Group F - MIS 207.2

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Project Paper on OneStop Healthcare

Course: E-Business (MIS 207)

Section: 02 Semester: Summer 2020
Date: 28th September, 2020

Submitted to: Mahbubur Rahman (MBR1)

Department of Management
North South University

Submitted by: Group - F

Name ID
Sharmin Akter 1731769630
Mahamudul Hassan 1812078630
Omar Faruk Khan Rafi 1821166630
Benazir Ahmed 1822066630
Tabsir Ahmed 1921261030

Letter of Acknowledgement
28 September 2020
Mahbubur Rahman (MBR1)
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
North South University, Dhaka.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, we would like to inform you that we have completed our project on our
new idea named OneStop Healthcare. It is an immense pleasure for us because we have
successfully completed the project by receiving your continuous guideline as a supervisor.
We have endeavored to prepare this project from our level best to accumulate relevant and
insightful information. We tried to make this project comprehensive within the scheduled
time and limited resources.
Therefore, we earnestly hope that you would be kind enough to consider our mistakes in
comparison to our hard work. We would be thankful once again if you kindly give your
judicious advice on our effort.

Yours Sincerely,
Group – F
Sharmin Akter 1731769630
Mahamudul Hassan 1812078630
Omar Faruk Khan Rafi 1821166630
Benazir Ahmed 1822066630
Tabsir Ahmed 1921261030
Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................1
Requirement - 01: E-business in OneStop Healthcare......................................................................3
Range of Services..............................................................................................................................3
E-business Model..............................................................................................................................5
Drivers of E-business Adoption.........................................................................................................5
Requirement - 02: E-Business Revenue Model..................................................................................7
Value Proposition of the E-business Model.......................................................................................7
Revenue Model of the Organization..................................................................................................7
Online Marketplace Structure..........................................................................................................10
Requirement - 03: E-business Platform...........................................................................................14
IT Use for OneStop Healthcare........................................................................................................14
The Web Technology and Software Application.............................................................................15
Web Content Management Strategy and Web Optimization...........................................................15
Requirement - 04: Digital Strategy of OneStop Healthcare...........................................................16
Analyzing E-Business Strategy........................................................................................................17
Competitive Threats........................................................................................................................20
Requirement - 05: E-business Security............................................................................................22
5 IT Security Risks for OneStop Healthcare....................................................................................22
Payment Fraud.................................................................................................................................24
DDoS Attack...................................................................................................................................24
Executive Summary

As the world is encountering technological advancement every now and then, everything has
been shifting towards digitalization. So, why not make healthcare services more easily
available and reliable by utilizing the privilege of e-commerce. Thus, OneStop healthcare is
here to solve all health-related issues through their e-business model. They are targeting
towards the keen internet users. The demographics are between an age group from 20 to 45
and belong to social class from working class-upper class. This is how OneStop healthcare
differentiates itself as their service is affordable for every class as long as they have access to
internet. The company’s vision is to be a problem solver in the market, and ensure ease in
healthcare services through no hassle of waiting for hours to get an appointment or to see a
doctor. The users would get the services whenever they want as the company promises 24/7
service. It is not just confined within doctor’s consultancy, but has broader its service line
through diagnostic services, arrangement of ambulances during emergencies and delivery of
medical equipment. The company will promote their services through both traditional and
digital platforms by the means of social media marketing and affiliate in sponsorship


In this digital world, the facilities of the internet are growing day by day. A large number of
people are involving in the internet area daily. So, the online marketplace is getting bigger
day by day. As a result, e-business is increasing. It is a range of processes such as Internet
Applications and Network Applications, World Wide Web, E-mail. Here we will recognize
how our company keeps up our E-Business System and we will do a pragmatic analysis of
that. Our OneStop Healthcare is based on the E-Business system and we will also focus on
five significant E-Business models. These five major factors are E-Business in Organization,
E-Business Revenue Model, E-Business Platform/Infrastructure, Digital Strategy for E-
Business and, E-Business Security. These elements have special significance in the e-
business stage which plays a special role in the progress of our company.

Requirement - 01: E-business in OneStop Healthcare

E-business is the combination of techniques, technologies, and processes to electronically

facilitate both internal and external business processes. Here we are going to identify how
online healthcare service maintains our E-business system and we are also going to do a
practical analysis about that. Our One Stop Healthcare organization provides healthcare
online and, these services are anything and everything that can be delivered without actually
meeting a specialist and get inspected. Firstly, we include doctor consultation and subsequent
opinion in this service. The doctor can order lab tests to see the patient’s condition online
(home collection) and the patient can communicate with us for booking surgery. We have
arranged home care services, like a nursing, physiotherapist, even doctors. Even we arrange
for ambulances according to the patient’s needs. We organize services that offer various ways
for patients to connect with our doctors, including video and phone chat, email, live chat, and
text messaging. We include treatment for acute and chronic health issues, mental and
behavioral health care, preventative care, prescription and lab services, and more.


Our mission is to provide high-quality online healthcare service for our patients and build a
long- term relationship with them.


Our organization imagines a world-class health care system that puts patients first. We can
provide patient-centered online healthcare by international facilities. In this case, the advice
of foreign doctors can play a special role inpatient care.

Range of Services

The range of online health care services a patient can receive at home is boundless. We
provide patient services through video consultations with all the best-experienced doctors in
the country. Our doctors will determine the patient’s care plans and services they may need.
We provide a wide range of services online and our offering online services provides

opportunities for us to reach more customers and it can help us to grow our business and
succeed in a competitive marketplace. Our services include –

 Online Video Consultation

 Diagnostic Services
 24/7 Emergency Ambulance and Oxygen Cylinder services
 Emergency ICU Arrangement
 Medical Supplies

Characteristics of Product/Service

The purpose of our organization is not only to provide health services to the people but we
also offer various types of medical products to satisfy consumer’s demand. We provide
medicines, other consumable (supplements), and non-consumables (BP Machine, Weight
Machine, Glucometer Machine, etc.) products for consumers. We also offer our consumers
some essential products like health & safety products (home oxygen concentrator, KN95B
White Color Mask, PPE15NF, etc.). We provide home delivery services across the country
with minimal delivery charges. Our company is a trusted source of quality products of
various brands for you and your family which can meet the needs of all.

Key Business Focus

Our company provides many essential products for consumers and we check every product
carefully before delivery. We focus on the quality of the products and make sure that no
wrong product is sent to the customers. We also focus on the online doctor and medical
services that offer our patients a wide range of care. Basically, the main focus of our business
is to provide low-cost healthcare to all customers in easy way, and to meet their needs.

E-business Model

The E-business model, similar to any business model, depicts the capacity of an organization,
how it provides a product or service and the way it generates revenue. We use two business

B2B - Business to Business

Basically, the largest e-business model dependent on created revenue is Business to Business
or B2B. The seller and buyer both are business entities in a B2B model. B2B exchanges
might be from manufacturer to distributor, distributor to the retailer, or retailer to retailer. The
quantity of B2B exchanges that occur is far more prominent in number than the other
exchange types. Many B2B transactions occur along with the supply chain. The B2B model
has more market strength because of the static idea of our business models. This model
allows for a stable relationship to form between two organizations doing business with one
another. OneStop Healthcare collaborates with multiple intermediaries such as diagnostic
companies, ambulance and oxygen cylinder service providers, medical suppliers etc. and
provides the services to the customers.

B2C - Business to Consumers

Another common e-business model is Business to Consumer model and this business model
involves a business that sells products directly to consumers. It is mainly used to refer to
online retailers who sell products and services to consumers through the internet. Most of the
time, OneStop Healthcare operates in B2C business model. According to the B2C business
model, we provide online healthcare services and a variety of medical products according to
the patients needs.

Drivers of E-business Adoption

Adoption is the method during which an enterprise becomes capable of executing

electronically and its’ process starts with getting information on e-business ideas and
investigating the solution available on the market. The most significant factors driving and
repressing the intent to pursue or reject the adoption of e-business are perceived benefits,
external pressure, perceived costs, and organizational readiness.

Generally, perceived benefits and perceived costs are related to the anticipated economic and
strategic advantages and disadvantages.


● Reducing manual paper handling and data entry leads to time-saving.

● Reducing postage and storage needs leads to costs saving.
● Strengthening customer relations leads to a long-term partnership.
● Closer collaboration between supplier and buyer leads to improved customer loyalty.


● Cost of trading partner onboarding management.

● Installation and integration costs.
● Demand for increased effort and resources to support both new and existing practices.
● Risks of constantly having to adapt to changing business needs and technological

Requirement - 02: E-Business Revenue Model

Value Proposition of the E-business Model

OneStop healthcare aims to serve a value proposition to gain an upper hand in the
healthcare sector. The unique feature that differentiates the business from any other
healthcare service provider is that the business aspires to not just operate locally but as
well as globally. They intend to provide a platform for their target audience, the patients,
which allows them to consult with doctors all over the world. They seek to connect the
users/patients with experienced and qualified healthcare specialists of every category such
as physician, pediatrician, gynecologist, cardiologist etc. from several countries. This
undifferentiated feature is beneficial for the users in certain aspects such as they do not
have to physically visit some other country to avail the service, which could fulfill their
desire of affordability. The foreign doctors that the business appoints are assessed based
on their qualification details and their profile is evaluated to check the reliability of their
proficiency before appointing them. They also maintain a database of their background
information to ensure complete transparency and avoid any sort of mishaps. This feature
is quite helpful during unfavorable situations such as pandemic or any sort of war
throughout which international flights are discontinued. The patients can directly select a
doctor of their choice from the appointed group of healthcare specialists by browsing
information regarding them available on the website. This is how they create value for
the users and flourish in the market. OneStop healthcare targets to meet the customer
expectations through their very unique proposition generating maximum value.

Revenue Model of the Organization

OneStop healthcare constructed their revenue model in a combination of “Fee for

Service” and “Advertising supported” to ensure maximization of its revenue generation
to its full potential. The company seeks to earn revenue based on the value and services
provided by charging a certain amount of fee on it. Their primary services such as
appointment with doctors would incur the user a specific fee only if they apply for the

service. This model entails the services provided in details along with their charges
varying on each of their services. The whole procedure for this model starts off with:

 The user/patient browsing our website to appoint the best suited healthcare specialist
 Then book an appointment at their desired time
 And finally undergo the web consultation.
 The user is required to submit the patient’s medical history for a quick rundown
and would also bring efficiency in the operation and accuracy in the service.

This is how OneStop healthcare implies the use of a fee for service revenue model to
earn money through the core service of medical consultation.
Apart from that, their secondary services include:
 Diagnostic services
 24/7 Ambulance Availability
 Oxygen Cylinder
 Pulse Oximeter
 Arranging ICUs during an emergency.
 The company operates in a B2B structure to offer their secondary services, which
doesn’t incur high cost to raise capital since the business just affiliates with few
principal organizations, precisely the hospitals and the medical equipment provider,
to provide these secondary services.

The process entails:

 They would go for an agreement with hospitals and bind a contract with them
regarding the provision of ambulances whenever a user requests for it on our website.
 The human agent involved in our system would contact the hospital as soon as they
get requests for ambulances/oxygen cylinders/pulse oximeters and deliver to the
desired address.
 The procedure would initiate with requesting for the user’s necessary details such as
the name, address, contact number and verify it immediately to avoid any sort of
fraudulent activities. This ensures the reliability of the service.

 The human agent would communicate with the hospital and provide them necessary
details, upon acceptance of the order.
 The hospital would process an automated invoice to the user through the system and
proceed with delivery.
 The user would make payment for the service after the completion.
This particular revenue model is directed towards saving time and hassle for the users
through the company themselves being a middleman.

On the contrary, OneStop healthcare’s revenue model also consists of “Advertising

supported”, this model is an indirect way to earn revenue from the business. The
website of the company could be utilized to advertise products/services relevant to its
business model.
The process involves:
 We would be applying ‘specific interest strategy’ and would target advertisers who
would be willing to promote their products/services such as the medical insurance
or medical equipment.
 This would help them raise an ample amount of revenue solely through advertising,
since the advertisers would be very much eager to put their products/services
advertisements on websites that operates in the same healthcare industry as them.

In this case, the advertiser can apply the ‘breadcrumb strategy’, this is a more effective
approach, to slightly inform the visitor about the existence of the advertiser’s product or
service through advertisements on a website that follows the same concern/idea as yours.
This would definitely be a very convincing proposal to the advertiser for providing
significant attention and exposure of their goods and services. And it is an excellent
opportunity for the business as well to make the best use of the blank space on the
website to earn some extra cash. This would help the business in a smooth operation and
usage of the platform such as their website more efficiently.

Online Marketplace Structure

OneStop healthcare operates in a service oriented online marketplace which involves no

association between the seller/service provider and the buyer/user. The web or electronic
marketplace is certainly considered as a dynamic field which evolves every now and then
due to the non-stop advancement in information and communication technology.

1. Market Segment: It is very essential to understand a business’s market segment in

order to gain success. Thus, the company would opt for customer-based marketing
strategy as they are operating in a B2B and B2C marketplace. Their market segment
is generally the patients, but the target market might be unaware of the existence of
such a website because everyone is not tech savvy. This requires the business to reach
out to the right group of customers, specifically the ones who might be interested to
avail tele healthcare. Thus, OneStop healthcare’s business model targets a diverse
range of customers and identifies each of the group of target audience based on their
behavioral, demographics, geographic and psychographic characteristics. This is
to determine the customer choices and preferences and present them with services

 Behavioral: maintains healthy lifestyle and gets check up on a regular basis.

 Demographics:
1. Age group: 20-45
2. Working class-upper class.
 Geographic:
1. Primary consultation service all over Bangladesh and globally
2. Secondary service initially all over Dhaka, intending to expand all over Bangladesh.
 Psychographic: Avid internet users and health conscious

2. Revenue Generating Strategy:

Product Strategy- The service provided by OneStop healthcare could be labeled as a
necessity so they won’t have a hard time in marketing the service. The only difference is
that the service would be delivered in a different manner than the usual. In this case, the

business is intending to make the best use of e-commerce to deliver convenience and
content in the following ways:
 They would solve a major problem of the customers of having to visit the doctor
physically which builds on convenience.
 They double check both the doctor and user details database to maintain 100%
 They would have an individual blog section on the website which emphasizes content
such as articles concerning various health issues and tips to live a healthy life which
adds to the content generation for the user.
 The emphasis on these would help the business earn a large portion of revenue since
they are focusing on a user’s perspective.
Services may include:
1. Consultation
2. Follow ups
3. 24/7 Ambulance availability
4. Arrangement of ICU during emergencies
5. Medical equipment such as oxygen cylinder, pulse oximeter etc.

Pricing Strategy- The business model followed by OneStop health care is inclined
towards aiming to generate value for the users. This is why set the prices at a level which
would make our services budget friendly beside being user friendly.
 The business will charge two-third of the visit fee that customers had to pay if they
would’ve gone to the hospitals. The approximate amount would be around Tk.600 to
 This would vary from each category of doctors based on their designated area, for
example a cardiologist's consultation fees would be slightly higher than a general
physician’s fee.

In case of our secondary services, we would not have direct control over the pricing, but
the business would affiliate with the most reasonable supplier in the market to ensure that
the users can avail the services at an affordable rate. The revenue that the business
would generate through the secondary services is that they would charge a commission
on every transaction of these services through the website.

Place Strategy- The prime place that the business would be operating on is the electronic
platform i.e. the website through which they would commence all sort of processing of
their services. Apart from that our secondary services requires to physically visit in order
to provide ambulances, oxygen cylinders etc. But in case of the company, they are
actually acting as merchants who would help other businesses such as hospital, medical
equipment companies to deliver the product themselves, they are not directly involved in
the distribution procedure. But they need to assure that the quality of the service is
topnotch through cooperation from the related businesses to not lose customers and
guarantee high revenue generation.

Promotion Strategy- It is very essential to analyze the market segment before introducing
your product/service to them. Hence, OneStop healthcare would implement the five-stage
customer loyalty model to divide each customer group in five stages that would help the
business scrutinize the market segment to promote the services in a more constructive

1. The first stage is about how the business should create “awareness” about the
company and its services:
 They can carry out surveys on their target market before introducing their services to
them by hunting them a bit about it.
 In this way, they would basically inform the customer about the existence of the
2. In the second stage of “exploration”:
 unfold the service’s functioning through e-mail marketing to make sure the target
customer knows where to go when in need of the business’s services.
3. The third stage, known as the “familiarity” stage is:
 all about motivating the customer to avail the service.
4. The fourth stage “reminder” is very crucial since the business has to focus on
retaining customers in order to earn long term growth through:
 continually reminding them about follow ups with the healthcare consultants on the
5. The final stage which is the “separation”, is when the business knows:

 that this particular group should not be targeted anymore
 this helps to not invest the time and money in promoting to the wrong group and
therefore save cost and generate earnings.
Apart from customer-based marketing, OneStop healthcare would apply social media
 Facebook page/Instagram handling- They would consistently inform about their
services through their social media platforms and encourage their users for feedback
or service rating to maintain customer interaction and engagement.
 Sponsorship- They would sponsor ads on sites concerning healthcare such as
healthcare blogs or maintaining healthy lifestyle blogs to gather customer attention.
 Promotion through Social Media Influencers- Since the youth follow and look up
to social media influencers these days, OneStop healthcare can partner up with them
to promote directly.
The display/banner ad can be an effective way to attract the target market by putting them on
interrelated websites or apps to promote as well as generate earnings through it. Other than
that, they can sponsor events such as mental health awareness campaigns or pharmacy/
biochemistry club events for offline promotions.

3. Marketplace Structure:
OneStop healthcare is a typical intermediary based business connecting users/patients to
the doctors and helping them find necessary medical supplies instantly. All the user has to
do is, sign up on the business’s website, fill out required details and avail the service that
they need in the fastest possible way through the use of e-commerce. They are acting as a
bridge between the users and the healthcare consultants as well as the supplier of
medical equipment which are difficult to find on a short notice. The business desires to
be a problem solver during dire consequences of a patient when they have limitations on
time and situation to go for traditional healthcare. The business’s structure is quite
suitable during situations like a pandemic or war when you are restricted to go out. The
company brings you the best possible solution during such unfortunate events through
telehealth care.

Requirement - 03: E-business Platform
Why One Stop Healthcare needs an e-Commerce CRM?

Update Customer Profile: The formation of one or more client profiles to guide the
promotional activities is a cornerstone of an effective promotion procedure. Profiles are
typical depictions of target client bunches.

Extensive Customer Data: A CRM system would have all the history of consumer
preferences and habits, even those acquired prior to deploying the systems. This information
is essential to the analysis of each customer's preferences and orientation. Once we learn
about it, we will be able to offer them their required services more efficiently.

Keep a Record of Customer Service Requests: Another main component of an e-commerce

CRM is addressing customer requests, inquiries, or grievances. We will be able to use our
CRM computer software to make customer behavior reports and keep track of the reasons
why in the past they came out of our client benefit staff.

IT Use for OneStop Healthcare

Intranet: As for the internal networking system, the intranet can play a very important role.
We can use the intranet to exchange data with each other and also to communicate with each
other. We can collect and exchange information through the intranet. It will be very easy for
OneStop Healthcare to connect with each other via intranet.

Extranet: To connect with our external sources (i.e. doctors, ambulance, pharmaceuticals
etc.), we will use extranet. We will exchange information among the external sources via
extranet. We have a plan to collaborate, and if required, we will make arrangements for
online meetings through extranet. This will allow us to strengthen the business relationship
between our sources.

Internet: The Internet is OneStop Healthcare’s primary weapon. Most of our works are
going to be done via the internet. Organizations like as us that provide online healthcare
service mostly require this component, and the internet needs to be fast, reliable so that we
can do our job efficiently.

The Web Technology and Software Application

Web 2.0: We are using web 2.0 for one stop service. Users will be using our web version 2.0
and also for the non-experts it is very simple to use. Our web can be accessed and used by
anyone from anywhere in Bangladesh. People can get their service easily from anywhere at
any time using this web version.

Blog: Blogging is a conduit that pushes patients into your website and eventually, generates
revenue for the company. Blogging related content is an extremely useful method for
increasing traffic on our website and services. Blogging multiple times in a week or month,
will lead Google to place a value (authority on our website) and ranking us higher than our
rival companies. Moreover, other websites will publish excerpts of our content, and give us
attribution. If the viewers of the website match with the demographics (Bangladesh) of our
practice, it can be very rewarding pushing thousands of viewers on our website.

Android and iOS: The software application that One stop service will have is going to be for
both the platform; Android and iOS. Android and iOS are the most commonly used mobile
phone operating systems, and by making our app available on both of these platforms we will
have broader scope to reach for potential customers. The application will be based on java
and developed by Ground Up.

Web Content Management Strategy and Web Optimization

Web content management strategy for One Stop Healthcare:

Robust, Simple Search: We will put a search button on every page, so that the user doesn’t
have to go looking for the search again. The search will populate suggestions as soon as the
user starts typing.

Intuitive Navigation Structure: We will organize the whole site in such a way that any user
can grasp the layout of the site easily. In this way, users can easily and effectively locate the
information they are searching for without needing support from other individuals.

As part of web optimization and responsiveness, without compromising the overall style and
looks, we will put less graphically intense graphics as possible. We will also build a well-
optimized app for both the iOS and Android platforms, where the app can also run smoothly
on older devices.

Requirement - 04: Digital Strategy of OneStop Healthcare
OneStop Healthcare has its separate E-business strategy that supports its corporate strategy.
The company uses CRM and Social Media Strategy to hold its position in the market.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM helps the company to stay connected
with its customer and build relationships with new customers. It also benefits the company in
the following ways:

 Improve sales and profitability

 Provide better customer service
 Reduce the cost of sales
 Proper customer retention
 Improve customer satisfaction and gain potential customers

Social Media Strategy: Since the Bangladeshi customer base is highly dependent on social
media nowadays, it is the perfect place for OneStop Healthcare to attract the customers
attention. The company uses social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and their
own company blog.

 Facebook Page: allows the company to interact directly with the customers since
70% of the population is a regular user of facebook. It helps the company to attract
more customers within a very low cost, take feedback and improve accordingly.
 Facebook Group: It’s a community where the regular OneStop Healtchare users can
interact and share their feedbacks with each other. It allows the new customers to
understand the services better and drive them to become a potential customer of the
 LinkedIn: Here the company can attract the customers belonging to upper class since
most of the people affiliated with the corporate sector of Bangladesh uses LinkedIn to
interact with the other brands. As such, it is a perfect place for OneStop Healthcare to
grab the attention of the big leaders. It also helps the company to interact with the
other intermediaries and build a B2B relationship.

 Website Blog: Here the the doctors and healthcare professionals write about their
own thoughts and give feedbacks. The customers are also allowed to write their own
blogs and discuss with the doctors. So, the website blog also works as a community.

Social media plays a major role in creating a positive brand image in a customer’s mind. The
company takes the feedback of the customers from the platforms and showcases them to
create a positive brand image. The sole purpose of the company is to provide the best
possible service to a patient. As such, showcasing a review from a patient who took service
from the company can help to attract more customers, build trust and turn new customers and
website visitors into regular customers. This is how the company creates a positive brand
image in the market.

Analyzing E-Business Strategy

Market Positioning
OneStop Healthcare is distinguishing itself through flexibility and convenience. We provide
customer value through our differentiated services of web consultation globally. We are
specializing on 24/7 availability of both our primary and secondary services which is how we
would stand out in the market enhancing our customer satisfaction. Our services ensure
reliability, convenience and it is affordable at the same time. We are trying to brand ourselves
in the market through providing the customers with the perceived value through our services.
The below mentioned strategies are followed by the company to maintain its position in the

 Customer Benefits
Since the customers are our outmost priority, the services were developed solely
based on the benefits of the customers. The services are reliable and convenient for
everyone. We stand out of the crowd based on the variety of services we provide
rather than providing one or two services like the competitors. The services that we
offer are based on customer demands and needs and the company tries to target the
unmet needs of a large part of the market.

 Affordable Pricing
Our services are renowned because of their affordability. The services that our
competitors provide are not within everyone’s reach because they are mostly targeting
the upper-class market. But OneStop Healthcare focuses on the general mass and our
aim is to provide healthcare services to all class of people whenever they require. As
such, our affordable pricing ensures everyone to avail our services and get proper

Strategic Agility

OneStop Healthcare grabs the market opportunity instantly by seeing people relying on the
use of internet to avail certain services. The company has a competitive advantage over the
offline healthcare services since many people are availing online based services that is cost
and time efficient. Businesses have to deal with continuous changes, so we need to have a
process-oriented business that is very agile to respond to the changes very fast. Strategic
agility is needed to make the correct decision in the proper time to run the business smoothly.
OneStop Healthcare can easily evaluate strategies and implement them within a very short
period of time because of its ability of gaining economies of scale since the company is
affiliated with multiple intermediaries and it allows the company to provide the best quality
service than the other companies at a lower cost.

How OneStop Healthcare can be Agile?

 Adapt/review the strategies to take the appropriate decision that is strategically viable for
running the business

 Considering not only financial value but also intangible values (potential customer value)
while offering products and services to the customers since the sole purpose of the company
is to ensure proper healthcare services to people.

 Add more functionalities and make customers aware about the new functionalities that is
going to deliver new values from the services. Constantly developing new ideas so that
customers rely on the newer version of the services.

 Businesses are constantly developing ideas and they are testing them so that they can revise
them later improve them. As such, the company can invest in research and develop it’s
products and services to ensure the best quality available in the market.

SWOT Analysis:

Strengths Weaknesses

● All in one solution for every ● Mass people are dependent on offline
healthcare related services services
● Less time consuming for availing the ● Lack of gaining trust
service ● Devices and network not within every
● Automation of physical healthcare customers reach
● Affordable for everyone

Opportunities Threats

● Addressing large market with unmet ● Existing competitors can apply the
needs same strategy and gain market share
● Beneficial for intermediary companies ● Monopolistic healthcare industry of
● Growing demand on the healthcare Bangladesh
system ● Data privacy and security
● Global digital healthcare market is ● System/Website glitch can disrupt the
expected to grow fast operations
● Increasing health consciousness
among people

Competitor Analysis

OneStop Healthcare Praava Health

Provides doctors consultancy, diagnostic Provides only doctors consultancy and

service, medical supplies, emergency diagnostic service
ambulance and oxygen service etc.

Works with multiple intermediary and Have their own doctors and diagnostic labs
medical service providing companies

Affordable pricing Not affordable by all class of people

Competitive Threats

Rivalry between the Competitors

OneStop Healthcare is working in a very competitive industry where the whole Bangladeshi
healthcare industry is monopolistic competition. Moreover, the cloud-based service providing
companies such as Praava Health and PlexusD are the existing rivals.

How can OneStop Healthcare tackle the existing rivals?

 Proper pricing strategy will help the company to gain competitive advantage over the
 Building economies of scale so that it’s easier to compete.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Since OneStop Healthcare works with multiple intermediaries (suppliers), the bargaining
power of them can be a threat for the company since it may reduce the quality of the
purchased goods, which may lead to unsatisfied customer experience. The availability of
substitute suppliers is really important since it helps the company to determine the supplier
power. The fewer the suppliers are, the more power they have.

How can OneStop Healthcare tackle the bargaining power of suppliers?

 Collaborate with more suppliers in the market to ensure proper quality products
 Not relying heavily on one supplier
 Lowering switching costs

Threat of Substitute Products or Services

Since the major part of the population is not used to online based healthcare services,
traditional healthcare services can be a threat for the company. There are also customers who
are not able to put their trust in an online healthcare platform at the very first impression. As
such, it will be a hard task for the company to grab those customers since they are solely
dependent on the offline healthcare services such as hospitals, diagnostic centers etc.
Therefore, traditional healthcare services are a threat for the company.

How can OneStop Healthcare tackle the threat of substitutes?

 Ensuring proper quality service to gain customer satisfaction and drive them towards
online services
 Understanding the needs of the customers and developing the services accordingly.

Requirement - 05: E-business Security

Once an imminent future, now everlasting perpetuity in all walks of life, E-business is an
integral part of most businesses. In this modern age, efficiency and effectiveness have
allowed businesses to adopt an ecosystem that can extend their operational and functional
ability to serve the customers better. The application of IT in business is booming across the
world. But over the years, this has garnered a lot of unwanted attention. Businesses are
adopting ever-more sophisticated security systems to safeguard their online activities to
tackle uncalled problems. However, hackers and cybercriminals are also becoming astute in
exploiting trivial gaps, if not glaring, in the online security structure of businesses. So,
businesses should be aware of the type and ways criminals can interfere in the process. Now
let's focus on five specific IT security risks that can hinder the regular activities of OneStop

5 IT Security Risks for OneStop Healthcare

Distributed Denial of Service Attack

In short DDoS attack occurs when someone or maybe a botnet is flooding or directing
colossal traffic with different IP addresses towards a single IP address to make the service
unavailable or completely offline. The DDoS attack has a reputation of its own as the loss can
sometimes be irrecuperable. Experts opine that it not only makes the service go offline but
can also result in customers losing their trust in the business. (Ashford, 2018).


It is a combination of viruses, spyware, trojan and ransomware that is designed to cause

damage to a server or a computer network by gaining unauthorized access and control over
the targeted system or network. Cybercriminals can use this malicious method to send emails
that contain viruses to clients or users of the network. They can also tinker with the database
and information available on that network. Most notably, it can delete and manipulate data
and hold those data to levy ransom from the concerned entities of the business.

Payment Fraud (Identity Theft)

Cybercriminals are becoming notoriously creative and payment fraud is becoming a common
way; hackers use this technique to deceive the payment gateway system either for immediate

gain or sometimes as a precursor. Nowadays, a new way that they steal information is
through E-skimming. Where they leave malicious viruses that can track users' payment
details while users make their payment, they obtain financial and personal data of users to
make transactions using the users' payment details. At the same time, the details of
Debit/credit cards are the main target of hackers. They also steal email and user ids, names,
passwords, location, IP addresses and many more. This information allows hackers to make
fraudulent purchases and manipulate the transaction process.

Phishing and Spear Phishing

Phishing is a seriously deceiving way to gain access and control of a user's information.
Hackers somehow tinker information of users who have subscribed to a particular business
offering products and services through E-business. And they send emails and messages
pretending to be legitimate business owners and pursue them to click on links provided to
them. Payment service giant Paypal has received numerous complaints about this type of
phishing. Also, the ETlast scam is a prime example of phishing (Deb, 2020). Also, spear
phishing is another dangerous technique where hackers target specific people and users in the
name of campaigns and promotional activities and make them produce confidential

SQL Injections

SQL injections are a type of cyber-attack launched by cybercriminals that target the query
inputs of users in a system. Later the criminals use those credentials to impersonate the users.
An attacker generally searches and find vulnerable points of the website to bypass the
security system and inject malicious codes and viruses to extract key information such as Id
and password or card details to use them for their gains. Websites can be stolen and defaced
through this attack. Using SQL, attackers can display content and link of their choosing
instead of the regular contents of the website and record the information provided by the

Security and Management Measures

Of the security threats aforementioned, two that concern businesses most are Payment fraud
and DDoS attack. Below are the security and management measures that can effectively
prevent these two obstacles.

Payment Fraud

Security measure: using machine learning can be a fantastic way to mitigate this payment
fraud and theft for most businesses. It might seem to be a far-fetched idea for some, but the
use of machine learning and AI is on the rise and won't stop anytime soon. Their advanced
algorithms can learn and understand fraudulent information and user requests and reject those
requests. In general, it can become cumbersome for humans to separate legitimate users and
fake users from the ocean of requests that a website or an app gets regularly.

Management measure: being aware of the trends and new ways hackers are thieving financial
data from users and following the best practices, controlling and installing the latest
technologies to prevent such threats. Also, educating the employees through training.

DDoS Attack

Security measure: hiring a specialist security team to prepare a DDoS response action plan
and system. Also, using SSL and HTTPS for the website and educating users to look out for
them. The SSL is known for providing privacy, data integrity and proper security for
vulnerable and sensitive pieces of information. SSL can affirm users' identity and maintain
authenticity throughout, which will improve the existence of E-business and instill trust
among customers. HTTPS is another way to prevent hackers from extracting and interpreting
information from the website. Users should only give information when they see the HTTPS
(the last S stands for secure)

Management Measure: outlining and maintaining a strong security policy. Reducing the
reliance on third-party entities to look after the security system. Rather building a team of our
own can help greatly to be more integrated. Employing a good team to safeguard their
website safety even if it costs heavy. Because if attackers get to penetrate, then the cost can
be exorbitant for the business.

In Bangladesh, the E-commerce sector is amplifying, so are the relevant sectors such as IT
and pharmaceutical industry. People are more comfortable leaning towards what the Eco-
system has to offer. There is no doubt that general consumers would accept the offerings
graciously should the quality of the product and services match their expectaion. Bangladesh
is a developing country meaning there is a lot of scope for the health care services to cash in
and capitalize on that. OneStop could be a pioneer in doing that become a pivotal entity for
the society. OneStop aims to offer products and services to cater to the most general and
common demands of general consumers. After launching OneStop we can incorporate state
of the art technology to better hear what are customers are saying and what improvements
they need. Every business needs to prioritize their customers. But healthcare is a sensitive
category in that. So, we had better come up with solutions and offerings that match the
customers choosing and also nullify their conventional problems.


1. Electronic business. (2020). Retrieved 17 September 2020, from

2. Understanding the factors driving adoption of e-Business. (2020). Retrieved 17

September 2020, from

3.  E-Commerce - Business Models - Tutorials point. (2020). Retrieved 17 September

2020, from

4.  Tyler, J. (2020). Different Types of Ecommerce Business Models Explained (+

Examples). Retrieved 17 September 2020, from

5. Hitesh B. (August 25, 2018), Positioning Strategies, Marketing 9, Retrieved 26

September 2020 from


Group Name: F

By signing on Table 1 each member acknowledges his or her agreement with the stated
contribution to the overall report made by each individual.

First Name Student ID Contribution/Activities Signature

Sharmin Akter 1731769630 Requirement – 01 Sharmin

Mahamudul Hassan 1812078630 Requirement – 05 Mahamudul

Omar Faruk Khan Rafi 1821166630 Requirement - 03 Omar

Benazir Ahmed 1822066630 Requirement – 02 Benazir

Tabsir Ahmed 1921261030 Requirement – 04 Tabsir

Table 1: Membership and Individual Contribution


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