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NAME: ............................................
DATE: ............................................

MARK:........... /60

1 Track 12 Listen and tick () the correct
answer, a), b) or c).

1 What time does Jim leave home? 2 Track 13 Listen and write true or false next
to each sentence.
9.15 8.15 7.00

a)                     b)         c)                     1 Ben can’t go to the theatre tonight.     T   

2 What would the man like to have this 2 There’s been a problem at the office.          
3 Ben didn’t have flu when he got up.          
picnic barbecue lunch
a)                     b)                     c)                     4 He took two aspirins because he had a sore
3 How did the woman get to Florida?
5 Ben doesn’t want to go home because he’s
By train By plane By car
got an important meeting.          
a)                     b)                     c)                    
6 He decides to take some flu medicine and
4 Where should the boy stay? stay at the office.          

In bed At work At school 15

a)                     b)                     c)                    

5 Where’s the coffee machine? 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
office park staff room form of the verbs from the box.
a)                     b)                     c)                     hurt feel go (x6) get (x7) do (x2) stay
explore fly read have
6 How late was the man this morning? come
14 minutes An hour 40 minutes 1 My back     hurts   and I     feel   sick.
a)                     b)                     c)                    
2 Let’s                               to the gym and
15 some exercise.

3 I’ve always wanted to                               abroad

and                               new places.

4 You should                               off the train here

and                               to platform 5.

7 She’d like                     bigger garden.

a) a b) the c) –

5 We’re going to                               to Turkey and

then                               back by bus.
8 You                     park here. It’s free.
6 You can’t                               on safari alone. You’ll a) can’t b) can c) shouldn’t
9                     President has arrived in the USA.
7 I’m                               a book about the life of a) – b) A c) The
Henry VIII. I                               it for my birthday.
10 We                     never be rich.
8 She should                               a course and a) ‘ll b) won’t c) can’t
a better job.
11 I’m going to get married                     year.
9 They’d like to                               married and a) next b) the next c) last
five children.
10 Joanna can’t                               running. She has
to                               in tonight.

11 Why don’t you                               to the shoe

shop and                               some new boots?

5 Complete the email with ONE word in each

Hi folks!
4 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c).
We 1    ‘ve   had a fantastic time in China.
1 We don’t                     eat out on Tuesday.
We’ve been to Beijing, seen 2                             
a) easily b) early c)   usually   Great Wall and swum in the Yangtze river.
Now we’re 3                              Shanghai. We
2 I turned round and walked                     from arrived late last night after a sixteen-hour
her. train journey! I feel really 4                              this
a) across b) towards c) away morning so I’m 5                              going to do
much – but Josh never stops! He’s out
taking photos of the city. I can
3                     we said goodbye and drove away. 6
                              it through my hotel window –
a) Finally b) As well c) Because it’s amazingly modern and beautiful. I might
go and look around 7                              evening.
4 The clothes shop in town sells                     very The temperature is 30°C at 8                             
cheap trousers. moment but it’ll be hotter this afternoon.
We’re 9                              to stay here for 2
a) a b) the c) –
days. Then we’re flying to Hong Kong, and
                              that we’ll be in Singapore. I
5 You                     take a taxi. It’ll be quicker to hear you can do some very cheap
walk. shopping in these places, so I’ll have to be
a) might b) shouldn’t c) should careful! See you 11                              week.
Jess xx
6 This is the                     city in the world.
a) greater b) greatest c) more great
Total: 60

6 Write a story beginning or ending with: I’ll
never go there again. Write 60–80 words.

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