MIS Test 2

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Question 11 

How much did American businesses spend on information systems hardware,
software, and telecommunications equipment in 2017?
Group of answer choices

About $100 billion

About $10 trillion

About $100 million

About $1 billion

About $1 trillion
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Question 21 pts
Which of the following best describes the primary reason for implementing a
new information system, from a business perspective?
Group of answer choices

The system will create new value for the firm, beyond its costs.

The system will automate key business processes.

The system enables the firm to create new products and services.

The system integrates well with the Web.

The system is in use by our primary competitors.

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Question 31 pts
Approximately how many Americans access the Internet using a smartphone or
Group of answer choices

172 million

230 million

194 million
118 million

258 million
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Question 41 pts
A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a
product or service to create wealth.
Group of answer choices


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Question 51 pts
Which of the following statements is not true?
Group of answer choices

Many Fortune 500 U.S. firms derive more than half their revenues from foreign

Eighty percent of the toys sold in the United States are manufactured in China.

In 2017, 60 percent of Apple's revenue was generated outside of the United


Most PCs manufactured in China use microprocessor chips manufactured in


Technology companies are particularly dependent on offshore revenue.

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Question 61 pts
Which of the following is the greatest obstacle in enabling collaboration
between employees at different, distant corporate locations?
Group of answer choices


Corporate culture

Time zones

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Question 71 pts
Identifying customers is a business process handled by the marketing function.
Group of answer choices


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Question 81 pts
An example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool is a Skype conference
call using VOIP and webcams.
Group of answer choices


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Question 91 pts
Which of the following statements regarding IBM Notes is not true?
Group of answer choices

It provides tools for full version control of all company documentation.

It is designed to provide security for sensitive corporate information.

It provides capabilities for wikis and microblogging.

It began as an e-mail and messaging client.

It is a widely used collaboration tool at larger firms.

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Question 101 pts
You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need
to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time
statistics such as views and click-throughs about their current banner ads.
Which type of system will most efficiently provide a solution?
Group of answer choices




Enterprise system

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Question 111 pts
Sociotechnical changes affecting a firm adopting new information systems
requiring organizational change can be considered:
Group of answer choices

business goal transitions.

sociotechnical transitions.

systems alterations.

organizational adjustments.

strategic transitions.
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Question 121 pts
Smart products generally lower switching costs.
Group of answer choices


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Question 131 pts
The effect of the Internet has been to increase the bargaining power of
Group of answer choices


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Question 141 pts
Switching costs increase when customers are strongly linked to products and
Group of answer choices


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Question 151 pts
Walmart's continuous replenishment system is an example of a firm using
information systems to:
Group of answer choices

strengthen ties to its customers.

achieve low-cost leadership.

focus on market niche.

simplify the industry value chain.

develop synergies.
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Question 161 pts
Which of the following companies uses the subscription revenue model?
Group of answer choices
Google Search




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Question 171 pts
Which of the following dimensions of e-commerce technology has the potential
to raise the quality of information?
Group of answer choices


Global reach



Information density
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Question 181 pts
As described in the opening case, what is the primary business model
employed by YouTube?
Group of answer choices

Market creator

Content provider

Transaction broker


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Question 191 pts
In digital markets:
Group of answer choices

search costs increase.

switching costs decline.

menu costs decline.

information asymmetry increases.

network costs decline.

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Question 201 pts
Compared to traditional markets, digital markets have:
Group of answer choices

lower search costs.

weaker network effects.

higher transaction costs.

lower delayed gratification effects.

greater asymmetry.

Question 11 pts
Which of the following is a global network that uses universal standards to connect
millions of different networks around the world?
Group of answer choices


The World Wide Web

The Internet

An intranet
An extranet
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Question 21 pts
Personnel who design new products or services for a firm belong to which level of a
business hierarchy?
Group of answer choices

Data workers

Knowledge workers

Service workers

Production workers

Middle management
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Question 31 pts
Which of the following is a private corporate network extended to authorized users
outside the organization?
Group of answer choices

The World Wide Web

An extranet


An intranet

The Internet
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Question 41 pts
Computers and programs are the only things required to produce the information an
organization needs.
Group of answer choices

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Question 51 pts
Which of the following deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues
surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by
managers and employees in the firm?
Group of answer choices

Information systems architecture

Business processes

Management information systems

Information systems literacy

Information technology infrastructure

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Question 61 pts
Which of the following job categories is expected to experience the most growth over
the next eight years?
Group of answer choices

Security analysts

Software engineers

Database administrators

Computer programmers

Computer support specialists

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Question 71 pts
What is the most important function of an enterprise application?
Group of answer choices

Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers

Increasing speed of communicating

Enabling business functions and departments to share information

Enabling inventory and supply chain management

Enabling cost-effective e-business processes

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Question 81 pts
Which of the following is not a business benefit of collaboration?
Group of answer choices

Improved compliance with government regulations

Improved innovation

Improved financial performance

Improved customer service

Improved quality
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Question 91 pts
Which of the following types of systems typically use a digital dashboard to display an
array of charts and graphs of a business's key performance indicators?
Group of answer choices





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Question 101 pts
Which of the following systems is designed to span functional areas, focus on executing
business processes across the firm, and include all levels of management?
Group of answer choices




Enterprise applications

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Question 111 pts
Along with capital, ________ is the primary production input that the organization uses
to create products and services.
Group of answer choices





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Question 121 pts
The inventors of a disruptive technology typically benefit the most from the technology;
it is rare that fast followers catch up quickly.
Group of answer choices


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Question 131 pts
Which of the following statements about organizations is not true?
Group of answer choices
An informal group can be considered to be an organization.

An organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the
environment and processes them to produce outputs.

An organization is a collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities

delicately balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution.

An organization is a formal, legal entity with internal rules and procedures that must
abide by laws.

An organization is a collection of people and other social elements.

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Question 141 pts
Which of the following is a support activity in a firm's value chain?
Group of answer choices

Inbound logistics



Sales and marketing

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Question 151 pts
Information systems can be used at the industry level to achieve strategic advantage
Group of answer choices

building industrywide, IT-supported consortia and symposia.

enforcing standards that reduce the differences between competitors.

decreasing switching costs.

raising the bargaining power of suppliers.

encouraging the entry of new competitors.
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Question 161 pts
Which of the following best illustrates the sales revenue model?
Group of answer choices

Yelp receives a fee after steering a customer to a participating website where he or she
makes a purchase.

Netflix charges customers a monthly fee for access to its library of movies.

Apple accepts micropayments for single music track downloads.

Pandora provides basic services for free, but charges a premium for advanced services.

eBay receives a small fee from a seller if a seller is successful in selling an item

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