Team Peer Assessment Form

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Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work

Course: BUSI 601 Spring- 14

Your name: Gurpinder Singh Sahni Student ID Number: 2013285 Date: 19/06/2021 Group Number: 6

Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. For each person, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the
left, using a scale of 1-4 (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree). Total the numbers in each column.

Evaluation Criteria Group Group

Group Member’s Member’s
Member’s Name: Name:
Name: Onikate Oluwaseun Gagandeep
-Amosu Sandra kour
Olamiji Aishat Adebayo

Attends group meetings 4 4 4

(physically) regularly and arrives
on time.

Contributes meaningfully to group 4 4 3


Completes group assignments on 4 4 4


Prepares work in a quality manner. 4 4 4

Demonstrates a cooperative and 4 4 4

supportive attitude.

Contributes significantly to the 4 4 4

success of the project.

Overall, how would you rank this 4 4 4

group member’s performance in the
TOTALS 28 28 27

Dr Shakona
More info about each member performance:

Name 1: Onikate -Amosu Olamiji Aishat

Acted as our group leader and helped to coordinate all the meetings and worked on the research design formulation and data collection
for our project and the respective slides.

Name 2: Oluwaseun Sandra Adebayo

Worked on the data preparation and worked on the analysis of that data and respective slides for presentation and also helped
to gather the information about current scenario of Canada in regards to business.

Name 3: Gagandeep Kaur

Worked on the approach for development of the application for the startup and respective slides fro peresentation and also
focused on practicalities while business would start its operations.

Dr Shakona

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