Who's The Boss?

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Podcast 42: September, 2014

Who’s the boss?

Dictated by: Julia Melnikova, Ivan Vlasov, Alex, Gulnoza Karimova, Azin Behzadi, Maha Ahmad and
Roberto Remigio

Hello everybody. You’re listening to Let’s Master English and my name is Coach Shane.
How’re you doing everybody? Welcome back. It’s Let’s Master English Podcast 42. Can you
believe it’s already Let’s Master English Podcast 42? This is great. We’re getting close to
Podcast number 50. Oh boy! That’s gonna be a big number for me.

Let’s Master English. This is a serious Podcast – many different sections and it’s my first
Podcast, so to everybody who listens to this Podcast – thank you so much! It’s my pleasure to be
your English coach.

So, we have two sponsors today – DDM Open, and I’ll tell you about DDM Open at the end of
the Podcast, and Audible. And I’ll tell you about Audible right in the middle, right before the
Questions and Answers section. It’s gonna be a great one. Remember, everybody, we have a
transcription team. So, if you want to read the Podcast – you can. Now, these days Roberto has
been leading the team, getting the dictation done and they’re doing such an excellent job. So, all
you need to do is go to www.letsmasterenglish.com and if you go to our main web page you will
see a PDF-file that you can download and there we you go. It’s a transcription of the Podcast.
Of course, this Podcast will not have a transcription for several days. It takes several days to
make the (a) transcription. But you can join the team. We have a community on Google+ Plus
called Let’s Master English. Just join there and look for Roberto and Azin is another a number
member, she’s usually a leader also of the transcription team. Leave a message for those guys
and you can join the transcription team. So that’s just outstanding.
Of course, if you have an Android phone or an Android... whatever... tablet and you use our app.
We do have an app, you can get the app www.letsmasterenglish.com/app. On the app you can
also get the PDF file. Isn't that awesome? Yeah, that's developed by Max. Max is an
unbelievable, wonderful computer genius and if you want to thank Max , if you want to leave a
message for him, if you want to read about him - please go here www.patreon that's p-a-t-r-e-o-
n.com/Maxim that's m-a-x-i-m and he would love it and I would love it too.
Ok, today's podcast is full; we got the news, we got some facts, I think just one fact from
Country Shane today, five more questions, our book club part 2, and I'll be talking again about
"DDM OPEN" at the very end, so enough chit-chat. Let's begin...

Your child is sick. He needs treatment. Your local hospital offers you one method, but you
find a different method online and you think it might be better. Whose choice is it? If
you're British, it's the hospital's choice. A British couple was just arrested in Spain, after
an Interpol alert went out for removing their child out of a hospital in order to seek a
different treatment in another country. The saga is ongoing.

Hmmm… Yeah this is actually a serious story, not too funny at all. It's a very serious story and...
Boy! I don't know; lots of issues here. Did you understand? Ok, let me read it one more time. I'm
going to read it smooth and a little bit slowly. Are you ready? Here we go.

Your child is sick. He needs treatment. Your local hospital offers you one method, but you
find a different method online and you think it might be better. Whose choice is it? If
you're British, it's the hospital's choice. A British couple was just arrested in Spain, after
an Interpol alert went out for removing their child out of a hospital in order to seek a
different treatment in another country. The saga is ongoing.

Are you familiar with this story? Yeah, it's... it's a big issue, it's a big item, I think especially in
the UK, perhaps in Europe, maybe in Spain. In America it's getting some attention, but
personally, I saw the story and I think it's important. So let's go ahead and look at the first
sentence here again - your child is sick. So, it could be the cold, it could be cancer, who knows?
Your child is sick - has many many many possible meanings. In this case, it's a serious illness.
Your child is sick. He needs treatment. Ok, so if your child had a cold - your child is sick, he
needs medicine. Your child is sick - he needs Tylenol, your child is seek - he needs cough syrup.
It's all possible, but your child is sick - he needs treatment. Ok, so treatment is a key word here,
t-r-e-a-t-m-e-n-t, treatment is, of course, medical care given to a patient. A patient, somebody
who’s sick, who’ll go to the hospital and the doctors take care of him. Doctors and nurses they
give him medicine or maybe a surgery or some other type of method to get this patient feeling
better. Treatment, when we say the word "treatment" it's usually something serious. If I have a
cold, I do not say "Ohh doctor I need treatment", no. Something serious then I need treatment.
And also when we say treatment, it's usually continuous or ongoing for a long period of time, not
just one time. Usually for several visits, maybe a month, maybe six months, treatments tend to be
expensive. Your child is sick. He needs treatment.

Your local hospital offers you one method. Ok, so your child is sick of course you'll take your
child to the hospital. Probably to the local hospital l-o-c-a-l local hospital, the nearby hospital,
maybe the regional hospital. So, I don't know, what that hospital would be in London, but
probably something like Birmingham or Manchester, or London, one of the big city big
hospitals. That would be your local hospital, your regional hospital. So, your local hospital offers
you one method, one method of treatment. So you take your son there, “My child is sick”. The
doctor says “Hm, well, yes we see and for your child this is what we can do. We can do this.”
This is the method, the treatment. So your local hospital offers you one type of treatment. But,
you find a different method online and you think it might be better. So you go to the hospital
the doctor says “We will do this type of treatment.” Then you go back home and you’re
searching online. You… you’re researching the different types of treatment. And you see the
doctor’s treatment is, is actually not that good. In this situation the local hospital's treatment was
only between 70 and 80% successful. That means his child had a 30% chance of dying. Do you
think the father is just going to accept that? The father and mother? No, they are not going to just
accept that. So, they did more research. They're looking for another treatment. And they found
one. They on online, you know, they're not doctors, but we can do lots of research these days.
And they found another method online, and they believed this other method might be better. The
problem is, in the UK, they didn't offer that method for children not yet. But in many other
countries, they do.

So the sentence again, Your local hospital offers you one method, but you find a different
method online and you think it might be better. Whose choice is it? Whose choice? Who gets
to chose? Who can select the method? Now, I don't know about you, but in my opinion shouldn't
this choice be the parents' choice? Obviously the child doesn't know anything, they can't make
the choice. But, should the choice be the hospital's choice? Or the parents' choice? Or maybe it
should be the insurance company’s choice? Hm, and if it’s government insurance, is it the
government’s choice? O boy, o boy, this…this is tough. What… what do you think? What’s
your opinion? If you have a child, and your child is sick. Do you want the choice to say “I will
go to this hospital or I will go to that hospital”? Or do you want the government to make that
choice for you? Or do you want the hospital to make that choice for you? Or the insurance
company to make that choice for you? Whose choice is it? This everybody is a very important

Well, if you’re British, it’s the hospital’s choice. Tam-tam-tam. If you’re a British citizen,
which means, if you’re using the British healthcare system, which is founded by the British
government, so if you’re a British- it’s the hospital’s choice, which also means it’s the
government’s choice. You can’t choose what to do with your child. If the hospital says “You
must use this treatment, then you have to listen to the hospital”. Hm, well, the parents didn’t like
the idea of a 30% chance of dying.

So, next sentence A British couple was just arrested in Spain after an Interpol alert went
out for removing their child out of a hospital in order to seek a different treatment in
another country. So, a British couple, mom and dad, were just arrested in Spain. This British
couple, the parents of the child we are talking about was arrested, picked up by police, Spanish
police, picked them up and took them to jail in Spain. A British couple was just arrested in
Spain after an Interpol alert went out. Interpol, Interpol is the International Network of Police
Organizations. It’s a proper noun. Big letter I-n-t-e-r-p-o-l an Interpol alert is an announcement
to all the members of Interpol of some sort of criminal activity that has left one country and
maybe in your country. So, in the UK, the police made an Interpol report, they sent out an alert
“There was a child taken from a local hospital by the parents. We believe the parents may have
taken their child to your country. Please arrest the parents”. That was the alert. That was the
message the announcement that went out on Interpol. A British couple was just arrested in Spain
after an Interpol alert went out for. Why for? Removing their child out of a hospital. You cannot
take your own child out of the hospital. Why did they do that, those crazy parents? In order to
seek, in order to find a different treatment in another country. “If you’re a British baby, you must
be treated in the UK. You cannot go to a different country. It’s not your choice. If you try to take
your child to a different country, you will be arrested”.

The saga is ongoing. The saga, this long complicated story is ongoing, it continuous. We right in
the middle.

Boy, this is a…this is scary. Now this is just my opinion and I realize some of you might have
the opposite opinion. And I respect that. And I would be curious to hear what you have the say.
But just me, hm, as an individual, I prefer to make my own decisions. And I know, I know
people make stupid decisions. In my life I have made many stupid decisions. Decisions that I
regret. Decisions that have cost me lots of money, lots of pain. I have made those decisions. But
that’s part of being a human. Sometimes our decisions kill us. Sometimes our decisions make us
heroes. Anyway, I think, it’s my right as a human, to make my own decisions. And of course for
my child too. If I had a child that was sick, of course I want the best for my child. I don’t want to
have to be restricted to one hospital, or one country. This family actually went to Spain, they had
a second home and they were going to try to sell their home to get the money. So, that they could
go, I think to the United States to get this special treatment. Now as of right now, September 1st,
they're still in Spain, they are in prison, and they have other children. So, the children are all with
relatives, I think. I don’t know, it’s a terrible situation, sad, sad, ridiculous , horrible situation.

Personally I do not like a big government. Yes, we need the government. We need the
government to do many things. Mmm but they don’t need to make these decisions. Now once
again, It’s the hospital’s decision. But the hospital is run by the government in the UK. It’s a
national healthcare system. Anyway I thought the story was very important. And I think it’s
important to respect the individual rights of each human. Now if they’re doing something to
cause pain or death or destruction to other people- then they should be stopped. But if they’re
doing the best to be creative, if they’re doing their best to not affect other people, or you know,
in negative way. I think people should be given complete freedom, as much freedom as possible.
Of course if people are walking around with knifes… no, they should be shot. Ha-ha-ha. Anyway
human rights, I don’t know, big issue. What do you think? Once again, my question for
everybody. Whose choice is it? Do you think it should be the hospital’s choice, the doctor’s
choice, the insurance company’s choice, the government’s choice or the parent’s choice. I am
really curious as to what your opinion is? My opinion- the parent’s choice. That’s what I think it
should be.

Let’s look at those words one more time, good words today, not too many.
● Treatment: that’s medical care given to a patient
● Local: regional or nearby
● Arrested: picked up by police, taken into custody
● An Interpol alert: Interpol is an International Network of Police Organizations. So an
Interpol alert is an announcement to all members: “Of criminal activity that is left one
country and maybe in your country”
● Went out: The alert went out, was sent out, was distributed
● To seek: to find, to look for
● And finally saga: s-a-g-a saga- a long complicated story.

Let’s listen two more times.

Your child is sick. He needs treatment. Your local hospital offers you one method, but you
find a different method online and you think it might be better. Whose choice is it? If
you're British, it's the hospital's choice. A British couple was just arrested in Spain, after
an Interpol alert went out for removing their child out of a hospital in order to seek a
different treatment in another country. The saga is ongoing.

Your child is sick. He needs treatment. Your local hospital offers you one method, but you
find a different method online and you think it might be better. Whose choice is it? If
you're British, it's the hospital's choice. A British couple was just arrested in Spain, after
an Interpol alert went out for removing their child out of a hospital in order to seek a
different treatment in another country. The saga is ongoing.

How are you doing everybody? This is Country Shane and I'm here to bring you the facts.
Interpol is made up of 190 different countries around the world. If you plan on doing any
illegal activity—the police will probably find you no matter where you go!
This has been Country Shane, bringing you the facts.

Good information from Country Shane, that's right as of September 1, 2014, Interpol, the
International Police community basically has 190 different member countries. A 190 countries
around the world are members of Interpol. Lots of Americans when they hear - Interpol, they
only think -Europe, they think it's European Police Organization, well no, a 190 different
countries around the world of from France to Egypt, to China, to Nigeria, Brazil, the U...,
everywhere, everywhere, everywhere we go. So if you are a bad guy, just stay where you are,
stay, stay where you are, don't be going to other countries. They're gonna find you one day, yeah.
"Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do?, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boy,
bad boy..."

All right, we got questions and answers coming up, but first a word from our sponsor. Thank you
so much to "AUDIBLE", if you sign up through me, you can get a free book everybody,
www.audibletrial.com/lme, one more time www.audibletrial, a-u-d-i-b-l-e-t-r-i-a-l,
www.audibletrial.com/lme, that's Let's Master English. If you go there and click, you get this
lovely little page, it's says "AUDIBLE" and "AMAZON COMPANY", download a free audio
book, yeeah. And then you click on the button and it'll show you, and then if you log in, I'm a
member, so already see my ID, and my password it comes up. So yes, you log in and then it
takes you to their bookstore and they have over 150.000 audio books. It's just incredible, the
biggest audiobook collection online and now...

So, what a lot of people do is, they're ....khm-khm... members of my book club and every month
we kinda change books. So, this month the book is "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small
stuff!" and it's written by Richard Carlson, Dr. Richard Carlson and it's narrated by him too. It's a
4 hour and 3 minute long audio book, now the normal price for this book is like 22 dollars,
something like that, but you can get it for free if you use my link again. Once again
www.audibletrial.com/lme. Do I get money for that? Yes! they're our sponsor! But I only get a
little bit and it's only one time, so it's like not an ongoing thing.

However, what's going to happen is you sign up and you sign up for free and you can picked this
book "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff!" it's a great book, it's about life
philosophy. And this is the second week we're studying it, so we got two more weeks after this.
Today I will be talking about the second hour of this book in this podcast just a little bit. So, I
want you to listen to that. So, if you have the audio book or if you have the print book then
follow along. And give me your opinions, send me your questions. We've got lots of people
doing that right now and it's lots of fun. We also have a few people on our Google Plus
community, that's Let's Master English, who are forming a study group for the audio books also,
so this is fantastic! And I want you to participate, enjoy it. So what happen is, you sign up and
you can get this book "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff!" for free?
Now, one month later they're going to charge your credit card for 14,99$. Well, you can cancel
before that, but if like audible books, audio books, do not cancel! Because, you pay that 14,99$
that will get you another book, any book that they have. Even if the book is 25$ you can still get
it for that one price, it's a membership and that's the benefit of the membership.

Now, some audio books are cheap, like 3$, 4$, but they are very short also. The new books, you
know, the newer books are very very expensive. So, if you have a membership it's much cheaper
. But everybody, remember, let's be honest these are audible, audio books. They're sound. Ok,
you don't have the print in front of you, so, you have to listen, you have to concentrate, so, if
your listening skill is terrible - do not sign up! Being honest, don't do it, just wait, wait, build
your listening ability, then get into these audio books. There are so much fun, for me podcasts
and audio books are my life. Seriously, it's every day I'm listening to both.

I have a different... what is it... membership at audible, rigged two books a month, it's more
expensive, but I listen to lots of stuff, we've got... of course, one for my book club and one for
my personal enjoyment. And then of course I also like to read books and podcasts... oh boy... I
love podcasts, so I listen to a lot of podcasts too. But I have to, because I have no television. My
life is all in my ears, in my head, and it's a good life, I have no regrets, I like it. So, once again, I
would love it, if you joined the book club or at least if you're interested in audio books, please
join through my link www.audibletrial.com/lme and the spelling once again a-u-d-i-b-l-e-t-r-i-a-
l, that's audibletrial.com/lme, Let's Master English, L-M-E.

On let's get into those questions, now our first question is from Abd Allah Mohamed, OK.
Mohamed asks: how can I learn to speak well? It’s great question and to be honest Mohammed
the best way to learn to speak well is to speak as much as you can. I know it's a simple answer
but it’s true Mohammed. When I studied the Korean language, you know, I had cassette tapes,
and video tapes, so I would listened to music I would listened to conversations, I would buy
books and listen to conversations and I would watch TV shows and watch them and everything,
but do you think listening and watching and reading is enough? Absolutely not, absolutely not,
so what I started to do was repeat and I would tried to repeat just like the singer [Shane sings] or
wherever I can’t remember, that was terrible, [Shane sings] there we go, yeah ! and the Korean
listeners out there they'll know wau! Shane listen to old music, yes I’m an old gay, an old gay. I
would repeat what the actors said in the television shows, I would repeat the conversation tapes
just like the original, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, and then any time I saw a Korean person I
would run up that person and said [Shane speaks Korean] which means “hello, my name is
Shane I want to speak Korean” in terrible pronunciation, but Korean people would talk with me,
and I would finally have my chance but that was very rare so I needed to develop my speaking
skills by my self and the way I did that was though listening. I would listen and repeat, listen and
repeat, listen and repeat and I would record my self, and I would listen to the original then I
would listen to me and I would see Oh my god! My pronunciation is terrible and I would
practice, practice, practice, practice. .. That’s what DDM is, Mohamed. DDM is all about
listening and speaking, listening and speaking, listening and speaking... just like the way I
learned Korean, that’s how I’m teaching English in DDM in that course. So Mohamed I
seriously recommend, if you can, join DDM. If you want to join DDM I’m pushing DDM OPEN
today, just go here “DDMOPEN” DDM O-P-E-N.blogspot.com. One more time:
“ddmopen.blogspot (B-L-O-G-S-P-O-T).com” “ddm.blogspot.com” DDMOPEN is self study,
the price is unbelievable, self study means there are no live classes with me, however many of
the members in our community do have live classes together where they practices with each
other and that is so important, and actually Miguel, coach Miguel we can call him couch Miguel,
he is doing a lot of practice groups with DDM OPEN members, so Mohamed it's a very
inexpensive way to get speaking right away.

Now, next question is from Hope, Hopes, actually everything was in Arabic and I used the
Google translator and it said Hope Hopes OK. So the question is: Should I use the dictionary to
see where the stress is in each word? Yeah I know what you mean. You know English has
thousands of words and the INTONATION can be different in many different words. How do
you know where to stress each word?. Should I look in a dictionary? No. Or yes, of course. In
the beginning when you see a new word. If you're, you know, let's say you discover a new word
today, you can find where the stress go, for example “INTERPOL”. Maybe many of you know
that isn't Interpol, is it Interpol or is it Interpol?. Well I think the dictionary; I’m guessing the
dictionary would say Interpol, Interpol, Interpol, Interpol. Yeah the accent most likely should go
on the “In”. Whoever Hope Hopes if you want to see where the stress is in each word don’t look
for it, listen for it. The same answer as Mohamed: listen, listen to music. Music is a terrible place
actually to learn pronunciation, because the singers usually change the pronunciation but is a
good idea to get the stress in words. Not always, but is fun. If you like music, listen, to music,
watch TV shows and dramas. I think in Europe they call “serials” in America “sitcoms” situation
comedies, weekly dramas watch them find a show that you enjoy and watch it, religiously every
week, practice and practice speaking, listen and speak. Know, once again in my DDM classes we
do have a sit com that we study and I always tell the students the sitcom is four characters, I tell
the students choose one, chose one of those characters that you like and every week I want you
to really concentrate on practicing like that person. There is a female character and three gay
characters. And the three gays are really different, one gay is serious, one gay is crazy and one
gay is crazier, but they are actually kind of normal crazy, Is that make sense?. Anyway, I’m so,
should I use the dictionary to see where the stress is in each word? Yes, for new vocabulary but
in daily regular spoken English, if you know the word, if you know the meaning do not use the
dictionary. I want you to watch Americans or British people, whatever, speaking English: watch
TV shows, watch TV dramas, specially TV shows and dramas everybody and not something
from 1856 not old historical dramas, modern dramas, modern situation comedies, watch those
and most importantly repeat. OK? That’s my answer. I hope you like it Hope Hopes.

And the next question comes from Rodrigo Oliviera: “What’s the difference between worried
and concerned? I’m worried about you. I’m concerned about you.” Well the difference
Rodrigo is the spelling! No, there is more. Basically Rodrigo they are the same, however
‘worried’ is a much more daily English world, more emotion. Worried kind of comes from the
heart. I’m concerned; concerned is more mental; it comes from the head. That’s my simple short
answer. So if you’re talking to your mother, are you going to say: “mother, I’m worried about
your health.” or “mother, I’m concerned about your health”? Well, if it’s your mom, it should be
emotional, it should be worried. But if it’s a doctor talking to your mother, probably he would
say or she would say concerned, okay? So, they’re, they’re both great words and we can use
them the same way, but if there is a difference, the simple definition: worried is emotional,
concerned is more mental, intellectual. Got it? That’s my short answer.

Alright! Next question is from dede ede, dede ede, dede ede? I don’t know d-e-d and then e-d-e.
“Is Win State, that’s big w (W), big s (S), capital w (W), capital s (S), is Win State another
name for Wisconsin, like Penn State, p, big p, P-e-n-n big s S-t-a-t-e? Well, I don’t know, my
answer is: “I don’t know.” Penn State, in America if you hear of Penn State, P-e-n-n S-t-a-t-e,
what they’re talking about is Pennsylvania State University. It’s a university Penn State, and
that’s the nickname of the University; Penn State. Where did you go to school? I went to Penn
State. Who’s your favorite college football team? My favorite college football team is Penn
State. Wisconsin however, we do not say Win State. We say the UW Wisconsin, we say the
University of Wisconsin, we say Market University. We, in Wisconsin as far as I know, and I
grew up in Wisconsin, we never say Win State. So dede ede heard this in a podcast. If you can
tell me which podcast it was and please give me the time code. So give me the name of the
podcast and where it was, like 7’:32”; you find that, you send that to me, send me an email. My
email address dailydictationmembers@gmail.com . You send that to me and I’ll tell you exactly
what they said, but for now my answer is: “no”. Win State? There is no such thing. Penn State is
the name of the University. Win State is nothing, sorry! So find it and, and I’ll help you on,
okay? Thanks for the question.
And finally one more and this is from hryank33, pronunciation help: p-o-o-r, p-o-u-r and p-
u-r-e. Oh boy! P-o-o-r poor, p-o-u-r pour, p-u-r-e pure. Now, actually there is more to add than
that: the word poor, p-o-o-r, like poor people or poor person has actually two common
pronunciations in America, one of them is [ou] poor, poor, poor,poor and the other is [o], poor,
poor, poor people. People with no money, poor people; poor people. We do use both
pronunciations in America. Personally, I think it’s more common for me to say poor, poor, poor.
The next word p-o-u-r, pour me some milk, pour me a glass of water. As far as I know almost
always sounds like pour, like p-o-r-e. Okay? So pour basically has one pronunciation, some parts
of America may have a different style though, that’s possible. I’m trying to give you the standard
pronunciation. And finally p-u-r-e, has again two common pronunciations: pure, pure, pure and
pure, pure, pure. So one of them is like a diphthong, pure, pure, it’s like kind of a double
syllable there. Pure, pure, I like to drink pure water. Oh the air is so pure. But I think most people
just say pure, I like pure water, the water is so pure, the air is so pure both are possible; for me I
believe I do say both, yes. So, once again the typical, I’m gonna give you my style of the
pronunciation for p-o-o-r then p-o-u-r and then p-u-r-e. Are you ready? Poor, pour, pure; and I’ll
give you a sentence with all 3 words. Are you ready? I’ll pour pure water for the poor. I’ll pour
pure water for the poor. Okay?

It's Coach Shane's book club time, once again this month's book is "Don't sweat the small
stuff...and it's all small stuff!", it's a great book and this week, we should have listened to or read
the second part of the second hour of this podcast, is a 4 hour podcast and this is hour two, so the
chapters that we've read, were
● Chapter 25: Smile at Strangers, Look into Their Eyes, and Say Hello. Mmm for me, so
so, I'm not that friendly, I'm not mean, but 25, not really for me.
● Chapter 26: Set Aside Quiet Time, Every Day. Yes absolutely I do that, I think it's very
important, total quiet time, it's beautiful.
● Chapter 27: Imagine the People in Your Life as Tiny Infants and as One-Hundred-Year-
Old Adults. An interesting idea, I have not done this, doesn't sound too practical for me,
but what about you, have you thought about this?.
● Chapter 28: Seek First to Understand. Absolutely, as a teacher I know that the best way
to teach is to learn, and to learn in order to learn we need to listen, so seek first to
understand, how do you understand something by listening, by looking, by reading, that's
● Chapter 29: Become a Better Listener. Yeah I think I'm pretty good with my students but
in my personal life, definitely I need to become a better listener and***he's got a good
● Chapter 30: Choose Your Battles Wisely. This was a really good chapter, this is
something that everybody deals with, everyday and if you.. I recommend reading chapter
30 closely.
● Chapter 31: Become Aware of Your Moods and Don’t Allow Yourself to Be Fooled by the
Low One. When I was listening to this chapter, not only did I think about my self, but it
makes you think about the people around you too, we need to recognize when somebody
is in a low mood, very good chapter.
● Chapter 32: Life Is a Test. It Is Only a Test. Very philosophical, I liked the chapter, what
do you think.
● Chapter 33: Praise and Blame Are All the Same. I liked that, this is an old expression,
praise and blame are all the same, praise and blame are the opposite right, to praise
somebody -you did a good job, to blame somebody -because of you it was a failure, but
in the end there are all the same, what does that mean? They don't matter, mmm... great
chapter and I agree with this expression.
● Chapter 34: Practice Random Acts of Kindness. Absolutely people need to do this more
often including me, one time, outside of my apartment, there is an old lady who lives next
to me and I put my trash outside, you know I was going to take it downstairs in five or
ten minutes and when I went back outside my trash was gone and the only person that
could taken it was the old lady next door, I thought that was so nice and I haven't seen her
since, but what she did, was she practiced a random act of kindness, she didn't ask she
just did it, it was to nice and it make me feel really really happy, great, great advice.
● Chapter 35: Look Beyond Behavior. Once again specially for people in a relationship,
husbands and wifes, extremely important, this is something we do with our children, but
let's be honest, many adults are old children, so look beyond behavior is actually very
important, very important chapter.
● Chapter 36: See the Innocence. Yeah mmm this was a tough chapter for me to agree with
ammm I think it's, I don't know, do your think people are always good? Always have
good intentions? Yeah I'm not sure, I think there are some people out there, who really
enjoy seeing other people suffer, I don't know, check it out chapter 36.
● Chapter 37: Choose Being Kind over Being Right. Yep I agree, mmm good advice.
● Chapter 38: Tell Three People (Today) How Much You Love Them. Wauu this is a tough
for me, I'm not a really emotional guy and I don't know if there are actually three people
that I could tell today that I love them, of course I mean I love them but actually say it
mmm I don't know, it's not easy for me, what about you?
● Chapter 39: Practice Humility. Aaa I think I'm pretty good on that, practice humility,
great expression, if you don't understand read or listen to chapter 39.
● Chapter 40: When in Doubt about Whose Turn It Is to Take Out the Trash, Go Ahead and
Take It Out. I totally agree with this philosophy, basically to me, it means don't be a
● Chapter 41: Avoid Weatherproofing. Hooo yeah mmm, one thing that I strongly believe
in is that if I like you, I must like you for you and I should never ever ever think that I
will be able to change you, you are you and if I liked you in the beginning then I should
like you for being you, I should not have some sort of images, I should not have some
sort of protective idea about how to further protect you, avoid weatherproofing, very
important chapter.
● Chapter 42: Spend a Moment, Every Day, Thinking of Someone to Love. Not someone
that you love, but someone to love, mmm not so much for me, not to easy for me.
● Chapter 43: Become an Anthropologist. Yeah I do like this chapter, mmm it's gonna help
you, if you read listen to this chapter, it will help you to deal with lots of problems.
● Chapter 44: Understand Separate Realities. Very important.
● Chapter 45: Develop Your Own Helping Rituals. This is the idea of humanity, to help.
● Chapter 46: Every Day, Tell at Least One Person Something You Like, Admire, or
Appreciate about Them. Yeah, but then wet go back to: to praise, to blame it's all the
same, but at the same time people like to hear nice things, especially people close to you,
especially people really close to you, like your husband or wife, your brother, your sister,
your mom your dad, your son, your daughter, every day do you tell those people, at least
one thing that you like, or admire, or appreciate about them, probably not, and we should,
because in the end, who do we have, only the people closest to us, family is so important.
● Chapter 47: Argue for Your Limitations, and They’re Yours. Yeah know your limits and
accept them and be proud of them.
● Chapter 48: Remember that Everything Has God’s Fingerprints on It. Mmm this chapter
requires a little bit of religion if you are not into religion, you might not like this chapter.
● Chapter 49: Resist the Urge to Criticize. Yeah that's actually pretty important, you know
at talk about constructive criticism, always very good, but some people just like to
complain, some people just like to criticize, but if you can't offer a solution, then you're
wasting energy, to criticize takes lots of energy, and you could use your mental energy in
another way, so unless you're planning to change the thing you're criticizing, perhaps it's
best to resist the urge to criticize, there are so many wonderful things in life of you look
for them.
● Chapter 50: Write Down Your Five Most Stubborn Positions and See if You Can Soften.
Them This is an interesting chapter, this is something that I probably should do, but later.
● Chapter 51: Just for Fun, Agree with Criticism Directed Toward You (Then Watch It Go
Away). This is really interesting I liked this chapter and this is something that I will
definitely do, so I’m looking forward to getting some criticism, not from you guys, from
the people that I talk with, people in my day today life which means my family, but I’m
looking forward to getting some criticism and I’m going to agree with it, and not just, you
know fake agree, I’m going to truly agree, and then I’m going to see if it goes away!

So, this with the chapters that I listened to it was the second hour of the book "Don't sweat the
small stuff...and it's all small stuff!" It’s a great audio book, it’s also great print book. There are
two hours lift in the book, and of course next podcast I’ll be talking about the third hour, so I
hope if you’re interested join me in the book club, you can get the audiobook this audiobook for
free if you go to www.audibletrial that’s a-u-d-i-b-l-e-t-r-i-a-l .com/lme, lme of course “let’s
master English.” One more time www.audibletrial.com/lme sign up, sign up get this book "Don't
sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff!" listen to the chapters, it’s not, it’s an audio book
so you know sometimes it’s kind of tough , but it’s really good stuff,
The next book that, excuse me that we are going to study will be a novel, and it’s going to be a
longer, so right now we are doing one hour a week, the next book I think it’s going to be maybe
two hours a week, but it’s a story so, I don’t know this, that will be the, that will be a test that
one might be tough, but I hope that you’re looking forward to it, it’ll be a challenge, and then I
will trying to go back to something easier after that.

So anyway the book club it’s going on "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff!" you
can get the audiobook or you can get the print book, it’s a great book talking about a
philosophies in life, and that brings us to the end of the podcast, now our second spencer once
again is DDM open.

DDM Open is a fantastic class for you. You can study my DDM lessons on your own. People
who are busy, people who only have time on Sundays, perfect. Every month I send you 8
lessons. I send those lessons at the beginning of the month. I send out 8 lessons and you can
study them in one day or you can study them through a week or through this week and then for
next week, and then, whatever, you know you pick your own schedule. Now what’s really cool
is with DDM Open normally there aren’t hangouts with me, but one of the guys who works with
me, Miguel, we can call him Coach Miguel when he is in hangout. He is conducting hangouts
with the DDM Open people this is awesome! So if you are interested in joining a hangout with
Coach Miguel he will be leaving messages on the community. The community is the google+
community: Let’s Master English. And it’s easy to see his logo, it’s DDM, what is it? I can’t
even remember, “be calm and join DDM”. So awesome! And his name is Miguel. So you can
talk with him or just leave a message on the community: “Coach Miguel when is the hangout? I
want to have a hangout.” And this is for the DDM Open students. DDM Open Students. So talk
with Miguel and you can talk with each other too. People who join DDM Open, I’m now giving
you access to the files and the software called ‘box.com’ where you have a private chatting area.
You can leave messages with each other, you can leave your skype ID or your google+ ID and
you can practice and talk with each other that way. DDM Open is a fantastic class, join it today.
The address to join is: ddmopen.blogspot.com once again that’s ddmopen o-p-e-n.blogspot b-l-
o-g-s-p-o-t.com c-o-m. Just go there and the information’s right there and you can sign up and
you’ll be good to go. So thank you very much everybody! You guys have a fantastic week and I
will see you next week. It’s time for bed, it’s been a long day for me. Okay everybody,
together, let’s master English!

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