Materials Letters: Bryan Heer, Amit Bandyopadhyay

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Materials Letters 216 (2018) 16–19

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Compositionally graded magnetic-nonmagnetic bimetallic structure

using laser engineered net shaping
Bryan Heer, Amit Bandyopadhyay ⇑
W. M. Keck Biomedical Materials Research Laboratory, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2920, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fabrication of compositionally-graded magnetic-nonmagnetic bimetallic structures was successfully

Received 3 July 2017 completed using a laser engineered net shaping (LENSTM) system. A graded magnetic functionality was
Received in revised form 13 December 2017 implemented by directly transitioning from non-magnetic austenitic stainless steel 316 (SS316) to mag-
Accepted 25 December 2017
netic ferritic stainless steel 430 (SS430) in a single structure. LENSTM additive manufacturing utilizes a
Available online 26 December 2017
high-powered laser to continuously melt and bond metallic powder in successive layers to create the
3D structure. Microstructures revealed a preferred grain growth direction at the interfaces of the depos-
ited layers. Micro-hardness values across the part’s cross-section exhibited a smooth transition from the
Functionally graded materials
Additive manufacturing
highest value of 266 ± 4 HV in the SS430 region to the lowest value at the SS316 substrate of 174 ± 3 HV.
LENSTM Magnetic functionality was observed on the SS430 side of the bimetallic structure, showing how LENSTM
Magnetic/nonmagnetic can additively combine materials of varying compositions for location-specific functionality.
SS430 Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Processing compositionally-graded materials (CGM) using addi- A 3 mm SS316 plate was used as a substrate for sample fabrica-
tive manufacturing techniques is becoming attractive as size, tion in the LENSTM (LENSTM 750, Optomec Inc. Albuquerque, NM).
shape and functionality can be varied through design. As shown SS316 powder (Höganäs Belgium SA, Belgium, particle size: 45–1
in previous works, a stainless steel 304 (SS304) part was printed 50 mm) was first deposited onto the substrate by argon carrier
with the addition of niobium carbide that increased surface hard- gas converging the powder to the focal point of a continuous wave
ness and reduced wear rates by over 75% [1], while a calcium- Nd:YAG laser. SS430 powder (Sandvik Osprey Ltd., Wales, particle
phosphate/titanium CGM was additively fabricated to increase size: 45–150 mm) was then directly deposited on top of the SS316
wear resistance [2]. With this designed functionality, increased deposit to create the final structure. Various parameters were tried
mechanical properties can be influenced in user-definable loca- before structurally-sound parts could be successfully made. Final
tions to best improve the system’s performance. This idea of add- parameters used a 46 cm/min deposition for hatch and contour
ing functionality to specific regions was the foundation for paths at a 34A current for the Nd:YAG laser. Oxygen levels ranged
additively manufacturing magnetic SS430 to non-magnetic SS316 from 30 to 170 ppm during the builds, and all samples directly
structures. Magnetic functionality has been implemented from transitioned from one material to the next in a continuous process.
environmental sustainability efforts by contaminant adsorption Samples were cut along the cross section to observe microstruc-
[3] to NASA’s ion propulsion engine ‘‘Deep Space 1” for space travel tural variations and test hardness values. Once cut, samples were
[4]. Additive manufacturing of some single magnetic materials has hot-mounted and placed through standard metallographic wet-
already been reported [5–7] for increased part functionality. By grinding preparation techniques from 220 to 1000 grit sandpaper.
creating a unique magnetic CGM with two different stainless steel Samples were then polished from 1 mm to 0.05 mm alumina-DI
alloys in one processing operation through LENSTM, the functional water polishing suspension until a mirror finish was obtained.
capability of direct energy deposition techniques for multiple Finally, samples were etched with Carpenter 300 series stainless
material systems can be demonstrated while creating a useful, sin- steel etchant to expose microstructures.
gle component without using any traditional joining process
limitations. 3. Results and discussions

⇑ Corresponding author. After several rounds of process optimization, the austenitic-

E-mail address: (A. Bandyopadhyay). ferritic stainless steel parts were built with minimum porosity
0167-577X/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Heer, A. Bandyopadhyay / Materials Letters 216 (2018) 16–19 17

and strong interfacial bonding. Final functional pieces can be seen To test the hardness of the structure, a Micro Vickers Hardness
throughout Fig. 1, where the bottom of the structure is SS316 and Tester (Phase 2 Plus, New Jersey, USA) was used. Hardness indents
an obvious direct transition to the SS430 can be observed, particu- started at the top of the cross section in the SS430 region, indicated
larly on the CNC-machined surface. Taller parts were CNC- by the 0 mm depth in Fig. 2. A 100 g load was applied for 15 s.
machined to reduce the inherent surface roughness of LENSTM pro- Indents were taken across every 1 mm gap in the cross section
cessing and provide a macroscopic viewpoint of porosity and inter- and effectively displayed how the property transitioned from
facial bonding, as seen in Fig. 1b–d. The enhanced surface finish SS430 deposit to SS316 deposit to the SS316 substrate. Hardness
revealed a strong, coherent bimetallic structure across the entire values began at a maximum of 266 ± 4 HV at the 0 mm depth
component with no observable cracking or defects. Magnetic func- and steadily declined down the cross section. There were slight
tionality is also presented, as shown in Fig. 1d where magnetic par- shifts in hardness across both interfaces, which is natural even
ticles were sprinkled around the tube lying down and particle for the shift from the SS316 deposit to the SS316 substrate. The
accumulation only occurred on the magnetic SS430 side along rapid solidification processes of LENSTM causes the material to have
the magnetic field lines. a refined grain structure in a preferred growth direction toward the

Fig. 1. a) As-deposited structure, b) a final CNC machined sample with substrate, and c) a final CNC machined sample used to d) demonstrate magnetic functionality.

Fig. 2. Hardness vs. cross-sectional depth profile showing a smooth hardness transition across deposited regions to the substrate.
18 B. Heer, A. Bandyopadhyay / Materials Letters 216 (2018) 16–19

Fig. 3. a) Schematic of the final bimetallic structure used for optical microscopy, corresponding to b) the SS430-SS316 deposit interface and c) the SS316 deposit-SS316
substrate interface.

heat source, and this rapid cooling process has previously shown to introduce a 4th dimension of location-specific functionality while
increase hardness when compared to the same material conven- implementing the advantages of additive manufacturing, which
tionally manufactured [8,9]. is perhaps the most significant novelty of our work.
A schematic of the built structure and optical images of
microstructures can be seen in Fig. 3a–c, respectfully. At the
SS430-SS316 interface, micro porosities could be observed. How- 4. Conclusions
ever, these porosities were aligned in a way that was characteristic
to the entire cross-section, indicating build path inconsistencies. A bimetallic CGM was successfully constructed using a LENSTM
Grains just above the interface in the SS430 section exhibited system. Multiple trials were made with changing material choice
columnar grains perpendicular to the interface line, which is sim- and processing parameters before a final cohesive structure was
ilar to previous reports that used LENSTM processing [10]. This pref- produced. The final structure transitioned from a SS316 substrate
erential grain growth direction occurred from the temperature to LENSTM deposited SS316 to LENSTM deposited SS430. CNC machin-
gradient caused by the laser heating. Smaller grains were observed ing, microstructures, and hardness tests revealed coherency
along the substrate-deposit interface on the deposit side as seen in between the materials. Hardness profiles showed a steady transi-
Fig. 3c, which was due to the rapid melting and solidification pro- tion from the top of the structure through to the substrate, and
cess and was attributed towards the higher hardness values. Again, optical microscopy revealed grain size reduction and columnar
grain growth appeared to follow a preferred direction toward the grains oriented toward the heat source. Magnetic functionality
changing heat source. Interface particle accumulation was also was observed when exposed to magnetic particles, showing only
observed, however coherent interfaces and CNC machining showed accumulation at the magnetic SS430 side. It was determined
that LENSTM processing was able to build a structurally sound part. through this research that selective magnetic functionality could
In contrast to conventional manufacturing methods, additive be created with sound mechanical properties and minimal porosity
manufacturing of a bimetallic CGM can be directly built from a in one part through additive manufacturing without the need for
CAD file in a fraction of the time. Parts do not only have to consist conventional joining steps.
of one region of material, as multiple layers of SS430 and SS316
could be achieved to create multiple magnetic areas across a single Acknowledgements
piece. This user-definability is unique to the multi-compositional
additive manufacturing process and can open up a wide range of The authors would like to thank Patrick Olcott, Bonny Onuike and
next-generation products. On a global scale, this process could be Kevin Stenberg for their experimental help. Also, authors would
used to create intricate components without conventional manu- like to acknowledge financial support from the Joint Center for
facturing limitations such as long lead times, multiple steps to Aerospace Technology Innovation (JCATI, Seattle, WA) and the
make each material, and large material waste. LENSTM based addi- National Science Foundation under the grant number NSF-CMMI
tive manufacturing was used to not only shape the parts but to 1538851 (PI - Bandyopadhyay).
B. Heer, A. Bandyopadhyay / Materials Letters 216 (2018) 16–19 19

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June 14, 2017, from

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