem,
I will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening
on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this

message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 12:18 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Subject: RE: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

No worries! Been busy here as well. Also, for your marketing team:

Some additional details on what UASI is can be found at:

“There are four national priorities that Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) has identified:
1. Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security);
2. Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security);
3. Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies; and
4. Addressing emerging threats (e.g. transnational criminal organizations, weapons of mass destruction [WMD], unmanned aerial systems [UAS], etc.)”


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection
purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California
Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such
material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control
(ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:12 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated quote,
same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented within the past

Thanks much,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform. We
are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that will
greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

I tried calling you today but left a message.

I am reaching out to get an understanding of where things are from your end.

It would be great to have some clarity. I look forward to hearing from you.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening
on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:12 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated quote,
same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented within the past

Thanks much,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform. We
are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that will
greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

I tried calling you today but left a message.

I am reaching out to get an understanding of where things are from your end.

It would be great to have some clarity. I look forward to hearing from you.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening
on a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;

(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.



Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Major Account Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Schedule a meeting with me


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 11:30 AM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Subject: FW: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

Hi Mrigya,

Just wanted to follow-up on this. I apologize for the relatively short notice, but I would like to push this through next week for the 2021 grant request…

Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:12 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated quote,
same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented within the past

Thanks much,

LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the
California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on
a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.



Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:12 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Subject: RE: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

Hi Mrigya,

Hope all is well! The time has come yet again for us to submit our UASI grant application for 2021 (funds will kick in 2022). I’m hoping to get an updated quote,
same as previous year (I believe we had 5 licenses). Also, can you provide a quick summary of any new capabilities that have been implemented within the past

Thanks much,

LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection
purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California
Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such
material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control
(ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 7:51 AM


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the
California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 10:43 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on
a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 7:51 AM
Subject: Media Sonar - Follow up/Next steps

Categories: responsive

ATTENTION: This email originated outside of LAPD. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi ,

So good to hear from you and that is great news!! Thank you for keeping me in the loop on timelines. I really appreciate it.

I checked online that the LAPD Fiscal Year is July-June. Does this mean you receive the funds in July and we receive payment in July 2021?

Also, I have encouraging news for you as well. We released a new feature this week that has greatly increased the investigation capabilities of the platform. We
are calling it the OSINT Toolkit, and it will be used within the Pathfinder feature. We have added a number of sources to aid in your investigations that will
greatly help you narrow down your searches and find more information than previously before.

I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you and your team to go over these functionalities. Let me know how you would like to proceed. :)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM < > wrote:

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data
protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the
California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata,
including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately.
Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 10:43 AM

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >

Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on
a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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protect y our
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.


Book a meeting:

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 2:35 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Subject: RE: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Categories: responsive

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delayed reply to this email – things got pretty crazy here between COVID-19 and the ongoing civil unrest. I wanted to let you know that our
UASI funding for Media Sonar has been approved for fiscal year 2021. I expect to reach back out with additional information closer to the end of 2020, but I
wanted to give you an update and some encouraging news.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or (raw/draft or analyzed/finished) intelligence in nature, information pertaining to security operations, and/or other legally
privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of
the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the
media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection
purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California
Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such
material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control
(ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 10:43 AM

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected
assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

 I have not yet heard anything on the City of Los Angeles budget request completed last year – this is still months away.
 I’ve been advised informally that our UASI grant proposal, which included Media Sonar, *was* approved, so that’s good news. However, I have yet to
see anything formal documenting this. This funding will kick in 2021.

As always, if Media Sonar develops new capabilities, please let me know so I can continue to apprise our decision makers.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, refers to investigative techniques, security procedures, and/or other legally privileged information. This
information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It
is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:31 AM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Happy New Year!

I am reaching out to understand if there is anything else you need from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Our team at Media Sonar is dedicated to aiding you with anything you need to make this process as smooth as possible.

Let me know. I'm happy to help!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and
protected assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called
Threat Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on
a day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 12:36 PM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Subject: RE: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Categories: responsive

Hi Mrigya,

Thanks for reaching out. so I apologize for being unavailable.

Quick update:
 I have not yet heard anything on the City of Los Angeles budget request completed last year – this is still months away.
 I’ve been advised informally that our UASI grant proposal, which included Media Sonar, *was* approved, so that’s good news. However, I have yet to
see anything formal documenting this. This funding will kick in 2021.

As always, if Media Sonar develops new capabilities, please let me know so I can continue to apprise our decision makers.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, refers to investigative techniques, security procedures, and/or other legally privileged information. This
information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is
to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other
personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized
interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications
Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected
assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

I am back from vacation! I heard from Anne Marie that all was taken care of.

Is there anything else you need from me? I'm happy to help!

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has
offered up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
intelligence-to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful
stats as well the shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I
know the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected
assets and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044


Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
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from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Join us at RSA in San Francisco.

February 24-28. Register here.

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
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from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I
will put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

- she is back on Monday - if she could get to you by Tuesday would that be soon enough?

Anne-Marie Moore | Chief Revenue Officer

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Anne Marie,

Received Mrigya’s vacation response. Please see below – if you have any cost/benefit, hours saved, etc. stats that would be great. If not, no worries!


-- , LAPD

From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Anne Marie,

Received Mrigya’s vacation response. Please see below – if you have any cost/benefit, hours saved, etc. stats that would be great. If not, no worries!


-- , LAPD

Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 9:15 AM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents
Importance: High

Hi Mrigya,
I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I will
put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Received Mrigya’s vacation response. Please see below – if you have any cost/benefit, hours saved, etc. stats that would be great. If not, no worries!


-- , LAPD

Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 9:15 AM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents
Importance: High

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A. The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I will
put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B. In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!


Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 9:20 AM
Subject: FW: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Categories: responsive

Hi Anne Marie,

Received Mrigya’s vacation response. Please see below – if you have any cost/benefit, hours saved, etc. stats that would be great. If not, no worries!


-- , LAPD

Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 9:15 AM
To: Mrigya Sharma <>
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: RE: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents
Importance: High

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A) The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I will
put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B) In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.


From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 9:15 AM
To: Mrigya Sharma
Cc: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Categories: responsive

Hi Mrigya,

I apologize for the late reply to this – and back at work now. I wanted to follow-up on a couple of things:

A) The City is asking for an estimated annual savings in hours per license/employee. I wanted to ask if you have anything like that. If not, no problem, I will
put something together. Unfortunately they are asking for this TODAY. The good news is that it continues to move through our bureaucracy.

B) In January, would like to schedule a web demo of the product for the Commanding Officer of our IT group. He is a key decision maker, and has offered
up his calendar for us.



From: Mrigya Sharma <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
To: < >
Cc: Jennifer Smith <>
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:
This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 9:23 AM
Cc: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Re: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

I hope you received my email. I wanted to check with you if there is anything else I can assist you with.

Let me know, I would be happy to help!

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 4:44 PM Mrigya Sharma <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

To help protect y our priv acy , Microsoft Office prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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From: Mrigya Sharma <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 1:45 PM
Cc: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Media Sonar Proposal and Other Helpful Documents
Attachments: ManagedServices_CrisisManagement.pdf; Media Sonar Proposal - LAPD - 3 users.pdf; Media Sonar Proposal - LAPD - 5 users.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and for the updates.

Since VIP protection has become a new responsibility for you, here's an article that we just released that you might
find useful:

This article is called "Using Threat Intelligence to Proactively & Reactively Investigate Violence"
to-proactively-reactively-investigate-violence/ I know that it's written with a bit more of a corporate focus, but it does reference some helpful stats as well the
shooting in El Paso and how that played out on 8 Chan.

This is another article about "A Holistic Approach to Threat Intelligence" I know
the LAPD had a data breach issue this year and this article could give you some talking points about why it's important to identify critical and protected assets
and their vulnerabilities, as well as threat actors and their motivations.

I know Jennifer talked to you about our upcoming releases, but not they're live, they were released last month. We now have two new features called Threat
Models and Pathfinder and here's an article that explains more about their purpose and benefits:

I've also attached an updated proposal (3 users and 5 users) for you that includes a slide about Threat Models and another about Pathfinder.

Lastly, I've attached some slides that review the features and benefits of Media Sonar that will allow you to successfully conduct real-time social listening on a
day to day basis or for events.

I hope these resources help with your presentation and your upcoming training session. Please let me know if there's anything else we can do to help.

We look forward to getting your feedback after you speak with the head of IT.


Thank you!

Mrigya Sharma | Business Development Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Awarded 2019 Canada's Best Employer for Recent Grads by Career Directory.

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:55 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Congratulations!!! 😊


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:39 PM
To: < >
Cc: Mrigya Sharma <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon.

I can't remember if I already told you, I'm leaving in early December.

So I won't be here to finish things up with your contract, unfortunately. I'd like to introduce you to my colleague Mrigya Sharma, she will be
taking over as your point of contact.

Monday is Thanksgiving for us here in Canada and then I'll be on vacation for the rest of the week, but I will be available by email.

Mrigya and I have been working with our marketing department to gather/create a few more resources for you and will be sure to send those to you on
Tuesday. So don't be surprised when the email comes from her on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:01 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I have a meeting next week with the head of our IT Group. They make the approvals to our budget proposal before it goes to the Chief of Police, and from there
it will head across the street to City Hall (who will make the final determination regarding our proposal).
I’m going to have a couple of slides for each of our requests, so if there’s anything new or especially compelling you want me to include, just let me know!

Also, within the next couple of months, I’m going to provide real-time social media listening training to our Department Operations Center personnel. They are
staffed 24/7. I’m hoping to baby step them into this space so that we can eventually get a broader paradigm shift for our agency, particularly if I can get them to
start feeding pertinent info to our decision makers.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across
to the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
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On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's
being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty
open tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
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On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,
Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
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On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
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and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to
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On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?
Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying
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message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities
within the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is
that the entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of
your questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying
to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you
will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

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A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

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Featured engagements

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* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:39 PM
Cc: Mrigya Sharma
Subject: Re: Follow up
Attachments: image002.png

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Good afternoon.

I can't remember if I already told you, I'm leaving in early December.

So I won't be here to finish things up with your contract, unfortunately. I'd like to introduce you to my colleague Mrigya Sharma, she will be
taking over as your point of contact.

Monday is Thanksgiving for us here in Canada and then I'll be on vacation for the rest of the week, but I will be available by email.

Mrigya and I have been working with our marketing department to gather/create a few more resources for you and will be sure to send those to you on
Tuesday. So don't be surprised when the email comes from her on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
To help
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this pictu re
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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:01 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I have a meeting next week with the head of our IT Group. They make the approvals to our budget proposal before it goes to the Chief of Police, and from there
it will head across the street to City Hall (who will make the final determination regarding our proposal).

I’m going to have a couple of slides for each of our requests, so if there’s anything new or especially compelling you want me to include, just let me know!

Also, within the next couple of months, I’m going to provide real-time social media listening training to our Department Operations Center personnel. They are
staffed 24/7. I’m hoping to baby step them into this space so that we can eventually get a broader paradigm shift for our agency, particularly if I can get them to
start feeding pertinent info to our decision makers.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across
to the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?
Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's
being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty
open tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.
Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities
within the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is
that the entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of
your questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you
will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Great, I'll make it happen.

Talk soon,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
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On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 2:00 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

It'll be next Wednesday, so anything you can get me by Tuesday would be great. Thanks!

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:52 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. We would love to help with your presentation. I just met with our marketing team, we have a few articles that
can help to support your presentation, but we'll prepare a summary of points that will outline the features of our tool that will help specifically with talking
about real-time listening for threats.

I'm glad to hear that you have a broader plan to influence some of your colleagues on real-time social listening. It will all help. Hopefully, some of the resources
we send over will be helpful for that as well.

Which day are you meeting with the head of IT next week? I'd like to get something to you as soon as possible, but I also want to give our marketing team time
to prepare.

Thanks so much!

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044
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On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:01 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I have a meeting next week with the head of our IT Group. They make the approvals to our budget proposal before it goes to the Chief of Police, and from
there it will head across the street to City Hall (who will make the final determination regarding our proposal).

I’m going to have a couple of slides for each of our requests, so if there’s anything new or especially compelling you want me to include, just let me know!

Also, within the next couple of months, I’m going to provide real-time social media listening training to our Department Operations Center personnel. They are
staffed 24/7. I’m hoping to baby step them into this space so that we can eventually get a broader paradigm shift for our agency, particularly if I can get them
to start feeding pertinent info to our decision makers.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across
to the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked
for and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information
that's being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty
open tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.
Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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message and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree
killer case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your
recommendation. Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be
ideal to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities
within the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is
that the entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand
what you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that
continually search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of
your questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 11:00 AM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

It'll be next Wednesday, so anything you can get me by Tuesday would be great. Thanks!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:52 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. We would love to help with your presentation. I just met with our marketing team, we have a few articles that
can help to support your presentation, but we'll prepare a summary of points that will outline the features of our tool that will help specifically with talking
about real-time listening for threats.

I'm glad to hear that you have a broader plan to influence some of your colleagues on real-time social listening. It will all help. Hopefully, some of the resources
we send over will be helpful for that as well.

Which day are you meeting with the head of IT next week? I'd like to get something to you as soon as possible, but I also want to give our marketing team time
to prepare.

Thanks so much!

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:01 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I have a meeting next week with the head of our IT Group. They make the approvals to our budget proposal before it goes to the Chief of Police, and from there
it will head across the street to City Hall (who will make the final determination regarding our proposal).

I’m going to have a couple of slides for each of our requests, so if there’s anything new or especially compelling you want me to include, just let me know!

Also, within the next couple of months, I’m going to provide real-time social media listening training to our Department Operations Center personnel. They are
staffed 24/7. I’m hoping to baby step them into this space so that we can eventually get a broader paradigm shift for our agency, particularly if I can get them to
start feeding pertinent info to our decision makers.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up
Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across
to the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,
I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's
being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty
open tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
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On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency
permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
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and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.
Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,
Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to
this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying
to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities
within the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is
that the entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of
your questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Follow up
Attachments: image002.png

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. We would love to help with your presentation. I just met with our marketing team, we have a few articles that
can help to support your presentation, but we'll prepare a summary of points that will outline the features of our tool that will help specifically with talking
about real-time listening for threats.

I'm glad to hear that you have a broader plan to influence some of your colleagues on real-time social listening. It will all help. Hopefully, some of the resources
we send over will be helpful for that as well.

Which day are you meeting with the head of IT next week? I'd like to get something to you as soon as possible, but I also want to give our marketing team time
to prepare.

Thanks so much!

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:01 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I have a meeting next week with the head of our IT Group. They make the approvals to our budget proposal before it goes to the Chief of Police, and from there
it will head across the street to City Hall (who will make the final determination regarding our proposal).

I’m going to have a couple of slides for each of our requests, so if there’s anything new or especially compelling you want me to include, just let me know!

Also, within the next couple of months, I’m going to provide real-time social media listening training to our Department Operations Center personnel. They are
staffed 24/7. I’m hoping to baby step them into this space so that we can eventually get a broader paradigm shift for our agency, particularly if I can get them to
start feeding pertinent info to our decision makers.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, refers to investigative techniques, security procedures, and/or other legally privileged information. This
information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It
is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or
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may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-
party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across
to the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's
being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty
open tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.
Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities
within the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is
that the entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of
your questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 1:02 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

I have a meeting next week with the head of our IT Group. They make the approvals to our budget proposal before it goes to the Chief of Police, and from there
it will head across the street to City Hall (who will make the final determination regarding our proposal).

I’m going to have a couple of slides for each of our requests, so if there’s anything new or especially compelling you want me to include, just let me know!

Also, within the next couple of months, I’m going to provide real-time social media listening training to our Department Operations Center personnel. They are
staffed 24/7. I’m hoping to baby step them into this space so that we can eventually get a broader paradigm shift for our agency, particularly if I can get them to
start feeding pertinent info to our decision makers.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, refers to investigative techniques, security procedures, and/or other legally privileged information. This
information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is
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interception, review, use or disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications
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herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency
permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,
Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across to
the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?
Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
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reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's
being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight,
may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
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reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to
this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the
entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying

to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you
will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work in trying to make this happen.

I look forward to any updates you have to share.

Best wishes,
Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across to
the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
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you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?
Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some
information about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's
being sold on the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any
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rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
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this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the
entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying
to this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you
will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:47 AM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, thanks again. I submitted everything you sent, along with my proposal.

Unfortunately … unless the powers that be have specific questions … I won’t hear anything as it makes its way through our chain of command, and/or across to
the City Council, which is usually about Spring 2020.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m going to repeat this process each year. Every time I do it, I learn a little bit more.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be
exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
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the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid
"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM

To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some information
about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's being sold on
the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight,
may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a
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disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any
misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a
reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the
entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally
privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to
this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Good morning!

How did everything go yesterday? Is there anything else that you need from me?

Now that you've submitted for your budget what are the next steps? Do you usually find out about approvals within a month or so?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:33 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid
"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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protect y our
priv acy ,
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is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some information
about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's being sold on
the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight,
may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a
valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or
disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any
misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a
reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the
U.S., as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to
review anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your
proposal? Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when
budget requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also
have the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal
to use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the
entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off
automated threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what
you categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually
search for threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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privileged and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to
this message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this
message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Oh, that's nice. Must be a relief for you. If anything comes up over the weekend let me know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:27 PM < > wrote:

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized
disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If
you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM

To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my
email for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for
and attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some information
about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's being sold on
the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight,
may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a
valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or
disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any
misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a
reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes
Division, Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S.,
as well as All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM

To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer
case and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal?
Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget
requests will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have
the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to
use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the
entire investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you
categorize as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for
threats and give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 1:28 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Thank you! I was granted a one day stay of execution until Monday, so I’m still working on it today and will finish Monday. Much appreciated.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be
exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure
may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not
the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:27 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my email
for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for and
attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some information
about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's being sold on
the Dark Web?
Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid
"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes Division,
Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S., as well as
All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal?
Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests
will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have
the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to
use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize
as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and
give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

I'm sure you're busy finishing up your budget requests, but I wanted to send you a quick email to see if you need anything else from me. I'll be checking my email
for the rest of the day but will be out of the office in half an hour. You can always call my cell phone too if you need something last minute -


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for and
attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
terrorist-refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some information
about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's being sold on
the Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid

"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes Division,
Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S., as well as
All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal?
Is there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests
will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have
the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to
use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within
the content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize
as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and
give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.
On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired


A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Follow up
Attachments: Untangling the Web Where to Get Started with Online Investigation.pdf; MST_Whitepaper_DarkWebMarkets_July2019.pdf; Sole Source Letter - LAPD.pdf; LAPD Proposal
for Purchase.pdf; Media Sonar Order Form - LAPD - 10.pdf; Media Sonar Order Form - LAPD - 5.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for giving me some time to prepare this information for you.

Please look at the LAPD Proposal for Purchase document first. It references each of your bullet points. I've referenced each of the documents you asked for and
attached them here for you.

Also, here's article about the shooting in El Paso and how it relates to the content that was shared on
refuge-plain-sight/ I was able to find the content in Media Sonar that he posted before the shooting. Maybe that could help as another use case.

Lastly, my colleague was telling me about a data breach that happened with the Police Department recently. Would you like me to give you some information
about how we could help with investigating data breaches, or would you like to just include the fact that you can investigate information that's being sold on the
Dark Web?

Let me know if you need anything else or have questions about any of the content. Good luck with finishing your budget submissions. My day is pretty open
tomorrow so feel free to call or email me any time.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized
disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If
you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes Division,
Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S., as well as
All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests
will start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have
the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:
1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to
use during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize
as a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and
give them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this
message; (2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message
and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 12:34 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

That would be fine, thank you! Happy holiday!


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be
exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure
may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not
the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2019 12:34 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,
Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes Division,
Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S., as well as
All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.
More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have
the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as
a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give
them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points

2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Sorry for my late reply. Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada. I will start working on this asap. If I can get this back to you by early in the afternoon on
Thursday would that be too late or would it be ok?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 4:17 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes Division,
Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S., as well as
All-Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have
the ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation.
Here's a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as
a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give
them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope you will
find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements

* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker

* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member

* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV

* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting

* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC

* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker

* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path

* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International

* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2019 1:17 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much. I expect we’ll be firing emails back and forth this week. When you get a chance, can you send me:

 Separate quotes for 5x and 10x licenses

 Sole source provider statement
 Explanation of licensing model (i.e. per user vs. per device, etc.)
 Summary of support
 Any recent white papers I can attach as addenda
 Summary of admin/security features coming soon (so I can address that up front)
 Any use cases for monitoring live events/active shooters

I’m going to go for broke and try to push the 10 licenses through, with our division taking lead on it but also farming licenses out to our Major Crimes Division,
Special Events, Criminal Intelligence Details, and Department Operations Center. I will be discussing recent active shooter scenarios across the U.S., as well as All-
Star Game and Olympics preparations.

Thank you!

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 6:10 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.
Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,
Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,
Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's
a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as
a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give
them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I
hope you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. Please feel free to email or call me any time if you need help. Also, I'd be happy to chat when you're done if you'd like to review
anything and see if I can add anything.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
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prev ented
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 7:20 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case
and the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's
a description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as
a threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give
them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I
hope you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 4:21 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

Real quick, budget project just came in. Due Aug 9. Will start next week.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32:01 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044


STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case and
the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?
Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's a
description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.
3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as a
threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give
them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope
you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thanks for the update.

Oh wow, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and if there's anything you think I could do to help please let me know.

Once you get a chance to take a look at what we sent over and you're working on your submission please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:15 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case and
the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
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this pictu re
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's a
description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated
threat detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as a
threat; and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give
them back to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
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this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope
you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 3:15 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

I continue to be the squeaky wheel. 😆 I have been inquiring about budget but no word yet. I’ve had to pause on all that as we picked up a spree killer case and
the murder of an officer. That’s going to occupy us for awhile full time.

More soon,

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41:11 PM
To: < >
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's a
description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated threat
detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as a threat;
and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give them back
to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope
you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 1:41 PM
Cc: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Good afternoon!

I wanted to reach out to follow up with you on the information that Toni and I sent over to you. Will the information we sent help you with your proposal? Is
there anything else that you need to be able to submit for budget approvals? Have you followed up with your management to see when budget requests will
start this year?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:
Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's a
description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated threat
detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as a threat;
and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give them back
to you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope
you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence
Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:50 AM
To: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group
Subject: Re: Follow up

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you Toni for sending this over. I trust that will be helpful to you .

I spoke with our product team and we will be releasing the ability to delete an entire case and have that tracked within your audit logs. You will also have the
ability to delete one piece of information at a time and have that tracked in the audit logs too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information about our upcoming releases. It will only add value to your recommendation. Here's a
description of the releases of our next 3 big features:

1. Live streaming - this feature will give you the ability to monitor social media in near real-time with a constant flow of new content. It would be ideal to use
during events or during any crisis situations.

2. Pathfinder - The tool works in a stepped manner, starting with any content that contains an entity. Each step scans and recognizes the entities within the
content, and then informs the next step. A step could be a search in the platform within social, news, blogs or Footprint The best part is that the entire
investigation will be tracked so that in the end you'll be left with everything you'll need to show your chain of custody.

3. Threat Models - Threat models combines a global data collection engine, threat categorization, and risk modeling together into a hands-off automated threat
detection system. Threat models functions by understanding the asset (facility, VIP...etc) that you want to protect, understand what you categorize as a threat;
and the ranking you give to that threat. This information then is constructed by the system into queries that continually search for threats and give them back to
you on a "Mission Control" type dashboard.

These features are scheduled to be released between August and September of this year.

If we could follow up with each other when you get the opportunity to submit for funding. Toni and I would be more than happy to answer any of your

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <> wrote:
Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope
you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support

Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Toni Chrabot - Risk Confidence Group <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 6:43 AM
Cc: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Follow up
Attachments: Consult_LAPD_F07162019.pdf; Media Sonar Facts - LAPD.pdf

Categories: responsive

Good afternoon ,

In follow up to our discussion last week and in collaboration with Jennifer, I put together some of the ideas discussed and considerations. I hope
you will find this helpful. Jennifer will be in touch with updates that may prove helpful regarding retention of searches.

Please find the following attached:

1. Discussion points
2. Document synopsizing the product features

Happy to be of further assistance as needed. Be safe!

Kind Regards,

Toni Chrabot
Consultant | FBI - Retired

A Limited Liability Corporation

Improving Risk Confidence

Strategy | Policy | Analytical Programs | Crisis Management Coaching for the C-Suite | Private Investigation & Litigation Support
Featured engagements
* September 2019 - GSX, Chicago, IL Session Speaker
* April 2019 - TaxSlayer Gator Bowl Committee Member
* October 30 - November 1, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* September 26, 2018 - GSX / ASIS - Session Panel, Online Data and Threat Intelligence, Las Vegas, NV
* August 22-23, 2018 - USF Cybersecurity for Executives Education Program & Advisory Committee Meeting
* June 7, 2018 - Dow Jones Corp. - RANE Insider Threat Panelist, NYC
* June 5, 2018 - Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference, SC - Session Speaker
* February 6, 2018, Featured Speaker - The Leadership Path
* September 13, 2017 - Webinar - ASIS International
* May 2017 - Training in Amman, Jordan

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 2:10 PM
Subject: 3 user proposal
Attachments: Media Sonar Proposal - LAPD - 3 users.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for speaking with Toni and I today, I hope that helped!

Here's the proposal with the 3 user pricing.

Please let me know if you need anything else. I'll make sure that Toni and I get some notes over to you about our conversation and some of those tips.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 12:09 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Media Sonar proposal

Categories: responsive

Thank you!

LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be
exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
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and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure
may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not
the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 12:02 PM
To: < >
Subject: Media Sonar proposal

Hi ,

Please see our proposal attached. It includes information about your use cases, our features, pricing and training that will be helpful for you when you need to
submit for budget approval.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 12:02 PM
Subject: Media Sonar proposal
Attachments: Media Sonar Proposal - LAPD.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Please see our proposal attached. It includes information about your use cases, our features, pricing and training that will be helpful for you when you need to
submit for budget approval.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Perfect, I just sent over an invite.

Talk to you tomorrow,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 2:16 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,
1:30 PST will work!



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
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you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:39 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Sorry for all of the emails. Can I change those options to 12:30 or 1:30?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 11:20 AM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know. I know it would likely be cutting into your lunch, but would you have time tomorrow at 12 or 12:30 PT?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 4:48 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Apologies, got a little busy this week (ironically yesterday it was with something that I sure could have used Media Sonar on … ). Yes, totally down to
chat. I’m free on Monday all day after 10am PST, and Tuesday after noon PST.

Also, in addition to the quote we discussed for 5 users, can you also prepare one for a single user (me)? I’m going to pursue alternate means of funding for

Thanks again,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 1:46 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Perfect, thank you for this.

I just spoke with a consultant of ours. She used to work with the FBI and now has a business consulting people like yourself on digital risk intelligence. I was
just explaining your situation to her and everything that we talked about privacy-wise and she would love to offer her support and advice. I'd like to schedule
a call with the 3 of us so that we can brainstorm some ideas to help you with getting approval for funding this year instead of next year at the last minute. She
already has some great ideas and I think can share a few ideas that you might not have thought of. Since she works with us, there would be no cost to you

Do you have any time available on Friday or between Monday - Wednesday next week?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:39 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10
that I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 11:16 AM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

1:30 PST will work!


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
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the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:39 AM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,
Sorry for all of the emails. Can I change those options to 12:30 or 1:30?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 11:20 AM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know. I know it would likely be cutting into your lunch, but would you have time tomorrow at 12 or 12:30 PT?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 4:48 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Apologies, got a little busy this week (ironically yesterday it was with something that I sure could have used Media Sonar on … ). Yes, totally down to
chat. I’m free on Monday all day after 10am PST, and Tuesday after noon PST.

Also, in addition to the quote we discussed for 5 users, can you also prepare one for a single user (me)? I’m going to pursue alternate means of funding for

Thanks again,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid
"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 1:46 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Perfect, thank you for this.

I just spoke with a consultant of ours. She used to work with the FBI and now has a business consulting people like yourself on digital risk intelligence. I was
just explaining your situation to her and everything that we talked about privacy-wise and she would love to offer her support and advice. I'd like to schedule a
call with the 3 of us so that we can brainstorm some ideas to help you with getting approval for funding this year instead of next year at the last minute. She
already has some great ideas and I think can share a few ideas that you might not have thought of. Since she works with us, there would be no cost to you

Do you have any time available on Friday or between Monday - Wednesday next week?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:39 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight,
may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a
valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or
disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any
misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a
reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10
that I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Sorry for all of the emails. Can I change those options to 12:30 or 1:30?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 11:20 AM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know. I know it would likely be cutting into your lunch, but would you have time tomorrow at 12 or 12:30 PT?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 4:48 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Apologies, got a little busy this week (ironically yesterday it was with something that I sure could have used Media Sonar on … Yes, totally down to
chat. I’m free on Monday all day after 10am PST, and Tuesday after noon PST.

Also, in addition to the quote we discussed for 5 users, can you also prepare one for a single user (me)? I’m going to pursue alternate means of funding for

Thanks again,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid
"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or
unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 1:46 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Perfect, thank you for this.

I just spoke with a consultant of ours. She used to work with the FBI and now has a business consulting people like yourself on digital risk intelligence. I was
just explaining your situation to her and everything that we talked about privacy-wise and she would love to offer her support and advice. I'd like to schedule a
call with the 3 of us so that we can brainstorm some ideas to help you with getting approval for funding this year instead of next year at the last minute. She
already has some great ideas and I think can share a few ideas that you might not have thought of. Since she works with us, there would be no cost to you

Do you have any time available on Friday or between Monday - Wednesday next week?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:39 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight,
may be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a
valid "right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or
disclosure of all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any
misuse or unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a
reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission
rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,
Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10
that I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged
and is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message;
(2) do not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for letting me know. I know it would likely be cutting into your lunch, but would you have time tomorrow at 12 or 12:30 PT?


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 4:48 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,
Apologies, got a little busy this week (ironically yesterday it was with something that I sure could have used Media Sonar on … ). Yes, totally down to
chat. I’m free on Monday all day after 10am PST, and Tuesday after noon PST.

Also, in addition to the quote we discussed for 5 users, can you also prepare one for a single user (me)? I’m going to pursue alternate means of funding for

Thanks again,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized
disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If
you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 1:46 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Perfect, thank you for this.

I just spoke with a consultant of ours. She used to work with the FBI and now has a business consulting people like yourself on digital risk intelligence. I was just
explaining your situation to her and everything that we talked about privacy-wise and she would love to offer her support and advice. I'd like to schedule a call
with the 3 of us so that we can brainstorm some ideas to help you with getting approval for funding this year instead of next year at the last minute. She
already has some great ideas and I think can share a few ideas that you might not have thought of. Since she works with us, there would be no cost to you

Do you have any time available on Friday or between Monday - Wednesday next week?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:39 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid
"right/need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of
all content and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or

unauthorized disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward,
or hyperlink. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10
that I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
Micro so ft
prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
from the
In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 1:49 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

Apologies, got a little busy this week (ironically yesterday it was with something that I sure could have used Media Sonar on … Yes, totally down to
chat. I’m free on Monday all day after 10am PST, and Tuesday after noon PST.

Also, in addition to the quote we discussed for 5 users, can you also prepare one for a single user (me)? I’m going to pursue alternate means of funding for

Thanks again,

LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may be
exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure
may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If you are not
the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 1:46 PM
To: < >
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Perfect, thank you for this.

I just spoke with a consultant of ours. She used to work with the FBI and now has a business consulting people like yourself on digital risk intelligence. I was just
explaining your situation to her and everything that we talked about privacy-wise and she would love to offer her support and advice. I'd like to schedule a call
with the 3 of us so that we can brainstorm some ideas to help you with getting approval for funding this year instead of next year at the last minute. She already
has some great ideas and I think can share a few ideas that you might not have thought of. Since she works with us, there would be no cost to you involved.

Do you have any time available on Friday or between Monday - Wednesday next week?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:39 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube.



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized
disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If
you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10
that I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and
is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do
not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Perfect, thank you for this.

I just spoke with a consultant of ours. She used to work with the FBI and now has a business consulting people like yourself on digital risk intelligence. I was just
explaining your situation to her and everything that we talked about privacy-wise and she would love to offer her support and advice. I'd like to schedule a call
with the 3 of us so that we can brainstorm some ideas to help you with getting approval for funding this year instead of next year at the last minute. She already
has some great ideas and I think can share a few ideas that you might not have thought of. Since she works with us, there would be no cost to you involved.

Do you have any time available on Friday or between Monday - Wednesday next week?

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

To help
protect y our
priv acy ,
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prev ented
auto matic
download of
this pictu re
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In ternet.

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message and any attachments may be confidential and legally privileged and is
intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please: (1) notify me immediately by replying to this message; (2) do not
use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce any part of the message or any attachment; and (3) destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:39 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube



LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI), Personal Identifying Information (PII), information that is investigatory or intelligence in nature, and/or other legally privileged information. This information, upon suitable review and oversight, may
be exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and/or California Public Records Act. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with appropriate policy relating to this information and is not to be released to the public, the media, foreign nationals, or other personnel who do not have a valid "right/need-
to-know" without prior approval of an authorized official. Some information may include encrypted content for privacy and data protection purposes. Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure of all content
and metadata is prohibited and may violate applicable laws, including the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized
disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties. This notice may apply to specific content, attachments, and metadata, including such material that may be included herein as a reply, forward, or hyperlink. If
you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10
that I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 12:40 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer!

Thank you. Believe it or not, the most egregious offender tends to be YouTube.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 12:24 PM
To: < >
Subject: Websites with comments

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10 that
I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 12:24 PM
Subject: Websites with comments

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo yesterday. I'm just gathering all of the information we talked about. One quick question. When you're doing your
investigations, could you possibly give me a list of 5 -10 that
I could lookup. I want to make sure that we're getting all of the comments for you.


Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jin Kim <>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:59 AM
To: Isaac Burciaga
Subject: This is a great fit for Los Angeles Police Department

Categories: responsive

Hi Isaac,

I don't want to keep bombarding your inbox with emails.

I think Media Sonar could be a great fit, but since I haven't heard from you, I'm going to guess it's because of one of three reasons:
You already have a digital risk detection solution you are happy with?
You currently do not have a need for a digital risk detection solution at this time?
You’re curious to learn more, but it's not a good time right now and I should follow-up next month?

Please let me know if any of these are correct so I can spare your inbox. I’d be more than happy to address any questions or feedback, so feel free to reply back
and we can schedule some time.


Jin Kim| Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Would you like to opt out?

From: Jin Kim <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 6:00 AM
To: Keith Aulick
Subject: Hey Keith let me help you with that.

Categories: responsive

Hey there, just giving this one a nudge up your inbox.

Hi Keith,

I’ve been thinking about companies similar to yours and how they struggle with their own business challenges. I believe we can help you solve your problems by
thinking through our solution and how it can help you.

There are a ton of companies just like Los Angeles Police Department using our software to help:

Secure Executives and VIPs

Lower supply chain risks
Protect brand from outside attacks
Secure events & identify threats
Find insider threats posted on the Dark Web

Would you be able to jump on a call sometime this week to discuss more?

Jin Kim| Inside Sales Specialist
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Would you like to opt out?

From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: reschedule, sorry!

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thanks for letting me know. I totally understand. I'm so sorry to hear about Deputy Solano, that's horrible.

Unfortunately, I can't look too much into anything that has to do with Facebook, but he did say that he's "computer guy" so if you need any help looking on
blogs, forums or the Dark Web please let me know.

Let me know when things calm down and we'll reschedule.

Good luck!

Jennifer Smith | Account Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 1:43 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

My apologies, I’m going to have to reschedule our meeting for today. We picked up the related L.A. case pertaining to this incident:

…which interestingly enough has a social media component:

Thank you – more soon,


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6850 office



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you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication immediately. Originator Control (ORCON)/third-party agency permission rules apply.

Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 10:44 AM
To: Jennifer Smith;
Subject: reschedule, sorry!

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

My apologies, I’m going to have to reschedule our meeting for today. We picked up the related L.A. case pertaining to this incident:

…which interestingly enough has a social media component:

Thank you – more soon,

LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6850 office

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and its contents (including attachments) may contain confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Controlled Unclassified
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From: Jin Kim <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 6:16 AM
To: Keith Aulick
Subject: Do you waste time researching individual social networks?

Categories: responsive

Hi Keith,

Although social networks provide important data for your digital threat investigations, it’s incredibly time-consuming to research all the platforms
individually. This can be precious time you’ll need when you’re managing a crisis.

Media Sonar provides a single platform to investigate:

 Blogs & Forums

 News
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Dark Web

Let us stay current on social sharing trends and use our holistic platform to improve your digital investigation results.

You can learn more about Media Sonar on our site or simply follow the link below to book a call time that works for you.

Book a meeting with Jin Kim

All the best,

Jin Kim| Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

Would you like to opt out?

From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 5:51 AM
To: Robert Long
Subject: I hope I’ve helped

Categories: responsive

Hi Robert,

I hope you’ve enjoyed the report and blog posts I’ve sent you over the past few weeks. We publish new blog posts weekly to keep our readers informed in the
field of online investigation. Keep an eye out for our next newsletter that is sent out every other Wednesday.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime should you decide you’d like to learn more about Media Sonar and our online investigation software.

All the best,


AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jin Kim <>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 5:50 AM
To: Keith Aulick
Subject: Do you, or should you , be using the Dark Web in your investigations?

Categories: responsive

Hi Keith,

Investigating threats on the dark web can be risky business. Click on the wrong link or have any of your personal apps running in the background and you run
the risk of both legal problems and identity theft.

Security professionals use Media Sonar to access a safe and anonymous, Google-like search engine for the Dark Web. With Media Sonar you’ll :

 Be shielded from Dark Web predators who are waiting to grab your data
 Improve your investigative results with access to previously unavailable content
 Get a head start investigating and preparing for planned nefarious activities

Follow the link below to pick a time that works for you to discuss your specific investigation challenges.

Book a meeting with Jin Kim

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Jin Kim| Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 6:25 AM
To: Robert Long
Subject: From Shakedown Street to Silk Road

Categories: responsive

Hi Robert,

Here’s another popular Media Sonar blog post you might like “From Shakedown Street to Silk Road: Designer Drugs on the Dark Web”.

Being aware of the latest activities on the deep and dark web can take a lot of effort, time and possibly risk. Having access to an online investigation software
such as Media Sonar, allows you and your team to research all areas of the open-source web anonymously and safely. Centralized reporting, admin and case
management will also make it easier to communicate your findings and organize your various sources.

Let’s meet to discuss how we can help you and your team improve your online investigations.

Simply reply to this email with some times that work for you, or book a time using the link below.

Book a meeting with AJ Peat



AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jin Kim <>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:45 AM
To: Keith Aulick
Subject: Hi Keith, how do you investigate digital threats?

Categories: responsive

Hi Keith,

Given your role as Det, 3 - Officer in Charge, I thought you may be interested in learning about Media Sonar and our Online Intelligence Software. We work with
many organizations to help make their enterprise and employees more secure. I think we may be able to help Los Angeles Police Department too.

Media Sonar can help you safely investigate risks using both the Dark Web and open-source networks. Examples of common challenges our clients investigate

 Enterprise assets and intellectual property that are being sold online illegally
 Threats against a location or planned events
 A VIP’s account being impersonated, or they are receiving threats
 Learning the credibility and potential security risks of job candidates

If you’re interested and would like to learn more, let’s book a time to meet and go over your security needs to see if Media Sonar is the right fit for you.

Please take a look at our site or follow the link below to pick a time that works for you.

Book a meeting with Jin Kim

All the best,

Jin Kim| Inside Sales Specialist
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 6:28 AM
To: Robert Long
Subject: Why do hackers do what they do?

Categories: responsive

Hi Robert,

We just published a new blog post I thought you might be interested in, “Internet Crime Thrives, Hackers Motivated to Gain Experience and Money”. It outlines
the key findings of the FBI’s annual Internet Crime Complaints Report which paints a pretty bleak picture.

The agency reports receiving almost 352,000 complaints last year with losses totaling more than $2.7 billion.

If you or your team needs to find a way to be more efficient and effective with your online investigations, let’s book a time to talk about Media Sonar software.

Just reply to this email with some times that work for you or click below to book a time.
Book a meeting with AJ Peat

Looking forward to hearing from you,

AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Dustin White <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 1:27 PM
To: Scarlett Nuno
Subject: Overview Package
Attachments: M_SONAR-Footprint Fact Sheet.pdf; MST Overview.pdf; MK_0061_MST_Sellsheet_Law_Enforcement_HR.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi thanks for taking the time and speaking with me today.

I have attached some documents that should give you a better understanding on what is is we do.

Thanks again and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Dustin White| Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 10:19 AM
To: Robert Long
Subject: Robert, do you know the difference between the Surface, Deep and Dark Web and how they can impact your investigations?

Categories: responsive

Hi Robert

Media Sonar recently released a report “Untangling The Web: Where To Get Started With Online Investigation”. I thought this is something you might be
interested in and wanted to send it your way. It covers topics such as:

 Distinguishing between the Surface Web, the Deep Web, and the Dark Web

 Identifying the ways the Dark Web is used to create public and private risks

 Including online investigation to help assess risk and investigate threats and attacks

If you would like to learn more about our Online Investigation software and how we can help you quickly find pertinent information across the surface, deep and
dark web I’d like to set a quick 15-minute call to discuss.

Please let me know what time is best, or you can select a time from the link below.

Book a meeting with AJ Peat


AJ Peat
AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 6:09 AM
To: Ramon Garces
Subject: Interested in learning about online investigation tactics?

Categories: responsive

Hi Ray,

I wanted to reach out to you because we work with government and law enforcement agencies to help them to successfully incorporate online investigation into
their daily work.

Media Sonar is an online investigations software that connects the right tools and workflows into a single solution. Drawing from millions of sources across the
Surface, Deep and Dark Web, our software removes the difficulties investigators have in gaining visibility across the entire Internet and provides a case
management workflow that can help you with organization, communication, and end results.

Here’s a doc that can give you some more details: Media Sonar for Law Enforcement

If you would like to learn more about our Online Investigation software and how we can help you quickly find pertinent information across the surface, deep and
dark web, I’d like to set a quick 15-minute call to discuss.

Please let me know what time is best, or you can select a time from the link below.

Book a meeting with AJ Peat


AJ Peat

AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044


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From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 11:01 AM
To: Robert Long
Subject: Robert, get started with online investigation

Categories: responsive

Hi Robert,

I wanted to reach out to you because we work with government and law enforcement agencies to help them to successfully incorporate online investigation into
their daily work.

Media Sonar is an online investigations software that connects the right tools and workflows into a single solution. Drawing from millions of sources across the
Surface, Deep and Dark Web, our software removes the difficulties investigators have in gaining visibility across the entire Internet and provides a case
management workflow that can help you with organization, communication, and end results.

Here’s a doc that can give you some more details: Media Sonar for Law Enforcement

If you would like to learn more about our Online Investigation software and how we can help you quickly find pertinent information across the surface, deep and
dark web, I’d like to set a quick 15-minute call to discuss.

Please let me know what time is best, or you can select a time from the link below.

Book a meeting with AJ Peat


AJ Peat

AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: AJ Peat <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 10:53 AM
To: Ramon Garces
Subject: Media Sonar Follow Up
Attachments: MST_Product-General.pdf; Media_Sonar_Footprint.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hey Ray,

Thanks for taking the time to chat today.

Here is some information attached below.

Talk soon

AJ Peat | Inside Sales Specialist

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Tyler Logtenberg <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 11:21 AM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: Re: Dashboard for command staff

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Great to connect with you! Do you have time to connect this week?


On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:18 AM Jennifer Smith <> wrote:

Hi ,

This is all great, sounds like our timing is perfect.

Tyler is at a conference today, but I'll let him reply to you soon with date and time for a chat.

Thank you very much,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 11:47 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Absolutely, be happy to chat. I was at the International Association of Crime Analyst (IACA) conference last week and taught some OSINT training, and one of
the things I talked about were real-time OSINT dashboards.

Put simply, my goals are:

 To put as much pertinent information in front of the team as possible without being overwhelmed by the volume and velocity of data
 To capture the data as it comes in for evidence, export, and analysis
 To be able to collaborate and task resources for either real-world or online follow-up (“deep dive”)

Of course, I’m using low-cost/“free and open source” by necessity, but I think the concept is so important and there’s potential for a single platform to
integrate all of these tools. Right now I’ve cobbled together an ad hoc solution using:

This has been serviceable for some major events and high-level VIPs, but is awkward enough to run that I can’t keep it going 24/7 like it should be in any real-
time center/war room scenario. I avoid geofencing almost entirely in favor of keywords and hashtags.

Let me know when it’s a good time. Mondays and Fridays typically work best for me, as mid-week gets busy.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6840 office

(213) 486-6811 direct

work cell


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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:20 AM
To: < >
Subject: Dashboard for command staff

Hi ,

I hope you're having a great morning!

I wanted to reach out to ask for some advice/help. During our demo you asked if we had a dashboard for command staff. We're working on building
dashboards right now and wanted to know what you'd like to have included in one.

Do you have a few minutes this week or next week to chat on the phone so we can understand what kind of dashboard would be best for your needs? I've
included my colleague Tyler from our Product team. He'd love to chat with you.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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Tyler Logtenberg | Senior Product Manager
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044


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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 6:19 AM
Cc: Tyler Logtenberg
Subject: Re: Dashboard for command staff
Attachments: image001.png

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

This is all great, sounds like our timing is perfect.

Tyler is at a conference today, but I'll let him reply to you soon with date and time for a chat.

Thank you very much,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 11:47 PM < > wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

Absolutely, be happy to chat. I was at the International Association of Crime Analyst (IACA) conference last week and taught some OSINT training, and one of
the things I talked about were real-time OSINT dashboards.

Put simply, my goals are:

 To put as much pertinent information in front of the team as possible without being overwhelmed by the volume and velocity of data
 To capture the data as it comes in for evidence, export, and analysis
 To be able to collaborate and task resources for either real-world or online follow-up (“deep dive”)

Of course but I think the concept is so important and there’s potential for a single platform to
integrate all of these tools.

Let me know when it’s a good time. Mondays and Fridays typically work best for me, as mid-week gets busy.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division

Website: click here

(213) 486-6840 office

(213) 486-6811 direct

work cell


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the communication immediately.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:20 AM
To: < >

Subject: Dashboard for command staff

Hi ,

I hope you're having a great morning!

I wanted to reach out to ask for some advice/help. During our demo you asked if we had a dashboard for command staff. We're working on building
dashboards right now and wanted to know what you'd like to have included in one.

Do you have a few minutes this week or next week to chat on the phone so we can understand what kind of dashboard would be best for your needs? I've
included my colleague Tyler from our Product team. He'd love to chat with you.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 8:48 PM
To: Jennifer Smith
Subject: RE: Dashboard for command staff

Categories: responsive

Hi Jennifer,

Absolutely, be happy to chat. I was at the International Association of Crime Analyst (IACA) conference last week and taught some OSINT training, and one of the
things I talked about were real-time OSINT dashboards.

Put simply, my goals are:

 To put as much pertinent information in front of the team as possible without being overwhelmed by the volume and velocity of data
 To capture the data as it comes in for evidence, export, and analysis
 To be able to collaborate and task resources for either real-world or online follow-up (“deep dive”)

Of course, I’m using low-cost/“free and open source” by necessity, but I think the concept is so important and there’s potential for a single platform to integrate
all of these tools. Right now I’ve cobbled together an ad hoc solution using:

 Tweetdeck

 Facebook custom Graph URLs

 RSS Feeds
 Google Street View
 Multiple laptops/screens
 Periscope/FB Live/Snapmaps, etc. if video is in play

This has been serviceable but is awkward enough to run

Let me know when it’s a good time. Mondays and Fridays typically work best for me, as mid-week gets busy.


LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division
Website: click here
(213) 486-6840 office
(213) 486-6811 direct
work cell

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communication immediately.

From: Jennifer Smith <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:20 AM
To: < >
Subject: Dashboard for command staff

Hi ,

I hope you're having a great morning!

I wanted to reach out to ask for some advice/help. During our demo you asked if we had a dashboard for command staff. We're working on building dashboards
right now and wanted to know what you'd like to have included in one.

Do you have a few minutes this week or next week to chat on the phone so we can understand what kind of dashboard would be best for your needs? I've
included my colleague Tyler from our Product team. He'd love to chat with you.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:20 AM
Subject: Dashboard for command staff

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

I hope you're having a great morning!

I wanted to reach out to ask for some advice/help. During our demo you asked if we had a dashboard for command staff. We're working on building dashboards
right now and wanted to know what you'd like to have included in one.

Do you have a few minutes this week or next week to chat on the phone so we can understand what kind of dashboard would be best for your needs? I've
included my colleague Tyler from our Product team. He'd love to chat with you.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Jennifer Smith <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 8:37 AM
Subject: Media Sonar Order Form and Proposal
Attachments: MediaSonar Order Form - Los Angeles Police Department.pdf

Categories: responsive

Hi ,

Thank you for joining me on the demo.

I've attached an order form with pricing details. Here's a proposal with more details about the software for you: proposalsmst.qwilr/Media-Sonar-Sales-

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. I look forward to working with you.

Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Smith | Senior Sales Executive

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Web: mediasonar
LinkedIn: ca.linkedin/company/media-sonar

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From: on behalf of Simone Moreau <>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 5:45 AM
Subject: Thank you for contacting Media Sonar

Categories: responsive

Hello ,

Thank you for your interest in Media Sonar.

One of our Business Specialists will be in touch with you shortly.

Thank you,

The Media Sonar Team

P: 1-855-898-4044

From: Media Sonar <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:23 PM
Subject: We've received your request

Categories: responsive

Hi ,
Thank you for your inquiry.
A sales representative will in touch soon.

Have a great day,

Media Sonar

From: Melissa Fowler <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:14 AM
To: Craig Kitchener
Subject: LA County Sheriff

Categories: responsive

Good Morning Sergeant,

I wanted to e-mail you to let you know that I will have a few of my colleagues in your area on Jan 29th. We will be meeting with the analyst's over at the LA
County Sheriff at 10 am if you would like to stop by and meet our team.

If that doesn't work we have the rest of the day available if you are open to some visitors that could give you a live demonstration of our tool.


Melissa Fowler | Business Development Specialist
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Web: mediasonar
LinkedIn: ca.linkedin/company/media-sonar
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Melissa Fowler | Business Development Specialist
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.

Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Web: mediasonar
LinkedIn: ca.linkedin/company/media-sonar
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Melissa Fowler | Business Development Specialist
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Web: mediasonar

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Melissa Fowler | Business Development Specialist
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Levi Otten <>
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2016 7:34 AM
To: Dan Gomez
Subject: My availability

Categories: responsive

Good morning Dan,

I thought I should mention I will be out of the office at a conference until the 14th of July, however I will be available by email at any point.

I look forward to hearing back from you!


Levi Otten | Business Development
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Levi Otten <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 7:50 AM
To: Dan Gomez
Subject: Potential Meeting times RE: Media Sonar

Categories: responsive

Hey Dan,

I have found some time for the final week of July & the beginning of August that we could hold a comprehensive demo for you and your colleagues. Let me
know if any of the stand out:

July 27th (Wed) to July 29th(Fri) -

10:00AM - 12:00PM (PST)
1:00PM - 2:00PM (PST)

August 1st (Mon) to August 4th (Thurs) -

10:00AM - 12:00PM (PST)
1:00PM - 2:00PM (PST)

Both those time-frames are more or less wide open. If you would like a time earlier in the month of July simply let me know and we can work something out.


Levi Otten | Business Development
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Levi Otten <>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Dan Gomez
Subject: Touching base

Categories: responsive

Good morning Sergeant,

Would you have a demo date in mind for your team to view the Media Sonar platform? Let me know what works and we can lock in a date.

I hope to speak soon.


Levi Otten | Business Development
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Levi Otten <>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:24 AM
To: Dan Gomez
Subject: Media Sonar follow up

Categories: responsive

Good morning Dan,

I just wanted to make sure I followed up with you. I recall you said that this would be a good time of year to have a review of Media Sonar. Let me know what
your schedule looks like and we could provide a walkthrough (screenshare) for you and/or your colleagues.


Levi Otten | Business Development
Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044

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From: Levi Otten <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 7:45 AM
To: Dan Gomez
Subject: Media Sonar Information
Attachments: White Paper.pdf; MediaSonarBrochure.pdf; Intro to new features.pdf; Superbowl Testimonial and Mesa PD.pdf

Categories: responsive

Good morning Daniel,

You should find the information about our company attached.

If you would like direct testimony about how the platform has been used in your region, feel free to contact the individuals listed below as they should be the administrators in their
respective departments:

 Los Angeles County School Police: Rudy Perez (,

 County Sheriff Crime Analysis Group: Lieutenant Ed Wells (,

Let me know if you require any more information and I look forward to speaking to you soon.

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Levi Otten | Business Development

Media Sonar Technologies Inc.
Phone: 1-855-898-4044
Twitter: @Media_Sonar

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Media Sonar Technologies Inc. | 345 Horton Street East    
London, Ontario, Canada N6B 1L6   Issue Date: 10/08/2020 

Contact Name: Mrigya Sharma 

Company Name: Los Angeles Police Department 
Contact Name:  
Address: 100 W 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90012  Phone:  
Phone: 213-486-6850 
Service Description  Term  Total Price $USD  

Premium  5 Users  Annual   

Package  Case Management & Reports, Data Search (social, news, blogs), 
Footprint, Deep and Dark Web, keyword groups, OSINT toolkit 
Total  Paid up-front in full. All prices quoted in ​USD,​ applicable taxes & fees     
not included. On-site training available, additional costs may apply.     

All orders for Media Sonar Products and Services are subject to our Master Terms of Service which can be viewed at​.  Subscriptions are non-cancelable before the subscription term end date.  Term commences on 
Activation Date of subscription.  NOTE: All prices are quoted in $USD unless stated otherwise and ​do not include any taxes 
that may apply. Any such taxes are the responsibility of the Customer. 

Method of payment:  Credit Card  Invoice  EFT  

Customer Purchase Order Number: _______________________ (Customer please provide if applicable).  

Authorized Signature:  



Order Form expires 30 days after the order issue date noted above. Payment terms are net 30.  

Confidential and proprietary. © Copyright 2016 Media Sonar Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.

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