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ORI : IL0223100

Burr Ridge Police Department

Print Date : 08/31/2021
Incident Summary Report
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Incident #: BRPC2100385
Incident Information

Incident #: BRPC2100385 Reported Date : 08/06/2021 Cleared By: Case Status: INACTIVE


Occured From: 08/05/2021 Occured To: Reporting Officer : HUSARIK, RYAN

Incident Supplements

Supplement # : BRPC2100385-0001 Type :

Officer : HUSARIK, RYAN (90011) Date/Time : 08/12/2021 12:00

Supplement # : BRPC2100385-0002 Type : FOLLOW-UP / OTHER

Officer : HUSARIK, RYAN (90011) Date/Time : 08/30/2021 17:40

Offense Codes

Offense Code : <2890> ALL OTHER DISORDERLY CONDUCT Reported On August 6, 2021 13:00 Primary Offense : 

Associated Names

Involvement : WITNESS Last Name : First Name :

Known As : Gender : Age : Juvenile At Time : 

Related Offenses:

Involvement : SUSPECT Last Name : First Name :

Known As : Gender : Age : Juvenile At Time : 


Involvement : VICTIM Last Name : First Name :

Known As : Gender : Age : Juvenile At Time : 


Involvement : VICTIM Last Name : First Name :

Known As : Gender : Age : Juvenile At Time : 


Narratives For Incident

Title: Narrative Type: INCIDENT Entered On:08/10/2021 10:33

Narrative: On 8/6/21 at around 1300 hours, arrived at BRPD to file a disorderly conduct report.


She and her husband, Capri Ristorante at 324 Burr Ridge Pkwy and Are We Live, a new
business that has not yet opened at 312 Burr Ridge Pkwy. On 8/5/21 at around noon, left Are We Live and started to drive
away, when she saw a Burr Ridge Police squad car pull into the parking lot while being followed by a silver Porsche. She recognized
the Porsche as being owned by , a vocal critic of both Capri and Are We Live. parked her car and saw
exit the Porsche, walk up to the vacant business next to Are We Live at 308 Burr Ridge Pkwy, and start tugging on the locked door.
When saw he exclaimed, "There she is! Open up the doors!" then walked over to Are We Live and pulled on the

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Incident #: BRPC2100385
doors, but they were also locked. walked over from Capri and asked what he wanted. yelled for them to open the
doors and continued tugging on the handles, but it wasn't clear what he wanted or why he was so upset. screamed about
raping girls and gangbangs. He then stormed over to the outdoor tent in front of Capri and started yelling at customers, asking them
why they would eat at a restaurant where the owner rapes 14 year-old girls.

was enraged and sweating during the event, which was witnessed by the officer who pulled up at the same time
as plus two more officers and the Village Administrator who arrived at various times during the event. About 20-30 minutes
after he arrived, lost energy and drove away.

said there were people working inside Are We Live, who witnessed the incident and told her they were frightened by
behavior. was also scared and disturbed by actions. She said she is worried about going back to work, for fear of him
returning. She described him as erratic and fears he will return with a gun. cried while telling me how she felt.

said they have also had problems with


She was working at Capri and saw causing a disturbance in front of Are We Live. She saw walking toward so she
followed behind him. was screaming and pounding on the doors of Are We Live. She and both used a cell phone to
take videos of part of the incident. also held up his cell phone, as if he were taking a video, and held it about one foot in front of
face while yelled at him. said it was clear was trying to pick a fight with

I gave my business card and asked her to email me the videos.

At around 1443 hours, I called and spoke to him over the phone. He said he saw some of the incident from his location
inside Capri Express but was not involved. When I asked if he called before he arrived, declined to answer. I asked
to call BRPD or the Village if he suspects a violation of a zoning ordinance in the future. He replied that he didn't think that
would help, since he heard is "untouchable," due to being friends with the Mayor. I assured him that this was not true.

This case remains open, pending investigation.

Title: Narrative Type: SUPPLEMENTAL Entered On:08/31/2021 09:31

Narrative: As of 8/12/21, I had still not received the videos from I called her and left a voicemail. She called me back and said she
attempted to send the videos via email, but it did not go through because the file size was too big. She shared the two videos with
me using iCloud, and I downloaded both.

The first video, titled , shows calmly walking over to an opening in the outdoor tent at Capri. can be seen using
his cell phone to apparently take video or photos of the customers and employees inside. He appeared to say something to people
inside the tent, but I was unable to hear what he was saying. He stood at the tent for about 20 seconds before walking away. The
video is 27 seconds long.

The second video, titled , shows holding the phone while calling "jealous" and "troublemaker" and telling him
to "get out of here". A man, , shouted, "Don't open those doors!" said, "I'm shaking right now." The
video did not show and is 28 seconds long.

emailed me a third video, titled , on 8/12/21. The video showed a black Lexus SUV parking in
front of Are We Live. The driver never exited and appeared to hold up a phone, as if video recording the front of the business. After
about 12 minutes, the SUV drove away. was driving the Lexus, took a video, and sent the video to
which initiated the incident.

I copied the videos to a DVD, which I placed into property control. This case remains open, pending investigation.

Title: Narrative Type: SUPPLEMENTAL Entered On:08/31/2021 14:53

Narrative: I spoke to Ofc Lesniak to clarify some things on the videos provided by Regarding approaching the outdoor dining tent
in front of Capri, he said walked up to the open wall of the tent with his cell phone held up, as if he was video recording the
inside. He did not hear say anything, and left after a few seconds.

I spoke to Ofc Overton, who said he arrived near the end of the incident. He said was animated as he and argued, but
he did not see or hear anything that would qualify as disorderly conduct.

I was unable to locate any other witnesses. None of the citizens in the parking lot and none of the patrons at Capri contacted us or
made a complaint.

Ofc Lesniak attempted to obtain a copy of any video recordings may have taken during this incident, but he has been unable to

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contact him.

After considering all the statements and evidence, I did not have probable cause that a crime was committed during this incident. I
called and left a message, informing her of the outcome.

This case is administratively closed.

Involved Officers

Officer: HUSARIK, RYAN Involvement: RPTR


Incident Related Calls For Service

CFS:BRP21011632 Call Type:DISORDERLY CONDUCT Disp:INCIDENT REPORT Date: 08/06/2021 13:53

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