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OBJECT : Determination of flash point for bitumen other than cut back bitumen.
REFERENCE: IS 1209 - 1978

Pensky-Martens closed tester consisting of the following major parts:
(1) Oil cup and lid (2) Heating Vessel (3) Stirrer (4) Thermometer
(5) Ignition Burner (6) Pilot burner (7) Spring handle (8) Revolving shutter
(9) Orifice (10) Gauge disc (11) Lifting hooks (12) Shutter operating device
The flash point of the material is the lowest temperature which the vapour of a substance
momentarily takes fire in the form of flash under specified condition of test.
(i) Clean and dry all parts of the cup and its accessories thoroughly before the test is started.

(ii) Take particular care to avoid the presence of any solvent used to clean the apparatus after a
previous test.

(iii) Fill the cup with the material to be tested up to the level indicated by the filling mark.

(iv) Place the cup on the lid and set the tester on the stove. Take care that the lid on devices are
properly engaged.
(v) Insert the thermometer of specified range.

(vi) Check the test flame and adjust it to the size of 4mm bead.

(vii) The bitumen sample in the tester is heated and the rate of heating is as adjusted such that
the temperature of test specimen increases as the rate of5°C to 6°C per minute.
(viii) Turn the stirrer at a rate of approximately 60 revolutions per minute. When the specimen
attains a temperature of about 17°C below the expected flash point, the test flame is applied at
intervals depending upon the expected flash point. First application is made at least 17°C below
the actual flash point and then at every 1°C to 3°C. The stirring is discontinued for a short time
during the application of the test flame.

RESULT : The flash point is taken as the temperature read on the thermometer at the time of the
flame application that causes a distinct flash in the interior of the cup. The test is repeated on a fresh
sample of the same binder. The duplicate test results should not vary by more than 2°C for binders
with flash points up to104°C or by over 5.5°C for binders above 104°C.

The following are the criteria of repeatability and reproducibility suggested by BIS while accepting the
test results :-

Test Type of Temperature

Flash Point VG-30, VG1- 220.°C±5.5º
& PMB-40

Frequency : Each lot.


OBJECT : To determine the fire point of bitumen.

REFERENCE: IS 1209 – 1978

APPARATUS:- Pensky-Martens closed tester consisting of the following major parts:

(1) Oil cup and lid (2) Heating Vessel (3) Stirrer (4) Thermometer
(5) Ignition Burner (6) Pilot burner (7) Spring handle (8) Revolving shutter
(9) Orifice (10) Gauge disc (11) Lifting hooks (12) Shutter operating device

THEORY : The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the material gets ignited and burns
underspecified condition of test.


(i) Clean and dry all parts of the cup and its accessories thoroughly before the test is started.

(ii) Take particular care to avoid the presence of any solvent used to clean the apparatus after a
previous test.

(iii) Fill the cup with the material to be tested up to the level indicated by the filling mark.

(iv) Place the cup on the lid and set the tester on the stove. Take care that the lid on devices are
properly engaged.

(v) Insert the thermometer of specified range.

(vi) Check the test flame and adjust it to the size of 4mm bead.

(vii) The bitumen sample in the tester is heated and the rate of heating is as adjusted such that
the temperature of test specimen increases as the rate of 5°C to 6°C per minute.

(viii) Turn the stirrer at a rate of approximately 60 revolutions per minute. When the specimen
attains a temperature of about 17°C below the expected flash point, the test flame is applied at
intervals depending upon the expected flash point. First application is made at least 17°C below
the actual flash point and then at every 1°C to 3°C. The stirring is discontinued for a short time
during the application of the test flame. The heating is continued at the same rate until the binder
itself gets ignited and continues to burn for five seconds. When this occurs the temperature of the
material is noted and recorded as the fire point.

RESULT : The temperature on which the binder gets ignited and started burning for five seconds is
noted as fire points
The following are the criteria of repeatability and reproducibility suggested by BIS while accepting the
test results :-

Test Type of bitumen Permissible

value in
Fire Point VG-30, VG-10 & 8°C
Frequency : Each lot

OBJECT : Determination of binder content of paving mixture by centrifugal method.


APPRATUS : Extraction apparatus, Beaker, weighing machine & stop watch.

THEORY: The test is intended for determination of binder content in the mix by cold solvent
extraction. Themineral matter recovered from the test can be used for checking the gradation of the
aggregatesin the mix.


(i) A representative sample, about 500 gm, is exactly weighed and placed in the bowl of
theextraction apparatus and covered with commercial grade of benzene.

(ii) Sufficient time (not morethan 1 hour) is allowed for the solvent to disintegrate the sample
before running the centrifuge.

(iii) The filter ring of the extractor is dried, weighed, and then fitted around the edge of the bowl.
Thecover of the bowl is clamped tightly.

(iv) A beaker is placed under to collect the extract.

(v) The machine is revolved slowly and then gradually the speed is increased to a maximum of
3600r.p.m. This speed is maintained till the solvent ceases to flow from the drain.

(vi) The machine isallowed to stop and 200 ml of benzene is added and the above procedure is
repeated till thebenzene comes out with original colour (i.e. to ensure that there is no bitumen left
over in themixture.

(vii) Remove the aggregates, dried in air and then in oven to a constant temperature of 115°Cand

( viii) The fine materials that might have passed through the filter paper are collected backfrom the
extract preferably by centrifuging. The material is washed and dried to constant weight asbefore.
The percentage of binder in the samples is calculated as below :-

% of binder in the sample = W1 – (W2 + W3 + W4)/W1

W1 = Weight of sample
W2 = Weight of sample after extraction
W3 = Weight of fine material, recovered from the extract.
W4 = Increase in weight of the filter ring.

In the case of road tar which is not completely soluble in benzene, necessary correction is doneon the
basis of the percent insoluble of the neat road tar in the solvent.

Limits : Min 5.25% bitumen by wt of total mix.

Frequency : 1 test/100 Tonne subject to Min 2 sets/day


OBJECT : Determine the Viscosity of Bitumen Road Emulsion.

REFERENCE : IS 1206, Part-I, II & III : 1978


(i) Tar Viscometer consists of Cylindrical cup with 10mm orifice and a valve or stopper (ii)
Thermostatically controlled water bath (iii) Stirrer (iv) Receiver (v) Thermometer


(i) The tar cup orifice is cleaned and the top of the tar cup leveled.

(ii) Water in the bath is heated up to the temperature specified for the test maintained throughout the
test with continuous stirring.

(iii) The specified test temperatures are 35,40,45,55 and 65°C. The test sample of tar is heated up to
20°C above the specified test temperature and is then allowed to cool, while being continuously

(iv) When tar sample reaches slightly above test temperature, the sample is poured in the tar cup, until
the leveling peg on the valve rod is just immersed.

(v) 20ml of mineral oil or a solution of soft soap is poured in graduated receiver and it is placed under
the orifice.

(vi) A thermometer is placed in the cup to measure the temperature of the test sample.

(vii) When the sample reaches the specified testing temperature within 0.1°C and is maintained for 5
minutes, the valve is opened. The stop watch is started when cylinder records 25ml. The time is
recorded is seconds for 50ml of test sample to flow through the orifice ie. When the tar sample touches
the 75ml mark .

Result :- The test repeated a few more times using samples of the same material. The result of repeat
test should be within ± 4 percent of the average value. The mean viscosity of tar sample is reported in

Limit : 4Max (VG-30), 4 Max(VG-10)

Frequency : Daily

Type/Grade of Tar :

Size of Orifice, mm :

Specified test temperature °C :

Actual test temperature °C :

Test property Test run Mean value of viscosity, s

1 2 3
Viscosity, seconds

Repeatability, %

Remarks :

OBJECT : To determine the liquid limit of the given soil sample.

REFERENCE : IS 2720 (PART-V) 1970)


(I) Liquid limit device and grooving tools (II) spatula (III) porcelain dish (IV) balance of sensitivity
0.01 gm and containers for moisture content determination (V) Oven (VI) beaker and measuring


Liquid limit is the water content at which the soil has a low shear strength that is it flows to close a
groove of standard dimensions for a length of 12.0 mm which when jarred 25 times using the standard
liquid limit device. (It is the water content corresponding to the boundary between liquid and plastic
states of a soil mass).


1. Weigh about 270 gms of air dried soil passing through 425 micron I.S. sieve.

2. Take the soil in a porcelain dish and add distilled water till it becomes a paste. Mix the soil
thoroughly to form uniform thick paste.

3. Keep the paste in a water tight container for the required period (up to 24 hrs) to ensure uniform
distribution of moisture in the soil paste.

4. Check and adjust the fall of the liquid limit device cup exactly 1 cm, using the gauge on the handle
of the grooving tool.

5. Place the soil paste in the cup of liquid limit device and level it horizontally with lowest edge of the
cup, with spatula so that the maximum depth of soil in the cup is 1 cm.

5. using the standard grooving tool, make a groove in the idle of the soil, along the diameter, dividing
the soil into two parts.

6. Turn the handle of the liquid limit device at a rate of 2 revolutions per second, till the two parts of
soil in the cup join together, i.e. the groove closes by 12 mm length. Ensure that the groove closes
by flow and not by slipping of soils on the surface of the cup.

7. Count the number of blows imparted to the cup. Repeat and re-check this value. Take a small
quantity (about 10 gms) of the moist soil from the centre of the groove into a moisture
determination container and determine the moisture content.
8. By altering (increasing the water content) and repeating the above operation, obtain five or six
water content determinations for blows in the range of 10 to 40 blows.

9. The test should proceed from drier (more blows) the wetter (less blows) condition of the soil. Each
time the soil is thoroughly mixed to ensure that the water content is uniform throughout the soil

RESULT: Plot the results of the experiment on a semi-log sheet. The percentage of moisture content
are marked as ordinates on the arithmetical scale and the corresponding number of blows are
marked as abscissa on the logarithmic scale. The various points obtained are joined by a straight
line and the moisture content corresponding to 25 blows is denoted as the liquid limit of the soil. At
least four readings should be taken though live readings are desirable. The above straight line is
known as FLOW CURVE. It shall be extended at either ends, so as to intercept the ordinate
corresponding to 10 and 100 blows. The slope of this line expressed as difference in water content
at 10 blows and at 100 blows shall be reported as the flow index (If)

The flow index may be calculated from the following equation also :

If = W1 – W2 /logN2- log N1

Where :

If = Flow Index

W1 = Moisture content in % corresponding to ‘N1’ blows W2 = Moisture content in % corresponding to

‘N2’ blows 55

and carry out the measurement at a sufficiently short interval after introducing the emulsion into the
viscometer to eliminate the possibility of sedimentation. The time of efflux for 200ml of the emulsion,
divided by the efflux time for 200ml of water gives the viscosity in Angler degrees. Report the results
obtained to the nearest 0.1 Angler degrees.

OBJECT : To determine the plastic limit of soil.

REFERENCE : IS 2720 (PART-V) 1970)


(i) Evaporating dish of about 120mm dia (ii) Spatula (iii) ground glass plate (iv) Moisture
Container (v) rod of 3mm diameter (vi) balance sensitive to .01gm (vii) Oven.

THEORY : Plastic limit is defined as the minimum moisture content at which a soil when rolled into
a thread of 3mm diameter just begins to crumble. It is the water corresponding to the boundary between
plastic and semi-solid states of soil mass.


1. Take about 20 gm of the air dried soil passing through 425 micron I.S. sieve.

2. Place the soil in a porcelain dish and mix with sufficient quantity of distilled water until the mass
becomes plastic enough to be easily moulded with fingers.

3. Take a portion of the wet soil and form it into a ball and roll it quickly on a glass plate into a thread
of uniform diameter. If the soil cannot be rolled into a thread at all or even if the thread on the first
rolling breaks before reaching a diameter of 3 mm, the initial trial water content is less than plastic
limit of the soil. Hence add a little more water to make it more plastic. Continue this process and
the rolling till the threads reach a diameter of 3 mm.

4. The soil is then kneaded together, rolled again on the glass plate till it begins to crumble at a
diameter of 3 mm diameter. (The crumbling may occur even when the thread has a diameter
slightly greater than 3mm).

5. Take some of the crumbled soil pieces and determine the water content.

6. Repeat the experiment for at least 3 times and the average water content is recorded as the
plastic limit of the soil.
Result Summary
Liquid Flow Plastic Plasticity Index Toughness Liquidity Consistency Index
Limit Index Limit Ip = WL - Wp Index Index WL - Wn
WL If Wp It = Ip Il = Wn - Wp
If Ip

OBJECT :To determine the specific gravity of soil particles of the given sample passing 4.75 mm sieve.
REFERENCE : IS 2720 (PART-III/Sec 2) 1980)
(i) Glass Jar or Pycnometer or density bottle(1 liter) (ii) vacuum pump (iii) balance (iv)
thermometer (vi) distilled water.
THEORY : Specific gravity is the ratio of weight in air of a given volume of dry soil solids at a stated
temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of distilled water at that temperature.
1. Dry the pycnometer thoroughly and find its weight with cap (m1).
2. Take about 200 gms of the given soil sample into the pycnometer and find the weight of the
pycnometer with soil correctly (m2).
3. Approximately 500ml water (up to about half the capacity of pycnometer to cover the soil).
Screw the cap of the pycnometer tightly.
4. Shake the pycnometer well and connect it to a vacuum pump to remove the entrapped air.
Allow the air to be evacuated for 20 to 30 minutes shaking the pycnometer completely with
6. Make sure that all the entrapped air has been expelled and then disconnect the pump till the
pycnometer is completely filled with water.
7. Mark the cap and the pycnometer with a vertical line parallel to the axis of the pycnometer so
that each time the cap is screwed to the same extent with reference to the vertical line as a
8. Wipe out any excess water on the outer surface on the pycnometer and find out its weight (m3).
9. Take out the contents of the pycnometer and wash it thoroughly.
Fill the pycnometer completely with water and screw the cap as before.
11. Wipe out any excess water on the outer surface on the pycnometer and find out its weight
12. Take the average value of at least three sets of readings. Report that the specific gravity of
the soil corresponding to the standard temperature of 27°C.

Sl. Description Test - 1 Test - 2 Test - 3

1. Weight of dry pycnometer (m1)
2. Weight of Pycnometer + Weight of Soil (m2)
3. Weight of dry soil taken
(m2 – m1) = Wdgm
4. Weight of pycnometer + Soil + Water (m3)
5. Weight of Pycnometer + Water (m4)
6. Specific Gravity corresponding to 27°C
G = m2 – m1 /(m4 – m1) – (m3 – m2)

OBJECT : To determine the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)
of the given soils sample using the Modified Proctor’s Method.
(i) Large Cylindrical metal mould of size 150mm dia(ii) balances (iii) oven (iv) container (v) steel
straight edge (vi) sieve (vii) mixing tools (viii) metal rammer of 4.89Kg (ix) mould collars etc.

THEORY : The test determines the optimum amount of water to be mixed with the soil in order to
obtain maximum compaction for a given compacting factor. This will enable the field engineer to plan
field compaction of soil to a greater degree compared to that obtained in the laboratory by suitably
altering the effective life or number of passes with the available roller. Maximum compaction leads to
maximum dry density and hence the deformation and strength characteristics of the soil turn out to be
the best possible values.
(i) Weigh the empty mould (M1). Fix the mould to a base plate and attach the collar to the mould.
Apply thin layer of oil to the inside surface of the mould and the collar.
(ii) Take 5 kg of soil passing through 19 mm size sieve, and add water to bring its moisture content to
about 4% in case of silty soils and 1% in the case of clayey soils. For uniformity, this quantity of water is
sprinkled on the soil and the soil is mixed thoroughly.

(iii) Divide the wet soil in to three equal parts. Fill the mould with one part of soil and compact it with
25 evenly distributed blows with the standard rammer of 4.89 Kg weight and a free fall of 45cms.

(iv) Repeat this process with the second and third parts of the soil taking precaution to scratch the top
of the previously compacted layer with a spatula in order to avoid stratification and achieve

(v) Remove the collar and trim the top of the soil to flush with the top of the mould..


Weight of mould and base plate with moist compacted soil be = M2g

Weight of empty mould and base plate = M1g

Volume of the mould = Vmcc

Bulk density, ϒm = M2 –M1 g/cc(or g/ml)


Moisture content of compacted soil, w% = 100 (wet weight of sample – dry weight)
Dry weight

Then dry density, ϒd =ϒm . = M2–M1. g/cc

(1+W/100) Vm(1+W/100)

Results : Using the tabulated values of dry density and moisture content, moisture-dry density graph is
plotted with moisture content on the X-axis and dry density on Y-axis a smooth curve is drawn
connecting the points is called compaction curve. From this curve, the maximum dry density is noted
and the corresponding value of the moisture content is known as Optimum moisture content of the soil.


OBJECT : To determine the CBR value of a given soil sample.

REFERENCE : IS 2720 (PART-XVI) 1979)


(i) Loading machine (ii) cylindrical moulds (iii) Spacer disc (iv) compaction rammer (v) adjustable stem
(vi) perforated plate (vii) tripped dial gauge (viii) annular weight (ix) filter paper (x) weighing balance
(xi) tray and test sieves (xii) oven

THEORY : CBR is ratio of load carried by soil samples at defined penetration level to load carried
by standard crushed stone at the above penetration level. The CBR is a measure of shearing
resistance of the material under controlled density and moisture conditions considering limitations of
CBR test, it is stated that the test procedure should be strictly adhered if high degree of reproducibility
is desired. The CBR test is conducted in the moulded specimen in the laboratory. Many methods exist
today, which utilize mainly CBR strength value for designing pavement structure. The test is simple and
extensively investigated for field correlations. The test consists of causing a cylindrical plunger of 50
mm diameter to penetrate a pavement component material at 1.25 mm / minute. The loads for 2.5 mm
and 5 mm are recorded. The load is expressed as a percentage of standard load value at a respective
deformation level to obtain CBR value. The standard load values were obtained from a large number of
tests on different crushed stones.

Standard Load Values on Crushed Stones for Different Penetration Value

Penetration Standard load Unit standard load

Kg / cm2
2.5 1370 70

5.0 2055 105

7.5 2630 134

10.0 3180 162

12.5 3600 183


1. 45 Kg of material is dried and sieved through 19 mm sieve.

2. Determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of the given soil sample.

3. Batch of soils (at least 5.5 kg for granular soil and 4.5 kg for grained soil) is mixed with water up to
the optimum content.

4. The spacer disc is paced at the bottom of the mould and a filter paper is placed over it, the
processed soil sample is placed over this.

5. The soil is compacted by dynamic compaction with 56 blows per layer in three layers with
compacted thickness about 50 mm each.

6. The collar is removed and the excess soil at the top of the third layer is struck off using a straight

7. Such three CBR test specimens are prepared; from each mould soil samples are collected for
moisture content determination.

8. The filter paper is now placed on the base plate and the mould is turned upside down.

9. The filter paper is placed over the sample top along with the perforated plate with adjustable stem
over this surcharge weight 5 or 7.5 Kg is placed. Soaking is done for 4 days.

10. The sample is allowed to drain off water at vertical position for 15 minutes. The sample along with
mould is again weighed to calculate the percentage of water absorbed.

11. The surcharge weight is again provided and the assembly with the base plate is place in the
compression machine. The plunger is brought in contact with the top surface of the sample. A seating
load of 4 kg is applied. The dial is attached for measuring the penetration and is set to zero.

12. The load is applied smoothly at the rate of 1.25 mm/minute. Load readings are recorded at
penetration 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5,10.0 and 12.5. The load is released and the
mould is removed from the loading machine.

13. A soil sample from the top 3 cm layer is collected and weighed for moisture content determination.

14. Plot graph between penetration (on X-axis) and load (on Y-axis).

CALCULATION :- CBR at penetration = Load carried by soil sample at defined penetration level x 100
of 2.5 mm or 5.0 mm Load carried by standard crushed stone at the above penetration

RESULTS :- The CBR value at 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration are found. Generally the value at 7.5
mm is higher and this is adopted. However, CBR value determined at 5mm is higher than the test
repeated to verify this.

FREQUENCY : 1 test in 3000 Cum

OBJECT : To determine the Marshall Stability value and flow value of Bituminous mix

REFERENCE :As per MORTH specification

APPRATUS : i) Marshall stability testing apparatus (ii) Balance (iii) water bath
(iv) Compaction mould of 101.6mm dia and 75mm height with collar and base plate (v)
Hammer of weight 4.5Kg (vi) Proving ring of 5 ton capacity (vii) Deformation dial gauge
(viii) Oven
THEORY : The Marshall stability of the bituminous mis specimen is defined as a max load carried
in Kg at the standard temperature of 60ºC when load is applied under specified test conditions. The
flow value is the total deformation of Marshall test specimen at the max load expressed in mm units.
The Marshall stability value of a compacted specimen of bituminous mix it indicate its resistance to
deformation under in applied incremental load and the flow value indicated the extent of deformation it
undergoes due to loading or its flexibility.

Preparation of Test specimen : - The coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and the filler material are
proportioned and mixed in such a way that final gradation of the mixture is within the range specified for
the desired type of bituminous mix. The max permissible size of aggregate for the preparation of
Marshall stability test specimen is 25mm. The total weight of the mix should be 1200g.

Procedure to determine Marshall Stability of bituminous mixture 

i) Heat the weighed aggregates and the bitumen separately upto 170oC and 163oC
ii) Mix them thoroughly, transfer the mixed material to the preheated compaction mould arranged on
the compaction pedestal.

iii) Give 75 blows on the top side of the specimen mix with a standard hammer (45cm, 4.5kg).
Reverse the specimen and give 75 blows again. Take the mould with the specimen and cool down to
the room temperature.

iv) Remove the specimen from the mould by gentle pushing. Mark the specimen and keep it at room
temperature, overnight.

v) A series of specimens are prepared by a similar method.

vi) Before testing of the mould, keeps the mould in the water bath having a temperature of 60 oC for
half an hour.

vii) Check the stability of the mould on the Marshall Stability apparatus by applying load @ 51mm per
minute and observed deformation in sample and note the reading.

RESULTS : The max reading of proving ring at which the specimen deformed is noted and recorded
as Marshall stability value and reading on dial gauge noted as flow value of bituminous specimen.

S No Type of Mix Marshall stability value (in KN) Remarks

1 DAC 14
2. DBM 9

For DAC - 1 test/100 Tons subject to min 2 test/day

For DBM - 1 test/100 Tons subject to min 2 test/day

Density and voids analysis :- Representation of Volume in compacted mix specimen.
The compacted specimen of bituminous mix consists of mineral aggregate (coarse and fine
aggregate and mineral filler), bituminous binder and some air voids. The volumes are represented as
given below :-
Total or bulk volume of the compacted specimen = V
Solid/void-less volume all the mineral aggregate and filler = Vm
Volume of voids in mineral aggregate, VMA = V -Vm
Total volume of bituminous binder in the mix = Vb
Part volume of the binder absorbed by the aggregate = Vba
Rest of binder filled in part of the voids in mineral agg = Vbf
Therefore Vb= (Vba- Vbf)
Volume of air voids in the mix, Vv = V – (Vm - Vbf)
Volume of voids filled with bitumen, VBF = (VMA – Vv)
Voids-less volume of the paving mix = (V -Vv)
Bulk Density/Specific Gravity of Competed Specimen :-
Let the weight of the compacted specimen of bituminous mix (weight in air) = W (g)
Let the volume of the compacted specimen (determined either by measuring the mean dimensions or
by weighing in air and in water and thus finding the volume of water displaced) be = V(cm³)
The bulk density the compacted specimen of bituminous mix = W / V(g/cm³)
Voids Analysis :-
Voids analysis (in terms of percentage ) may also be made as given below :-
Vv (%) = 100(Gt - Gb) / Gt
Vb (%) = Gb x W4/G4
VMA (%) = Vv +Vb
VFB (%) = 100Vb/VMA
Vv = Air voids in the mix, %
Vb = Volume of bitumen
VMA= Voids in mineral aggregate, %
VFB = Voids filled with bitumen, %

The specific gravity values of the different aggregate and the bituminous binder used are
determined before conducting the Marshall stability test on the bituminous mix.

Let the apparent specific gravity values of the materials be :

Coarse aggregate = G1
Fine aggregate = G2
Filler = G3
Bituminous binder = G4
The theoretical specific gravity value of the bituminous mix specimen, Gt is given by :

Gt = 100
W1 + W2 +W3 + W4
G1 G2 G3 G4

W1 = percent by weight of coarse aggregate in total mix

W2 = percent by weight of fine aggregate
W3 = percent by weight of filler
W4 = percent by weight of bituminous binder in total mix

The theoretical void-less specific gravity of the bituminous mix can also be obtained by using the

Gt = W
(V - Vv)

OBJECT : To determine the softening point of Asphaltic Bitumen, road tar, coal tar etc.

REFERENCE : (I.S. : 1205 – 1978) Softening point Repeatability Reproducibilit

THEORY : The temperature at which
40°C to 60°C 1.0°C 5.5°C
the substance attains a particular degree of
61°C to 80°C 1.5°C 5.5ºC
softening under specified conditions of test
81°C to 100ºC 2.0°C 5.5°C
is called its softening point.

APPARATUS: Ring and ball apparatus, thermometer, bath and stirrer.


(I) Preparation of test sample: Heat the material to a temperature between 75°C and 100°C above its
softening point, stir until it is completely fluid and free from air bubbles and water, and filter, if
necessary, through IS sieve 30. Place the rings, previously heated to a temperature approximately
to that of molten material on a metal plate, which has been coated with a mixture of equal parts of
glycerine and dextrine, and fill with sufficient melt to give excess above the ring when cooled. After
cooling for 30 minutes in air, level the material in the ring by removing the excess with a warmed,
sharp knife.

(II) Materials of softening point below 80°C: Assemble the apparatus with the rings, thermometer and
ball guides in position, and fill the bath to a height of 50mm above the upper surface of the rings
with freshly distilled water at a temperature of 5°C. Maintain the bath at a temperature of 5°C for
15 minutes after which place the ball previously cooled to a temperature of 5°C by means of
forceps in each ball guide. Apply heat to the bath and stir the liquid so that the temperature rises
at a uniform rate of 5.0 ± 0.5°C per minute until the material softens and allows the ball to pass
through the ring. The rate of temperature rise shall not be averaged over the period of the test,
and any test in which the rate of temperature rise do not fall within the specified limits after the first
three minutes shall be rejected. Make the determination in duplicate.

(III) Materials of softening point above 80°C: the procedure for materials of softening point above
80°C is similar to that described above with the difference that glycerine is used in the place of
water in the bath and the starting temperature of the test is 35°C instead of 5°C .


(1) Record for each ring and ball, the temperature shown by the thermometer at the instant the sample
surrounding the ball touches the bottom plate of the support, if any, the bottom of the bath.

(2) Report to the nearest 0.5°C the mean of the temperature recorded in duplicate determinations,
without correction for the emergent stem of the thermometer, as the softening point.

(3) It is essential that the mean value of the softening point (Temperature) does not differ from
individual observations by more than the following limits:

LIMIT : 47°C for VG-30 & 40°C for VG-10

FREQUENCY : Each lot.

OBJECT : To determine the Elastic recovery of bitumen.

REFERENCE : (I.S. : 1208 – 1978)

APPARATUS: (i) Ductility testing machine as per IS 1208

(ii) Thermometer
(iii) Scissors
(iv) Scale
(v) The size and shape of the test specimen

THEORY : The elastic recovery test is intended to assess the degree of bitumen modification by
elastomeric additives. This is a simple test conducted in a ductility testing machine to optimize the
dosage of polymeric additives in bitumen and also helps in assessing the quality of the modified
bitumen in the laboratory. The elastic recovery of the modified bitumen is evaluated by comparing the
recovery of a thread of modified bitumen after conditioning for one hour at specified test temperature.


Limits : Min 75%

Frequency : Each lot.

OBJECT : Determine the Absolute Viscosity of Bitumen Road Emulsion.

REFERENCE :IS 1206, Part-I, II & III : 1978


(i) Cannon Manning Vacuum Capillary Viscometer consists of five units of capillary tubes with bulbs
of different sizes and calibration factor for the measurement of different ranges of viscosity of fluids
(a) 26 to 800 (b) 120 to 2400 (c) 360 to 8000 (d) 1200 to 240000 (e) 3600 to 8000 Poises (ii)
Thermostatically controlled Bath (iii) Vacuum system (iv) stop watch (v) oven
THEORY : The ratio between the applied shear stress and the rate of shear is called coefficient of
viscosity or the absolute viscosity of the liquid. Absolute viscosity (of a Newtonian liquid, in which the
shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain) is the internal friction such that a
tangential force of one dyne ( or 0.00001N) acting or planes of unit area separated by unit distance of
liquid produces unit tangential velocity. In CGS units the viscosity is measured as gram per cm-second
(g/cm-s) or dyne-s/cm² and is termed, Poise(P). The SI unit of viscosity is Pascal-second and is equal
to 10P.

(i) The bitumen sample is heated to pouring temperature not exceeding 90ºC above the softening
(ii) 20 ml of the bitumen sample is transferred to a container and is placed in oven at 135ºC ± 5.5ºC
and is occasionally stirred to allow the entrapped air to escape.
(iii) From the set of viscometer, a viscometer tube is selected that will give a flow time more than 60
seconds for the material to be tested and pre heated to 60ºC.
(iv) The manufacturers of the viscometer of the viscometer pre-calibrate the viscosity tubes with
standard oils of known viscosity values and furnish calibration factor for each tube and the calibration
factor of the selected capillary viscometer is noted.
(v) The prepared sample is poured into filling tube of the viscometer until the level of the bitumen with
2mm of fill line.
(vi) The viscometer is now transferred to the oil bath maintained at the test temperature of 60 ± 0.1ºC
and is fixed in the bath in vertical position with the help of holder such that the upper most timing mark
is at least 20mm below the surface of the bath liquid.
(vii) The vacuum unit with its suction pressure maintained at a vacuum pressure of 40 ± 0.07 kPa or
300 ± 0.5mm of mercury is connected to the vacuum tube of the viscometer with the valve closed.
(viii) After being in the water bath for a period of 30 to 35 minutes, the valve is opened and the
liquid bitumen is allowed to flow into the capillary viscometer under the vacuum suction pressure.

(ix) The time taken for the leading edge of the meniscus to pass between successive pairs of timing
marks is recorded seconds.

Result :- The measured time in seconds is multiplied by the calibration factor (supplied with each
viscosity tube) to obtain the value of viscosity in Poise. The calibration factor is selected that
corresponds to the pair of timing marks used for the determination of viscosity. The viscosity is
computed suing the relation
P = (CF) t
CF = calibration factor, P/seconds
t = flow time, seconds
LIMIT : 4Max (VG-30), 4 Max(VG-10)

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