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Dialectical and Historical Materialism

J. V. Stalin
September 1938

Dialectical materialism is the world outlook ethical encumbrances. We know that Feuer-
of the Marxist-Leninist party. It is called dialec- bach, although he was fundamentally a mate-
tical materialism because its approach to the rialist, objected to the name materialism.
phenomena of nature, its method of studying Engels more than once declared that "in spite
and apprehending them, is dialectical, while its of" the materialist "foundation," Feuerbach
interpretation of the phenomena of nature, its "remained... bound by the traditional idealist
conception of these phenomena, its theory, is fetters," and that "the real idealism of Feuer-
materialistic. bach becomes evident as soon as we come to
Historical materialism is the extension of his philosophy of religion and ethics." (Marx
the principles of dialectical materialism to the and Engels, Vol. XIV, pp. 652-54.)
study of social life, an application of the princi- Dialectics comes from the Greek dialego,
ples of dialectical materialism to the phenom- to discourse, to debate. In ancient times dialec-
ena of the life of society, to the study of society tics was the art of arriving at the truth by dis-
and of its history. closing the contradictions in the argument of
When describing their dialectical method, an opponent and overcoming these contradic-
Marx and Engels usually refer to Hegel as the tions. There were philosophers in ancient times
philosopher who formulated the main features who believed that the disclosure of contradic-
of dialectics. This, however, does not mean tions in thought and the clash of opposite opin-
that the dialectics of Marx and Engels is identi- ions was the best method of arriving at the
cal with the dialectics of Hegel. As a matter of truth. This dialectical method of thought, later
fact, Marx and Engels took from the Hegelian extended to the phenomena of nature, devel-
dialectics only its "rational kernel," casting oped into the dialectical method of apprehend-
aside its Hegelian idealistic shell, and devel- ing nature, which regards the phenomena of
oped dialectics further so as to lend it a mod- nature as being in constant movement and un-
ern scientific form. dergoing constant change, and the develop-
"My dialectic method," says Marx, "is not ment of nature as the result of the develop-
only different from the Hegelian, but is its direct ment of the contradictions in nature, as the re-
opposite. To Hegel, ... the process of thinking sult of the interaction of opposed forces in na-
which, under the name of 'the Idea,' he even ture.
transforms into an independent subject, is the In its essence, dialectics is the direct op-
demiurgos (creator) of the real world, and the posite of metaphysics.
real world is only the external, phenomenal
form of 'the Idea.' With me, on the contrary, the 1) Marxist Dialectical Method
ideal is nothing else than the material world The principal features of the Marxist dia-
reflected by the human mind and translated lectical method are as follows:
into forms of thought." (Marx, Afterword to the
Second German Edition of Volume I of Capi- a) Nature Connected and Determined
tal.) Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics does
When describing their materialism, Marx not regard nature as an accidental agglomera-
and Engels usually refer to Feuerbach as the tion of things, of phenomena, unconnected
philosopher who restored materialism to its with, isolated from, and independent of, each
rights. This, however, does not mean that the other, but as a connected and integral whole,
materialism of Marx and Engels is identical in which things, phenomena are organically
with Feuerbach's materialism. As a matter of connected with, dependent on, and determined
fact, Marx and Engels took from Feuerbach's by, each other.
materialism its "inner kernel," developed it into The dialectical method therefore holds that
a scientific-philosophical theory of materialism no phenomenon in nature can be understood if
and cast aside its idealistic and religious- taken by itself, isolated from surrounding phe-
nomena, inasmuch as any phenomenon in any as a development which passes from insignifi-
realm of nature may become meaningless to cant and imperceptible quantitative changes to
us if it is not considered in connection with the open' fundamental changes' to qualitative
surrounding conditions, but divorced from changes; a development in which the qualita-
them; and that, vice versa, any phenomenon tive changes occur not gradually, but rapidly
can be understood and explained if considered and abruptly, taking the form of a leap from
in its inseparable connection with surrounding one state to another; they occur not acciden-
phenomena, as one conditioned by surround- tally but as the natural result of an accumula-
ing phenomena. tion of imperceptible and gradual quantitative
b) Nature is a State of Continuous Mo- The dialectical method therefore holds that
tion and Change the process of development should be under-
Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics holds stood not as movement in a circle, not as a
that nature is not a state of rest and immobility, simple repetition of what has already occurred,
stagnation and immutability, but a state of con- but as an onward and upward movement, as a
tinuous movement and change, of continuous transition from an old qualitative state to a new
renewal and development, where something is qualitative state, as a development from the
always arising and developing, and something simple to the complex, from the lower to the
always disintegrating and dying away. higher:
The dialectical method therefore requires "Nature," says Engels, "is the test of dia-
that phenomena should be considered not only lectics. and it must be said for modern natural
from the standpoint of their interconnection and science that it has furnished extremely rich and
interdependence, but also from the standpoint daily increasing materials for this test, and has
of their movement, their change, their devel- thus proved that in the last analysis nature's
opment, their coming into being and going out process is dialectical and not metaphysical,
of being. that it does not move in an eternally uniform
The dialectical method regards as impor- and constantly repeated circle. but passes
tant primarily not that which at the given mo- through a real history. Here prime mention
ment seems to be durable and yet is already should be made of Darwin, who dealt a severe
beginning to die away, but that which is arising blow to the metaphysical conception of nature
and developing, even though at the given mo- by proving that the organic world of today,
ment it may appear to be not durable, for the plants and animals, and consequently man too,
dialectical method considers invincible only is all a product of a process of development
that which is arising and developing. that has been in progress for millions of years."
"All nature," says Engels, "from the small- (Ibid., p. 23.)
est thing to the biggest. from grains of sand to Describing dialectical development as a
suns, from protista (the primary living cells – J. transition from quantitative changes to qualita-
St.) to man, has its existence in eternal coming tive changes, Engels says:
into being and going out of being, in a cease- "In physics ... every change is a passing of
less flux, in unresting motion and change (Ibid., quantity into quality, as a result of a quantita-
p. 484.) tive change of some form of movement either
Therefore, dialectics, Engels says, "takes inherent in a body or imparted to it. For exam-
things and their perceptual images essentially ple, the temperature of water has at first no
in their interconnection, in their concatenation, effect on its liquid state; but as the temperature
in their movement, in their rise and disappear- of liquid water rises or falls, a moment arrives
ance." (Marx and Engels, Vol. XIV,' p. 23.) when this state of cohesion changes and the
water is converted in one case into steam and
c) Natural Quantitative Change Leads to in the other into ice.... A definite minimum cur-
Qualitative Change rent is required to make a platinum wire glow;
Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics does every metal has its melting temperature; every
not regard the process of development as a liquid has a definite freezing point and boiling
simple process of growth, where quantitative point at a given pressure, as far as we are able
changes do not lead to qualitative changes, but with the means at our disposal to attain the re-
quired temperatures; finally, every gas has its tween that which is disappearing and that
critical point at which, by proper pressure and which is developing, constitutes the internal
cooling, it can be converted into a liquid content of the process of development, the in-
state.... What are known as the constants of ternal content of the transformation of quantita-
physics (the point at which one state passes tive changes into qualitative changes.
into another – J. St.) are in most cases nothing The dialectical method therefore holds that
but designations for the nodal points at which a the process of development from the lower to
quantitative (change) increase or decrease of the higher takes place not as a harmonious
movement causes a qualitative change in the unfolding of phenomena, but as a disclosure of
state of the given body, and at which, conse- the contradictions inherent in things and phe-
quently, quantity is transformed into quality." nomena, as a "struggle" of opposite tendencies
(Ibid., pp. 527-28.) which operate on the basis of these contradic-
Passing to chemistry, Engels continues: tions.
"Chemistry may be called the science of "In its proper meaning," Lenin says, "dia-
the qualitative changes which take place in lectics is the study of the contradiction within
bodies as the effect of changes of quantitative the very essence of things." (Lenin, Philoso-
composition. his was already known to phical Notebooks, p. 265.)
Hegel.... Take oxygen: if the molecule contains And further:
three atoms instead of the customary two, we "Development is the 'struggle' of oppo-
get ozone, a body definitely distinct in odor and sites." (Lenin, Vol. XIII, p. 301.)
reaction from ordinary oxygen. And what shall Such, in brief, are the principal features of
we say of the different proportions in which the Marxist dialectical method.
oxygen combines with nitrogen or sulphur, and It is easy to understand how immensely
each of which produces a body qualitatively important is the extension of the principles of
different from all other bodies !" (Ibid., p. 528.) the dialectical method to the study of social life
Finally, criticizing Dühring, who scolded and the history of society, and how immensely
Hegel for all he was worth, but surreptitiously important is the application of these principles
borrowed from him the well-known thesis that to the history of society and to the practical ac-
the transition from the insentient world to the tivities of the party of the proletariat.
sentient world, from the kingdom of inorganic If there are no isolated phenomena in the
matter to the kingdom of organic life, is a leap world, if all phenomena are interconnected and
to a new state, Engels says: interdependent, then it is clear that every social
"This is precisely the Hegelian nodal line system and every social movement in history
of measure relations in which at certain definite must be evaluated not from the standpoint of
nodal points, the purely quantitative increase "eternal justice" or some other preconceived
or decrease gives rise to a qualitative leap, for idea, as is not infrequently done by historians,
example, in the case of water which is heated but from the standpoint of the conditions which
or cooled, where boiling point and freezing gave rise to that system or that social move-
point are the nodes at which – under normal ment and with which they are connected.
pressure – the leap to a new aggregate state The slave system would be senseless,
takes place, and where consequently quantity stupid and unnatural under modern conditions.
is transformed into quality." (Ibid., pp. 45-46.) But under the conditions of a disintegrating
primitive communal system, the slave system
d) Contradictions Inherent in Nature is a quite understandable and natural phe-
Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics holds nomenon, since it represents an advance on
that internal contradictions are inherent in all the primitive communal system
things and phenomena of nature, for they all The demand for a bourgeois-democratic
have their negative and positive sides, a past republic when tsardom and bourgeois society
and a future, something dying away and some- existed, as, let us say, in Russia in 1905, was
thing developing; and that the struggle be- a quite understandable, proper and revolution-
tween these opposites, the struggle between ary demand; for at that time a bourgeois repub-
the old and the new, between that which is dy- lic would have meant a step forward. But now,
ing away and that which is being born, be- under the conditions of the U.S.S.R., the de-
mand for a bourgeois-democratic republic clear that revolutions made by oppressed
would be a senseless and counterrevolutionary classes are a quite natural and inevitable phe-
demand; for a bourgeois republic would be a nomenon.
retrograde step compared with the Soviet re- Hence, the transition from capitalism to
public. socialism and the liberation of the working
Everything depends on the conditions, class from the yoke of capitalism cannot be
time and place. effected by slow changes, by reforms, but only
It is clear that without such a historical ap- by a qualitative change of the capitalist system,
proach to social phenomena, the existence by revolution.
and development of the science of history is Hence, in order not to err in policy, one
impossible; for only such an approach saves must be a revolutionary, not a reformist.
the science of history from becoming a jumble Further, if development proceeds by way
of accidents and an agglomeration of most ab- of the disclosure of internal contradictions, by
surd mistakes. way of collisions between opposite forces on
Further, if the world is in a state of con- the basis of these contradictions and so as to
stant movement and development, if the dying overcome these contradictions, then it is clear
away of the old and the upgrowth of the new is that the class struggle of the proletariat is a
a law of development, then it is clear that there quite natural and inevitable phenomenon.
can be no "immutable" social systems, no Hence, we must not cover up the contra-
"eternal principles" of private property and ex- dictions of the capitalist system, but disclose
ploitation, no "eternal ideas" of the subjugation and unravel them; we must not try to check the
of the peasant to the landlord, of the worker to class struggle but carry it to its conclusion.
the capitalist. Hence, in order not to err in policy, one
Hence, the capitalist system can be re- must pursue an uncompromising proletarian
placed by the socialist system, just as at one class policy, not a reformist policy of harmony
time the feudal system was replaced by the of the interests of the proletariat and the bour-
capitalist system. geoisie, not a compromisers' policy of the
Hence, we must not base our orientation "growing" of capitalism into socialism.
on the strata of society which are no longer Such is the Marxist dialectical method
developing, even though they at present con- when applied to social life, to the history of so-
stitute the predominant force, but on those ciety.
strata which are developing and have a future As to Marxist philosophical materialism, it
before them, even though they at present do is fundamentally the direct opposite of philoso-
not constitute the predominant force. phical idealism.
In the eighties of the past century, in the
period of the struggle between the Marxists 2) Marxist Philosophical Materialism
and the Narodniks, the proletariat in Russia The principal features of Marxist philoso-
constituted an insignificant minority of the phical materialism are as follows:
population, whereas the individual peasants
constituted the vast majority of the population. a) Contrary to idealism, which regards the
But the proletariat was developing as a class, world as the embodiment of an "absolute idea,"
whereas the peasantry as a class was disinte- a "universal spirit," "consciousness," Marx's
grating. And just because the proletariat was philosophical materialism holds that the world
developing as a class the Marxists based their is by its very nature material, that the multifold
orientation on the proletariat. And they were phenomena of the world constitute different
not mistaken; for, as we know, the proletariat forms of matter in motion, that interconnection
subsequently grew from an insignificant force and interdependence of phenomena as estab-
into a first-rate historical and political force. lished by the dialectical method, are a law of
Hence, in order not to err in policy, one the development of moving matter, and that
must look forward, not backward. the world develops in accordance with the laws
Further, if the passing of slow quantitative of movement of matter and stands in no need
changes into rapid and abrupt qualitative of a "universal spirit."
changes is a law of development, then it is
"The materialistic outlook on nature," says Concerning the question of matter and
Engels, "means no more than simply conceiv- thought, Marx says:
ing nature just as it exists, without any foreign "It is impossible to separate thought from
admixture." (Marx and Engels, Vol. XIV, p. matter that thinks. Matter is the subject of all
651.) changes." (Ibid., p. 302.)
Speaking of the materialist views of the Describing Marxist philosophical material-
ancient philosopher Heraclitus, who held that ism, Lenin says:
"the world, the all in one, was not created by "Materialism in general recognizes objec-
any god or any man, but was, is and ever will tively real being (matter) as independent of
be a living flame, systematically flaring up and consciousness, sensation, experience.... Con-
systematically dying down"' Lenin comments: sciousness is only the reflection of being, at
"A very good exposition of the rudiments of best an approximately true (adequate, perfectly
dialectical materialism." (Lenin, Philosophical exact) reflection of it." (Lenin, Vol. XIII, pp. 266-
Notebooks, p. 318.) 67.)
And further:
b) Contrary to idealism, which asserts that – "Matter is that which, acting upon our
only our consciousness really exists, and that sense-organs, produces sensation; matter is
the material world, being, nature, exists only in the objective reality given to us in sensation....
our consciousness' in our sensations, ideas Matter, nature, being, the physical-is primary,
and perceptions, the Marxist philosophical ma- and spirit, consciousness, sensation, the psy-
terialism holds that matter, nature, being, is an chical-is secondary." (Ibid., pp. 119-20.)
objective reality existing outside and inde- – "The world picture is a picture of how
pendent of our consciousness; that matter is matter moves and of how 'matter thinks.'"
primary, since it is the source of sensations, (Ibid., p. 288.)
ideas, consciousness, and that consciousness – "The brain is the organ of thought."
is secondary, derivative, since it is a reflection (Ibid., p. 125.)
of matter, a reflection of being; that thought is a
product of matter which in its development has (c) Contrary to idealism, which denies the
reached a high degree of perfection, namely, possibility of knowing the world and its laws,
of the brain, and the brain is the organ of which does not believe in the authenticity of
thought; and that therefore one cannot sepa- our knowledge, does not recognize objective
rate thought from matter without committing a truth, and holds that the world is full of "things-
grave error. Engels says: in-themselves" that can never be known to sci-
"The question of the relation of thinking to ence, Marxist philosophical materialism holds
being, the relation of spirit to nature is the that the world and its laws are fully knowable,
paramount question of the whole of philoso- that our knowledge of the laws of nature,
phy.... The answers which the philosophers tested by experiment and practice, is authentic
gave to this question split them into two great knowledge having the validity of objective truth,
camps. Those who asserted the primacy of and that there are no things in the world which
spirit to nature ... comprised the camp of ideal- are unknowable, but only things which are as
ism. The others, who regarded nature as pri- yet not known, but which will be disclosed and
mary, belong to the various schools of materi- made known by the efforts of science and
alism." (Marx, Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 329.) practice.
And further: Criticizing the thesis of Kant and other
"The material, sensuously perceptible idealists that the world is unknowable and that
world to which we ourselves belong is the only there are "things-in-themselves" which are un-
reality.... Our consciousness and thinking, knowable, and defending the well-known mate-
however supra-sensuous they may seem, are rialist thesis that our knowledge is authentic
the product of a material, bodily organ, the knowledge, Engels writes:
brain. Matter is not a product of mind, but mind "The most telling refutation of this as of all
itself is merely the highest product of matter." other philosophical crotchets is practice,
(Ibid., p. 332.) namely, experiment and industry. If we are
able to prove the correctness of our conception
of a natural process by making it ourselves, of the development of nature, it follows, too,
bringing it into being out of its conditions and that the connection and interdependence of the
making it serve our own purposes into the bar- phenomena of social life are laws of the devel-
gain, then there is an end to the Kantian un- opment of society, and not something acciden-
graspable 'thing-in-itself.' The chemical sub- tal.
stances produced in the bodies of plants and Hence, social life, the history of society,
animals remained such 'things-in-themselves' ceases to be an agglomeration of "accidents",
until organic chemistry began to produce them for the history of society becomes a develop-
one after another, whereupon the 'thing-in- ment of society according to regular laws, and
itself' became a thing for us, as, for instance, the study of the history of society becomes a
alizarin, the coloring matter of the madder, science.
which we no longer trouble to grow ill the mad- Hence, the practical activity of the party of
der roots in the field, but produce much more the proletariat must not be based on the good
cheaply and simply from coal tar. For 300 wishes of "outstanding individuals." not on the
years the Copernican solar system was a hy- dictates of "reason," "universal morals," etc.,
pothesis with a hundred, a thousand or ten but on the laws of development of society and
thousand chances to one in its favor, but still on the study of these laws.
always a hypothesis. But when Leverrier, by Further, if the world is knowable and our
means of the data provided by this system, not knowledge of the laws of development of na-
only deduced the necessity of the existence of ture is authentic knowledge, having the validity
an unknown planet, but also calculated the po- of objective truth, it follows that social life, the
sition in the heavens which this planet must development of society, is also knowable, and
necessarily occupy, and when Galle really that the data of science regarding the laws of
found this planet, the Copernican system was development of society are authentic data hav-
proved." (Marx, Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 330.) ing the validity of objective truths.
Accusing Bogdanov, Bazarov, Yushkevich Hence, the science of the history of soci-
and the other followers of Mach of fideism (a ety, despite all the complexity of the phenom-
reactionary theory, which prefers faith to sci- ena of social life, can become as precise a sci-
ence) and defending the well-known materialist ence as, let us say, biology, and capable of
thesis that our scientific knowledge of the laws making use of the laws of development of so-
of nature is authentic knowledge, and that the ciety for practical purposes.
laws of science represent objective truth, Lenin Hence, the party of the proletariat should
says: not guide itself in its practical activity by casual
"Contemporary fideism does not at all re- motives, but by the laws of development of so-
ject science; all it rejects is the 'exaggerated ciety, and by practical deductions from these
claims' of science, to wit, its claim to objective laws.
truth. If objective truth exists (as the material- Hence, socialism is converted from a
ists think), if natural science, reflecting the dream of a better future for humanity into a
outer world in human 'experience,' is alone ca- science.
pable of giving us objective truth, then all fide- Hence, the bond between science and
ism is absolutely refuted." (Lenin, Vol. XIII, p. practical activity, between theory and practice,
102.) their unity, should be the guiding star of the
Such, in brief, are the characteristic fea- party of the proletariat.
tures of the Marxist philosophical materialism. Further, if nature, being, the material
It is easy to understand how immensely world, is primary, and consciousness, thought,
important is the extension of the principles of is secondary, derivative; if the material world
philosophical materialism to the study of social represents objective reality existing independ-
life, of the history of society, and how im- ently of the consciousness of men, while con-
mensely important is the application of these sciousness is a reflection of this objective real-
principles to the history of society and to the ity, it follows that the material life of society, its
practical activities of the party of the proletariat. being, is also primary, and its spiritual life sec-
If the connection between the phenomena ondary, derivative, and that the material life of
of nature and their interdependence are laws society is an objective reality existing inde-
pendently of the will of men, while the spiritual "ideal plans" and "all-embracing projects", di-
life of society is a reflection of this objective vorced from the real life of society.
reality, a reflection of being. The strength and vitality of Marxism-
Hence, the source of formation of the spiri- Leninism lies in the fact that it does base its
tual life of society, the origin of social ideas, practical activity on the needs of the develop-
social theories, political views and political in- ment of the material life of society and never
stitutions, should not be sought for in the ideas, divorces itself from the real life of society.
theories, views and political institutions them- It does not follow from Marx's words, how-
selves, but in the conditions of the material life ever, that social ideas, theories, political views
of society, in social being, of which these and political institutions are of no significance
ideas, theories, views, etc., are the reflection. in the life of society, that they do not recipro-
Hence, if in different periods of the history cally affect social being, the development of
of society different social ideas, theories, views the material conditions of the life of society. We
and political institutions are to be observed; if have been speaking so far of the origin of so-
under the slave system we encounter certain cial ideas, theories, views and political institu-
social ideas, theories, views and political insti- tions, of the way they arise, of the fact that the
tutions, under feudalism others, and under spiritual life of society is a reflection of the con-
capitalism others still, this is not to be ex- ditions of its material life. As regards the sig-
plained by the "nature", the "properties" of the nificance of social ideas, theories, views and
ideas, theories, views and political institutions political institutions, as regards their role in his-
themselves but by the different conditions of tory, historical materialism, far from denying
the material life of society at different periods them, stresses the important role and signifi-
of social development. cance of these factors in the life of society, in
Whatever is the being of a society, what- its history.
ever are the conditions of material life of a so- There are different kinds of social ideas
ciety, such are the ideas, theories political and theories. There are old ideas and theories
views and political institutions of that society. which have outlived their day and which serve
In this connection, Marx says: the interests of the moribund forces of society.
"It is not the consciousness of men that Their significance lies in the fact that they
determines their being, but, on the contrary, hamper the development, the progress of soci-
their social being that determines their con- ety. Then there are new and advanced ideas
sciousness." (Marx Selected Works, Vol. I, p. and theories which serve the interests of the
269.) advanced forces of society. Their significance
Hence, in order not to err in policy, in order lies in the fact that they facilitate the develop-
not to find itself in the position of idle dreamers, ment, the progress of society; and their signifi-
the party of the proletariat must not base its cance is the greater the more accurately they
activities on abstract "principles of human rea- reflect the needs of development of the mate-
son", but on the concrete conditions of the ma- rial life of society.
terial life of society, as the determining force of New social ideas and theories arise only
social development; not on the good wishes of after the development of the material life of so-
"great men," but on the real needs of develop- ciety has set new tasks before society. But
ment of the material life of society. once they have arisen they become a most
The fall of the utopians, including the potent force which facilitates the carrying out of
Narodniks, anarchists and Socialist- the new tasks set by the development of the
Revolutionaries, was due, among other things material life of society, a force which facilitates
to the fact that they did not recognize the pri- the progress of society. It is precisely here that
mary role which the conditions of the material the tremendous organizing, mobilizing and
life of society play in the development of soci- transforming value of new ideas, new theories,
ety, and, sinking to idealism, did not base their new political views and new political institutions
practical activities on the needs of the devel- manifests itself. New social ideas and theories
opment of the material life of society, but, in- arise precisely because they are necessary to
dependently of and in spite of these needs, on society, because it is impossible to carry out
the urgent tasks of development of the material
life of society without their organizing, mobiliz- That is the answer historical materialism
ing and transforming action. Arising out of the gives to the question of the relation between
new tasks set by the development of the mate- social being and social consciousness, be-
rial life of society, the new social ideas and tween the conditions of development of mate-
theories force their way through, become the rial life and the development of the spiritual life
possession of the masses, mobilize and orga- of society.
nize them against the moribund forces of soci-
ety, and thus facilitate the overthrow of these 3) Historical Materialism.
forces, which hamper the development of the It now remains to elucidate the following
material life of society. question: What, from the viewpoint of historical
Thus social ideas, theories and political in- materialism, is meant by the "conditions of ma-
stitutions, having arisen on the basis of the ur- terial life of society" which in the final analysis
gent tasks of the development of the material determine the physiognomy of society, its
life of society, the development of social being, ideas, views, political institutions, etc.?
themselves then react upon social being, upon What, after all, are these "conditions of
the material life of society, creating the condi- material life of society," what are their distin-
tions necessary for completely carrying out the guishing features?
urgent tasks of the material life of society, and There can be no doubt that the concept
for rendering its further development possible. "conditions of material life of society" includes,
In this connection, Marx says: first of all, nature which surrounds society,
"Theory becomes a material force as soon geographical environment, which is one of the
as it has gripped the masses." (Marx and indispensable and constant conditions of mate-
Engels, Vol. I, p. 406.) rial life of society and which, of course, influ-
Hence, in order to be able to influence the ences the development of society. What role
conditions of material life of society and to ac- does geographical environment play in the de-
celerate their development and their improve- velopment of society? Is geographical envi-
ment, the party of the proletariat must rely ronment the chief force determining the physi-
upon such a social theory, such a social idea ognomy of society, the character of the social
as correctly reflects the needs of development system of man, the transition from one system
of the material life of society, and which is to another, or isn't it?
therefore capable of setting into motion broad Historical materialism answers this ques-
masses of the people and of mobilizing them tion in the negative.
and organizing them into a great army of the Geographical environment is unques-
proletarian party, prepared to smash the reac- tionably one of the constant and indispensable
tionary forces and to clear the way for the ad- conditions of development of society and, of
vanced forces of society. course, influences the development of society,
The fall of the "Economists" and the Men- accelerates or retards its development. But its
sheviks was due, among other things, to the influence is not the determining influence, in-
fact that they did not recognize the mobilizing, asmuch as the changes and development of
organizing and transforming role of advanced society proceed at an incomparably faster rate
theory, of advanced ideas and, sinking to vul- than the changes and development of geo-
gar materialism, reduced the role of these fac- graphical environment. in the space of 3000
tors almost to nothing, thus condemning the years three different social systems have been
Party to passivity and inanition. successively superseded in Europe: the primi-
The strength and vitality of Marxism- tive communal system, the slave system and
Leninism is derived from the fact that it relies the feudal system. In the eastern part of
upon an advanced theory which correctly re- Europe, in the U.S.S.R., even four social sys-
flects the needs of development of the material tems have been superseded. Yet during this
life of society, that it elevates theory to a period geographical conditions in Europe have
proper level, and that it deems it its duty to util- either not changed at all, or have changed so
ize every ounce of the mobilizing, organizing slightly that geography takes no note of them.
and transforming power of this theory. And that is quite natural. Changes in geo-
graphical environment of any importance re-
quire millions of years, whereas a few hundred U.S.A. stands higher than Belgium in the scale
or a couple of thousand years are enough for of social development; and as for the U.S.S.R.,
even very important changes in the system of Belgium lags a whole historical epoch behind
human society. this country, for in Belgium the capitalist sys-
It follows from this that geographical envi- tem prevails, whereas the U.S.S.R. has al-
ronment cannot be the chief cause, the deter- ready done away with capitalism and has set
mining cause of social development; for that up a socialist system.
which remains almost unchanged in the course It follows from this that growth of popula-
of tens of thousands of years cannot be the tion is not, and cannot be, the chief force of
chief cause of development of that which un- development of society, the force which deter-
dergoes fundamental changes in the course of mines the character of the social system, the
a few hundred years physiognomy of society.
Further, there can be no doubt that the
concept "conditions of material life of society" a) What, then, is the chief force in the
also includes growth of population, density of complex of conditions of material life of society
population of one degree or another; for people which determines the physiognomy of society,
are an essential element of the conditions of the character of the social system, the devel-
material life of society, and without a definite opment of society from one system to another?
minimum number of people there can be no This force, historical materialism holds, is
material life of society. Is growth of population the method of procuring the means of life nec-
the chief force that determines the character of essary for human existence, the mode of pro-
the social system of man, or isn't it? duction of material values – food, clothing,
Historical materialism answers this ques- footwear, houses, fuel, instruments of produc-
tion too in the negative. tion, etc. – which are indispensable for the life
Of course, growth of population does in- and development of society.
fluence the development of society, does facili- In order to live, people must have food,
tate or retard the development of society, but it clothing, footwear, shelter, fuel, etc.; in order to
cannot be the chief force of development of have these material values, people must pro-
society, and its influence on the development duce them; and in order to produce them, peo-
of society cannot be the determining influence ple must have the instruments of production
because, by itself, growth of population does with which food, clothing, footwear, shelter,
not furnish the clue to the question why a given fuel, etc., are produced, they must be able to
social system is replaced precisely by such produce these instruments and to use them.
and such a new system and not by another, The instruments of production wherewith
why the primitive communal system is suc- material values are produced, the people who
ceeded precisely by the slave system, the operate the instruments of production and
slave system by the feudal system, and the carry on the production of material values
feudal system by the bourgeois system, and thanks to a certain production experience and
not by some other. labor skill – all these elements jointly constitute
If growth of population were the determin- the productive forces of society.
ing force of social development, then a higher But the productive forces are only one as-
density of population would be bound to give pect of production, only one aspect of the
rise to a correspondingly higher type of social mode of production, an aspect that expresses
system. But we do not find this to be the case. the relation of men to the objects and forces of
The density of population in China is four times nature which they make use of for the produc-
as great as in the U.S.A., yet the U.S.A. stands tion of material values. Another aspect of pro-
higher than China in the scale of social devel- duction, another aspect of the mode of produc-
opment; for in China a semi-feudal system still tion, is the relation of men to each other in the
prevails, whereas the U.S.A. has long ago process of production, men's relations of pro-
reached the highest stage of development of duction. Men carry on a struggle against nature
capitalism. The density of population in Bel- and utilize nature for the production of material
gium is I9 times as great as in the U.S.A., and values not in isolation from each other, not as
26 times as great as in the U.S.S.R. Yet the separate individuals, but in common, in groups,
in societies. Production, therefore, is at all Or, to put it more crudely, whatever is
times and under all conditions social produc- man's manner of life such is his manner of
tion. In the production of material values men thought.
enter into mutual relations of one kind or an- This means that the history of develop-
other within production, into relations of pro- ment of society is above all the history of the
duction of one kind or another. These may be development of production, the history of the
relations of co-operation and mutual help be- modes of production which succeed each other
tween people who are free from exploitation; in the course of centuries, the history of the
they may be relations of domination and sub- development of productive forces and of peo-
ordination; and, lastly, they may be transitional ple's relations of production.
from one form of relations of production to an- Hence, the history of social development
other. But whatever the character of the rela- is at the same time the history of the producers
tions of production may be, always and in of material values themselves, the history of
every system they constitute just as essential the laboring masses, who are the chief force in
an element of production as the productive the process of production and who carry on the
forces of society. production of material values necessary for the
"In production," Marx says, "men not only existence of society.
act on nature but also on one another. They Hence, if historical science is to be a real
produce only by co-operating in a certain way science, it can no longer reduce the history of
and mutually exchanging their activities. In or- social development to the actions of kings and
der to produce, they enter into definite connec- generals, to the actions of "conquerors" and
tions and relations with one another and only "subjugators" of states, but must above all de-
within these social connections and relations vote itself to the history of the producers of ma-
does their action on nature, does production, terial values, the history of the laboring
take place." (Marx and Engels, Vol. V, p. 429.) masses, the history of peoples.
Consequently, production, the mode of Hence, the clue to the study of the laws of
production, embraces both the productive history of society must not be sought in men's
forces of society and men's relations of produc- minds, in the views and ideas of society, but in
tion, and is thus the embodiment of their unity the mode of production practiced by society in
in the process of production of material values. any given historical period; it must be sought in
the economic life of society.
b) The first feature of production is that it Hence, the prime task of historical science
never stays at one point for a long time and is is to study and disclose the laws of production,
always in a state of change and development, the laws of development of the productive
and that, furthermore, changes in the mode of forces and of the relations of production, the
production inevitably call forth changes in the laws of economic development of society.
whole social system, social ideas, political Hence, if the party of the proletariat is to
views and political institutions – they call forth be a real party, it must above all acquire a
a reconstruction of the whole social and politi- knowledge of the laws of development of pro-
cal order. At different stages of development duction, of the laws of economic development
people make use of different modes of produc- of society.
tion, or, to put it more crudely, lead different Hence, if it is not to err in policy, the party
manners of life. In the primitive commune there of the proletariat must both in drafting its pro-
is one mode of production, under slavery there gram and in its practical activities proceed pri-
is another mode of production, under feudalism marily from the laws of development of produc-
a third mode of production and so on. And, cor- tion from the laws of economic development of
respondingly, men's social system, the spiritual society.
life of men, their views and political institutions c) The second feature of production is that
also vary. its changes and development always begin
Whatever is the mode of production of a with changes and development of the produc-
society, such in the main is the society itself, its tive forces, and in the first place, with changes
ideas and theories, its political views and insti- and development of the instruments of produc-
tutions. tion. Productive forces are therefore the most
mobile and revolutionary element of produc- the character of the productive forces is the
tions First the productive forces of society socialist national economy of the U.S.S.R.,
change and develop, and then, depending on where the social ownership of the means of
these changes and in conformity with them, production fully corresponds to the social char-
men's relations of production, their economic acter of the process of production, and where,
relations, change. This, however, does not because of this, economic crises and the de-
mean that the relations of production do not struction of productive forces are unknown.
influence the development of the productive Consequently, the productive forces are
forces and that the latter are not dependent on not only the most mobile and revolutionary
the former. While their development is de- element in production, but are also the deter-
pendent on the development of the productive mining element in the development of produc-
forces, the relations of production in their turn tion.
react upon the development of the productive Whatever are the productive forces such
forces, accelerating or retarding it. In this con- must be the relations of production.
nection it should be noted that the relations of While the state of the productive forces
production cannot for too long a time lag be- furnishes the answer to the question – with
hind and be in a state of contradiction to the what instruments of production do men pro-
growth of the productive forces, inasmuch as duce the material values they need? – the
the productive forces can develop in full meas- state of the relations of production furnishes
ure only when the relations of production cor- the answer to another question – who owns
respond to the character, the state of the pro- the means of production (the land, forests, wa-
ductive forces and allow full scope for their de- ters, mineral resources, raw materials, instru-
velopment. Therefore, however much the rela- ments of production, production premises,
tions of production may lag behind the devel- means of transportation and communication,
opment of the productive forces, they must, etc.), who commands the means of production,
sooner or later, come into correspondence with whether the whole of society, or individual per-
– and actually do come into correspondence sons, groups, or classes which utilize them for
with – the level of development of the produc- the exploitation of other persons, groups or
tive forces, the character of the productive classes?
forces. Otherwise we would have a fundamen- Here is a rough picture of the development
tal violation of the unity of the productive forces of productive forces from ancient times to our
and the relations of production within the sys- day. The transition from crude stone tools to
tem of production, a disruption of production as the bow and arrow, and the accompanying
a whole, a crisis of production, a destruction of transition from the life of hunters to the domes-
productive forces. tication of animals and primitive pasturage; the
An instance in which the relations of pro- transition from stone tools to metal tools (the
duction do not correspond to the character of iron axe, the wooden plow fitted with an iron
the productive forces, conflict with them, is the coulter, etc.), with a corresponding transition to
economic crises in capitalist countries, where tillage and agriculture; a further improvement in
private capitalist ownership of the means of metal tools for the working up of materials, the
production is in glaring incongruity with the so- introduction of the blacksmith's bellows, the
cial character of the process of production, with introduction of pottery, with a corresponding
the character of the productive forces. This re- development of handicrafts, the separation of
sults in economic crises, which lead to the de- handicrafts from agriculture, the development
struction of productive forces. Furthermore, of an independent handicraft industry and,
this incongruity itself constitutes the economic subsequently, of manufacture; the transition
basis of social revolution, the purpose of which from handicraft tools to machines and the
IS to destroy the existing relations of produc- transformation of handicraft and manufacture
tion and to create new relations of production into machine industry; the transition to the ma-
corresponding to the character of the produc- chine system and the rise of modern large-
tive forces. scale machine industry – such is a general and
In contrast, an instance in which the rela- far from complete picture of the development
tions of production completely correspond to of the productive forces of society in the course
of man's history. It will be clear that the devel- bandry of the hunter, who knew neither pastur-
opment and improvement of the instruments of age nor tillage, there now appear pasturage
production was effected by men who were re- tillage, handicrafts, and a division of labor be-
lated to production, and not independently of tween these branches of production. There
men; and, consequently, the change and de- appears the possibility of the exchange of
velopment of the instruments of production products between individuals and between so-
was accompanied by a change and develop- cieties, of the accumulation of wealth in the
ment of men, as the most important element of hands of a few, the actual accumulation of the
the productive forces, by a change and devel- means of production in the hands of a minority,
opment of their production experience, their and the possibility of subjugation of the major-
labor skill, their ability to handle the instru- ity by a minority and the conversion of the ma-
ments of production. jority into slaves. Here we no longer find the
In conformity with the change and devel- common and free labor of all members of soci-
opment of the productive forces of society in ety in the production process – here there pre-
the course of history, men's relations of pro- vails the forced labor of slaves, who are ex-
duction, their economic relations also changed ploited by the non-laboring slave-owners.
and developed. Here, therefore, there is no common ownership
of the means of production or of the fruits of
Five main types of relations of production production. It is replaced by private ownership.
are known to history: primitive communal, Here the slaveowner appears as the prime and
slave, feudal, capitalist and socialist. principal property owner in the full sense of the
The basis of the relations of production term.
under the primitive communal system is that Rich and poor, exploiters and exploited,
the means of production are socially owned. people with full rights and people with no
This in the main corresponds to the character rights, and a fierce class struggle between
of the productive forces of that period. Stone them – such is the picture of the slave system.
tools, and, later, the bow and arrow, precluded The basis of the relations of production
the possibility of men individually combating under the feudal system is that the feudal lord
the forces of nature and beasts of prey. In or- owns the means of production and does not
der to gather the fruits of the forest, to catch fully own the worker in production – the serf,
fish, to build some sort of habitation, men were whom the feudal lord can no longer kill, but
obliged to work in common if they did not want whom he can buy and sell. Alongside of feudal
to die of starvation, or fall victim to beasts of ownership there exists individual ownership by
prey or to neighboring societies. Labor in the peasant and the handicraftsman of his im-
common led to the common ownership of the plements of production and his private enter-
means of production, as well as of the fruits of prise based on his personal labor. Such rela-
production. Here the conception of private tions of production in the main correspond to
ownership of the means of production did not the state of the productive forces of that period.
yet exist, except for the personal ownership of Further improvements in the smelting and
certain implements of production which were at working of iron; the spread of the iron plow and
the same time means of defense against the loom; the further development of agricul-
beasts of prey. Here there was no exploitation, ture, horticulture, viniculture and dairying; the
no classes. appearance of manufactories alongside of the
The basis of the relations of production handicraft workshops – such are the character-
under the slave system is that the slave-owner istic features of the state of the productive
owns the means of production, he also owns forces.
the worker in production – the slave, whom he The new productive forces demand that
can sell, purchase, or kill as though he were an the laborer shall display some kind of initiative
animal. Such relations of production in the in production and an inclination for work, an
main correspond to the state of the productive interest in work. The feudal lord therefore dis-
forces of that period. Instead of stone tools, cards the slave, as a laborer who has no inter-
men now have metal tools at their command; est in work and is entirely without initiative, and
instead of the wretched and primitive hus- prefers to deal with the serf, who has his own
husbandry, implements of production, and a panding production and concentrating millions
certain interest in work essential for the cultiva- of workers in huge mills and factories, capital-
tion of the land and for the payment in kind of a ism lends the process of production a social
part of his harvest to the feudal lord. character and thus undermines its own founda-
Here private ownership is further devel- tion, inasmuch as the social character of the
oped. Exploitation is nearly as severe as it was process of production demands the social
under slavery – it is only slightly mitigated. A ownership of the means of production; yet the
class struggle between exploiters and ex- means of production remain private capitalist
ploited is the principal feature of the feudal sys- property, which is incompatible with the social
tem. character of the process of production.
The basis of the relations of production These irreconcilable contradictions be-
under the capitalist system is that the capitalist tween the character of the productive forces
owns the means of production, but not the and the relations of production make them-
workers in production – the wage laborers, selves felt in periodical crises of over-
whom the capitalist can neither kill nor sell be- production, when the capitalists, finding no ef-
cause they are personally free, but who are fective demand for their goods owing to the
deprived of means of production and) in order ruin of the mass of the population which they
not to die of hunger, are obliged to sell their themselves have brought about, are compelled
labor power to the capitalist and to bear the to burn products, destroy manufactured goods,
yoke of exploitation. Alongside of capitalist suspend production, and destroy productive
property in the means of production, we find, at forces at a time when millions of people are
first on a wide scale, private property of the forced to suffer unemployment and starvation,
peasants and handicraftsmen in the means of not because there are not enough goods, but
production, these peasants and handicrafts- because there is an overproduction of goods.
men no longer being serfs, and their private This means that the capitalist relations of
property being based on personal labor. In production have ceased to correspond to the
place of the handicraft workshops and manu- state of productive forces of society and have
factories there appear huge mills and factories come into irreconcilable contradiction with
equipped with machinery. In place of the ma- them.
norial estates tilled by the primitive implements This means that capitalism is pregnant
of production of the peasant, there now appear with revolution, whose mission it is to replace
large capitalist farms run on scientific lines and the existing capitalist ownership of the means
supplied with agricultural machinery of production by socialist ownership.
The new productive forces require that the This means that the main feature of the
workers in production shall be better educated capitalist system is a most acute class struggle
and more intelligent than the downtrodden and between the exploiters and the exploited.
ignorant serfs, that they be able to understand The basis of the relations of production
machinery and operate it properly. Therefore, under the socialist system, which so far has
the capitalists prefer to deal with wage- been established only in the U.S.S.R., is the
workers, who are free from the bonds of serf- social ownership of the means of production.
dom and who are educated enough to be able Here there are no longer exploiters and ex-
properly to operate machinery. ploited. The goods produced are distributed
But having developed productive forces to according to labor performed, on the principle:
a tremendous extent, capitalism has become "He who does not work, neither shall he eat."
enmeshed in contradictions which it is unable Here the mutual relations of people in the
to solve. By producing larger and larger quanti- process of production are marked by com-
ties of commodities, and reducing their prices, radely cooperation and the socialist mutual as-
capitalism intensifies competition, ruins the sistance of workers who are free from exploita-
mass of small and medium private owners, tion. Here the relations of production fully cor-
converts them into proletarians and reduces respond to the state of productive forces; for
their purchasing power, with the result that it the social character of the process of produc-
becomes impossible to dispose of the com- tion is reinforced by the social ownership of the
modities produced. On the other hand, by ex- means of production.
For this reason socialist production in the Speaking of historical materialism as for-
U.S.S.R. knows no periodical crises of over- mulated in The Communist Manifesto, Engels
production and their accompanying absurdi- says:
ties. "Economic production and the structure of
For this reason, the productive forces here society of every historical epoch necessarily
develop at an accelerated pace; for the rela- arising therefrom constitute the foundation for
tions of production that correspond to them of- the political and intellectual history of that ep-
fer full scope for such development. och; ... consequently (ever since the dissolu-
Such is the picture of the development of tion of the primeval communal ownership of
men's relations of production in the course of land) all history has been a history of class
human history. struggles, of struggles between exploited and
Such is the dependence of the develop- exploiting, between dominated and dominating
ment of the relations of production on the de- classes at various stages of social develop-
velopment of the productive forces of society, ment; ... this struggle, however, has now
and primarily, on the development of the in- reached a stage where the exploited and op-
struments of production, the dependence by pressed class (the proletariat) can no longer
virtue of which the changes and development emancipate itself from the class which exploits
of the productive forces sooner or later lead to and oppresses it (the bourgeoisie), without at
corresponding changes and development of the same time for ever freeing the whole of so-
the relations of production. ciety from exploitation, oppression and class
"The use and fabrication of instruments of struggles...." (Engels' Preface to the German
labor," says Marx, "although existing in the Edition of the Manifesto.)
germ among certain species of animals, is
specifically characteristic of the human labor- d) The Third Feature of Production
process, and Franklin therefore defines man as The third feature of production is that the
a tool-making animal. Relics of bygone instru- rise of new productive forces and of the rela-
ments of labor possess the same importance tions of production corresponding to them does
for the investigation of extinct economical not take place separately from the old system,
forms of society, as do fossil bones for the de- after the disappearance of the old system, but
termination of extinct species of animals. It is within the old system; it takes place not as a
not the articles made, but how they are made result of the deliberate and conscious activity
that enables us to distinguish different eco- of man, but spontaneously, unconsciously, in-
nomical epochs. Instruments of labor not only dependently of the will of man It takes place
supply a standard of the degree of develop- spontaneously and independently of the will of
ment to which human labor has attained, but man for two reasons.
they are also indicators of the social conditions Firstly, because men are not free to
under which that labor is carried on." (Marx, choose one mode of production or another,
Capital, Vol. I, 1935, p. 121.) because as every new generation enters life it
And further: finds productive forces and relations of produc-
– "Social relations are closely bound up tion already existing as the result of the work of
with productive forces. In acquiring new pro- former generations, owing to which it is obliged
ductive forces men change their mode of pro- at first to accept and adapt itself to everything it
duction; and in changing their mode of produc- finds ready-made in the sphere of production in
tion, in changing the way of earning their living, order to be able to produce material values.
they change all their social relations. The Secondly, because, when improving one
hand-mill gives you society with the feudal lord; instrument of production or another, one clem-
the steam-mill, society with the industrial capi- ent of the productive forces or another, men do
talist." (Marx and Engels, Vol. V, p. 564.) not realize, do not understand or stop to reflect
– "There is a continual movement of what social results these improvements will
growth in productive forces, of destruction in lead to, but only think of their everyday inter-
social relations, of formation in ideas; the only ests, of lightening their labor and of securing
immutable thing is the abstraction of move- some direct and tangible advantage for them-
ment." (Ibid., p. 364.) selves.
When, gradually and gropingly, certain Their conscious activity did not extend be-
members of primitive communal society yond their commonplace, strictly practical in-
passed from the use of stone tools to the use terests.
of iron tools, they, of course, did not know and Accordingly, Marx says:
did not stop to reflect what social results this "In the social production of their life (that
innovation would lead to; they did not under- is. in the production of the material values nec-
stand or realize that the change to metal tools essary to the life of men – J. St.), men enter
meant a revolution in production, that it would into definite relations that are indispensable
in the long run lead to the slave system. They and independent of their will, relations of pro-
simply wanted to lighten their labor and secure duction which correspond to a definite stage of
an immediate and tangible advantage; their development of their material productive
conscious activity was confined within the nar- forces." (Marx, Selected Works, Vol. I, p 269).
row bounds of this everyday personal interest. This, however, does not mean that
When, in the period of the feudal system, changes in the relations of production, and the
the young bourgeoisie of Europe began to transition from old relations of production to
erect, alongside of the small guild workshops, new relations of production proceed smoothly,
large manufactories, and thus advanced the without conflicts, without upheavals. On the
productive forces of society, it, of course, did contrary such a transition usually takes place
not know and did not stop to reflect what social by means of the revolutionary overthrow of the
consequences this innovation would lead to; it old relations of production and the establish-
did not realize or understand that this "small" ment of new relations of production. Up to a
innovation would lead to a regrouping of social certain period the development of the produc-
forces which was to end in a revolution both tive forces and the changes in the realm of the
against the power of kings, whose favors it so relations of production proceed spontaneously
highly valued, and against the nobility, to independently of the will of men. But that is so
whose ranks its foremost representatives not only up to a certain moment, until the new and
infrequently aspired. It simply wanted to lower developing productive forces have reached a
the cost of producing goods, to throw larger proper state of maturity After the new produc-
quantities of goods on the markets of Asia and tive forces have matured, the existing relations
of recently discovered America, and to make of production and their upholders – the ruling
bigger profits. Its conscious activity was con- classes – become that "insuperable" obstacle
fined within the narrow bounds of this com- which can only be removed by the conscious
monplace practical aim. action of the new classes, by the forcible acts
When the Russian capitalists, in conjunc- of these classes, by revolution. Here there
tion with foreign capitalists, energetically im- stands out in bold relief the tremendous role of
planted modern large-scale machine industry new social ideas, of new political institutions, of
in Russia, while leaving tsardom intact and a new political power, whose mission it is to
turning the peasants over to the tender mer- abolish by force the old relations of production.
cies of the landlords, they, of course, did not Out of the conflict between the new productive
know and did not stop to reflect what social forces and the old relations of production, out
consequences this extensive growth of produc- of the new economic demands of society, there
tive forces would lead to; they did not realize or arise new social ideas; the new ideas organize
understand that this big leap in the realm of the and mobilize the masses; the masses become
productive forces of society would lead to a welded into a new political army, create a new
regrouping of social forces that would enable revolutionary power, and make use of it to
the proletariat to effect a union with the peas- abolish by force the old system of relations of
antry and to bring about a victorious socialist production, and to firmly establish the new sys-
revolution. They simply wanted to expand in- tem. The spontaneous process of development
dustrial production to the limit, to gain control yields place to the conscious actions of men,
of the huge home market, to become monopo- peaceful development to violent upheaval, evo-
lists, and to squeeze as much profit as possi- lution to revolution.
ble out of the national economy. "The proletariat," says Marx, "during its
contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by
the force of circumstances, to organize itself as property relations within which they have been
a means of a revolution, it makes at work hitherto. From forms of development of
itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps the productive forces these relations turn into
away by force the old conditions of produc- their fetters. Then begins an epoch of social
tion...." (Manifesto of the Communist Party, revolution. With the change of the economic
1938, p. 52.) foundation the entire immense superstructure
And further: is more or less rapidly transformed. In consid-
– "The proletariat will use its political su- ering such transformations a distinction should
premacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from always be made between the material trans-
the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of formation of the economic conditions of pro-
production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the duction, which can be determined with the pre-
proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to cision of natural science, and the legal, politi-
increase the total of productive forces as rap- cal, religious, aesthetic or philosophic – in
idly as possible." (Ibid., p. 50 ) short, ideological forms in which men become
– "Force is the midwife of every old society conscious of this conflict and fight it out. Just
pregnant with a new one." (Marx, Capital, Vol. as our opinion of an individual is not based on
I, 1955, p. 603.) what he thinks of himself, so can we not judge
Here is the formulation – a formulation of of such a period of transformation by its own
genius – of the essence of historical material- consciousness; on the contrary this conscious-
ism given by Marx in 1859 in his historic Pref- ness must be explained rather from the con-
ace to his famous book, A Contribution to the tradictions of material life, from the existing
Critique of Political Economy: conflict between the social productive forces
"In the social production of their life, men and the relations of production. No social order
enter into definite relations that are indispen- ever perishes before all the productive forces
sable and independent of their will, relations of for which there is room in it have developed;
production which correspond to a definite and new, higher relations of production never
stage of development of their material produc- appear before the material conditions of their
tive forces. The sum total of these relations of existence have matured in the womb of the old
production constitutes the economic structure society itself. Therefore mankind always sets
of society, the real foundation, on which rises a itself only such tasks as it can solve; since
legal and political superstructure and to which looking at the matter more closely, it will al-
correspond definite forms of social conscious- ways be found that the task itself arises only
ness. The mode of production of material life when the material conditions for its solution
conditions the social, political and intellectual already exist or are at least in the process of
life process in general. It is not the conscious- formation." (Marx, Selected Works, Vol. I, pp.
ness of men that determines their being, but, 269-70.)
on the contrary, their social being that deter- Such is Marxist materialism as applied to
mines their consciousness. At a certain stage social life, to the history of society.
of their development, the material productive Such are the principal features of dialecti-
forces of society come in conflict with the exist- cal and historical materialism.
ing relations of production, or – what is but a
legal expression for the same thing – with the

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