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Wildlife Crystal Camera

Park sees meth use surveillance

expansion increases proposed
Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 6
TRU School of Journalism

A Clocktower Production

The real Spidermen
Since 1999

Date-rape drug
Thursday, April 14, 2005

debate in
Kamloops usage increases
By Tyler Olsen one or two victims of such drugs a
Newsbreak reporter week. And that number, Dodd said,
By Robyn Roste is misleading. “We probably don’t
Newsbreak reporter Magda Nodzykowski headed see nearly as much as goes on,”
for a concert planning on having a Dodd said. “But we know it’s out
Annabree Simpson married her good, loud time. The 23-year-old there. We know it exists.”
partner, Natasha Elder, at Riverside student woke up the next morning Because most victims of drugs
Park in Kamloops almost two years with only scattered memories of go straight to the emergency room,
ago. the night’s events. Nodzykowski, which does not statistically track
“We got married as soon as the who attended the cases, precise
legislation was changed,” said concert at a local numbers are not
Simpson, who cried tears of happi- Photo by Ina-Cristine Helljesen bar in late available. But,
ness. In April 2003, the B.C. Angus Fraser climbs the rock face at Roche Lake. F e b r u a r y, Dodd said, “In
Appeal Court overturned a B.C. believes that the last couple
Supreme Court decision restricting someone slipped years, we’re
marriage to heterosexuals only. “I a drug into a drink seeing an
didn’t think this day would ever of hers. increasing num-
come.” “I just don’t ber of these
Same-sex marriages are legal in remember any- [cases].”
seven provinces and one territory. thing, just random Dodd said
An amendment to the Civil flashes of that that women
Marriage Act, called Bill C-38, e v e n i n g ’s between 16 and
would extend to same-sex couples e v e n t s , ” 25 make up
the same rights granted to Nodzykowski most of the
heterosexual couples across recalled. She said cases that he
Canada. If the bill is passed, gen- that, according to sees. Men have
der-specific terms would be friends,she been known to
removed from the act and same-sex appeared fine for Photo by Ina-Cristine Helljesen have been
couples would have the opportunity the majority of A photo illustration of the drugged as well,
to be legally married. By making the evening until date-rape drug being put however.
this act federal, there would be a the side-effects of into a woman’s drink. Yet, for all
standardized law across the the unknown the attention
country. The bill has been under drugged kicked in and she began surrounding drugs being slipped
debate since it was tabled in acting erratically, and speaking into drinks, Dodd said, by far, the
February. nonsense. most common rape-associated
Betty Hinton, MP for the Fortunately, with the aid of a drug is still alcohol.
Kamloops Thompson Cariboo friend, Nodzykowski, who does The term date-rape drugs usual-
riding, supports the traditional not know who may have drugged ly applies to Rohypnol, Ketamine
definition of marriage. “I’m not her, made it home safely. Hydrochloride, and GHB.
anti-gay-people. I’m not!” Hinton What happened to “These drugs are prevalent at
said. “It’s not about human rights. Nodzykowski is not unusual in house parties, these drugs are
Photo by Ina-Cristine Helljesen
It’s about protecting the right to our Kamloops. Graham Dodd, the head prevalent in the bars and the key to
Iain Stuart Patterson, an adventure tourism instructor at
Canadian way of life.” doctor at Royal Inland Hospital’s avoiding these drugs is preven-
Thompson Rivers University, designs climbing routes.
Continued on Page 7 emergency room, said that he sees tion,” said Dodd.

Kamloops is big on garbage INDEX:

By Suzie Atherton Kelowna. These cities have City . . . . . . . . .Pg. 2
Newsbreak reporter curbside recycling programs,
and the garbage collection pro-
A new fee system that will grams encourage production of
People . . . . . . .Pg. 3
come into effect next January less waste through a fee struc-
may be the incentive Kamloops
residents need to reduce their
ture and lower caps on amounts
Special Report
high per-capita garbage rate to Kamloops, with residential Street Smarts Pg. 4-5
the level of cities like Vancouver waste making up 60 per cent of Vancouver Kelowna Kamloops
and Kelowna. garbage sent to landfills, is 218 kg 241 kg 356 kg
Politics . . . . .Pg. 6-7
Kamloops residents each behind Kelowna and Vancouver per year per year per year
produce an average of 356 kilo- in encouraging residents to
grams of garbage a year, com- reduce waste and in offering
pared to 218 kilograms in curbside recycling services.
Health . . . . . . .Pg. 8
Vancouver and 241 kilograms in This illustrates the per capita amount of garbage that
Continued on Page 7
city residents produce each year.
Page 2 Newsbreak Thursday, April 14, 2005
The future look of
Hillside Stadium will
include three new fields
and a fieldhouse.

Artist’s rendering courtesy of the city of Kamloops

Construction delays mean inactivity on the fields Newsbreak Staff

By Ethan Ribalkin threw the schedule off by a cou- Debbie Butt, director of communi-
ple of weeks. cations for the B.C. Lions, said if Managing Editing Team
Newsbreak reporter
“This will lower the field had been ready, the Lions Special projects editor:
The $24.4-million Hillside decided hydro, gas and power bills would have returned to Kamloops. Sarah Huston
Stadium improvement project was to go with by 40 per cent,” said “We had a great camp in 2004,” Page editor:
expected to be finished by May, geothermal McCorkell. said Butt, “but the field is not Ethan Ribalkin
but construction setbacks in track heating. Recently, “It will become a premier stadi- available.” Graphics editor:
and turf development have caused the piping for this technology was um facility,” said McCorkell. “It When the dirt and dust has set- Alain Saffel
the schedule to be extended, chari- installed under the track at Hillside will have the capacity to hold inter- tled, McCorkell hopes to make a Photo editor:
ty events changed, and forced the Stadium. national events.” larger deal with the Lions organi- Janine Stevenson:
B.C. Lions training camp to go “We were looking for alterna- The delays have caused the zation for a three- to five-year con- Editing team editor:
elsewhere. tives for heating and cooling the Kamloops Track Club to go else- tract for the training camp. Marcel Tetrault
“At this point in time Hillside pool and field,” said Byron where for its annual fundraiser. “I A referendum for the Hillside
Stadium will not be ready until the McCorkell, director of parks, cul- hope the club isn’t negatively Stadium project was held on Nov. Editing Team
end of July,” said City of ture, and recreation for Kamloops. impacted,” said McCorkell. 1, 2003 and was narrowly Tyler Olsen
Kamloops assistant parks manager The testing process for the technol- Construction obstacles have approved as 54 per cent of the Ethan Ribalkin
Greg Zeeben. The construction ogy was lengthy, and this com- also caused the B.C. Lions training nearly 19,000 votes were in favour
delay was created when the city bined with the winter cold snap camp to go elsewhere this spring. of the development. Graphics Team
Megan Nielsen
Andrea Werner

Sun Peaks hit Photo Team

Lu Huang

by tax audit Ina-Cristine Helljesen

April Hoffman
By April Hoffman Page Designers
Newsbreak reporter Suzie Atherton
Thanks to an ambiguous tax rule, more than 60 Joe Fries
commercial property owners at Sun Peaks have found Mary Beth Hall
themselves in the midst of a “project” tax audit per- Leanne Keen
formed by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Chris McKay
resulting in property owners receiving bills worth over Karen Slivar
tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes.
Special Project
If the audit is considered successful, property own-
Poonam Bains
ers at other British Columbia ski resorts could find
Photo by Megan Nielsen Robyn Roste
themselves in the same situation.
The GST rule causing all the problems states that Paul Robertson points to some recent lightning strikes in the province. He is
Staff Adviser
when a person purchases a property with the intention watching them as an indication of the start of the wildfire season.
Shawn Thompson

Eye on the wildfires

of renting it out, they can use the property for person-
al use up to 10 per cent of the time and still be exempt Technical Adviser
from paying the GST on the property. Dennis Keusch
The problem is there is no set rule defining the
terms of 10 per cent.
Since the GST was first implemented in January,
Watching weather to stay ahead of the inferno Journalism Chair
Alan Bass
1991, accountants have interpreted the formula as 10 By Megan Nielsen briefings a day during the the centres via computers.
per cent of 365 days a year since the properties are summer, monitoring the Besides the information How to reach us
Newsbreak reporter
available for rent year long. This way the property Kamloops region. He is on collected from weather sta- Phone: (250) 371-5958
owner has 36 days available for personal use. Revenue Watching for lightning call from April to October. tions, Robertson is in con-
Canada is now saying that’s not the formula, and is strikes, monitoring storms Robertson said that this stant contact with
calculating personal usage based on 10 per cent of the and catching wildfires year the Kamloops region is Environment Canada. He
actual time the property is rented. The result is proper- before they spread is just an “slightly drier than normal also obtains images from Newsbreak is produced by the stu-
ty owners receiving bills worth thousands of dollars in average day in the life of conditions,” due to the early satellite to determine what dents in the School of Journalism
back GST tax. weather forecaster Paul run-off in January and weather systems could be at Thompson Rivers University in
A number of people at Nancy Greene’s Cahilty Robertson. February, but it is nothing to moving in. Kamloops,
Lodge are being audited. Nick Kwasniak, owner of The Kamloops Fire be alarmed about. The 2003 The factors that predict British Columbia
Bear Country Lodge Property Management company, Centre monitors the section fire season, where a total of fire conditions are tempera-
Opinions expressed in Newsbreak
has confirmed that 12 of his clients have also been of British Columbia from 264,747 hectares of land ture, humidity, precipitation, are those of the contributing writers
audited. the northern border of Wells were burned, was a “one-in- wind speed and wind direc- and do not necessarily represent
Stan Braun, an accountant at Hartwick and Gray Park to the United 150 year season” that tion. As the temperature the views of the University or its
Accounting Co., also has clients being audited. “There States border, covering an Roberston said he would not rises in the summer and staff.
is no law or Canada Revenue Agency rule,” said area of 7.5 million hectares. expect to see again soon. fuels, like brush and trees,
Braun. “In the past the basis has always been that the It is divided into seven About 270 weather sta- become drier.
property is in the rental pool 365 days a year and that zones: Clearwater, tions in British Columbia Lightning is the main
has always been the accepted way of calculating it.” Kamloops, Salmon Arm, monitor conditions, some of cause of wildfires, starting
Revenue Canada spokesperson Dan McGrath said Penticton, Vernon, Lillooet them set up temporarily near 50 per cent of fires in the
the availability argument can be used both ways and and Merritt. a wildfire. Each station is region every year, the other
the property is available for personal use 365 day a Robertson, who retired equipped with the Canadian half being started by people.
year. “The two sides have read the same law and inter- from Environment Canada Forest Fire Danger Rating Robertson is keeping a close
preted it differently and it’s a point of contention,” in 1997, is the weather fore- System that assesses condi- eye on some early strikes in
said McGrath. “In order to resolve it, the taxpayer can caster for the Kamloops Fire tions and potential for fires. the province, which could
appeal. It may well end up in court and the court will Centre. His job is to give These stations collect data predict an early start to the
determine which interpretation is appropriate.” two forecasts as well as two from the area and send it to wildfire season.
Thursday, April 14, 2005 Newsbreak Page 3

suffer again
By Mary Beth Hall
Newsbreak reporter

In tropical Sudan, the largest

country on the African continent,
genocide rages in the western
region of Darfur. The United
Nations Commission of Inquiry
reported on Jan. 25 that “govern-
ment forces and militias conducted
indiscriminate attacks including
killing of civilians, destruction of
villages, forms of sexual violence,
pillaging and forced displacement
throughout Darfur.”
The United Nations estimates
that this ethnic cleansing campaign
has already resulted in 200,000
deaths and 1.6 million homeless.
More than 200,000 Sudanese peo- Graphic provided by Wildlife Park
ple have fled to refugee camps in The new centre (above) will act as a new entrance to the park and include a gift shop, food services, sit-down concession,
neighbouring Chad. theatre and eco-inquiry area.

Discovery Centre leaps towards completion

The Kamloops Salvation Army
church and thrift store is donating
clothing and money to help
Sudanese refugees that are arriving
in Canada for asylum. By Ethan Ribalkin give the Wildlife Park $750,000 a
While the Salvation Army is Newsbreak reporter year from 2004 to 2007 for the $3-
helping Sudanese refugees in million total, subject to the park
Canada, the Canadian Red Cross is The Kamloops Wildlife Park is raising $5 million between the
helping refugees in Chad camps. developing its Discovery Centre, same years.
Campaigns across Canada are still part one of its three-phase $10-mil- “The city already gives $45,000
collecting funds in hope that more lion expansion project expected to a year to the Wildlife Park for cap-
people will give to the humanitari- be finished by April 2008. ital upgrades,” said Dave C.
an crisis. Since the Wildlife Park is the Hilton, parks manager for the City
There is no shortage of charita- only terrestrial zoo with credentials of Kamloops.
ble souls in Kamloops. Citizens from the B.C. government, the “The city also gives $207,000
saw images in the media of entire Wildlife Park’s New Vision project for operating costs on an annual
Southeast Asian villages destroyed was created to develop its facilities basis over the course of the year.”
by a tsunami on Dec. 26, 2004. and programming to become a This brings the city’s annual con-
Companies and citizens of popular provincial attraction. tribution to just over $1 million
Kamloops donated $215,000 to the In April of 2003, Kamloops from taxpayers.
Canadian Red Cross to alleviate gave the Wildlife Park $3 million “The Vancouver Aquarium is
the suffering of these strangers a from tax payer’s money, the lead attributing the marine life, but no
world away. contribution to the park’s expan- one else in the province is doing
Photo by Ethan Ribalkin
William Reese, president of the sion. the terrestrial life,” said Rob Purdy,
International Youth Foundation, In the spring of 2004, MLA general manager of the B.C. Zef, an 18-year-old tiger will spend the rest of his life at the
said the worldwide amount of Kevin Krueger announced a $2- Wildlife Park. park and will be replaced with an animal native to British
tsunami aid totaled three to four million infrastructure grant (base The total cost of the Discovery Columbia. Most non-native animals have been replaced.
billion dollars within a month of of funding) to the park for the Centre is $5.2 million, and the halfway to our goal,” said Rob start the Discovery Centre.” The
the tragedy; enough to help rebuild Discovery Centre. Wildlife Park has so far raised $3.2 Purdy. “The funding we’ve project is expected to be finished
hospitals, schools and develop In 2003, the council decided to million. “Essentially we’re received already will allow us to by April 2006.
employment programs in the
afflicted countries for the next
decade. Mentor program gives seniors chance to help
Celine Calfa, the service area
manager for the Thompson region By April Hoffman with no money or clothes, you give
of the Canadian Red Cross, has Newsbreak reporter them a couple of items and you
ended the campaign to raise money have given them the world. You
for the tsunami tragedy. But funds A new Elder Mentor Program see the weight come off of their
for the disaster are still pouring sponsored by the Kamloops Food shoulders and they really appreci-
into her office. She expects the Bank and the Kiwanis House of ated it.”
donations from the Kamloops area Kamloops is taking a step forward The volunteers work in the new
will reach $2.25 million in total. in community care by using the thrift store located on the top floor
Calfa is hoping that Kamloops wisdom of local seniors to help of the North Shore food bank, and
citizens who plan to donate money those in need. will soon be participating in pro-
to the tsunami tragedy will agree to The help being offered deals grams at the new drop-in-centre to
have their donations given to with issues that stem from poverty, be located across the street at 164
another campaign that the like helping to find affordable Wilson Street.
Canadian Red Cross supports, such accommodations, providing par- “We are now seeing people
as the crisis in Sudan. enting advice and teaching skills who were afraid of walking around
Photo by April Hoffman
Referring to the tsunami disas- such as how to cook on a budget. the block, who are now able to
ter, Calfa said that “People recog- Having lived through the Executive director Marg Spina (centre), with elder mentors communicate and are confident of
nized the catastrophe and the Depression, the volunteers are Patricia Weatherill (left) and Joe Shields (right). their new-found abilities,” said
urgent need for relief.” familiar with coping in tough old retired phone operator was one whole life. It was the way I was Spina.
“When it comes down to it, the times. of the first volunteers involved. brought up, doing good for some- “This comes from the elder
magnitude and level of devastation When food bank executive “The program started with one,” said Weatherill. “If you feel mentors.”
of the tsunami, and the loss of lives director Margaret Spina took over Patricia,” said Spina. “She has good it makes the world bright and The Elder Mentor program also
inspired people to respond. When last September, she saw that in the office experience, and is a warm shiny. Since I’ve retired, I don’t works by reaching out to seniors
people see in the media the number 28 years of operation the numbers caring person with many talents think I’ve been as happy as since by making them feel comfortable
of deaths going up and up, they of women and children (single par- and communication skills. She I’ve been here.” using the food bank, while adding
relate and respond.” ent families) had spiked signifi- would introduce people on how to Another devoted volunteer is to the volunteer’s lives by provid-
Calfa said campaigns that get cantly, from 677 in 1997, to 2957 use the telephone, take messages retired tour bus driver Joe Shields, ing a social outlet.
the most donations “depend on the in 2004. and greet the public. Most of us 71, who has been with the food Spina said that seniors only
level of devastation.” Spina paired that increase with take skills like that for granted, but bank since October 2003. make up two to three per cent of
The United Nations, the United the life experience that her senior people with a disadvantage or a “It’s a good place to work,” said food bank customers. “It’s really
States and the European Union volunteers could offer, and the disability—it’s not so easy for Shields. “I think it’s great. You hard for the seniors to ask for help,
recently defined 2.2 million Elder Mentor program was born. them.” help a lot of people out and let whether the need is food or friend-
Sudanese as “war-affected.” Patricia Weatherill, a 73-year- “I’ve done volunteering my them feel safe for awhile. People ship,” said Spina.
Page 4 Newsbreak Thursday, April 14, 2005

Pursuing a higher high

Crystal meth is an increasing problem among young people in Kamloops
By Ina-Cristine Helljesen have a total number on seizures lead to substance abuse.
because those statistics aren’t com- Crystal meth has dangerous
Newsbreak reporter
piled. side-effects. A person who takes
Crystal meth may be the fastest The prevalence of crystal meth crystal meth can suffer sleep depri-
growing illegal drug in Kamloops in town is confirmed by Derek vation for days and have a reduced
among those up to the age of 24. Ryan Hickerty, 22, who said he has appetite. “Once I could not sleep
Over the last five years the signs of used the drug here. Hickerty said in for nine days and at that point
addiction to crystal meth and other an interview that he has paid things aren’t even real,” Hickerty
amphetamines have increased dra- between $20-$25 on the streets of said. “Everything feels cartoony
matically in town, making the Kamloops for half a gram of crys- and you see black shadow-people,”
drugs almost equal in popularity to tal meth, which was enough to he said. Conners confirmed that
cocaine, according to statistics keep him high for a whole day. visual hallucinations and paranoia
released by the Kamloops Society “Gib (crystal meth) gives me a are well known side-effects of
of Alcohol & Drug kind of rush,” he crystal meth. “I have people in here
Services in
Once I could said. “It’s (the Phoenix Centre) that, for
not sleep for

‘‘ ’’
March. like coffee example, cut out the wires of their
In 2000, nine days and without the television because they thought
fewer than 10 nervousness people are listening to them,”
young people at that point because it Conners said. “We see people with
sought treat- things aren’t gives you their noses caved in because they
ment for crystal energy and have been snorting too much,”
meth and other
even real keeps you Conners added.
amphetamines Derek Hickerty
awake for Conners said that crystal meth is
through the extended equally popular between both gen-
Phoenix Centre, but, for the 2004- periods of time. ders. “You find that girls go on it to
2005 fiscal year, the number I know a lot of people who take lose weight...and the guys like it
jumped to 90 people. The Phoenix crystal meth, and more and more because they feel they are on top of
Centre is operated by the people are experimenting with it the world.” The increased energy
Kamloops Society of Alcohol & everyday,” said Hickerty, who took can give people the feeling of
Drug Services. his first dose when he was 16. power and superiority and make
Jeff Conners, a youth addiction In November 2004, the Phoenix exercising easier. “It’s so easy to
counsellor at the Phoenix Centre, Centre created a program to deal get perfect abs when you are high,”
said in an interview that crystal with crystal meth. It has since been Hickerty said. He said he can easi-
meth is becoming popular among recognized nationally and was pro- ly work out three or four hours
young people in town because it’s filed in an hour-long Fifth Estate while he’s on crystal meth.
cheap, easily accessible and has a broadcast on March 23. Conners said it is hard to kick
prolonged high. “I don’t know the Data compiled during the treat- the addiction of an extremely
exact percentage of users coming ment program shows that the seven addictive drug like crystal meth
through here identifying crystal people who participated were because it becomes difficult to live
meth as their major problem right doing better “spiritually, psycho- without the effects of the intoxica-
now, but I believe it’s close to 50 logically, socially and physically,” tion. A person can become
per cent,” Conners said. said Conners. He added that more depressed for weeks and then is
Cpl. Fran Bethell said the study is needed to estimate the more likely to go back to using the
RCMP hasn’t seen evidence of an long-term effects of the treatment. drug. Hickerty said that sometimes
increase of crystal meth in Cpl. Bethell said the police are when he did not have crystal meth
Kamloops. “We have heard about also fighting drugs through preven- for a day, he would feel sick and
it and we are certainly concerned tion programs aimed at elementary weak. “I was working at a mill and
about it, but we haven’t experi- schools, and charging people with there were a couple of days, when
enced the increase ourselves in possession of illegal drugs in the I tried to stay clean, I would either Photo Illustration by Ina-Cristine Helljesen
terms of seizure,” Cpl. Bethell hope that, once convicted, they not want to go to work and not pro- Crystal meth is a physically addictive and psychologically
said. She said the RCMP doesn’t will get help with the problems that duce well, or not go to work at all.” destructive substance. (Photo is an illustration only.)

‘Look ‘em in the eye and always say please’

By Scott Trudeau ing eyes framed by shoulder-length black out. Glancing at my appearance (jeans, clean and gives me a hug. “That’s all you want?
Special to Newsbreak hair. His name is Jake Jules. I ask him what shoes and a winter jacket), he responds, Twenty-five cents?” he says. Turns out he’s
it’s like to be homeless and forced to pan- “You don’t look down and out.” a regular customer. He hands me a toonie.
The five of us are standing in a half-circle handle to make a living. Jules insists that a I asked 10 more people. “Can you spare Before I know it, three hours have passed,
beside a garbage bin at a place they call the university student doing a story on panhan- 50 or 75 cents, please?” A few say “Sorry, dusk has approached and the temperature
Hole in the Wall. The Wall is one of many dling needs to experience it first hand. can’t help you.” But most snub me, acting as has started to drop. The lone toonie is all I
locations scattered in the city’s downtown “I’ll take you around, show you where we though I don’t exist. I ask Jules how he deals have to show for four hours of work.
alleyways. On some nights, panhandlers go,” he says. “We’ll start with lunch.” Inside, with the discouraging feeling of coming After getting turned down again, this time
sleep here. As a bottle of wine is making its the meal consisted of brownish-orange- away empty handed time after time. “You by a lone lady, I ask if she has any ideas on
way around some of the guys who make a coloured soup, sloppy roast beef, rubbery get so many no’s in a day,” he says. “You how a panhandler should be dressed. “No.
living on the streets, Gordy Camille, Dean potatoes and brown-singed lettuce supposed- gotta’ get rid of that negativity.” Just be yourself,” she says. More than
Simon, Jake Jules and “Splat” take a swig. ly resembling a salad. And with that, we were off to the liquor appearance, maybe the public’s perception
It may be a difficult way to spend the day A walk uptown following lunch is the store to purchase a bottle of “liquid encour- of panhandling is playing a larger part in my
because panhandling, believe it or not, is a perfect time to learn the rules of panhan- agement.” Before drinking, Jules says a lack of success.
hard way to make a living. The first meal of dling. “Look ‘em in the eye and always say prayer for me. As the bottle is passed Jules walks over and looks me in the
the day for these guys often comes at noon, please,” says Jules. “Never ask a woman from one set of hands to another, Splat eyes. “It’s not that easy is it?” By this time,
courtesy of the New Life Mission. Five days with a child.” After arriving at the downtown speaks. “It’s a community,” he says. “We Gordy, Dean and Splat have left; gone to
a week, the mission serves up a hot lunch to core, I observed Jules’ technique to learn look out for each other.” Five minutes later, purchase another bottle of wine. Even
panhandlers, the homeless and anyone else how the job works before approaching a the bottle is dry, we have a buzz on and though I collected only two bucks after ask-
struggling to make ends meet. Under the couple named Steve and Christine Griffin. we’re headed back to Victoria Street. Jules ing 27 people, Jules likes my attitude. He
roof of its entrance, five men are huddled on They refuse, telling me that typically, the and “Splat” tell me to ask a guy and his offers me a job on the spot. I politely refuse.
a small bench. One has a pair of dark, pierc- panhandlers they have seen look down and teenage son. The guy stops, opens his arms “It’s too hard on my self-image.”
Thursday, April 14, 2005 Newsbreak Page 5

Photo by Ina-Cristine Helljesen

Jan Corba plays cards to pass the time at the New Life Mission on Victoria Street in Kamloops. He rents a small room in town and stops regularly at the cen-
tre for food and companionship. “The New Life Mission provides a safe and encouraging environment,” said Terry Butcher, the dayroom co-ordinator.

The deep roots of homelessness

By Marcel Tetrault what causes people to require their society. seems like the kind of person that “The army wouldn’t even take
Newsbreak reporter services. “People that all they “If I hadn’t (gotten help) when could be an asset to an employer. me,” he said. Ineligible for disabil-
know of their fathers was that I did, I would probably be dead by The kind of person that should be ity, unable to obtain employment,
In the last year and a half, 42- they’d call them over and burn now,” said Powers. “I used to run able to go out and get a job. But it Powers has to find a way to live on
year-old Cass Powers has had them with their cigarettes. around with guns and knives. I doesn’t work that way. the $490 in income assistance
three different roommates, and he “They grow into youth, and are used to be quite a different person “According to their legislation, every month.
has punched out all of them. violent and troubled because they from who I am today. I’m not eligible for disability,” said “There are very few options for
“One of them, I punched out are full of rage and hurt. They get “I used to use the abuse as an a 42-year-old individual, with a
twice,” said Powers. into trouble with the law, they fall excuse, so I don’t have to take Breakdown of funding criminal history, and a mental ill-
Today, he no longer has any into addiction,” said Butcher. responsibility,” said Powers. Women’s Shelter ness on top of that,” said Powers.
roommates, or maybe it’s more “Other people have a mental ill- Powers had been in and out of ($547,832) Mitchell believes that tying eco-
accurate to say that today he has ness. It’s a complex problem.” provincial prison for 12 years. But nomic development to social
dozens of roommates. Jocelyn Mitchell of the during his single stay in a federal development is vital.
Today, Cass Powers sleeps in a Kamloops Community Committee prison, Powers told a psychologist “Put strategies in place that con-
hostel when he can, on the streets on Homelessness agrees. “When that his behaviour was due to the nect people with the economy,”
of Kamloops when he can’t, with we talk about homelessness in this abuse he suffered as a child. said Mitchell. “That’s the answer.”
between 50 and 200 other home- country, we are not just talking “He told me that it was an inter- Housing “If you are doing an economic
less people. The number varies about the guys living down at the esting story,” said Powers. ($635,657) development in Kamloops, why
with the weather and the economic river. We are talking about moms “But then he also said it was a ($1,332,766) not encourage companies that are
and political climate. and kids and families living in bunch of bullshit. No one had ever ($517,576)
in the construction field to open up
Powers is blunt when asked cars,” said Mitchell. talked to me like that before.” Between 2001 and 2004, some of their employment needs to
what led to his current lifestyle. “All those at risk people, those Powers said that was when he Kamloops spent $3 million to unemployed youth that could be
“Drug addiction,” he said. It all people that are one paycheck away realized the abuse, both that suf- combat homelessness. trained,” said Mitchell. “After all,
started when he from eviction. fered as a child and the abuse of these are our people.”

‘‘ ’’
was about 13. Some crisis drugs, was a factor in his behav- Sheldon Kitzul, executive direc-
Powers had a The army happens and iour, he was the one that ultimately Powers. “They think I’m well tor at the Kamloops Safe Housing
violent child- wouldn’t you are out on made the decisions. enough because my hands work, Society, agrees that employment is
hood, and start- the street. “I realized that I had to take my feet work, I can talk, and I’m a a vital component of any plan
ed smoking pot even take That’s it for responsibility for my actions,” said fairly intelligent individual. Which designed to address homelessness.
to cope. me. you, too bad.” Powers. “Nobody had a gun to my on the surface is true.” “But there are huge access prob-
“People use In an head when I put a gun in that girl’s “They are not taking into lems to employment,” said Kitzul.
escape mecha- Cass Powers attempt to deal face.” account the fact that I have no “We had one guy who just got
nisms,” said with home- The realization had an impact skills and I have a criminal offered a job on a construction site.
Powers. ”I smoked pot to escape lessness, the federal government on how Powers lives his life. “I’ve record,” said Powers.“I’ve applied He has no tools, he doesn’t have a
from the abuse.” launched the National been out of prison for 7 ½ years at 7-eleven and McDonald’s. They hard hat, he has nothing, so how is
“They call marijuana a gateway Homelessness Initiative in 1999. now,” he said. “I had never stayed have a right to run a check on me. he supposed to go and start work?
drug,” he said. “In my case it was Kamloops has so far received $3.7 out more than three months As soon as they punch my name He is already way behind the eight
true because it opened the door to million of this funding. before.” But he emphasizes that into the computer, forget it. Forget ball,” said Kitzul.
other stuff. But I packed all of that In 2001, the City of Kamloops without help, he would have con- it.“The second time I got out of Mitchell said that the communi-
stuff in...with support and a lot of organized the homelessness com- tinued to live in a destructive man- jail, I was in my early twenties. I ty must be involved in alleviating
help, from places like this.” mittee to determine how the fund- ner. “If you corner a dog, he’s tried to join the army,” he said. “I the poverty that limits people’s
He is talking in the dayroom of ing would be spent. The money going to bite you,” said Powers. went in there and I sat down and I options and leaves them feeling
the New Life Mission on Victoria provided emergency housing, “It’s the same thing with a person. was talking to the guy, and he that there are no alternatives.
Street. People mill about, chat, youth services, improved food You corner a person, give him no asked me if I had any dealings with “Communities need to take owner-
drink coffee and play cards. services, and more. other alternative, you are going to the police. I decided to be honest ship of their poor,” she said. “I do
Up to 120 people come through “All of those things improve the have problems.” and told him I had a record, told not believe that poverty is some-
the doors of the mission every day day-to-day life of folks,” said “Things are much better now. him I just got out of jail for armed thing shameful. I do not believe
for food, rest and friendship. Mitchell. I’m a lot calmer. People don’t robbery,” said Powers. that communities should hide
“There are a hundred reasons,” And help the homeless deal bother me. I don’t get upset.” “He just kind of looked at me poverty. I think that communities
said Terry Butcher, the dayroom with the issues in their lives that Powers comes off as calm, and said, ‘Yeah, like we are going should stand up and say we want to
co-ordinator, when asked about make it difficult to function in articulate, and intelligent. He to give you a loaded M-16.’ ” do something about it.”
Page 6 Newsbreak Thursday, April 14, 2005

Schmidt creates his own party

By Tyler Olsen to launch his own political party, nently barred from all public
Newsbreak reporter the United Peoples’ Action Party. office.
With a newly installed defibril- It’s Schmidt’s dismay at main-
His heart may have recently, as lator in his chest, Schmidt shows stream party politics that has led
he puts it, “gone kaput,” but after a no signs of fatigue. His party plat- him to where he is today. “Forty
five week hospital stay, Ernie form is rich with populist senti- years ago, if you had said I’d get
Schmidt is trying to shake things ment. He said he wants to get cor- politically active, I’d have said you
up in provincial politics. Schmidt, ruption out of government, to ban were crazy,” said Schmidt.
75, is one of four Kamloops resi- contributions to candidates and to The former logger and truck
dents leading his or her own politi- make education up to the first uni- driver is realistic about his party’s
cal party into the coming provin- versity degree free. chances of breaking into British
cial election. Schmidt, who grew up on a Columbia’s two party political cli-
Five years ago, Schmidt ran as a farm in Barriere, feels strongest mate. While he would love to form
Canadian Action Party candidate in about electoral reform. Instead of the next government, Schmidt said
the 2000 federal election, picking parties receiving funds through he would be happy to run 30 or
up 544 votes. He said he would donations, Schmidt would like to more candidates and elect one or
have liked to have seen the party see candidates get equal financing, two. “I don’t do this for any fame
Photo by April Hoffman
expand provincially but was told paid for by a portion of the provin- or glory,” he said. “I see a terrific
Ernie Schmidt, leader of the United Peoples’ Action Party. funds were lacking. So, he decided cial sales tax with abusers perma- country going downhill fast.”

Voting on
A view of a Kamloops
street. Photo

the vote Photo by

eyes set
By Sarah Huston
Newsbreak reporter

to spy on
More voter power and a mixed
party representation are what the
proposed change to British
Columbia’s electoral system is

about. A referendum will take
place on May 17.
Kamloops residents can expect
more candidate choices and new
electoral boundaries.
With the proposed single trans- By Sarah Huston collected can be crime and
ferable vote system, emphasis will Newsbreak reporter used. theft in the
be placed on individual candidates In addition, there is no city.
rather than political parties. Voters The proposal by Kamloops city legislation in Canada for video Most surveillance
will be ranking candidates on pref- council to install surveillance cam- surveillance, only the collection of cameras are placed in areas that
erence and not on party platforms. eras to provide a safer community data and the disclosure of informa- is neutral regarding privacy rights, are considered high-crime in areas
In January 2004, the Liberal could infringe on the privacy rights tion. it sees surveillance as useful for such as strip clubs and bars, said
government formed the Citizens’ of residents according to a report “The general principal is people further investigations into crime Robert McDiarmid, head of the
Assembly, comprised of 160 ran- from the former Information and should have general rights to priva- and assault. Bar Association in Kamloops.
domly selected British Columbians Privacy Commissioner of British cy, the right to be left alone and the “We feel that it is more of an Kamloops has two strip bars.
to debate a new electoral system Columbia, David Flaherty. right to not have excessive moni- issue of keeping the community Chris Rae, owner of Rendezvous,
for British Columbia. The report states, “As video sur- toring,” said acting director for the safe than of privacy rights,” said said she has no problem with video
According to the Assembly’s veillance becomes more accessible Privacy Commissioner, Jay Cpl. Fran Bethell. surveillance, but “it would kill my
recommendation, single transfer- and pervasive, the need for guid- Fedorak. Kamloops Crime Stoppers has business,” said Rae.
able vote, each party’s share of ance for all public bodies becomes “Collecting information on a recorded 735 break and enters to Risk manager for the City of
seats in the legislature will reflect more pressing.” large amount of people is risky business’ and residences, 534 auto Kamloops, Terry Pile, who brought
its share of voters. Currently, there are no federal because you are not just collecting and truck thefts, 1,968 thefts from forward the proposal to city coun-
“Voters will feel more satisfied or provincial laws that exist which the specific information you need, autos and trucks and 1,020 assaults cil on Nov. 30, 2004.
because there are more candidates prevent a city from installing a you are also collecting information for the year ending October 2004. “We are in the preliminary
to choose from,” said Ray Jones, video surveillance camera in pub- on other people as well,” said Kamloops city council has pro- stages in looking at what location
Kamloops representative for the lic places, only laws outlining the Fedorak. posed using surveillance cameras, we will install the camera,” said
Citizens’ Assembly. purpose and how the information Although the Kamloops RCMP in an effort to reduce property Pile.
Kamloops would become part

Water: Getting smarter, using less

of a larger region that may include
up to five constituencies with five
elected candidates.
According to Liberal MLA
Claude Richmond, the drawback of By Andrea Werner supplied with water from the South costs in the $200 range. 10-year warranty, but Warren said
the proposed single transferable Newsbreak reporter Thompson intake site at 1300 Utilities engineer Mike Warren that cost could drop because the
vote system is the restructuring of River Street experienced clean clarified the initial cost of the clean membranes may last more than 15
boundaries. “The boundaries that Summer is the season when membrane-filtrated water flowing water. years. In the future, as membrane
are drawn in are silly, we green thumbs like to show their through their taps. The water came “The original contract to supply technology becomes more com-
(Kamloops) might be grouped with love of gardening, while at the from the new $48.5 million River and install the membranes was mon, cost is also expected to drop
places such as Salmon Arm, same time the city urges residents Street Water Plant. $19.8 million.” for replacement filters.
Merritt and the south Caribou,” to conserve water in order to ease The 2005 user rate for those res- The city is currently saving up Public Works and Utilities
adding that large boundaries could the pressure on pumping stations. idents will now be about $458, $750,000 a year for membrane director David Duckworth, hopes
force people to travel to another Watersmart gardening is one compared with previous annual replacement based on the current residents will consider the cost and
centre to speak with a MLA. way to cut back on irrigation and it where this clean water will go.
Grant Fraser, Kamloops candi- could be making an appearance in “I’m hoping people will realize
date for the Green Party, thinks the a neighbourhood near you this sea- that water isn’t a free commodity.
public will benefit the most son. It even has its own category in It actually costs a lot of money to
because people will no longer be the annual Beautify Kamloops provide to each household,” said
exposed to “fear campaigning,” in contest. Duckworth.
which, “parties make the voters Xeriscaping, which involves On peak summer days in May
feel that they have to vote for their landscaping with native shrubs, through August the city pumps as
party in order that the other party uses the natural environment and much as 110 million litres of water
will not get elected,” he said. plain old good gardening tech- a day to residents. In the winter-
“This (system) encourages indi- niques to save water. Xeriscaping time, an average of 30 million
viduals over parties and reduces requires less hand watering and litres a day is pumped.
the authority of the political parties can use over 50 per cent less water WaterSmart encourages resi-
as they operate today,” said Terry than traditional landscapes. dents to conserve water in the sum-
Kading, political science instructor Water is the topic these days Photo by Andrea Werner mer when pumps are working at
at Thompson Rivers University. because this February residents McArthur Island Park Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. full capacity.
Thursday, April 14, 2005 Newsbreak Page 7

Same-sex marriage
Continued from Page 1
She said that its always been up to the provinces to interpret the law,
and it shouldn’t be a federal decision.
Hinton doesn’t think that this legislation should be the focus of debate
in parliament. She also thinks if the government doesn’t start focusing on
other areas, Canada will lose credibility in the eyes of the rest of the
Hinton said there are more important matters than Bill C-38. “In the
grand scheme of things it (Bill C-38) is important, but it doesn’t affect our
day-to-day lives,” she said. “There are far more pressing issues than this.”
Jim Cullen disagrees. As an assistant professor in the bachelor of
social work department at Thompson Rivers University and the president
of the Gay and Lesbian Association of Kamloops, he believes that Bill C-
Photo by Ina-Cristine Helljesen
38 is a human rights issue.
In his Feb. 16 address to parliament, Prime Minister Paul Martin said David Dundee, lawyer at Paul and Company in Kamloops, says women without income or
that Bill C-38 would safeguard the rights of the people in Canada, protect property who are forced to leave spouses no longer have legal options.

Cuts to family legal aid

minority rights and guarantee religious freedom.
Martin claims that this will produce equality for all. Hinton said that
Martin is using this controversial and emotional bill to distract Canadians

‘tragic,’ says lawyer

from the real issues.
In the pursuit of democracy, Hinton sent out a survey in February to all
108,000 houses in the riding. The results of the survey will be available
in Hinton’s next newsletter. The survey asks, “Do you believe the defini-
tion of marriage should be altered to include same-sex couples?” And, By Ina-Cristine Helljesen and Company in Kamloops. statistics reveal that twice as many
“Do you support the Conservative Party position to create the status of Newsbreak reporter “Those cases are just tragic and referrals were granted in
civil unions?” She hopes that this will give citizens a means to express they stick in my craw every time.” 2001/2002 compared to the next
their views on this legislation. The $34-million or 38 per cent The number of applications two years combined. In
Despite her personal beliefs, Hinton said that she would vote accord- provincial cutback made in family filed for legal assistance in 2001/2002, 11,119 referrals were
ing to the results of the legal aid between 2001 and 2004, Kamloops decreased from 981 to granted, whereas in the following
survey. “I wasn’t sent to has left people who need it most 625. year the number was only 4,061. In
Ottawa to reflect my without any legal representation at The right to legal protection 2003/2004, 4,409 referrals were
opinion,” she said. “I the most critical moments of their provided by the Charter of Rights approved, slightly higher than the
was sent to Ottawa to lives. in criminal cases does not extend previous year.
reflect the opinion of my Referrals granted for family to family law matters, said Heidi On Feb. 1, legal aid services in
constituents.” legal aid assistance in Kamloops Mason, field operation manager at British Columbia received a $4.6-
Opposition for Bill C- have dropped by more than one Legal Services Society in British million increase in government
38 is mainly from reli- third, from 544 to 349, due to Columbia. funding for family law services,
gious leaders and those funding and changes in eligibility To be eligible for legal aid, raising the total funding to about
in favour of traditional rules, show statistics from the there has to be a history of domes- $55 million. The new money is
marriage. Some argued Legal Services Society. tic violence. A person is also eligi- intended to expand services for
that the government The most “heartbreaking” cases ble for legal aid in family cases family clients who are at most risk.
doesn’t have the right to are those where a spouse with no where the children are at risk either “Nobody will say it’s bad, but
redefine marriage. income and no property is “booted of violence or being permanently quite frankly it’s a drop in the
Others said that this out of the house,” and no physical moved out of the province by the bucket when you consider what
would interfere with violence has taken place, said one parent. was taken away was more like $30
freedom of religion, David Dundee, a lawyer at Paul The Legal Services Society’s million,” said Dundee.
fearing that religious
officials could be
required to perform
same-sex marriages or
allow the use of sacred
places for the celebration
Kamloops garbage: Kelowna and Vancouver residents
have more recycling options
of such marriages. are not based on the amount of Vancouver and Kelowna are
Continued from Page 1
The Supreme Court waste produced, said McNeely. A allowed two bags of garbage,
assured those concerned “A certain amount of that (a residence that is valued at while amounts allowed for curb
that forcing religious change in waste management poli- $400,000 pays four times as much side recycling are unlimited. If a
leaders to perform same- cies) has to be driven by the pub- as a residence valued at $100,000. Kamloops resident wants to recy-
Photo courtesy of A. Simpson & N. Elder sex marriages or com- lic… Previously there hasn’t been Beginning next year, the city will cle materials rather than add more
The marriage of Annabree Simpson pelling traditional groups a directive to change and now be “shifting all of the costs for col- waste to the landfill, he or she is
and Natasha Elder took place at to allow their sacred we’re feeling that there is,” said lection and disposal to the resi- responsible for transporting that
Riverside Park almost two years ago. places to be used for cel- Jim McNeely, the streets and envi- dents,” said McNeely. waste.
ebrations of such mar- ronmental services manager in Currently, residents of Kamloops resident, Wendy
riages would be unconstitutional and violate freedom of religious rights. Kamloops. Daniele, long
Cullen, president of the Gay and Lesbian Association of Kamloops, The city ago gave up on
acknowledged that groups have expressed fear that this bill will affect expects that the having the city
religious freedom. But, he argues, in reality the bill protects these rights new fee system take control of
because religious leaders will not have to perform same-sex marriages. where a house- the waste man-
“We don’t live in Iraq or Iran; we don’t have a religious government,” hold will pay agement issues
said Cullen. “There is a distinct separation between church and state.” according to the in Kamloops.
The main opposition to this bill has come from Christian churches. size of container Daniele says her
Cullen said that because Christianity is not Canada’s national religion, they choose for two-person
civil marriage should be free of religious and moral bias. “But it’s also their garbage household
inaccurate to say ‘Christians are against us,’” he said. “That’s not true. It’s will help reduce places one half-
fundamental minority religious groups who are against us.” residential full can of
Canada’s second largest Christian denomination, the United Church, waste. garbage at the
supports same-sex unions. Cullen pointed out that other denominations, To help with curb for weekly
like the Anglican Church, are also considering supporting the legislation. awareness, “we pickup. To
Cullen said that saying all Christians are against homosexuals is like say- would discour- accomplish this,
ing that all Muslims blew up the World Trade Center. age the use of “I’ve adjusted
Bill C-38 would finally create an opportunity for equality across the the largest con- my life to visit
country, said Cullen. “It gives meaning to the words equity, social justice tainers,” said the recycle
and social rights.” He also said that legislating same-sex marriage will not McNeely. The Photo by Lu Huang bins.” Were
guarantee equal rights for homosexuals, but that it will create an environ- city is also look- The trunk of Newsbreak reporter Suzie Atherton overflows there a curbside
ment for equality to grow in. ing into imple- with recyclables being taken to the recycling depot. Starting recycling system
Simpson is glad that the Canadian government finally regards her mar- menting a curb- next year, these items may be eligible for curbside pickup. in place, Daniele
riage as legitimate. Most importantly, Simpson said, is that people realize side recycling said, “I could
that homosexuality is not a choice. “A big thing people tend to use is that program. Kamloops are allowed up to three readjust to that.”
gay is a choice, something that I had ultimate choice in, that I would “Right now, the solid waste bags of garbage, an equivalent to In Vancouver, 32 per cent of
choose to have my family and friends reject me over it,” said Simpson. department is funded through the rollout bins that many homes in waste is residential. In Kelowna,
“It’s not choosing to be gay – it’s choosing to acknowledge who I am.” property taxes,” the amounts paid the city use. Residents in 35 per cent of waste is residential.
Page 8 Newsbreak Thursday, April 14, 2005

Midwife option not available in town Hospital with partner Steve nurses available to provide mater- “They are using some innova- tors at the clinic. At the time of the
By Suzie Atherton
Newsbreak reporter Latrans and midwife Kyra Warren nity care across the province are tive techniques (at the Thompson delivery, whomever of the six doc-
at her side. decreasing and our training pro- Valley Obstetrical Clinic),” said tors is on call, he/she will be the
Shawna Mackenzie-Latrans dis- There are no registered mid- grams for these professions as well Kuhn. But, he said, there are some doctor attending the birth.
covered that when it came to wives in Kamloops. “We have not as midwifery fundamental “That’s a big belief in mid-

‘‘ ’’
choice for her pregnancy, she had been approached by any mid- are not keeping That’s a big belief differences wifery-the continuity of care,” said
little in Kamloops. Finding that wives,” said Ryan Kuhn, up with this in midwifery... between the Mackenzie-Latrans.
person who would be by her side, spokesperson for the Thompson decline,” said a approach You establish a relationship
guiding her for the next nine Cariboo Shuswap Health Service report from the the continuity taken by the with a face and a body, so that,
months, and helping her through Area. B.C. Women’s of care. clinic and when you do start getting really big
delivery, led her to Kelowna. “We’re certainly not against it,” Hospital and midwives. contractions and it really hurts and
Mackenzie-Latrans, after said Kuhn. Midwifery care is one Health Centre. Shawna Mackenzie-Latrans Each pre- you are really scared, you have
watching her mother have her sec- choice during pregnancy. If a woman natal checkup some sort of relationship to fall
ond child with a midwife, became The other choice, having a fam- in Kamloops at the back on. Some sort of trust estab-
aware of the birthing choices and ily doctor deliver the child, is also does not have a family doctor, or if Thompson Valley Obstetrical lished.”
decided that midwifery care was not easily accessible to women in her doctor does not handle obstet- Clinic could mean meeting with a Midwives are paid approxi-
what she wanted during her preg- Kamloops. Finding a family doctor rics, she is referred to the stranger. “We try to encourage peo- mately $2,500 per patient, an
nancy. Mackenzie-Latrans gave who takes obstetrical cases is get- Thompson Valley Obstetrical clin- ple to meet each of us. It’s much amount that includes all pre- and
birth to her daughter, Semiah, on ting more difficult. ic, based out of Royal Inland nicer to have met that person,” said post-natal care; doctors are paid
Feb. 3, at the Kelowna General “The numbers of physicians and Hospital. Dr. Liz Ewart, one of the six doc- approximately $500.

Photo illustration by Karen Slivar

Katie deGroot, a Grade 7 student at Marion Schilling Elementary, has benefited from a scent-considerate policy at the school.

Scent-considerate policy eases suffering

Schools adopt scent-considerate policy to alleviate allergic reactions of staff and students
By Karen Slivar Fragrances today are made from concentrating and is moody. “I’m selves and are starting to wear visits to the school.
Newsbreak reporter chemicals that are “cooked in a normally not moody,” she said. beauty products to class, said Judy The policy is similar to that of
lab,” said Peters. Chemicals can As a student, deGroot said Wigmore, deGroot’s mother. “The South Sa-Hali Elementary School,
Scents can make you sick. enter the body through breathing, scents have affected her perform- use of scented products is like sec- adopted in 2000. There was a
That’s what students and teachers eating or skin contact. When your ance at school. “(I’ve) been getting ond-hand smoke, the effect of the “noticeable increase in unscented
have learned at Marion Schilling nose smells a scent, you are inhal- slower in school,” she said. In smell goes beyond the user,” said kids,” said Wigmore.
Elementary School in Kamloops, ing chemicals. math class, she used to be one of Wigmore. Schools are not the only place
after a student became ill when These chemicals are making the first five to finish a test and It has “been a real education for with scent-considerate policies.
exposed to cologne. Grade 7 student Katie deGroot now she’s last, she said. So far this everybody,” said school principal, The Kamloops Symphony concert
Perfume and fragrance can trig- sick. “Sometimes I get a headache year, deGroot has missed five to Mike Lesnik. In November 2004, etiquette asks people in the audi-
ger asthma, migraines and aller- when I’m near hair spray, and seven days of school due to her the school adopted a scent-consid- ence to refrain from wearing scent-
gies, said Veda Peters, education dizziness near paint and gasoline,” allergies, she said. erate policy requesting students, ed products. Its been in effect for
co-ordinator for the B.C. Lung said deGroot. When around scent- So what changed? Grade 7 stu- staff and visitors to refrain from three to four years, after two inci-
Association. ed beauty products she has trouble dents are more aware of them- applying scented products during dents involving asthmatics.

Medical condition exhausts student

Grade 12
Pedersen buildings is only about a block. class. However, 10 minutes is just
By Janine Stevenson
has a However, it is still a challenge for not enough for Danielle.
Newsbreak reporter
medical her daughter. “There is no time between
condition Danielle Pedersen is a special Danielle “can go about three or classes to go to lockers. All my
which makes needs student at South Kamloops four blocks, depending on the con- books are carried to each build-
walking Secondary School. The 2003 amal- ditions, but it’s very painful for ing,” said Danielle. “There’s pres-
difficult. She gamation of Kamloops Secondary her,” said Pedersen. It is not only sure to be faster. If you take your
has to wear a School and John Peterson special needs students who find the time, teachers get upset.”
full-length Secondary has been problematic time between classes too short. “The student reality is, there are
leg brace. for her because her classes are now Krysty Craig, a Grade 11 stu- two buildings that have to be used
Attending in two different buildings. dent, also finds the break too short. in the appropriate way,” said Vic
South Danielle has brittle bone dis- “It is difficult if you have class at Bifano, principal of South
Kamloops ease, a condition that requires her John Peterson because there is not Kamloops. “If you come to South
Secondary, to wear full-length leg braces to enough time between first and sec- Kamloops Secondary, you’re
requires school. Her bones are very frail ond block,” said Craig. going to have classes in both.”
travelling and break easily. This has Breaks between classes were Bifano said that all special needs
between two Danielle’s mother, Elsa Pedersen, changed after the amalgamation to students are timetabled to allow
buildings- worried about Danielle’s move- accommodate students getting to adequate time for movement.
about one ment between buildings. class. Between first and second Danielle’s mother thinks each
block a part. “Essentially she is walking on period is a 10-minute break for stu- building should contain all classes
her ankle bones,” said Pedersen. dents to go to lockers, collect for each grade, one building for
Photo by
Janine “She can’t hurry.” The mother esti- books and other materials they grades eight through 10 and the
Stevenson mates the distance between the two may need and walk to their next other for senior students.

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