Additive Manufacturing: Bonny Onuike, Bryan Heer, Amit Bandyopadhyay

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Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

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Additive manufacturing of Inconel 718—Copper alloy bimetallic structure T

using laser engineered net shaping (LENS™)

Bonny Onuike, Bryan Heer, Amit Bandyopadhyay
W. M. Keck Biomedical Materials Research Lab, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2920, USA


Keywords: To understand processing ability and measure resultant interfacial and thermal properties of Inconel 718 and
Additive manufacturing copper alloy GRCop-84, bimetallic structures were fabricated using laser engineering net shaping (LENS™), a
LENS™ commercially available additive manufacturing technique. It was hypothesized that additively combining the
Bimetallic structures two aerospace alloys would form a unique bimetallic structure with improved thermophysical properties com-
Inconel 718
pared to the Inconel 718 alloy. Two approaches were used: the direct deposition of GRCop-84 on Inconel 718
and the compositional gradation of the two alloys. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Vickers microhardness and flash thermal diffusivity were used to
characterize these bimetallic structures to validate our hypothesis. The compositional gradation approach
showed a gradual transition of Inconel 718 and GRCop-84 elements at the interface, which was also reflected in
the cross-sectional hardness profile across the bimetallic interface. SEM images showed columnar grain struc-
tures at the interfaces with Cr2Nb precipitate accumulation along grain boundaries and the substrate-deposit
interface. The average thermal diffusivity of the bimetallic structure was measured at 11.33 mm2/s for the
temperature range of 50 °C–300 °C; a 250% increase in diffusivity when compared to the pure Inconel 718 alloy
at 3.20 mm2/s. Conductivity of the bimetallic structures increased by almost 300% compared to Inconel 718 as
well. Such structures with designed compositional gradation and tailored thermal properties opens up the
possibilities of multi-material metal additive manufacturing for next generation of aerospace structures.

1. Introduction rocket engines [12]. GRCop-84 has very high thermal conductivity, an
appealing balance of elevated temperature strength with low thermal
Multi-material structures with varying functionality can offer un- expansion and enhanced oxidation resistance [12,13]. It also offers
ique solutions to engineering problems compared to single-material great promise for special application at high-heat-flux regions at tem-
structures. This approach has been previously tested to additively peratures up to 700 °C [12]. Meanwhile, Inconel 718, a nickel-based
create various multi-material structures, ranging from titanium [1,2], superalloy, is a high-temperature corrosion-resistant material with a
CoCrMo [3], stainless-steel [4–6] and Inconel-based composites [7,8]. wide range of applications. It is widely accepted in aerospace industry
Additively manufactured multi-material structures have demonstrated especially in gas turbine and rocket engines because of its excellent
improvements in properties such as hardness [3,4], wear resistance tensile, fatigue and creep resistance, and high rupture strength along
[9,10], and even reduction in elastic modulus [11] compared to single with remarkable oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures up to
metal/alloy parts. Such improvement through materials design was the 1000 °C [14]. However, it has a low thermal conductivity, which re-
main focus of our investigation, where the advantages of two aerospace duces the material’s efficiency as a conductive liner. Hence, by depos-
alloys – copper-based alloy GRCop-84 (Cu-6.5 wt.%Cr-5.8 wt.% Nb) iting GRCop-84 on Inconel 718, the thermal conductivity of Inconel 718
and nickel-based alloy Inconel 718 (52 wt.%Ni – 19 wt.%Fe – 18 wt. will be improved while maintaining Inconel 718’s high strength at
%Cr – 5 wt.%(Nb + Ta) – 3 wt.%Mo and trace of other elements) - were elevated temperature. Therefore, the bimetallic structure has enhanced
combined to fabricate a bimetallic structure with enhanced thermo- thermo-physical and mechanical properties, benefiting from the dis-
physical properties. tinctly different properties of the two alloys.
Precipitation-strengthened GRCop-84 was developed for main While the typical production method of GRCop-84 is through rapid
combustion chamber (MCC) and nozzle liners in regeneratively cooled solidification and powder metallurgical techniques, three conventional

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Bandyopadhyay).
Received 2 November 2017; Received in revised form 19 February 2018; Accepted 19 February 2018
Available online 23 February 2018
2214-8604/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

Fig. 1. Basic layout and flow part for LENS™ system [5].

consolidation methods – direct extrusion, hot isostatic pressing components directly as designed from a computer aided design (CAD)
(HIPing) and vacuum plasma spraying (VPSing) - have been reported. file. LENS™ is a system in which metal powder is injected directly into a
HIPing and direct extrusion of powder were employed to produce dense melt pool created by a focused, high-powered continuous wave Nd-YAG
GRCop-84 bars and sheets [12], but these processes have not been laser beam on a substrate. LENS™ process chamber is purged with argon
applied to fabrication of bimetallic structures, and they may be very to maintain oxygen and moisture levels to < 10 parts per million (ppm)
difficult if not impossible to processing multi-material structures in- to prevent oxidation of molten metals. Fig. 1 shows our LENS™ system’s
cluding coating applications. Meanwhile, VPSing has been successfully inner chamber including all deposition components. Metal powders are
demonstrated to fabricate rocket engine liners and functionally graded delivered from the powder feeders through nozzles in the deposition
material (FGM) through coating process [12,15]. However, VPS is a head using argon as carrier gas. Multiple powder feeders can deliver
relatively high cost and complex process. To produce standalone multiple materials during one build, allowing for manufacturing of bi-
structures, it requires the use of mandrels and its coating process is metallic and multi-material structures. Further details of LENS™ proces-
associated with high residual stresses leading to microcracks and splat sing can be found in Ref. [18]. Scan speeds, hatch spacing, layer thick-
boundaries [16]. On the contrary, rapid prototyping via directed energy ness, powder flow rate, and laser power are some of the main processing
deposition such as laser engineered net shaping can produce free-form parameters that influence build quality, and need careful optimization
solid structures via layer by layer deposition, and this can be applied to for manufacturing quality parts. For the LENS™ processing of bimetallic
multi-material structure fabrication as well as coating processes at structure, Inconel 718 powder (Powder Alloy Corporation, Loveland,
specific areas of unique functionality. OH, USA), GRCop-84 powder (ATI Powder Metals, Steubenville Pike, PA,
Bimetallic structures comprise largely of two materials that are USA) and Inconel 718 plate as substrate were used. Both powders were in
joined either as FGMs or directly bonded materials with a well-defined the particle size range of 45–150 μm (mesh size −100/+325) suitable
interface. FGMs contain a graded composition across the interphase for LENS™ processing. Two different approaches were selected: (1) direct
with one material slowly transitioning into the other [17]. FGMs offer deposition of GRCop-84 on Inconel 718 and (2) compositional gradation
numerous advantages over single metal parts due to the possibilities of of GRCop-84 and Inconel 718. For the compositional gradation, pre-
unique structural, thermal and mechanical properties of the final con- mixed powders by weight percent of 50 wt.% Inconel 718 + 50 wt.%
figuration. LENS™ is a directed energy deposition (DED) additive GRCop-84 were prepared and deposited on Inconel 718 before 100%
manufacturing system that can produce FGM structures on demand. GRCop-84 was deposited. Initial LENS™ processing parameters were
With this capability, FGMs and directly bonded structures can be pro- varied to manufacture 17.5 mm square samples of varying height. These
duced having varying geometries and functionalities. In this study, processing parameters from the initial to final build are shown in Table 1.
LENS™ was used to process bimetallic structure of Inconel 718 and
GRCop-84 to measure process-property relationships based on varying
interphase compositions. Influence of laser processing parameters on 2.2. Characterization of Inconel 718–GRCop-84 bimetallic structures
interphase microstructure, hardness and thermal properties were stu-
died to evaluate feasibility of LENS™ processing as a viable manu- The LENS™ processed samples were cut via waterjet, ground with
facturing option for these bimetallic structures.
Table 1
LENS™ process parameters for fabricating GRCop-84 during initial and final attempts.
2. Materials and methods
Laser power Laser scan Hatch distance Layer thickness
2.1. Laser engineered net shaping (LENS™) (J/s) speed (mm/s) (mm) (mm)

Initial attempt 410 8.33 0.53 0.20

The laser engineering net shaping (LENS™, Optomec Inc., Final attempt 450 6.67 0.53 0.10
Albuquerque, NM) technique can fabricate three-dimensional

B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

Fig. 2. Images of the failure on initial attempts of deposition of GRCop-84 on Inconel 718: (a) As fabricated bulk sample, (b) showing weak bonding and poor diffusion of GRCop-84 on
Inconel 718, and (c) weak bonding and poor diffusion of GRCop-84 onto itself and Inconel 718.

silicon carbide (SiC) grinding paper, and then polished to 0.05 μm bimetallic structures based on the single layer’s results were also cal-
alumina-DI water suspension. A Phase II Micro Vickers Hardness Tester culated to validate the experimental results.
(Model 900-391) at a 0.98N load (HV0.1) and 15 s dwell time was used
to measure the microhardness of the cross-section through the inter-
phases. Polished samples were etched using a solution of 25 ml DI 3. Results
water, 25 ml NH4OH and 2 ml 3% H2O2. Microstructural examination
was done using an optical microscope and a field emission SEM 3.1. LENS™ processing of Inconel 718 to GRCop-84 bimetallic structures
(FESEM, FEI-SIRION, Portland, OR). EDS analysis was performed to
generate elemental dot maps to identify compositional variations along The bonding mechanics of metal powder in LENS™ processing
the interphase. X-ray diffraction (XRD, PANalytical X’Pert Pro MPD, happens due to localized melting of the powder particles and sub-
Netherlands) analysis was conducted with cobalt (Co) radiation across sequent solidification. Initial attempts to fabricate bimetallic structure
the interfacial region of the bimetallic structure to determine if a single- showed poor diffusion of GRCop-84 in Inconel 718, as shown in Fig. 2.
phase solid-solution was formed between the two materials at the in- Metal lumps and balling phenomena produced poor surface quality and
terface. Scans were completed in the Inconel 718, GRCop-84, and in- can be seen in Fig. 2a, which made it difficult to build successive layers.
terface sections separately to ensure the single-phase solid-solution was This caused insufficient bonding as the layers were only metallurgically
present throughout the samples. bonded in some regions of the cross-section, shown in Fig. 2b. After
Thermal diffusivity was measured using a Netzsch LFA 447 modifying LENS™ process parameters to increase the total energy input,
NanoFlash® thermal diffusivity system. Samples of Inconel 718 sub- the first layer of GRCop-84 bonded well to the substrate, yet successive
strate, LENS™ processed GRCop-84, and the bimetallic structure (100% deposition on top of the first layer still proved to be difficult as shown in
GRCop-84 deposited directly on Inconel 718) were tested. Fig. 2c. To mitigate the inherent sharp interface associated to direct
Measurements were done between the temperature range of deposition, the compositional grading technique was employed. An
50 °C–300 °C inclusive in 50 °C increments, with three measurements improved build of the bimetallic structure of Inconel 718 and GRCop-84
taken at each temperature. While measurements on the single material with better surface morphology and structural integrity was accom-
samples proved to be accurate and repeatable, the bimetallic structure plished using adjusted LENS™ process parameters that increased the
proved to be difficult to test as a double-layered system with distinct total energy input per unit volume even further. A reduction in porosity
densities. Nevertheless, to mitigate this challenge the combined density could be observed compared to the first attempts, shown in Fig. 3. With
and thickness of the bimetallic samples were used for the system’s these modified process parameters, GRCop-84 bonded to itself more
testing parameters. Theoretical calculations of thermal diffusivity of the evenly throughout the cross-section.

Fig. 3. As fabricated bimetallic structures of Inconel 718 and GRCop-84: (a) Uncut square sample geometry for NanoFlash® testing, (b) sample cross-section, and (c) an optical image of
the compositional interface.

B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

Fig. 4. SEM images of (a) LENS™ deposited GRCop-84 showing small dispersed precipitates, (b) GRCop-84-Inconel 718 interface, (c) precipitate accumulation on grain boundaries, and
(d) a backscatter image of precipitate accumulation at the GRCop-84-Inconel 718 interface.

3.2. Microstructural analysis deposition, respectively. These “jumps” were over 20 μm distance, in-
dicating successive layer diffusion. Also across the compositional layer,
SEM imaging revealed that the bulk of the GRCop-84 deposit con- a steady rise in Cu detection as a function of distance was observed,
tained a high density of Cr2Nb particles with an average precipitate size indicating that Cu preferentially rose to the top of the compositional
of 0.46 ± 0.13 μm, shown in Fig. 4a. The same Cr2Nb particles at the layer while the Inconel 718 was attracted toward the substrate during
interface had an average diameter of 0.64 ± 0.23 μm, Fig. 4d. Particle deposition. Fig. 6 shows XRD analysis at the interfacial region with
agglomeration was also present and clearly-defined dense regions of peaks of intermediate layer, Inconel 718 and GRCop-84 at different
Cr2Nb particles were found at the interphase region with a small angles (2θ) of diffraction coinciding with each other, and no new peaks
amount of what appeared to be chromium-rich precipitates. Further were identified.
comparison of the Cr2Nb precipitates in bulk show a more evenly dis-
tributed precipitate formation compared to the interface. An uneven
distribution of the particles was also observed amid the grain structures 3.3. Hardness profile
with some precipitate accumulation along grain boundaries, Fig. 4c.
Columnar grain structures were also present at the substrate-deposit Fig. 7 shows the hardness profile across the interface of the GRCop-
interface showing grain growth opposite to the heat transfer direction. 84 and Inconel 718 bimetallic structure. A smooth hardness transition
Fig. 5a and b show Cu and Ni concentration across the interphase, could be observed from the compositional layer as compared to the
respectively. Ni and Cu were of main interest, as Cu is inherent to the direct deposition, which indicated a sharper gradient. In the direct
GRCop-84 alloy containing 88% Cu with 0% Ni, and Inconel 718 has a deposit structure, which transitioned from 100% GRCop-84 to 100%
maximum of 0.1% Cu and approximately 52% Ni. Line scans from the Inconel 718 at 0.06 mm, the hardness values between 0.04 mm and
substrate through the compositional layer into the GRCop-84 deposit 0.08 mm jumped from 1.38 ± 0.04 GPa to 2.93 ± 0.06 GPa, respec-
shown in Fig. 5c provided quantitative values of Cu and Ni detection tively. In the 0.10-0.16 mm range, the hardness of the Inconel 718 was
along the entire path. These values came into play when plotting the at a maximum value of 2.93 ± 0.06 GPa and the supplied Inconel 718
intensities of Ni and Cu as a function of distance across the composi- substrate hardness value was 2.59 GPa. The compositional structure,
tional layers to represent bonding depth. A smooth Cu-Ni exchange was however, had a smooth transition of hardness variation across the in-
observed when the scan transitioned from the substrate into the terface. The peak hardness value occurred again in the heat affected
coating. Small “jumps” in Cu detection at approximately 100 μm and zone (HAZ) with magnitude in hardness of 2.95 ± 0.12 GPa, similar to
300 μm indicate the interfaces between Inconel 718 and the composi- the direct deposit structure.
tional layer, and the compositional layer and 100% GRCop-84

B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

Fig. 5. Elemental mapping using EDS across sample cross-section showing transitions of (a) Cu to (b) Ni through the interfaces. (c) Compositional gradation plot showing a gradual
change of Cu to Ni across the interface.

718 plates [19]. The LENS™ deposited GRCop-84 diffusivity values

ranged from 45.67 ± 0.32 to 44.18 ± 0.37 mm2/s at 50 °C to 300 °C,
respectively. This value was about half of the commercially rolled or
extruded GRCop-84, which has a thermal diffusivity value of
∼85 mm2/s at 300 °C [14].
Theoretical calculation of the bimetallic’s thermal diffusivity was
obtained from the combination of Eqs. (2), (3) and (4) into (1). The full
derivation as well as the analytical computation is presented in the
supporting materials. Thermal diffusivity (α ) is defined as the ratio of
thermal conductivity to thermal heat capacity:
Thermal conductivity k
α= =
Density *specific heat capacity ρc
Fig. 6. X-ray diffraction analysis across Inconel 718, GRCop-84, and interfaces.
αb =
3.4. Thermal diffusivity of bimetallic structures ρb cb (1)

The results obtained from the thermal diffusivity measurements are where the subscript b denotes bimetallic
graphed as a function of temperature and shown in Fig. 8. The thermal kc *ki
kb =
diffusivity of Inconel 718 substrate ranged from 2.88 ± 0.01 to Δx c′*ki + Δx i′*kc (2)
3.54 ± 0.01 mm2/s from 50 to 300 °C, respectively. This agreed with
the value reported in the literature for commercially available Inconel ρb = Vc′ (ρc − ρi ) + ρi (3)

B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

Fig. 7. Hardness profile across the interface of the bimetallic structure. “0” depth indicates the top of the cross section in the GRCop-84 region.

absorptivity of infrared laser radiation, low viscosity of the alloy melt,

and high thermal conductivity. In fact, the absorptivity of copper is
2–3% of the infrared Nd-YAG laser (wavelength, 1.06 μm) [20,21] used
in LENS™ operation. This implies that more than 95% of the energy of
the laser beam is reflected, limiting the amount of heat contributing to
melting of the material [1]. The combined effect of these challenges
mentioned above translated to the initial unsuccessful build shown in
Fig. 2a and showed poor morphology resulting from melt pool swells as
well as balling phenomena. The formation of metal lumps could also be
attributed to less energy input. Poor diffusion or bonding between
GRCop-84 and Inconel 718, and between GRCop-84 layers themselves,
are shown in the microstructural images Fig. 2b and c, respectively. To
clearly understand the effect of the special attributes of GRCop-84 on
the initial attempt to deposit on Inconel 718, low laser power was used.
Fig. 8. Thermal diffusivity as a function of temperature for bimetallic structures of
Yet, due to low laser absorption of GRCop-84, higher laser power is
Inconel 718 and GRCop-84, GRCop-84 deposit, and Inconel 718.
required to compensate for the reflected heat. Secondly, the low visc-
osity of GRCop-84 melt signifies that any melt movement of the alloy is
cb = ρc′ Vc′ cc c c′ + ρi′ Vi′ ci c i′ (4) spread across the melting path/surface and a very thin layer is de-
posited. Hence, this requires some coordination of the powder feed rate
The bimetallic structure comprised of Inconel 718 substrate at
and z-axis movement to improve viscosity of the melt, and in turn the
0.77 mm thick and GRCop-84 deposit at 1.22 mm thick. The theoretical
thickness of the deposit. Again, with the high thermal conductivity of
result for the diffusivity of the structure ranged from 14.37 to
GRCop-84, the heat generated from the laser power is quickly dis-
17.09 mm2/s between 50 and 300 °C, respectively, which was between
sipated into the adjacent layer, which lowers the amount of localized
the LENS™ deposited GRCop-84 and Inconel 718 values. Thermal con-
heat present to bond the layers. Higher input energy density was re-
ductivity is directly related to thermal diffusivity, and theoretical con-
quired to improve bonding between the layers for this particular bi-
ductivity values were also calculated for the bimetallic system.
Compared to Inconel 718’s measured conductivity range of
Mismatch in thermal conductivities between dissimilar materials is
10.22 ± 0.04–15.07 ± 0.03 W/m-K from 50 to 300 °C, respectively,
also an important parameter. Various factors besides thermal con-
the theoretically calculated value for the bimetallic system was dou-
ductivity influence physical and chemical characteristics of multi-ma-
bled, and varied from 23.84 to 33.77 W/m-K over the same temperature
terial systems processed via LENS™. These factors include material
range. Treating the bimetallic as a uniform system, the diffusivity test
differences in melting point, heat capacity, and coefficient of linear
showed similar trend but slightly decreased values. The bimetal’s
thermal expansion [8]. To achieve a good build in depositing GRCop-84
thermal diffusivity ranged from 10.30 ± 0.07 to 12.33 ± 0.07 mm2/s
on Inconel 718, selective combination of LENS™ processing parameters
between 50 and 300 °C, respectively (Fig. 8). However, conductivity
at the beginning of the build is required to achieve optimal results.
values ranged from 42.55 ± 0.27 to 56.17 ± 0.34 W/m-K from 50 °C
Laser power (P), scan speed (v), layer thickness (h), and hatch distance
to 300 °C, respectively, indicating a substantial increase as compared to
(t) make the largest difference when building with LENS™ because
the Inconel 718 (graph not shown).
those parameters largely affect energy density during the build ac-
cording to the equation, (5) put forth by España [22] and Simchi [23]:
4. Discussions P
v *h*t (5)
Deposition of GRCop-84 onto Inconel 718 using LENS™ process in-
itially proved to be difficult due to special attributes of GRCop-84, The total energy input per unit volume (E) is expressed as a function
material-property mismatch between the two alloys and low input en- of LENS™ processing parameters, and has unit of J/mm3. For the initial
ergy during LENS™ processing that led to beginning failures. GRCop-84 LENS™ attempt, the total energy input per volume was 464.34 J/mm3.
containing 87.7 wt.% Cu has properties similar to copper such as low While for the final LENS™ attempt, as shown in Table 1, the total energy

B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

per unit volume was 1273 J/mm3. This shows an approximate 270% attained through conventional techniques. Grain boundaries can act as
increase in energy per unit volume from the initial attempt. This in- obstacles for heat travel through a material, and with a smaller grain
crease in energy density was obtained by varying processing parameters size (i.e., more grain boundaries in the same area) heat will take longer
to deposit the GRCop-84 material onto Inconel 718, and final builds to flow through the material. From LENS™’s rapid solidification causing
were shown in Fig. 3. Also, the improved diffusion of GRCop-84 on grain size reduction phenomenon, it is no surprise that thermal diffu-
Inconel 718 due to the optimized parameters was demonstrated in sivity/conductivity values decreased for LENS™ processed GRCop-84
Fig. 4 revealing the microstructure at the interface. XRD analysis compared to conventionally processed samples. Moreover, Cr2Nb par-
showed the alignment of the intermediate layer peak with the peaks of ticle accumulation observed along the grain boundaries could also
Inconel 718 and GRCop-84 at different angles (2θ) of diffraction, as contribute to this decreased value as accumulation along the grain
shown in Fig. 6, which indicated formation of single-phase solid-solu- boundaries would also act as an obstacle for heat flow.
tion at the interface. This was expected since nickel and copper forms Interestingly, there is a positive trend in thermal diffusivity for the
single-phase solid-solution in their binary equilibrium phase diagram. bimetallic structure over the range of 50–300 °C for both experimental
Hence, formation of single phase at the interface suggested strong and theoretical results. This followed closely to Inconel 718’s trend over
bonding characteristic and high interfacial strength, since no two-phase the same temperature range, which was opposite to the decreasing
solid-solution formed that will lead to brittle intermetallic at the in- nature for GRCop-84 deposit as shown in Fig. 8. This means the bi-
terface. It is also worthy to note that when the XRD peaks were overlaid metal’s thermal behavior as a function of temperature was still domi-
with one another, peaks detected in Inconel 718 and GRCop-84 regions nated by the substrate material, yet was functioning at a higher rate.
coincided with the peak behavior of the interface scan and can be With ∼250% and ∼300% increase in thermal diffusivity and con-
viewed in the inset of Fig. 6. This behavior indicated the interface held ductivity when compared to the original Inconel 718 alloy, respec-
the characteristics of both Inconel 718 and GRCop-84 single-phase tively, the thermophysical properties were enhanced significantly for
solid-solutions. these coherent bimetallic structures. Nevertheless, for a given bime-
As shown in Fig. 7, hardness trends shift at the interfaces and then tallic sample, the variation in thickness of GRCop-84 deposited on In-
smooth out as a function of distance away from the interface. Slight conel 718 will affect the combined density of the bimetallic sample.
increases in hardness were observed near the interfaces of both com- Hence it could be stated that the higher the thickness of GRCop-84
positionally graded and direct deposition specimens. However, the in- deposited over a constant thickness of Inconel 718, the effective
crease was more obvious in the direct deposition samples. These in- thermal diffusivity/conductivity of the bimetallic sample will increase.
creases in hardness at interfacial regions were due to rapid By effectively increasing thermal diffusivity and conductivity values of
solidification processes (102–104 K/s [24,25]) by the localized laser Inconel 718 with the addition of GRCop-84, theoretical and experi-
remelting. A similar trend had been observed earlier in carbide-particle mental results supported our hypothesis that a bimetallic structure with
reinforced titanium-aluminum matrix composites [26]. Columnar and improved thermophysical properties can be created using laser-based
refined grain structures were also visible along the interface and have additive manufacturing techniques such as LENS™.
previously been reported in additively manufactured Inconel 718 and
copper alloys [27,28]. This is due to the directional solidification that 5. Conclusions
occurs from the high heat gradient imposed by the Nd:YAG laser. As the
melt pool solidifies in the build path, grains preferentially grow towards Bimetallic structures of Inconel 718 and GRCop-84 have been suc-
the heat source due to temperature gradients along the build direction cessfully processed using laser engineered net shaping. Factors such as
[29]. Columnar grains appeared to be elongated perpendicularly to the the differences in thermophysical properties like laser absorptivity,
interface aligned with the laser heating direction, which has been lar- melting temperature, heat capacity, coefficient of linear thermal ex-
gely reported in LENS™ and other laser beam melting processes [30]. pansion, and thermal conductivity greatly affected bonding character-
Manipulating grain growth direction via lasers has been previously istics. Understanding the process-property relationship for GRCop-84
explored in Inconel 718, where build direction largely influenced ma- helped develop a strategy within the process window for the successful
terial texture [31]. fabrication of the bimetallic structure. Two approaches were selected
Higher hardness values near the interface could also be attributed to for the fabrication of bimetallic structures: the direct deposition of
particle accumulation, as shown in Fig. 4b and d. Such accumulation is GRCop-84 on Inconel 718 and the compositional gradation of the two
not uncommon since conventional manufacturing of this alloy has re- alloys. The compositional gradation technique showed diffused inter-
sulted in large volume fractions of the precipitate [12]. Most literatures faces with gradually transitioning copper-nickel material across the
have reported just precipitate formation with no visible grain structure, bimetallic interphase when compared to the direct deposition ap-
making it challenging to compare the location of the precipitates. Yet, proach. SEM images showed columnar grain structures at the interfaces
finely dispersed Cr2Nb have been previously reported in the copper as well as Cr2Nb precipitate accumulation along the grain boundaries
matrix, similar to our observations [32]. Also, presence of what ap- and the substrate-deposit interface. Thermal diffusivity of the bimetallic
peared to be chromium-rich precipitates in the form of black regions in structures was measured at 11.33 mm2/s, which is an ∼250% increase
backscatter imaging were similarly found in other laser melt deposition compared to pure Inconel 718 alloy at 3.20 mm2/s. Also, conductivity
techniques of the alloy [31]. It has been reported that due to the sta- of the bimetallic structures increased by ∼300% compared to Inconel
bility of Cr2Nb phase, precipitation will occur immediately after tem- 718. It is envisioned that such structures with designed compositional
peratures drop below the melting temperature. Depending on the gradation and tailored thermal properties will open up the possibilities
cooling rate, the size of the precipitates can be controlled. The faster the of multi-material metal additive manufacturing for next generation
solidification rate, the smaller the precipitates formation size as slow aerospace structures.
cooling of this alloy has shown particle growth from the scale of mil-
limeter to centimeter in size [12]. Thus, the fine Cr2Nb phase accom- Conflict of interest
plished by rapid solidification rates would strengthen the material
compared to conventional processes [33]. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Thermal diffusivity and conductivity measurements for Inconel 718
were in line with reported results [34] while LENS™ processed GRCop- Acknowledgements
84 measured at approximately half of the thermal diffusivity of com-
mercially rolled plates. This change in values can be explained again Financial support from the National Aeronautics and Space
due to much finer and more complex grain structure than regularly Administration (NASA)-Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is

B. Onuike et al. Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018) 133–140

acknowledged under the research agreement number # SC-2019.A031. [15] S.V. Raj, L.J. Ghosn, Coating Development for GRCop-84 Liners for Reusable
Financial support for Bonny Onuike from the National Science Launch Vehicles Aided by Modeling Studies, 2003 Research and Technology,
NASA/TM-2004-212729, pp. 35–37.
Foundation under the grant #CMMI 1538851 (PI- Bandyopadhyay) is [16] F. Azarmi, ‘Vacuum Plasma Spraying’ Advanced Materials & Processes/August
also acknowledged. 2005.
[17] R.M. Mahamood, E.T. Akinlabi, Functionally Graded Materials, Springer
International Publishing, Cham, 2017.
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