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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

North South University

Department of Management
MGT 351: Human Resource Management

Faculty: Rifat Iqbal

Term Paper on “Restructuring of Human Resource Management for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR”

Due date: 16th January, 2021

Team Name: Dunder Mifflin

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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

Peer Contribution Form

Name Contribution
Tasnova Zaman ID: 1911260630 Background and Recruitment
Tahmid Shahriyar ID: 1931791630 Testing & Selection and Conclusion
Syeda Numaira Shehrin ID: 2022400630 Executive Summary, Methodology,
Interview, Performance Appraisal &
Nazia Bintay Ashraf ID: 1821396030 Workplace Safety and Benefits
Tabsir Ahmed ID: 1921261030 Introduction and Training & Development

Letter of Acknowledgement
16th January, 2021

Rifat Iqbal
North South University

Subject: Submission of Term Paper on “Restructuring Human Resource Management

for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR”

Dear Ma’am,
We are pleased to submit our Term Paper as a requirement to fulfill this MGT351 course. In this
report, we have tried to implement all the knowledge we have gathered from this course. Despite
many limitations, we have tried our best to make this report accurate, reliable and informative.
We believe the experience we have acquired while working on this report will be a valuable asset
in our lives. The contents of this report concentrate on everything as per your instructions.
Moreover, if you have any inquiries or suggestions to improve regarding the contents of the
paper, we would be grateful to receive your feedback. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to
gain practical knowledge about Human Resource skills. We are looking forward to working
under your honorable supervision again in our future. And we all are intrigued to use the
knowledge we have developed while doing this report in our future.

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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

Yours Sincerely,
Tasnova Zaman
Tahmid Shahriyar
Syeda Numaira Shehrin
Nazia Bintay Ashraf
Tabsir Ahmed

Table of Contents

Executive Summary …………………………………………………………… 4

Background ……………………………………………………………………… 4

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 5

Methodology ……………………………………………………………………… 5

Human Resource Topics ………………………………………………………. 6

I. Recruitment ……………………………………………………. 6

II. Interview …………………………………………………………. 8

III. Testing and Selection …………………………………………… 10

IV. Training and Development …………………………………… 12

V. Performance Appraisal and Management ………………… 14

VI. Workplace Safety ……………………………………………… 17

VII. Benefits …………………………………………………………. 18

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………. 20

References ………………………………………………………………… 21

Executive Summary

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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

Ozmium is the leading paint company in Bangladesh, operating for the past 12 years in the
Chemical Industry. Ozmium holds over 40% of the market share and has been profitable since its
early years operating in Bangladesh. However, Ozmium has been facing some internal problems
during the recent years, which was only made worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. After
close examination, Ozmium realized the root of all their problems remained in their Human
Resource practices due to having an inefficient HR department. These issues hindered their
overall performance and was preventing them from making further progress. However, Ozmium
was quick to act on these issues, as they handed us the responsibility to turn around their
business from a disaster waiting to happen. We, Alcatraz HR, are a human resource consulting
firm. We have identified the HR procedures that needed to be restructured for Ozmium and
suggested the ways in which they can cover their shortcomings. This included the area of
Recruitment, Selection, Interview Processes, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal
and Management, Benefits and last but not the least Workplace Safety. With our years of
experience in the field of HR consultancy, profound knowledge about various HR practices and a
clear overview about Bangladesh’s paint industry, we believe that we would be able to provide
Ozmium the appropriate HR tools to solve their troubles. We have analyzed all the ideal and
probable options for Ozmium before suggesting the most effective solution. Alcatraz HR is one
of the most successful HR consultancy firms in all of Bangladesh, and we are optimistic that our
recommendations would be extremely beneficial to Ozmium and will give them the competitive
edge to perform at their maximum potential, by overcoming their recent HR related

Alcatraz HR, country’s one of the largest HR consultancy firms is successfully operating various
HR practices since its inception in 2005. It was initially created by the community of industry
experts with an inspiring career. It focuses on growing sustainability by increasing the
consistency, reliability and cost savings of its customers' interaction with services, allowing them
to concentrate on its core market operations. The incredible journey of recruitment and talent
management capability has made it renown all over the country. By having immense faith in the
company, Ozmium has chosen Alcatraz HR for redesigning it whole HR function. We, Alcatraz

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HR, have adequate knowledge about paint industry and try to accumulate those to solve the
issues that Ozmium is facing. We have closely monitored the company and figure out the
Recruitment, Selection, Interview Processes, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal
and Management, Benefits and Workplace Safety needs to go through certain changes. These
changes can bring the osmium on track and help them to gain efficacy and success.

Founded in 2005, Alcatraz HR is a very well-known HR consultancy firm which is one of the
largest and most successful in the country. The firm specializes in increasing the consistency,
reliability and cost savings for the customers. On the other hand, Ozmium is the leading paint
company in Bangladesh. However, the company has been struggling because of poor HR
policies. The issue has affected the overall performance and growth of the company. Having a
fear of losing competitiveness, the company has decided to revise its HR practices and policies to
increase its workforce efficiency. As a result, the company has agreed to hand over the
responsibilities to Alcatraz HR, who are the best in implementing successful HR planning.
Alcatraz HR found out that the company was focusing more on volume and profit rather than
focusing on human resource management. Ozmium’s HR department lacked proper recruitment
processes, and they were unable to identify the perfect ones for their company. The company
was also unable to provide adequate training and development well-suited for their employees,
leading to employee demotivation and dissatisfaction. Then there was insufficient workplace
safety and benefits. Therefore, Alcatraz HR believes that we will be able to revamp the HR
practices of Ozmium and create a thriving human resource base for the company.

We have used different forms of secondary research to aid our paper. These sources include;
websites, journals and articles from the internet, MGT351 recommended book and class lectures
and video recordings.

Human Resource Topics


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Recruitment is a hiring which includes deliberately searching, identifying and recruiting

applicants for a particular job or position.
There are two types of recruitment:
1. Internal Recruitment: when a company fills its staff with current workforce, it indicates the
internal recruitment process. To value the essential knowledge and views of insiders, most of
the companies use this method. It consists of three sources and those are
 Job posting: In job posting, there is very few details is disclosed about the
company, it only posts the requirements and duty that a candidate needs to follow
along with the narrative of new department and its action.
 Rehiring former employees: if rehire former employees, they are already
acquainted with the company's activities or internal operations. It boosts
employee morale. They served in a different role whilst they were gone, so they
got a lot of additional qualifications, which they can now add to the table.
 Succession planning: it indicates the development and preservation of a
predetermined applicant in the company for the new role. Mostly suitable for
executive role. The new position's roles and duties are clarified and the selected
individual is educated according to necessities. It demonstrations the employee is
ready to accommodate a position when they become unoccupied.

2. External Recruitment: it means recruiting workers from elsewhere, outside the

organization. It provides the organization with a shift of innovative thinking and innovation.
External recruitment sources are:
 Internet: This is known as the easiest and fastest way for applicants to reach. To
reach the applicants, HR department can use Facebook, LinkedIn, tweeter, and other websites which are effective.
 Advertising: The most popular way to get candidates is publishing advertising.
The advertising in magazines, technical journals provide extensive information
about the organization, the existence and style of work, the requisite expertise,
qualification and experience, etc.
 Employment agencies: they take care of the recruiting and placement process in
exchange for a premium.

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 Offshoring and outsourcing: these are cost savings methods and the
procurement of the highest performing staff from outside the company.
Outsourcing refers to a third party's contracting job. Offshoring refers to the idea
that work is carried out in another country, it typically profits from costs.
 Walk INS: Applicants are asked to come and apply for vacancy by means of an
advertisement. The date, location and time listed shall be specified, and the
applicants shall come and hold interviews directly without filing their applications
in advance.[ CITATION Jel19 \l 1033 ]
 Employee referral: The aim is to share the positions within their own network of
workers and give suggestions to applicants. If workers are permitted to make
recommendations, they may be encouraged to provide employees of good
standards for the job.
 University recruitment: Access to young, innovative and hard workforce would
be the greatest benefit in university recruitment because fresh graduates can be
useful to the business.

Ozmium, a paint company needs to go through certain changes to redesign its HR department.
To get the best applicants, both external and internal sources should be considered. By
succession planning and rehiring former employees, Ozmium will have one of the strongest
applicants within the business. By succession they can redesign the executive bodies and by
rehiring the former employees they can fillip the vacant positions which will be cost effective
and laid-back in this pandemic. They will not need further training and will effortlessly fit to the
culture of the organization. By external sources they can use internet, advertising through
newspaper, Offshoring and outsourcing and employee referral. Through internet and
advertisement, they can easily attract mass people. By offshoring and outsourcing, they can
assure the job done easily because it will allow third parties to income who are jobless during
this pandemic. Via employee referral, it will simple to link the prospective applicants within
short notice. Employment agencies will be only applicable if the other options fail since it is cost
inefficient. University recruitment, walk ins interviews are not possible because of the safety and
most institutions are closed for COVID 19 pandemic.

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Interviewing candidates is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the whole
human resource process. The interview process is the first impression of potential candidates
about the employer and the corporate culture the company may harbor, in the forthcoming future
(Glassdoor for Employers, 2020).

A company like Ozmium would need to use all the basic type of interviews; Selection
Interview, Appraisal Interview and Exit Interview.
 Selection Interview: is used to determine the future job performance of a candidate by
the oral responses they provide.
 Appraisal Interview: is part of the performance appraisal, this is a discussion regarding
an employee’s performance and suggestions on ways to improve on it.
 Exit Interview: is an interview to determine the reasons why an employee is leaving the
organization, to prevent such occurrences.

Structured interviews usually ensure reliability and certainty along with the reduction of potential
biases. Most importantly, it can be useful to inexperienced interviewers and may help avoid
potential lawsuits. Hence, are usually superior.
 Structured: The questions asked and certain answers may be predefined.
 Unstructured: Commonly more than a normal discussion, there is not set format for
asking questions, they are mostly not predetermined.

The type of questions asked during the interview is anticipated to differ with the job position and
the situation during which the interview takes place.
 Situational Questions: are essentially questions about how the candidate would behave
during a hypothetical situation relating to perhaps communication problems, workflow
issues and etc. This assess the candidate’s ability to handle a probable issue with
questions like “how would you deal with an exceptionally difficult customer?”.

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 Behavioral Questions: are questions about how an employee reacted or behaved during
certain situations in the past. These may be followed by questions like “Tell me about a
time when you dealt with a subordinate’s high absenteeism rate?”
 Job Related Questions: these questions focus on the relevant past experience directly
relating to the job itself. So, questions like “what were your main responsibilities during
your previous employment?”.

Stress interviews are usually used to discover sensitive candidates, who may not work well under
stress, by the use of uncomfortably rude questions. While puzzle interviews are designed to
induce critical thinking.

Interviews may be administered in various ways:

 One-on-one interview- between two people, while one seeks oral answers to the oral
question asked to the other.
 Panel interview- this involved a team of interviewers with different expertise, who come
to a collective decision based on panel scores.
 Phone interview- Interview conducted via phone.
 Computerized interview- Computerized replies are received to computerized oral visual
or written questions.

However, it is wise to eliminate common interview errors like jumping to conclusions based on
first impressions, negative biases, not knowing enough about the job, a contrast error or judging
the candidate based on their physical characteristics. The appropriate behavior of the interviewer
by not asking personal and unprofessional questions.

For Ozmium we would suggest them to follow the interview process:
Step 1: By analyzing the job, be it top level management or factory workers
Step 2: Rate job duties based on importance to job success
Step 3: Creating a mixture of interview questions that are structural in nature and includes
situational, behavioral and job-related question

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Step 4: Creating benchmark answers by rating ideal answers with high points and poor answers
with lower points
Step 5: Ozmium can use the methods of Panel Interview as they are far superior and eliminates
biases more than one-on-one interviews and also use phone interviews for interviews that are not
as extensive like non-executive jobs or for interviews that need to be conducted during the
pandemic maintaining social distancing.
These interviews are expected to be conducted keeping in mind the common errors and biases
made by interviewers and trying to avoid them as much as possible.

Testing and Selection:

Employee testing and selection is one of the most important tasks of a human resource manager.
This is simply testing and selecting from a pool of candidates before hiring them for a particular
job at an organization. The major goal of this process is to find out if the person being hired is
perfect for the job. The manager needs to make sure that they hire someone not only best for the
task but also best for the company. This is known as the person's job and organization fit.
Sometimes being best at the job does not mean the candidate will be best fitted for the
organization. Being both job and organizational fit a company’s performance gets better and
costs are reduced due to increased efficiency. To make sure the candidate is both job and
organizational fit the HR manager needs to run some tests. These tests are both reliable and
valid. Reliable meaning the consistency of scores obtained from the same person and validity
meaning the test proving the accuracy of the test, that the manager can measure what he or she
wanted to from the particular tests.

Some of the common types of tests and selection methods are as follows:
 Cognitive ability test is where the candidates are tested on their intellectual standards.
This test includes the IQ tests and aptitude which includes the measurement of abilities
such as memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability.
 Situational tests are the tests where the candidate's performances are measured based on
their performance on actual job tasks. Candidates are handed over with actual work-based
problems relating to their designation and then judged how he/she will be handling the
situation. Video-based situational testing is another part of situational testing where

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candidates are shown situational videos followed by multiple choice answers to see who
chooses the best possible solutions.
 Motor & Physical ability tests include tests that measure a candidate's motor ability,
finger dexterity, and reaction time to certain situations and problems. Physical ability tests
measure how physically fit a candidate is. Tests for physical abilities are stamina testing,
dynamic strength, and body coordination.
 Personality and Interest tests measure how introverted or extroverted a person is, if the
candidate is mentally stable or how motivated a candidate is for the job.
 Miniature job training and evaluation meaning, training the candidates to perform a few
of the tasks of the job, and then evaluating the candidate's performance before hiring.
 Achievement tests measure performance based on factors a candidate has already learned.
This can be both academic and intellectual.
 Background Investigations and Reference Checks are one of the most important
selection methods as it validates the information provided by the candidate. This also
exposes any critical information that the candidate might try hiding which later would
damage the company. This is usually done through; reference checks, background
employment checks, criminal records, driving records, and credit checks.
 Physical and Substance abuse testing includes tests that discover any serious medical
conditions of the candidates and if the candidate has any history of abusing any harmful
 Honesty testing includes a wide array of tests that shows how volatile a candidate is to
being dishonest or participating in such activities.

Our recommendation to Ozmium would be to strictly follow some of the above-mentioned tests
and methods. First would be the video-based situational testing as during this pandemic it will
not be safe to call the candidates into the field or workspace. Moving on, Cognitive tests are to
be implemented along with achievement tests to improve the organizational profitability the best
candidates in the market are required. With that physical testing is required as during a pandemic
this is vital. Finally, background investigations and honesty testing is required to know if the

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person hired will be damaging any classified information which will incur a huge amount of loss
during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Training and Development:

Training and development can be considered as one of the most important factors behind a
company's success as it enables the workforce to perform efficiently and effectively. Ozmium
being the market leader, requires proper training and development for the employees in order to
keep them going according to the company needs. The company has to make sure that the
employees are knowledgeable about what they are doing and how it is done. The purpose of
training is not only to make the employees knowledgeable but also to influence their

Usually, the development of a training process consists of four steps and they are as follows:
1. Analyzing the training needs: The training needs analysis is done to identify the
requirements of new employees by analyzing their tasks and also verify the performance
deficiency of the current employees through performance analysis in order to improve
their performance.

2. Designing the training program: After carefully analyzing the training needs, the
task is to design a training program to satisfy the training needs. The design consists of a
plan for setting up a learning environment and also the implementation of the learnings in
the actual job. A successful training program design includes clear objectives to address
the performance gaps and to decide on the contents in order to minimize those gaps. The
program should also include the required training methods and an alternative plan for the
training budget. The benefits gained from the training program must be worth the cost.

3. Implementing the training program: Now that the objectives are clear and a proper
budget and training program has been designed, the implementation of the training
program takes place. The implementation is done followed by two methods -

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● On-the-job training: Here, the employee gets to learn about the job while they are
actually working. An employee can become a skilled worker through a certain type of of
on the job training which is Apprenticeship Training. It is a mixture of formal learning
and on-the-job training for the long term. There is also Informal Learning where the
employee gets to learn by informal means. Besides, there is also Job Instruction Training
where the employees are trained step by step through instructions based on their basic job
tasks. There are also Managerial On-the-job Training methods that help to improve
current or future management performance by Job Rotation and Understudy Approach.
Job Rotation emphasizes on moving the employee from one department to another for
improving their experience and ability to adapt in any department. On the other hand,
Understudy Approach focuses on the employee working directly under the supervision of
the immediate supervisor who is responsible for the trainee’s development.

● Off-the-job training: This type of training does not require the employee to get trained
in their workplace. The training is done through Effective Lectures that is a simple way to
train a large number of employees at the same time. Off-the-job training is also done
through Audiovisual-Based training, Programmed Instructions, Training via the Internet,
Case study method, outside seminars offered by universities and companies, Corporate
Universities, Behavior modeling as well as Simulated Learning where trainees learn
through simulated events.

4. Evaluating the Training Effort: After successfully implementing the program, the
evaluation is designed by Time Series Design and Controlled Experimentations. The
manager also measures the reaction, learning, behavior and results of the employees to
determine their achievement.

Considering the current situation of Ozmium, it can recommend that the company
requires on-the-job training programs where the employee gets to learn and experience
the job at the same time through Apprenticeship Training as well as Job Instruction
Training where the employees can be properly instructed throughout their job. For

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improving the overall management performance, Job Rotation and Understudy Approach
can be considered as it allows an employee to adapt the skills of multiple departments
and also work under the supervision of the senior manager. However, Off-the-job training
programs can be a good choice for the employees working remotely and people working
in the management can be trained through outside seminars offered by different
companies in order to improve their skills.

Performance Appraisal and Management:

Performance appraisal refers to the process of evaluating an employee’s current performance
relative their past performance, and determining ways in which performance can be further
improved. Effective performance appraisal requires the employer to provide employees with
sufficient training, guidance, feedback and motivation to improve overall performance. These
methods are usually pre-advised and agreed upon by both parties.

Three Step Performance Appraisal Process:

Step 1: setting the work standard expectations that employees have to reach
Step 2: Assessing actual job performance relative to the set standards
Step 3: Providing constructive feedback to eliminate performance inefficiency or positive
feedback to keep up good performance

Performance appraisal is particularly important for employers to make promotion, compensation

and lay off decisions. It is used to make employees more efficient by eliminating any
performance related insufficiency with training and development. This in turn allows employees
to understand their training needs, which prepares them and helps improve shortcomings for
future endeavors.

Based on SMART goals, there are a number of people who are qualified to conduct appraisal:
 Supervisor Appraisal: Supervisor is the best person to evaluate subordinate
 Peer Appraisal: For self-managed teams, immediate improvement in communication,
motivation, cohesion and etc.

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 Rating Committees: Eliminates biases by appointing immediate supervisor and other

supervisors to conduct appraisal
 Self-Ratings: Self-criticism against supervisor’s ratings. The higher the self-rating the
worse the performance
 Subordinate Appraisals: for development purposes, anonymity keeps subordinates
 360-Degree Feedback: Usually for development purposes, extensive information
collected from supervisor, subordinates, peers and customers.

It is wise to avoid appraisal issues like:

 Unclear standards- Ambiguity of merit
 Halo-effect- Generalization of impression of one trait for all traits
 Central tendency- Rating everyone at the same average
 Leniency/Strictness- rating all subordinates consistently either higher or lower
 Recency effects- only considering recent performance, not past performance
 Biases- Inequality

Performance Appraisal Tools:

 Graphic Rating: Most simple and well-liked method, uses traits and a rating for the
value system.
 Alternation Ranking: essentially a ranking system of best to worst employee
 Forced Distribution: Bell’s curve grading system, majority are given average rankings
 Critical Incident: keeping log of both positives and negatives of work-related behavior,
this only helps employee eliminate inefficiency
 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS): Numbered rating scale with
predetermined examples of both poor and good performance
 Management by Objective (MBO): organization-wide goal setting, drops down from
top-level to achieve day-to-day tactical goals

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Conducting Appraisal Interview: As mentioned earlier, appraisal interviews are conducted in

accords to other interview rules like not to ask personal questions, to let the interviewee respond
and to get agreement. Moreover, discussion about objective work data like absence and
productivity records.

Performance management is the continuous process of matching an employee’s performance

with organization objective by measuring, identifying and performance development of
individuals as well as teams. As it is a continuous process, feedback is given daily or weekly to
ensure improvement, performance is always driven and compared with company goals and it is
quick to take corrective actions.
Performance appraisal on the other hand is conducted once or twice a year, it is concerned with
performance measurement and evaluation and does not usually take corrective measures.

Six Basic elements:

 Direction sharing- Clear communication of company goals
 Goal alignment- Link between employee and company goals
 Ongoing performance monitoring- For eliminating problems and augment tasks
 Ongoing feedback- Ensure goal progress
 Coaching and development support- For employees to learn and develop
 Recognition and rewards- Positive reinforcement

We, Alcatraz HR would definitely recommend Ozmium to conduct performance appraisal and
management throughout the year for better performance. While appraisal should take place 1-2
times a year, we suggest a continuous performance management approach. For this to be more
effective, Ozmium will need to identify their SMART goals and communicate it to their
employees clearly. Supervisor appraisal and subordinate appraisal should be conducted as they
line up together perfectly, while supervisors may help subordinates improve performance, the
subordinates may also help supervisors become better managers. The 360-degree method would
give a more accurate result for further development. Emphasis should especially be on avoiding
bias and common errors like the recency and halo effect. The combination of BARS and MBO as

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appraisal tools may be ideal as these tools measure extensively and are better for collecting
qualitative data. While conducting appraisal interviews, common interview shortcoming should
be avoided while adhering to the Six Basic Elements focusing on Direction, Goal alignment and
Ongoing monitoring and feedback.

Workplace Safety:
Workplace safety refers to the working environment at a company and envelops all variables that
affect the safety and well-being of workers. This could incorporate natural dangers, risky
working conditions or forms of medication, and work environment savagery. In this COVID-19
pandemic, it’s very essential to ensure workplace safety.

The following steps can help Ozmium avoid the spread of covid-19 in Ozmium and ensure
workplace safety. The employees of Ozmium ought to begin doing these things presently, even if
COVID-19 has not arrived within the communities where they work. 

1. As of now, you can decrease working days misplaced due to sickness or moderate the
spread of COVID-19 if it arrives at one of your workplaces.
2. Make sure, beyond any doubt, your work environments are clean and hygienic. Surfaces
(e.g. work areas and tables) and objects (e.g. Mobile phones, computers) have to be
wiped with disinfectant regularly.
3. Promote regular and exhaustive hand-washing by representatives, temporary workers,
and customers.
4. Put sanitizing hand rub containers in conspicuous places around the work environment. 
5. Make sure these aforementioned allocators are frequently refilled. 
6. Display blurbs advancing hand-washing.
7. Make beyond any doubt that staff, temporary workers and clients have got to places
where they can wash their hands with cleanser and water.
8. Ensure that paper tissues are accessible at your workplace, for those who create a runny
nose or hack at work. 
9. Advise workers and temporary workers to allude to national travel counsel before going
on commerce trips.

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10.  Brief your representatives, temporary workers, and clients that, in case, COVID-19
begins spreading in your community anybody with indeed a mellow hack or low-grade
fever (37.3 C or more) should remain at home.
11.  Make clear to representatives that they will be able to check this time off as wiped out
12.  Develop and concur on a readiness arrangement to avoid contamination at your assembly
or event. 
13. Consider whether a face-to-face assembly or occasion is required. See if it can be
replaced by a teleconference or online event.
14. Seem if the assembly or occasion be scaled down so that fewer individuals attend. 
15. Energize members of the assembly to cover their confrontations with the twist of their
elbow or tissue if they hack or sniffle. 
16. Supply tissues and closed canisters to arrange them in. 
17. Sometimes open windows and entryways of the office thus it gets well ventilated. 
18. Avoid sending representatives who may be at a higher chance of genuine ailment (e.g.
older employees and those with bad conditions such as diabetes, heart, and lung disease)
to zones where COVID-19 is spreading. 
19. Whereas your representatives are traveling, empower workers to wash their hands
routinely and remain at the slightest one meter absent from hacking or sneezing
20.  Ensure representatives know what to do and who to contact if that they feel sick whereas
21. Develop an arrangement of what to do in case somebody gets sick with suspected
COVID-19 at one of your workplaces [ CITATION Get20 \l 1033 ].

Employee benefits are certain perks and facilities provided to employees in addition to their
salaries to boost productivity and reduce employee turnover rates. 92% employees say that
benefits are important to their overall job satisfaction (The Evolution of Benefits, 2018).

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There are many kinds of benefits and they come at a significant cost to the employer. However, a
well-designed benefit policy can save the company money in the long run and increase the
company’s reputation. As Ozmium is a paining company, I recommend the following benefit
types and structure for it-
 Supplemental Benefits
 Insurance Benefits
 Retirement Benefits
 Personal Services Benefits

1. Supplemental Benefits:
 Vacation & Holidays: Employees should be entitled to a total of 10 days of vacation
time per year. Workers can decide themselves whether to avail these vacation days or not.
If an employee works and forgoes these vacation days he/she will receive a premium pay
of 5%.

 Sick Leave: Employees should be entitled to 12 days of sick leave per year. They can
avail these when they fall ill. Some employees tend to misuse sick leaves and to prevent
that minimal use of sick leaves should be incentivized. Employees who availed the least
amount of sick leaves in a month should be rewarded with a small token of appreciation
every quarter. This will motivate employees to use their sick leaves cautiously.

 Parental Leave: Expecting mothers and spouses of expecting mothers should be entitled
to up to 12 months unpaid parental leave. Once the leave ends, the employee can join
back at their respective positions without fearing the loss of employment.

2. Insurance Benefits: 
Hospitalization, Health, & Disability: The company should provide health insurance for
doctor’s visits, eye care and dental services. In the case of an accident or health issue where the
employee is unable to work, disability insurance should cover the cost of employees’ salaries.
Life insurance should also be provided where a sum of money will be paid to the family of the

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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

3. Retirement Benefits:
Pension Plan: An employee will receive a fixed sum of money once the employee continues
work with the company for at least 10 years and reaches an age where he/she is no longer able to
continue to work because of age. A contributory pension plan scheme should be implemented
with the employee contributing 5% of his/her monthly salary and the employer matching the

4. Personal Service Benefits:

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP): Poor mental health leads to burnout at work and loss of
productivity at work (World Health Organization, 2005). Mental health counseling should be
provided to employees free of cost to cope with difficulties and manage mental illnesses. 

During this COVID-19 pandemic Ozmium, a paint company faced various distressing
challenges. Most of these are due to the lacking of their internal Human Resource Management.
We, a team of Alcatraz HR solutions materialized several recommendations that will help them
survive in this situation and the future as well. To begin with, we recommend Ozmium to use
both internal and external sourcing for recruitment. Succession planning is a part of internal
sourcing and offshoring and sourcing from the internet being a part of external sourcing. Moving
on from recruitment we suggest five steps for the companies interview process. Which starts
with analyzing and rating the jobs according to the importance of job success. From there
creating a mixture of questions that well suits the organization and job and keep a benchmark for
the answers. We recommend a panel interview for Ozmium. For testing and selection, we
strongly recommend Ozmium to follow video-based situational testing, cognitive analysis,
background checks, and most importantly physical and medical tests during this pandemic.
Training and development are one of the most important human resource processes, which if not
done properly will lead to immense inefficiency. We recommend Apprenticeship Training as
well as Job Instruction Training where the employees can be properly instructed throughout their
job. Along with that, Job Rotation and Understudy Approach should be done as well as it will let

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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

an employee adapt to the skills of multiple departments and also work under the supervision of
the senior manager. Performance appraisal is the next on the agenda for our recommendations.
For this, we suggest a continuous performance management approach. Ozmium will have to
recognize their SMART goals and interface with their employees. Supervisor appraisal and
subordinate appraisal should be conducted as they line up together perfectly. The 360-degree
method would give a more accurate result for further development. For workplace safety, we
have compiled strong 21 points recommendations that cover all aspects of workplace safety.
Keeping in mind the recent pandemic and the safety precautions that need to be taken. Finally,
we suggest four kinds of benefits that will come to a cost of Ozmium paints. They are;
supplemental benefits, insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and personal services benefits.
With this, we end our pool of recommendations for Ozmium paints. Before making all these
recommendations we considered all the challenges and hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic
and we hope these will help Ozmium grow in the future.


Dessler, G. (2016). Human Resource Management (15th ed.). Pearson.

Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19. (2020, 03 3). Retrieved from World Health

Glassdoor for Employers. (2020, October 16). How to Conduct Better Interviews |
Glassdoor. US | Glassdoor for Employers.

Haruna, Jelila. 2019. Business Jargons. External Sources of Recruitment. [Online] October
27, 2019.

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Restructuring of HRM for Ozmium by Alcatraz HR

Society for Human Resource Management. (2018). The Evolution of Benefits [eBook].
Retrieved from
surveys/Documents/2018%20Employee%20Benefits%20Report.pdf 2021. Employee Testing And Selection - What Is Human Resource?

(Defined) Human Resource Management Topics - Labour Laws - High Courts & Supreme
Court Citation - Case Laws. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 12
January 2021].

World Health Organization. (2005). Mental Health Policies and Programmes in the
Workplace. Geneva: World Health Organization.

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