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Regression 2

6) a)Given the bivariate data find the regression line of Y on Predict

the value of Y when X=5.5
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14
b) Find the regression lines for the following data. Find the estimated
age of the wife when the husband’s age is 32 and the husband’s age
when the wife’s age is 19
Husband’s 23 27 28 30 31 33 35 36 28 29

Wife’s 18 20 22 29 27 29 28 28 27 21
c) On the basis of the figures recorded below for supply and price for 9
years build a regression line of price on supply .Hence find the most
likely price when supply is 90
Years 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
80 82 86 91 83 85 89 96 93
Price 145 140 130 124 133 127 120 110 116
7) Obtain the means the regression coefficients & correlation coefficient
for the following
a) x +2y =5 ,2x+3y =8) b) 2y-x -50 =0, 3y-2x-10 =0
a) The regression equations of x and y are 5x-4y +20=0, 2x-5y+110 =0
standard deviation of x =10 Find 1)the means of x and y 2) correlation
coefficient between x&y 3) the SD of y
b) In a partially destroyed record of an analysis of correlation data the
following results only are available.
Variance of X =9 ,the regression equations are 8X -10Y +66=0
4X-18Y 214 .Find the following a) the means of the variables b) the
coefficient of correlation between X&Y c) the SD 0f Y
9) a) The following results are obtained for two series from their
respective means Compute the coefficient of correlation
X series Y series
No of items 7 7
Sum of the squares of 28 76
the deviations from
their respective means
Sum of the products of X and Y from their respective means is 4.6
10 ) a) If the covariance between X&Y is 1.86 ,the variance of X&Y are
20.2 and 23.7 respectively ,find the correlation between X&Y
b) Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation between X&Y are 0.28 and
the covariance is7.6 .Find the SD of Y given the variance of X=9
11) For the following data obtain a) The scatter diagram of the data b)
the correlation coefficient between the variables c) the coefficient of
determination d) the regression equations
Purchase 62 72 98 76 81 56 76 92 88 49
Sales 112 124 131 117 132 96 120 136 97 85
Estimate the likely purchase when sales is 80 and the likely sales when
purchase is 100
Family 20 30 33 40 15 13 26 38
Family 7 9 8 11 5 4 8 10
Estimate the likely expenditure when income is 25 ( all the values are in
12 a) A study of wheat price at Punjab and Haryana gave the following
Punjab Haryana
Average price Rs 2463 2797
SD Rs 326 207
Estimate the following a ) the price in Punjab corresponding to the
price Rs 2334 in Haryana b) the price in Haryana when the
corresponding price in Punjab is Rs 3053 The value of r=.74
b) From the following results estimate the yield of crops when the
rainfall is 22cms and the rainfall when the yield is 600 kgs. The value of
Yield in kg (Y) Rainfall in cms (X)
Mean 508.4 26.7
SD 36.8 4.6

c) For the following data find a) the equations of the two regression
lines b) Estimate the value of X when Y=75
A.M 36 85
SD 11 8

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