Information Revision

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Exam-style Questions Ale contains binary coding, The following are two succeseve bytes in the: TOOTOTOT | OOLIGOTT ‘8 One possibilty forthe information storedis that the two bytes together represent one unsigned integer binary number, 1 Give the denary number corresponding to this. Show your working 2 i Ge theheradecimal number corresponding the, Show your worting, 2 bb Gveone example cher ahexadecimalepresentaton's used. 0 € _Arother possi forthe formation stored is thatthe two bytes ingvidually represent wo signed integer binary nmbersin two'scarnlement for, | State which byte represents 2 negative number and explain the reason for your eho Give the denary number cortesponcing to each byte. Show your working, fey 1d Give two advantages from representing signed integers in two's complement form rather than usinga sign and smagritude representation. by € Give three diferent examples of other options forthe types of formation that could be represented by two bytes, Foreach example, state whether a representation requtes two bytes each time, just one byte or only partofa byte each time. a 2. Acesigner wishes to include some multimedia cemponents on a web page. 18 the designer has some images stored i les there are two possible formats forthe les, i Descrive the approach used if graphic is stored in a vector graphic fle, a Describe the approach used fa graphics stored in a bitmap fe, a State which Format gives better image qualythe mage has tobe mogried and excain why a . The designers concarnad about te size of some bitmap fies. | tithe resolution i to be'640>480 and the colour depth isto be 16, caleulatean approximate size forthe bitmap file Siow your working and express the size using sensible units fi Explain why this calculation only aves an approximate le siz, ‘The designer decides thatthe bitmap flesneed compressing 1 Explainhowa simple form of lossless compression could be used |i Explain one possible approach to lossy compression that could be used, 3. Anaudio encoders tobe used to create a recording ofa sang, The encoderhas two components (One ofthe componentsis an analogue-to-cigtal converter (ADC) 1 explain why this is needed. | Twoimportantfactors associated with the use ofan ADC are the sampling rate and the sampling resolution. Explain the two terms, Usea diagram this wil help your explanation, The other component of an audio encoder has tolbe used before the ADCs used. 4 Identify this component. fi Explain why itisused, ‘The recorded songis to be incorporated intoa video. Sound-ediing software is to be used as part ofthis, process. Describe two techniques thatthe sound-editng sofware could provide. a a be) 2 i io) a a ‘8

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