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Pedobiologia 47, 676–688, 2003

© Urban & Fischer Verlag

The 7th international symposium on earthworm ecology · Cardiff · Wales · 2002

Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence

Edwin L. Cooper1* and Philippe Roch2

1 Laboratory of Comparative Immunology, Department of Neurobiology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA,
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095-1763, USA
2 Université de Montpellier 2, Défense et Résistance chez les Invertébrés Marins (DRIM), cc 080, Place E. Bataillon,
34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France

Submitted September 6, 2002 · Accepted May 16, 2003

From the 1960s, work on the immune system of earthworms was concerned with inflammatory and cellular responses af-
ter tissue transplantation. Later, interest in the humoral immune system emphasized those molecules that cause death of
the targets or regulate immune-related activities. Specific interest was on cytolysins, agglutinins, proteases, protease in-
hibitors and phenoloxidase. Responses of the immune system were used as markers to evaluate the effects of xenobiotics
on the environment. Earthworms were confronted with three contaminants (Arochlor 1254, 2,4 D, and carbaryl) and the
T2 toxin. Lysozyme was enhanced by Arochlor, but inhibited by carbaryl and T2 toxin, whereas 2,4 D had no effect. Only
Arochlor and carbaryl significantly increased intracellular serine protease activity. Plasma serine protease inhibitory activ-
ity was completely suppressed by carbaryl and also reduced by T2 toxin. Phagocytosis was dramatically depressed and the
effect can be observed on macrophage morphology. All xenobiotics increased plasma cytolytic activity. Detoxification me-
tabolism was stimulated by carbaryl but not by T2 toxin. Since T2 toxin did not increase cytochrome P450 detoxification
pathway, this may explain its inhibitory effect on phagocytosis, serine protease inhibitors and lysozyme. We hypothesize
that long-term effects of environmental contamination by toxic substances may interfere with the earthworm populations
through their immune capacities.

Key words: Earthworms, Lumbricus, Eisenia, immunity, xenobiotics, contaminants

The earthworm’s innate immune system

Earthworm innate immunity has received less attention body cavity contains coelomic fluid and leukocytes, mor-
than that of the “model” invertebrate, Drosophila. Earth- phologically as varied as they are in other equally com-
worm immunity is intrinsically interesting, however, from plex invertebrates. In fact, they are structurally and func-
the dual perspective of both immune system function and tionally similar to vertebrate leukocytes (Vetvicka et al.
of ecological importance. The capacity of oligochaetes to 1994) with respect to opsonization, phagocytosis, encap-
destroy bacteria and other microbes apparently exists in sulation, inflammation, agglutination, mitogenesis, lysis
parallel with the capacity to lyse foreign, eukaryotic cells, and destruction of allogeneic, xenogeneic but not auto-
two responses found in many invertebrates. Earthworm’s geneic targets in vivo and in vitro.

*E-mail corresponding author:

0031-4056/03/47/05–06–676 $15.00/0
Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence 677

Table 1. Innate immune components in invertebrates (modified and completed from Cooper et al. 2002)


Encapsulating-relating proteins (ERPs) Insect (Tenebrio molitor)
Eicosanoïds Insects
Inducible inflammatory system (Toll, NFΚB) Insects, arthropods,
Caenorhabditis elegans
Acute phase proteins: Pentraxins, Ig superfamily, complement Insects/arthropods
α2-macroblobulin family (protease inhibitor) Nematodes, crustaceans, mollusks, echinoderms, tunicates
C3 homologue Echinoderms, tunicates, cephalochordates, insects
Collectin (collagenous, carbohydrate binding protein) Tunicates, horseshoe crab
Lectin-mediated complement pathway Tunicates, horseshoe crab
Mannose binding protein (MBP) –Lectin (MBL) Caenorhabditis elegans, tunicates
Mannose associated serine protease (MASP) Tunicates
Lipoprotein-receptor related protein (LRP/α2 M-R) Caenorhabditis elegans
Antimicrobial peptides Arthropods, mollusks (mussels), tunicates
Lytic and antimicrobial components Earthworm, mollusks (mussels)
Pattern recognition molecule (CCF) Earthworms
Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) Mollusks, echinoderms, tunicates, crustaceans
Fibrinogen related proteins (FREPS) Mollusks (snails)
NK-like cells associated with CD markers Sipunculids, annelids, mollusks
Acute phase proteins: C-reactive protein, LPS-binding protein (LBP) Crustaceans, horseshoe crab

Cellular activities are based mainly upon phagocy- sensitive cells as well as NK-resistant targets (Cooper
tosis and leukocyte cell-to-cell recognition (Roch et al. 1995). First, cell contact is essential as revealed
1996). The latter leads to cytotoxicity (Valembois et al. by the intricacies of lysis after binding of effectors to
1980a) mixed lymphocyte stimulation like-reactions target cell membranes. Second, killing is effected by
(Valembois et al. 1980b) and cellular cooperation small leukocytes. Third, debris are removed by large
(Cooper & Roch 1984). Humoral activities include leukocytes that effect phagocytosis and granuloma
lysozyme (Lassalle et al. 1988), synthesis and secre- formation (Quaglino et al. 1996; Cossarizza et al.
tion of agglutinins (Stein et al. 1990), a phenoloxi- 1996).
dase/peroxidase system (Valembois et al. 1991), and Transplantation experiments in earthworms of allo-
synthesis and expression of the first to be discovered and xenografts revealed specificity and weak memory
lytic components, the fetidins (Roch 1979). An explicit (Cooper 1969; Cooper & Roch 1986). Small leuko-
aim of the present paper is to review evidence that cytes are dense, not only phagocytic, and are positive
earthworm immune response can be modulated by ex- for cell markers CD11a, CD45RA, CD45RO,
posure to xenobiotics. CDw49B, CD54, Thy-1 (CD90) and β2-microglobulin
(Cooper & Mansour 1989; Roch et al. 1983). Large
leukocytes do not bind to K562 tumor cells but are
Inflammatory responses and cellular mostly phagocytic and negative for the above markers.
immunity in vitro All leukocytes are negative for other CD and MHC
class I and class II markers. Although CD markers are
Earthworm immunobiologists first demonstrated cy- associated with human lymphocytes, monocytes and
totoxicity using leukocyte effectors co-cultured with a macrophages, those positive earthworm small leuko-
variety of targets including allogeneic cells (Valem- cytes are interpreted as putative (convergent?) evolu-
bois et al. 1980a; Cooper 1981, 1994). More recent tionary precursors. Dissociation of phagocytosis and
trials involving autogeneic cells alone or in mixtures cytotoxicity, mediated by two different cell types in
from the same genus as in allogeneic combinations re- Vertebrates, suggests that earthworm leukocytes, and
vealed a correlation between morphology and func- most likely those of other invertebrates, are multi-
tion. For instance, small leukocytes lyse classical NK- functional and not exclusively phagocytic.

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

678 Edwin L. Cooper and Philippe Roch

Humoral immunity: lysins and serine Lysenin

proteases of Eisenia fetida Lysenin, a 41-kDa protein isolated from E. fetida, is
a protein sharing biological roles and biochemical
Fetidins properties with fetidins, and eiseniapore, but charac-
terized by different functional properties (Sekizawa
The fetidins of E. fetida are heat labile, polymorphic et al. 1997) (Table 2). Although native and recombi-
and multifunctional proteins, responsible for cytolysis, nant lysenin had similar contractile activities on rat
antibacterial reaction and clotting (Valembois et al. smooth muscle, the amino acid sequence revealed
1982, 1988; Roch et al. 1989). Clotting of fetidins no significant homology to previously characterized
eliminates non-pathogenic bacteria, mediated by ser- vasoactive substances. Like fetidins, lysenin induces
ine protease/serine protease inhibitor equilibrium. hemolysis and binds specifically to sphingomyelin
These constitute normal responses that occur at low in cellular membranes, including those found in var-
but constant rates on the outer surface of earthworms.
ious spermatozoa. However, lysenin differs in amino
Mixed with mucus, fetidins cover the body where they
acid sequence and certain biological characteristics
constitute an external nonspecific antimicrobial barrier
from the other E. fetida lytic proteins. For instance,
(Valembois et al. 1985). Complexity surrounding E.
fetida lytic components, including fetidins, has been lysenin did not bind to other phospholipids, includ-
partially clarified (Table 2). ing sphingomyelin analogues such as sphingosine,
Fetidins appear to be controlled by two independent ceramide, and sphingosyl-phosphorylcholine, sug-
genes: one always expressed and coding for a pI 6.1 mol- gesting that it recognizes the precise molecular
ecule. The other encompasses four alleles that define at structure of sphingomyelin (Yamaji et al. 1998).
least ten genetic families (Roch et al. 1987). Lysis de- Sphingomyelin accessibility to lysenin increases
pends upon the presence of 2 monomeric glycoproteins with membrane redistribution induced by choles-
of 40 and 45 kDa (Roch et al. 1981). Significant similar- terol.
ities between them are large quantities of aspartic acid, Northern blot analysis revealed that the lysenin gene
glutamic acid and glycine (Roch et al. 1981). In addition, is expressed in coelomic cells (Ohta et al. 2000). Im-
polyclonal as well as monoclonal antibodies cross-re- mune reactive lysenin was detected in large leukocytes
acted with the 2 fetidins. The cDNA encoding a 34-kDa and in free large chloragogue cells present in the lumen
protein that corresponds to the size of deglycosylated fe- of the typhlosole, a depression in the dorsal wall of the
tidins contains a peroxidase signature that confirms per- intestine. The coelomic fluid of E. fetida was toxic to
oxidase activity of fetidins (Lassegues et al. 1997). The vertebrate cells, but not to cells derived from
recombinant protein is also antibacterial since it inhibits 42 species belonging to 7 invertebrate phyla
in vitro growth of Bacillus megaterium. Fetidins possess (Kobayashi et al. 2001). The toxicity to fish, tadpoles
varying degrees of homology with lysenins 1, 2 or 3. and mice was lost after heating the coelomic fluid at
Meanwhile, there is no significant homology with CCF 56 °C, as was also demonstrated for fetidins or super-
nor lumbricin I (Cooper et al. 2002). natants from in vitro coelomic cell cultures.

Table 2. Listing of names and characteristics of Eisenia fetida proteins exerting cytolytic functions (except lumbricin I from Lumbricus rubel-
lus) (modified from Cooper et al. 2002)


Fetidin 1, 40 kDa, Coelomic fluid, chloragocytes, increases Bind to sphingomyelin, hemolytic,
Four isoforms after injecting pathogenic bacteria pore-forming, bacteriostatic, agglutination,
Fetidin 2, 45 kDa clotting, opsonization, heme-binding
Monomorphic enzyme, peroxidase
Lysenin, 41 kDa Coelomic fluid, chloragocytes, leukocytes Contract rat smooth muscle
Three isoforms
Eiseniapore, 38 kDa Coelomic fluid and/or cells Bind to sphingomyelin, pore-forming
Coelomic Cytolytic Factor (CCF) 42 kDa Coelomic fluid, leukocytes Opsonization, tumorolytic, pattern
recognition molecule
Lumbricin I, 7.2 kDa Whole worm, constitutive Antimicrobial

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence 679

Eiseniapore been reported also in Lumbricus terrestris (Leipner et

al. 1993; Kauschke et al. 1997). According to obser-
Eiseniapore is a protein of 38 kDa with lytic activity vations done in insects, serine proteases are usually
isolated from E. fetida (Lange et al. 1997) (Table 2). stored inside the cells. They are released upon cell ac-
Various lipid vesicles were used to determine the re- tivation and pre-existing extra cellular inhibitors reg-
ceptor to eiseniapore. The lysine molecules bind to and ulate their protease activity. One serine protease in-
disturb the lipid bilayer only when particular sphin- hibitor was purified from E. fetida coelomic fluid by
golipids, consisting of a hydrophilic head group as affinity chromatography on trypsin: it is a monomer
phosphorylcholine or galactosyl and the ceramide of 14 kDa (Roch et al. 1998). Its partial N-terminal
backbone, (e.g. sphingomyelin), are present. As for ly- amino acid sequence revealed a basic hydrophobic
senin, cholesterol enhances eiseniapore lytic activity fragment that shared 68–75 % homologies and
toward sphingomyelin-containing vesicles. Leakage of 47–60 % identities with several plant serine protease
vesicles was most efficient when the lipid composition inhibitors. A cytotoxic cascade involving the release
resembled that of the outer leaflet of human erythro- of intracellular fetidins, their activation by trypsin-
cytes. like proteases and their inhibition by extra cellular
The secondary structure of eiseniapore did not serine protease inhibitor, is likely to occur in E.
change upon binding to lipid membranes. Meanwhile,
lytic activity was completely abolished after denatura-
tion or pre-incubation with polyclonal antibodies, sug-
gesting that i) the presence of specific sphingolipids is Immune parameters and toxicity
sufficient for eiseniapore mediated lytic activity, or ii)
membrane glycoproteins, are not required as long as The most extensively studied xenobiotic detoxifica-
specific sphingolipids are present. Electron micro- tion reactions are those involving the cytochrome
scopic observations revealed several ring shaped struc- P450 families that catalyze a series of reactions
tures (pores) on erythrocyte membranes, composed of whereby water-insoluble drugs and metabolites are
a central channel (3 nm) surrounded by an external rendered sufficiently water-soluble to be excreted.
ring of 10 nm in diameter. The channel complex con- Microsomal mono-oxygenases were already known in
sists of six monomers as deduced from the molecular the earthworm L. terrestris (Nelson et al. 1976). The
mass of 228 kDa (Lange et al. 1999). Almost identical requirement of O2 and NAD (P) H and the inhibition
morphological structures and polymerisation were re- by CO suggested the participation of cytochrome
ported also for fetidins concluding that erythrocyte ly- P450-dependent mono-oxygenase system in the reac-
sis necessitates more than 10,000 pores per square mi- tion.
crometer (Roch et al. 1989).
Stimulation of oxidative detoxification pathway
Coelomic cytolytic factor (CCF)
We demonstrated that exposure to carbaryl, using
Bilej et al. (1995) identified a coelomic cytolytic factor the contact test (Ville et al. 1995), had an inducing
of 42 kDa from E. fetida. This protein is not hemolytic, effect on E. fetida MFO (mixed function oxidase)
but able to lyse mammalian TNF-sensitive tumor cell system as it had in rats and mice. EROD (ethoxyre-
line in a protease-independent way. Although to lyse soufin-O-dealkylase) activity, used as representative
mammalian cells might not be relevant for earth- of cytochrome P-450 detoxification activity, in-
worms, CCF participates in immune defense by trig- creased significantly for carbaryl doses of 0.1 and
gering activation of prophenoloxidase cascade upon 0.5 µg/cm2 compared to non-exposed earthworms
binding to conserved microbial polysaccharides (Fig. 1). Meanwhile, carbaryl can act in vitro as a
(Beschin et al. 1998). It also displays functional analo- competitive inhibitor of some cytochrome P-450-de-
gies with the mammalian cytokine TNF, despite amino pendent activities (Beraud et al. 1989). The presence
acid sequence homology and gene evidence (Bilej et of inducible EROD activity also reveals that earth-
al. 2001; Olivares Fontt et al. 2002). worms can develop a phase I xenobiotic metabolism
in reaction to the presence of xenobiotics such as
Serine proteases: pesticides and this measurement could therefore
role in regulating activity of fetidins lead to a better understanding of the earthworm’s
ability to adapt to perturbations in the environment.
Three serine proteases have been isolated from leuko- Using the same technique, we were not able to re-
cytes of E. fetida, one of which was of the trypsin- veal any effect due to T2 toxin on the E. fetida MFO
type (Roch et al. 1991). Serine protease activity has system (Fig. 1).

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

680 Edwin L. Cooper and Philippe Roch

Fig. 1. Effect of carbaryl and T2 toxin on detoxification metab-

olism of E. fetida evaluated as EROD activity used as represen-
tative of cytochrome P-450 activity. The 7-O-deethylation of 7-
ethoxyresorufin, referring to EROD activity, was assayed at
25 °C by the endpoint fluorimetric method and expressed as
pmol of resorufin synthesized/min/mg of protein measured at
585 nm with excitation at 530 nm (Burke & Mayer 1974). Incu-
bation conditions were optimized and standardized using post-
mitochondrial S9 fraction. * Indicates values statistically signifi-
cantly different from unexposed earthworms (p < 0.01)

Fig. 2. Effect of Arochlor, 2–4 D, carbaryl

and T2 toxin on lysozyme activity of E.
fetida. measured as M. lysodeiktucus cell
wall. Standard assay measured the ca-
pacity to lyse in vitro M. lysodeikticus cell
wall after 4h incubation at 37 °C (Lassalle
et al. 1988). Partially from Ville et al.
1997. * indicates values statistically sig-
nificantly different from unexposed earth-
worms (p < 0.01)

Different sensitivities of lysozyme Increased intra-cellular proteases vs inhibition of

plasma protease inhibitors
The 4 compounds, Arochlor, 2,4 D, carbaryl and T2
toxin, were assayed for interference with lysozyme ac- Many metabolic cascades are regulated by the pro-
tivity. Exposure to 1 µg/cm2 of Arochlor induced a small tease/anti-protease equilibrium. Activation of pro-
but significant enhancement of lysozyme activity (Fig. PO (phenol oxidize) (Beschin et al. 1998) and neu-
2). This increase was confirmed using an exposure dose tralization of cytolytic proteins (Roch et al. 1998)
of 10 µg/cm2. Even at 3.5 µg/cm2, 2,4 D did not modify have been demonstrated in earthworm immune re-
the earthworm lysozyme activity. By contrast, both car- actions. Proteases were located in circulating earth-
baryl and T2 toxin inhibited lysozyme for doses as low as worm leucocytes (Roch et al. 1991; Leipner et al.
0.1 µg/cm2 (Fig. 2). Increasing carbaryl dose 10-fold, and 1993). In addition, protease inhibitors have been
the T2 toxin dose 5-fold, reinforced the inhibition. observed in cell-free coelomic fluid (Roch et al.
Lysozyme activity was never completely suppressed in 1998).
exposed earthworms, suggesting that the experimental Intracellular protease activity was increased after
doses inhibited metabolism without being lethal. Clearly, Arochlor and carbaryl exposures, the stimulating ef-
lysozyme activity studies indicated different cell targets fect being evident with the lowest dose of carbaryl
and/or different modes of action of the toxicants. (0.1 µg/cm2) (Fig. 3a). Protease activity tended to in-

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence 681

Fig. 3. Effect of Arochlor, 2,4 D, carbaryl

and T2 toxin on protease activity of leuco-
cytes (a) and on protease inhibitory activ-
ity of free-cell coelomic fluid (b) using a
modification of the Maskel & Di Capua
(1988) method for in vitro gelatin lysis. Di-
ameters of lysis were measured after 4h
incubation at 37 °C. Tested liquids were ei-
ther leucocyte lysates (for protease activity
indicated as diameter of gelatin lysis) or
cell-free coelomic fluid previously incu-
bated during with 30 min at 20 °C with a
definite number of trypsin units (for pro-
tease inhibitors indicated as % of remain-
ing trypsin lytic activity). * indicates values
statistically significantly different from un-
exposed earthworms (p < 0.01)

crease with 2,4 D and T2 toxin exposures, but the heat-killed yeasts. All the xenobiotics examined had a
changes were statistically insignificant. dose-dependent negative effect on phagocytosis (Fig. 4a).
In contrast, plasma protease inhibitors were down Such functional interference by xenobiotics can be
regulated by all the tested xenobiotics (Fig. 3b). Expo- observed at the morphological level. For example, expo-
sure to 0.1 µg/cm2 of both carbaryl and T2 toxin dra- sure to 3 µg/cm2 Arochlor, the cytoplasm of earthworm
matically inhibited the protease inhibitory activity. Al- macrophages appeared condensed in a round, smooth,
though inhibitory, 2,4 D gave statistically non-signifi- cellular body (Fig. 4c). Exposed cells had few short
cant results. pseudopodia attaching the cell to the substratum com-
pared with the relatively numerous and longer pseudopo-
Dramatic inhibition of phagocytosis dia observed in unexposed macrophages (Fig. 4b).

Phagocytosis is one of the most ancestral and essential General enhancement of plasma cytolysis
functions driven by the cytoskeleton. Any compound that
inhibits phagocytosis will have a major impact on sur- The four tested compounds significantly increased cy-
vival. More than 50 % of macrophages derived from un- tolytic capacity of coelomic fluid (Fig. 5). The most ef-
exposed earthworms were able to phagocytose at least 2 ficient was carbaryl > T2 toxin > 2,4 D > Arochlor. It

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

682 Edwin L. Cooper and Philippe Roch

Fig. 4. Effect of Arochlor, 2,4 D, carbaryl

and T2 toxin on phagocytosis of earth-
worm macrophages. Coelomic cells from
single earthworms were collected in
buffer containing 5 mM EDTA. Chlor-
agogue cells were pelleted by 5 min cen-
trifugation at 50 g. Supernatant contain-
ing leukocytes and macrophages was in-
cubated on microscope slides for 30 min
at 20 °C in presence of calcium. Non-ad-
hering cells were eliminated by gentle
washing. Phagocytosis of heat-killed
yeasts was performed using the remain-
ing monolayers of adherent macro-
phages in a proportion of 1 ma-crophage
for 50 yeasts (Toupin et al. 1977). After
45 min of incubation at 20 °C, non-
phagocytosed yeasts were washed away
and a minimum of 200 macrophages ex-
amined randomly using a phase contrast
microscope to determine numbers of
macrophages that had phagocytosed two
or more yeasts (a). Scanning electron mi-
croscopy observation of E. f. andrei unex-
posed (b) and Arochlor exposed (c)
macrophages. Bar, 1 µm (partially from
Ville et al. 1995). * indicates values sta-
tistically significantly different from unex-
posed earthworms (p < 0.01)

must be noted that the lytic capacity of non-exposed earthworms starved for 17 days and coelomic cell
earthworms varied considerably from one batch of lysate (Fig. 6). Chloragogue stem cells produced
coelomic fluid to another (Fig. 5). Such variability can lower activity, whereas extracts from macrophage/
be only partially explained by variations in the num- leukocyte stem cells, gonads, body wall muscles and
bers of erythrocytes used as targets. gut contents, failed to exhibit any activity. We tested
the coelomic fluid and the coelomic cell lysate of 67
individual L. terrestris; all were able to develop a
PO activity in Lumbricus terrestris black coloration indicative of phenoloxidase activ-
ity. Reaction kinetics showed some minor variability,
but there was no correlation between speed of reac-
Evidence tion and earthworm size, sexual maturity and volume
Putative DOPA-chrome reaction, revealing the pres- of coelomic fluids collected from experimental
ence of a phenoloxidase cascade, was tested at different worms.
temperatures (10–60 °C), different pHs (pH 6–9) and Chloragogue cells originate from splanchnopleure
various incubation durations (0–6 h). Optimal condi- (Valembois et al. 1985) and they gave a positive
tions, allowing clear L-DOPA-chrome staining without DOPA-chrome reaction. Chloragogue cells are in-
interference of DOPA spontaneous oxidation, were de- volved in diverse nutrition-related activities (Valem-
fined as 25 °C, pH 8.0 and records of absorption every bois & Cazaux 1970) and immunodefense (Valembois
hour during 4 h. Using these conditions, the coelomic et al. 1982). Macrophages and several sub-populations
fluid underwent no noticeable change in absorption. of leukocytes originate from the somatopleure (Valem-
The supernatant of various sonicated L. terrestris bois et al. 1985) where we found no significant DOPA-
tissues were incubated with L-DOPA. There is essen- chrome reaction. In addition, digestive enzymes or in-
tially no difference between reactions developed by testinal flora that can contaminate coelomic fluid sam-
normal coelomic fluid, coelomic fluid collected from ples does not mediate the DOPA-chrome reaction.

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence 683

Fig. 5. Effect of Arochlor, 2,4 D, carbaryl

and T2 toxin on cytolytic capacity of E.
fetida coelomic fluid. Cytolytic activity
was evaluated by mixing different dilu-
tions of cell-free coelomic fluid with a
suspension of sheep red blood cells
(SRBC). After 1 h incubation at 37 °C, the
remaining non-lysed SRBC were pelleted
and hemoglobin content of supernatants
was evaluated at 541 nm (Roch et al.
1989). Results are presented as percent-
ages of hemolysis. Partially from Ville et
al. 1997. * indicates values statistically
significantly different from unexposed
earthworms (p < 0.01)

Fig. 6. Evidence for phenoloxidase activity in various L. terrestris

tissues and extracts as inferred from oxidation of added DOPA. L-
DOPA-chrome staining was recorded at 492 nm after 4 h incuba-
tion at 25 °C, pH 8.0

In vivo stimulation In vitro activation

Figure 7a indicates that only the injection of M. Incubation of coelomic fluid with fresh SRBC or
lysodeikticus into the coelomic cavity induced a signif- Escherichia coli (E. coli), and with glutaraldehyde sta-
icant increase of DOPA-chrome reaction; the injection bilized SRBC (SRBC glu) or E. coli (E. coli glu) prior
of 100 µl of saline or of 5 % BSA were not stimulatory. to add L-DOPA, did not significantly modify the
One day after being injected with 5 % M. lysodeikticus DOPA-chrome reaction (Fig. 7b). In contrast, the same
suspension, earthworms were sick with a low level of incubation with M. lysodeikticus cell wall resulted in a
viscous, grayish coelomic fluid, exhibiting higher significantly higher activity. Contact between
DOPA-chrome reaction. Chlorogogue cells are known coelomic fluid and M. lysodeikticus cell walls stimu-
to be involved in elimination of foreign debris and lated melanization suggesting that the coelomic fluid
senescent tissues by the formation of brown bodies contains factors that can be activated. We controlled
(Valembois et al. 1992), a process that includes that, in absence of coelomic fluid, M. lysodeikticus cell
melanization. wall did not oxidize L-DOPA.

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

684 Edwin L. Cooper and Philippe Roch

Fig. 7. Phenoloxidase activity in L. terrestris coelomic

fluid measured after 4 h of incubation at 25 °C and pH
8.0. a: Effect of various injections on DOPA-chrome reac-
tion. 100 µl of saline, of 5 % BSA or of 5 % of a cell wall
suspension from M. lysodeikticus were injected into the
coelomic cavity of three groups of earthworms (n = 36).
After 24 h, coelomic fluids were collected and tested for
DOPA-chrome reaction. b: Effect of 1 h in vitro incuba-
tion at 4 °C of coelomic fluid with fresh E. coli, SRBC, glu-
taraldehyde stabilized E. coli (E. coli gluta) or SRBC
(SRBC gluta) and M. lysodeikticus cell walls, on the
DOPA-chrome reaction. *indicates a result significantly
different from untreated coelomic fluid (p < 0.01)

Activation of DOPA-chrome reaction by both β-glu- CCF binds efficiently the O-antigen of LPS, muramyl
cans and bacterial cell wall has been reported in insects dipeptide of peptidoglycan, β-1,3-glucans and N, N’-
(Vargas-Albores et al. 1996). In arthropods, oxidation of diacetylchitobiose (β-1,4-N-acetylglucosidic link)
catecholamines represents an essential step in the bio- (Bilej et al. 2001). After recognizing cell wall compo-
chemical pathway leading to the synthesis of quinine pre- nents of bacteria or yeast, CCF can trigger the activa-
cursors of melanin that participates in the encapsulation tion of the pro-PO cascade.
of parasites and senescent self-tissues. Recent evidence of After recognizing polysaccharides of microbial cell
these compounds in brown bodies of earthworms, along walls, serine proteinases cleave by limited proteolysis
with the present data, argues in favor of a metabolic path- inactive fetidins to active cytolytic proteins (Fig. 8).
way related to the so-called phenol-oxidase system in Similarly, inactive pro-PO is cleaved to active phe-
arthropods (Söderhäll & Cerenius 1998; Nappi & Vass noloxidase (PO). Then, PO catalyses the O-hydroxyla-
2001). However, the in vitro DOPA-chrome reaction of tion of monophenols and oxidation of diphenols to
earthworms is extremely slow, and necessitates several quinones, which in turn polymerize to melanin that can
hours compared to minutes in insects. then effect cytotoxic and antibacterial activities (Jo-
hansson & Söderhäll 1996). CCF is important in medi-
ating several immune-related reactions, including pro-
PO in E. fetida. This has been confirmed by showing
Relationships between the pro-PO that when CCF is removed from the coelomic fluid, the
system and CCF in Eisenia fetida activation cascade is blocked. Exogenous supply of re-
combinant CCF can restore the L-DOPA oxidation in
The 42-kDa protein named CCF (coelomic cytolytic CCF-depleted coelomic fluid (Beschin et al. 1998).
factor) is localized in chloragogue cells near the gut The precursors of melanin involved in the pro-PO acti-
wall and in cells with macrophage-like function (Bilej vating system stimulate, besides antimicrobial properties,
et al. 1998). CCF shows homology with the saccha- a wide range of other biological activities including
ride-binding motif of bacterial and animal β-1,3-glu- phagocytosis and opsonization, capsule/nodule formation,
canases, with Gram-negative bacteria binding protein and wound healing. In earthworm, cytotoxic and antimi-
and β-1,3-glucan-recognition proteins of arthropods, crobial activities are intimately associated with agglutinat-
and with glucan-sensitive factor G from the horseshoe ing, hemolytic and opsonizing activities (Roch 1996). For
crab Limulus polyphemus (see Bilej et al. 2000, for re- example, cytotoxicity of leukocytes from E. fetida against
view). Although these proteins show high homology in leukocytes of L. terrestris is blocked by anti-CCF mono-
the putative polysaccharide-binding domain and the clonal antibody. With respect to antimicrobial properties,
catalytic sites of the bacterial glucanases, neither CCF CCF agglutinates smooth but not rough Gram-negative
nor its invertebrate homologues exhibit glucanase ac- and Gram-positive bacteria (Beschin et al. 1998). Phago-
tivity. Glucan-binding proteins may have appeared cytosis is enhanced by the opsonizing properties of CCF
from a primitive glucanase that evolved to proteins that also potentiates lytic activity against various erythro-
without enzymatic activity, but then were able to bind cytes. CCF may now be considered as a pattern recogni-
glucans and operate as elicitors of immune reactions tion molecule that exerts a prominent role in innate im-
by recognizing non-self (Söderhäll & Cerenius 1998). mune mechanisms of earthworms.

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence 685

Fig. 8. Putative activation cascade of immune reactions in earthworms going from external stimuli to immune capacities through lysozyme,
CCF, protease equilibrium and PO activation (adapted from Beschin et al. 2002)

Prospective only recently (Mihara et al. 1991, 1992; Nakajima et

al. 1996). One example is Lumbrokinase, (earthworm
Most of our knowledge on immune defense mecha- powder enzymes or EPE, e-PPA, Boluoke®) a fibri-
nisms is mainly based on data obtained in vertebrates, nolytic enzyme isolated from the earthworm L. rubel-
particularly mice and humans, while about 95 % of the lus commercially available as an orally administered
two million animal species belong to invertebrate drug for the prevention and treatment of cardiac and
phyla. Moreover, invertebrates have evolved for hun- cerebrovascular diseases (Canada RNA Biochemical
dreds of millions of years often surviving in hostile en- Inc.).
vironments. One survival strategy includes the produc- Invertebrates, like vertebrates, possess factors regu-
tion of numerous offsprings. In addition, invertebrates lating responses to infection or wounding. Lytic mole-
have invented a variety of active innate immune mech- cules mediate one mechanism in earthworms. The se-
anisms based on pattern recognition receptors. Inverte- quences of fetidin, lysenin and CCF derived from E.
brate innate immune mechanisms include both unique fetida are known, but we need more precisions on eise-
pathways unknown in vertebrates and more universal niapore and lumbricin I. Evidently, within the
mechanisms present throughout the entire animal king- oligochaete annelid group, there are several families of
dom. In this respect, knowledge of the less complex in- lytic proteins, making these function more compli-
vertebrate immune strategies may contribute to the un- cated than expected.
derstanding of the vertebrate immune system, as well Despite being a model for comparative immunolo-
as lead to the identification of new factors with possi- gists since the early sixties, such review aims to em-
ble therapeutic use. Though the earthworm has been phasize the absolute importance of furthering our un-
used as a drug in China and the Far East for millennia, derstanding of the immune competences of earth-
more detailed scientific studies have been performed worms. They occupy a broad ecological and ecotoxi-

Pedobiologia (2003) 47, 676–688

686 Edwin L. Cooper and Philippe Roch

cological status. Earthworms benefit in environmental M., Roch, Ph. (eds) Immunology of annelids. CRC Press,
monitoring and in the acquisition of novel molecules Boca Raton, pp. 1–12.
for human therapeutic purposes. Cooper, E. L., Cossarizza, A., Suzuki, M. M., Salvioli, S.,
Capri, M., Quaglino, D., Fransceschi, C. (1995) Auto-
Acknowledgements. The Alexander von Humboldt Founda- geneic but not allogeneic earthworm effector coelomo-
tion supports Edwin L. Cooper, a GAAC grant from the Fed- cytes kill the mammalian tumor target K562. Cellular Im-
eral Republic of Germany and a NATO Cooperative Re- munology 166, 113–122.
search Grant (971128). Philippe Roch is partially supported Cooper, E. L., Kauschke, E., Cossarizza, A. (2002) Digging
by CNRS, IFREMER and the University of Montpellier 2. for innate immunity since Darwin and Metchnikoff.
BioEssays 24, 319–333.
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