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Elementary End of Course Test

NAME: ............................................
DATE: ............................................

MARK:........... /60
1 Track 12 Listen and tick () the correct
answer, a), b) or c).

1 What time does Jim leave home?

2 Track 13 Listen and write true or false next to
9.15 8.15 7.00 each sentence.
a)                     b)         c)                    
1 Ben can’t go to the theatre tonight.     T   
2 What will the weather be like tomorrow?
2 There’s been a problem at the office.          
wet dry hot
3 Ben didn’t have flu when he got up.          
a)                     b)                     c)                    
4 He took two aspirins because he had a sore throat.
3 How did the woman get to Washington?
By train By car By plane 5 Ben doesn’t want to go home because he’s got an
important meeting.          
a)                     b)                     c)                    
6 He decides to take some flu medicine and stay at
4 What has the boy got?
the office.          
headache flu stomach ache
a)                     b)                     c)                    

5 Where can Sheila eat her sandwiches?

office staff room park
3 Underline the correct alternative.
a)                     b)                     c)                     1 I see /     saw   / ’ve seen him at work yesterday.

6 What did the man lose? 2 We have to run or we ’ll / won’t / can be late.
wallet present credit card
3 It was the good / worse / worst book I’ve ever
a)                     b)                     c)                     read.
10 4 You can’t / have to / shouldn’t buy stamps in a

5 What are they do / doing / done?

6 You ’ll / have / can to wait here for the bus.

Elementary End of Course Test
Reading 5 Match sentences 1–6 with responses a)–f).

4 Match sentences 1–6 to six notices 1 Can you tell me the way to the town hall,
from A–H. please?  d  
1 Children can swim for £1.50.     D    2 Let me open the jar for you.      
2 It’s cheaper to buy a shirt today.           3 I’m afraid I forgot to bring it.      
3 You can’t take your bags with you.           4 Do you think I’d like this DVD?          
4 You don’t have to pay for lunch for your five- 5 Why don’t we go to the zoo?      
year old son in the afternoons.      
6 Can you ask him to call me?      
5 You have to stop here.          

6 You aren’t a doctor. You shouldn’t park here. a) That doesn’t sound very interesting.
b) Of course, sir. What’s your number?
Lunch served c) No, I don’t think it’s your kind of film.
12.00 – 2.00 Do not swim here. d) Yes, straight on and second left.

e) Don’t worry about it. Bring it tomorrow.

Parking – Swimming Pool f) That’s very kind of you.
Doctors only Open evenings
Adults – £3.00
Children – £1.50 6 Complete the conversation with the phrases
from the box.
Stop! £5 each shirt. what about who’s it about
Train crossing ONE DAY ONLY they’ll let’s see what time’s
feel like do you think want to
there’s a should be
Woman: 1    What about   seeing a film tonight?
Please leave Children under
six eat free 2–6
bags at the desk p.m.
Man: Good idea. What do you 2                              see?

Woman: I don’t know. What’s on?

Man: 3                              brilliant new comedy with Mr

Woman: No thanks. I don’t 4                              seeing


Man: How about the new Coen brothers’ film?

Woman: What’s 5                              ?

Man: It’s a black comedy like all their films. It


Woman: 7                              in it?
Elementary End of Course Test

Man: George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

Woman: Really? 8                              that then!

                              it on?

Man: Hold on. I’ll check on the computer.

Woman:10                              we should phone and book


Man: Don’t worry. 11                              have lots …



7 You are on holiday in a city. Write an email to

a friend. Write about 2 or 3 things from the
box. Write 60–80 words.

the food a problem the transport

what you did yesterday a plan for tomorrow

Total: 60


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